lilUltSDAY, JANUARY 31, I!i2 HKRALIJ AND NEWS. KLAMATH KAU-S, ORKGON PAGE TWENTY ONS 44 'MISCELLANEOUS WANTED fc(ftl.l butane dink," I'luine iV.Hft. wANTKf) (imtil trash " Ikii imm " Will Untie ii"W army mm delorlur for rmw, I'hoii tlm. Vn wIhIi to buy lui Kn"iu.Ynl.tie ol hiigxr I'lnp i'-HHiH, M,iii-niiM JliMM-hf Monty II ranches hikI tn.iiiy nlhrtr Unlive iiimUmInMi wrtls. I hot In In l.ielfd writ mul (iui( t)rtr t TIIK K KM VAN C'UMI'ANV I "I We. I y.t, m,,, Nrw Vtith . M Y i, "THi I nil' '! ii Knv full equipment, t II. Kelly, Mont . J..- M" t'lHl" MUM WiCNfcnXllH'" irl lnti"nrlrnnw lMPft Mninr J'o mil i tut riitm KI"OHfT'AlANA"t!V:il and wirn wru'iUrilV fur it I tiled r lwillv ftirniahfl ntiuiro burnt cl In. Ptt-ino li J ill between II 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Horrow P ml 1100 7 27 Mn Ritpny In IB Iimtiillnit'iiUi UP Yli MK) ON rilKNITUIift l)H HAI.AKY UP I'd 11200 ON CAIUi TUB IIJKAL HI.ACB 1(1 IKJltKOVl Convenient Location Convenient to Horrow Convenient to pay Locall jwned New Lara 'nianrM at Dunk riti "MONEY IN A HUIII1Y" Motor Investment Co 'JO ymri nervum Ki'iiimih H-ii He. "Chuck" Biillri Micr I ft n 7ifi uv piinno :m Commercial Furnishes 15 AUTOMOTIVI SJ AUTOMOTIVE - FEBRUARY - PARADE of BARGAINS! EVERY CAIl CHECKED TO GUARANTEE YOU REAL KC0N0MY, SAFETY AND DEPENDABILITY STOP IN TODAY - SEE THIS LINE-UP OF VALUES 1051 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Just four months old. A nearly new cur al big savings. .. 1000 STUDEBAKER REGAL DELUXE CHAMPION 4-DR. SDN. Overdrive,, seat covers 1050 STUDEBAKER DELUXE CHAMPION 4-DR. SDN. Overdrive, Climatizer 1040 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE AERO SEDAN 11.000 actual miles. It's perfect. 1040 STUDEBAKER CIIAMI'ION DELUXE 2-DH. SEDAN Overdrive, radio, Climatier. 1048 STUDEBAKER CIIAMI'ION DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, Cllmatizcr 10411 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION CONVERTIBLE COUPE Overdrive, radio, Climatizer 10411 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, healer. 104(1 HUDSON SUPER SIX CLUB COUPE One-owner. Verv clean. 1047 STUDEBAKI'IR COMMANDER 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, radio, heater '1795 '1595 '1545 '1395 '1295 '1195 '1295 5 795 ' 695 '1145 CASH! CASH LOANS ijo to moo Auto Purnllura Livestock (injury M to INK) Auinmolilli'S (puld tor or not) IlK.NTAl'lt ANT kmnii . ( hrl Km. K.mmI. tn North Urnd, (n cm Irr of town ml on lllwev 101 Doing .'17.000 per Minium Compart and torn plelp. slalnle. .tel. uaik-ln and ev. .rythlng. Prtr.d tor sole Contact own er Jack lloherlion on prrtnltn. 2o4tl Khernian Ave. Illway till. Norlli Mrtui i III! Ml.r.: 'l..n'ii 1.1 .ir Itii" (iood hldg, apt. ovorhrad. Stock A, all llnlv 1 In bo'intln I m 11 ter. Vallr- Itaal K.lale. Roseburg, Ore KOlt 8AI.K, self .ervlre laundry I ma rhines, a driers. Nat 91100. prr mn. Naw lllritfi. 2 b r. Itomii Only 1 .n Itooinlntf town. Ilvra, Valley Itaal Klatr, Koie. bum. Pro. