t. PAGE FOUR' ' ' tIKRALI) AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OUEGOM WrODNKSn'AY.'JANUARV HO, 1 9.12 MARKETS and FINANCIAL Corn Forced Down By Offerings CHICAGO un Pretty heavy country offerings of cash corn, ap parently lured off farms" and out of elevators by Tuesday's price run-up, depressed corn contracts on the ber. gf trade Wednesday. Onlv the! iattaatriber delivery scored The wt "or,' fh ' rftaf ket had a mixed Appearance. Oats were low er In Jln wUh Via cot slump. Soy beans lostlnuolmf an early upturn In tate.;'drftltnirs.;,VvTt did not niove-lrtr.la eHhar direction.. . Wheat closed-ilowr to high er, Mach $J.68l1Wcorn'l H lower to higher. (March $1.88 ., .uats oats (-li'-'lowcr,;. March- 91 V,-H, ive Via WBher; May M.ll '.i. soy beans 3 lower to 3,i higher. March $3.03 '.sii, and lard unchanged to 10 cents a hundred sounds higher, March $14.20-$14.W Wheat . iWn lllrh Low Cloie Mar May July 2.59 li a.6-4 2.58 2 58 , 2 55 T 2.56 in 2.55 2.55 'i 2.49 'a 2.50 H 2.49 l 2.49 i 2.51 2.61 T, 2.50 It 2.51 , 2.54 i 2.55 2.54 2.54 SteerShares ; ' . , PacerMarket" .Today NEW YORK Wl .Steel, shares were in dernarul on the stock mar ket Wednesday T)ut other sections of the rmu-ket-twere oulet with prices mixed and changes small. Activity simmered down consid erably after a fairly brisk start and the volume ran around 1.600, 000 sharev. v Steel stocks; moved 'ahead frac tions to around a point but in late trading., backed away a bit from the best prices of the day. Quotations New York Storks By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation 25 Allied Chemical 73 H Allis Chalmers 52 American Airlines 15 'i American Power & Light 22 American Tel. A: Tel. J55 ; American Tobacco 65 Anaconda Copper i 53 ?i Atchison Railroad ' 19 ' Bethlehem Steel ... 52 i Boeing Airplane Co. 48 Borg Warner - 63 j Burroughs Adding Machine; 18 California Packing- :' V.-" , .26 'j Canadinn Pacific .:1 T; -fcj! '. 35 i Caterpilar Tractdr-V -V ? " . . - SO Celanese Corporation'.-'' 46 i Chrysler Corporation ' ( 69 'j Cities Service' 109 , Consolidated. -Edison 33 Consolidated" ultee 'd'ii;; 18 3t Crown Zellerba.ch-' '' - 56 i-2 Curtis Wright : J', - - 9 Vi Douglas All trait v - v" 61 j duPont de Nemours' ; . 86 'j Eastman Rotiak ,. , . 45 j .Emerson Radio '-. ... ; 14 li General Electric V 58 j General Foods 43 General Motors : :r 51 Ti' Georgia Pac Plywood. .21 H Goodyear Tire . 47 . - Komestake Mining Co. - 35.. International Harvester 35 't International Paper . 48 Johns Manvllle 67 W Kennecott Copper 88 i Libby, McNeiU $ Lockheed Aircraft 22 Loew s Incorporated 16 ?i Long Bel A 39 Montgomery Ward 64 Nash Kelvlnator 19 New York Central 19 Northern Pacific 61 Pacific American Fish 17 ' Pacifl- Gas & Electric 35. t Pacific Tel. It Tel. 110 Packard Motor Car 4 Penney (J. C. Co. 70 4 Pennsylvania R. R. 19 H Pepsi Cola Co. 9 a Phllco Radio 28 Radio Corporation 24 3i Rayonier Incorp 67 1 j Rayonier Incorp Pfd 35 Republic Steel 43 'i Reynolds Metals 64 7. Richfield Oil 58 ' Safeway Stores Inc. 30 7, Scott Paper Co. 53 " Sears Roebuck b Co. 55 s; FINAL CLEARANCE! . OVER 200 PAIR OF DISCONTINUED r ' v -i sssssss' NATIONALLY ADVERTISED EGERTONS. PORTAGES AND WEYENBERGS! SIZES: 5 TO 12 WIDTHS: A TO E Reg. 15.95 .12.95 733 Moln ; ; Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Wl tUSDAl-Salablc hogs 13,000: uneven: few loads lightweight barrows and gilts 10-15 cents higher early but general trade steady to 25 cents lower and market closed at decline; sows steady to 25 cents lower: most choice 180-220 lb 18.25-18.65: late ton around 18.40: some 220 lb weights 18.00-18.15; all sales over 18.25 to order buyers: 230-260 lb 17.25-18.15, aows 14.00-16.25. . , Salable cattle 10.000: salable, cal ves 200;. slaughter steers steady to fully 60 cents lower; choice and prime earlings and prime steers neighing up to . 