THURSDAY, JANUARY 81, 10B2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK SEVEN TWO BOYS AND A GIRL will play the leads In the Tulo lake Hifjh School Senior Class play "The Boarding House Reach" to be presented Feb. 22 In the high school gymna sium. Rill Sowcls (left), ,Maxlne Ross and Paul 01 sen won the top spots in the try-outs. The play will be directed by John Quiiin. HST Stands Pat On Tax Increases WASHINGTON Wl President Trumnn hna expressed the view tlnil lo try to Rrl ulonir without another tax boost would not be "unlc." lie novo his opinion In a letter made public Thursdny by Senators Moody, IVMIch., and Monroney, D-Okltt. They Imd written the Presl dent on Dec. 30 that they believed it tax Incrraao thin year would not bo "wise or necessary." . In reply dated Jan 26, Truman Hi Id "The Ilncnl outlook ol the gov rrnment la such that It Is not dale to lorciio name Increases In taxes. In opposing another general lax Inc-reuse, Uie two senators auR jriU'd three alternatives to a tax 1., Closing of tax loopholes. i. Becking additional specific eco nomics. , 3. "Averaging off our (local bal ance In a live year package. " . on thin li'.it point, they said: V "The mobllliullon program, we nre Inlorinrd, culls tor huge ex penditures lor two to three years und. burring a general war, con Mdornbty loss military expendi tures In Uie followUig two to three jrurs . . . Tho level of general taxes Is now high. . . If Uie current level ol tax rules were continued for the entire live year rearmament per iod, we bellevo that the surplus of the Inst two or three years of the live period would balance Uie bud-,-et. or more, over the period." Hut Truman replied a tax In- Next time you barbecue frank furters serve them In aplil toasted lung buns and ladle sauce over them. FIRST NATIONAL Investment Management Service... IDEAL FOR YOU Yes. ..the Investment Man agement services of the First ' National Bank offer in ideal method through which you may have your investment! managed by specialists. Time, experience, sources of infor mation are the needed quali fications for the management of a well-balanced invest ment program. Our manage-. mcnt experts have all three. You are invited to make an appointment to discuss Investment Management ... at your convenience . . . with an officer of our Trust De partment, Arrange an .ap pointment through any First National banking office. Our inreimaflva aaahfal ' "fnvM'fflinf Atanaaamaitr 0,fgnrf for Van" ft ealf. Ma at na r(0if t. Call ar will any branch . for your apr. . "UT't $1110 OftMON roonHMH Klamath Fills Branch Cniith filk 01. ...I n..H.k ' .annul uiii auoui Sir Merrill Branch FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND ; Of CM 10 to I SIX DAYS A WIIK W$ (UI1D OHOON TOOtTHM" ' ' Mambar fadiral DtpoiH laiuranco ) CarDbrollen crease would be needed "even when you 'averugo oil' prospects over a number of years." Tin Shortage Leads To Lack Of Some Soup Types A shortage of canned soup black HPOKANE Am non-acasiinal bean, beef, vcgetuble beef, dry pea, consomme has developed across the country, Bpokune food wholesalers reported Wednesday. It's blamed on a scarcity of tin, a inctnl vital to the defenso effort. Allocutions to producers have been cut down and most of the metal going Into cans of soup In lining used lor more popular sellers like tomato, chicken gumbo, chick en noodle and vegetable. There were no reports of any serious nliortiigt! of these varieties. McCllntock -Trunkcy, Bjwkunc's largest food wholesaler said It re ceived only two cases of bluck bean soup lust month. It usually gets 100 cusps of that variety. A "soup shortage" was reported In Longvlew Wednesday. The Continental Can Company said In Portland the tin shortage Is iiftcctlng dog food and beer as Items. Continental said It has been going on for more than a year und that the future Is only slightly brighter. The non-seasonal soups being squeezed out of the cans by the tin shortage can be packaged in other ways and consumers will still be able to get them although they may have to look around, MeClln-tock-Trunkey said. Demand was re. ported Increasing for dry soup mixes. , Jobbers here said the current shortage of some soups Is far more serious than one that