PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 10S2 Convuleiclnf At home t 2700 Drrow Bt. 1 Ben Starr, who re cently underwent en operation at Klamath Valley Hospital. He will oon resurn 10 iu wm m cyo tor operator at Uie Postofflce. His fUiiffhtr Mm. Bonnie Lee Col- mn. ami her baby, have been vtalting here during hl illness. Her V.. i- atotlnnivl at. Hfl miltOll Field. Call'. Bhe will return there thia week. Home Erieiulon Altamont unit meets at 10 a.m. Tuesany ai uie Fairgrounds, lesson: frozen foods. Take table service. Nelghbora of Woodcraft Is iicheduled to meet Monday, 8 p.m. in the KO Hall for election of of ficers and Initiation. Officers and guards are to wear formals. Re freshment and entertainment com mittee: Mildred Smith and Dicksy Freeman. Patt Noble Grands of Rebekah Lodge will meet for poUuck and election of officers Tuesday, 1 p.m., with Kate Hogue The host ess will furnish the rolls and cof fee. Film "For All the People." will be presented at the CongregaUonal Church Sunday, 7:30 p.m. me School Vote Set Feb. 15 LAKE VIEW Voters of School ! District No. 7 will vote on two i matters when they go to the Polls Feb. 15. The board this week called a second election In which the voters will be asked for per mission to sign a long-term agree ment for use of the Youth Center for kindergarten classes. The other matter on which voters will baUot will be the $270. 000 bond issue for construction of a new school building. The voting on both matters will be at the cafeteria in the Central School from 2 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Feb ruary 15. . The J. T. McDonald-Truman Col lins Trust Fund has agreed to ex pend the sum of $15,600 In adding to and altering the Youth Center to provide two kindergarten rooms. The figure is the school board's estimate oi cost. . Builta Death Learned Here LAKEVIEW Charles Builta, 69, died at Lakeview, Jan. 23. A resident of Lake County for 52 years, Mr. Builta owned a ranch at the mouth of Dent Creek on the West side of Drews Valley. Mr. Builta is survived by a nephew, Lincoln 'Builta, of Lake view; two brothers, John H. Builta - of Neosho, . Mo., and Benjamin Builta, Caldwell, Kas.; five sisters, Miss Ola Builta and Miss Jane Builta, Caldwell, Kas., Mrs. Tracy jooore, iieou, &as., Mrs. ioa ou bera. Lamed, Kas, and Miss Dolly Builta, Oswatomie, Kas. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m., Jan. 28, at Ousley-Osterman Chapel with Rev. Carlton Bab- mdge. Interment Sunset Park Cemetery. - Officers Of Fair Named LAKEVIEW Election of direc tors for the Lake County Fair As sociation was completed Jan. 27, and County Agent Elgin Comett, secretary, announced the following results: Dry Creek, Everett Becraft; Eastside, Raymond Fisher; Sum mer Lake, Dean Harris; Silver Lake, Dan Schumacher; Lakeview commercial, Hugh Mercer. Comett said a meeting will be held early in March to elect of ficers and begin work on the 1952 county fair. Herbert Stover Is as sociation president, and the follow ing are carry-over directors: Fort Rock, Roy Morehouse; North Warner, Con Taylor; South Warner, James Wakefield: Valley Falls, Loyd Chand er; Paisley, Bill Lane; New Idaho, Erwin Abram son; Westside, Marry Crowl; Lake view, Jack Briscoe and John Buell. show covers race relations and juvenile delinquency. Southern Fried Chicken That and all the trimmings is set for the Yacht Club dinner Sunday. Call In reservations to Mr. or Mrs, Mike Regan, . Joba Daughters Choir practice Monday, p.m., at the Masonic Temple. PrAvnorltv fiiwlal dub Puhlln card party. Broadway Hall, Malln, oaiurany, a p.m. Faculty Wives Club Meets