1.250 1 lb mostly steady ; other steers ' fully 25-50 cents lower; heifers weak1 to fully 50 cents lower: cows steady to 50 cents lower: bulls steady to 50 cents lower: vealers steady to 100 lower: few loads prime steers 1.250 lb down 38.25-38.75: high choice and nrime steers S6.25-38.00: most ly prime 1.450 lb 35.75: bulk choice steers 3J.50-36.00r two loads prime heifers held . about 37.25; bulk choice heifers 33.00-34.75:- sood to low-choice 30.00-32.75: utility and commercial bulls 25.00-28.25; good bulls 26.5027.50: most commercial to prime vealers 31.00-39.00. Salable sheep 2.500: bidding 25-50 cents or more lower on slaughter iambs: vearlings absent: scattered supplv slaughter ewes weak at 10.-50-14.00 mostly. Portland Livestock PORTLAND HI Cattle salable 50; holdover 50; market more ac i've, uencrally steady to strong; ic.attefsd lots utility and low com mercial steers 23.00-30.00: ndd cut ter steers 18.00-22.00: odd heeii good light feeders 31.00: few utility heifers 22.00-26.00; canner and cut ter cows mostly 15.00-18.00: shells down to 12.00; utility cows 19.00 23.00: cutter and utility bulls less active' at 23.00-27.50. Calves salable 50: market ac tive, steady: few good and choice vealers 32.00-36.00: utility and com mercial grades 20.00-30.00; culls down to 14.0G or below. Hog3 salable 200; holdover 90; market rather slow, steady to weak with extreme top 25c lower- choice 180235 lbs 20.25-mostly 20.50; few medium grades and No. 3 type 19.50-20.00: choice 250-290 lbs 1850 19.00 choice around 375-425 lb sows: 16.50-17.50 odd choice 75 lb feeder pigs 18.00. Sheen salable 100 market active. strong considering heavier weights odd jots cnoice niwii iu wwicu lambs 28.50-29.00 sizeable lots heav ier weights 28.00; odd - medium 78 lb feeders 27.00 few utility ewes 10.00-12.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND W Coarse grains, 15 dav shlnment. bulk, coast de livery: Barley No 2 45 lb b.w. 73.50. Wheat, bid. to arrive market, bas is -No.. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2.47; soft white, exclud ing rex, 2.47; white club 2.47. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.48; 10 per cent 2.48: 11 per cent 2.49;. 12 per' cent 2.50. ' -- Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.49; 10 percent 2.49: 11 per cent 2.49; 12 peri cent 2.50. Car receipts: Wheat 56: barley 2: Dour 1; -corn 4; oats 3; mill feed 3. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Caltf Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp: Sunshine Mining Swift & Company ... Transavnerlca Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake 39 ', 63 ; 53 ' 80 32 11 'a 33 'i . 23 V4 19 'b 39 , 111 31 i 32 32 !i 41 14 42 ", ! 26 , I 37 , 43 1 westingnouse Electric Woolworth Company ill j- Weather -vH Western Oregon Rain Wednes- aay uirough Thursday, with mistv winds. Mild temperatures. HigltsU uoin uays to 08. low wednea- aay night 38 to 45. Southerly winds of 30 to 40 miles an hour off Ihe coast weanesctay, becoming south' westerly Thursday. ,. Eastern Oregon Occa.vfonal ram Wednesday and Wednesday night. Windy Wednesday. Consld- ciauir ciouainess wun a lew show ers Thursday. Warmer Wednesday. H.glu both days 42 to 62. Low Wednesday night 30 to 4Q. . Northern California Cloudv with occasional raiu extreme noriii Wednesday niglil and reaching Monterey and Stockton bv Thuis.' day. Total amount light to mode- rnie. snow m nigner mountains. Little change in temperature. Southerly winds of 20 to 35 miles an hour off the coast north of Ban Francisco, and 10 to 20 miles an hour south of there. Winds shift ing tow.