PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREC.Uin THURSDAY, JANUARY 81. HM2 - " - i-i 1 KtnmnrJl ' ' iiiii f" Durkce'i Margarine 37?c Delrich Margarine " 29c Southern Maid Margarine LB. Do you ever know quite what to do with bits of leftover chicken? Perhaps there isn't enough to even make sandwiches for the bas ketball crowd, yet your Scotch an cestry won't let you feed good light or dark meat to Pldo. Then do trv extending it with tuna. Here's a recipe that blends the flavors of both meals perfectly. Try it on toasted English muffins or use hamburger buns, toasted brown if you prefer. Wonderful for a late evening snack and they can be whipped up in the twinkle of an eye. Tl'NA-CHICKEN SCRAMBLE 'i to 1 can Bite Size Tuna 'a cup diced, leftover chicken 4 eggs 4 cup light cream or evap orated milk SHASTA SEWING BELLES eho.ln CouHncr Rillf! hnH their Jan. 7 meeting at Mis. Rolland King s Home, ou onasia nf Jhe girls learned about the ani that thai, a ra (miner In mHke Some of the girls learned how to finish Uie pin cusmon ana nenue case. . - narhura Alter Ditvp a demon cushion. One of the girl's mothers came. She learned wnat ner gin was to do. une Bins were uu missed with the pledge. Carolee Singleton News Reporter JOLLY PALS The clothing and woodworking clubs at Sprague River have merged. Both clubs were organized last fall, but so many members moved away that it was decided to put the two clubs together. The business meetings will be held to gether and then each group will go to separate rooms to work. The name of the club has been changed to Jolly Pals instead of Sewing Pals as was first chosen. The girls- decided to go to Mrs". Lahoda's house to sew on their cresses some Saturday. Lou Ellen Cook News Reporter SIX LITTLE CHEFS The Sis .Little chefs' had a meet ing, Jan. 18 in the High School Home Ec. room. Sharon Lyons and Valasta Rajnus gave a demonstra tion on cinnamon toast. We have decided to have the next meeting .. at Valasta Rajnus' house. January 28. She will give a demonstration on cookies. The following members were present at the meeting: Sharon Waltier, Darla Rebra. Karen Wolfe, Joyce Taylor, Valasta RaJ nus, Sharon Lyons, and Kathleen Wilson; Joyce Taylor News Reporter COOKING I CLUB A new Cooking I unit has been formed by Mrs. C. C. Crawford. At the first meeting we started off with a lot of enthusiasm. Bon dell Crawford and Sharon Thomp son gave a demonstration on how to make Vanilla Drop Cookies. The cookies were very successful. Election of officers was held, t'ola Higdon, vice president: Juli Ann Britain, secretary; Jeanie Hlanton, song and yell leader: and Sharon Thompson, news reporter. Other members present were Virginia Davis, Sylvia Miller, Bar bara Colrard: and Margie Mitchell. We plan to be successful this year and above all do our best at our work. Sharon Thompson News Reporter LENTEN DISH Keep this recipe handy for the Lenten menus you'll soon be plan ning. Melt V cup butter or mar garine and heat until browned. Stir in '4 cup each chopped roast ed almonds and lemon juice, a dash cayenne pepper and 1 table spoon chopped ' parsley. Serve at once over browned fish filets. I T-1 ) iiH.ieiwiiiti;M Economical, delicious, healthful, nourish Ing . . . and to easy fo prtpar. ASK YOUR GROCER for these Porter products, tooi Spaghetti, Saladettes, Macaroni, Sea Shells and Kurle-Q-Noodles. i teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 4 English muffins or hambur ger buns 8 slices tomato ; 8 strips of cheese i Combine tuna and chicken. Beat eggs slightly, with cream or evap-; orated milk; add seasonings. Stir in combined tuna and chicken. : Cook in a frying pan In a small amount of melted butter or mar garine until very soft. Meanwhile i split and toast English muffins slightly. Heap tuna-chicken mix-1 Hire on toasted muffins. Top each ! one with a slice of tomato and j then a strip of cheese. Broil in I broiler until cheese is melted, ! Serve at once. Makes 4 servings of two muffin halves each. Local Sorority Cheers Patients "Books For Tired Eyes" is the project of the year for Kappa Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi. A number of volumes have al ready bet'n taken out to patients at the County Rest Home and more will be taken during the year. Assisting with the initial pro ject were Mrs. Al Cuddingham, Mrs. Gene Williams and Mrs. Tom O'Harra, president. The January meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Con