THURSDAY, JANUARY 81, Ir2 HERALD AND NBWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN MID-WINTER PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY and SATURDAY FEB. 1 & 2 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT! FOOD " "" W. C.ARTIN now man Kfr of Earl's Market and Fountain, Tulelako who Miccccdii Earl Ager, store owner. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and thoir dau((btcr Leo Ann, student at the Univer sity of Culifornia, Berkeley and their son Bill, 7, arc former residents of Mt. Shasta. Martin has operated Ihe drug department in Earl's for some time, Soup Lack Denied By Official CAMDKN, N. J. Wl A upoVcs man lor one of the nation' lritel Mod cummin linns aalcl Thursday Unit a recent fuli)(j ol federal re atrlcllona on tin containers nhould Improve tlie mut1y ot aoupa, canned Ioocl " i id nlmlliir product. Aoktil about a report from Beat lie, tiitit noiiim packed by Hie Campbell Soup Co., were In abort Miiiply tlmie, a coiupuiiy ufllclal t.aitt he knew of no apeclflc nlioit line und UKKCtcd a ponxlblllly Unit Ibcrn mlulil hnve been aomo tem porarily illhlocalloil due to unex pected demand or potiaioiy irana- lvir(Hhn,i llfflrllKlM However, he pointed out that a j ledernl order Uinued Jan, 37, 11)01 limited the metal available for I cniminK noii-aeaaonal aoupa Ihoae : kinds which can be produced at any time In Urn year to lot) per rent of the amount uned In 11)50. On Oct. I, IBM. an amendment reduced the available metal to DO per rent of the base period. The orders did not affect the o called "acunonal" noupn. audi as tomnto, asparagus and others which are packed at the peak ol the harvest season lor the Ingred ients, Another federal order Issued last Jan. XI restored the 100 per cent ration. As a result, the Campbell nfllcial snld, his firm and others expect to be able to meet normal demand for their products. Boinc temporary shortages cannot be avoided ill food distribution, the ol tlclal said, but usually these are Jocnl In nature and only temporary. (Her story pujc 7) Stockmen OK Sales Tax McMINNVILI.E (P) The West ern Oregon Livestock Association favors a sales tax proceeds to no lo Ihe support of schools. The association, which clfftcd Its 18th annual convention here Wednesday, also passed a resolu tion endorsing a six mill limita tion on state property taxes. Howard Lealhcrman, Coqulllc, was named president, succeeding Archie Rlekkola, Astoria. Roncr Dumdl, McMlunvllle, was elected vice-president; and Harry Llnd Itren, Oregon State College, was re-elected aecretary-trcasurer. Land prices will be lower this year, Gerald Stanfleld, Wclscr, Ida ho, president of the Oregon Wool Urowera Association, predicted. He complained that the federal gov ernment had hurt the wool Industry by using synUietlo material and ro used wool In military uniforms, The association also asked the Fish and Wildlife Service to con alder poisoning of coyotes In West ern Oregon, ns Is now the practice In Eastorn Oregon. Other resolutions proposed tax re-appralsal of tlmbcrlands In the state, and higher (eea for dog licenses. Florida Citrus Industry Aided LAKELAND, FIB. Ml Falling prices for Florida citrus will get two shots In the arm soon a mil lion dollar purchase by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a program by Florida Citrus Mutual to cut down shipment. . Both are Intended to have tho name effect to take more fruit lrom the open market and raise prices through greater competition for what Is available. INDICTED PENDLETON, Ore. ITI Doris Bryant, 20, was Indicted by a grand Jury on a second degree munier charge Wednesday. She Is accused of ahooting Robert Turn er, 42, Pasco, Wash., In a Hcrmls ton trallor court Jan. 14. VUit InHmHng, colorful , , . SAN I It AIV IS O Stay at the Hotel Thllromb, at the Cmo Center in Ilia theater and hopping riintrint, in direct line with both great bridgei. Bring your family for a week-end or longer, anil enjoy the diilincliva Hotel Whltentnb cuinine and nriee. HI Dual Ina 14.10 1KH; Ina JT.M MARKS STRUT at Ith - Oaraga In laMbif HOTSJ, WIIITCOMK KARL C. WEBER : Prtildcnl and Otnaral Mvnattf CFFEE Vt0 V M Come in and help ut celebrate! You find a remodeled, re-arranged store, with big wide aisles for your shoppinq ease, and NEW LOWER prices, too! There'll be gifts and prizes, free samples and demonstrations. You're invited ... make a date! Warren Mason, mgr. ' FREE GROCERY PRIZES FREE BALLOONS AND GIFTS FOR THE KIDS Aei Mccormick tea Schilling . Drip or Reg. Standby 46-oz. Orange, Blended, Gropefruit Party Time Broken, 5-oz. Tin Bartlett "Success" Brand No. 2Vi Tin Crater Lake Wedge Cut Wax Wrapped b. J9 29' 35' 33' 59 h 1 I aaaaaaaaal 25 BAG PKG. 50 BAG PKG. 33c 59c SUNSHINE HI HO CRACKERS t 35c SUNSHINE . HYDROX COOKIES ' 39c SUNSHINE CANDY MINT PILLOWS ,2P:; 33c REDEEM YOUR FLAV-R-PAC Coupons at PIGGLY WIGGLY 1 pkg. 12-oz.Flay-R-Poe Ore. Grown Peas both 1 pkg. 12-oz. Flar-R-Pae Ore. grown Strow- for berries. (With Coupon) '. 59c CHEESE DINNERS 2 pls 23c SALAD DRESSING DURKEE'S WHIPPED" 35c 0,57c DROMEDARY Gingerbread Mix 25c Ready to bake Pkg. AaW BRACH'S CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES Ib 65c PARTY TIME DURKEE'S SHREDDED APRICOTS NL2. 29c COCONUT 29c Ripe and sweet ideal for pies FACIAL TISSUE OO. iunr.i nln mm W PEETS VEL PALMOLIVE 3 k. 27c LARGE SIZE 31c SUPER SUDS Large Size 29c PIGGLY'S PRODUCE IS FRESH! TOMATOES---- 19c LETTUCE rrah 'lOc BROCCOLI - b" 25c GREEN0NI0NS-- 5c POTATOES KB 10-49c FREE DELIVERY! On Grocery and Meat Items Totaling $5 or More Deliveries at 10:30 and 2:30 you re Alt'ays' a 9 lILD When ybu shop at BUD WwSON'S 701 PINE ST. IN PIGGLY WIGGLY HAMS FRYERS l- ROASTS (o)()L mmS 4J Fresh Dressed U.S. Grade Good s w- BQ m BACON SQUARES OR Tl frZ h HEN s xc' LARD ? lb, &ci saltpork2aI"- turkeys & Q) pure or Strictly Fresh Killed S Morrell's Eastern ' aalSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiaiaaaaalaallMaaa