I'lUDAY.-KKniUIAKY 1, 1!)!2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. ORF.GUi, PAGE THIRTEEN 10 Sii!RViCI i MOVING?... Cull 74'.!0 Locnl-LuiiK Uliilnncc riiinu mid unpliuiico iiiuvIiir a riirclully 'I'ninnlrr unci Htornite Ilrkin'fi MovIiik and Blorniie Peoples Warehouse Hlncn lOIH" Septic I anks Cleaned NrwMt BtnlUry Methods Alan ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Hewer I .mm nf Roots, Kto KD P KINO 2434 Orchard Phone M CABINET WORK ItciiKxIrlliiK In your liuinc. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. CONDKEY lonn Fremont PIkhic 4:i30 EXCAVATING Mobil tihovel find Trsnch Hoc Bulldmer Fill Dirt lopioil Crushed Rork . Driveway Clnden Comprdfuiur CRANK HEHV1CE GRAHAM BROS. Phni.e 6641 or 9110 iNt'OMrT tan iVturni. For appoliitineiit phnn n.ini . au kkations invrrmiitiT;. rhlhlinn'i rlolhlng JfMtile 1 1 arv. Masm. irr.a Anita b. 7ir7 Mam. fcKWlNU imf 'allcfNlimiirklllyL)r0r Mumi 3 O.VW. V -yt.Hf.ri" tmuhf. Ph7t'npurtl4 .r StTT iTHft-R l.AVlNU - in; our firepUca rtraw? If not VaU (11411 li6r.fl V6UU 'ire plan need rtpatrf rail 2-noHi. v AiX-h HpipAlIifKtTUa.oiiabre W Mutii Hirer! VaINVINU ami pperanitnt ' Phona 7017 f littF'&Alrfd"paln.tng, body and (am tr work Phone 4040 VxrfilKT" WlltlNtl. work by hour or t-onlrart Phona 3-1010 lUHTArfffr"auirdi: and ire'lchtTE 'huna 4014 Public Accountant and Auditor Dfrira at 3n Nn. 7lh Phona liu I'lANO TUNINOWM. II MORGAN Factory trained trhnlclan and tuner. I or limine call K1a Morgan Pianu, l:tt Main or phona a .0300, MltlltOfltt ril)vfrr. nrw " mirrori mad to nrdar. KimliSlls Glass fehop Phona 7.178 12 EDUCATIONAL U6MU"TUI5TdTi Taarhar of Piano and Theory. 1131 Bummers Lawta Ph J.TW40 Ito'okkKPfNUrnorthand typing kin dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATII UUBINKKM COLl-CCiE t Plna Phona 47 M CHU.O CAht a nfTadu cation. Prf-bool rantar. Phona 4T7t. 13 HEALTH MAftSArtf!, axarrliarwalffhUlftlna. Ph'y' atothtrap)' for raduclng. relaxation, txxly building, ttalaa for aerie. Ap J ointment, phone Medical ItmuM, women only. 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE KAliStlAlW for diug t(Perinan rnt Jnli Appl V In prort PI do not phone la llendricka Drwfttore. T-' H-v tjth iiAltVit tVr r liaTlTIf hone ilnrf i WASftW. Kouactaeir.Two efderl) tfnntieirnen I'hon 16 HELP WANTID, MALI your helpmate in help-getting Ii ii Help Wiinlrd nd! An fnerr. cnpjblp hrlpmnlo when It comet to kolvlng personnel problem. Whether you need oJtlce work ers, Inclory workers, mile-heln. dumcMlcn, or Inborert, tell 'em you want 'em through (hit Help WnMed column. Folks In the market lor Jobs look here first o( nil. phone 8111 for an ad-writer W A STtlib, oung ma rried inan to learn furniture moving and trarufar work. Iteply giving aga Pduration and relr enrei. Write Itox Herald and Nawa. RKNPON8III1.K PFIt.SON Mala or female, from thu area, want ed ta aarvlre and collect from auio inatlc merchandUlng machlnea. No aalling. Car, reference and goiH) work tng capital neceaaary. T to 13 noun weekly will net up to (400 monthly. PoMlblUty full time work. Tor inter view, write giving full particular!, name, addreu, phone. Box 4So, Her ald ana nwi, 18 SITUATIONS WANTED KX PERI KMC ED tntck driver wind work. AUn erMtrlanced aervlce aUtlon and aawmlll work. Will consider any ihing. Phone gozi. RXlW.SITTINtrn'ighl or day. Phona a ovw. VXPrnlKNOrfi Iraman wanta per manent petition. Box 484 Herald and New. . bfrfTCE work wanted by joung man. ,T1 Phona 2-02HH, rXPEniCNCr.n ranch hand want work on cattle ranch. Writ P.O. Box 1023. hAriY $TtlN57Thonefi Washing and ironing, phona a-oupr BARY SITTING. Phono 2-0S73. WILL-care U it child ran In my home day or your home waning Call 2-1 34.1, f!OtJ it work. Phone laTST 22 ROOMS FOR RENT "f eailOARblNO nouio re-opening on or . about February 4th. Room rata, reserv ation available now. Men only, 600 North Ninth. Phone 7M4. rrtAM heated room for rent. IH)7 Jllch. IitxiMS lor.rcnt. clean, "tioae in. Phone anaow, lfo6lft1rlrerrnonblePhoi!e4rt5T. tbVeLY room for reniri8.4f waa Ckm In. Phona 418t. wohMa io34 mgh 3rrzzn APARTMENTS FOR RENT Til It K K room "apart'mcn I. Si 10 Oannon" Phone S-I.'IM. PURNIHHKD throe room apartment Clean, beautiful . view, cloa in. (49.50. C all 3924. Two HOOM.S completely lumlahed ex c"t arocerlea. 1H3 Pine. TTinEE room apartment, $J0. 1.1U Ore rrtn Avenue. - FOK HKNT, Inrge four room apartment a nd raragr. Sea nt Fron t. VKHY nice unfurnished duplex. Couple r n ' v- Pbone BflfW. TWO flOOM furnished aprtrtmenl Hvall ahle, alio one room apartment. 30 Main, phone POflO. fllRKE room furn lulled apartment. 91 1 Vwlniit. Phone, M72. . OUTSlbr. ap'arinianPTor rent. 710 Maliy Qreer Aptw. 1 FOR RENT, two bpdrnomririplex." fur nlahed nr unfurnished. 1112 Martin. Phone .1B72. mornliiBH. ONfi bedroom u"iurnliKeda-p,afrrnent. Oat eoiiinped, Call 2-0(111. VOR HP NT, Modern furnlahed apart ment. Plenty nnturnl heat. OLYMPIC APTR. 20T B. Main FOR ItRNT fufnTaheH apartmanT. Ph-ne fiVM TWO room furnlahed duplex, wo y k af 0 "L.W ph 0 n e 44 ,Vi CLEAN three room npnrtmont. 403 No. lnth. f-AHOfc, furnUhed " tworoom apart t nmnt,' 47..10, amullpr two-room unit, ,1 Vifl; refrlBaratoro. All utllltlea included FOUR noOrTTurnlshad apartnif nu 803 Mnrkat. Phono H317. FOR RKNT, furnlahad apartrrent In q u Ira 818 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO"oonr"a"pariinVn'f'ur ril71'huiii NTlK t'iran aiifttVMant. (lirn rrjUlpprd. Itnrrlgrralor. Collide rr for rail. Villa MnrtitilaiK IriqtilnrJIKM 'l lillklf riHitfi' Turninhril aiiu imeuf. Close In. Laundry fatllllies. Ml N. kin. Ulr UtUS. 11 n n- , i-i'r H hp on'"" VtKflftrMiUhd una iiuumkimi apartment with private oain tin a-u.wo altar ft pw NiLVdacorata'dTprivali bair7rl.fi trhanatte. Miasm htat. elect, it ranae l)(i waah Ha Arms Apartment 24 HOUSES FOR RENT TirrEi. iiiti'm nioiiaiii iiu Willi ia nifa. !2lo 'ainn.li. Phima J-I.UHi. ruii""lti.ft . ileniilltui uuv oeoroom h'Hiie. lie lawn and 4nlrn ipar. mdo par month. Kee at nii4j.)cla wpc. it"' Hw" clean uutnpioiet lUr.iihiifil in tue. One ur two peiaona pieforrad. n:i o..k ,uil l.hAMK, inrev beuroom utiliirnUnrd iini-rn huiiM. Clone li Call j-ic'-iiir 'kt.V.t,t iiirnianau uuao ruoot uuuta:. Fleet i lo heat, three tilovkr. (rrn Iin Htrei, Phone :i2n ur 2Vl. r U; i(a.rt i twn iteurotHii paitly ;ui n Idied moilvrn houae. .I0 month. Can be "'JJ! l-lu"'l,u'' ?'n: 7vu inutUL'ti iiiuunilahrti noma, redecorated- Reference. Can be aeen i ii w v Mian I a v al 4:1! lln I on .rt..lk.l' mi wu. aijuiiy n auiiutuau limine I'hm.a 21101 after 3 u m ""On oAt-i. by owiitT "rv7oTieiroiirt home. 2 blocka of Mllla Hrhool. Al tar lied garage being uaed for third bed loom. Ad old houve yet In excellent i-ondltlon Helling at I41M. only ftMMJ down. Owner will finance. If Inter, led In thla type of borne, ran be ren al 2120 Oak after B p i Wt.v livu tied room noue In Hoi Hprlnga, riarlrlr beat, attached aa. rage. til .000, 2IWW down. To aee daya or eveninga call at 3BI0 Shaata Way, Phone B7Ho. AXF.I. FI.ORKN. pt'ii.nrit (jf BF.rrr.H homkh FOH'LrAHr.'teii