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUCTION SALE FRIDAY NIGHT KEUnUAHY 1 7:00 P.M. , H it H AUCTION MART. WOCUS Btovcn, tnblcs nud clmlis, chest of (Jrnwpm, Rood Jtn wnlrr pump, typc rlur, hoi Kiin. clrer rifle mid hells, new rnbblt plnnr. two roik! refrlKPnitorn. Rrrnse kuiu. consltin merit fresh-dry fruit. ITEMS NEW AND USED. DrflNQ O U R MERCHANDISE FOR SALE. Several good milk gouts. COL. FRED HOWARD AUCTIONEER Phone 0410 KOlt SAI.B. baled alfalfa hay, :iu ton. rtiiino nuiis. jlinVkWA if MATKlliALsl J'tiono Joe "art, inss. OK 8ALE, Itudlo colH'll eiltllt tiiontlla ."llnl oil burner. I'lnine JMWI. lAlSULAllON UOAHli. liet Jour nup. Vlf.. u,',n llulldlnu Mntrrlala, 47BSiiuthsixth Si. I'hiiiie 'j a.-m:i. OIL Mann tanka. I'eylun and Co. H:i3 Market. (.'1IU.HIIKO HOCk," driveway clndera. rOI.KS who like food Willi the home '" lte. . .like lo ahop at Johnnv'i "In Y Uakery, Merrill . Lnkevlrw Junc tion. I-ANllSIiAFWa; bV'reonT; h"r uHi nd -treea. We trim, inruy and remove large treea. LAKKHIIORB CARDRNS NUnSERY Phone 42HH Ofif-VolJR 8NOW CAPSTOWT We buy uned lire. O.K. Milliner Wold- jv-.,a,i mn. rnnnn ailin a n iji n7i Kt a r. ti i m tb "rrr.r.. . r. . -r wrltora. caah renlalera. donka, chnlri. fllea for anle or rent. . PIONEER OFFIL'K SUPPLY M"n Phone 74IS KLKCTHOUIX CLEANER iihd "poTTiiho"! jnd lupnllra Phone 71117 Tarkel Tweet. lliMnrkel llHOKEN winiliiw ilnea lenlaiVnTTniiv "!" Hlinp. Phnno 7II7II. Mjlihtins resilvered. new mirrori ni " '2 "" Klmbnlla (ilaaa Shop Phone 7.I7H. HAVKUrt(TTlimii riour modela nl Admiral rcfruieralm-i . S "vlim In you! Fully uar nleed. Eleven model, to ..''"CAS FUHNITUIIE r.. Main l. :m24 lil.AMOHEN nolo at " cloaner now avail" f- V. p,e-" ri'KNITWIIK ""LK!jinlJKlnnythnlla.Ore. n SALE. Ford Feriion Tractor In lhrie. I., o. HoiiHca, Mnlln. Ore. 1,i7,!'i.SJ '-ET""'-'t niicl aec'nnrl culllnn fljriilfn ..bjiyPhniio T-III40 Tulelnke. tli 'Ill P'wood" atirfaco brail aide. Wl. rheot. Phqno limis. PICKUPS AND TRUCK BARGAINS STARTTHE NEW YEAR RIGHT! Buy the -RIGHT CAR in the RIGHT CONDITION ot the RIGHT PRICE from the RIGHT DEALER! ! ! 1951 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater and Dynaflow drive. Grey paint. Like new 1949 PACKARD 4-DR. SEDAN Heater and overdrive. 12,000 actual miles. Perfect condition. Private Bale of Autos Kumnced Make your dealt CAHII denial Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor. Mi'.r. 107 No Din Prion 771 1 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION EOR SALE PROVEN I.OCAIION Mil mill ALTA.MONT J15.000 TKIiMH 7,.'i00 YEARLY PHOI'IT NO LEASE WITH ANY OIL COMPANY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION hki; KEN KLAHN 000 So. Sill 1051 Dod(je Vi Ton $1405 1010 Sttidehaker Vi Ton $1145 (2 lo choose from) 1040 Eord V-8 Vi Ton $1145 1041 Chevrolet Wi Ton Plat Bed Truck $ 495 THE FOLLOWING PRE-WAR CARS CAN BE. PURCHASED AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED, IT'S UP TO YOU! ! ! Come In See Them Try Them THEN . . . YOU MAKE THE OFFER! NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED 'VI Chcv. 2-Dr. Sedan '40 Olds. 4-Dr. Sedan 42 Silicic. Champ. 4-Dr. 'II Plymouth 4-Dr. '41 Stude. Champ. 2-Dr. '40 Ford V-8 Coupe '41 Dodiie 4-Dr. '41 Oldsmohilc 4-Dr. :i7 DeSoto 4-Dr. Sedan 41 Ford V-8 Fordor '41 Chevrolet 2-Dr. '40 Ford V-3 Fordor 'M Stude. 