X (THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, J952 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE FtVTWN 1 iwir? CAGE SCORES ?' i otlrtt Hasaetuull By The Auotdatrd fre FA It WKHT Stanford 71 Ban Jwjc Stats 89 Los Angela Loyola 7(1 Occidental 47. U of Hawaii 67 Southern Caiifor nla til, KAHT Duquetme 87 Akron 3! Yale S8 Amherst 44 West Virginia f Pitt 47 8t. Johns Bkni 08 Kardttttirt aa helon Hull 70 . Francis IBkm 80 MIOWKKT Oklahoma. AAM 4 Kummn 4 Xuvler t Cincinnati) 87 Hanover S Youngntown 4 Baldwin Wallace S3 Klouble overtime) y Case 6 Carnegie Tech 7 MOUTH Kentucky M Auburn 4fl Stetson 7t Bowling Oreen 67 Georgia Tech SB Misahtstppl State 64 Perm State M Navy 4 Mississippi state 68 Louisiana Mini el ViriilWa 18 Georue WiiHhimtlon 6 Western Kentucky 78 Cincinnati 03 BOUTHWKRT Henderson Z Ouachita 88 Lamar 78 Louisiana College 47 wayiana New Mexico Military 48. THIS STARTED NEAR RIOT Billy Parks hoists Yorg L'rctorian for a third body slam in a row. But Yorg's (lait ncr, Kurt Von Poppenlioim gave his mat mate a shove, toppling the Rumanian over on top of young Parks for the rubber fall la.sl night at tho armory. The Parks hoys de manded the return to the ring of the German and Ruman ian ami tho irate crowd attempted to knock down the dressing-room door to gel nl Yorg and Kurt but were dissuaded by poticc. Referee Duck Davidson, unable to seo Von Pop's helping shove, gave the match to the bearded pair. Parks Boys Lose In Near-Riot at Armory Vl'a ttrntiatilll f,w4 thtntT lb wrestling mob at Urn armory last nlKlit didn't reach the iiincllly ol the dre)ng room. If It had, this story would prob ably hit page one, with obituaries ol Kurt Von Poppcnhelm and Yorg C'relorlait. t Referee Buck DavldMn was again the scapegoat, Iho target fur vocal blasts by the Irnte fans after giving Von Poppcnhelm and C'retorltttt the third and rubber fall Di their tag team tiff with Jlcru and Billy Parka. It all happened like this. Kach tram hod a fall. Willy Parka was giving Cretor tan a very thorouith and undellcale going-over with ring-shaking body blnms. The Uilrd tlmo Parks picked up the Rumanian, he matted to alam him near the comer where Von l'oppenheim was waiting to gel in hla licks. ITSII The German did get In his llcki. !Ui pu.-.hed Crelorian'N broad bnrk rnuatnu Hilly to topple over back words with Yorg on top of him. Davidson counted three and pat ted Crctorlan's buck m token of victory. The crowd went wild. Cre torlan" and Von Pop ducked out of the ring quickly ' to the drawing room. Uavldson hadn't een Von Pop's Illegal Interference from out-ilde the rttiK. Tho Parka boys, with victory In their grasp in the hectic match, wouldn't leave Hie rum and de manded that their nefarious foes return, NO Out-shouted by the crowd that milled nrund the ring. Davidson at tempted the fruitless Job of getting the Ocnnnn mid the Rumanian back. Naturally, they both voiced emphatic negative answer In Ger man and numanian. But Uuvldson stood pat on hi dcclalon. The mulch went to the Proud Prussian and the Rumaii. Ruggtd u llghtwtlght Engineered to ccmbine light ness with rugged strength, the Johnston Power Mower if built to give yeart of depend able, economical service. 21 INCH cutting width 1.6 H. 9. 