Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 31, 1952, Page 17, Image 17

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY .'il, 105'.!
Herald an&$Ur;s?
WANTED; THE ENTHUSIASM FOR LfrtNG, the happy anticipaJion o ihe future, the
philosophical remembering of the past that radiates from Aiverda Peaie Coker, daughter
and granddaughter of pioneers and artists who, today at 81, is looking forward to paint
ing scenes from the iife of Christ or her church, ihe Tuietake Community Presbyterian.
She has just completed the Last Supper.
Mrs. Coker, great-great granddaughter of Charles Wilson who painted portraits of
Washington, Jefferson, Frankiin, has had lit tie format training. Her Jove cf line and color
developed early as she played along the hanks of the tumbling North Piatte River on the
plains of Nebraska. She was raised with Buf faio Biii . . knew the great chief of the Sioux,
Sitting Buff, whose portrait fahovej she painted from memory. All the ragged experiences
of her early years she stored safely in her memory . , the yearn to paint that went unsatis
fied until her aduft iife when a chance acquaintance g3ve her the few lessons she has
ever had.
The mothering of 1 1 children ... the constant awarness of the need for education
... she put three ehtfdrcn through eoffege after she was 50, with funds earned by nurs
ing. Today, a big brick hospital and the First Presbyterian church at SutherHn, Neh.
stand as monuments to her energetic campaigns for community betterment. There, a
few of her children, her 24 grandchildren and 54 great-gramiehitdren worship.
Not until she was 70, did she have time to reallv try out her wings in the field of
expression she had always hoped to. Five years ago she came to.iive near a daughter,
Mrs. R. ft. Woodman, Tuielake, where she has her own small apartment . . brews and
hakes for her daughter's family and in between the homey chores, she paints, an ins
piration to ail women.
IS' jsirt bit too soon ts
thinking sswtle tvf
LenSen rnnm. MSt pirffy s-mei
SM nd nerve with. & Jxrtci Ciav
ttCC. C0!!lti!', Ep. jii'f
tid tottspoatt each r9jwrp4
Cooi r am cttmnta nw-itic
8ttr to. t csi clfftiwrt tfstfti hr(p
nsJ I ri(ci voc)Sf. Heat fcj Juk
Thin ami That About Women
Edited by Ruth King
aatung servo SmjwsSS
IIVA Woman's World"
fey War fess 5sc4f to
It A
JT J If I (Wk,
- vvv r. c?& I( "Th ,W 'J
vy a-- i-t 1 " M
Limber Up Your Fingers
Prizes Await Crochet Fans
PTA Notv1
A (nlcnl sliow kIvpi bv i!p lxll
mid scvriitli uracil- ol the Tulclnke
rlrini'nlrtry M'hool provided rnicr
liilnindit lor the Jitii. la nicctinit
ul the crude hchaut 1TA. Bltt
Jnnirxoii liilrmlured Hie ironram
mid Kdwlti Ctuutili wus master ol
Tim Khow ein.si:ileit o the hlxth
i;rd xtcllc iitimDrrs, "Old Me
JJoniild." jokes by ttio three com
rdtnitx: in) mrruntlnn number by
Miry Stliuttn. Hey. Cioodlooltin:"
n ttnnce by I'ntrHIn mid Jim Huv
Imn: vocal mimlx-r, "Llttlp
III own Churrh in ttio Vnlc." mhik
bv the neventti iinuie choir. I'm.sy
Hetuby Nttil! ".Slim pot. ' lnovH
hknlrskt. Rave n mniiirinn net nnd
tlie slxtti Kradc tiii "Hwcrt Vio
lets. '
A Foumler'K Iy ineetini; will be
hi Id in Kebrunry. Evccjnne Is
tinted to no nnd mke a Irlenri.
Attention us culled to the fash
ion show wlnrli will be held In
Aintl with Mrs. Kd lhirkell In
ehiiiKt). All ineiiibeiK who sew nrc
uiKrd to make n Hnrmcnt for dis
utny. After a film "Uelter Ntltrltton.
rodesliiueiits were rrvel in (he
cnfelorlii with liflh Krtte rootit
mothers, Mrs. Hii-hnrd Flynn nd
Mrs, Einmett Sinn in cluirttc.