4-Dr. Sedan '38 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan ,McCULLOCH MOTORS Klamath Avenue at 8th St. STUDEBAKER Phone 4149 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes' M. .1. Barnes Ph. 7850 Ph. 7091 in-the-way things become pay-things Through "For Sale" nd. Yen. thing III your way arc quickly turned Into cash through these mighty little classified ads. . They find buyers for every thing from plywood to pianos, healers to houe-lrallcrs. tin and slate to real estate. let a Classified a. I transform What you'd like to sell inio something you uant now, aonic tliinrt you' always want . . . CASH I phone 81 11 for an ad-writer WANTED rorriif iilctl Hn butMlng In urci'k or uux 47 Heiflld nu New. ri.OTHKS DIUKItS. Uniln Buildiiif Material-., 4784 South Sixth St. Phone it 2.K.:i. i'MiKHWbOU typewriter. Wtt! PHoiie 1t1.7H- gr.rr 3 (i. K. vacuum and atlachinenU. $17.30. 1'hnne VitO PARKER PONTIAC CONTINUES WITH THEIR REMOVAL SALE SEE "BIG CHIEF" WILLARD FOR A REAL DEAL FREE OFFER ft ' Dual Pipes Dual Carburetors Cadillac Fenders and . . . Ever eilra imaginable. AT LEAST $500 WORTH! ! ! To get these you simply purchase this ' 1950 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE COUPE at the regular price of $2045, which includes Power-Glide and big motor! 1947 PONTIAC DLX. STREAMLINER 4-DR. Loaded KUK SALK. Cuhhman Motor Scooter withKle rar I'hone 7447 after 6 p in. FOR SAl.E,"f-"((Mit refrigerator, Wi. I'hone 7J04 after 4 p.m. an. h..L; A.nvlns wanning mactilm wnn mo vaoie Hint, cnii R2A2. VOn SALK military jeep tlri? Brand new. Sllihtly damaged. 700x13. Made ojfer. Phone 2-3:110. I-( SALE. IX) ton .tcrond cutting al. falfn ttored In barn Walter Catebeer Donanra. J4 DAY KHKE TlllAL Try the new Sunbeam Shavemaiter al home before ynti buv. Onlv 28 30. HICKYS JEWELEKH 7on Main nnne 3131 CltUSHKD rock and drive wny clndera Phono 2-11.17 ' TiHKD rUHNlTUHE valuen "enn ' alwat t be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 ma in. i'hone 3:i33. H-INC1I concrete culvert pipe, 70 cent per foot. PEYTON & CO S3 AUTOMOTIVE WILL, take older rnr or pickup for my equity In 1041 Dodge two door aedan. Clrnn, good condition. Low monthly pnyincnti, 1740 Key Street. Phone 2-lu;w. SHOP AMOIIND MUST then, ttee H. E. Hanger, your Dulck dealer, for a real uicd rar buy! We have a nice lock of varloui makes and models 4 nelrrt from. 'Sfi's In '31', priced from $00 to 92.000. Our prlrea are competitive. . .our qunllty superior. II. E IIAWCEn IUMCK GARAGE lined Car Department Miiln at rirond Phone 313t h'()itSALE. 11.30 Chevrolet a .door. Low mllPiige. Good Khnpe. SMfi.V Will (I mint'e. L. D. Modgrn, Phono 32it, Malln A 11KAL KOHIJ miY 1040 Ford V-8 Cunlntn Fordor Sedan Itndlo, henler, overdrive, a we II neat eovorn, plenty of occBBiorlen, Come In nnd loriu It over. A ntenl al 91W3. II. E. HAUGEft EUMCK GARAGE lined Car Depnrlment Mnln nl .ltnn( ..'hone H131 hr.iii riUli. u 'nr ford etui 1 rm o'in . Six cylinder. Excellent condition. Sell nig umli'" nMhi". No. !M1. THIS IS THE ONE! I (14 ft RiilrK Super Sedtiuel. Hndlo, heal, er, phiil'c seiil rover. Iota of chrome, low mileage. Thin car his had the hcit of rnrr. Lonkn nnd drives like a new. one. You will bo pruud to own It. II. E. 1IAUGKH HI'IC'K GARAGE Vci Car Deptirlnient Mnln l BroMrt PhoiieSI31 FORD BUYERS: Hrre'i the best deal on a 1019 Ford V-8 Ctnlom Club coupe In town. Will tiell outright nr trade lor good pickup. Phone 3-1 f : nerfl p.m. .l-.tfcALlG0ODT.OW PIUCED CA'hS-3 I04O Ford V-H Super Deluxe Tudor, henler, aent covem, keen lutone fin. Inh. A rlonn cnr. 9103. no trade. lo:iR Dodge Luxury Liner 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, henter, sent covem, late motor. A Klenl t $203. 