WEDNESDAY, JANUARY MO, 1 052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREOON PAGR SEVEN r Salem Schools In Spotlight With New System Of Grading lly I'M I. W. H UtVI V Jit 8A1.KM l I'liplb Hi Iwo Huleni rlflriellllll'V hrhoolft don't urt retiort ,'UI'flM tmv inure. I liullviiliinl conlpreneeit held twice a vnir between purenla n ncl li'ucli era ar reiihictiiK report cui'ilit In (III- nclmoln. mill riiui'iitoin In the ine Mimoie. mm ra in,, ,, , .,.,,,,, lrl, vriun Noil nvo il are whIcIUiik the expel I- j Thr ,.ncl,ml, Mih. Dorothy I iuclliin 1st 111 In be ilc-i'lclrcl ! Mrs. 'IIioIiiiikoii Mild '"Kip Kreut- Ik whether II would work In low, rut viiltic ol 1 1 1- pliui Ik urlllnu Ihe income illntrlclH. Uimiiri alion with the uarniitn. 'Iliey At b'nulnwiHiil. whli-h linn i.lx I net h iji-tlrr Idi-n ol what their Rniilrn nnd Mb Minlem. a purirnl cliHtlirn nre (IoIiik In achool, and i.urvrv allowed nnlv eltiht nvuliml xl"n "" et',-r able to Hive the Inn oonlerciice pi, m. which who i clilUrt-ti the licli, they need " i;oni'T'ii( en urn hrld In Ihe lute fell uiirl Miriiiu. UrltU'il retiortK lire Iliimtliorlv. who In nnnnileielv nolil rXiven ut the end ol the hchool yrnr on llin pin I). Miyn thot.e clKht im-Uu the child will have ft r-cord If cnU urt report carda, he limit Icru to another nrhool. linker hciiiiol l.i un experiment Kiich coiilcienie lusts a hull Ihnl l.i koIhk tu be it kooU 'lory In hour, miulritiK IoIh ol work on Itiirll. Llit- pin t ol the teacher. Opened only hint yenr. It has It luken iilioul two week lor a only Hie llri. I Hirer uradcr, Willi teacher to IIiiIhIi a aerie ol con lid puplln. It'K belnu watched hy i lerrnce.i. Mrn. ThnmpMjii hold" jeuucaiorK, too. and the Ihrcc-urndc 'lour a day. alter school, or In the iiioi mrn iniKiii npreua. , icvenin;; II parent can I come uuer mri. nooeri jiiomnaon. wno .school. came here Ihrr-i. veai'M nvtt from "I vpu, linnrnvenieiit In linker, are n no ,"".,. i'''")l"-ni.di, Wash., I, head leacher Ichlldrcn'K work Immedlnlcly alter 1-icoii.o ., ;,. ,:,, i "l ul'rr. Which doejn't Have a ( ur l.rit conference!,. Mra .more limn jo ork uinu !'". .principal. Hho Blurted the confer- (Ihoiinron an Id. "The child work'. 0 -aruyn . . ... . , . ... . ,.,.. ,., inorit inierentinu and InaplrliiK ex- Ihe clow relationship between hi perlnient 111 my 21) years ol teach- 'parents and hl.i teacher. Inn." ' At conlerencca Ihe teachcra can The fitnle Deparlinent ol Kihica-ltill a lot Ihey can't tell on report Hun and Halem nchool hoard are ;crd, and we learn ft lot about the pleaned with the way It'n working, 'rhlld'i lanillv probleniH. Ihnl wav mil iney aren I puMilnn It In other M.hoolH. They av a lot ol inlimlon nry work him to be done to con vince both parenLi and lenchem ol Itn worlh. inept cloaely Many tcacliola lonit havu oppuM'd vepurt (iiirdtt. They Ihlnk H' lm poimlblo to iii'it'lo lalrly In the I lr:.t nix ttrudea. The renulta ol Ihe Halem experl incut have been wood, Willi both the, purnnlK and teachern eulliun-initio- about It. The Idea xWirka, however, only where ma liaiema aim icucnrrs air iCh(M 1(ni , iiiimr in i-niiiiri uir. i n ,wu 1 Hiileni achooln, rcnttlrwood nnd nre In me cuy two iiikii rhllilren and tnke a more .url In achool Bllnlm. with coiiiprtlllon between children, which ollcn camei innladjurtnient. AeriulrlhK an education