THURSDAY, JANUARY il,' 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORRGON Budget Dodge' Ask Double What You Expect To Receive 'PAGE TIIREB By IIAI.IC H( AltllllOlXJII i. dvor mid over UHln KoU tn count Hop. Hit i'I'I.h Ellsworth, rii'imbll-HI nnvoriil (linen wlilln Uin nxiiiiy- w uuiiiib wnni comei meir wiiy only onco. The wny btHluct-imiklnjj In ilon, enn iron) tho Orouon 4th DlHtrlct, comlm over Ihn "wondiuiin Mill coinpllciilnd ' HVHtuni" the. loileiiil Kovnrnini'iit Iiiir nl kHUuk Uh bull M'l ready to nmd tn Conurnn In hi woiikly "Letter Irom Wnhlnn Urn." Preitlrinnt Trunnin n few diiyn ko delivered the l)Udnol to Con KieNH, i.nyhiK In liln inenmiKe Unit he tmixt tmva WI.4 blllloim of iliil lurn to upend between July 1, imi, end June 30, lun:i, Thera Inn't Unit much money, of courne, but the frileiHl govarniueut print the tutf iiiut by Inking It nut of one pocket mid nhovlnu It JnLo nuother Hep, Kllinvorth siiyx, In noniethlim like thin: "Euoh Kovernnient department or utitmcy him wlmt In uenernlly oiillcil lln budint officer, Thin per non Kiilhern up the (Inure, which, vhen totiilled, Incllciilo the nmount of money needed (or lit want ed) by tlie department for the coin ing flm:iil year, "The lluuren lire taken to Ihe bend of the department who lonkn them over and then declden Junt how much he will request. "That flKurit, however, doe not ko the President It oen to the llurenu of the Hudet, Tliere nome brlKht yuuiiic nen hold what they cull heiirlnun lit which the depart ment expfitln why they need the amounts reqiiOHted. "Then the llureau of the BudKet preparen the flxuren to be nub milted lo the t'renldeut nnd by him to the CoiiKiewi, He, and Ills Whlto Iloune ntaff, nre Ihe hint word nnd the nuKKented budget limy be, and often In, chnnned ma terlally from the wny It cornen from Ihe llurenu, before It In bimight to ConKrcmi." The Reneral ncheme, Rep. Elln worth write, In to ank the budKet officer for about twice what you hope lo net. Then the hend of the iiKency will lop olf 10 or 15 per cent, flic Bureau of the BudKfit will peel ciff 10 or 1ft per cent. The Bureau of the BudKet will peel off anolhiir 30 per cent, and Con Krcna, when It flnully neln Itn chance, , will knock oft maybe 10 pr emit. Bo the pnrllcuiir siRency In the long run Ketn Junt about whut It wanted before entering Into thin little Knic. By havhiR the requcntn plenty high In the flrnt place, everybody Ketn to nhow the taxpayer how nol Icltloun he In of the taxpuyer'n feeling mid pocketbook, by cut ting down requcntn In the nwect name of economy, and the agency tor which the money wan Intended get what It wanted all along. Hep. Ellnworth also Koen Into a dilution whereby the French ov ernment manage lo chlnol a prof it out of the U.S. government while thcorotlcally paying Itn own way. . . lleadquartcrn of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization Oen. Klncnhower'n outfit) were and are 12 III fi mi i III III M L Wr-r STARTS TODAY! Tremendous sale savings on furniture! . ... , i . . 1 ' , id I Ujj ' Iv L harmony house 3-pc. maple bedroom set An unusuol value! Salem maple finished bedroom furniture. Sold In sets of open stock. Dovetailed - f drawer .construction, vitb dust proof, .panels.' Framed plate qloss mirrors. vHordwood drower pulls. .. , Double drettor 99.95 Cabinet bed 59.95 ALSO SOLD OPEN STOCK o I o - y m 25.00 Down, 11.00 Month on , . . Sears Easy Terms Kin. ,1V F ltii if-f r; s i -a ;i i r1 1 liMdMil 3-drawer Thrift Craft Ready-to-paint Chest 1588 Sturdy, Modern Style 5-pc. dinette set 8788 Regularly 102.95 SAVE 15.07 Be thrifty! Stain, point, varnish or enamel this smart, roomy chest to match your furniture. Drawers are side guided; massive top has heavy rim; wood drawer pulls, are easy to qrasp. 27-in, Wide, 5-Drawer Chest .... 21.88 4-Drawer Chest .... 