WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 10!52 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON . mirt'THRKR Krcovrrlnf Mm. Art RoDlsnn, Injured about a month ayo In mi iiulo Hcolttoni naar Kllm Nov., In now In ttl, Jowmli'a lionplul, Ban Pranclaco, intl It roporlrd Improv Iiik. She auffared a tramurecl skull and (or a time her left aids win riaralyzad. Her hunband, who lor year Inn operated a wrecker lor Bnlalvnr Motor Company, wan alao Injured but la at noma now, a are the children. Kramn Biuare dancing ached Hied (or Feb. 2, postponed to Feb. 8. Ye Oldt l'lnoihle Club Meeta Thuraday, 13:30 p.m., at the home o( Loulne Borton, Chelaea addition, weather permitting. " Hoouta rack 34, Ft. Klamath, previously acheduled (or eb. I, has been poatponed until Feb, a. Thfta Thrta llho la achrdulrd lo meet Wedneiday, 1:30 p.m. in the IOOF hall to discuss dunce plant. Keno Dance A March o( Dlmea dance sponsored by the Keno Prom- McGrath Probe Way Cleared Br B. t. LIVIN08TON WAbHINOTON 11 House In vestigators began clearlnic the ground Wednesday (or an Investi gation that may ito deep lulo the personal and official activities o( Attorney (li-nrml McGrath. Mutters proposed (or Inquiry al ready Include McOralh'a reputed race tract inirrana, ami ni one time role of 116.000 a year trustee o a Rhode Island trust connected with the textile (Irm of Textron, Inc. InvestlitnUirs also havo been pre sented with cluirnrs of "tinwarraiil- ed" Interlnrence with (ederal grand Juries and 'o( proaeoutlon fallurca or delays by the Justice Depart ment. McOrnlh snd the department b. came the subject ol an Investlga. tlon by the House Judiciary Com. mlttee Tuesday in what was report ed lo be a unanimous action o( the 16 Democrat and 13 Republican niemocrs. Republican Meet!' Set. For Thursday ' An Important meetlnii of the Klaina'h County Republican Cen tral Committee la scheduled (or Thursday. 7:30 p.m. lo the Court House.. Arthur Schaupp, chalrnian will Jlirnmr, . .. .. . . Charles DeLsn. County- Clerk will talk about duties o( voters during elections, (unctions of pre cinct cummltteemen and commit tepnomen and othrr subjects per lalnlng to an election year. The meeting Is open to the pub lic and attendance. Is. urged. Gutted Ship To ; ( fj j Become Freighter '" PORTLAND I The Danish motorshlp Errla, gutted by lire at Astoria, is to be turned Into freighter and five Pacific. Coast shipyards have been Invited (otld on uit jnb. ' - , ', Capt.-K. B, Krlatehnen.'. marine aupertntendent of the East Asiatic Company, owner of the Errla. met here Monday with representatives oi yards in Portland, Seattle, Ban Francisco and Vancouver. - B. O. Rids probably will be opened f co, . 40, ne ssia. ' . . Portland Air Base Gets Quickie Look PORTLAND I Msj. Oen Harry A. Johnson, commnndln; general of the lath Air Force a! Selfrldge, Mich., Air Force Base, was a aurprlse Portland . visitor TiiesfluV. . , Accoinpnnled by' other nigh' Air Force ollicers, ucneral Johnson aald he came to look over the Port- land Air Base. He-aald the party was surveying bases to make recommendations fer a .long range reserve training program. -v .,;) ... enaders has been scheduled for the Keno Community Hall tomor row night from 8 to 13. All callers una square dancers are Invited. Meeting BhnHta View Orange will meet Friday, II p.m. In the Bliaata school gym. Ims will be a regulsr business meeting with a social meeting planned for next meeting. Promotion Word has been re ceived by Mrs. Joy Mueller, 2000 Lsvey, of the promotion of her husband Louis C. Mueller to the rank ol 2nd Lieutenant. He Is serv ing with the Infantry In Korea and was promoted (rum Warrant Ol lloer. He Is the son ot Mrs, Helen Mueller, 2060 Lavcy. New Help Lupe SoU), Klamath Falls Is now associated with Belle's Beauty Union, 731 Main. Cub Pack R A meeting as been slated (or 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the music room ol Altsmont Jun ior High School. Cubmuster Bob Hendershott announced today. Conger-Falrvlcw Home Exten sion Unit will meet 10:30 a.m. Friday si the home of Mrs. Oene Woods, 2202 Oregon Ave. Earner Ironing will be demonstrated by Mrs. Lynn Hayes and Mrs. Irene Thompson. Potluck will be served at noon snd child care will be pro vided. Ilii" next textile painting Irasnn will also be held Feb. I& at the home of Mrs. Clcne Woods. Mllnv Alnha Phnntjir CtV.R will meet Friday, 1:45 p.m. In the masonic tcmpia. Pythian Klstera A card party has been plnnned for Marie Kil gores. 