PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rniPAV. FEBRUARY 1. 1 nrs Curly Lnmbeau, coach of the Chi cago wid Cardinal, noendn most of the off-Keason on his ranch In Marlbu, Calif. Btn Morrison, Mgr. JUCKEUND TRUCK S4.LES and SERVICE 11th fc Klamath Ph.2-2581 AUCTIONEERING Sale Management Gradual. .1 Weiltra Caller. . Ol Artr-Ir,erlp. . . . BI"'no. M.ol. Certified Pedlree Reader 6ueceaiful Sales are the Result of Proper Promotion, Management and Auctioneering. Speetallilnt In FARM, PUREBRED LIVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER S3M Alra Klamath Falls Ph. 2-3 452 Free Service on Church Benefit Auctions The JAYHAWK Says . THERE'S NONE BETTER "91" Octon Ethyl 31c JAYHAWK GAS light reading . . . needs reading light PLAN Your Lighting THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY . Chiloquln j By DARLENi: WOLFF The third six wcrks' period honor roll for the upper six grades showed two names less than Inst time but the honorable mention list was up three names. Those making the coveted first list were Kay Heglund, Glenn Hescock and DON'T BE CHICKEN! CALL Yellow Cab Ph 2-1234 end 4k Hi Add be Mir and obtain sreat r altasare from your homo with floe Picture window which If scientifically Insul ated against heat and cold. Regardless of site, location . . eonsnlt at. The coit mar be lets than yea think. 8GE3B ' r 7-r-.v-,-i - t-.-t-r j4ZH!t mi raii&ii Ts r Do your eyes tire after just a little reading? Does the print jump and blur? Look at your lighting! Dim light can cause eye (train, headaches, fatigue. Good light, properly placed, lets your eyes see easily and quickly, with out strain. Install PLANNED Lighting and be sure you have the right light for every seeing task. BETTER LIGHT. MEANS BETTER SIGHT Cnrrcl Wilson, Juniors: Ted Sir mens and Karleotl Pararoo, sopho mores Linda Pope and Susan Knv lr.a, freshmen, Dick Siemens, Bill Itrader. On the honorable mention list were Jacl Shorey, senior: Jo Ann Slscmore and Billy Vadeft, Juniors; Audrey Varmmi, Frieda Kirk and Twllya Knlghtplpe, soph omores; Naomi Johnson and Joy Oard, freshmen, Valeric Dolphus, 81 h grader and Marie Nicholson, mi grader. Mrs. Claude Paracoo Is home from Cushman Hospital In Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Miller visit ed recently in Seattle with her mother, who Is making her home there this winter. Ralph Francesco of Ktssee Mills, Mo., has been visiting here with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hale and with a brother in Henley. Sickness has hit the town full force. Flu, pink eye, the tag ends of the trench mouth epidemic, and various other complaints are keep ing people In. Reed David was ill for several days, four out of five ot Mrs. James Chlpman's children have been ill, and Naomi Johnson was another on the sick list. Norman Doty Is off work tor an Indefinite time after he inlured his back lifting on the Joo. He is an employe of. the State Highway de partment. ' Bert Albert has had his garage closed for the past weeks while he Is remodelling and repainting the place. A real estate chance In town I this month. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hill have purchased the home of her parents. Mr. and Mix. Folk Huo- aocK, wno in turn nave oougm a home in Pelican Citv. The Had-1 docks have not moved yet, how ever. From Jerome, Idaho comes word of the birth of a baby girl Suburban Service I On Your Worn Equipment ,11th & Walnut Ph. 7709 Rain or shine... doomells Maat-flavond bitcuil tlopt dog edertl Goodbye to unpleasant dog odorel New. unproved Ken-L-Biskit now con. tains miracle chlorophyllin, nature's own deodorant. Eliminates bad breath, coat odors, all dog odors m lui '" ovj.' Gi-e your dog the de licious, nourishing food that nds dota of jfrmc odor. Pick up Ken-L-Biskil