17.88 13. SO down 8.00 month on Sean Eosy Terms Save 15.07! Popular Duncan Phyfe style. Plastic top table with gleaming chrome plated base. Nc corner legs to bump. Leg style chairs with padded back. Your choice of colors. . ... CRIB MATTRESS WITH BUMPERS SEMI-PANEL CRIB WITH DROP SIDE METAL BED FRAMES THEY'RE ADJUSTABLE! Reg. 12.95 9.88 Reg. 21.95 19,88 7.95 Plastic covered Innorsprlnfl 'crib ';- mottrosses with matching bumf- , , rs. 26"x52". 'I - i t,' Choice or" natural or white fin- Hollywood bed frames. Adust- Ith, All hardwood. Metal springs. able to full or twin six. Large easy rolling casters, ' METAL BUNK BEDS ; Reg. 49.93 44.88 Ml metal bunk beds. Can be converted to twin beds. Built-in springs. Oa$zdZ?ft, fxzwt& SEARS Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 133 So. 8th Phono 5188 being built In France, and' the French Kovernnient 1 imppoaed lo bo paylnu 18 per cent ot the cost, However, the French Kovernnient levies a 20 per cent tax on the coot of conntructlon. So, limteud of the work coxtlnR the French 18 per cent, the tux KIvch them their money buclc plun a 2 per cent profit. It'll a nent trick If you can pull It, Hep. Kllaworth writes, and France has been pulling It for years. The way your polley Is written means a lot AF'I'KK the fire. I,et Hans Norland analyze your problem and write I), the way It should be, 037 I'lne Ht. Pilot Lives Through Crash FAf.r.riN Nfv lM T.f William A. Poe, a Marine fighter pilot, sur vived a crash that broke his Cor sair in two on 11,420 foot Bonora Peak. , Poe was rescued from his snowy precipice In the high Sierra of Al pine County, California, Wednes day after a 28-hour wait. Twelve rescuers laboriously snow-shoed 10 miles from the Marines' Pickle Meadow winter training base to reach him. The temperature plunged as low as 30 degrees below zero. Planes dropped winter equipment and food to Poe. His plane skidded to within 20 feet of a 4,000 foot precipice when It crashed. Lt. Col. Donald B. Hubbard, Pic kle Meadows commander, radioed: "We fed Poe a steak and he went right to bed." Poe wasn't Injured, Hubbard added. The 12-man rescue team was led by 8-8;t. Robert J. Dewltz of Spo kane, Wash an ex-forest ranger.' Poe's commanding officer said planes had crashed at that height before but "nobody lived through it." Poe's parents are Mr, and Mrs. William A, Poe of Vancouver, Wash. Mines Located In Jap Sea Lanes TOKYO Wtl-The Japanese MsrU time Safety Board said Thursday 17 mines Were found this month tn the Sea of Japan which separate Japan from Korea and Siberia, All were drifters, They eould have come from Communist mine fields off North Korea, or they could have been Japanese or Amer ican mlnea from World War n. 100 TABLET loTTM 0NLV 4i SPECIAL SALE COLLECTION OF 9x12 HARMONY HOUSE RUGS good quality rugs Reg. 84.95 88 Loomed of wool and the new carpet rayons for extra lustrous colors, long-wear ... at unusual savings! Choose from many rich colors and patterns ta enhance every room in your home. Buy today save more during this sale! bettor quality rugs 5)88 o Richer, deeper pile, more tufts per foot. auvre you even longer wear. Smart patterns in Harmony House Dawn Gray or Spice Beige blend with traditional or modern rooms. Shampoos beautifully. Save extra, buy nowl best quality rugs Reg. 99.95 79 Velvety all wool pile woven the same way as expensive broadloom for extra years of service. Fashion-right patterns and color combinations enhance any setting, look far more than Sears low pricel Amazing Low Price for This Sale! thrift quality rugs REG. 119.95 7Tb AQQ modern designs Ljl O O Extraordinary sale savings! Careful blend of wool and carpet rayon for years of use. Smartly styled patterns and clear, rich colors beautify any room. Buy today! Furniture and Floorcoverings Sale Feature! deluxe quality rugs ; 9.98 all wool pile You'd expect to pay 134.95 for this quality! Deep, luxuri ous all wool pile shrugs oft wear, stays new-looking. In wanted colors and fashion-right patterns. Savel REMEMBER! Purchases of $20.00 Or More May Be Made on Sears Easy Payment Plan '&a&faccn yow, ,wfuy fact " $HR$ Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 133 Sotth Phone SIM I j