1040 Plymouth Rutdnexa Coupe. Henter, dnndy mcchtmlctil condition. A bargain it S'iSIIAtiGER niJICK GARAGE Itaori fur ntnflrtiipnt Main at Broad Pltona S1S1 s995 '925 '895 '480 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM AND ALL PRICED BE LOW THE MARKET. LOW COST FINANCE PLANS AND TRADES. "Little Chief Don Bridge . . . Home Phone 2-0540 "Skinny Chief" Brooks Warner . . . Home Phone 4978 1948 DODGE CUSTOM CLUB COUPE New motor and all extras. Needs clean up only. 1946 DODGE CUSTOM 4-DR. SEDAN A nice clean car with radio and heater 1941 PONTIAC TORPEDO 4-DR. SEDAN Rebuilt motor, new paint. A real buy .. $4 44 PARKER PONTIAC U can't beat a PONTIAC and U can't beat a ' PARKER PONTIAC DEAL 4th and Klamath Ave. Ph. 8164 East Main at Wantland Ph. 6221 COMPLETE Radiator , Sevice CLEANING . FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. . Main at Esplanade For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath ."'hone 2-2581 DO YOU NF.ED A PICKUP? HUB Chovrolet Ton Pickup. 4-npeed transmission, A-l rubber, low mileage, exceptional condition In every way, Pickups will he senrce this year. A real buy at $1243. H. E. H AUGER BUICK GARAGE Uned Car Department Main at Broad Phone 0131 BEST VALUES! USED T RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED ' AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 77 8 7th Phone 7711 1945 MACK truck. Rated 3 to 5 ton. Mas rolls, and bunkn. if you need a truck thti I It. A-l condition. Verv cheap. Must be sold. Phons "The Tim. bcrs Bend. Oregon. COMPLETE aulo alasa aervlce. Prompt, roasnnabl.. Kimball, Glas, Shop. Phone 7;na, FOR SALE. , ton Chevrolet Pickup. Low mileage. L, D. Hodgea, Malln, Oregon FOR SALE, or trade, 1950 studebaker Champion, good condition. Will take older car In trade. isl.VH). Phone 2-1 B2fl. FOR SALE, '41 Plymouth four door sedan. A good dependable car. Will sac rifice for aulck sale. $293. See "Nick" at HHrdv's aids .Stnre or phone IJ-27 75. 1949 MERCURY -passenger coupe hhuid, nenier, wnue siaew.u tires. Clean as new. Will sell equity or trade for older car. Phone o:ida aftee, 6:31! p.rn IDJII LA SALLfal. good condition, sldu. or best offer 1:14 No. 3rd. Phone 2-17130. 1IM3 KORU tt-pnjs. coupe, aduo Barrow. Phone 8441 after 6 pm At NKKD UARSI U.I top prtc. now, Rosa Motof Co. lh and Plum. 1948 1948 1943 1947 1949 1941 1947 HUDSON COMMODORE '6' 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater and aeat covers. Dark green flnlh PACKARD SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, tutone color, good shape throughout. CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, maroon paim,v very clean STUDEBAKER CHAMPION CLUB COUPE Radio, heater .overdrive, motor overhauled. For real economy PONTIAC '8' STREAMLINER DLX. 4-DR. Radio, heater. Hydramallc, neat covers, dark grey finish, excellent condition PONTIAC '6' 2-DR. SEDAN Motor completely overhauled LA SALLE COUPE Radio, heater. Good transportation it. SPECIAL i( 1947 OLDS "8" 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc. One-owner. Low mileage. Tutone green paint. A good buy at '2295 1595 '1435 M465 '1145 '1050 1795 425 125 M195 ss AUTOMOTIVI How Good Is Reputation? Only as good as its foundation. And that is good purposs built on service and desire to please. We'd like to serve you and our fine selection of Used Cars awaits your Inspection. Terms to make your purchase easy. A price to delight you. We'd like to show you these fine values NOW! 1950 PONTIAC 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater Hydramatlc, tutone green, scat covers. -i Q i r 1- owncr I 7 AvJ A SAFET TED CAR 1950 FORD PICKUP !i Ton. One owner, low mileage, and In exceptionl good 100' shape Z.7 J A SAFETY-TESTED CAR 1949 CHEVROLET 2- Door Sedan. Radio, heater very clean, and In A-l (lflQC mechanical shape. ... IO0 A SAFETY-TESTED CAR 1947 OLDS "66" 2-Door Club Sedan. Radio, heater, good rubber, clean. Hn. ft n.m fortnrv mnln. 1 with 14,000 miles on It. $ nflC Std. transmission. 7VJ A SAFETY-TESTED CAR ft COMMERCIAL SPECIAL ft 1947 DODGE PANEL This truck is in perfect shape. Like new 895 . Juckeland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES 11th & Klamath Ave. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Phone 2-2581 DIMBAT BETTER DEAL USED CARS South Sixth at Plum BARGAINS ! - We're Loaded With Them - : '2426 1 L Q L. Why be satisfied with anything less than the best? .... I UvJU 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB COUPE - lOV "Sharp" ... Is the only way to describe this car I ji. 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR NEWPORT America's most beautiful car. All extras 1950 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN $145 REWARD!! $145 To the lucky person or persons getting this exceptional ' 1949 BUICK SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, white sidewall $1 VO tires, Dynaflow. At only I O 1949 OLDS "98" 4-door Sedan. Radio, heater, Hydramatlc, Rocket engine, white slflewall tires, elbnC sent covers. 1-owner. 100 A 8AFETY-TESTED CAR 1949 STUDE. CHAMPION Regal Dlx. 4-Dr. Radio, heater, overdrive. Very fi ryy c clean. One-owner. l!0 A SAFETY-TESTED CAR 1951 CHEVROLET A SAFETY-TESTED CAR Fleetmaster Dlx. 2-Dr. Rnrtln heater. Power-Glide, New seat clean as new 1947 OLDS "78" 4-Door Sedan. Radio,, heater Hydramatlc, seat (iaqc covers. A 1-owner car. IU0 A SAFETY-TESTED CAR 1895 LOWEST FINANCE IN KLAMATH FALLS ON USED CARS 6 Flat No Contract Writing Fee SAFETY TESTED USED CARS Buy With Confidence At Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath Ave. phone 4103 "OUR PROMISE IS YOUR SATISFACTION- GET THE LEAP ON LEAP YEAR CHOOSE THE USED CAR YOU KNOW WILL GIVE THE BEST ... A BLUE-RIBBON GUARANTEED USED CAR! 1949 DODGE CORONET CLUB COUPE In perfect mechanical condition .. 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM DELUXE TUDOR SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive, seat covers. If there's i a better buy than this We don't know about it 1946 DODGE CUSTOM CLUB COUPE $ Loaded with extras 1941 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN ( Radio, heater. 