-esterly Thursday,. brants Pass and vicinltv Rain. vteanesaay. intermittent rain Wed nesday night and Thursday. High Wednesday 55. Low Wednesday night 44. High Thursday 52. By The Associated Press :4 houra to 4:30 a.m. Wednesday Max. Min. Precip. Baker 33 27 . f Bend 48 27 T Eugene 65 48 .03 Klamath Falls 47 36 T La Grande 37 22 - . Medford 52 40 .. . T Norm Bend 60 5t .19 Ontario 37 24 ..... Pendleton 37 30 T Portland 46 ,. .4 . .43 Roseburg 57 55 Salem . 54 ' " 40 1 ..I-.34. Boise 37 2J.;",1'-T. Chicago 12 --0-4 Ht' Denver : 56 1 .'i, cui gj - " 1; .vl Los Angeles , 68 . 44 , y -1 d ium ji 1 - J. . Red Bluff 59 45 San Francisco 57 43 Seattle 53 45 . .73 Spokane 43 34 N .07 BIRTHS HICKS Born at Klamath Valley Kospttal. Jan. 29, 19.12. to Mr. ana Mrs. James Hicki. Tulelake. Calif., a girl. Weight: a pounds 8i ounces. ZADINA Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Jan. 30. 1922. to Mr. and Mrs. Antona Zadina. Chiloquin, Ore.. a firl. weigni: a pounds i'i ounces. BR1CCO Born at Klamath Valley hospiui: Jan. 29. 1902. lo Mr. i Mrs. Kenneth Brtcco, 201 Alameda Ave., a boy. Vielsht; a pounas e ounces. COMTLAISTS riLEO Ethel P. Waresbacsr - vs.- Ucorae L. Waresbaclc. suit ior divorce. Cjnnle married Aug. 12. !!. Yreka. Calif. Charge.' desertion. Pialntitf seeks i-es-toration former name. Ethel P. Bru ner. J. C. O'Neill, attorney for plain Uff. Breeden. suit for divorce Couple mar ried July . 194S. Klamath (alls. Ore. Charge, cruelty. Plaintiff seeks cus tody one minor child, oroperty settle ment J. C. O'N'eill, attorney for plain tiff. Dean C. Davis and Ilaria N. Davis, doing business as Davis Plumbing and Heating Co vs. George F- Hayes and Clara May Hayes and Dewey Dutf. suit to collect S2290.21 with Interest thereon at six per cent from Dec. 15. 1951, S23-S0. $300 attorney fees: decla ration of first lien and foreclosure of lien. ' L. 'O. Sisemore, attorney for plaintiffs. San Francisco Livestock ' SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO US DA 1 Cattle: 20, not enough to test the market, few canner and cutter cows $15.00-19,00, low utility dairy type cows $20.00, so lar this week cows steady to 50 cents lower, most decline on canners. Calves: None. Hogs: 200. butchers 25 cents lower, 185-220 pound butchers 819.50. one lot 160-oound $18.50. Tuesday butchers 25 cents higher. zoo-225 pound Dutcners jiu.io. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE LlsterV Inactive, L'nlistei ana Over-tbc-Ceanter bends sn4 Stacks. laveitraent Fands MI Hed-Den. Bids, phe-a I-M'a KLAMATH FALLS ' NOW 7.95 NOW 6.45 Phone 34f3 Waller V( Pa.o VlolnUtm ble rule. fine m, .. Kduetd Dcmar, overlvuiih. Dt- . Cherflit W. Hambtund, no vthlcl 11- Trutnwn A. WlUon. no vehicle U cenut; Paftftlt T.W bil . fioWit L Vnttitkn, drunk driving. Tin T Edwin j, Walker, no vehicle license, fine i ' . . . MNU'lPAt ('Ot'RT ' Mack David, drunk: fine flS or T. da. Urrald Chesttr. drunk. I'ute 10U or iO nu . '.' Jee Roach. 11 run k.