ronm"7i4rnUhed' bo'ie, partly aparlmenta. Cioae In. 7fl. Phone 4.1:1:1 m FOR Ttlfi,rT""ur rwnri partly ""'lur. nUhed. Alio three room furnlahed Cloie In. Ptmne :i7j0. FOR RKNT, two be'drotmi Tfurimhad houa, 2-V)l WlardJMione JM35:i. FOR HKN'P two bedroom (ufnlaiied bou e , 1 IMI2 QregonHireet. r OH HKNT. inrae room unlurnUhed himit, Phone 01 4 VKIIY aUratirve iiew three room lioiue for rent to working couple. Fireplace. e'eirlr heat, rriune wmi. TWdTliedToom unfurnlihed houae. Au. torn a lie gaa furnace and water healar (iirMi H5. Phone 2-Xin7. UNr uitNIUiltCU f'iur room duplex. Fx-i-ept for aluvea. gao. Call M21 before n nt f Tr HKNT on laaa bult Iwo bed room furnlahed houne In Hlewart-I.en-nox addition. Large lot, haaement, ham. chlrken hoime. ate. Call W. ) Raster, phona 2-Oafto. 21 MISCELLANEOUS F0RRIM" BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVI2 Move Yourself Suve '1 Hew Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vsns BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Mnln Phone 8304 tiVrWt ..V"lur rent. Cr'ound floor Phon. 7709. 'tftfXCt ' .pic." (or r.iU. Ground floor. Phon. T70U. orriciTl'or rent. Hi M.in. Phon. 7im. fon taFNT. door t.ndtr. utvtl lrp enulpm.nt tuhurban Lumber Co. tllh no w.inui rnnn. mw CAlTsTORAGRirATiri573v week or month. Crl Lamb, phon, 4473 or 7700 30 RIAL ISTATl FOR SALE FOR SALE 88 ACRE TULELAKE HOMESTEAD By Owner ' Nine acres new seeding clover. Price $34,500 R. C. IS0M ' Fh. 7-1252 tUOOO Hillside Addition, two bed rooms, nttnehed garage. Complete ly remodeled. Will take trailer house, lot or acreago as part pay ment. $10,500 Two bedroom, oil floor lurnnce. attached garage. All In sisted. Completely furnished. Will (ake late mclel trailer house, pickup or station wagon us part payment. 19500 Mills, two bedrooms, elec tric floor furnace, attached ga rage. Weatherstrlpped and In sulated. Terms. 7S0O Two bedrooms, electric hent, fireplace, utility, fruit room, garage, 'i acre. Terms. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phont 8195. 5544 or 1923 MILLS ADDITION Large 2 bedroom home. Only 9 months old. 1 owner. Extra large living room, separate dining room, hardwood floors throughout, auto matic furnace, large garage and work shop. Fenced In yard. $9500. Terms. FURNISHED HOME Neat modern 4 yenr old 3 bedroom home located on 'i acre In the Al tamont District. Newly redecorated. No work required just move right In. Immediate possession. Furni ture Includes electric range and wa ter heater. OH heat.. Large ga rage and work shop odmblned with concrete floor. Also small cabin. Assume owners O.I. Loan, or .re finance with reasonable down pay ment. Full price $5000. Restaurant For Sale Oood location on South 6th. Fully equipped, Seats 29. Owner must sell because of HI health. His loss Is your gain. Doing an excellent business,. Price, $5715. Terms. Al Longmlre Joe Firry Eves. 6724 Eves. 5332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR ll INSURANCE 1037 Main St, Ph. 3665 or 3421 JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CLINTON AVENUE llcaiillfiil two bedroom home with llrnpliire, hardwood floors, corner lot, partly furnished, oil floor furn ace. Ilrnullful locution. 111,000 Is selling prlie and this Is under priced. Hhown by appointment. IVORY STREET 'ii acre, two bedroom, bath, living room, dinette, kitchen, large glassed In back porch. Wulk-in fruit cool er, two enr garage attached, . Lots of shrrle trees. Oood foundation. No alkull. All this for $5800 on 1"HA. . YALTA GARDEN Two bedroom home. Almost 'i acre, Inndscapcd ynrd and garden. Two cur garage. Beautiful home three years old Is selling for $9500. FHA will loan $7200. NEED INCOME. We have several good Income properties. Call us for show ing and prices on these. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATE3. Balwiladv 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1305 FOR SALE 5 room home, full basement, fire place, close In location, near schools, churches, stores, walking distance city center. Immediate possession. Price $8250. Terms. Nearly new 5 room home In Hot Bprlngs District, full basement, large play room with fireplace, wall to wall carpet In living smd dining room, electric heat In all rooms. Shown by appointment only.. 2 bedroom home North of Main Street, concrete foundation, part bnscment. Immediate possession, price $4500. Reasonable down pay ment, balance monthly. See Fred Cofcr Bob Stephens (Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency 112 8. 8th Phone 4195 Attractive 2 Bedroom Home In suburbs. This house has living room, dining room, kitchen, tub and shower bath. Attached garage. Will consider lat model car for part down payment. PELICAN CITY One bedroom home within walking distance of several operating mills. $500 down. f HOME ON WHEELS A dandy house trailer that la ready to go. This trailer has Ice box. wood or coal heater and cook stove. A resl buy for the traveler. WANT TO SELL We have a large number of quali fied buyers Interested In two or three bedroom homes, city, subur ban or residential areas. Our list of avallab'- prcoe-t" Is very low at present. If Interested In Quick sale Just call us.. John Hobson Dale Orubb Phone 6804 Phone 3544 ALLONGE Real Estat and Insurance 111 So. 8th Phone 8283 A DANDY Three bedroom home In South Suburbs. Large, light living room with fireplace. Oak floors, two full baths. Venetian blinds, oil forced air furnace, service porch with bullt-lns. Back bedroom Is extra large with two walk-In closets and outside entrance. Now financed on 4 per cent OI Loan. Price $11,500. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 Neat two bedroom modern home of late construction on California Avenue. Insulated. Utility and ga rsge. , See or Call James Heseltine Grayce Eaton 5669 7737 - Salesmen with M. L. JOHNSON REAL ESTATE , V 434 Main St. ' Office Phone 5113 Income Property 15 Unit apartment, consisting of t apartment court and 6 adjoining cottages, completely furnished, in cluding new gas ranges and water heaters. Very attracdvely land scaped grounds with full sprinkler system. Close to business dislrlct. Shows clear profit of 15 "i per cent on Investment. Full price, only $34,600. Reasonable terms can be arranged. 1 Phone us now for appointment. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Phone 6658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott -5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH ' Realtors Since 1009 111 N, 9th St. . Ph. 4564 or 6529 BE) IN THE KNOW I Read Her? aid A News Classified ada dally Get ths latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends. JO RIAL IJTATI fOR SALI LISTINGS NEEDED We urgently need listings on city and suburban homes. If you're thinking 'of selling please call us now for Interview and estimate of market value. Quick and courteous attention will be given to all calls without any obligation to you. WALT DIKTZ, with T. B. WAITERS REALTORS to INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Phone 4103 (Eve. 9469i CHEAPEE I BEDROOM MODERN HOME with semi-modern cabin. Paved street and city aewer. Located tn North Mills Addition. Priced to sell at $2500. $500 down, balance $35 per mo. Don't miss this. WALT DIETZ. with T. B. WATTERS REALTOR to INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Phone 4193 (Eve. 469i Week End Specials 3 Bedroom ultra - modern home (3'i yrs. old). Beautiful interior. Hardwood floors, fully Insulated, nice lawn, paved street. Located In Mills Addition. Price $12,500. F.H.A. terms. 