devel oped last fall although a dozen car loads arrived In the Spokane area last month. The non-seasonal soups are those that can be canned at any time during the year. Punishment Of Ex-Reds Bothersome WAHHINGTON M'h-Members of j the Jloune Unumr-rlcnn Activities I Committee were rejiorted Thursday j to lie studying ways to prevent "re- criminations" agulnsl witnesses in ; their CominunlHt Investigation. j Home witnesses who admitted former membership In the Com munist Parly have been threatened with llring by their employers, sources close to the committee said. i They said committeemen hope to I lake steps lo "remedy the situation and prevent IU recurrence." NEW IDKA Take red cabbage and shred as finely us possible. Combine with I muyonniitsc and sour cream mixed half mid half with a little mun- i tard to point up the flavor. Add ! a few cubes of diced winter Calavo i avocado and give the whole thing j a couple of quick tosses. Sprinkle j with celery seed and servo. If you can't strip the skin from an avocado easily Just pare It off with a Mnnll sharp knife. FOR FRIDAY SATURDAY J NOTICE V TAUCHER'S MKT. IN CARTERS' FINE FOODS 1420 ESPLANADE ROASTING HENS 45c POT ROAST-"-a... . 67c PORK ROAST -39c PURE PORK SAUSAGE - 55c EASTERN BACON - . 59c J i k A Lean and tender, ZOo flAM j ha,f or whole -lb- Out The thop where courtesy and service is the watchword! 7 Western Governors congratulate Sparry on its if Mama' rla I oil Warm H teraa . Chart, M. avMtll j , 0mm, Grfti Cavatnar Oavamat ol Ariiaaa ' al Calilaiaia al laako al Navaaa I OrtfjtM J. rtwl" It t Utah Art Hut- ft. LAftt i Grrimar f Whlff laM Crowning achievement of Sperry's first 100 years 7,rB&4M!jh all tricky tP emrimtril 4 ON 1952 i lalalalalaMlaMlaaMaaMiaiaiaiaMaaaaWMMWMMrMWT lTlBBBBBIHalIH Yaw fn mala vUSfe fttvtvSti ANNIVIRSARY fllSTA CAKE in 4 easy steps I Prcl1e.1t ovtn to 350 (moderate). Have egg at room temperature. Sift flour before measuring. Use level measurements. al 1, Measure and sift together into bowl B 1 V4 up I'fttd Sparry Driftad Snow Flour J ' 34 cup sugar Mjike well in center and add- al Vs cup ogg yolks (6) , H Vl cup cold wotar lablotpoon lamon Julct . Pj toaspoon vanilla 5 ' Beat until mixture forms a smooth, muj- S eratcly thick batter. ' J. Measure into vcr)' targe mixing bowl t cup ogg whilas 17 or a) 1 toaspoon croam of tartar 1 toaipoon salt JJ , Whip (use rotary beater, or electric mix- S er) until very fine foam forms throughout. 5 . Add gradually, 2 tablespoons at a time S aA cup sugar fj Continue beating until meringue is frm p and holds up in straight peaks when m beater is gently lifted out. J 3. Pour batter slowly over metinguewhile gently folding in with spoon or rubber scraper. Fold in just until blended. Do not jf'r. Gently flush batter into ungrcased ' tube pan, 10x4 in. Lift last portion lightly 2 ftom bowl to pan. Carefully cut through 5 . batter, going around tube 5-6 times with J silver knife to break large air bubbles, fie 2 sure baiter is level in pan. 4, Bake 5IM5 min. or until top springs of funnel or bottle. Let cike hang until back when lichili touched, Immediately turn pan over, placing tube part over neck of funnel or bottle. Let a told. Loosen cake from sides and tube with spatula. Turn pan over and hit edge sharply to loosen, 10--2U servings. corraa caisp toppino Measure in saucepan(atleast5in.dcep'l- . 1 Vi cups sugar V cup coftoo bovorago V4 cup white com syrup 5iir to combine ingredients. Bring to boil and cook to hard crack stage. 310 (or when a small amount is dropped into cold water it will break with a brittle snap). Remove from heat and immediately add 3 taaipoons soda, froo from all lumps (Pitlt lei ikrottsb AM IMVe, MMlarf lighlyj - Stir vigorously just until mixture thick- ens and pulls away from sides of pan. (Mixmrt foitml rapidly ubtu sodd it odded. Do not destroy foam ly txccsiii t tailing.) Immtdimely pour loamy mass into ungrcased shallow metal pan (about 9x9xlV- in.) Do not sfrtad or stir. Let stand u-ithoHt tnoring until cool. When ready to garnish cake, knock out of pan and crush between sheets of waxed paper with rolling pin to form coarse ctumbs, TO PRIPAM riBSTA CAKI. Split cake into A equal layers. Have ready crushed Coffee Crisp