4-eycU angina BRIGGS-STRATTON $5 WILL HOLD ANY POWER MOWER . UNTIL SPRING! PUT ONE ON LAY-A-WAY TODAYI . '57" Reel and Rotary Typci Prieei Starr At OCR'S 1001 Main Ph. 2-2518 i Freshmen Win By IfAROf.p McKAY Kbimath'j !rm,hmeu clobbered the Henley B team 58 to 25 on Pelican court hiKt night. The frojih lumped to IS to 4 lead In the first quarter and a 27 lo 10 at the hall. An iiitereRtlnn feature of the some waa the fact that none ol the Henley atartcra acorcd. LOFTY LAZ Don Laz grits his teeth soaring over the bar with a 15-foot, three-inch record-breaking vault at Washington, D.C., and establishes himself as a definite Olympic Games threat along with Rev. Bob Richards. O'Brien Trails Hoffman NEW YOHK (JK-Tne first three basketball scorers amonjf the amail colleges are aeparatetl by lust three tenths of a nerctntaue point, according to figures released Thursday by the National Oolleg-: late Athletic Burucau. Harm Hoffman of Brooklyn Poiv, who baa not played lor two weeicu because of exams, stii! heads the parade wilh an average ol 27.0. But he's followed closely by John O' Brien of Seattle with and Eart Wenuei of Penn Military whb 28 7 The (Inures tnciude games through last Baturday, O'Brien has been hot on 3o)) man's trail alt season, and Sast week, he had two chances w oi er take the leader. But he was held to bZ points and his average went down a fraction of a point. Lfoyd Mongrum Tucson Favorite ;j.r 'v, '.'--, fiv TUCSOtf, Arte. iB A field of; 138 golfers counted Ideal weather' and a short, easy course amonij their assets Thursday as they piayen vne j)rt rouno ol tne iu,- aa Tucson open. i Lioyd Mangrum, Chicago, (s fa-1 vored !o win lop money lor the ; third time. He won here in 149 and 1931. Jack Burke, Houston, Tex., ! is also hiBhiy regarded. HOLDING ON Coach Jimmy Phelan found hitn seif in a precarious position when a weaithy Daiias com hine reached out and pur chased the New York Yanks of the Nationai Foot baii League. Pheian didn't know whether he had a job or not. Aggies Stop Kansas With Rigid Defense Henley Nips 'Cats. 30-26 Henley's Hornets soMetied by the KV wildcat 30 to 28 on Peii can Court last night. The Wildcats lead S to 6 athe jconcioslon of the first period, &twt j to n at we jruui. Tbe Iomet carne back Sn jhe (.econd haif Co snare t 24 to 22 lead at ine Wires quarter mark, Clinton Armstrong "Ktta high in ine game tvlia S points T ClMtlleia r a iinhii C Qvit r, BVSTA G a Amutrona Henity tuba J, Hill, H., Jaww. KofhtTkon, Yvfetl. K'latv.ttit ul Hill S Hilltop Wins Dimes Game Kiittop edged Chiioquta, 68-55, iajit night in a March of Dimes benefit game that jammed the Chiioquin hth school gym "Wayne Hatcher acorefi 20 lor the Chiioqvsio Tovraies. Jack Wayomrt led ins HDltoppers with 32, Jol icwed closely by Gii Martinez with U and three boys with IS Leo Friend, Paul Hefns and Ki CsTTter. B? The Amecltiti Tit Hjob Alien's Jtansxt Jam. rtltt either h,ve to do booo r bounolng ioo Siiiriy tiiM, find themseivta in absp In Ihe Big Seven Coctfereoc bkt bail pennant race, Coach Henry "Han1 Tna's, Vxi iahatna A&M As'.t. t.n.vi Inr years as roasters on aeJeaw, Hiruv up its . lavas', nat-proof front in lbs Una) (juartef at 3tiiiw4cr Wednesday night to fcantS the Ksn .9ns (heir second etcwigtvi am f the season, 9-4S, Jt l.?o jvss in . jayaws co3R eewwttt of tha sesson, Tbog Allen's men, aotv season lecwd and S-i in