today a. your favorite (tore. fineH Scad for car booklet -"Eyes Our Windows to the World." It'i complete story on light I it affects our seeing. It's free, of course. for Pleasant earlier this month to a former uiiiioquin resident and his wile filnwui'l au( Dm. HI., nl.,1. Stewart, who alnco army days has hooii nnlnA Phd.U, I.I., fl..u. name, attended grade and high Muooi nere oeiore going on to ure gon State College. The Blakes have uiie uuitr cntici, a utile uuy, noil me, now two years old. Hay Drying New Topic - " vi i ,.u hid inviu villi! ,cr wun serious losses m nay ir( VlllllA l.nrtilc.h nt luanhtlm bleaching and lenf-shatlei'inir In i"riu vutuiR wiu una prncucni solution to their problem In arti ficial hay drying. accordinir to Dnl E. Kirlr avdvtnnf urrl.,ll......l engineer lor the Oregon State Col L.pprimrnt siauon, Kir If lc tlMin nt " mw v o v viii)J4 ci id I' SIVA liVO l.ltllHi inct miKlloh. k.i the OSC experiment station. It's iiici ny urytnjf in wregon ' and Is based on results of 10 yenrs IOMlirh AM tin.. t .,(... i.oiU.J. w,. wii iiu.v uittiiK iiiciiiuUB by experiment station scientists. Climatic conditions In many nun rtt I iratrrnn hi -a. it I i Mble to cure hay in the field with nilt lftco nf lnae a rs4 rnlnt VI.. I. ooinLs out. High quality hay must uc vw, hi tne riRiH siage 01 ma- tllHtv linrl rmvnA in nrnrAna tt. lt-tt'a nnA hriaUt ncAait nnlnK Tlio new bulletin discusses vart- nic IVHPS nf rlrv nn ct-c ima aitrl contplm numerous Illustrations to obtalnort by askinsr for station bul letin we at count v extension of- nces or at trie college. OSC Gets $2500 Forest Grant OREGON STATE COLLEGE A $3500 grant for study of the use nf power saws and their relation to fire hasards In forests and a S1300 grant and $1400 fellowship for chemical research have been announced by Oregon State Col lege. The school of forestry grant was made by the Booth-Kellv Lumber company of Springfield. The chem istry trrant and fellowship came from the du Pont company for the sixth straight year. A graduate strdent in chemistry receives the fellowihln with the College getting the $1200 to finance his research. WOMEN'S 2 FOR 1 SALE Now In Progress Model Shoe Store living V . . krwT . . -w.' aw . JiM 11' QUITE A FIGURE Dick Button, of Englcwood, New Jcr scy, world figure skating champion cuts a neat figure at the Garmisch Olympic ice rink. He is in training for the Olympic games to be held in Oslo, Norway next month. uili a1 4 1 ier j ) BEEF ON THE HOOF Siena Basketball Coach Dan Cunha demonstrates one of the tricks he uses to keep the Loudonville, N.Y., quintet high in the national ratings. Here he applies beefsteak padding to star Billy Hogan's bruised heel, has discovered it to be a better remedy than the sponges most normally used. mm 'ALMOST PERFECT' From a physical dimension point of view, Sally Forrest (above), film actress, Is "the almost perfect girl" accord ingto the Artists Institute . of America. Fritz Willis, chairman of the institute's board of directors, says Miss Forrest "is as perfect as they come but perfection is never reached because men and women begin dreaming where the exact dimensions leave off." Miss Forrest weighs 105 pounds, is 5 feet 3 inches, and has a bust of 35 inches, waist of 23, and hips of 33 inches. Veteran halfback Pat Harder of the Detroit Lions in the NFL Is a steel salesman in his native state of Wisconsin. Safer Cough Relief When new drugs or old fail to atop your cough or chest cold don't delay. Creomulsion contains only safe, help ful, proven ingredients and do nar cotics to disturb nature's process. It goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heat raw, ten der, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or druggist refunds money. Creomulsion has stood the test of many millions