303 8. 6th, at 8 p.m. Fri day. There will be a M-oriil charge with the proceeds going to the dish lund. ltelreahmenls will bo served. Flu Cripples Carrier Boys The current rash ol flu canes has crippled the Herald and Mews paper carrier force. Circulation Mgr. Morrle Miller aald today "about one-fourth" of ms 74-man carrier crew was con fined with the Illness and that the substitute carrier ranks were also riaoied. Some paper routes are now be ing handled by emergency crews. If your Herald and News Is late, the Circulation Department begs your Indulgence. Persons not receiving their pa per by 6:30 p.m., should call the Hersld and News. A special mes sengcr la kept on duty to take such calls and make speclsl de liveries. This final circulation, trip leaves the news plant at 7 p.m. NO INTKRKST PORTLAND t Friends have urged Slate ben. Dean H. Walker ol Independence to become a candi date (or the Republican nomina tion (or state treasurer, but he aald Tuesduy the chance ol his doing so la "remote." (a) nu-back all-in-ones ; White cotton, zipper , front. Averoqe hips- 35-40, even 42-46. 9.98 (m) ftOHUCKANDCa Lewis; Taft Lock Horns ' WABHINOTON Wl Ben Tall, (ROhloi and John L, Lewis hooked up In a bitter namecalllng clash at a Senate committee hearing Wednesday. Lewis termed the Tall Hartley Law "A slave act." Lewis wound up with this broad side at the OOP presidential hope ful: , "If you ,ar ever elected Presi dent, Mr. Tail, and Joe Stalin should ask , you about the Tail Hartley slave act, I don't know how you'll answer him." "I can handle Btalln all right," Taft retorted. "And I managed to handle the workers of Ohio." He was obviously rclerring to his overwhelming reelection as senator In MM when his author hip of the labor law w,as a pri mary Issue. Earlier, Tail had accused Lewis of Injecting a "red herring" Into Senate hearings on mine safely. Taft said It Is "entirely untrue" that miners are denied the right to walk out of unsafe mines because ot the labor law Tail coauthorcd. Check Passer Surrenders Robert F.dwsrd Law. 22 Casper. Wyo.. walked Into Police Chief Orvllle Hamilton's office here yes terday and said he believed he had some checks out here that needed looking into. Today, Law was in Jail with ball at 15.000. Only count against Law this morning was for one $10 check but District Atlornev D. E. Van Vactor said he believed there were 22 other bad checks out for whlcb Lsw might be responsible. Law was turned over to the dis trict attorney by. Chief Hamilton yesterday. The young man told Hamilton and Van Vactor that he had returned here voluntarily from Wyoming to see about the check situation. PULP MILL SANTIAOO, Chile i The Min istry of Economy and Commerce Tuesday announced approval of a project for construction of Chile's first big newsprint mill. Private U. 8. Investors will fi nance construction and operation of the 10 million dollar plant. The project was submitted by Richard P. Moran, of Washington. D. C, head of Pacific Industries Development Corp. TOR PAY NOTHING "ROYAL" HEARING AID 0 Consult Mh. M-Y Friday .nd Saturday February 1",2n,l " w will Q've voU Miss Morgan w d suq. ree fiqure onaW suited qest the qorrnts o Q eVE orlQV. partme'" step into a fashion figure with Sears famous Nu-Back Corsetry Rumors Indicate Russia, Red China Split Hearing, East German Picture Bad Stock Feed Shortage Eyed McMINNVILLE UPi Increasing livestock numbers has made get ting winter feed a problem, the Western Oregon Livestock Associa tion was told here Tuosduy. This Is particularly true In Ore gon because the supply from Cali fornia has been reduced, Harry Stearns, Pi lneville. prenidont ol the Oregon Cattlcmcns Association, suld. Stearns said that many hay fields hove been turned to cotton produs tlon In California, which has been a source of supply to Oregon stock men. A late spring could hurt east ern Oregon stockmen, he added. He sold winter food hud not kept psce with the 7,000.000 head of cat tie increase In the country In the past year. O. A. Stearns. Portland OPS meat price specialist and no re