2 Bedroom modern with 'i acre. Good outbuildings. Dining room. Paved street. Price $4150. $1000 down. Or will take trailer house or car as part trade. I Bedroom modem with almost I acre. A well built home in good condition. Chicken house. In sulated fruit room. Full price $4450. Terms or. will take trailer house as part trade. AUTO-COURT II Unit Court In excellent condi tion. High steady Income. Good location. For quick sale price reduced to $45,000. Terms. APARTMENTS Multi-unit modern apartment build ing. For quick sale price reduced to $45,000. Cash or bank terms. ' CATTLE RANCH We have one good cattle ranch close to Klamath Fs'ls. See ';s for details. WALT DIETZ. with T. B, WATTERS . Realtors to Insurance 107 So. 7th St. Ph. 4193 (Eves. 9469) LIST WITH US SiOW! WE HAVE WAITING PROSPECTS We could use a lot of space telling you about the sales record we have made and how fast we have sold cer tain Individual properties listed with us, but we don't think you ar.e interested in individual' cases unless it is yout own. However, we would like to present this one fact to you for your consideration. DURING THE PAST SEV ERAL MONTHS WE HAVE BEEN SELLING HOMES AS FAST AND FASTER THAN -WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO LIST THEM AND RIGHT TODAY WE HAVE A WAITING LIST OF PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. Find out for yourself be fore you list your property for sale. "SEE US FIRST" ; "PAT HOWES JOHNNY BLAYL0CK Realtors Phone 2-3545-6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens jMerrill 149 INCOME Three apartments under one roof. Monthly Income $120. Within 3 blocks of Main St. Apartments are In process of being redecorated. XXX i block of school, a nice one bed room home partly furnished for $2750. with. $1250 down and $40 per month. Look or our sign on Sargent Street. XXX One acre, two bedroom home near Peterson School. Insulated and weatherstrlpped. Neat paint Job. Garage attached. H block of bus line. This is selling for $6000. FRED E. FLEET -REALTOR DENNIE COATES. Saleslady 408 Main , Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 CATTLE-GRAIN "TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. ' Pacific' Lands 1621 KE Cahucnga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALI California Avenue Neat, sturdy, 2 bedroom home, on attractive corner lot. Excellent concrete foundation, large garage, hardwood floors, oil furnare. In sulated, weatherstrlpped. Price only $0750. Eligible for any kind loon. Down-Town Duplek Only a horand (-sklp from Main Street. Pair of exceptionally well designed apartments; ench has llv. lug room, kitchen, illnetfc, bed room, batb, and well concreted full basement utility and storage, soom. In addition, 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs which may be connected to either apartment, making one of them three-bedroom iwlth two baths) unit. Large double garage. Phone us for appointment. 750 DOWN $50 per month buys this modern 2 bedroom home". Concrete founda-1 tlon, Insulated, new floor furnace. ! nrrnrh.ri aaratte. Located at 250 Delta. Total price $4500. ' 5 ACRES On Shasta Way. Excellent soil, all under Irrigation. 