"PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON V J 1 ft sea .aw i KFLW 1450 Kc.-PST truuvy Evening Fee. 1 ;00 SporU Hlf hlifhlt 6:18 llomt Town News . 0:29 World News Summary 6-30 Suburban Serenade 6:46 Headline Edition ABC fl:M Hanka Nwa Roundup ABC 7:00 Gillette Flihti ABC 1:00 nichard Diamond ABC Wurlitzer A Magnificent PIANO At a Low Price LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th 1 30 Thla la Your FBI ABC 0:00 Orr-te and Harriet ABC 6:30 Concert of Favoritea 10:00 10 P.M. Headline! 10:19 Or. Clno'a Musicals ABC 10:30 Inaomnia Club 11:00 Newa Summary 11:01 Sign Off KFLW 1450 Kc PST Saturday, Feb. I 8:00 Stffn.On Newa Summary 6:05 Corn In the Morn 6:43 Farm Fare 7:00 News Brkfat trillion 7:15 Charlie'a RoundUD 7:30 Bob Garred. Newa ABC 7:40 Top of tha Morning 7:33 Music 9:00 No School Today ABC 6:00 Saturday Serenade 9:30 Space Patrol ABC 10:00 Lady Skyhook 10:13 It'i Dancelime 10:30 Shake the Maracaa ABC 11:00 Metropolitan Opera ABC 2:00 Basin Briefs 2:15 Tta & Crumnet ABC 9:30 At Home with Music ABC 2:45 Fascinating Rylhm ABC 3:00 Junior Junction ABC .. If Mi il See them In Our . Windows , . . and this winsome mod! answers to smart Jashim anytime, anywhere. Of 100 Z'phyt wool, this two-piece dress has ribbed skirt, pert Johnny collar and waist-slimming self belt. Colors are blithe as a sunshiny day. In sii 12-18. Specially Priced at $1795 By MARJORIE OVGARD Lovely Dorothy Kirtten will star in tomorrow'! Metropolitan Opera broad east of Puccini's "Madamo Butterfly," storting at tha usual 11:00 A.M. timt. Fausto Clova will conduct tha opera Looks like Gib Walters, LWs chief engineer, who suf fered a broken wrist in 0 tall during one of the season's first snows, will soon be com ing out of his last cost. Not that the following conversation gave us any clue as to when this would be: One of the boys here asked Gib how long it would be, meoning, of course, until the cast could come off. Glib Gib replied, "Oh, it'll b just as long os it was before. --a!?-a-,jiip'SJIlJllli.l-liai ; rfw ' BssBfaBeBBVBSsaassrssaBSBeBvssBeaalA - Dorothy Kirstcn Anyhow, oil of Gib's "horn" friends (omateur rodio enthusiasts) hove outogrophed his.cast with their call letters, ond when the cost is removed, it will be presented to Doc Comp ton, who Is himself a "ham." , Billy Graham's "Hour of Decision" will set spectacular precedent this Sunday when tha famed revival hour will original from tha east steps of tha U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Special permission to do this was secured from V. P. Alben Barkley. Billy Graham, considered the successor to Billy Sunday, renowned evangelist of another day, has been conducting nightly : services in tha capital city sine January 13 and hopes to moke . sweeping revival of religion at tha vary heart ef our country's J government. Spectacular turnouts hav baen reported. Bread- I cast time, 3:00 P,M. Sundays, this week 3:00-4. Coley Wallace, 23-year-old heovyweight threat from Harlem, will try to moke It two In a row over Aaron Wilson, Birmingham, Ala. puncher, In the 10-round moln event at St. Nlcholos Arena tonight, to settle one of the most disputed battles In recent boxing. The fight will be broadcast on Gillette' "Covolead of Sports," 7:00 p.m. 3:30 American Farmer ABC 4:00 Alert America ABC 4:13 Krrar.ds of Merc: 4:30 Requtslfully Yours 9:30 Bob Crosby Show 9:49 It's Movie Time 6:00 SporU Highlights 6:19 Home Town News 6:35 World News Summary 0 30 Science Editor ABC 6:49 Words of Life 