Mon day, 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. vera Speirs, 2348 Garden Ave. Election of officers Is to be held following a program. Garden Clubs Klamath Falls Sub District of the Siskiyou Car den Club District is to meet at City Library. Monday, 2 p.m. Members of all affiliated elubs are to take a dry arrangement or ma terials for such an arrangement. Weed WAVE MarV H. McGrath Tinnin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGrath, Weed, was grad uated from the Naval Electronics Technician School, Great Lakes, 111., Jan. s. Order of Vasa Meets Saturday, 8 p.m.. IOOF Hall. Refreshments and entertainment. By JEAN OWENS Dick Tracy and Barbara Custer have earned the hard-won honor of valedictorian and salutatorian of the class of "52" with averages of 1.032 and 1.091, respectively-Seniors can well be proud of Dick and Barbara for representing their class with such high averages. Also to be congratulated are the seniors In the top ten percent of mcir ciass. in tneir order, start ing with number three are: Rlrli. ard Geary. 1.118. Beverly Eells, i.t7. Beverly Hunt, 1.182, Ronnie Hershberger, 1.188. Martha Ivle, 1.194. Marilyn Oerber. 1.207. Mr. vin Nerseth. 1.353 and Bernlce Al. exander, 1.448. Rankinir eleven to twentv in tholr class, are seniors Sylvia Hlllls, i.wi, Julian sines, i.aiT. John winxeiman. 1.529. John Oliver. 1.. .552. Robin Blthell. 1.556. Margar et Gerber. 1.613. Marv Ellen Mo LoiRin, 1.621, Bruno Morosln, 1.645, Shirlianne Long, 1.694, and Carol oieers, 1.710, All seniors will Tecelve their ranking soon for all grade aver ages nave been compiled in the uiiice. B schedule Without th snlit nmn hour was in order today, because of the wrestling matches which were uein uie last 40 minuies 01 school. The matches featured our boys against the Grunts Pass team. Despite sickness and warnings to postpone the game, the Pelicans started oft bright and early this morning to meet the Ashland Oris- uies on the Ashland home court The team members were given a rousing send-off In Pelican court mis morning at 8:25 by Uie student body. Games can be heard tonight and tomorrow night over KFJI. The KU freshman; and wildcats will meet Dorris In a double-header basketball game tomorrow night on rcucan court at 7:00 and 8:00, DAV Chanter 12 Meets tonight 8 p.m. KC Hall. Auxiliary Com mander Mary Simon ts In the hos. pital with a broken ankle, and will De unaoie to preside. Klamath Lutheran Ladies Aid will meet Tuesday, 8 p.m. in Church Parlor. Program: "travel ing With Paul," Mrs. Edwara Skoe; Christian Nurture report, Mrs. J. K. Hvistendahl; vocal duet Mrs. Keith Henry and Mrs. B. J, Loftsgard. ATTENTION FLY TYERS FREE CLASSES IN FLY TYING ALL MATERIALS end TOOLS FURNISHED Weekly Classes Begin Monday, Feb. 4th at 8 p.m. at the Gun Store. REGISTER NOW! Complete Stock of: TOOLS HACKLES v PLUMAGE FURS BODY MATERIALS MUSTAD HOOKS THE Gun Store Lake Scouts Slate Court LAKEVIEW The Lake District of the Boy Scouts of America will hold a Court of Honor at 8 p.m., Feb. 7, at the county courthouse in connection with Bov Scout Week which will be held the week of February 6-12 in honor of the 42nd anniversary of Scouting. Chick Sulloway, advancement chairman for the Lake District, will be in charge. Details of the program are being worked out. jonn McDonald, district commis sioner, said that all active troops snoura nave boys wno are eligible for Merit Badges. Troops in this district are Troops 12 and 15, Lakeview; Troop 14, Paisley; ttood 19. Bly. and Ttood 41. Wil- low Ranch. Each Troop will present a dem onstration of some part of Scout ing. Troop 12 has