1 bcrlroom i modern home. Price $0500. Reason able terms arranged. j OPEN EVENINGS I BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Homer Stiles Fred Scott Ph. 5658 Eves. 2-24B0 Eves. I 5703 Eves. ! CHILCOTE & SMITH i Realtors Since 1609 ; 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 i - GOOD BUY Large three bedroom home. 1400 sq. foot living space. Separate din ing room, spacious kitchen, contin uous foundation, large double car garoge on 100x165 toot corner lot. Good terms. A real buy. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6th Ph. 9832-6742 FOR SALE Cheaper Than Rent 393 acres. $45 per. pavt.I rood. 115 level, 200 under ditch 80: water electricity good well. Will trade. Two miles from Merrill. BOX 1136 MERRILL ' Humes kor 'sacs; everett dennis. realtor Don Ktrkpstlick, Sale.msn m N if . r.Ph""fj' nkw HUMES for kSld. .-wttllam B. Powell. Phone S52g. : 32 BUILDING 1 REMODELING PLYBOARD, all kinds and IhlcknMMt. Bailn Bulldlns Material. 4.81 bouln Sixth Si. Phone S-25U3. GOOD KIR rLOORl.Nli. S1W Per V?' and. Limited quantity. Basin Building Material., 478 Soulh St "S,; 2.MB3. ' ' 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove . Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 FIR and pine bodv wood. Phone 90.16. S H GREEN STAMPS mven on heat ing olli. Phont 3681 or 3.S260 (or prompt delivery. ,. CUFF Y ADEN'S SIGNAL SERVICE am So sth STANDARD HEATING OU. SKvre, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, rharcoal Peyton and Co. 833 Market Phone 31a. DRY nine blocks for sale. Open eve- nlngs and weekends. Metiers Bros. PRESTOLOGS pickup or delivered. Cilff Vadens Slmal Servtc. 2560 So Slh Phone 16.11 nr 3-9260 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES GERMAN sheoherd puppies. 2 months old. eligible for AKC registration. S23 and up. King Cole. ANDERSON Boarding Kennels Phone 1047 S6SS Delawa-e off Homedale. . BOARDING KENNELS ' Oof boarding by day. week or month Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor runs (or each dog. Dog handled durlra mating. Will Dick up and deliver. Visitors Welcome Phone sort Merrm Jd Rt 2. Bok 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY HEAD GUERNSEY AND JER SEY MILK COWS Heavy Springers T3. & Bangs Tesled. All from one dairy. Producflon records and breed ing dates given at time of sale. 25 WHITE FACED STOCK COWS 40 WHITE FACED YEARLINGS 65 WHITE FACED WEANER CALVES SO WHITE FACED FEEDER STEERS 3 WHITE FACED REGISTERED BREEDING BULLS BRAHS BROS. AUCTION YARD . . GRENADA ; CALIFORNIA SALE STARTS : 1 O'CLOCK EVERY SATURDAY 25 TON ii'inlta hny. Phone 2-2030. Durnnm heiiera. WANTED colored hens Phone 4991 HIGHEST price paid (or poultry, hog! and livestock. BIG V MEAT MARKE1 Lake-view Junction Phont 4flai 106ftEw""" Hampshire pullets. Layfai. Phont 4SB3. 55 AUTOMOTIVI -FEBRUARY- PARADE of BARGAINS! EVERY CAR CHECKED TO GUARANTEE YOU REAL ECONOMY, SAFETY AND DEPENDABILITY STOP IN TODAY - SEE THIS LINE-UP OF VALUES 1951 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN ' '170 Just four months old. A nearly new car at big savings. .. I 1950 STUDEBAKER REGAL DELUXE CHAMPION 4-DR. SDN. $1 CQC Overdrive, Climatizer, seat covers lOO 1950 STUDEBAKER DELUXE CHAMPION 4-DR. SDN. $1 C A r Overdrive, Climatizer lJrO 1949 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE AERO SEDAN $1 O Q C 11.000 actual miles. It's perfect lOO 1949 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION DELUXE 