Is a mat ter ol proifieiw, not ol competi tion." , Mm.' Thompson doei have to do Iota of extra work. Each eonler enca rcoulrcs prepnratlon. For liml rcai.on. some teachers don't like Ilia pliiii. But Mm. ThompHon says that noltliiK to know the parents so well has more than paid oft tor the extra work, Bhe thinks It would work well In all made schools, because she Ihlnka jll parents could be sold on Ihe Idea. It probably wouldn't work In lunlor hhih and senior hlKh school, where each teacher has about ISO Ihe jfctudyiiB, Mrs. Thompson has 30 pupils, which meani 30 coherences. A teacher couldn't have 150 confer ence without taking on a huge Job of work. UAL Protests Suspensions WASHINGTON '.f The operat Incr certificate of 8oulhwe;,t Air- Pirating Of Labor Told AEG Group ..3fiAW'.r: we can understand the child uci ler. "The conference plan does away By JKA.V OWKNH "Two times two makes four" and so noes the utory as seniors who lulled lo pass the malhcinal. In testa are now enrolled In arllh malic clnnses durlnii the acllvliy periods on Wednesday and Thurs- uay or every week. Approximately 30 seniors passed the test which was given to all class members. A score of 90 or belter was required In order lo pans It. Ihe test nnd ninth classes nre for a very line purpose KU seniors have had l.OS ANOEI.EB i The labor market in Houthern Nevada has been disrupted by excessive over time paid by cost-plus contractors at. the Atomic Knemy Commis sion's test ello, nn AEC dispute panel has been told. The panel Is henrlnic a protest bv the McNeil Coniractlmr Co. aiiahul cancellation ol lis contract lor construction on the lte. 'llie AEC aays the fixed-fee con tract was voided because McNeil tailed lo finish the Job on time. McNeil aays It was unable to tin hill became- Haddock Enelneen Inc., with cost-plus contract, "pirated'' Its labor. Lawrence a. McNeil told the psnel Tuesday that cost-plus con tractors, by paying "bonus over time." ihave made It virtually possible tor other contractors "f roiiinjyuii. coilctio entrance exams McNeil Is president ol the Mr-1 everyday nmthrnmlical Neil Construction Co. He was trail-1 alter itradunllon ivlnB tor his son. Urure, who lieadt Math teachers hnve consented to Ine McNeil ContractliiK Co. teach the course lo seniors, and Bruce McNeil trail I led that a ce- will continue to do so until all can mem lorenian who earned a inaxl-1 pass the test, which merely In mum of IMS a week Willi hltn re-, eludes the Important fundamentals. reived a maximum of 1041 a week from Haddock. Social Economics students are In n three-month period, the learnum the reaulta ol einplovmenl youiiKer. McNeil said, he had to j tests which they look recently, hire 119 oarponlcrs to keep 23 on I There were two teats. K'ven by the Job. I the employment olllre here In , . " l"rr lcinony. i town to seniors, helping- them to j (nuum. pain conimun jaoorcrs as , center their muln Interests and much ns :'50 weekly and plum-; abilities. hers as much as $750, some ol Each person wns Interviewed bv them amaaainir more tluin 200 , an employee ol the employment ol Aoiira of overtime In a week. ,lice, who discussed with him his nm a. I "in, a, ires dent 01 Had- Illltlrn 11 nm alLar m-adinitinii ami boa declined to comment on isuaticsted occupations In which the 1 lesis showed him to be best suited. F. E. Mulkey Death