lation to the cattleman, told the meeting he expected meal prices to drop. He reported present meat prices are below ceilings and that in creasing livestock numbers indi cate a continuing decline. ROADS GOOD BALEM ' Oregon's road con ditions were good Wednesday ex cept for packed snow in the moun tains of Grant County, the state Highway Commission reported. WOMEN'S 2 FOR 1 SALE Now In Progress Model Shoe Store Try the bbw Strnlth "Royal" hrartnf aid lor to dayl. If you're not completely satlitled return tlie Inilrumenl and GET YOUR MONEY BACK! Only 5 A Month No Down l'nvmeut 715 Main Street V Won't ride up! Glides up ond down when you sit, stand or stretch. Pick your favorite! Get wonderful .wearable Nu-backs for fashion trimness plus . comfort, freedom. WOMEN'S INTIMATE APPAREL SXX0 ONLY IV ' SEARS, HOilUCK ANO CO. (b) nylon all-in-ones Fast dryinq. liqht wetqht; Nude. Aver age hip sizes 34 to 41. -V 11.95 . WASHINGTON W The Stole Department took note-Wednesday ol reports Hint Red China and Bovlct Russia are drifting apart. The department's official bulletin In a review of happening behind the Iron Curlnln during 1051 led off with this comment on China: "In China, one of the country's MEKTINO SALEM I The Legislature's Interim Committee to study taxes will meet here next Monday, the committee announced Wednesday. ffamHal General kBBal I Hans Frei I BOOKKEEPING I Service I 22S4 So. 6th Phone 2-029 EaaaataH Extra Special Values i " 111 ' ' . . . 1 . r-t-, m"iiii,mi-7v-ii 'it.fii I,,., I,,. ii SAUCE PANSH: PERCOLATORS 88c emaSel WARE 491 jVr'-- " r'' ' CEREAL BOWLS 10' ARMYFIGURES". " 15ti Paper Napkins "X"i.2 25c WaxPaper": 19c G f O n I Flannel. Ladies & Misses A 98 G0WnS&PJSu.ar3 79 Training Pants : 495c I Dish Towels Tir A $1 Pil!ow Tubing 79c SPECIAL PURCHASE n FEATMtK a PlLLOWpUoV II Site 17x24 in. " J Sizes 32 Popular White I Pink (0) (qj GIRLS' RAYON PANTIES PeO. VALUt 29c , Siie 2 to 14 Pink, White, Yellow and Blue . where food production has fallen In spite of so-called 'land reform', mass executions, and the liquida tion ol landlords, year-end reports describe a growing coolness be tween Pelplng and Moscow." The deportment did not enlarge on the point but said that In gen eral "IBM proved to be an unnappy year behind the Iron Curtain." "Month after month, and in country after country, the story has been the same," the summary said. "II Is one of Increasing dis satisfaction, unsuccessful repres sion, new purges, and other forniK of Communist frlghtfulness in the now familiar Soviet pattern. "In the free world, by contrast, PILES HEMORRHOIDS mi4 kr tcidl DiMrrfifi COLON. ..STOMACH RUPTURE (Hrnia) IWWI fH iplfU ffjj Until 100 9.m. Mn.,Wd.,M. free sxxzsr- THE DEAN CLINIC IN OUI 42" TIAI Help Yov Save Money to 40 oi Noamiatr sandy souuvsjb I f w .'-..' I T.i.phi.iAii rmMi4,on. I 120 No. 7th t - "Pfi,'4519 I (o) (0) 1951 has been a year of rising strength, rising hope,' and rising production, combining to build new bulwarks against Soviet aggression and promote the cause of peace." The country by country survey German Chromatic Harmonicas '"- At Little As Standard 10 Hole HARMONICAS GQc Voluet up to $2.40 NOW , V ' OCARINAS- i ; Key of 'C Reg. 1.00, now 89c key of 'G' Reg. 75c now 49e on Many Important Item CAI CANNON Bath Towels Assorted Colors Seconds Dryfost Wash Cloths Mode by Cannon Mills Slippers Red and blue qingham cheeks. Plastic Reg. 69c value. Pink, blue and Hey Kids! Sewing Box Pony Rides Close Out! MEN'S TIES km Our entire stock f 1 " "t greatly reduced prices! Values to $1.59 Ladies' ' PANTIES Lace trimmed Rayon Bemberg Sizes 32 to Kayon cemoerg ji SUPS Lace trimmed and tailored Ladies' PANTIES , Assorted Lacey Styles - Men's Broadcloth SHORTS i hrT Boxer s,tyle Reg. 69c i : -. ' . Men's Slack Sow H00 Assorted Pn,.. m rnrrernt Triple-turned top Guoronteed lour months wear of developments In (lit So v lot bluo Included" a report that moro than 16.000 private Industrial, trade and handcraft enterprises, in the Soviet xone of Oermany went out of busW ness during the past 12 months. SALE! HARMONICAS and OCARINAS Made tr 15 for the Entire Family IT All sizes white II I J Each 40 Reg. $1.59 Keg. 39e If 5T w '4 325 Main St. Phone 4774 "atyzc&Ht puZK&d rt jtoat notcey tact $f UR$ 133 So. 8th Phona 5188