JHURSDAY, JANUARY 31. 1058 PAGE TWENTY HEfeALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON CLASSIFIED RATES Cm day per word Thm Dayi per word Uo Week run per word 20c Month run per word 65c MINIMUM . The minimum charge for any one ma tm ovc, BOX NUMBERS Ancwere to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper lor a service charge oi 25c. 1 DEADLINES Classified adi aocepted up to 5:30 pjn. for following day's publication w Classified display ads accepted up to u noon lor following day's pub lication. i w ADJUSTMENTS Pleaae maxe all claims lor adjust- marts without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 pm. will be mads In following day's publication FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S ' Klamath Funeral Home. ' 926 High Street. Phone 3334. Legal Notice RESOLUTION NO. 48? A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, TO WIDEN THE UPPER AND LOWER PAVED ROAD WAYS ON PACIFIC TERRACE FROM WHERE IT INTERSECTS A LA MED. STREET TO WHERE IT INTERSECTS LOWELL STREET: DECLARING AN DIRECTING CERTAIN STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CONNECTION THERE WITH: SAID PROJECT TO BE KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO. 114, WHEREAS, the City Engineer, cur want to a resolution of the Common CouneU heretofore adopted, having filed piaiu, specification ana estimates ior the cost of improving. Pacific Terrace xrom wnere it intersects Aiameaa Street to where it intersects Lowell Street, bv widening the UDDer and lower paved roadways thereon: and the Council finding the said clans, speci fication and estimates satisfactory for aid project which shall be Known as improvement unit no, 114; xiitKE- i utu, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COM MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, UUL.Y ASSEMBLED IN KLUULAK SESSION AS FOLLOWS: Section I. That said plans, specifications and estimates jot uie improvement 01 sa: portions of said street, therefore filed herein by the City Engineer, be and xne same are nereoy approved, aid project shall be known aa srovement Unit No. 114 That the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, hereby declares its intention to improve said portions of said streets in accordance with the plans, specifications and es timates as xouowb: TYPE "C To consist of widening tna UDDer and lower Daved roadwavi on Pacific Terrace from the south' easterly Una of Lowell Street to the northeasterly line of Alameda with six incnes ox cement concrete ravement. together with combination cement con crete curb and gutter. The overall width for widening each roadway four feet and will be toward the center parking strip thereby reducing the wiatn ox saia parsing strip. TYPE 'E" To consist of widening ine upper ana lower paveu roaawayj on Pacific Terrace from the south' easterly line of Lowell Street to th northeasterly line of Alameda with five Inches of Asphalt Concrete Pavement, together with combination cement con crete curb and gutter. The overall width for widenins each roadway four feet and will be toward the cen ter parking strip thereby reducing the width of said parkins striD. TYPE "C" and "E" A combination of types set out in "C" and "E" as immediately above defined, with urn. ltatlona as therein stated. The tvoe chosen to be mixed and placed in accord with the plans and pecuicauoni 01 uie uity engineer on file therefor. The estimated cost of all classes of improvements embracing all Work and materials for the comDlete improvement of said project for each xype ox pavement oeuig as iouowi; Type "C" Cement concrete pave- inent -S5e.s49 00 Type "E" Asphalt concrete pave ment - 1 ,o. 1 1 TYPE Combination of "C" and "E' Tavementa 51.637.24 Said estimates include engineering, supervision, advertising, clerical as sistance, attorney's fees and unforeseen conungencea. Section XI. That the nronertv lying within the boundaries hereinafter described be and the same is hereby declared to be benefited, by the said improvement, to wit: Beginning at the most northerly cor ner or Jot 1, mock b Hinsiae Aaamon to tne city 01 mamam ram. uregon; thence southwesterly alone the south easterly line of Lowell St. 150 ft. to the northeasterly line of the alley In said Block 8; thence southeasterly and parallel to racixic Terrace inru diocks 8, 13, and 18 in said Hillside Addition, blocks 33 to 42 inclusive In Hotsprings Addition to the City of Kiamatn aiis, Oregon to the northeasterly line Alameda; thence southeasterly along northeasterly line ox Aiameaa to tne southeast corner of lot 7 Block 1. Wil liams Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence northerly along ins line between lots 0 ana 7 ox oiock 1. of said Williams Addition, to the north line of said block 1; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of Baskings St. being 150 ft. north easterly of and parallel to the north easterly line of Pacific Terrace and continuing northwesterly and parallel to Pacific Terrace along the north easterly boundary line of said Hot nrinffs Addition to Del Moro St. thence continuing northwesterly and parallel to Pacific Terrace thru blocks 17, 14 and 7 of said Hillside Addition to the south line of VanNess Ave. thence southwesterly along last said line to its intersection wun tne norm easterly property line of Pacific Ter race: thence southwesterly across Pa cific Terrace to the Dolnt of beginning. That all the oronerty included in the aforesaid boundaries above described be and the same is hereby declared to be benefited by said improvement ana assessea ior tne expenses inereoi. Section III. That Monday the 18th. of February, 1952, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. at the Council Chamber of the City Hall in Klamath Falls, Oregon, be and is here- oy xixea as xne time ana piace ior Hearing ox Objections ana reman strances against said proposed Im provement. Section IV. That the Police Judge be and he Is Hereby authorized and airectea cause notice of such hearing to be published as provided by the City (-barter nt Mlri Citv and shall miblish this resolution as provided by law, and within .v riava after the first DUbJi cation thereof the City Engineer shall cause to be conspicuously posted at eacn ena 01 tne line 01 contemoiatca Improvement such notice as is provided for by law and ordinance. PflKBrf nv the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, this Slst day of January, 1952. Presented to the Mayor and by him approved and signed this azna aay ox January, ivox. ROBERT A. THOMPSON ' Mayor ATTEST; ROBERT M. ELDER Police Judge STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF KLAMATH, SS, rI1V rB ITT.AMA TH FAI.I.J I, Robert M. Elder, PoliJe Judge of the City of Klamath Fans, uregon. ao hereby certify that the above and fore- nlna tm m trim fnnv of B resolution Introduced and adopted by the Com mon Council or tne city 01 Mamam Falls, Oregon at its regular meeting held on Monday the 21st day of Jan uary, 1952, and thereafter approved and signed by the Mnyor. ROBERT M. ELDER Police Judge J-24-25-26-28-28-30-31 F-l-2-3 No. 865 IT HELPS YOU in so many ways when you learn the trick of bene flttng by Herald St News Classified ads. They're excellent ior selling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost articles. Phone 8111 BE IN THE KNOWI Read Her ald & News Classified ads dally Get the latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends. MEETING NOTICES Outer Lake Lodge No. 211 A.F. & A.M. will hold special communication In E A degree Thursday, Jan uary 31 at 7:30 p.m. visitors welcome. By order ot the W.M. William Fink, Secy. KLAMATH FALLS Aerie No. 3090 Of Regular meeting every Friday 'litllcj' O. E. Hall, 9th "Ttn!!tfra.ind Walnut. Vi. -,.im members cordially Invited. Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets Friday, 8 p.m.. for Information, write Box 204. Phone 3382. LOST AND FOUND something missin'? give a listen Lose something of value? Grab your phone right now and ask tor the Classilied advertising department I That's where many folks are helped in recovering losses. It's where losers reach finders, and you can too I So don't be aggravated, ACT! phone 8111 for an ad-writer LOST, on South Sixth or Main Streets, wine billfold. Contains driver license and social security card. Phone 7823. LOST, part cocker. All black, curly hair, long tail. Answers to name of Queenie. Vicinity UnkvtUe Cemetery or Crescent Avenue. 