Borst ings, Co-hostess was Lois Netzer. Mrs. O'Harra was in charge of the program, presenting the topic, "Origin of the Opera." Coal Mine In Cellar No Good POTTSVILLE. Pa. IB The man who accidentaly uncovered a. coal mine in bis cellar can't use the coal because he has a stoker-fed furnace. j Elmer Evans says that the coal in the mine requires too much time and effort to reduce to stoker i size. He discovered a ISO-foot tun- j nel with a 70-foot spur while en-1 largmg his basement. Ttie coal mine will be used, though. It's a good place to dump the dirt from the cellar-enlarging project, Evans found. Truce Talkers j Finally Agree j PANMUNJOM. Korea Iff AI- '. lied and Communist truce negotia-1 tors 8 greed on one point in record time Thursday. It took only one minute for staff officers to agree to delete from a U.N. draft of armistice terms this paragraph: i "Any member of the Military Armistice Commission is author- ized to communicate directly with the commander who appointed him." - ; 'How that paragraph cot in there, I don't know," said the Al lied spokesman. Brig. Gen. Wil-; liam P. Nuckols. I free from grit, free from lye, free from acids, contains no animal fats or vegetable fats. Double lh Slnngth of Regular Sal Soda Kitchen-shelf " conienience! With Porter FRIl-lETS olwoys on hand, a little meat goes a long, long way . , . your leftover fish, fowl or vegetables quickly become homey, hearty; stick-to-me-ribt farel 33m Nu-Lade EGGS 55 Dpi. Standby Peach Preserves 2M7c Swift's Corned Beef 12 ox. Tin Hormel Tamales 15 oz. Tin Dinty Moore Beef Stew 24 oi. Tin 49c 5 Franco Spaghetti - 15c Lynden TURKEY & NOODLES 1 lb. Jar' 29c Fint Granulated SUGAR 89c 10 lbs. Harshey's COCOA 8-oi. pkg. 23c HONOR BRAND Orange Juice Green Peos French Fried Potatoes Cut Corn Spinach ' Squash Your Choice 21C PKG. HONOR BRAND Strawberries or Raspberries 35C pkg. Best Foods TfQ MAYONNAISE .. qt. Shedds New! Old. OA. Style Sauce ...... bot. OUC Norwegian PEELED SHRIMP tin "31 Sliced Smoked ATJ TUNA tiii H3t Happy Vale iQ- SALMON .... 1 lb. tin l Bits-O-Sea Ap TUNA, Flat- .... tin LOBSTER Alr Fancy .... 5'a oz. tin " v Royal Club Small Cove Q0 OYSTERS tin O'C S & w COFFEE DRIP or REGULAR 1 lb. 2 lbs. 65 SOUP MILK CAMPBELL'S Mushroom or Chicken Gumbo CARNATION Tall Tins PEACHES Chili Con Cane TTUilTACC. Hunt's Solid Pack IVriMIULJ m 2v, PA DM. Del Monte Cream Style tUnn No. BEANS Garden Brand No. 2 tins PEAS M" Size 303 tins CORN Three Sisters Whole Kernel PINEAPPLE Royal Club Crushed BABY FOOD 'I17WITI ill nrn we ... II Oregon' . :--.rr,B 'endcr- m m 05c wM shoulder cuts I P0RKR0ASK,J?c m rUKR CH0P5 Cuthom "9ht render "i k"ams: m m rue . .nciiAK Lnctit Right To Limit Reserved ma Strike up the brands her comes a big parade of super values the famous brands you prefer for finer quality and finer flavor are featured at low, low prices that meon extra savings for you. There's no guessing about value when you shop at Emil's because our displays are filled with the brands that are your buy-words for quality . , . vour guarantees of grand good eating in every can and package. Don't take less. Enjoy the best. Buy famous brands at Emil's. Cans 2 for 29c Case of LIBBY'S FREESTONE Halves or Sliced No. 2Vi Cons VAN CAMP'S 300 Size Cans O Green Giant PEAS L for 303 tin Libby's PEAS Standby 29c BEANS Fancy No. for Del Monte PRUNES Hunt's ?c Peachesr;k29c IIIBIIMI tjttts I ::b;::: ht rn ;;f loins it, DjC Iff rvtonte jp (i)t; I L ... Ahr IT'ii ""' orana lb. ! ffi m Tasty Richardson's f P0PCORNA" PPU," Bronds I GUM 1 I j Carton 1 3 Pkgs. I f NAPKINS rIA M PockoM IOC 39C 11 RADISHES " .n.i. 07C H m 5?c 1 PARROTS mm Standby Catsup Large 14 m a T-m - "' sf 48 No. 303 tin Cut V) 2 con UX Dried 1 lb. tin 33c 19c Pt. VELVEETA CHEESE lianas M FRtsn MUSTARD GREENS 2 large Bunches ... CELEBY Fresh, crisp ,b Green Top, Long, crisp 2 o carton - oz. bottle .. 19c Q1J V Rome JtfR V Beauty 'I Good Quality V B0X TANGERINE JUICE sun pep 2bc 4TOMATO JUICE Hunt's 25C grapefruit"' juice Libby's 25c 46 PRUNE JUICE Del Monte 29 C Quart ' GRAPE JUICP Tea Garden 33C 24 oz JELLC Puddings ALL-FLAVORS 3(or 25c 1 Good 5akag , IT'S QBEIDEir FAMILY FLOUR READY MADE APRON BAG 25 lbi 2.29 FREE Bowl With Each Bog NUBORA SOAP Giant Pkg. With FREE Dish 19c 19c WOODBURY ' SOAP Lo'9. 4 rQ' Bath Size "bars J WOODBURY SHAMPOO Large Size FREE PARKING While Shopping LISTERINE Tooth Paste : Large Tube MAXINE Toilet Soap Reg. Size Bar OC 49c 25c 25c