Topping. Place in a chilled bowl 7 cups whipping croam II pint) 2 tablospoons sugar 2 toaipoons vanilla Whip until cream holds its shape. Spread about half of whipped cream between layers and remainder over top and sides. Covercakeverygenetouslyand thoroughly s wiih crushed Coffee Crisp Topping. Whipped cream sliould be tutirtly cov. ered.) With straight knife indicate cut ling lines on lop and down sides of rate. Keep in refrigerator until served. Spun-Gold Sponge Cake of Marvelous Tenderness and Flavor! It took the Sperty Kitchen's 100 years of baking "know-how" to perfect this spun-gold sponge cake! First milled in 1852, Sperry Flour has been a friend of the family for 100 years. Five generations of Western fam ilies have depended on its superior quality and its uniform baking performance! Celebration Climaxed by Revolutionary New Cake Method! Sperry's Anniversary Fiesta Cake is a spun gold sponge cake that's tttvtr tough . . . erer dry . . . stays moist and fresh for days! Its texture is sheer heaven. Yet this cake is so easy to make, even a beginner can be sure of success every lime! Takes less time than old-method sponge cake. Bo Sparry Sara ef baking tucctss! Martha Meade's easy recipe for Anniversary Fiesta Cake has been tested and approved by Sperry's staff of "Home-Perftcters". These Western homemakers , , , women like yourself, with ovens and kitchens just like yours . . , prove again and again Sperry Drifted Snow "Home Perfected" Enriched Flour cannot cause a baking failure due to variations in quality. Sherry DRIFTED SNOW ""Sr'FLOUR '- I liiHfflflSlI . I AxUliliilaaUla C&i- 1 f3'"J. I. H "Spmy," "Drifted Snow," "iiomt.ptifetttd" and "Mait'ia Meavff ate itG.Mc-tt. tradc mitkt of General Mills. Inc. a yyiwdka ShopA and ShppA A Big Fragrant We're Starry Eyed VALENTINE lo you from CVRRIN'S ... "Two For Your Honey" Valentine ... If you're a firm believer that scent and nenUment go hand In hand NOW la your chance to tell her that YOUR heart la In tempo with HERS with a gift of FRAORANCE. Bathe her In a mtat of COLOGNE from FA BEROE . . . give her, her TWO favorite fa shion fragrances, the COLOGNE DUETTE In a golden Rift box at SZM . . . Make her for ever yours with a SHOWER net of FA- BERflE tflln nri n- logne, $2.50 . . . bind her anuggly to your aide with a PERFUME-COLOONE ensemble. 13.50 . . . wrap the chaln of your endearing love about her with a VALENTINE of all FOUR FABEROE fragrances . . . WOODHUE . STRAW HAT . , . TIGRE8S . . . APHRO DE8IA In an exquisite gilded package ... a quartette of COLOGNES at S5 that will dazzle and daze her. Be a LADY Cupid and carry arrowa In your quiver for the MAN you hope will aay "I DO" . . , Don't ahy away . . . make time while you may . . . Leap Year In SO fleeting . . . AFTER SHAVE neta by FABEROE . . . shaker TALC and AFTER SHAVE LOTION, packaged to look masculine and masterful, $2.50. Take a hint from CUPID ... tip your arrows In a Scented POTIENT and aim straight at the heart you hope will beat In tune with yours with the help of FABEROE fragrances from Ninth and Main, CURRIN'S Dan Cupid Has Dreamed up a NEW way to play "postoffice" and he expects to do a TERRIFIC business this leap year with the help of the SINGER SEWING CENTER. In these days of Inflated prices SBWaaaoaoiUHBisk EVERY nickel tif COUNTS and Cu MlCratfa'fmeTV'tnl "V SMART gal who can J 2?, fl "sew a fine seam i L ' TIji can tP ou' A A Jr- smart from head to V toe ln ' wardrobe SELF. So here's AN OTHER chance to ESCAPE being an old maid If you're yet "un wed", to hold your, Cupid of "yesteryear" . . . Just enroll for a CLASS In SEWING at the SINGER SEWING CENTER ... you NOW get NINE lessons Instead of EIGHT ... the NINTH lesson gives you all the Information you'll need to put those MILLION DOLLAR touches on every thing you make ... NO EXTRA CHARGE. Classes ln "stltchin"' are being taught MONDAY and WEDNESDAY night . . classes for TEEN-AGERS and GROWN UPS SATUR DAYS . . . the budget course for adults, $15 . . . teen-agers $8 . . . not a CENT do you pay If you buy a NEW or USED sewing machine OR any VACUUM CLEANER, at the SINGER SEWING CENTER. Drop ln and TALK to Mrs. Opal Wyatt who can show you "easy as pie" how to stick in a ripper without tangling to your curly locks . . . or to put the top of a sleeve in the armhole . . . how to look like a mannequin fresh from "New Yawk" . . . Spring materials are GORG EOUS ... get the "itch" and go for help to 633 Main, the Singer Sewing Machine . 