1504 No. Pulton. LOST, childs bifocal glasses. Pink with gold trim. Phone Mr. Murphy 9068. GENERAL NOTICE PEARL IS BACK AT THE COFFEE POT 131 No. 4th OPEN A.M. - 7 PAf. Welcomes old and new customers YOUR Singer Sewing Center Is open to the public. Thursday 3:30 to 8:30 for free attachment Instructions. SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main Phone 3-2311 PERSONALS WANT room and board in Christian home for woman unable to live alone. Phone 8851. HELEN S BEAUTY SALON. 1719 Main. Phone 6234. STANLEY Home Products. Phone 6609? 10 SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines or Roots. Etc ED P. KINO 3434 Orchard Phone 9941 CABINET WORK Remodeling In your borne. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. C0NDREY 1938 Fremont Phone 4336 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hot Bulldozer - Fill Dirt - Topsoll Crushed Rock - Driveway Cinden Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoie 5541 or 9110 INCOME tax returns. For appointment pnonc pjoi. - ALTERATIONS on men's, women's. cmioren s doming. Jennie Hare, seam. cess Anna s. iui Main. GLASS furniture tops and shelves made to order. Kimball's Glass Shop Phone 7378. SEWING and alterations. Kitty DresseL Phone 2-0558. INCOME TAX RETLTRNS For appointment phone 2-0231, Harvey mspnam. FULLER brushes. Phone 9604 or 5677. BRICK LAYING Does your fireolace araw? ir not can 9148. DOES YOUR fireplace need repair? LSI! ZHTJOl. Reasonable. 75 PAINTING and paperhanging. Phone ton. TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen- nerwo. rnone ww. ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or contract, rnone z-iuiu. EXPERT dressmaking and alteration. rnone ooi. CURTAINS laundted Phone 4914 and stretched. J. L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 306 No. 7th. Phone 9348 PIANO TUNING WM. H. MORGAN Factory trained technician and tuner. For tunings call Kyle Morgan Piano, iu.ta main or pnone z-uzuu. EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, shorthand tvulm kin. tucu .uujcci. omce macmnei. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine Phone 470 CHILD CARE and .dueatfnn. P.-uttnn1 center, ynone VI9. HEALTH MASSAGE, exercise, weigh Hitting. Phy- siuwierapy ior reducing, relaxation, body building. Rates for series. Ap pointment. Dhone .1fi63-5lOA. Mvrflrat masseuse, women only. 4 HELP WANTED, FEMALE your helpmate in help-getting Is a Help Wanted ad! An eager, capable helpmate when it comes to solving personnel problems. Whether you need office work ers, factory workers, sales-help, domestics, or laborers, tell 'em you want 'em through this Help Wanted column. Folks in the market for Jobs look here first of all. phone 811 1 for an ad-writer BABY sitter, days. Phone 2-36 WANTED, hoiuekeener. Two elderly gentlemen. Phone 9023. HELP WANTED, MALE LX PER FENCED service manaeer. one qualified to supervise itaff of service ficrsonnel, operating service department or all types of household appliances. writ; oux tni, neraiq ana Mews. OPENING for experienced hardware man. with well-established firm, one ca pable of managing a large hardware department. Guaranteed snlnrv and commission. Give age, experience, etc. 11 quaimea yuu win De contactea ior a Dersonol Interview. Writ Rnv Utn. Herald and News. WANTED used Car main ten Ann man. Must have own tools and nossesi aver age mechanical ability. Prefer married man, and must ne steady, job pays monthly salary. Give references. Box 475 Herald and News. WANTED, young married man to learn furniture moving and transfer work. Renlv civJna sea education and refer ences. Write Box 4B3 Herald and News, A H HELP WANTED, MALE 11 KSPONSIBMC PERSO N Male or female, from this area, want ed to service and collect from auto matic mc-rchandiftlng machine. No selling. Car, references and fctoo work ing capital necessary. ? to 13 hours weekly will net up to 9400 monthly. Possibility full tinie work. For inter view, write giving full particulars, nam, address, phone. Box 4B6. Her ald and News, II SITUATIONS WANTED BABY-SITTING. 