been asked to take charge of the ceremonies. ROADS GOOD SALEM l All Oregon high. ways are either bare or sanded, the State Highway Commission said Friday. Warm rains melted most of the snow off mountain roads, although the Commission said a few of them had spots of ice. Reeonmended By Man) Leafing CADY DOCTORS to relieve distress of kiddies' CHEST COLDS raid's MM ARCH Theatre IT WUT U WtllT. ns. I r I ml 1 1 1 mmm "Excuse ityDuf i ii MTM'UuiFm'waHiuicuFr WIMUMTUtrm. Ft. Itlstfltt SS fwRti DOUGLAS mmm Fktr TiW tariw ml -ImV k Mm Water Content Of Snow Said High LAKEVIEW Snow cover and water content at Uie Strawberry Summit measuring point are about vwjee mis year wnat tney were a year ago, It was reported by Ranger Don Peters who makes the annual measurements there. Peters said he went to Straw. berry Jan. 29 and found 45 inches of snow with 13.98 inches of water content. A year ago, the measurement was 25 inches of snow and C.4 incnos water content. rut ue urnuT, m. niaitit AS Its a M WIST rr$a3 . imt BAnTta Cri vMi "Wra taf ml hn 1UI y MUSIC CO. 120 No. 7th DON'T MISS THE... Ferquson family Jubilee' why farm family with Friday- 7:30 P.M. FEBRUARY 1 SPONSORED BY MAC'S FARM EQUIPMENT CO. 5629 So. 6th St. Your Ferguson Dealer Ph. 8551 9th and Pin W2 Phone -3188 LAUNDRY NEEDS SALE (A) 150-FOOT ALUMINUM DRYER 11.88 Revolves at the touch of yeW hand, lightweight and collapsi ble, it folds like art umbrella so that you can bring It inside. (B) WARDS LOWEST PRICED DRYER 7.44 100-foot size. Made of vertical grain red fir with arm supports of steel. Green enamel finish. (C) 3.49 Indoor Stand . . . 3.24 (D) STEEL FRAME LAUNDRY CART 4.44 Sanforized cotton basket with clothespin pocket. Rubber wheels; Folds for Storage. 9th and Pine Phone. 3 188 HOME FURNISHINGS SALE Shown here are just a few of the mony items now on sal al Wards. Save on all your home needs at these low prices. Come in soon, while selections are still complete. STORE HOURS: 9:00 TO 5:30 REGULAR 12.95 HIGH CHAIR 11.88 Constructed of all hardwood throughout. Decal decoration on panel-back. Comfort oble shaped scot cut back to fit baby's short legs. Scooptd-our, sanitary wood troy is to easy to clean adjust able, too. Safety strap ond adjustable footreil. Sturdily braced if REGULAR 13.95 PLAY YARD Rtductd to 12.88 Six. 28 x 40" Save money on this hardwood Play Yard. Strong bottom raised above floor area. It rolls easily through standard 'site doors on 2-inch rubber casters without folding. Folds flat for storage. L-0T 239.95 AIRLINE COMBINATION Sail Ptic 209.88 13 Down on Trm 5-way listening pleasure at substantial savings, Con-cert-clear, FM and mellow AM broadcasts plus 3 tpeed automotte record changer. Period-styled cab inet of fine mahogany veneers, large record space. 7 p 5 PIECE DINETTE REDUCED 114.95 99.88 Tnmi:13 Down 35x48" plastic table top extends to 60" with one 12" leaf. Gleaming chrome, pedestal type table bote. Curved, tapered back chair, padded and covered in long-wearing, eaiy-lo-clean Plastic. ... .1 .:- " REG. 57.95 INNERSPRING SET Btductd to 46.88 i. 180 steel coil unit. Felted-cotton padding and sturdy insulation prevent "coil-feel." Button tufting holds filling securely in place. New streamline border. Covered in long-wearing woven-striped ticking. Cloth handles for turning. Full or twin. 29.9S MATTRESS separately. Now only . . 25.68 WMMA REG. 89e HEAVY WARDOLEUM '6 S 9 (. width . 79c Sqi uare yord Finest grade printed enamel floor covering you can buy. Colorful patterns, basketweave, florals, marble Ized. Satin-smooth surface cleans with damp mop, 1 2-FT. WIDTH, reg. 95c sq. yd. Sale-price 85c