HERALD AND NHWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I, 11152 PAGE FOUR MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grains Lose, But Trend Holds Up CHICAGO IA1 G ruins hod to bsorb a lot of Belling on Uie board of trade Friday. They didn't do It without giving up some price ground, but the market acted much ettcr than In Thursday's very weak session, With dealings active, corn and oats sank to new lows on the cur rent decline. They recovered part of the loss toward the close. Wheat acted better than feed grains, helped by a little mill buying. Soy beans were quite weak much of the day. Wheat closed unchnnged to 'i higher, March $2.56 IV's. corn j lower to 4 higher, March $1.84 2 oats were ' ower, March 88-87 , rye unchanged, to 1 cent lower. May $2.05 Soybeans 34-l '4 lower, March $2.97 ',-2.98, and lard 10 cents a hundred pounds lower to 8 cents higher, March $13. B5. Wheat Open High Low Close 2.56 ' 2.56 i 2.55 2.5 2.51 2.53 2.51 V, 2.52 2.46 2.48 J 2.44 i 2.46 H 2.47 "j 2.48 H 2.46 , 3.48 2.50 "4 2.51 2.49 2.51 Mar May July 8ep Dec Steel Sets Pace For Stock Gains NEW YORK ( The stock mar ket advanced Friday with the sleel section providing the inspiration The rise represented a good re covery from the midweek break. The forward movement was mod erate throughout, extending to around 2 points among leaders wlUi the exception of a few soaring Issues. Losses were limited to around a point or less. Volume came to an estimated 1,400,000 shares. 26 i 72 51, 15 22 4, 156 65 a4 52 T, 79 ' i 53 i 49 3a 63 17 i 26 S5 4 51 45 !' 69 34 108 'i 33 '34 19 U 56 9 . 61 4 88 3 . 45 V4 14 H .58 4 43 V, 51 J8 21 34 46 34 35 ' 48 ' 68 3 89 3 8 34 22 34 16 5 42 '2 63 3s 19 19 61 16 34 35 34 110 't 4 , 70 18 Quotations : New York Stocks By The Associated Press ; Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allls Chalmers American Airlines ! American Power & Light 1 American Tel. & Tel. ; American Tobacco Anaconda Copper i Atchison Railroad 8 ' Bethlehem Steel . Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific ' Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Conso idated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours . Eastman Kodak Emerson. Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kevlnator New York Central Northern Pacific ' Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas It Electric Pacific Tel. It Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R. R- Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonler Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co, Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard 0)1 Ca If Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift It Company Transamerlca Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United Slates Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake WestlnRhou.se Electric Woolworth Company San Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO (FS DA) cattle: 300 for week.com pared with last week's close slaugh ter steers steady, cows mostly dairy type steady to 60 cents lower, around three loads good fed steers Including few commercial and choice and weighing 770-1110 pounds $33.00-34.50, canner and cut ter cows $15.00-19.00, few utility $20.00,21.00. Calves: 15 for week, not enough to test market. Hogs: 1,700 for week, compared with last week's close, Thursday butchers steady, 200-240 pound butchers $19.50, choice sows $14.00 . 15.00, good-choice 73-pound feeder pigs $21.00, few 45-50 pound up to $22.50. Sheep: 1,000 for week, com pared with last week's close steady good to prime wooled slaughter lambs $30.00-30.50, good choice wooled feeders $27.00-27.60, two decks number one pelt bucks sold, aged bucks $10.00, yearlings $16.00. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO If! (USDA1 Snlnblc hogs 9.000; steady to 25 cents high er; tows strong lo 25 cents higher; most choice 180-220 lb 18.50; 18.75; lew loads 190-210 lb 18.85 to order buyers; choice 230-40 lb 17.75-18.25 250-270 lb 17.15-17.65: 280-315 lb 16.