'ft Hunt No More M' Lady! don't search the SEVEN SEAS or uncharted ports around the world for FOODS exotle . . . foods the CONNOISSEUR so seldom finds EXCEPT at CARTERS'. Pamper your palate with IMPORTED deli cacies . . . THIS con tribution from the land of Louis the VHI . . . GALANTINE de POU LET au FOIE GRAS TRUFFLE .. . in "Americana", tender, toothsome. boneless - CHICKEN, stuffed with v f pork ,the highly season ' J eo- 'iver of s goose and (r"y . truiiies, tne esteemed nm European counterpart of OUR mushrooms . . , the WHOLE seasoned to a gourmant's taste with WHITE WINE and Armagnac BRANDY . . . CHILL . . . slice VERY thin and serve with garnishes of tomato aspic and curls of green pepper . . . CARTERS' has a shipment of CADBURY CANDY . . . famous CHOCOLATE BARS and. BONBONS from fog-shrouded LONDON . . . COFFEE CREAM... CARMELLO . . . ROASTED ALMONDS and DAIRY MILK rich ness. Dial 2-2511 early tomorrow or shop In per son at your earliest leisure . . . your order will be whisked away in CARTERS' own DELIV ERY TRUCKS, shined and polished and ready to serve you with the FINEST foods in all the land . . . brought to you by "Your Most Thoughtful Grocer", 1420 Esplanade, CARTERS' www m v 1 it Down By The Sycamore tree he said, "I Love You" and your heart THRILLED to the caress of HIS words and you vowed that forever and always your hearts would be as one . . . and the great day Is here to go to HARWIN'S to buy your DIAMOND, symbol of the promise that you made. Because DIAMONDS are a wonderful INVESTMENT and their value is never LESS than the price you pay, you want A GOOD one. Dia monds endure FOREVER, they NEVER change , . . they are the gift SUPREME. Few people KNOW the MERITS of a PERFECT stone but you CAN be sure that HARWIN'S CAN advise you . . . take PLENTY of time In making your choice of the rings you'll wear down the long corridor of the years -. . . you'll THRILL to the fire and beauty of the wide selection of ENGAGE MENT and DIAMOND SET WEDDINO rings we found for you . , . priced to suit EVERY budget and If your ship hasn't yet come In over the bounding waves . , . HARWIN'S will help you over the "tight spot" with EASY terms or a CHARGE ACCOUNT. Link an ELGIN or BULOVA VALENTINE timepiece about her girlish wrist . . . WE necdnt tell you about the merits of these na tionally advertised WATCHES . , . It's hist a : hop. skip and jump to "Your Friendly Jewel er's" ... see for your-own-self . . . S H Green Stamps too, without asking at 101 Main, HARWIN'S YOUR STORE ir with wonder . , . head-over-hecls-ln-tova with YOUR STORE , . . radiantly happy to be tell ing you about the VALENTINE Idena that (Imply CRAM the counters. There's NOTH1NO so much fun na finding SOME THING that you'll give with pleasure ... as finding the Utterly STUNNINO Volupte COMPACTS ' discovered this weeic . . . COMPACTS from tZ up that ar ready to take cruising to Nassau . . . flying to Hllo or carrying to a dance ln our town. Know you'll be wanting to see the NEW tricks ln a lady's BEST FRIEND so look In YOUR STORE for the clever, OORGEOUS, out-of-thls-world MOTHER-OF-PEARL beauty with the "LIP-LOCK" ... the ducky holder for your favorite lip stick pulls out like a tiny drawer and PRESTO, up flips a crystal clear mirror and the cover above your powder con tainer ... the MAGIC mirror work on a tiny spring . . . mysterious as a TURKISH VEIL, all for $10. Dozens of other utterly romantic COM PACTS with Jewel and enamel trim . . , em bossed COMPACTS . . . SILVER and OOLD COMPACTS, some with DOUBLE covers . . . matching lip-stick cases with tiny mirror, $3.50 . . . cunning little containers to hold your "nerve tablets", $1 and $2. For that day of sentimental doings and that gift to HER . . . RHINSTONES . . . neck laces, pins, bracelets, earrings or the LOVELI EST gift of all, PEARLS ... you CANT describe the beauty of flashing Jewels but there's sweet romance ln these gifts from YOUR heart to HER heart If it comes from 121 Main, Any woman who can follow a recipe for