3-0508. night or day Phone EXPKIUENCRD salenman wants per manent position. Box 484 Herald and News. OFFICE work wanted by" "young man, 35 Plume EXPERIENCED ranch ""hand wonts work on cattle ranch. Write P.O. Box IQ2A. B ABySl TTl NgTPhuneTiai, WASHING a net Ironing. Phone 3-0110. BABY SITTING. Phone 8-051?. WILL care for children tn my home days or your home evenings. Call 3-1345. HOUR work. Phone 7813. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT LIGHT housekeeping room, suitable for pensioner. W5. month. 38 Main, Phone 908S. BOARDING home re-opening on or about February 4th. Room rates, reserv ations available now. Men only. 500 North Ninth. Phone T4. STEAM heated room "for rent."it07 Hth. ROOMS for rent, clean. Close in. Phono 3-92tai. ROOMS. pricesreasonabrel"Phune4ti27. LOVELY rooms for rent. t6-7. a weak. Close in. Phone 4158. ROOMS 10.14 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT THREE room furnished apartment. 911 Walnut. Phone 3472. OUTSIDE apartment for rent. 710 Mam. Greer Apts. FOR RENT, two bedroom duplex, fur nished or unfurnished. 1113 Martin. Phone 3873. mornings. ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment. Gas equipped. Call 2-0611. FOR RENT. Modern furnished apart ment. Plenty natural heat. OLYMPIC APTS. 207 E. Main CLOSE in, two room furnished apart ment with garage. $33.30 per month. rnone or 5786. FOR RENT, three room furnished ipanmtrnt. inquire -ikw vi coenein, FOR RENT, Phone fc22t. furnished apartment. TWO room furnished duplex. Two blocks from Main. Phone 44t2. CLEAN three room apartment. 433 No. 10th. LARGE. furnished two-rom apart ment. S47.50. smaller two-room unit, $35; refrigerators. All utilities included 419 N. Tenth. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment. 503 Market. Phone 6r:i7. FOR RENT, furnished apartfent In quire 518 High NEWLY decorated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam heau electric ranee Sin week Rex Arms Apartment. FOR RENT. ' three room furnished apartment. Hot water heat. Adulu. Phone 3888. TWO room apartment for rent. Phone 2-0250. FURNISHED two room apartme.it suit able for employed lady. Inquire 523 Main. NICE clean apartment. Gas equipped Refrigerator. Couple preferred. Villa Marquise. Inquire 1334 Oak. THREE room furnished aDartment. Close in. Laundry facilities. 531 N. 8th. Couple nnlv. No Deis. $45. Call 2-3170. FOR RENT, furnished one bedroom apartment with private bath Call 2-0328 aiTer a p.m. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR LEASE ten room furnished Yiouse, partly apartments. Close In. $75. Phone 4533. FOR RENT, four room partly fur nished. Also three room furnished. Close in. Phone 3759. FOR RENT, two bedroom furnished house. 2501 Wiard. Phone 2-1253. FOR RENT, two bedroom furnished house. 1902 Oregon Street. FURNISHED cottage for rent. Close in. Phone 9086. NICELY furnished modern two bed room home in Stewart Addition. Large rooms, oil heat. Fri Bid aire wood ranee. $45 per month. Phone 7206 after 5 p.m. ONE BEDROOM house, 201 Cook St., one block west off California. See af. ternoon Friday. FOR RENT. three room furnished house. Johnson Ave., to couple. Rent $40 month. References. Bogue Dale, 123 South 9th. FOUR ROOM unfurnished duplex, util ity and bath. Automatic heat. 1729 Wall Phone 2-0167. ONE bedroom furnished house for rent Phone 5772. FOR RENT. Two bedroom duplex, fur nished. close In. Inquire 729 North 11th. THREE room nicely furnished cottage, very cozy, view, no garage, automatic heat. Splendid for business couple. Close in. Phone 4356. MODERN one bedroom, house. Phone 4985. FOR RENT. Three room unfurnished house. Phone 5184. VERY attractive new three room house for rent to working couple. Fireplace, electrfc heat. Phone 4667. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. Au tomatic gas furnace and water heater. uarage. soa. rnone z-.oa i . UNFURNISHED four room duplex. Ex cept for stoves. $50. Call 3027 before p.m. FOR RENT on lease basis two bed room furnished house In Stewart-Lennox addition. Large lot, basement, barn, chicken house, etc. Call W. J. Easter, phone 2-9266 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE U TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'i New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 OFFICE .pace for rent. Ground floor. Phone 7709. OFFICE space for rent. Ground floor. Phone 7709. OFFICE for rent. 623 Main. Phone 7181. FOR RENT, floor tanden latest type equipment. Suburban Lumber Co. Utb and Walnut Phone 7709 CAR STORAGE HEATED, day week or month. Earl Lamb, phon 4S73 or 7709. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A DANDY Three bedroom home in South Suburbs. Large, light living room with fireplace. Oak floors, two full baths, Venetian blinds, oil forced air furnace, service porch with bullt-lns. Back bedroom is extra large with two walk-in closets and outside entrance. Now financed on 4 per cent OI Loan. Price $11,500. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 Neat two herirnnm mivlorn Unm. of late construction on California Avenue, insulated. Utility and ga rage. See or Call . James Heseltine Orayce Eaton 5669 7737 Salesmen with M. L JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 6113 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Week End Specials J Bedroom ultra - modem home I3'i yrs. oldi. Bcnutlful Interior. Hardwood floors, fully Insulated, nice lawn, paved street. Located In Mills Addition. Price I12.500. P.H.A. terms. S Bedroom modern with 'j nrre. Good outbuilding. Dlnlnu room. Paved street. Price S47MI. $1000 , down. Or will hike trailer house or car ns part trade. I Bedroom modern with almost 1 acre. A well built home In good condition. Chicken house. In sulnted fruit room. Full price . $4450. Terms or will take trailer house as part trade. , AUTO-COURT II Unit Court In excellent condi tion. High steady income. Good location. For quick sale price reduced to $45,000. Terms, APARTMENTS Multi-unit modern apartment build ing. For quick sale price reduced to S45.0O0. Cash or bank terms. CATTLE RANCH We hnve one good caitle ranch close to Kl.-.math F.xlls. See us for details. ' WALT DIETZ. with T. B. WAITERS Realtors As Insurance 107 So. 7th St. Ph. 4193 tEves. 94ti9) LIST WITH US NOW! WE HAVE WAITING PK0SPECTS We could Use a lot of space telling you about the sales record we have made and how fast we have sold cer tain individual properties listed with us, but we don't think you are interested in individual cases unless it is your own. However, we would like to present this one fact to you for your consideration. DURING THE PAST SEV. ERAL MONTHS WE HAVE BEEN SELLING HOMES AS FAST AND FASTER THAN WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO LIST THM AND RIGHT. TODAY WE HAVE A WAITING LIST OF PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. Find out for yourself be fore you list your property for sale. "SEE US FIRST" "PAT HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-3545 6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 INCOME Three aDartmpnfx im-inr nns Monthly income $120. Within 3 DiocKs of Main St. Apartments arc in process of being redecorated. XX X M block of school, a nice one bed room home, partly furnished for $2750. with $1250 down and $40 per month. Look for our sien on Sargent Street. XXX One acre, two bedroom home near Peterson School. Insulated and weatherstripped. Neat paint Job. Garage attached. M block of bus line. This is selling for $6000. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENN1E COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 DON'T HESITATE Here Is just a plain good buy. This is only a one bedroom home but has dining room, large living room and bedroom located on 'i acre. TERMS? YES I This will finance for 10 per cent down on OI loan. Total price $5500. Don't miss It. HOME, GARDEN CHICKENS Yes here it is, two bedroom home, not and old shack, but a new home. This home Is immaculately furn ished throughout. This home has so many features that Its impos sible to put them all in this ad. So call us at once for more Infor mation and to take a look. A look will convince you. Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 2-2659 Jay P. Origgs " " 4254 W. W. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7621 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lands 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. AUCTION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 12:00 NOON ' SELLING THE 30-One and Two Bedroom Houses 45-Ga rages, Many Woodsheds Corrugated Machine Shed New Machine Shed 40' x 20' Double Garage 40' x 20' Many Other Outbuildings IF CREDIT IS DESIRED Phone 3271, RUTH TOI LEY, Credit Monoger SESSLER INC. COL. SWIGART; Auctioneer "I Talk To Live" JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE For The Traveler A cozy, little cottage on wheels. 18 foot Mainlincr house trailer eoUinnpH wirh fvrf)lfnt fiytnr in. cludingelectric refrigerator. Butane siove, lots or built-lns. Neat and clean Inside and out. With two good tires this attractive little home is all set to truverse the highways apd it's alt yours for only $950. Reasonable terms. John Hobson Phone 6804 Dale Grubb , Phone 3544 AL LONGE Real Estate and Insurance 111 So. 8th Phone 8283 WE NEED LISTINGS ON GOOD SOUND HOMES. EITHER CITY OR SUBURBAN, THAT WILL CARRY CONVENTIONAL FINANCING James Heseltine Grayce Eaton 6669 7737 Salesmen with M. L JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 5113 California Avenue Neat, sturdy, 2 bedroom home, on attractive corner lot. Excellent concrete foundation, large garage, hardwood floors, oil furnace. In sulated, weatherstripped. Price only $6750. Eligible for any kind loan. Down-Town Duplex Only a hop-and-a-skip from Main Street. Pair of exceptionally well designed apartments; each has liv ing room, kitchen, dinette, bed room, bath, and well concreted full basement utility and storage room. In addition, 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs which may be connected to either apartment, making one of them three-bedroom (with two baths) unit. Large double garage. Phone us for appointment. 750 DOWN $50 per month buys this modern 2 bedroom home. Concrete founda tion) insulated, new floor furnace. Detached garage. Located' at 250 Delta. Total price $4500. 5 ACRES On Shasta Way. Excellent soil, all under Irrigation. 1 bedroom modern home. Price $9500. Reason able terms arranged, OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Homer Stiles Fred Scott Ph. 6658 Eves. 2-2460 Eves. 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1909 111 N. 8th Bt. Ph. 4664 or 5529 SI MISCILLANIOUJ fOR SALI SPRAGUE RIVER MILL CAMP - V4 MILE NORTH SPRAGUE RIVER TOWN SITE. CONSISTING OF: HOUSE MOVER WILL BE ON THE GROUNDS ON THE DAY OF SALE FOR MOVING ESTIMATES! Lunch Available JOHN VICARS, Mgr. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE INCOME PROPERTY ATTRACTIVE FIRE RESISTANT TILE BUILDING Located on busy thoroughfare. Consists of two store rcntnls now leased also very com fortable two bedroom modern apart ment adjoining. Perfect setup for your own business or for Income as Is. $195 per month return. Go ing for $18,500. SUBURBAN Two bedroom home on 'j acre. Living and dining room, kitchen mi 1 utility room, modern bath. In sulated. On paved street, 'i block to bus line. $5250 terms. HOT SPRINGS BEAUTIFUL modernistic three bed room home in fine, location. Liv ing room with fireplace, large dln Inj room, handy kitchen with dish washer, wall to wall carpet, attrac tive tile bath. Attached garage. For further Information call: HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 MILLS Large two bedroom, living room, kitchen, breakfast nook, bath, util ity room. Oil floor furnace, fire place. Insulated; Nice luwn and shrubs, large single garage. Price $12,500 terms. VERNON DURA ST ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 0105,, 6544 or 7923 GOOD BUY Large three bedroom home. 1400 sq. foot living space. Separate din ing room, spacious kitchen, contin uous foundation, large double car garage on 100x166 foot corner lot, Good terms. A real buy. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 8th Ph. 9B32-6742 homes ron SALE EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Klrkpstrirk Salesman 121 N SO - Phoiw Ml FOH SALE, two bedroom modern houne In Tulelake. Insulated. Ucorge D. Free mnn. 41 H. Hirppl. Tillelnkc. NEW HOMES for Mia. William B. Powell. Phone 8528. 