f WKDNKSDAY, JANUAKY 30, Storing Water Near Source Suggested as Usage Measure HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS, ORKOON PAGE NINE 1 v " Empire Line May Expand WAHIIINOTON 'PI -A Civil Acronautlca Hoard rxKinlitcr rcrc- UMiincnrlrd TucmIhv Hint Kmplrc Air Uws, Inn., bo given renewed nuthorlly to operate In Uie Idaho WmihliiKton area nnd be allowed to fxlond H aervlce to Tiicoma and Braille.. I The examiner, Fliiliih I.. Winer, recommended tlmt tin: company's protmaal to, nerve Portland, Ore, oe denied, Winer alo nronoKcd lliat the cerllllcnle ol United Air Linen, Ine. he umcndrn lo permit a'TVlcc to mid from Walla Wanh, Wash , with out an Intervening atop at Pcndlc ion. Ore. Wlw'r reeominendcd that Unlt ed'a cortlllcau be chanired to re-' tlillrn that fllKhln between Pcndle lon or Yo11h Walla and Belittle and Tucomit. aliould Include a stop at Portland. Wiser aald Empire' certificate should be renewed until Dec. 31, 1855. 'I1ic company had asked that It be renewed until 1057. Hiccup Champ Still At It O'Leary, 26, In lo In weight be cause of his restricted diet and the fact that he can retain lood only 20 minutes. He thus receives lit tle nourishment from the little he can eat. His diet: Toaat and hot wnlr LOS ANOELKSiP) JacU I for breakfast; peas or carrots and O'lary, who weighed 135 pounds 'hot water for lunch; peas, carrots before he was nelwid with the and foast for dinner, worlds longest hlccuplng attack ! Two hundred doctors and 20.000 iiiijid Minn wmt: nin, m urn. jrcnin ago. Is now down to 78. The former market manager , has been hlccuplng at least once letters suggesting failed to help him, remedies have SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA ftucceiifutlr TrvsUi EielBiv Method ft Nt. Ilh Phn IMt Cbirnnrartl Fbvi-ian riT pneTion miivft ITGIIYSIIin Zomo a mnbrn highly nwdleaM 1 antiwptle pramptl niton Itch and . aldi healing of aurfseeskin rrilfl and scalp Irritations. atCMU a second, except lor two Drier res pites, since June 13, 1048. An ap pendix rupture brought them on. A STRING OF SMALL DAMS to back water into natural catch basins in mountainous country cant of hero Is suggested as a step toward conserving and making use of the natural water of thin area before it flows down the Klamath. AUCTIONEERING c Sale Management nd Hy HALE Ht'AllllltOl'Oll Protective step which could be taken lo control and save wnler originating in Uie Klamath coun try were outlined In a recent teller lo the Herald and News by Carl l'roebstel of Dly. Up In the hills around the head water of the norlll and sou til forks of Ihe Bprague, Fifth Hole creek -and Pole creek, l'roebstel )xinia Out, the terrain forms big natural catch basins capitule ol holding million of fret of water. He auuucaUi a lino of small dams lo hold back Ihe usual Spring water surplus as near to lis source as possible for use later on thou nands of, acres ol laud all tue way down lo Chtloqum and also south west Into Langell Valley. Dams, Procosie! auc Krabi, could be put on llio Norlll Uprague Just west of Uearharl mountain: on the Bouth tipragu III ihe canyon earn of Bly and north of Uie highway: across fish Hula creek south ol Ihe highway and serous Pole oreck aoulh of Bly.' .. . Each would back up Hie runoff Inlo a natural catch basin lo lorm a lake which could be UnpJ for waicr control and storage at well being nocked lor flihlng to sportsmen, and stored up water by natural seepage Into the ground should In soma measure raise the level In wells that are becoming Lowe Takes Hercules Job Oordjn E. Lowe has been named Ihe plant superintendent and chief chemist of Hercules Powder company's Klamath Falls plant, the company announced to day. He suireeds Lvle W. Rothenber grr, recently appointed general Miperinlcndenl of Ihe Klamath Falls plain. For the past Iwo years Lowe has been area superintendent at the Hercules plant In Halllekburg. Miss. Prior to that Ue was war icllel urea superintendent at the naval stores plant In Brunswick, Oa., for five years. In 1944 he served as assistant chief chemist at the Radford Ordl I more in uc lor irriKiiuon. inc wells tap underground water and the water has to come Irom some where. It probably results Irom seepage somewhere higher In the hllls. On the same subject, some ranchers In Buile Valley are hav- lug considerable Mlrrai tupoing underground flows for irrigation. I Where does that water come ' from? Tho probability is tlmt it I comes from melting snows on the north slope of Ml. Blunt a which ' disappear Into tho ground. That muni be It. Deep snows cover Ml. fchuMa every Winter and ! melt off In the Spring and Sum-1 mcr. But no rivers or even creeks I of any great size arise on this side of the big rockpile. The water i goes underground. I The Bureau of Reclamation Is j now conducting experiments with i about 30 Wells In Butte Valley lo j see how extensive the underground flow Is. Tills writer was told re- j cenlly of a new well In the valley which Is producing fairly warm water. ' OiaduBt, of IVtitrrn CnlUtr Of Aill',nrrfp' . . . Hilling.. Mont. Certified Pedigree Reader Successful Kale are the Result of Proper Promotion, Management and Auctioneering. Specializing In FARM, PI'RF.BKKD LIVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER !UM Alva Klamath Falls Ph. 2-2452 Free Service on Church St Benefit Auctions lie also anirue.