PAGE TWENTY-TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON mill moll A r HMIIADVil; I'1 -J. ' Pi - - GARDENS ARE EMPTY of all except a few faded berries left by the birds. The days are gray but the wise hostess is one who knows how to re-create the lure, the freshness of springtime with materials at hand. Here a dinner table has the unique duo of grapes and pink roses for a center piece (roses from yovr florist.) The rose motif is carried out in shining petal-pink damask and sterling. China is edged with silver. Pink tapers are in sterling holders. Eggs, Cheese In Casserole Hearty Food An etc a day or at least three times a week is old hat. According to a recent report by Edward Kar- pou oi Agriculture economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1he average person in the United States consumes more than one egg a day. No new (ad. Mr. Kar- poit reports that it has been going on for the past six years, account ing for the growing usage' to good distribution and moderate price. Time was when eggs were con sidered breakfast food or were hid den in a cake or croauette. Now they're perfectly respectable at any meal and can be as fancy as the next dish. Not so fancy, per haps, but good and hearty enough to put before any man, is this Baked Cheese and Egg Casserole laced with layers of enriched yeast raised bread crumbs. Cheese and Egg Casserole . U cup butter or margarine V cup flour ' teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon salt . . . 'i teaspoon dry mustard 2 cups milk l'i cups grated cheese 8 eggs 3 cups soft bread crumbs tossed with vt cup melted butter or mar garine -1 Melt butter, or margarine In a saucepan. Remove from heat. Add flour, pepper, salt, and mustard, and stir until smooth. Slowly stir in milk. Return to heat and cook unUl thick, about 2 minutes. Add grated cheese and stir until melted. Pour H of the cheese mixture into a l'i-2 quart greased casserole. Break 4 of the eggs, one at a time, into a saucer and pour on sauce in casserole. Cover with j ct the bread crumbs. Add remain ing sauce, 4 more eggs and top viih remaining bread crumbs. Bake at 325 F. (Moderate oven) 20 to 25 minutes. Makes 6 to 8 servings. SOMETHING GOOD Try this for a popular winter dessert. Fill canned cling peach halves with a spoonful of mince meat.. Place in a shallow dish and bake in moderately hot oven 15 minutes. Meanwhile combine 2-3 cup peach syrup with l cup sugar, 1 tablespoon cornstarch and few grains salt. Cook and stir until thickened and stir in 1 tablespoon each butter and lemon juice. Serve over filled peaches. TRY ANYTIME It's good waffle and pancake days this cold weather but don't limit yourself to serving them only for breakfast. They're good too for luncheon and supper with a hot syrup of 2 parts apricot whole fruit nectar and one part honey. Add a pinch of salt to bring out the flavors and simmer 15 min utes or until desired consistency. Wool No Arson Suspect Won't Flare Into Flame During Press Week in New York recently, so many reporters were interested in the intlaminable sweater scare that has swept Uie country that the Research Divi sion, American f ashion News in vestigated the situation witlt a view to giving you the story. It was found that three children died from the first catastrophe which took place In Washington, D.C., in 1945. So ... a warning is Issued to customers. The protection of your children, family and even your noine demands mat you look lor the all-wool label in every wool garment you buy. Wool is one ma terial that will not flash fire at the touch of a match or even a spark. KbaKMBLr, The "inflammable sweaters" which have flashed across Amer ica are made from brushed rayon, treated to' resemble wool. This brushed rayon is highly inflam mable but repeated tests and re search have proven conclusively that no wool, brushed or not. ever names. At (he most it will merely char, or smoulder. Brushed rayon ana other brushed synthetics are entirely consumed. The National Board or rire un derwriters advised that in case of fire, smother it with a wool blanket. If your child is clothed in wool, send litm out to play without fear oi naving nis garments burned from his body if a spnrk from a bonlire Hies his way. He can pop corn or toast maisiimaiiows.wltlv out fenr Unit his sweater will nitre. UIK1 The first catastrophe of an in flammable varment that looked like wool took the .lives of three small boys playing in brushed rayon cowboy suits. Another child died in Passaic, N.J., In 1940 in a similar fatulity. Other reports of serious burns have come Horn all Darts of Uie country. Several attempts have been made to pass a Federal law against the use of inflammable fabrics but have met with no sue ces. California is the only state that has enacted such a law. Here Is a chance for the women of America to get behind a Dro grain that may save other lives. Write all vour Congressmen and demand that action be taken to pass a law against Uie sale of ma terials that can kill your child. Unless such a law is passed to prom bit manufacture of such gar