WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30. '1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FTVR Business Is Next Topic For Forum s Six lorn I Mini nro achcduled to iIIhcmimn the ki-iipi'iiI MUonUim ol at tiiiclliiK liKliiNtry to Hut Klnmnth HiinIii In thn Inurth ol a aerlea ut "Uulld tlm Iiiifiln" forum nro xritiim to be hriintli'iiHt over KrLW next Monday, 8:31) p.m. The nix in o L. W. Itolhenhcruer, MipprlmciKlniil o( tho HnrculeH I'liwucr Ciiinpnny pilot tilunl; Him Tl.siliili', inunnucr hi the Kliiiniiflt KiiIIh brunch ot Flint Nil. tloniil llnnk: Uli'k llmi.i'I, ranch rr; Uroi Me W. Hindi Mnruan, cIIn Irlct fri'lulit and pnnKriiKor agent, Himtheru I'lirlllc Coiiipuny; Hal Clrluor, CIO International Wood uorkiMH ol America; nnd Oeorue I. Duvln ot Loicnz C'onipnny. Moderator ol the lorum will be Hud Cliniidler, iimmiKcr ol KFLW. 'Ills Olhcui.Mim in to bo entirely liiiriihriirNi-d mid will br conducU rd by Chiinillrr. who will direct vnrluuit quehllona to members ol Mm panel. Hiimn quentlonH nre lo be pre pnred In udvmice by tlie Herald mid News, but Die bulk nro ex-pi-i'led to conm by audience par tirlpullon In the promnm. A iUi'ntioiinnlre concerning the ImlUKtrlnl tuple In to be printed In the Herald nnd News tomorrow, anA llnii'iiers will be Invited to lhj..k In qui-Htloiui nnd nuiiwesllons while the lorum U on Uie nlr Mon thly nlKht. Wunntlona may be tela phoned to 8111, nd reach the panel. Mcmbera of thin panel are not lii'lnii nnked lo iniikn any prelim Innry atnlemenla an to their views on the nubjrcl, but Ute dlncwwilon will pad oil with quentlonn and nnnwern alter pnnel members are introduced bv Chandler. Tlm "Build the Dnnln" lorum. now Junt thrre weekn old, Is be coming one ot the mont popular riidio proKrams produced locally. Two ol the punt three programs have dwelt on the question ol Juv enile delinquency, and the third with spud price ceilings and eup port. . Future Drourama are planned lor dincunnion ol such subjects as law enforcement, the city manager lorm ol uovernmenu extension ol (he Kiamnth Falls city limits, sports and other topics. Travelers Win Jackpot PORTLAND W A Salem cot l ip bound on a trio around the world, won $3,388 on an NBC indlo quia program .featuring Orou i ho Marx, the Oregonlon reported Wednesday, - ' - Kadio Coltimtil.'it William Moyes wrote that tlie nrnnrnm. recorded In advunce, would be broadcast irom Los Angeles Wednesday night. Tlie couple, Mr. and Mrs. Luis Marilno-Lnlv,' started on a sailing trip around (he world Irom Salem Inst year.. After 'outfitting their Jo mot boat hero they ran Into a rriiie.i o .difficulties, but finally reached Long Beach, Calif., mak ing the last leg of the trip bv truck. Thev stonned In California to earn money for the next part of tne trip into the south raciiio, Switch In Air , Posts Told I.ONDON tPl The V. 8. Air Force announced Wednesday Mai. Oen. I.eon W. Johnson has 'been relieved as commander of W Third Air Force . , In England to take a new ssslgnment In Amer- Johnvm will succeed MaJ. Oen Willis H. lisle, who Is 111. as com iqsnder ol the Continental . Air tommnnn, Miicuci f uiwo wiw. New York. ', Mai. Oen. Frederick R. Dent, Jr. now commnnder ot the Wright Air Development Center at Dayton, u. will tnke over Johnson's command here. 8.r7ntNor,nd Aul. , Hjj I j 2 . J ' "yt Protty I Apron comes in gay colon and patterns, with T&VV ''f jy!, conlraiting rufflei. You'll wont Mvoral... lor younoK Lf'''- Mi? MljVjjYll'lfe f Practlcoll ll'imadeof genome heavy-duty vinyl. Big, J&hfL Mi vtJj "J 43 Jt) - U roomy pocket carri. all your houehold 'foolj'. ' I AJrj -rVir Ixtra Valuol Apron offerad for only a fraction of its prb' $Sk.''i I 1 T AIL'y WHyZITnl "Xf)k A.V-' V regular retail price, with a label from PUREX-ono I JjSfef.. j I W V laundry bleach lhaft sob became ifs purol Olfor ini'Vv I rOOAJ C" 1 limited, o get PUREX at youf grocer" and tend for Tr'yk. 1 : jjjTjjPX'? aTA yur op""1''01'0- Clip mw' I - Jf 2" J PURE A . ' : ilt 1 .WX.we PUREX PROCESS I I Hi Ml ,; Mj M 552' law iMtd anna t Nieox pvn. - BPP-n "';':hN!'6'H PV . . ow.WATOHIivo. . COUPONTODAYI j 'j'-fc. 