f j TIIUKSDAY .IANUAKV Ii).r)2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN PURE PORK, COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE Slightly season ed to taste by experts: fork: sausage ai iui in very best: ' 1 ,f,tlt)tttl1ttlfBtj,MiBMajtJe JteS-S"; ' x-vrn ,-vSl OAer Terrific Vel.es ta m . v 'k KrtriM v:',vsi . ir jl . j. i i ;KSJ1 tnougn io serve o peopie mr i j3,b4V 1 I ! "'f Jy Cream e Crop l-TOPr: L W LARGE i os01 rr EGGS doz. j k .... 1W V V:N- olden brn: .. ttV 1 111 i , neon10"' lN o SLICED BACON Standard pack layers: Fries to a crispy, golden brown: A real treat these brisk mornings: Ground Beef lb. 59 Sirloin Steaks, lb.l Boneless Beef Stew, lb. 82 Leg o'Lamb Roast, lb. I03 Pork Roast, u t u lb. 48' Pork Chops, lb.68 Pork Spare Ribs, lb.59 Pork Steaks, lb.49 Pork Roast, lb.39 Fresh Bologna, lb. 59 Spiced Lunch Meat, lb. 59 Halibut Steaks, lb. 59 ! Fillet of Sole, lb: 57 H-D Whiting Fish, lb. 29 Fresh Oysters, pint -69 Smoked Links, JSL, Pkg 35e Bockwurst, Seasonal treat lb. 65e Bacon Jowls, lb. 29e liver, m ib.29e u lb. 69e Rabbits, Reedy to fry lb. 75e Turkeys, Fcr-H 'b. Turkeys, fy-T lb. 65e Fricassee Fowl, r lb. 62c FRESH, READY TO COOK FRYERS Young, heavy mm meated birds: IF Cleaned, dis- Ifi as? lb.2 Nice Slicers Prepacked Carefully selected for ripeness-firmness 14-0z. Carton IT Sweet juicy FLORIDAS Fine quality. Variety of IU sizes. Hetflmice Nice firm heads in a swirl of crisp leaves. lb. APPLES Rome Beauties Nice Bakers AVOCADOS California Fuertos Ripe GRAPEFRUIT Florid PINKS GRAPEFRUIT Ploride WHITES 2 25c 223c 15c 10c GRAPEFRUIT Arizona Seedless POTATOES U S. No I Economy peel SQUASH Hubbard or Mirblehead PARSNIPS Full of Fine Flavor LB. 19 1 8 49c io ib$. qJC . 13c More Money-Savers for Your Shopping List All-Bran Cereal k.n.w.'S 2V Rice Krispies Ke!I9lva.o,P,9.27c Ralston Cereal'" rr5?.28e Kitchen Daft Drifted Snow Gold Metal Phillsbury . Blue Blades .0,49' VapoRllbvick s Small size 33 Va-tro-Nol vicks- 37c Barbasol Shaving Cream 50c size 39 Chlorophyl Mwo'sh i 0i.57e Tooth Brushes Dr. west iaCh59c Flour Cottage Cheese ,oc If 1 Golden Bantam. " ; Country Home. Whole Kernels No. 303 coil White Satin or C&H Can 10 lbs. If1 COFFEE SAYINGS SELECT FROM FRESH STOCKS AT SAFEWAY U Sb.. Crta 24 in CANDY BARS 8? Itl f3, HlV.'IA'eSlV Mushrooms Dawn Fresh 'Pieces and Stems 4-or. can Beef Stew Ointy Moore Brand 24-oi. ean 52' AirWaV Coff6e SalodOn ,...53c Cleaned Shrimp Fresh roottei - whole bean blend Mb. tM 73' 2-lb. kej I EDWARDS Vacuum Packed 3 Grinds Can I Mb. 77e Mb. $153 Can I I Marqarine Sunnvbank lb. 30 Butter Shady Uon. per lb. 79 Karo Syrup 23 Karo Syrup label tVi-tb. Cheese Itrkihlr Vj.lb. brick 29 Fancy Tuna Fish Blltmore Soasoned , No. 'j can h.l uii rttl' nuu inn vuiicc Vflii y Fresh Roasted. Who! lean Blend Mb. bag iO 2-lb. baej I KLEENEX Ptg.ofOCc 'Pkg.ofO OC 300 aW 200 at tor Mustard Morehouse Shortening Royal Satin All-purpes l-ot. can 57 33 19 83 20'i-o. ier M b. tan Pncet eflecbvt through Saturday,. Feb. I, at Setewea Stoiet : Oxydoi I Lifebuoy I Ivory Flakes I White Magic Ajax Cleanser Linit Starch TOILIT SOAf far line thlars ftreeiilfited Soop -t' Feumlnf Aetle Cletbee Starch flpfed' pig"' 8T 5ife 2 Bors 25 "l2ioi. pkg 3V..." 2.0,, pkg 29 14-p, cans 3 ' 12-w. pksj.,.15' , eajeaisjfj .jap,,,,, 1