of users. CREOMULSION nlitvu Cnslu, Cbnt M, Acta lraltl '"'!"'";: v.rvs 1 Legal Notice . i - 1 f fcT" , i. m ' h K . a. AAA rs r.?F . HOME AGAIN Princess Anne, second child of. Prin cess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, catches first sight of home as she ar rives by car' at Clarence House, London, at the con clusion of the royal holiday at Sandringham. British Earning Power Dropping LONDON Wl The thin ninks of Britain's much-sonked earners of big paychecks have been weed ed again. The Inland Revenue Commission ers reported Thursday night only 60 persons had Incomes of 6,000 pounds, $16,800 or more after they paid income taxwj fdr the year that ended in March, 1950. The year before there had been 86 members of this dwindling elite corps. And the little SUV ntlll nnlrl mnut of the taxes, Revenue officials said most of the money collected came from 0,2ft0,000 people earning be. tween five and 10 pounds, or 114 to 928, & week. player or coach since 1031. has ta ken home over $70,000 in World Sc ries pay. , Legal Notice "NOTICE TO CftBDfTOfis"" NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the undernlfned had been nppotnie4 Administrator of the estate ot CARL B. JACOHSEN, aluo known a C. B. JACOBSEN, deceaaed, and. hai quali fied, and all pertoni hnvlhg a claim aialnit iald tslata are hereby required w it in t. -t e v era to me at the office of L, Orth fliaemnre, Attorney. , 3H Rtcwart-Drew Bulldina;. 731 Main Street. Klnmnth Falia, Oregon, within ilx month from the date hereof. Dated fhia ath day of January, 10M. u, unm BiBcmuHc. Auminiairator of the Estate of CARL B, JACOB flFN, a I no known aa C. B. JACOB SEN, deceaaed. . J-1M8-2S r-i o. sis 1 tirHni icruiM no. 407 A nrsOI.UTION ilWI.AIIINO THE I MTITN'l'l IN ilH tiik L'llMMON I'OtlNl.lL Or I'lTV Or KI.AMATtl PAI.lJt, OMEUON. TO WH1KN Ti" Hl'I'Ml ANl LOWER lAVKII IIOAI1 WAVB ON I'At lKIO TKRHAl-'K KUOM U'HKllK IT IN I k K Mia IM ALAMKUA STNKKT Tl WHERE 11' INTKHNE' "I'M I.OWKl.l, MTREET; )Eri,AtllN(i AND l)Hh;i TINCi I'KUTAIN HTEPH TO UK ,KN IN r D n N E I T I ON TIIMii--WITH: BAII1 PtIOJKl'T TO HE KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO. 114. WHEREAS, the (lly Knfineer. tnir auanl hi a reaolutloit nf thi l.(titiMiiit Council hvi'ttlorurt) atlil(l, hiving flloil plana, apei'Mlt-MlRm nntl esliMmtfa lr the coal uf Itniituvlng, I'atMflu Tnrrai'r front where it lit tort'l Alainoiln H1rft lu whrrr II lntrafi'ta Uiwall Hlreet, by wltlrnlnif ihr uppfr anil lnwvr pavttft nmUvvn,va lhornn; and th C'ltunrll flnitlntf lit aahl plnn. ape'l flcatloti and er.llmalfia aattafuriury for xaid (tr.i)ri't w htett ahl lii kn linprnvfiiifnt Unit No. 114; THERE rORE, v nr. it mesoi.veo nY the com mon COUNCII. OK THE CITY or KLAMATH E A I. L N. OREOON, Dtll.Y ANSEMMT.EI) IN REUULAH bESSlON AS KUl.l.OWH: Neclloii I. That aaid plain, apnclflratlona and llnialaa for the Impiuvemeul of aald (tnrllnna of aald itrect, tlterafor lan irein by the City Ehginear. be and Die tame are hereby approved, and aid project hall be known aa Im provement Unit No. 114, That the Common Council of the City or Klamath Ealli, Oreion, hervliy I delarta Ha Inlanllon to Improve aald portion of aald alreeta In accordance wun tne plana, apeoidcationt ana lltnnlf aa (olloVa; TYI,K-"C"-To conalal of wlilimlna (he upprr and lowar paved roMiiwa on I'arlflc Tcrrare from the uuth- eaatfrl line itf Lowell Hlret to ine norlhraalerly line uf Alameda wllh alx tnrhea of Cement tele ravetuetil, toad her with romhiitnilua cement con 1 crele curb anil aulter Tlte overall width fur WHlenliia each roadway la (our feet and Will be toward lite renter parking atrip therehy reducing the Wldtn of aald narking atrip. TYPE "E" To conalal of widening the upper and lower paved romlwux 140! nc icrrare rrnm ine omn