th conlerence.. musi beat Iswa fitt wwenc Batnrrtay or SitiA themselves in ceai trautsto. ; la contrast to the doomte!! (fh ranked Kansas, olheir teams In wss cop cett it cnts eet s ftasociit ed Press poll, were vlctorlnus. Too ranked Kentucky bi-Hied ov ;er Auburn, SS-4 lor s- atrtlgnt ,-flctory; Cisqvsesne, Nt. T, tram- pied A ir rati etna otwe beaten West Virginia, Ho, Jv, trounced Pitt, i The xerosSnde- of tta lop ln, Kattsas State, Hi'.twis, fit. Sonvien ture, St. Louis, Iniva and Washing ton did not play. Beton HsB. ranked litft. wftltioeof iSt. Francis of Brooklyn, lu-Ki, Jor t taE vtccacy t t scans. In other games "Western Kentuc tv toot Cincinnati. 'W-S: Ciemson inipped Furrosn S7-B8; Bianlori iedged San Jose State 1I-66-. ntt 'Hawaii &eleaie& Southern. Cajifof inia, er-56. Ian Ape. That's all Davldfion could do because he didn't ace Von Pop's uuc-iuriung anovc. H was a jmitcli that lanled lu.il 33 imnutea and 30 seconds but II was crammed with enough may. hem to spread out over twite lha tlmo. Kurt and Yorg scored first h 10:15 niter tradlmr oil In method Ically uiihiiHiliig Hurricane Hn with overhandrd bliiuls to Ilerb'i back as ho toppled to tho canvas. STIUiTCH Von Pop finally acorcd with llie liack-bicaker and stretch. Then the Parks boys went on the warpath and almost lore Kurt'. leg out of Us socket with the stomp, lng toe hold aa they chiinnrd stomp ing shifts in tlictr own corner. Billy got the Job of mopping up on Von Pop who screamed uncle in Ger man and a hundred other Ian guntics. Promoter Mack Mliiird Raid to dny be'a aiming lor ii rnurrt match ttltli no time limit and two olftcial: to wuu-h proceedings, Tim:o It's no wonder Davidson wasn't up to anufl. He went a gruelllnK one hour with Ohio Nicoltnl, clever Italian wrestling slnr, in a match 1 that ended In a draw. Nlcollnl won the first fall with the reverse Wck wlnglnck in 31:10. Buck evened things with the surf-' board In 1:20, '! tin ' 1 ' &a mm WBNHMO COMANY f OMUN9, 0COOH fc mm in km Mora pa war for 'SSI For example: j new Kord Truck M5-h.p. Cargo King V-8 delivers most horsepower per cubic inch of any gasoline truck engine among the five sales leaders! Engineered for modern, low-cost Speed Hauling NOW FIVE great Ford Truck engines permit closer "tailoring" of truck power to your spe ciflc truck Job. No other truck tine in the low price field gives you so many power choices, series for series, fn '2-ton to 3-ton trucks! ,. "aort strol-o T "e5f ' MOM ?OVfiR tN W 259 V- AW W !3 im i oerformance. Ford v mnrm OV,U5VO"----r, r touga,beavsavKyj"- omy a-comjaression punch - ie8uo&n ntr"tj,t?a8ti opei- At ailoUlily ql tguipmmt, awMmriM ofl trifll jw 01ms ttaUi $ 4pm&i apon mafefVat wmfa tosta'ivtms, COUWtg SEDAN Dtuve-y, JMfi- -Bn t?r r-k cvas for.&o. - "BsioiM,. cae. -rf'of tw7:ru Overdrive;?'' vc; w t B1MOMSWAI Cos, record, - Kconomy Rua your l7OTd eTcStscosttofuM, O lo sto-s y Mi Wf OKiY FORD TRUCKS GIVE YOU All THESE OTHER FEATURES; i. choitjtsf v-et$;xi 2 Full-flew oit flft tleons vnrf -3 Avtattt-trtnic aiitanc to rnDjflfojw fcigh rnpr6fpn fiv reciucet atmral ftkficn. 5. Two fine, tofcs, the, 5-STAtt, end (a adii ert th 5-STAR ECTRAl lrd IFrueb for riS eosf still less to rait ! Come in and see us tomorrow! BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Mam at Esplanade Phone 3121