'igJ- II ' 1 as asp II I I :, , I CHICAOO , IUINOIS - I I I I I I T BRAND IV'V'JI ' L . B".illJJ i: a Hade) Carry-AIIAirwM.Imselulsa29laeeis(lia 86 PROOF KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLEND 65X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY m R. PRANK TUCKER KF Chamber Boss Named To Office Kiamnth County's Chamber of Commerce Mgr. Frank Tucker has been named a vice president oi the Oregon State Chamber Mana- ?nrn. along with Edgar W. Smith, ortlaud, an Asnocluted Press re port ssld todny. Donald J. Donahue. Albany, was elected president ol the xroun at the close ol a joint Oregon. wain. Ihgton session held In Portland through yesterday. Other ofllcers Included Secy. Don sld P. McNeil. Seaside: directors: Orrln Allison, Pendleton; Clarence Bales, Corvollls; Msrlon Cndy, Bend: L, C. Hanson, Orants Pass; Tlm Metcall. Tillamook and A D. Olnon, La Orande. Dorcas Unit Activity Told The Dorcas Society of the Sev enth Dy Adventlsts Church has reported mat during last year 1.376 asrments and 60 pairs of shoes were given to needy people here and that a total ol 370 per sons received aid. Tlie report was made by Mrs. William Lofgren, society treasurer. Thirty-two persons were afford ed medical treatment, 32 flower bouquets were sent and 1387 In cash was given. There were also 3,781 garments sent overseas. Dorcas workers devoted a total of &.7M hours to the work. The society also sided the new church building fund by raising 13,788. A large room In the new church has been set aside lor Dorcas ac llvltles.. Fredrlo- March- won the motion picture academy "Oscar" as the best actor in 1933 and 1048. BRAND ; HANDY FOR CWTtttSPtNS, OUST CLOTHS, tTC. fy ' " "J with on labl from iiajl ' Bin Morrison, Mgr. OiiOITTT V" B'S,i"S . JUCKEUND TRUCK 7VO.A rlMUMAk Uf p '- 'lla'.,,..,. I 3itoma)esdalrastlPUIttXilielilobfllorsolieproardarM.. New Hampshire Will Be Ballot Battleground As First Prexy Testing Site By The Ansorlsted Press An open challenge by Sen, Tnft Wednesday pinpointed little New Hampshire lis the first testing ground for Kcpubltcim presidential nopeluls. . Tlie Ohio Snnutor snld he would not unk his backers lo withdraw his name Irom the New Hamp shire piealdi-iillal preference prl mury Ural In tho nnllon despite the I not thai he considers fnctors in New Hampshire "unlavorable" to htm. Oen. Eisenhower already has been entered In the New Hamp shire primary, nut lor March 11. win, lose or draw." Tall said In his Ntiilcmi-nt, "I tcel I should permit the preference vole to be luken In New Hampshire." It WHK llkelv thiiL Uui-nli V 8lunnen, another top presidential hopeful, would Join in the New Hampshire primary. His name war. entered Tuesday. He had until p.m. P8T Wcdnesdny to decide helher to withdraw from the race. In lllentlrinlllt, liltfftvnrfthl,. fnl. ors 111 New Humnahtre. Tail nh. nerved Unit "the political machine oi the present stnle administration is openly pledged to Oen. Elsen hower." This Was u refirfne In r-.nt Sherman Adams, Ben. Tobey and outer new Hampshire Republican leaders who nave announced for the Ueneral Taft said he wnulrt not. otilv challenge Klsenhowcr In the pre- stientini preference contest, but mm. lie U'nll n n in K,lr nrlcr,1 delegates In New Hampshire. inat state win send only 14 dele BALa In the HOP nnmlmillnff ,nn ventton in Chicago. Graham Gets 236 Converts WASHINGTON tfl BlUv Ora ham's plea to "give In to Christ' brought forth 336 persons as con verts Tuesday night, the most at one time In the evangelist s 2 wee 010 cnmtai crusade. Every seal in the National Ounrd armory, which has an 8.000 legal capacity, was filled. Some 300 per sons stepped forward at the young preacher s call, for professions of laiin. A score or more followed when he said: "I'm giving Just 30 seconds more 10 people with one foot In the Kingdom of Ood. Whoever you are, you must give in to Christ to night." Urnham's topic was "Judgment" and he used Uie story of Noah and The Ark as an Illustration. He said Noah repeatedly warned sin ners to repent. They listened too late he said,, after "the Judgment of the Lord fell upon them" in the form of the great flood. The revival is to continue through Feb. 10. "1 1" 1? '.(.' --A i I 1 V,- Mams i : ' I ' I s AddrtM I Ollll PURKX CORP., LTD.. SOUTH 0ATE, CALIF. . I 7AC0MA, WASH.. ST. LOUII. HO. DALLAS. THAI ri T.-. ,.