ments, Uiese makers will continue to send out into buyer channels dangerous synthetics without fear of prosecution or line, until such a law is passed no child or adult is snfe from the horrors of a burn. Learn To Square Dance With Help Of Experts The Extension Service is offer ing a series of four meetings on Square Dance Training for leaders. This Is planned to cover all be ginning square dance figures and the basic couple dances such as waltz, two-step, schottische and varsouvienne. The methods of teaching will be most stressed and some discussion and demonstra tion will be on calling dances, se lecting records and finding sources of material for further help. Those people who have never done square dancing or know only a little, will be able to follow all directions and learn the basic fig ures, but those who already know square dancing will benefit most because they will learn teaching techniques. If leaders from any group wish to take this training here are the requirements: 1. Two couples representing one organization may attend. 2. Each couple should promise to attend all four sessions. 3. Those not attending the firstJ session are not eligible to par ticipate in following sessions. 4. Leaders representing each organization must teach at least one other set of couples whnt they learn at this scries. 5. Young people 17 years of age or over will be welcome. In order to be sure about the number of people coming and to send the leaders special notice about the meetings, please send in to: Mary Glenn, County Home Extension Agent, 209 Post Office Bldg., Klamath Fails, Oregon the names and mailing address of those leaders who plan to attend. Please do Uiis before February 15 If possible. The first meeting will be. Tuesday, Feb. 26th 8:00 p.m. sharpl Place will be announced later. WINTER WONDER Fresh winter Nelis pears are In the markets these days and per fect for all kinds of delicious sal- ads. Pare, halve and core the pears and dip in lemon Juice. Serve on shredded lettuce with a plump pitted prune filled with creamy cottage cheese in each pear half. Serve with mayonnaise or a fruit salad dressing. THla.'ni. whit., boiim n.t.W .! mustard, paprika, and Worcester shire KAlir whan Vnn nr. nlannlnn to use it over vegetables. ' Vour new spring coat in "TOLA TWEED one ofythe new textures How smart can you get!. ..This dream of a coat boasts wide-cuff, push-up sleeves. ..regal stand-up collar with velvet backing... shoulder darts with velvet points. ..slit side pockets luxurious silk faille lining guaranteed for life of coof...PLUS the new texfurt of imported TOLA TWEED, an exh emely durable fabric. A Lassie Maid Original. 45 00 Kami acts mum a- i THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SALE Sl.' 7th and Main - Klamath Falls Id - U ,i M ii. .11. l.l .1 6 aSSRSSSSSjTO vvt" mm Big 18x30-inch towels Get bundle of SIX . w m w xs? II M -X II 111 I SS VSaDISH if a . ia i it .Aia Mtt hl'ib IP El a " mmmm " mmm ffc&K?jn &SA 1 I II w Ml I II ItST iSJT ' few :wiim.....i' ut - iti'a All new dMiffni ipaoiali far Mnm TrA Himhnnrl Wifa Rn.itiful loll . Ml. 0" f 33 Gil loan ttrly, BltathtJ. Htmmtd tnJ iiiirrner miKt lijnci wivanw FLOURSACK TOWbLd 7 .... 109 P 33c Glycerin Suppositories p:Limit 2 O 1 e gjonly . . . Mm I - I- k CASTOR OIL 4-oz. Limit 1 . dmO TAX GUIDE ii t..j. i iq";"? I nvinaa Ideal- easy to follow iilled-in tax forms. Best aavice vn 50c 19' BORIC cj ACID W 1 4-ounces. Limit 1 . 36' HYDROGEN PEROXIDE be Pint Limit 1 16' Shoe Trees for ,oti'e' 9C EELTABLETS T : i-iV'NG$ aimiin DAI niAi .. Xn . . .w I " III ' He.vy WfciU USP MINOYL A ... nil f mineral ii - o.-u1.rlv63e i - ' nar rnrmula 20 n..Li.u. n.nhnl Afftnt WatEreen's finest SHAMPOO compound. 43 Pint. X DO REG ;CQ 111153 Formula 2U Rubblng Alcohol O 5 CQe SHAMPOO SmL 3 pint . M S 03 BEG. OS lli tidy Deodorant 9 ;7Qe 89c . . 1 53e iqueeze-bottle . I White Pine Syrup OS 119 I I a o bottles ... 1 ottl ol ' ASPIRIN .. . - ii... i 89c 8-or. bottles Olafsen Vitamins 95 159 Liquid 4-oz. Reg. SI .19 (if n I f . f W Half-Pound Jan! Perfection Ammoniated n0fj Cream Tooth Pa.t. R.9uUrly89e nn DROPS J" . ... itnoofi Limit 6 only . 3J10' mtammmi lanolin . . p.- Fj"Sm9it.(jgtj Camphorated fcwt 5TAR fi OIL - i.... I s lUTtUtl HI imn", Vitimlns-Minerl "EG. OSR98 I. Vtcuum-FrtthSmoltttl 1.19 in ui FINE CIGARS " Sptiial LOW Prc NOXZEMA M "wwv SKIN CREAM f. 4' Q7e m a Boudoir A fie ll , 1 for vt for AO 40-:: Bath Size , Woodbury Facial Soap yjM.n.! 3KTT t t. I oiycerm ana vu ttocobr r.;.. If, " ",v" HONEYCOMB U CHIP CANOY U 4 l-oz. 1?C (Thiomin jj-te 1 1.49 TYSON N Chloride) f sv WATER BOTTLE JMmtji i ... ... U vooa live rubber. Fcccnr n( 1 ounce f INFANT'S SYRINGE rn .ttle U M FEMININE SYPlMrr Z. I -laMonarchqudijg ; HADACOL Reg. 1.25 2 ,., Ub K$mCii. A-.. C .1 v.i'.vimw . rits nnv i auccn BATH 5rKAT Anti-kink coils, massacre-bead. Valex BABY nltlTirC rHnuu S249,59e J 5"B.BER REG. 109 . .WVES lor rao r.r. iug cirrc , . mm 1 lite raw .ntnint Vxclusieli for ifou at... Rtdor UUC qrttn 4 , tw tw I BAGS... 7s n en bitu (bdiv Sunriu mulla. . d OH kmW)Mi OE2i15' El