6-plv tires 1941 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB COUPE 4.000 miles In this motor. You must S see It to appreciate it 1595 1295 895 445 545 1951 1950 1950 1950 1950 1949 DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN 1 One owner, terrific discount, radio, " ' ' $r q i- heater, automatic transmission. 2.0 7 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN Big 155 h.p. high compression engine. Clean and fully equipped with radio, heater and economical overdrive. , n i f . ZOIU HERE'S PROF OF DIMBAT'S BETTER DEALS 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. You Can't beat it $195 1940 FORD V-8 DLX. TUDOR $175 Our new low price. ... BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN , . This popular model equipped with Dynaflow, radio, heater, at price anyone can afford and in such sparkling JfQOC condition youll be pAud to own it. I OO PACKARD STANDARD SEDAN Have two of these beauties to choose from. Identical In equipment mm uuuumuu. ouui nave raaio, neater ana overdrive. linflC I77J Never before priced so low. CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN , Another nice one-owner car, tip-top from bumper to bumper. Has automatic transmission, radio, heater and $rs -i r c nearly new tires. Now only Z I ZO PACKARD "8" SEDAN This late "49 model is cleaner and nicer than most SO's. n-Teir See it at this new price and you'll want to own It I OO PACKARD ft WILLYS LEE HUFF MOTORS i 7th and Oak Phone 7256 DIMBAT USED CARS ' WHERE YOU ARE GUARANTEED A BETTER DEAL South 6th and Plum Phone 9139 Sundays & Evenings Phone Lavton Sleight 8825 MAIN SHOW ROOM 3rd and Main Phone 7763 UP TO $500 SAVINGS On 1951 Dodge Demonstrators. New cars with Used Car Prices! While you're shopping, look at these exceptional Used Car Buys! All Guaranteed! Try them for Two Days FREE. '49 Studebaker $1397 48 Dodge $1147 '50 Chevrolet $1647 49 Plym. Stn. Wgn. .. $1597 '50 Plymouth $1647 '47 Plymouth $1017 '49 Oldsmobile $1647 '46 Buick $ 997 TRUCKS ft ft ft PICKUPS 43 Dodge lli Ton .. $ 997 '44 Int. lVa Ton $ 797 49 Chev. lVa Ton .... $1497 '36 Ford Hi Ton .... 347 49 Dodge Ton .... $1297 '49 Ford 34 Ton $1097 '48 Int. 94 Ton $1097 '49 Dodge Pwr. Wgn. $1897 YOU GET THE BEST AT DUGAN&MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 r USED ASHLEY'S I J K WK , CARS Our stocjt of Pre-War Cars is out of balance with our over all inventory. Only price will balance the scales. WE ARE GOING TO DEAL ON THESE PRE-WAR MODELS. PRICE 1942 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedan ? 1942 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedan ? 1942 OLDSMOBILE 4-Dr. Sedan ? 1942 LINCOLN 5-Pass. Coupe ? 1942 CHEVROLET 5-Pass. Coupe.... ? 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. Sedan ? 1941 CHEVROLET V2 Ton Pickup ? 1941 CHEVROLET Coupe ? 1941 NASH AMB. 4-Dr. Sedan ? 1941 BUICK Coupe , ? 1940 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedan... ? 1940 CHEVROLET Coupe ? 1936 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. Sedan ..... ? Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Ph. 4113 BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS I WHY WALKT WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE DRIV MORE MOTUHS Corner Shuta Way and Arthur Slra.U 302 t Main. Phon. 3S7. "W. wUI sell Phon. eaos ' four car for jeu." W. bur aotf u.o.1