THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1052 UERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE wroctry price f f e . Thurtdey thru Wd. Meof end product tpecieit rof ' Fridoy end Sctur. day. Home Extension News CALENDAR February 1 Conner Falrvlew Kxtermisrt Unit will lilt v tlia Irinon on i otitis W II, alartlliK ill 10:30 n ut. ill llir home of Mm. Oana WooUa. T.'0'i Qrrgnn Ave. Pet. lurk luncheon will be am eel nl wion. Weyvrharunrr Camp IV lot liuntpniiml Kit reitular Hireling lor February 1. Dfcailr.o ol In clement weather. Annnunca. incut of autijecl nd title will bo iiimln later. February 5 Mnlln Kxtrnalon Unit will meet nl 7:30 p. in. nl tlia lugli acliool. 'Hie IrKiiuti will tin on Kitchen I'limiiliiK with Mlwi Dorothy Tollnllt Klvlnif the Icaaun. Altmiionl Unit will ini-t on 'IupmIhV, Krb. 5, at tlia Flilr. hiouikIh Kiiiiirn at 10.00 ror leiMn on "Frii.n Koodn" wish project leiulera Halite Miller tint Laura llerry In charge. February 6 Ilueim Vlnta Unit will have the KlUlirn l-Maiming Leantm by AKrnl Dorothy Tollelli, t Immp of Mra. 11. B. Unweelose, I'll 1 5 Berkley, atartlng at 10:30. I'ollufk lunch. l aniirll Vulley Unit will meet ai home ol iwva. will uamp. 4 brll at 10:00 a.m. for lemon on Ironing II with project lead er Henxle Campbell and Mar garet liurnell In charge. II I. V Member of llto Bly Home I'.x tension Hull met Jan. 10 ai the Ikiiiio of Mm. Day ion Hyde. Ilecaune of bad weather only 10 member were pictfehl. Project lor Hie day wan "Easier Ironing Tip," preaented by Mra. Carl Chane and Mrs. Warren Jone.M'lilt't. 'lltree wide Ironing board were covered and one regular Ironing board waa repadded and covered. I'.ich member checked height Milled lo (he Individual. The next meeting will be held Feb. 14 at Hie home of Mrs. El liter MvGlnnla, OTI The OTI Home Extension Unit met Jan. 17 at the home of Mm. John Howard. Alter a abort bus! lies meeting conducted by Mm. Curl rttolpe, an Intereattng lewion on cor -una making was given by Mm. Dunne Alexander. All mem hera participated In turning out 11 beauuful coraauea. Folio Ainu a potluck luncheon Mra. Mark Taylor Instructed In clever and ununuul waya of gift w rapping. Tlila Included both pack aged and unpack iHcn iiema. Hie February meellng will b held at the Richard Heaalg home, 410 llllUlde Ave., Kamath Falls. Women Study At Meeting The Klamath l eague of Women viiiera meeting Jan. 23 at the Pel ican parly room dlicuaaed the problem of Met legislative ap portionment. DtM-iieU eri tlieae queatlena: Why la the 1910 ' reiuus used aa the baxla for apportionment today? l.i population the bent baiis for apportionment? Should we aup- port the proposed amendment lo (he atute constitution which would require the supreme court to re apportion the legislative district? Four maps of Oregon were pout ed Willi colored line Indicating present and proposed senate and house lecl.ilntlve districts. Mra. tint Ogle led the discussion and mrde several siiggeatlone l 7-one the more populous districts xo voters can know their renre xentatlve Instead of voting a long list of names. 3i Limit the num ber of counties and the number of nqunre miles In any on district lo give less populous areaa Jut iepiesentn!!un. I3 Increaae the number of senntora so represen tation could be Increased In popu lous areas without taking away any In other parts of the stale. Mi Cllve publicity to the problem so people win insist that the legis lature do the lob of reapportion ment as planned by the fathers oi our constitution. NO I.Al'NMtY MIX-UP If father's and unn'a clothes get Mixed tip In the family laundry ynti can solve the problem tasllv. Mark ench per on a initial in an inconspicuous place on his cloth ing, using a good ballpoint Ink that will not wash