7 00 Mr. District Attorney ABC 7:23 Music 7:70 Dinner in the Green Room ABC 9:00 Lone Raneer ABC 9 30 Dancing Parly ABC 9:00 Danrlne. Psr.' AdC 10:00 10 P.M. Headline' livis Brother Art Program 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Newa Summary 11:03 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc PST Friday Evening, Feb. 1 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:19 Quia Show 6:30 Around Town News. 6:43 Sam Hayes News ABC 6:35 Bill Henry MBS 7:01 Malsle MBS 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS 6:00 KUHS v. Ashland 00 Glenn Hardy Newa MBS 9:11 Kl'HS vs. Aihlaud S:43 Fulton Lewis. Jr. MBS 9:35 3-Mlnute Final MBS 10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS 1 10:15 V, S. Navy Band 10:30 Proudly We Hall 11:00 Nile Owl Newa 11:03 Night Owls Club 13:00 Sisn Oft I KFJI 1150 Kc PST I Saturday, Feb. 2 I 6:00 Musical Reveille ! 6:43 Farm Reporter 6:35 Local News 7:00 Hemingway News MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:30 News 7:45 Best Buys 6:00 Morning Melodies 6:13 Breakfast Gang MBS 6:30 Haven of Rest MBS. 6:00 Emll'a Saturday Specials 9:13 Dance Tunes 9..TO Your Income Tax MBS 9:43 Favorites of Yesterday 10.00 News MBS 10:15 Name Bands 10:30 4.H Club 10:45 OPS Program 10:30 Currln'a Program 10:35 Social Security Program 11:00 Music 11:23 News MBS 11:30 Muaio 12:00 Newa 13:15 Mark Rogers MBS 12:30 Ricky's Request 1:30 Local News 1:35 Music for Saturday 2:00 Matinee at Meadowbrook MBS 2:33 Newi MBS 3:00 Oklahoma Symphony MBS 4:00 You Never Know 4:13 Frank Hemlngwav. Newa MBS 4:33 Mark Rogera MBS 4:43 Twin Views of Newa MPS 9:00 Dude Ranch Roundup MBS 5:30 Christian Science 3:45 Bandstand USA MBS 5:53 Baukhage Talking MPS 6:00 Al Heifer, Sports MBS 6:13 Quiz Show 6:30 Around Town Newa 6:43 Marine Show 7:00 Hawaii Calls MBS 7:30 Klamath Temple eol KUHS v. Ashland 9:00 News MBS KUHS vs. Ashland 9:35 Cecil Brown. News. MBS 10:00 Monica Whalen. MBS 10:15 Dance Oreh.. MBS 10:30 Arthur Van Orch., MBS 11:00 Nlte Owls News. 11:05 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off !...' ...... Wis. . k." ... ..MLk T. ...s -w -ti,f THE ALL-NEW 1952 FORD CUSTOMLINE Fordor Sedan features a completely new Ford Coachcraft body with curved one-piece windshield and rear window, triple-spinner grille arrangement and body highlights sweeping backward from the extended headlights along the hood and fender to the jet-tube taillight sections. Added styling features of the Cus .tomline Fordor are the chromo capped rear fender profiles. The new Fords go on dis play at Balsiger Motor Co. on Friday. Taf t Lowersild On Demo Spending, Sees Doom For Democracy In Wi!d Spree vsre at C-JLaat KLAMATH FALLS. OMCtM. AMERICAN CHINESE Foooo at thaft kaetl Pis. 640 Far Craters To Take Oat Ben B. Lee, Mgr. Highway Jobs To Be Pushed PORTLAND l.f The State HiRhwuy Commission considered still more projects here Frldny, alter committing millions of dol lars to road-building Thursday. Now off on the second your of its accelerated program to tnii-rove Oregon highways, the commission voted to Issue another 15 million dollars in bonds. That will bring to 30 millions the amount authorized. Another 10 Mill ion remains to be Issued next yenr before the commission uses up the 40 million in bonds authorized by uie last legislature. The commission awarded more than two million dollars in con tracts Thursday and allotted mil lions more for future projects. Those for the future will include a $1,100,000 project on the Pacific