Bouillabaisse or Crepes Suiette can follow recipe for home beauty care. Steanr heat. Icy winds, too little sunshine all take toll of com plexions during the winter . . . use the same directions for giving yourself a soothing facial as you would In baking a cake, take yo' time, honey, take yo time because . . . relaxation la half the battle to make yon beautiful . . . put out the cat , . . give the youngsters a whopping howl of pop corn, hunt the warmest, most com fortable spot In the house, assemble every single thing you'll need, then lock the door and get to work with creams, lotions, astringents, powder, eye-make up. rouge, lipstick and mascara and emerge blooming like a rose. it P-S-S-S-S-Tf Hare You heard about the EXCITEMENT at MILLER'S? That from this VERY day ON you'll be finding the most STUNNING fashions in the READY-TO-WEAR department on the SECOND FLOOR arriving DAILY from the SMARTEST markets in the whole wide world, NEW YORK. That's the SECRET we've been wanting to tell you about for weeks and weeks . . . I In keeping with the MARCH OF PRO GRESS end the policy of MILLER'S to give you the best POSSIBLE service . . .the FA-.: BHION S A LON In KLAMATH FALLS like the other big MILLER'S stores at SALEM, EU GENE, ROSEBURG and OLYMPIA up in Washington, will be a concession. Under this policy you get PERPETUAL arrival of EX CLUSIVE. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED brands of merchandise almost before the last button Is tacked on . . . BUYERS are Johnny-On-The-Spot in the city of FASHIONS to give you here the same sort of SUITS . . . COATS . . . FROCKS and all the other fripperies dear to the hearts of women as SOON as they show up in the smart shops along the AVENUE. YtruH STILL be finding YOUR size . . , HALF-SIZES . . JUNIORS . . MISSES . . -REGULARS . . . still be finding the same FRIENDLY folks to serve you s . . Mrs. Vivian Compton will STILL be In charge end you'll be as COMPLETELY at home under the new order of business as you HAVE been in the many years that MILLER'S has served you. NOW . . . the cat is out of the bag ... we KNEW you'd be wondering . . . MILLER'S is extending the SAME courteous consideration in EVERY department that you have grown accustomed to ." . . SO . . . Today's the day . . . we'll be seeing you at 512 Main, MILLER'S -sir Have You Ever Seen the luster of a pink CONCH SHELL ... the pearly glow of a June morn above the wide Pacific . . . the golden gleam of MICA on a white stretch of sand beneath a setting sun r' f ... or watched the play of C" v" moonbeams across the "stlllv" Kr JUS lake at midnight? Don't eJ Hi M worry If you haven't, just go to RICKYS downstairs store . . and feast your eyes upon PINK SURF ... the colorful, magical, festive DINNERWARE by the IN COMPARABLE darling of design . . . SASCHA BAR STOFF who has flung color recklessly to weld It into beauty for YOUR enjoy ment. PINK SURF is really LOVELY ... we found It placed above a dawn pink cloth . . . flanked with ROMANCE OF THE SEA ... the sterl ing by WALLACE that hints of mermaids and wind-filled sails . . . tittlng companion for this UNUSUAL DINNERWARE . . . pink tapers and gray napkins and a cascade of DAPHNE blossoms and there you have it . . . the most enchanting dinner table that you've EVER seen. ' SASCHA BARSTOFF composes BEAUTY in his POTTERY as CHOPIN does his thunderous chords upon the keyboard ... no two pieces , are ALIKE. Let RICKYS show you PINK SURF . . . THEN , , . you'll KNOW that Spring Is Just round the corner , . . you'll LEAVE looking: for the old organ grinder, violets beneath the hedge, a yellow flicker In the willow by the window, the Bluebird of happiness, all . . . BECAUSE . . . you'll be In tune with BEAUTY brought to you by "Your Registered Jeweler". 100 Main, RICKYS ; - ir Heavy hips have a way of creeping up on many of us, not all at once but little by little to all types of figures but don't fret . . . de signers tell us "hippy" silhouettes can be dis guised, balanced with built-up shoulders, narrow belts, plain colors, narrow, classic line . . . don't depend entirely on your clothes for camouflage, put temptation behind yen and get up from the table before yon down that piece of three-tiered chocolate cake. I !