KHOri'lSCI All)
Tuck In your lmndtini; pen,
pencil or biilloint with your siitnii
Hire eiiKiuved on tt when ymi rf
Khopping. It provides rendy Idcntl
' llcutlon, nnd In who handy lor
mnklnir notes rn route.
New Books
At Merrill
MERRILL The Klamath county
Bookmobile paid n visit lo the
Merrill brunch library, and led a
(trouti of new books. Included were
"Old Herbaceous," Arkell: "The
Fates Were Laughing" Croiicr;
"The Kiiih and f." Hiiinmcrsteln
"No Survivors." Henry; "The Sea
Eimtes," Jeiinmas: "Ark of Em
pire." Jones; "Blessed are the
Meek" Kossac-SccKtickii: "Anyone
Cmi Do AnylliliiR," MarDonald;
"What Are These Wounds," Mer
lon; "Tlc Nymph anil (he Lamp,"
Rnddall: "Novels o( Mystery Irom
the Victorian Ase." Richurdson:
"As Me Saw It." Roosevelt; and
"The President's l.ndy." Stone.
The Merrill Library has n wide
selecllon of renrilnti and reference
matctml, and It Is the sincere
wish of Ihe courtly librarian, ami
the local Merrill Library clb that
residents of- Ue community use
Its facilities fo the fullest extent.
There ts no charge for a library
card: one nuiv be had for the
Mrs, Howard Dewey, the local
hbrartan, will be glad to send re
quests for specific books In lo the
county library lit Klamath Falls,
where every effort will be made
to obtain them.
The library la open from I 4o 5
ip.m. Monday through Friday, and
(from .m. till 12 noon on Satur
Crochetern In every part, ol the
country will be rntertnjc their cro
chet contest through participating
local, county arid state fairs. A
chance to win money prizes, rib
bons arvl even a trta to Chicago ts
waiting. The contest dates are
Jiom January tbroush November,
Tills is the way to o about It;
Crochet, a fashion or household ar
ticle or finish one already started
that Is worked la mercerized cro
chet cotton. Your piece can be
made from a pattern or it can be
nil original design., Il can be en
tered in any otic t 12 ctasstttca-
tlon.s includlnti tablecloths, doilies,
tashion accessories, chair sets, etc,
where it will be judged with other
articles of the same kind.
Or If you are a man. a teen-ace
girl, a 4-H club girl or a lady over
66, your piece mav be su&milied
m one of lour special categories
where it will be judged with those
Irom youf sex, sue or 4-H club
membership groun regardless at
what Ihe entry is. Il must, however
comply with the rules at the na
tionwide crotchet contest. Complete
rules of the contest are available
(ram your county or state lair
The entry that wins first prize
In each of the 12 classilicattons
and (lie four special categories will
be awarded a nationwide crochet
contest blue ribbon which entitles
it to national judging with first-prl?.e-wmnmg:
pieces from lairs
Play Cards
Drink Tea
Give Health
One of the season's briahl social
j events, the Library Club brxSife ,
and tea will be held Saitirtfay,
I Feb. 3. In the Willard Hotel.
Cards will be pfyed from t;3&
until 3:30 p.m. Frizes !!! be
: awarded and tea served at 3:3f.
Funds derived tram the brtdae
, tea will go to Library Ciab's- Case
Benefit fund. The Jtaid is used lo
provMe tonsilectomie for under
privileged children. The ihvstciari.':
ol the community as a whole have
carried a iarae portion of ie bar-
den which has been beyond the
means of the Library Club. They
have ereatly aided In making ihe
protect passible by the time they
Those who wish reservations lor
the bridee party or tea may call
Mrs. warren jsennet at 4sz or
Mrs. Archie James at 2327.
throughout the country. National
, prizes amount to S2580. The wom-
on and man whose entries are
judged best receive ail-expense,
paid trips to Chicago in addition
to cash awards.