eailerlv line nf Lowell Ntreet to the norlheaaterly line nf Alameda with live hea of Aaplialt Lotirrole ravemeni. together with combination reman I rnii. creie curb and gutter. The overall tilth for wuienlna earn roadway i (our feel and will be toward I he ren ter narking atrip thereby reducing the Width of ald parking atrip. TYPE C and "E'-A combination of typea aet mil In " and "K" aa immeiliateiy anova denned, wun urn. ttattona a therein atated. The toe rhoacn to he mixed and placed in accord with the plana ana aitecifimtlnni uf the Citv Engineer on therefor Trie e untitled c"i or an claatea nf Improvement! embracing all work and material for Hie complete Improvement of aald project for each type of pavement being aa follow Type "C"- Cement concrete men! - VV1 0411 HO pave- Type "E - Anhall concrete pave ment i47.:'M71 TYPEcommnation or -c ' anq ' e pavemeuta - 34 Mill eaiimaie inritioa engineerins, auuervlalon. advertising, clerical ai- iilenre. altoruay'a fee and uitloreaeen cuntlngencea. Serllon tl. That the properly ling within the hoiindariea hereinafter deacrilred he and the aame la hereby declared to be benefited by the aald improvement, to wn: Beginning at the mod northerly cor ner or lot 1. block It HllUlde Addition to the City of Klamath Kalla. Oregon: thence aouthweaterly along the eoulh eaalerly tine of Lowell St. IM ft. to the northeasterly line of the alley in aald Block II: thence aoutheaaierly and parallel to Pacific Terrace thru hi nek a 8 13. and IS in Mid HllUlde Addition, block 3J to 43 inclusive in lluUprlng AddMlon to the City of Klamath fella. Oregon to the northentterlv line of Alameda: thence aoutheaalerly along northeaaterly line of Alameda to in .ouiheo-l corner of lot 7 Work I. Wil liams Addition to the City of Klamath Kalla. Oregon; thence northrrlv along the line between lots and 7 of block I, of aald William Addition, In the north line ot aid block I : thence northwttterb along the aouthweaterly line of llaikinga St. being IM ft north eaaterly of and parallel n the north airlv line of PacUfC Terrace and continuing northweaterly and parallel lo racuic lerrace aiong inv nim. eaaterly boundary line of ld Hot prlngs Addition to Del Moru St : thence continuing northwardly and parallel lo I'arlflc Terrace thru ntocka 17, 14 and 7 or aald Hlllalde AddMlon to the eolith line of VanNeaa Ave.; thence aouthweaterly along laat aald line t 1U Intersect on with the north ; eaaterly property line of Pacific Ter race; thence aouthweaterly arroa Pa- ; clMr Terrace to the point of beginning. That all tlte properly inriuoea m me . aforeaald boundariea above ueacrlbed be and the same ta hereby declared in h haneflted bv aald Improvement and assessed for the expenses thereof. , section in. That Monday the lath, of February, i mi . tt.. h..,. -t 1--UI l M at the Council Chamber of the Ciiy Hal in j Klamath rails. Oregon, oe ana i nerv by fixed as the lime and place tor hearing of objections and remon al ranee a agalnat aaid propoacu im provement. Section IV. That the Police Judge be and ha la hereby authorized and directed to !! notice of auch hearing to be publiahed as provided by tne Cltv ft,! t,t nalfi Cliv and ahall ntibllall thla reiolutlon as provided by law. and u.lthln lluj, rfiM aftar the flrat Dllbll cation thereof the City Engineer hall Caue to be ronaplCUOtiaiy posirg m each end of the line of contemolaled Improvement auch mtttce as la provided ror ry law ann oroininrf, Paaaarf hv th CflmitlUll Council the City of Klamath Fall.. Oregon, this 31at day of January. IM. Pra.aiiiaft in the Mivor and by him annroved -nd signed this 32nd dav of January. 