3a BUILDING Ir REMODELING PLYBOARD, all kfndu and lhlcknee, Banln Bullrilnn Mnterlala, 47S4 SMllh Sixth St. Phone 2-2SS:i. GOOD KIR FLOOHINU, SlIMl per tnoua and. Limited quantity, nnnln Bulldlng Malerlali, 47S4 South Sixth St, Phone 2-3563. 15-One, Two and Three Room Cabins Corrugated Roofing Machine Shop 14' x 24' Mess Hall Building 75' x 125' Double Garage 24' x 40' (with Sliding Doors) Two Miles of Picket Fence 46 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to $500 on vour auto On vout salary or furniture up to $:ioo Pay Day" loan a specialty - $10 $26 150 loaned till "pay day' or longer $25 costs Out 18 cents tor one week No oihor charge. LOCAL LOAN CO. 116 No 10th St. M-354 DON McINTYRR. Mgr. 41 Years Friendly Service 34 FUEL HEATING Ashley Automatic Wood Ilealers $52.50 A iIM M Both models now in stock. 24 hour hent from wood or presto-lugs. Ashley Headquarters 74 No. Main P. O. llox 232 Ashland Phone 7231 or 2-771)1 STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guaranteo Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Batlsfy Plus Service" -Since 1919 821 Spring St. ' Phone 4163 Flit and plnehody wood. Phone IWSfl. S A II GREEN STAMP8"given oiThaaf Ins olli Phone .111111 or 2-03110 tot oromol delivery CLIFF YADEN'S SIGNAL tlKRVICI 2300 So Sth ' STANDARD HEATING) Oil Stove, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, charcoal Peyton and Co 8.1.1 Markat. Phone SUP. D"ilY pine blocka' for "imleT"Upen,"'ev nlnwi and weekend, Mollcm (Iron, I'liRSTOLOOS pickup or dclTvered". Cilff Vadenii Signal Mnrvlca 2.1S0 So th Phone MSI or 2-D200 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES GF.ItMAN shepherd pupplea, 2 monlhii old. ellglhle for AKC regmtrallon. S3S ina up. KinR cole. COLLIE pupa. Litter reglitcrcd. Call .linn). ANdTrson Boarding Kenneli Phone 3047 .KIWI Delaware ult lloinedale BOARDING KENNELS Do boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kenneli Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor rune for each dos Doga handled during mating Will pics up and deliver Vliltora Welcome Phong S07S Merrill Ku. Rt 2, Bo 904 SI1A3IA CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for i.ny amount. Top market prices (or good quality For quotation's PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR SALE aa a herd only, 20 head Guernaoy cowa and 0 helfera to fresh en between now and May. One regis tered Guernsey hull. These cowa are woll bred and henvy prorliiren. and most nt them vaccinated. Will sell all dairy equipment. De Laval milker. Au tomatic cooling unit and milk cans. Complete set up for Grade A dairy. Sea Roy Klatt, 4103 Summers Lang. GENTEVA SAMPLES Clerk LOANS -7 Phone 3-253T S-278 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY 30 HEAD GUERNSEY AND JER SEY MILK COWS Heavy SprliiKrrs T.D. fi Bantu Tested. All from one dairy. Production records and brerd hiK dates Riven at time of sale. 25 WHITE FACED 8TOCK COWS WHITE FACED YEARLINGS WHITE CALVES FACED WEANER WHITE STEERS FACED FEEDER 2 WHITE FACED REGISTERED BREEDING HULLS , BRAHS BROS. AUCTION YARD GRENADA CALIFORNIA SALE STARTS 1 O'CLOCK EVERY SATURDAY 2n TON alfalfa hay. Phnne 2-2(i:lo. Durham helfera. hiX nice nnlry hellers, to freshen soon, by while-far hull. One llnlsteln heifer and whlte-fnce calf, lings ready to buleher. Call 0127 after 5 p.m 5708 Avnlon St. IF In need of1 service age Rolateln bull; see Ilenler Farms, Creswall, Oregon llest JfJype and production. WANTED colored nana Phone 40f" HIGHEST prices paid" for nbullrv. host and livestock ntG V MKAI MARKC'l Lakeview Junction Phone 4S2D ARTIFICIAL, Phone 5721 M C ichurki warren Rt. 2. Ilox S22 Ph!inr?4a!a ""mp""hff' PullgtiTTSyiii 44MrsCELLANEOUS "WANTED WANfED, plow. JohnT)ccrerivo way No- . 2"2 Call Jim llOKor, AlKim:l. 1. STORE mnnancV desires two or-Ihrci bedroom unfurnished house. Prefers to lease. Days phone B141, evenlngi 4IBI, MrAjmslrnng HIGH SCliool,' teacher, wife and six month old baby need house or duplex hv April Ir retc."- in two 'rd rnom and furnished. Willing In reilir ornle If arran'ementi ore made In ad vance. Phone 2-2037. WAN'TED to rent no iTs'a- than 1 nr 3 bedroom horn. Phong 4074 after 0:30 p.m.