out. Mark Table l inens at Home To avoid large, ugly laundry markings on your fine table linens, put your own Initials on them in an Inconspicuous spot. Use a good fnialltv ball point lien for the mark. Inv. bo Hie Ink will not smear or Mash out. Mrs. Casey Stengel Puts On Blue Bonnet -Scores A Hit! " There's never R doubt Bt,UB Honnkt Margnrlnc always leads the league inour house'aays Mra. Casey Stengel, wife of the noted baseball manager. You, too, will love the nelicate, sunny-sweet furor Bl.UB Bonnet add lo bread, vegetables', any food you aervel And doivt forget that Blub Bonnkt gives your fam ily reul old-fashioned nourishment. No other apread for bread ia richer In year-round Vitamin A mlriiiont Yvhnt'a moro, you save up to 40f- a pound when you get Blub Bonnkt inslead of the high-priced apread for bread! So buy IImjb Bonnkt and enjoy "all 3'r-FIvorl Nutrition! fcconom-o-el SAVE 15 FRUIT CrastfucJt PEACHES I IC WITH tOUPOH CmsXquick 35( COFFEE Maxwell House Inttant - 2 or. WESSON OIL qr, (with coupon) COTTAGE CHEESE Crater Lake or Medo-Land ZfSWH I J 1 FTtUCt OUP " . nnT $199 $097 CAR-:: n , GREEN iRED RAUi3"fc" ItOMATOts w,i " 5i35c "w - - apples H......r- I mwu& (33 GQS8SQ GOO, z o o lit tc O iu WITH COUPON INSIDI SPECIAL PACK Of S0SILK 39 OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT PINEAPPLE JUICE likkr, 4 .26 PEACHES Dei Mente tt Hif, N, J'j ... CORN D( Mont Crtom 303f TOMATO JUICE .26 RIPE OLIVES,,,,. Large, He, 1 tint .... .26 PEACH PRESERVES , ik .21 PINEAPPLE TIDBITS $il ,m .15 FRUIT COCKTAIL N. Jti1l .26 APRICOTS .,. 0olt N. va 26 PEARS SunBy jmi,( n.. 2' 34 CHERRIES Diamond A, Kit, Ne. 2 tiaa fcW GRAPEFRUIT Smirtl..2liR. .18 PEARS Sunny Smite, BartlaO, 303i PINEAPPLE taKf SUctii vTt 6ew, j'i 34 PRUNE PLUMS Orenf H. 1 tin .. .10 ASPARAGUS tZ c" w c" -21 ASPARAGUS AS Grata Spnn, Ha. 2 tint .... .34 BLACKEYE PEAS .15 WAX BEANS Pitttville, JOJt .15 GREEN BEANS S.r.c.a Stringiest, N. 2 ti 14 LIMA BEANS uiiti N. 2 tiB( .15 LIMA BEANS tZrZ. .14 PORK and BEANS Ri. Ie .11 BEETS Oinafte, Dit.J, N. 2 tint ..1 1 CORN Keunty Kiit Cream, JOJt 1 5 CORN j Sittt, Whole, J03a 1 5 CORN -Kaf, Kit., Whofa Kara.1, 12- 15 HOMINY M.,k( cWa, Ha. 2 tiat 1 1 PEAS Hoppyrale, 303t ....14 PEAS Ri( 5,0BfC( 3Q0 1 1 PEAS 0,t Moate, 303t .18 NEW POTATOES Hu, 3oo. .10 SPINACH ,,, Ne. vt .18 TOMATOES St.Wf .h..2!4 21 HOT SAUCE .05 SAUSAGE Vitnn Kormtl, 4-s .21 POTTED MEAT u, .10 CLAMS Poimd.,, miBd, Us .'26 k Iu..IC?CTinltS 19C .. . ka cV,p top, i- . ' w 1 far for far far far f.r f.r far (or f.r f.r for for far for for for f.r far far for 10 8 10 far far n f.r 11 RED BAG, i Yellow Bag, 17c wt.,9c JANE DAY IV" STATE FAIR E5 for far far far for far far COFFEE OUR OWN BLEND GROUND FRESH SALAD DRESSING -35c SPREAD SANDWICH jt. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT! LABELS SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS WE'RE CONT1NUJNG OUR CANNED GOODS SALE ALL THIS WEEK THRU WEDNESDAY, SHOP NOW AND SAVE PLENTY! SPEC f AL PRICES ON SINGLE ITEMS, MULTIPLE UNITS AND CASE GOODS LOTS! We guarantee unconditionally every food item we wii! Grocery Price effective ihtit Wednesday WE ARE NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD! IS 3 a service yrvv xC J CUT RIGHT V 'rf 1r 1 xWrVuoUiimiuu I COLORED FRYERS - - . -. 59c PURE GROUND BEEF6 - 59c FRICASSEE CHICKENS fl".t"4. 59c FRESHOYSTERSr:- 59c SLICED BACON As & 39c SLICED BACON 2X2 . 49c PURE LARD euwe - 4 79c ' Fresh Smelt - Crabs - Fish Oven Ready Turkeys 2410 So. 6th k TgaugTs. 1 ( 15 DENIER U if FIRST QUALITY VJ NYLONS Fine Gronuiated Snowdrift coupon) WJ 3 lb. tin MJB, S&W, Golden Wet t Wilson's colored fL Large"AA" in cartons doi. J TRIMMED RIGHT GUARANTEED nniiiiii '" UULIIIU NO SALES TO DEALERS SAVE OREGON FOOD ME A! 4 1749 Ore. Ave,