In J33 New York and Texas
were the only states In the United
States that had more than 500 hos
pitals each.
Mary Glenn
- Announcement is made af the!
recent mttrrtsimt t tia,ub i
Clenn to Mr. Jffi L. C-iiagher,
' Gallagher has been ssrvlm; ag I
mine cxiensma. Aent in KSamaift i
(County for the past sws and one-!
During Mrs. Gat!atwrs essence i
from the courtly. Miss Dorothy!
ToJfetft. former Multnomah County!
Home Femrttt;?rcifivt Jnant .tcr t
, IT i
; serve as local aseni.
"Give Dopey plenty of fm fa
oruwer. H' baiy torfay ,
lomeona tent him a trani af
ifMtrmovrJM. .You'il com-
piete ittore ca&& if you gtv
the ether person time to an
swer ?X least a minute,..
Pacific Telephone.
Personalize Your Valentine
Do your Valentine shopping ear
ly, so there wilt be time to have
your Rift-s monoRrarymed. It adds
a very personal touch to the senti
mental occasion and gives your
gill a custom-made look.
eeiri perfect lockstitch oft vnf material 0&mt compJti- -frith f7i
. tixfci f&o) toTrtrot J7tobi-fi jboJoj di-ccf cnyinf esse,
8950tfDGE7 TERMS
Liberstt Allowance On Your Old Machias
633 Main
A T:rf Muk TKS. UMOSS Hlfi. CO.
Phon 2-2513
Vim run fin! lavelr new tpivH pinna
fr&m llir l.outii Ht Mann )'tno t orn'
jiny, N. 1lh, t low mnnlMy
ml. Aftvr rtftfln!! iim u vn,
tt you v(h, c(ng (rm ttnl to jmt
rh" Acrrrmrnc. 1'h trnt lrd pa(S
la Mil rrfftttrrf ( yaut purch cooum
Mil A tin thr 4"n fmymtnl tt ecr
rv. Thft mnnthlr piimtnti ran he
l)ltl hiihrr thjn rent. Or. tf you pr
ffr, yen tn rnllu t rt-ni.
How Enjoy Canada's Most
uahiiwhw w n it ww I a
The holiday you've nlv-ny wanted now
nt a apeeliil low nrlcet Amt! the antrn
caip'l peitka Kttrrottmlliifc heatttlfiil Lake
Harrison II. C, enjoy I ho haiy com
Miintlon of inilt'li sa furlllllrs and
every resort diversion. Two hcateil nimlst
Kxotlo Coiicr RfKint far dttitcliig anl
rrlnxatiort Now fa the Idea! time!
Till April tK.irope.n Plant Brah,. , M
WN;l.Km.b.lh,M.MH.VM .n.h.n l.U
WJtll.EHblti,6.WH7.30 IHnnor 3.50
For rcaeevntlorta, write, wire or
Iflrplmnn the Mnmtgrr, Ilnrrisnn
I tot Springs Hotel, llntrlsitti, lit',
or sen j'linr travel ngettl. Color
liriiciiirn on ri'iiiet.
; 'X i
There's nothing like givin
folks what lliej want
Kfamath's new Hart field's ; store offers
Greater savings proving once more we
save you money. Come in, open your bud
get account. NO MONEY DOWN.1
VofuesFrom JA
7,99 to 16.99 $ l$ If s
"CM' h a rtQlitortd hsrfr-anrK
w , . jpT a
? s &F7I A f t f
Vafaes to 1.59
Regular J.00
tint Quaiilv
Voae 2.99 and 3.99
TS 2$5
Values 239 ta 739
ouses $1 " $2
2.99 Vofcje
c e
Lorcte sizes includes Rsj. 5.99
Reau!or 1,?9'
Let Coke join your gay circle of friend3.
Serving Coca-Cola serve3 hospitality
adds to the occasion.
077ttt UN&M UTHOtrr Of TK COCA.COl rr-"T .
737 MA
"Wber FssHt&n Fmotws) Thrift Ttn