1DM. a MrtM in inr.n i n. i iiwku o-.i Mayor ATTEST: JtOftEHT M. ELDER Police Judge STATE Or OHECiON. rriliNTV OF KLAMATH. SS CITY Or KLAMATH rAI.1.8. I, Robert nt. ciurr, rouce juijr m the City of Klamath Falla, Oregon, do nereny ceruiy tnai tne aoove ann mrr- fnlng Is a true copy of a resolution niroduced and adopted by the Com mon Council of the City of Klamath rails. Oregon at Its regular meeting held on Monday the 2lat day of Jan uary, lfr.12, and thereafter approved and signed by the Mayor. i ni. tbur.n Police Judee J-24 -23-20-28.28 -30-31 f-1-2-3 No. tlV NOTICE Or SALE TINDER POSSESSORY CTIATTK1 LIEN EOHECUOSURE Bv virtue of Notice of PnaaaMory Chattel Lien filed In the Office of the County Clerk nf Klamath County, Ore gon. on the 2;i day of January, 1P.VJ, entitled "Standard Stations, fnc, Claimant, v. Charlie R. Eden, De fendant" wherein Charlie n. Krten of 2m South Walker Lane. Stockton, Call forma, la nainen a regmirrcti owner and legal owner of the vehicle herein after deticrlhed, a copy of snld Noilce nf Pn memory Chattel Lien duly certi fied to by the said County Clerk, wllh refjueat for forecloiure endorred there, on siined by said lien claimant's at torney having been received; and pur suant to Section B7-30.I O.C.L.A, pro viding for the foreclosure of auch liens. I did on the 24th day of January, Ifi.VJ. seire and take into my poaesion tne chattel described In said notice, namely, one iniD huick nenan. Motor no. 0:i!,2140, bearing lor.l California II t'Qune number lllflli.lUfl. NOW. THEREFORE. In cnnalderotlon and by authority of the foregoing, no tice is nereny given mat on tne om day of February. I32, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., Pacific Standard Time, at infl Main Street, Klamath Palls. Klamath County. Oreaon. I will sell iald chattel at public auction lo the highest bidder for cash to aatKfy such lien, accrued Interest, fee for filing and recording sucn lien and certifier! copies thereof, costs of seizure, storage and attorney's fs. J . M. BRITTOfV Sheriff of Klamath County. Oregon Rv lai TIORA tlODDARD Dcouty . J-W F-l No.' 070 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby alven that the under signed has been appointed ndminiatra trlK of the estate of Nettle Wallnn. deceased by the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Klamath County, Oregon and has qualified and letters of admlnlslratlon nave been Issued to her. All persona having claims Against said deceased aro hereby notified to preaent the name, duly verified aa rr nulred by law, to the undersigned al the office of A. V. Bchaupp. 200 Wlllitn Biog . Kiamatn reus, ureaon w i n six months from the dale of the flrat puDiication or tnia notica which data CLASSIFIED RATES On Uuy ................. )rr wur) 4 1'lirrt Dnys ir voril la Wrek run rr word S(i0 Muiilli run prr word D5o MINIMUM I'he minimum clmrge fur any ons d Is m, IIUX NUMUEItS AtiAWer lo sdn tnny Im hniidl.d tliroiiiili box numbrrs t tilt pupur or tcrvks clintno ot "ibis. DUADLINE3 OlSMlHed us sucapwd up to t no p.m. lur (ollowlng day's publlcttloiL Clsvilllrd display d sccepled up tc la noou lur lullowing day's pnu licstion. ADJUSTMENTS ('less muKu uli oiuinu iiv sdju t. oienu wlinuut deny. Corrections or ctnctllkllons rt oslvod by 1:30 p.m -will tx man, In following; day's publiration A CARDOFTHANKS W. wlifi In Ihaiih ill of o.n )TTnl frl.ntte .n lit. iillr... al Him. pit.) for 1h. many .Kpr.Mlinui if .nn. iMilliy mill r-uittlul.itr. ilurlttx inir t.i,nv.m.nt or our imp. iln. ('.titlil).!!, Itoh ami Kv.lyn rival. r rnl rdinliy. C FUNERAL HOMES WAlifilD rli.iii'iTirTiTli.r.l llomJT i Ilia lllHh Nlrl 1'hon. 3.134 MEETING NOTICES Klumiilli LodK No. 17 AT, and A.M. will hold n nprclul meeting K, Krb. 1, 7 p.m. Work f .i MM Driirce. Vlsitlilir brellirreii Invited. bretliren Invited. Wonhlpful Mailer 8TATRO ft KETiNOS Dl" M A N Z A N I T A 0IIAPTEII No. 17. 