- Fine 1S or 90 da,v. i. . Hob4Brt - Chambers, - virac-, Dis- Hobert LfUk lasulni NSF checks. To county, . , , : Cari Crane. drunk, Flnr w. . Lee Beal. drunk. Pine A mot Ouvert, drunk. Fine or 10 dayi. t , Alvln JlmllhJ drtink 'and rilinrdcrlv. Tine fJO or. 33 da. COMrt.AlNTfl n KI Wareabuck. suit for divorce. Couple married Aue. 13. imr Vrrka Calif. Chare ' deiertlon. Plaintiff vk re- aiorunen former name. Ethel P. Bru ner. H -C. O'Neill, attorney for plain lift. . France' L nreidrii v. Walker A. Bi-ecden. suit for divurve Couple mar ried July . 11H3, Klum.it:i 1 4ii, or. Charge, cruelty. Plaintiff necki cus tody, one minor child, property settle ment,. J. C. O'Neill, attorney fur plain yff. Dean C. Davis and Ilartn N Davis, doing bulnrs as l)vti IMunibinu and Heating Co v. George F Hayes and Clara May Hayc and Dewey Dull. uit to collect UltKVJl wtiti Interest tl.ereon at six per cent from Dec. 13, ,11)31, $22.30. S300 attorney fee: decla ration of first Hen and foreclotmre of lien. L. O. Siaemore, attorney for platntUft. Potatoes CHtr:Afir in it!sr Pn. jtatoes: arrivals 58. on truck 191: total U.S. snlpments 784: supplies light; no carlot sales reported; wholesale street sales 100 lb sacks: Colorado McClures S5.4I: Idnho Russets S5.80-6.01: Mlimesoln-Norlli Dakota Pontiacs $4.81-89: Nebras ka Trlumplis $5.26; Texas Trlumplis S3.75. I....HH.1.1.MLWnMHRi1MMHatMaML1 TAKE ONE GALLON of good gasoline 8,350 gallons of ordinary air-mix well and feed in small doses to a Fireball Engine and what do you get? Well, mister, we could give you a lot of sparkling adjectives. But the closest wc can come to describing the result is to tell you-it's something like the mighty thrust of an airliner r- swooshing down the run way for a take-off. ; ! All of which is another way of saying that this newest and finest of Buicks can rev up the highest horsepower in its distinguished . history. . , . .. . , ; ' '. ;; :-"T:-.; Now, you seldom need 170 horsepower. A lot of owners wil 1 never let it full out. But it's nice to know it is there for emergency. It's nice to know you can boss it around even if you use no more than an eighth of it at 40 miles an hour, ? ' v j . But that is only one side of the story. Buick engineers never do things by halves. In the process of getting this whopping ' new charge1 of power, they also came up with more miles per gallon from gasoline. fiUnaHVritleV aWanir.MMs'kMli . By ViMA I.i:AVttToff: Mr. and Mrs. 'Ivnn Welch ' vMtrd on lluir.sduy Willi Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Hotine. Ivan' Is luimr (or pood now from Vi'lcran'a Hospital 111 Portland.-; r ' vi Mr. and Mra. Dick femAli verc also visitors at the Houso home on Thursday. - Mrs. Kciinlt Kevser and two small children lell lor Kreauo culled by the serious illness ot her Mr. and Mrs. Rohlln Pd-irrnr nnri children ol Chilouuln spent the weekend with Mr. aud Mrs. Peter Hrlcitlscse. Mr. aud Mrs. Russell Wxltner. Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Welmer and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lcs ijcnvm on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mis. O. C. Jolmson spent several days with Mr. Inid Mrs. Harry Fruatcr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Noble look her father Will Rogers to Sacra mento to receive medical care, bringing htm home with them for a lew more weeks. Ho was scrl- ouLsy Injured when 1UI by car In Sacramento several, months iigo. Lewis Staller spent sevehil davs at McMliinviile with relatives and irlends. . v - Mr. and Mrs. Cleorne Unfr. bf Sania Ami aiff visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tex Hltson. George was injured and hospitalized hi Koroa unci now is discharged. The Burrs were Smulitv dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith. Mr. and Mis. Bill Burnett aud children were dinner guests Tucs dny evening at the Warner Fell home in Klumiilh Fulls. Mrs. Frank Brown and Martin are In Bukersfleld visiting her par ents , and other relatives and friends. Deepest sympathy Is extendol to Mrs. Bessie Campbell and Mrs. Bob Sealer and other relatives of Lawrence Campbell who passed nway at Hillside Hospital on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lawrence and children of Ambler. Pa., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potu- a mm mm m m. mm mm 0WB;l 28 1330 Main St. crk and Bob! Mr. and Mia. LowIh' blullrr and family Joined Ihe gruuli lor Himiliiv rilimaV r T V'4 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Parsons til McUocl spent aeveral'ilays 'With ner pnrenis, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Smith Br. They were going on to Live Oak and Sacramento before returning home. By CORA I.EAVITT Ten carloads and the big bus got snowed in Klamath Falls alter the Henley gunic. All were well taken care of but parents Were pretty worried until they got home at noon on Sunday. Slate police turned them all back at Olcno, Saturday night. Ouy Hltson has been In Hillside Hospl'.al for several days auiler front pemimonla. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bcelitloldt re turned home Friday evening itfler spending several weeks in Portland and Eugene. Friends and relatives were hup- py to hear that Kellli Hltson Is back In Sun Francisco. He called his folks and will be lit Fort Ma son for at least two weeks before he can come home. He has been in Japan and Korea lor the past two years. Kalhy Mnrvhunt relurned lo her home on Thursday altor having an appendix operation. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Blackmail spent Tuesday evening with Mr. ami Mrs. uiuyton Shurpe. Mr. and Mrs. F.ri Uowen ol Klamath Fulls wer' dinner uuests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Popple i inursciiiy evening. Helen Cloweii Horsley has moved back wlih Iter parenls while her husband, Don, Is i n the Air Forre. 1 Mrs. Birdie Burk sllimed on the ' Ice Monday evening and has been confined lo her bed. Several weeks i ago it was erroncou.sly slated that Mrs. Burk Is the oldest while wom an In Klamath County, sho Is not 1 the oldest person but she is t he . oldest whlto woman living who ' who was born In Klamath County. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett mid Mr. and Mrs. Les Leavltt visited Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rice Sr. on I 1 " i . t And the way they did it is onexf the neat est bits of ingenuity we've seen in years. Instead of building a whole new engine they focused on ways to feed a better mixture to the great Fireball Engine ihcy already had. A mixture-that is-of fuel, which costs money, and air, which is free. The result was the Airpowcr Carburetor a four-barrel automatic which works on a booster principle. , Two barrels supply all the fuel you need " for most of the miles you drive and 1 they're sized and designed to supply the just-right thrifty mixture of fuel and air for anything from smooth-running idle up to some 40 or 50 miles an hour. , Bu' vhen you call for more power for a ; qulk spurt out of a tight spot for an ,,'uhbroken gait up a steep hill or for full- throttle operation the reserves go into .action.- , ; You have two more barrels to feed the. ,v just-right thrifty mixture for extra power -''-something like: a "second wind."-. . Lite's great behirtdt$is, great-powered eight, but that's only part of the 'story. Years Your Buick Dealer Phone 5151 piiot Makes Heroic Move ' When Loaded Bomber Burns ,rOKYXi.fl You are In Conv iniiliiti)' ,.H-29. You have 12 ci'ow ik)cii 'and !10 ions of bombs. You ilia dvii' populous Tokyo when a lite brauyi out.. Whul would you do? (;;,!. , Whnl. fcol. nrlmin-e P. Wood of lodl. Chili"., did Tuesday In Hint crisis mid him a hero In Iho eyed ot his crewmen. He tot them all out safely. Ho saw tu H thai the bombs fell harm lcH:lypml thai Ihe plane wouldn't craxtt In- tj 'populated place. ' Dnlnir kit thut. Wood nlayed Willi the llaihlna bomber until an eniillio had exploded, a wing ntui crum pled and the big plane rolled on Its side.. i 'I) ; - . ', ; BhhrtlU afler he balleil' nut. the tunibllhg- wrenkiKie ex)lii(ledi wIMi a ronf .lml cnnsetl Ihoti'afidS In Monday evening.. Don Lewlson of Boise, Ida. vis. lied friends in Ilouaiua and Lun gell Valley last week. Tt U'i, UlurlM Mt llm llllllUllZU. OlU'liilst basketball game en Jan. in which nns ui'cn given to mo Mnrch of Dimes. Deepest aymputhy Is extruded to l. r...tl.. nt I r'ntiiiw bell who passed awuy alter a short nine. WHOLESALE LUMBER EXECUTIVE We are ulmlnntial, wrll-mlcd, wlinlrl plvwKitl dUlrdhiliir In Hit Itr-vt-a of rUpttituhmt a untile"). lumDrr dUMilrn. W mi roklntf for m wholal iiimltr t-xrt ntiv to l tip lltli 1lviltn ntl tu ih rmtntlM rharc Of All punltaum anil !. Tii man w nr lookln for huli1 h wll xitf.rru-(f in wholri- lumtwr huj m ami allln wllh rn. Icnl mill ami ru-l(nir i'ntal Wr fl til w ar nffirlnic th prnpfrlv iiiialifird man a pvrmanriit miUi.n wltlrh will cany him mo , high incom braikcli. Midwest Plywood Company 10101 Lyndon Detroit 21, Michigan ' Texas 4-8000 Wateh it GO ! The rest, wc can best tell you with a new Buick right at hand. It's a story of interior styling stepped up to a new plateau of excellence and taste a story of silencing to a point where a w hisper almost sounds loud inside this car in motion-a story of bigger brakes and a smoother ride antltf Power Steering as you have hi w'ays. " hoped it Wght ba perfected. , ;i ". , ' . It's a story, you "need to know', if you want to be up-to-thc-mlnut?.o.i what's what in . 1952 cars. -r ''.'' ,''' " :'IIow about coming in and getting that story soon? ;-t' ':! '. ' v- ) ', . .v , Jnr.pm.r, tmmrti; Inn mA mdrlt ar. U skssil iirtlsoat MHM, WAraUabU aa ItoAUUAlTM si a attstrsf. Mint 4.11. Smk'tm -i V I I .1 I I UJ 1 I .Tokyo to think 'Micro was nn enrih. (minim . . " s,n Wlllilu Hccondn, as flames ticked over th butnpoi'i all but Wood and Iho flight fiiKlnrer. T-Hgt. Olnieuro L. like, lixil Lurch St., Raymond, Well., had leiipt'. ' The burning aircraft M'na over a populated area. ' Wood turned II towurd a wooded sector midway between Tokyo and Yokohama. i He en lin ed Blce to bull out, SrcnntlM litli-i . thn biirnliiK rn- ylnr blew Up and lh whig bilcklrd. Bv Ihen Wood knew the plane nn lotiger wiim a menncn to anyone below. .He hurled himself out of the WrcckuKc ':' Porato Shipments Jstmarv yn ,,, . Jsimsiy 311 Mimth In ilstp .. Kfatun lo (lata 31 II . mu ns IUKIU I71 Funerol iiraiiiNiiniw lih.rat Sfrvli'.s fnr Mnrlnn Hantlpa I ii.riiiuiiii ill. tvlm fllnd li.m J. ii. JU Will lAkr Dine. fiiMM Ilia I'ltati.i nf Wai-il'a Klamath t un.ral Hums, D.-3 lllsl' SI . Thtirsilay. J M put.. II. v. Uavid Itsritatt Jr. nf th. rir.l Pta.nv. trrlrtt vliurrlt nfrirlallnt- Kliml rll.a ivlll tstir tilii'W at Ilia i'uitlaml CtaniA larluni. PurliaiKt. w&iy - 1 7 K 'i, ': ; ;? i. 1