-75-17.10; sows 14.00-16.50. Snlnblc cnttle 1.000: snlnble calv es 200; slaughter steers and hciters fully steady; cows, along with bulls steudy to 25 cents higher; vealcrs i.trong; purl-load choice 1.000 lb steel's 3O.O0: lew snips commercial end good steers 28.00-32.00; lew mixoa commercial and good shun ted hellers 29.50; utility and com mercial bulls 24. 50-28. 25: commer cial to prime venters 33.00-40.00. Salable slieeu 1.200: good to prime 95-108 lb In nibs steady to 25 cents lower at 23.50-23.75; bulk un sold with bids 25-50 cents lower: kood 100 lb mixed yearlings and ewes 21.50; slaughter ewes 10.00- 14.50, or steady. Portland Livestock PORTLAND IT! Cattle: Friday salable 25; slow on a cleanup bus- for week, salnoic l.42o; mnricci uneven: fed steers mostly steady, cows 50C-1.00 lower; utilitv nnd commercial sleers and heiiers weak to 50c ofr. bulls weak into; oad choice 1.133 lb fed steers 3j.ou; short load 1,237 lbs 34.50: other fed steers, mostly good under 1.100 lbs 33.00-34.50. hitler with choice ends; commercial 30.00-32.00: utili tv 24.00-29.00: few uood lisht feed ers 29.00-31.00; good fed heifers 32.- 00; commercial nnd low good jsi.uu- 31.50; high utility and low com mercial beef cows enny zs.ou: com mercial bulls 29.0u-;i0.oo utility .so.- 00-28.50: cutters 22.50-25.00. Calves- Fndav salable lo: mar ket steady; for week, salable 220: market active, fully steady: choice vealers and light caives ji.wwo, few mostlv prime 37.00-38.00; choice 290-405 lb stock calves 39.-00- commercial and good ca ves and vealers 27.00-33.00; cull and utilitv 14.00-25.00. Hogs: Friday salable 10: few sales steadv; top 20.50: for week, salable 1.535; market opened strone to 25c higher, closed steady with IntP last week: choice 180-235 lbs in is mnstlv 20.50: early sales to on 7V medium downward to 19.00: choice heavier and lighter butchers 18.00-19.00; few to 19. 50. Choice 350- n ih iR.oo-n.5U: meaiunv choice feeder pigs 17.00-18.50; de mand limited. sheem Friday none: mrsn nominal- for week, salable 8bo, ,ri-M foiriv active, steady but heavy lambs discounted: good and choice under 100 lb lambs 28.00- 29.00: few choice and prime 81 and 106 lbs 29.50: few loads choice 110 116 lb 28.00-28.50: heavier lambs down to 26.00 and 26.50: medium and good feeders 27.00-27.50: odd good ewes 12.50-13.00; cu and utili ty 7.50 to 12.00. Weather Western Oregon Wlndv with showers and partial clearing Kit day; mostly cloudy with rnln Fri day night and Saturday. Highs both days 50-60; low Friday night 38-44. .Winds off coast southwesterly, 35 50 miles an hour, diminishing Fri day night to 15-25 miles an hour. Eastern Oregon Windy with showers Friday; partly cloudy with few showers Friday night; cloudy Sattirdny with ram in niter noon. Highs both days 40-50; low Friday night 28-38. Northern California Occasion al rain Friday from San Francisco and Sacramento northward, spread ing to Monterey and Stockton Frl- tay afternoon nnd night: mostly cloudy through Saturday with show ers in extreme north portion. Partly cloudy south or Monterey and Stockton with local morning fog: little temperature change Southerly winds 12-25 miles an hour oil coast, becoming westerly above San Francisco. Grants Pass and vicinity Showers Fridny; occasional rain Friday night and Saturday. Highs both days 55; low Friday iiiRht 40. Max. Mln. l'reclp. 'Baker 37 27 .23 fBend 47 34 .37 Eugene 60 49 .63 La Grande 44 35 .W Medford 52 44 .43 North Bend 68 51 .45 Ontario 38 31 .06 Pendleton 51 ! 