Learned Koreans Returning Borrowed Ships ASTOHIA 11 Four small ve.v rels, loaned lo Bouth Korea by the If .8. .Navy, were en route home Wednesday by way of San DIcro. Under command of Capt. Okityu Pak, l'."4 Bouth Korean Navy of ficers end men sailed the two amphibious vessels nnd two patrol crnlt out of this port Tuesday. Thev will train on the trip to 8nn DIcko nnd the dale of their ! arrival at the California port was ir.ot announced. Irrigation Spec Named I Appointment ol Marvin N. Shear !er as Oreon Htate Colleiie exten sion specialist In Irrigation has been announced by K. L, Ballard, associate director. Shearer, former county extension fluent In Jefferson county, assumed bis new post Jan. 1. He succeeds iMelvIn A. Haiiood. resinned. He will be available throughout the I state as a consultant on Irrigation 'and drainage problems. I The new Irrigation specialist was graduated in agricultural engl 'neerlng from OSC in 1948. Later ; while a member of the Jefferson ; county extension staff, Shearer did considerable Irrigation and drain la ice layout work on the newly de jveloped 80.000 acre North unit ir rigation project. Bhcarer spent three yearn in the 'air force during World War II. His appointment Is subject to ap proval by the state board of higher education. ways Co., San Francisco, was re newed by the Civil Aeronautics Board Tuesday, but an extension of Its route to Klamath Falls, Ore., was denied. The permit Is for service be tween Southern Oregon and Los Angeles and Long Beach, cam. At the same time the CAB amended the certificate of United Air Lines. Inc., providing for sus pension of United service to Santa Barbara, Monterey, Red Bluff and Eureka, Calif., which now are served by Southwest. United will continue to serve Klamath Falls and Snllnns, Calif. But It Invited the. attention of Unit ed to possible voluntnry suspension at Salinas, at least temporarily, pointing out that would be Unlted's I only stop between Los Angeles nnd San Francisco. The CAB'a action "without qua Hon will have to be challenged 111 the courta," UAL President W. M. Patterson said in statement la sued in Run FranoUco. He said the company eontenda the auapeiur Ions an Illegal, "Hot Flashes" Stopped or strikingly relieved , In 63-10 of cases in dotlon'tetli H you're miserable from the "hot flashes." and accompanying Irritable, restless feelings ol "change of life" you may be suffering unnecessarily! For...t tests by foc(or...Lydla Ptnkham's Compound and Tablet brought rebel Irom such lunctlonally caused aullerlng to 63 and 80'i re spectlvelyi ot the women tested I Complete or Unking teliell Yesl Bsearcti has proved these med Irlnes ttvOTOugtily modern in action . . hat shown you where to look for relief from mow dUtremlnn. ner.oua. "out at torts" leellngs of mld-llfe "chn?e "l 60. ..get Lrdls E- Plnkhsm's Vegetable Compound or new. improved Tablets, with added Ironl I Wonderful, loo. lor the uncllonol pain 0 menurual period!. I It arte Ihfaagh i woman' Wwwwjl armpalhrtk oerVooa rtem Enrollment Open For KIMS Adult Homemaking Classes! O BEGINNING THURSDAY, FEB. 7th 1. Millinery 2. General Sewing ' 3. Slip Covers ' O BEGINNING MONDAY, FEB. lUh 1. Advanced Millinery 2. Tailoring 3. Draperies Each course centitts of 10 meetings (30 hours) le be held in Room 107, KUHS. For further information and enrolllne, hone Vocational Dept. 7595. I.AKEVIEW Frank Elsworlh Mulkey. 