Highway in Douglas County. The Anlauf-Elkhead road section there wUl get 1.8 miles of grading. There also will be a $1,600,000 Improvement project In the 12.7 mile stretch of the Coat Highway between Siletz Bay and Miner Creek. Another $300,000 will go to grad ing and landscaping the eastern end of the Banfield Expressway through East Portland. Farther up the Columbia River Highway $532, 000 will be spent. $472,000 of It for paving and grading 7.6 miles of the Hood River-Mosicr section. DEATHS CTT SALEM lPl Oregon cut Its traf fic death rate slightly Inst year, state officials said Thursday. The toll was 428, the same as In 1950, but Uie rate dropped from 7 deaths per 100 million miles of travel to 6.7 deaths. By The Asaori.ttrd Press Sen. Tn(t of Ohio, candidate lor the Republican presidential nomi nation, says "fantastic" govern ment spending threatens American liberty and Independence because it is lending the nation "straight down the road to Socialism." And Socialism, he told 1.000 guests at the 115th annual meeting of the Delaware Chamber of Com merce at Wilmington Thursday night, is "nothing more than the growing part the government plays in the Uie of the people," ! He also took a crack at suppor Itcrs of den. Eisenhower who claim j solid support of the New York dele i gallon lor the General, j He said the pledge of eiijhl Taft Uelegates bv a Queens County OOP ! leader ts "significant of the truly i crass roots Republican sentiment !in New York City which has been steadily claimed by my opponents. About the same time Michael V. DiSalle, quitting as price adminis trator to run for Democratic nomi nation as U.S. Senator In Ohio, sold Tail mi'.'ht have trouble car tying his own home state if he gets the Republican nomination. President Truman's comment that state primary elections are eyewash brought retorts from Re publican contenders for his job. "President Truman's statement Is an oxnmnle of the cynical al titude of the Pcndorgast machine toward the rights of the people." said Harold F. Starsen. "The election process in thla country Is never eyewash." was California Gov. Warren's com ment. Truman's remark at his weekly news conference followed his an nouncement h- was taking his name out of the March 11 New Hampshire primary. ' (TV t ' t 1 wVs-&sk . fit FN "ll4 aa ,iillt .ifl.j.lfi)Trn-,i,ji,ir INJOT THIS TOP-QMUTY AID Now ... so easy, so ineipensive to enjoy clear, comfortable hearing at home, church, work, movies, everywhere! By makers of famous Zenith Radios, FM, Television Pet-e. 70-rfov return privilege. FfeaabeW and bane eendectien slevlcee aeallable as saeaerBta ex tra cost. StandnrsLfwfe, MM fi,W a 715 Main Street Cantor Party Is Gobd For Israel NEW YORK Wl Eddie Cantor's 60th birthdav narty brought pledg es or 2.610,000 lor the State of Israel. Each of the more than 1.900 guests had to pledge at least a $1,000 Israel bond to gain admis sion. Among those attending the din ner Thursday night were Vice Pres ident Alben W. Barkley and James G. McDora'il, former US. ambas sador to Israel. There were such entertainment celebrities as Jack Benny, Milton Berlc. Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore. WON'T RUN PORTLAND Iffl State Rep. Dean B. Erwln. Enterprise Re publican, said Thursday that he would not run for re-election. The sessions have become too long," he said. ANNE C. ARMSTRONG Regional Field Adviser for Camp Fire Girls, Inc. Camp Fire Brass Visits Mrs. L. W. Rothenberger an nounced today that Anne C. Arm strong, Regional Field Adviser for Camp Fire cutis. Inc. will be In Klamath Falls February 5-6-7. Miss Armstrong's Camp Fire ter ritory includes Washington. Ore. j Ron, Idaho and Montana. Her visit will be in a supervisory capacity; 1 111 regard to office administration. finance, board Hnd council com mittee work, public relations and Interpretation of the program. Plana rn also being made lor her to visit Ohlloquln and Mer rill. A native of Wellington. Kas.. Miss Armstrong ts a graduate of the University of Kansas, and also did graduate work at the Univer sity of Colorado,' and New York University. Before being appointed to her present post. Miss Armstrong was executive director of the Treton, N.J., Camp Fire Council, where she was Instrumental' In develop ing a indlo workshop In coopera tion with local radio stations, for the girls In her council. Prior to this. Miss Armstrong was a recreational program direc tor with the American Red Cross in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas. Previously she taught music in the Wichita, Kansas, pub lic school system. Dimes March Hits Record NEW YORK Ml-'lhe 11152 Mini'li of Dimes campaign ended 'ilium day night when moro limn a mil lion mulhoi'H throughout the iintlnii htngetl 11 line-hour Mtithera' March on Polio Whli'h produrrd, millions ul dolliii'N to light lliti tllMt'iise, Spattered e'In'iw Filrii'V shuweil $4,650,079 collected In 123 of the partlclpiilliiK 1.501) t'liiumtmltlea as compared to a Ilnal total of t'J, 300,000 raised In 600 places In lUltl. Basil O'Connor, president of the National Futimliillnu for Inliintlle Paralysis, aald the March had at- FRIDAY, FKRRWAHY 1. m.r.2 LJU-l-IJ-Jl I- UL-ggn-lilHiSUaTJ irncteil iiioiii vcihinlcri'H for IM 11153 Mni'i'h or llliiieii niiiipiilf:u than iinv tilh'T I'vclil III U10 !' Hiitilr.ittloii'a H-yenr history. O'Connor aald Uie lull reHiiim ior tins 11152 (iinipiiliin, which was extended I10111 tlm lisinil two weeks (11 a month Mils year, will nut be nvalliilile fur some time. 1 n.r.H SALEM l.H Slate Itep. David C. Buiim, L11 Oriinde Kepubliciin, 1 1 led lor re-elect Ion Thursday. oiilliiiioiin From 1:4,5 M. i TpiLMeO IN OREGON aUseV . . - UMI1 ' eX otoioTSitvti I L" "' A -ftj rlTLlll COA1IJ nantuE LAST TIME TODAY IH IsVOIMAINII MAI 4X2 01 Ml iiii.iii.Lii.fmM.'ffTTyrnrsfl J -T COMTIHUOUi fROU hl "9tAagadt,QoUu!" Beef Steak Will Cost You $1.00 a Pound (OR MORE) ! " ' I 1rW& &m&i& giJi e jjlJ BUT - FOR ONLY f C PER POUND YOU CAN HAVE A FINE 3x5 PORTRAIT OP HIM OR HER (Age 1 Month to 10 Yean) $jAd&uan Studio 1125 MAIN PHONE 2-2791 THIS IS A SPECIAL BABY OFFER GOOD FROM FEB. 4 TO MARCH 15 INCLUSIVE NO COST-NO OBLIGATION FOR SITTINGS Too Busy To Listen To Divorce Case LOS ANGELES W John A. Brown. 09, didn't take time off from his $175-a-month Job as plant ftuard to contest Ins wife's alimony testi mony. Mrs. Isabclc Brown, 72, told the court she Is wllllntr to cook for her husband and share Riocery bills until they are divorced, but that Fhe wants 125 a month to Ret nlonn. whereas Brown nave her only $31.40. The court ownrded her 180 a month temporary alimony. The couple has been married 28 years; Brown has had his Job 40 years. Pope Plus XII was born Eimcnio Pacelli In Rome. March 2, 1876. He become Pope March 2, 1839. ' yiVaSAMSUUUPe UNSUNG UNDERCOVER AftUN wis ho I SATURDAY JnfS'iKVHCMMt '"i" MjnX MX'dtJffL- FOR TEMOR- Tr-i ! sue . I. 1 esksl II IATURDAY 11,4$ UJk $3 SPfCUI. FIATURC AND FOUR V '.nn.tr.lIB y-L"t CARTOONS ESQUIRE Starts Saturday Midnite i