05 Portland 50 43 .47 Rosebmg 61 50 T Salem 57 49 1.06 Boise 46 35 .26 Chicago 49 40 T Denver 52 25 Eureka 60 55 .62 Los Angeles 60 43 New York 34 SO Red Bluff 54 4S .14 I San Francisco 62 54 T I Seattle 51 45 .41 Spokane 39 36 .12 Speaker Lauds US Democracy Irish Dr. James Millar told Klamath Falls Kiwanlnu.s at yes terday's Wlllard luncheon that America and democraoy is the bright spot in the world's future. Speaking In Irish overtones, the professional lecturer said the glory of democracy is that wcnlus may break out anywhere. Da Millar Is on tour for the Good Cltlnenshlp Foundation, a privately endowed lectureship. Ills homo is In Port land. Calling for a cluing In the minds and hearts of people. Dr. Millar asserted that "'loo many folks, Instead of pushing the carl, have gotten Into it." He called for the recovery of self-reliance among the' people, the recovery of scU-controil. self re spect and a return to ; self sacri fice. Ke noted that In the past capi talists Imposed deeply on the la borers. Now. he said, -unions are what capitalists were. He warned against Ihe break down of the family unU. "You cannot." he ssstl. "build a nation on broken homes." He noted that In 15C years of war Uio one millionth American wn- recently killed. Ill 50 years of automobiles, the oie millionth American was kiiicci, two, no sain. "We'll not have pencil." lie went on, "while half the world starves to death as the oilier half stuffs (lent r In rinatll '' ' The doctor suoke yesterday morning at KUHS. and scheduled oilier lectures while herje. Draft Evasion ' Leads To Charge A 23-year-old Lakevlew man, Jerinlnh Moynaham, In llils coun try only three years from Ireland, was arraigned litis morning be fore U.S. Commissioner Bert O. Thomas on chargo of violating the selective service act. Moynaliam waived preliminary Jiearing and was turned over to the U.S. Marshal under $1000 bond to appear In Portland before fed eral authorities on the charge. According to the Marshal, Moy noham failed to report for induction. Disorderly, AWOL Charges Filed A 20-year-old Klamath Indian from Bentty, Wendell Noel Brown, Is held In the County Jail today on conviction of disorderly conduct nnd charge of being AWOL from the Army. Brown was arrested Thursday al Chilonuin and given a 30-dny'jnll sentence In Wood River Justice Court on the disorderly conduct count. Ho will be turned over lo Army authorities after serving the Jail time. Potatoes CHICAGO Wl (UHDAi Pota toes: Arrivals 78, on Hack lilt): total U H. shipments H5tl; miirkel unsettled; track sales local basis: Idaho Kusscls $A.UU: street sales 100 lb sacks wholesale delivered: Colorado McChirea $5.(11; Idaho Mussels $6.11-21; Mlnnesotn-Nuiih Dakota Ponllncs $4.8(1-5 01. Warner Canyon Skiing Only Fair Supt. John MncDonnld, Fremont National Forest, reported late to day skiing conditions at Warner Canyon were "fair", and at pres. out plans are to schedule the to lor operation tomorrow nnd 81111 day. A wet snow was fulling this morning. Warner Canyon lies northeast of Lakevlew. Millions arm demanding WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AllOt Heap Big Smoke -But No Fire There was smoke and (Ire al 4121 Allamoiit Dr., homo of Walter Cray, Bhorllv belore 10 a.m. Fri day, But tjiiutiruiiu firemen didn't unreel any hose. The fire a hot olio according lo Fire Chief Himlnr lioiilim wun in n gurage atovo and smoke ami sparks were coming out a chim ney. Gordon mild a neighbor of the Grays, aboul a block down the street, saw Ihe smoke nnd sparks and calk-d the fire ctepiu tmeiit. 11KN1AI. TK11RAN. linn Ml A govern ment denied Friday that Iran has decided In close all lorrliin mi nimi centers outside Tehran nnd said shutdown orders Issued Thurs day to American, llrlllnli nnd itus slnn Inlormiillnn ofllces were due to "wrong handling by local authorities." Legal Notice noticr or ri.rcTtoN and ANNUAL MKETINll Nnlli I" Hrhy Il't bnilld nf Hirvltii- ill lit !' Vallrv Hull I'mtunvatlnn ditlilcl lmv m-i TurMlny Ih lull) liny nt rdirmiry, Mini, Nl I'm hour of H d'rtooh I' vi . HI lh OIn I'miimuititv Gruttft Hull Mt Okltt, OlNHI lite lime mil iilHct rr ttolilhii- lli mutual vlruilini fi,r lh puipi'M" at lm'llnn niip hiii,i vlur fur ttir )r lrm In mr I'fltil llta kili'l Icrnt lit A. W. Ni-hniiiiii anil lur llw rurlhi-r iurpu uf lioliilii)! tlm mutual niffllna. DaUU UiU alh tv 'f Jnmtary, ll'.l A. W, HCUAUI'I' Nm'reUry K-l-B-U No. Mil ajsisifSSTi i al.tiifai.