3.E.8. will be held Frl lay, January 18 at I j'clock in the I.O.O.K. mil. Vlnltora welromc. VKHA PRITHCH - W.M. JOHN LARSON-W P. AirroTn)nc a.nonvm(i( mit rrld.y. s p in., for Inform.lioo, wnla box ao4. Plnmi,3.-ut2. 2 LOST AND fOUNO something missin'? give a listen Lone omelhliif of value? drab your pIioiik rmht now and a.ik lor the Clnallled advortlning deparlment I That's where many folks are heled In recovering lours. Ii'a where Imera reach flndert. and you can too I Bo don't be aggravated, ACTI phone 8111 for an ad-writer rosf nt Ait.tnolil Hhii ll..,.. nlrlil. HUO cl.M nna. S3 l.w.rd. Phon. J07.T I.OST fintr iiion'in, oTil iuirl rTUVr .PAiilel. Sunvii.r. In Vlrlnlly. Whlli. with golil.n brown .t. .not. .ml frrrkl... Amor lo JH.I,.I. Children. pl )hon. 3174 l-OnfT'oirriftiilir 8tyih ur'YmiT"i4i"iVViv win. hlllfuld. Contain, drlv.r. and uirlal .rrurllv rard I'liori 7ji.' i. .6S'T." parr'cock.r Ail'-iilackTiruV hair, long tall Amwrr. lo nam. of Vlrlnltv Llnkvllt, C'int.ry or Crjicnl Av.nue. I.W4 No. rullon. CdSf. rhlldTli'llocal la.M Mink "wmi Sold trim. Phona Mr.. Murphy aona. -T- GENERAL NOTICE . PEARL IS BACK AT THE COFFEEPOT 131 No, 4th OPEN A A.M. - 7 P.M. Welcomcif old and new ciiAtomera PERSONALS VANT room and board In ChrUtlan home for woman unable to live alone. Phone fMlSI. mXK.VH n E A ti T Y VX LO Ni 71 UH al ix. Phone Iizn4. SIANTEllorne rWurtsnKT'aVir 10 SERVICES 1 FIX THAT RADIO Our Buslneas Is Bound CONNtH'8 HfcRVICE CO. Phone M7I LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP RONIJ SALE Sealed prouoiats will ha received b the Common Council of the City of Klamath rails, Oregon, for the pur ehate of eewer Improvemtnl bond. Series IM, aigregatlng. Pour Thouaaod Ple Hundred Twenty-two and ,W-lfl0 Dollar., ia4.327.33i duly authonred hv ordinance of the said City of Kiamatn Palls, for the conalructlon and laying of sewer lines In Sewer Unit No. 30, of aaid City and serving the properly between South Sixth Hlreet, the O C At E Railroad Right of Way, Shasta Way and Waahburn Streets Proposals to purchae said bondr, VHI iic icirivru ny hip unoeraignea up to and Inrludlng (he 4th. day of Pebruarv, V at ine notir oi aeven-tnirty o -iock p ni, of said day and opened at a ret u la r meeting of the Common Coun. rll immediately thereafter: said Don it a ahall he dated February t, 10.12, and shall be In amounts of $.100 00 each, except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall be for the fractional pait nf said num. and all shall ba due ten jesra after the dale of Isaue, payment r.f the entire bonds optional wllh ss'd City at any coupon paying data nn and after one year from the date thereof. Said bonds will bear Interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February int. and Auguat lat. of each year, principal and Interest payable at the office of the treasurer of th City of Klamath Palls, Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check tor five per cent of the prnpohal. The Common Council reserves thg right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will he furnished with an oomion as lo the legality thereof by tl.t law firm nf Wlnfree, McCulloch, Shuler A Hayra. Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon. This notice Is authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of the Cltv of Klamath Palls, Oregon, dated Decern ber 17. IfWI. ROBERT M, ELDER. Poc- Judia of toe Clly of Klamath Palls, Oregon. D 31 J . 1 . a .1 4 S T - b n - in . ii . n H is in . 17 in in ai 21 2:1 21 - 23 - 20 - 28 - 29 . 30 31 P I 2 No. fi2. Jessie L. Reed a ... . Administratrix A W. Schaupp, Attorney. J-ll-in-2.1 F-l-B No. (14(1 IMAGINE! Within a tew short hours after you order a HcraJd A News classified ad. 13,000 subscrib ers are told about your offer Ir your need. To Dlace an ad. uliona tan it, ih.iz. Dated this loth day of Jan. 1032. fllU.