2-DR. SEDAN ?1 rQ r Overdrive, radio, Climatizer I O 1948 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN $1 1 Q r vOverdrive, Climatizer ; I IO 1948 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION CONVERTIBLE COUPE $100 Overdrive, radio. Climatizer '. I - O 1946 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN $ "70 Radio, heater '. : 73 1946 HUDSON SUPER SIX CLUB COUPE $ Q C One-owner. Verv clean. O f O 1947 STUPFBAKER COMMANDER 4-DR. SEDAN yi A C Overdrive, radio, heater : .' I 140 PICKUPS AND TRUCK BARGAINS 1951 Dodge Vz Ton 1949 Studebaker Vz Ton (2 to choose from) THE FOLLOWING PRE-WAR CARS CAN BE PURCHASED AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED, IT'S UP TO YOU! ! ! Come In - See Them - Try Them THEN ... YOU MAKE THE OFFER! . NO REASONABLE OFFER Wl LL BE REFUSED 42 Chev. 2-Dr. Sedan '40 Olds. 4-Dr. Sedan '42 Stude. Champ. 4-Dr. '37 DeSoto 4-Dr. Sedan '41 Plymouth 4-Dr. '41 Ford V-8 Fordor '41 Stude. Champ. 2-Dr. 41 Chevrolet 2-Dr. 40 Ford V-8 Coupe '40 Ford V-8 Fordor '41 Dodge 4-Dr. 36 Stude. 4-Dr. Sedan , '41 Oldsmobile 4-Dr. '36 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan McCULLOCH MOTORS. Klamath Avenue at 8th St. 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid tor tny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 tCLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR SALE ai a herd only, 20 head Guernsey cows and 6 heifer to fresh en between now and May. One regis tered Guernsey bull. These cows are well bred and heavy producers and most ot them vaccinated. Will sell all dairy equipment.- De Laval milker. Au tomatic cooling -unit and milk cans. Complete set up for Grade A dairy. pee Roy Klatt. 4103 Summers Lane. ARTIFICIA-. BREEDING SERVICE pnone 9731 M. c icnuciti warren, hi 2. Box 522 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED mower for Oliver row-crop. J. A. Cone. Rt. 3. Box 234K, City. WANTED to lease. Farm SO to. t'Ou acres. Long or short term lease. Write Herald News Box 4SS. WANTED to rent no less than 2 or 3 bedroom home. Phone 4674 after 5:30 o.m. WANTED, plow. John Deere two way No. 202. Call Jim Rogers. Algoma. 1. STORE manager desires two or three bedroom unfurnished house. Prefers to lease. Days phone 8141, evenings 4181. Mr Armstrong HIGH SCHOOL teacher, wife and six month old baby need house or duplex by April Is. Prfcr- rlf in two bed room and furnished. Willing to redec orate If arrangements are made in ad vance. Phone 2-2637. WANTED to rent no less than 2 or 3 bedroom home. Phone 4674 after 5:30 p.m. WANTED. Good trash burner. Will trade new army mine detector lor same. Phone 9606. A'E NEED CARS! Get too prlca now! Rose Motor Co 6th and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow - Py Onl $100 V. 21 Mo. Repay In 18 Installments UP TO (300; ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP XO $1200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to par Locally owned New Cars 'loaned tt Dank rate -WONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Baur See "Chuck" B&Uey Mgr. Ill N 7th SU Phone 332h 8-241 M-27i Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 50 to S300 Auto - Purnltur Livestock Salary ISO to 1500 AutomohtlM (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie 8-251 N-223 107 No. th Phon Till $1495 $1145 1949 Ford V-8 V2 Ton , $1145 1941 Chevrolet 114 Ton Flat Bed Truck $ 495 STUDEBAKER 42 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK AUCTION SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2 1 P.M. ALTURAS, CALIFORNIA 200 HEREFORD SPRINGER COWS 200 MIXED HEREFORD CALVES 100 WHITE FACED YEARLING STEERS ALSO FAT AND FEEDER CATTLE, HOGS; SHEEP AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY FRITZ NOSLER Phone Alturas 7891 R. E. BOB RHODES. Auctioneer PHONE KLAMATH FALLS 4032 SPECIAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6. 