-iaj 28 Vi 25 67 35 1', 42 4 66 Va 58 30 Vi 53 55 "2 39 "4 63 "4 53 H 82 b 32 Vi 11 33 "3 22 " 18 40 112 V 32 32 Vt 5 32 t' 41 " 14 n 41 21 '4 37 ", 44 ' Portland Grain PORTLAND ? Coarse grains. 15 day hipment, bulk, coast de livery: Barley No. 2, 45 lb b.w., 74 00. , , Wheat, bid, to arrive market, basis No. 1 buu, delivered coast: Soft white 4.46; soft white, ex cluding rex, 2.46: white club 2.46. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.47; 10 per cent 2.48; 11 per cent 2.49; 12 per cent 2.50. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.48; 10 per cent 2.48: 11 per cent 2.49; 12 per cent 2.50. Car receipts: Wheat 16; barley 1; flour 2; corn 1; oats z. Socialists Map Baffie By ERNEST AGXEW LONDON I The Socialists put pressure Friday on tneir pariy leaders for another early attempt to defeat Winston Churchill's Con servative government in the House of Commons. Some Laber members of Parlia ment demanded that their party chief. Clement Attlee, try to un seat the government with a motion of no confidence during next week's deoate on toreign policy. The bones of contention are Prime Minister Churchill's Far Eastern policy and commitments the Laborites fear he made on his recent visit to Washington. The Conservatives Thursday night defeated a Socialist vote of censure on financial cuts designed to make Britain solvent within a year and which, among other things imposed charges for use of Brit ain s socialized health services. Churchill's party won bv a vote of 309-278. The House then adoDted his fiscal program 306-275. The Liberals voted with the Con servative Perty, swelling Its nom inal majority of 14 votes. Attlee so far has declined to say what he would do about demands that he try to oust Churchill over the foreign policy. Divorced Wife Shoots Ex Husbdnd EMMETT, Idaho (.fi Claude Blackburn, about 49, Ontario, Ore., farmer was killed by his divorced wife Thursday, Sheriff Calvin Ber nard said. The sheriff said Mrs. Blackburn, 24, told him that Blackburn was making his weekly visit to see their children. She said she shot in self defense when Blackburn came at her with a butcher knife, Bernard said. The woman was not arrested. COMPA1XTS FILED Stale Industrial Accident Commission vs. VugU H. Douglas, suit to collect S42.97 and interest on SJ8.27 at 1 -per cent from Jan. 23, 1952. ccsts and disbursements. Don Parker, attorney lor plaintiff. Richard Frcltas. by and throuen Gladvs M. Frcttas, guardian ad Jiu-m vs. Sharon Reynolds, also known as Sharon JTrcitas. suit to void purported marriage contrjci. U. S. Balentine. at torney for piaimUf. DECRKES GRANTED LAKESIDE DISTRIBUTORS Benla- Kate Marie Brown vs. Towey Brown. ASSUMED lU'SIXESS NAME mln D. Owens. 420 Higlt St. and Wil liam . Blakely. 577 N. mil St. DISTRICT COIBT Albert E. Twigger, overload. Forfeit 1311 bail. Josepn XI. cnotara jr., zauurc to mwv at stop sign. Fine S6. John A. Sawyers, defrauding innkeep er. Dismissed. MUNICIPAL COl'KT James Boxrud, drunk. Fine SIS or 7i days. . . . William carter, improper leu turn. Forfeit S5 baU. Collette ccno. warrant on mew tickets. Forfeit S18 ball. Soil Vote Set Monday Landowners of ths; Eastern Klamath County area will move to the polls Monday in an election to determine whether tor not the boundaries of tile Laiv):ell Valley Soil Conservation Distclct will be extended to Include another 750.000 acres of lands. The district, as it now stands, includes some 125,000 acres within Its boundaries. Polling times have been set from 12 to (! p.m. at llw Bly hotel, Bly, and the Horsefly Irrigation District Office. Bonanza. The Langcll Valley SCO ha been selected as a pilot district in a survey to Improve the range management of public lands much as it is handled in ptvate areas. The included areas, to bt voted on in the election, will be- included in the survey If admitted. . February Bad Month For Fires Deer Meat Leads To $50 Fine Fine of $50 was levied in Jus tice Court at Bly Thursday on Wll ham I. Wakefield. 