PAGB TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON : CT 'I LT. DONALD B. WELLS The glass - blowing Industry has been in existence for about 6,000 years. KF Officer Has Bad Time Lt. Donald B. Weill, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wells. 1005 Wlard, commanding officer on the coast guard cutter, Cahoone has written his parents of his recent experience wniie searching tor a missing General Airways plane In we jNortn racuic. The experience was a harrowing one alter leaving siuca. in saioury Sound the ship began to Ice up. Radio antennas were so heavily coated they were useless. One ii- nally snapped under the weight and the ship for many hours was without means of communication except for one small voice radio. High winds and seas rolled the Cahoone to 50 degrees. All fires were extinguished. Men sent to chop Ice from the decks could stand the terrible cold for only a few moments. The crew lived on sandwiches and no coffee, main stay of a sailor, for 3S days. The ship arrived back in port with from 2 to 8 inches of ice covering but there were no casual ties. Commander Wells is well-known here. His wife and baby are in Alaska with him. He has been in the service 11 years. TIltmSIMY, JANUARY 3t.'l92 Allies Plan Move To Speed Truce Talk In Korea By ROBERT B. Tl'CKMAN , MUNSAN. Korea Wl The Allies proposed Thursday that truce ne gotiators tackle yet another prob lem uie imai clause ot a Korean armistice. This Is recommendations to bel ligerent governments, including ul timate withdrawal of foreign troops irom norea. me communists have been wanting to talk about lt since the truce negotiations began. If the Reds accent. It would mean every key armistice problem would oe unaer discussion simultaneously to a three-tent performance. Negotiators have been dead locked for weeks on asenda items three and four, supervision of a truce and exchange of prisoners. bui vice Aam. u. Turner Joy senior Allied delegate, suggested simultaneous negotiations on item five in an effort to speed the sign ing ot a truce. The recommendations section was included in the conlerence agenda to meet a Communist de mand for withdrawing foreign troops from Korea. The U.N refused to consider troop withdrawal as part of an ar mistice, but finally agreed to con sider such a recommendation to governments involved to the Ko lean War. . The question then would be set tled on a higher, political level. Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckols, official U.N. spokesman, said he believes the Reds also plan to pre sent a recommendation for final Dr. Dillin To Speak Here Dr. Harry L. Dlllln, prrslrienl ot Llnllckl Culleitc, McMlimvllle, is settlement of the Korean question at a higher level He declined to any whether the Allies would submit recommenda tions If a third tent la set up at Pnnmunjoin, The truce supervision subcom mittee Is In recess while staff of ficers try to hammer out an agree ment on-all points except the hotly, contested U N. proposal tor ban ning airfield construction during an armistice. The subcommittee on prisoners and the staff officers on truce su pervision will meat again at lt a.m. Friday, 8 p.m. Thursday, P8T in Panmunjom HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND lUOtNt, OKI. MIDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Barley. Proprietors and Joe Earley la address a special dinner meet ing of the Klnmiilh Lions Ulub here Tuesday evening at the Wil ling Hotel. The meeting will be open to the public but It will bo neccsNary to make reservations by phoning Lions President James O, Pnttor son at 