( I SIWOALIANS. LA. ATIAHTA. . I . ' ' , , (AS LIAKDItO, CALIP. J of entering president Truman and Sen. Kefauver of Tennessee. In Concord, N. If., Truman said they would enter the President's name before Wednesday deadline, nut me While House declined com ment. The move stirred Kefauver sup porters, who have said previously that, If Mr.. Truman enters the New Hampshire arena, the crime hunting Senator will climb In, too. If Mr. Truman s name Is entered it could pry out of him his political intentions. The President has kept mum on another term. He would have 10 days after his nsme Is filed lo accept or reject the bid. Workers Ask Gun Permits WASHINGTON 1 Guards snd couriers of the Atomic Energy Commission want legal approval to carry the guns they're already carrying. ' The A EC, describing a proposed amendment to the Atomic Energy Act along those lines, said Wednes day: "Although sucn autnority 1 un doubtedly Implied In the . . . act. it Is believed that express statutory authority, similar to that possessed by the Federal Bureau of Investi gation, the Central Intelligence agency, and othef agencies to car ry firearms Is Important to allay the uneasiness which may be lelt by some Commission personnel now carrying arms In the performance of their duties." Train Smashes Into Pickup At Crossing There were no Injuries reported In a train-pickup collision at the 8am Wong crossing, Just off high way 39 shortly after 6 p.m. yes terday. The pickup, registered to Sher man Hines. Tulelake. was said , by state police to have turned In front of the train s locomotive at tne crossing1. The train hit the rear of the truck. Driver of the truck was unidenti fied. Charles Brady was engineer on the Southern Pacific engine. iWurlitzer A Magnificent PIANO 'At a Low Price LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No, 7th Democrats tslked Tuesday BBIteL- HHHHMMgaMgMMHHaiilHMB , til fill HAS MODEL PLAN Model June King has thrown her shapely frame behind ef forts of a New York state assemblyman to equip all models with special identi fication cards. June is tired of hearing how some shady ladies try to pass them selves off as models. Says she: "I think the profession deserves to be considered as dignified as selling in surance." S.TORM WARNING SEATTLE W The Weather Bureau continued storm warnings Wednesday for the coastal area from Tatoosh to Cape Blanco, fore casting southerly winds of 30 to 40 miles an hour. Small craft warnings were con' tinned for Inland waters of Wash' nutton. . IMBS6 s oncerf To Open KF Drive This year's Community Concert membership drive Is to be directed by Mrs. Fred Ehlers, 1338 Pacific I Terrace, and Harriet Muller, 1018 Washington St., supervisor of vocal music in city elementary scnoois. The one-week drive Is lo benin with a dinner meeting the evening of March 10. Mrs. L. Rex Hiatt. 1138 Crescent Ave., meeting chair man, aald today time and place of the event would be announced later. Although Jio program has been arranged there will probably be talks by Lucille Schreiner, repre senting the national association in New York; and Louis Mann, newly elected president of the Klamath chapter. TO RUN AGAIN WASHINGTON 11 The oldest member of Congress, Rep. Dough ton. (DN.C), said Wednesday he will seek re-election In his state's May primary. He is 88. Doughton said he had intended to retire at the end of his present term next January but a "very large number of people" had urged him to try for renomlnatlon. The unpaid principal of the World War I debt owed the U.S. as of July 1, 1950, was $11,434,794, 809. ( f. p.. 1 r SW XT' Rtoffy in TUNE I TASTE-iuna. ffibf is 'Imagine t ripe, rea eryricriy Ti ' cherries in every fcfe 0 rich, wholesome. vanilla ici cream. There's your Fab ' f ;y . f A.J .MimJia, -. iiAm' Cirtf Lair iesi eream i maA, of- Dure. .M. ' sweet whipping cream, BEST OF EVERYTHING! I Clet some RIGHT NOW Crofer Lofee DEALER or ROUTE, HAN- . Membership renewala will be ac cepted at the next concert here, Feb. 13. Association Secy. Marlon Shannon said today. Such renewals are to be credited to persons who sold those memberships last year. The Feb. 13 concert offers Mali R eve re's Newest "Luxury Eight"! priced for the thrifty budget Now! Have the wonderful, natural-action movie you've always admired as easily as taking snapshots, and just about as inexpert- , sively! The exciting new Revere "40" is a dream of photographic ease. New type magazine loading is the quickest and simplest ever devised. Exclusive new adjustable view-finder enables you to coincide finder to lens by a flick of the finger. Other outstanding Revere features add a world of convenience and pleasure. See the amazing new Hevere "40" here! CURRIN'S -fordmgs 9th and Main 1 .I " . w : :. ; K.-P III gi r - 3 P 4 .-- , sweefeneJ. condens inJed milk, ranch r f w and Harl .and their troupa ot dancers. They have loomed to tha top of the entertainment we'ld m the - past several' months with comioi numbers t In which they lampoon the ballet and other seri ous dancing, . . , I iy$ 99 50 on with F2.B coaled lens, lax included Ph. 2-3475 ' - fresh eggs - in locf, the TODAY i I nil "- : f f . PP.:i it j; -:'m hl'ij; :'.V, :-P PPPP'P P from your ' " 3