44, illy, charged i with illegal possession of deer meat. State Police reporter! a search of Wakefield's home. Hith his per mission, revealed a front shoulder and back strap cf dicer meat. Fires, February and Klamath Falls are a non-congenial group; in fact they don't get along at ail. xnree disastrous iires in me past four years have occurred during the year's shortest month, and Fire Chief Roy P.owe has issued a warning and called for extra caution . . just on a hunch. The fatal Evans apartment fire occurred Feb. 16, 1948. The Oregon Rooms fire burned Feb. 3, 1950. Last year, on Feb. 1, the Cameo shop was burned out. Oil Stove Blows Up In Room Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Wise. 2245 Vine, escaped injury about 10 a.m. Friday when an oil shove blew up In their home. City firemen said tiie explosion blew a pipe off the stove and soot was blown all over the room. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE Llslert. Inactive, Unlisted an Over-lhe-Counler bonds and Slocks, Investment Funds ?01 Med-Den RMi. Phip-e 3-S42H KLAMATH FALLS Construction In Northwest Dropping PORTLAND l.TI Construction dropped off. but bank clearings mounted to a record high for Jan uary in Portland. The clearings reached $698,761, 816, about 3 '2 million dollars more than the previous January, The number of new houses slumped badly, totaling less than half of January, 1951, when 127 were started. Other construction boosted the building permit total to $2,212,425, about $450,000 under the previous January. Extra Work M:dt Easy KENT A TYPEWRITER or i ADDING MACHINE Eleeirie or Haind Last month's rental Is a plied la the purchase prio. Pioneer Office Supply THE OS Sali5S MEW UWEiTHI SUN! Just Born-The Centralized Service Bureau AT 255 EAST MAIN - Phone 5670 Whose business it is to give you FREE information on ANYTHING you want to know in THIS country. We are not BUYERS or SELLERS but we let you know who wants what and who has what and how to get there. This is a new business and should prove to be of great value to this community. The MORE you THINK about it, the more VALUABLE it becomes. THIS information costs you NOJHING - use it FREELY. Try it and see how handy it is. Just call 5670 Klamath Falls, Ore. If we do not HAVE the information you want, we will do our BEST to get it for you C o CMP GENERAL MANAGER s:sssSa::s::i!::i:::::::!::sn!!K . COMFORT 4 hat COSTS SO LITTLE Slf SS$M sM0 ?g I IRISH Ai. ,NTA.' WHETHER YOUR HOME IS OLD OR BRAND NEW - WHETHER IT IS BUILT OF WOOD? BRICK OR TILE - WHETHER OR NOT IT HAS A BASEMENT . . . YOU CAN SOLVE YOUR HEATING PROBLEM FOR ALL TIME WITH THE MYSTER IOUS ADVANTAGES OF I f UNDID WAIM All WHOLESALE LUMBER EXECUTIVE W art a substantial, welt-rated, wholesale plywood distributor In the process of establtshlnf wholesale lumber division. Wo are looking for a wholesale lumber executive lo rat up this division and lo take comolete chars of all purchasm and aalea. The man we are looking for should be well experienced in wholesale lumber buying and selling with ex. tensive mill and customer contact. We feel that we are offering the properly qualified man a permanent position which will carry htm Into high Income brackets. Job requires Immediate move to Detroit. Midwest Plywood Company 10101 Lyndon Detroit 2t, Michigan Texat 4-8000 Peyton and Co. is anxious to exoliin the revolutionary, newly engineered principles that have moved the Coleman Blend-Air plants SO FAR AHEAD In the field of home-heatlnq systems. Come in or phone RIGHT NOW . . i TODAY ... for modernization plan. Plan COLEMAN and you plan happiness ... and COMFORT THAT COSTS SO LITTLE. E 835 MARKET STREET TELEPHONE 5149 mm HEATING SERVICE AVAILABLE ON THE PEYTON ROUTE iaii ????!t'