-.ia d a m m I n a the i nance Works, a government ex- hycan far north ol where it enters 1 plosives plant operated bv the ine Hprague. ami the Williamson I "ercule Powder Co. aliove Its coniiueiice with the ! A native of Hercules, Calif.. Bprugue at Chlloqum, III older lo I own graduated from Ihe Unlver catch the mountain water which isiiv of California at Berkeley. He pours out Willi the Sprum thuw. I lolned Hercules In 1041 as a bal All ol these rivers and creeks j ll.-illcs fcupcrvlsor In the company' yt io'innkeup it sourco o the t KenvlF, N.J..1-plant. ' :"'. ' ,, 'Kluinirth rJvcV. A nuinber ol small er streams feed Into the Spr.tgue, Ihe Sprague merges with Ihe Wil liamson at Chiloquln and the Wil liamson pours on into Upper Klam ath lake. Klamath river comes out this end ol Upper Klumiith lake, through the stages ol being called Link river and Lake Kwauna, and flows on to tho sea. It only seems reasonable that, If the lower part, of the Klamath la to be put Into Jeopardy by Uie need of Central and Southern Cal ifornia for reliable source of wa ter (the lower part of the Klam ath, In this Instance, apparently I means below Keno) Klamath Coun ty and Oregon should be Interested In storing and making use of wa ter this area produces as near the source as possible. Procbstei has an Idea of how It could be -done. It deserve sober thought. ' . . 1 The ram II lea lions ' of what Proebstel calls his "dream" are great, and most of Uicm good. - Creation of more mountain lakes for fishing should be of interest Mr. and Mrs. Lowe have two children. Lowe Is expected to ar rive In Klamath Fulls sometime around the middle of February, Rothenburger said. During Ihe fashion craze for feathers during the 1880's and '80's about 60,000 New Clulnea plumes were annually shipped abroad. WOMEN'S 2 FOR 1 , SALE Now In Progress Model Shoe Store Did You Know--OVER ' 100,000 TRACTORS Were Converted To Sip! PROPANE LAST YEAR? ,'t . SAVE 30 On Fuel SAVE 90 On Oil SAVE 50 On Maintenance ' We Specialize. In Propane .For Tractors KLUHTU Klamath Falls Ph. 3-1MI Mr. a al Link BlTtr Bridle iaaaauZu I Wl COMPMY OPEN SATURDAY SPECIAL 3-SPEED PORTABLE PHONOGRAPHS ,. NOW 24.95 6 JUBE TABLE RADIO 34 NOW 23.95 BEDLAMP, RADIO COMBINATION . NOW 24.95 MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIO , 34 NOW 29.95 CROSLEY TABLE RADIOS . ,. NOW 34.95 HOP-A LONG CASSIDY RADIOS NOW ONLY 14.95 MOTOROLA TABLE RADIOS , M HOW 18.95 DECCA PORTABLE 3-SPEED PHONOGRAPH AND RADIO COMB, ., . NOW 71050 3-SPEED PHONOGRAPH ARVIN 8-TUBE CONSOLE RADIOES 3. ,M,5N0W 139.95 ft RECOROS!. UsnCIAt GRODrV II Pov Record I 33VjLon9roy 1 11 0 in 3 ONLY BENDIX DIALAMATIC Semi-Automatie Washers -Have Small Cabinet Rub ' Reg. 189.95 NOW 139.95 5) AND o RADIO AND ELECTRIC 401 South 6th Phone 6920 AUTO INSURANCE 5-10 5 Liability Imurance Current 6 Mo. Rate S 1 1 90 At Low As I I l-lm amalt N.nrrrarrlaa Mmbrhlp I. I.ti Oolaia. Cll' Preferred Ins. Exch. I. WILLABD U)Aai.EC Din. Aa.nl Than. t-IM SMI lt R.ar "t.nla Tali B. V..;" klt.1V :H p.m. M.naav i i niWT-irfiT r-an Iff I ilall iJi'UUrt';; 'a :3 gives farming a real boost! When your field work calls for more real pull, live weight traction will sec you through. " " - The hydraulic TRACTION BOOSTER In the CA and WD Tractors changes deadweight to liveweight. Weight of both tractor and implement is automatically shifted to bear down on drive wheels when soil is stubborn and tillage is tough. The hydraulic TRACTION BOOSTER reduces'' wheel slippage enables the CA and WD to do draw bar jobs that normally would require heavier tractors. Stop in and let us show you how it works. Tune in lha Nallanal 'arm and Hma ' Heur fc- Iviry ! Saturday NIC f fluis-ciiamERS ) V SAtfS ANO IKVItl J Ms::. GMC TRUCKS 677 So. 7th FAIRBANKS-MORSE POMONA PUMPS Phone 7771 RED BLUFF BULL SALE FEB. 7th, 8th, 9th, i ca 71 this time NExrygiR xi1' .MfXCh fiVw J PUBLICAM i'ii be shipping a vifrs?r " miftftMIMA A BUNCH OF MV OFFSPRING T WMM " I J, The Red Bluff Bull Sale is the largest Range bull sale in the United States. With the tough grading and sifting of these bulls, (all bulls must grade 2 or better) a large percent are good enough to go in the average purebred herd, but in their everyday clothes and ready to go to work. These kind of bulls are what the successful commercial cattlemen are using to produce cattle that make a real profit. This is especially true of those who raise their own replacement heifers. The inexperienced grower who tries to buy bulls, registered or unregistered just because they look cheap in the first place Is hurting no one but himself. After all, your bulls are half your herd. With the high cost of feed, which will not get cheaper in the near future, you cannot afford to use any but the best range bulls. Bulls of this caliber are not an j expense but an investment. These are the kind of bulls you will find at tho - Red Bluff Sale, whether you are interested in Herefords, Angus or Durham.