1 P.M. , KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 30 RANGE BULLS 30 . ' 10 REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS . 10 REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD BULLS 10 BLACK ANGUS BULLS (NO PAPERS) RUSSELL BAKER OF WEISER, IDAHO IS CONSIGNING 20 HEAD OF THESE COMING TWO YEAR OLD HEREFORD BULLS. THE BLACK BULLS ARE ALSO COMING TWO YEAR OLDS. NONE OP THESE BULLS ARE FITTED AND WILL BE SOLD IN RANGE CON DITION. ALSO OUR USUAL RUN OF 300-500 HEAD OF -CATTLE -HOGS -SHEEP AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY LIVESTOCK TRUCKS FOR HIRE 1 HEAD OR A CARLOAD WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL LIVESTOCK IT KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, Inc. PHONE 3974 R. E. BOB RHODES. Auctioneer PHONE 46 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL ! Up to 1500 on your auto On vour salary or furaltus up to $300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty - $10. 25. $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer 125 costs but 18 cents for one week No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. lOtb St. M-3&4 DON McINTYRE, Mgr.. 43 tears Friendly Service 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION FOR SALE PROVEN LOCATION 6th and ALTAMONT $15,000 TERMS $7,500 YEARLY PROFIT NO LEASE WITH ANY OIL COMPANY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SEE KEN KLAHN So. 6th RESTAURANT known as Chef's Fine Poods In North Bend. Oregon, in cen ter of town and on Htway 101. Doing $97,000 per annum. Compact and com plete, stainless steel, walk-In and ev. ery thing. Priced for aate. Contact own er Jack Robertson on premises. 2048 Sherman Ave.. Hlway 101. North Bend. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY eight tons baled alfalfa. Henlev. Phone 2-0721. INVESTIGATE profits in fast growing quick bearing stock hardy fruit trees. "none a-i oo. HAMILTON-BEACH vacuum. 113.75. Ph. 3200. WANTED, older model pickup In" good condition. Phone 3-1851. Phone 4149 & POULTRY IS MIDLAND ROAD 4032 Phone 2-2637 8-278 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE good cull potatoes. L. V. Shepherd. Phone 2158 Bonanza. FOR SALE. Daveno Bed. 124 North rnttuna. SiX BALES of alfalfa and crested w heat grass hay, two doea and on buck rabbit. 12. 360.1 Bisoee i. D-a C.itaDiilar. Good condition. M. M. uime. my, ure. BEST OFFER buys Wcstinchouse trie range. Good ahape. See anytime. ik i.i worden. r OH "SALK late model D-2 with of trimi dozer. W. J. uixon. macfioei. ADDING MACHINSS. calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, e hairs (Ilea for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE BtrPPLY 620 Main Phona T411 ELECTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies Phone 7107 Tarkal Twael, H4i marital BROKEN window glass replaced. Kim balls Glass Shop. Phone 73711 FOR SALE. Ford Ferguson Tractor lit A-l shape, L. D. Hodges, Mailn, Ore, FOR SALE. First and second cutting alfalfa hay. Phone 7-Q44Q Tuieiawe. U INCH "olvwood.1 surface boat aide $6. sheet. Phone MPS. FOR SALE, -tall shower box. 2S.0v. Call 7200 GLASS furniture lops and ahelvec made to order. Klmball'i Olaaa Shofj, Phone 7378.