118. loliH-tline stockman In1., . Lake County, died here Jnn. 28 OlOt UperafOrS 110 v,as norn at i.ascview. marini : 3, 1883, the son ol pioneer parents. John A. and Karuh Jane Mulkey. Mr. Mulkey entered the cattle nnd fhccp business at the age ol 14 and was long prominent In that Held. For the past 30 years he I was iiMtoclnlcd with the O'Kcelc ranch at Adel. I Funeral services will be held (Thursday 2 p.m.. Irom the Ouslcy lostcrman Chapel with the Rev. I Luis V. Bove olfichitlnK. Interment 'will be in the Sunset Park Ccme- lor maiiv r'.',' ,. , , . . nn ninth Mr- Mulkey Is survived by: one uiwuivi, miiL'ii iiu,m-7i ruinir, bu.sic Bcnellel, ol Ihe subject before l" ."'V1' ,7".,' - A '..... and lor . ' . .. v nnd nephews. 'ver-: training since their rrshmun year 1 ""ll"-r'. muJl; lm- and iherelore need review In the ''''s;"s' "rB '.b sl 1 to I fundiimcnials of Ihe subject before 1.. "L ''..; trVr Get Big Tax Bill PORTLAND Tax liens lor $484,000 were filed Tuesday by the collector of internal revenue Hgainsl two coin machine operators here. A lien against Stanley G. Terry naked S344.0O7 as payment of taxes for the years 1040 through 1048. The other Hen asked S140.100 from Otis William Anderson for taxes for the years 1939 through 1950. Kolbaba Top Scorer PORTLAND irfi Center Lowell j Kolbaba of Eastern Oregon cllmb- ru ones 11110 uie icaa in uie ure gon Collegiate Conference ba.sket bull scoring chase Inst week. His total was 89 points, 9 better than that of Charles Pinion of Ore gon Education, leader the week be fore who dropped to second. j Kolbaba. an early-season leader, pulled up from lourlh place, after I scoring 31 points in the series against Oregon Education. This week's names are not Included In the total, but Kolbaba already has 'counted 60 points in two games I with Vanport. Since the U.S. Mint opened in 1792 It has stuck gold, silver, and minor coins valued at more than $7 billion. problems dock the cane. and by 15 nieces ljaJJJ ME!: ! 11 smnim Estrs Work Made fair tvriwnr , AllllINO MACHINE Elaclrlo or Hana Laat nenlb'a rfnlal la appllci ( tbe purrbaae price. . Pioneer Office Supply QDJ3Q6 fT . "4W. I evf i M VK I ;'' . it.-- l ew TiyV it ' fr Be Among The First To See and Wear One of Our New Spring Designs by Famous Milliners t RCA VICTOR HAS EXTENDED THIS TRADE IN OFFER FOR A LIMITED TIME Phone B & B Today For A Free Home Trial (f trade JiM IN- Tm fr EXAMPLE 299M 249" Tkt tCA Moetl A 10C LISS TkADIIM FOR YOUR OLD RADIO ON THE PURCHASE OF ,m Magnificent . JJ wiih... ml 11 S-rr Jj of. 1 h j m. . . . rni 1 r m . . . i i i SB - leead dmget hne Range " f' m I 29995 yL fi t an'l aWaaar la 33H m4 71 ra raaarda. INr aaa Saa JJBU iWQt f tOOOf You Can't Buy A Finer Radio Radio & Electric 401 SOUTH 6th Ph. 6920 3 ' 1 4,i i.' ',.3 You'll love every one of our lilting new "flower flatterers." Becoming shell shapes com pletely covered with dainty petals in delicate Spring hues. ' Scattered brilliants and sheer complexion veils to enhance their beauty. C ht ' t 1 ; 1 . . - ...... ...v 'O'.- '" . V'-v t . i v " HP "f v. CREATED BY HOWARD HODGE - NOW AT LA POINTE'S A VALENTINE TO WIN HER HEART Luxurious jewel boxes lined in velvet and gold starred satin. We have beautiful colors dozens of ' 1 styles and every size. - 1.98 and up r I- i' 'it 1 .