3423. Dr. Dlllln, In addition to his work In the education Held, Is a noted world travoler and author. He will speak here on "Wander ing Among the Arabs." Dr. Dlllln's most recent foreign trip was through the Arabian coun try and Italy and Germany, whore ho studied the threat of communism. ( Hl Kdl DINNKR A chuck wagon dinner has been scheduled at the First MrthodLst Church Friday at 6 p.m. under the sponsorship of the Youth Fellow ship. On the program are Western songs and entertainment. The pub lic la Invited. AA Slots Nabbed In Quickie Raid SEATTLE Ml Five slot inn. chines were snlr,od Wednesday at of nil places, tho Alcoholics Anonymous clubrooinn. Tho steward, John Lawrence Ilium, (U, snld the club had used profit from the Illegal machine to buy coflee lor members and to malntnln Its rehabilitation shop. Both he and Rnlph Fred O'Don nell, S3, Janitor, were booked for possession of gambling equipment and released on (100 bull each, The raiding party of several police men ami Deputy Bherllf John C. Kawllngs aald they found the mre dunes In ll-'"' roum oil the club billiard room. WOMEN'S 2 FOR 1 SALE Now In Progress Model Shoe Store I wTMarcrna he I I I - THE INN - TULELAKE REOPENING FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 1 TENDER! TASTY WE SAVE YOU MONEY! sBEEF ROASTS - - 69.1.: C0RN RED HENS 35s,: SPINACH Del Monte EARLY GARDEN 303 Tin. Del Monte Cream Style 303 Tim Fancy "Walla Walla" No. 2 Tins Grain fed, center cuts '' Country style Big Y brand Grade A beef PORK STEAK USAUSAGE LEAN BACON iRIB STEAK BACON ENDS SLICED FRESH OYSTERS PORKERS LARD lb. 45 25 ICc C i lb. "Spencer", diced No. 2 Tins "Black Canyon' . Idaho fancy, No. 2 tins Happy Vale . 303 tins 1 lb. pkg. 8 to 10 size, pt Young, grain fed, half or whole lb. 50 lb. can TOMATOES rADDATC CORN 7Q!L PEAS 19 PURPLE PLUMS co uKAftrKul I HiL APRICOTS UnANuE JUIlt "State Fair" Solid Pack, 2 'is PayeHe Volley . Fancy 2Vi Tins Garden" Segments, No. 2 tins "Party Time" Solid Pack No. 2 tins $775 f Standy, Valencia 46-oz Mr 4 u GOLDEN WEST GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Del Rogue 46-ox HONOR BRAND ftoz&tvoc BUY YOUR CHOICE ORANGE JUICE c... GREEN PEAS 12 oz. CUT CORN ..... 10 m. SPINACH u.i . . . . Moz. SPINACH chepp.d .. . 14 0I. SQUASH c.ok.d . ... is oz. POTATOES r.nth . 9 oz. BUY THE CASE AND SAVE EVEN MOREI . SPECIAL PRICES! -lb. tin COFFEE ' CRISCO JELLO SUGAR VEL KRE-MEL PUDDINGS SCOTT TISSUE - jShortening ASSORTED FLAVORS Fine granulated 77c CM VbUUUIli GIANT SIZE 0,t'loWI5 4 -25c Mlivyfi 4 A A"f r. n nr-v iiiibsKir -k irvMi m w vi v ii mi ill vxv Eoeh 5c 10c I CON CARNE Nallcy's No. 1 Tins DINNER NALLEY'S Heat and eat! : ' .1 ijc 15c 16c 17c 10c : 2 -35c 2 -23c 21c 17c I 27c . 29c 23c -k BANANAS "sr-r 17c LETTUCE Crisp and green lb. 9 Cauliflower 13c B A flkT tlinr Nowotthoir n0 WM9 rMMMirjt ib. TO Mi A TO E C 1 1 RADISHES - 5c ORANGES- 8c ARTICHOKES, -7(? Fresh, crisp ond flavorful J Af" IN OUR THRIFTY VARIETY DEPT. R0. $1.69 Hllmor NYLONS 5' ,0U9' 15 "'' Unconditionally (uaianttod ' 'or hlrlr days agoinil rum inogi, lc. ej Whipped Salad Dressing, qt. re For Sandwiches Durkee's Pt. Girlt SLIPS Rayon erep., lac trimmed poitcl shad Penworthy STATIONERY ln Gold Seal FLOOR WAX s Iiih(n, ALKA SELTZER McMt 3 Pll. 25c Th large 39c 35c Inlaid JIG SAW PUZZLES 25c SIM0NIZE Wool Plaid SCARVES Self Polishing Floor Wax qt. CASHMERE BOUQUET Bath OC Size for 3C Gollon tins of Fruits ond Vegetables at wholesale prices! Beautiful paital thada .... ..79c $2.49: CRYSTAL WHITE 7c BAR S&TVtlL-STHV vbwb Show CEREALS o BOXEX IM 33 S : SHEETS N,wpor( m.d. by P.auot Mill, $2.49 in i fit