PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 10B2 Wonderful What Girdles Can Do ' NEW YORK on Can a Persian limb coat be bidden Inside a worn ain girdle? i" "It Is physically Impossible to do such a thing," said Defense Attor , ney Carson P. Baker Tuesday at (the trial ol two women aocused of ' shoplifting such a coat by con cealing it under the girdle one of i them wore, ' ' 1 Produces faster growth in premium broilers on the lowest amount of feed. j , -. Low in fiber and high in efficiency, Crown Kom ' prest HI-Energy Broiler & Fryer Grow produces rapid gains at highest feed conversion when fed as a total ration. You use less feed only one feed and save yourself money. . Crown-fed broilers are premium quality with the good yellow skin color and full breast that the markets demand. 3-woy results, feed MOWN KOMMIST Hl-E BROIUR 4 FRYEft GROW mm WITH OFFICES V But Assistant District Attorney James P. McQratton picked up a girdle entered In evidence He wiggled his 180-pound frame and finally twisted the girdle over his hips. He picked up the coat in question ana stuiica n insiac. Then, as he strutted back and forth before the Jury, Uie prose cutor asked: "I leave It to you to decide wheiher It could or coma not be done." Slxtv minutes later the Jury found Margaret Walker, 30, and Mrs. Leary Wright, 47, both guilty, and Fryer Grow , Yields ; 3 -Way Results mm rt ''Vi ' j SSii So right lovely . . my "'stylish d e p en liable eye wear"! Optically-ground - lenses . . . beautiful frames . . . fashion-uisc in color and style. The pert eel complement tor my features! Selected from Dr. A I v a Custer's out standing collection of "Stylish Eyewear". I also enjoy Dr. Custer's easy payment terms. .; AT gjIlftar, !! 715 MAIN IN 1m mi I mui I Hi mm lPIwgISSpiwWlWSlw!pj iiiii 11 u iiav k" U'.i KKJI 1150 Kc PST Wednesday F renin, Jan. 39 00 Ciabritl Header MBS 6:13 Klamath Theater quit e ao a rouna Town news . 6:43 Sam Hayes Newt MBoi fi:33 Bill Henry MUS ?:(jit Aflaln of Casanova MBS 7:30 Cisco Kla MllS 8:U0 What'i Nam Song MBS B:30 Medal of Honor :43 lietdalberg Hariiumalret 8 00 Glenn Hardy Newa MBS 9:13 Fulton Lew la Jr 8:.t0 Wreaillni 9 :M 5-Mln Final MBS 10 00 WrestKng 10:15 t Love a Mystery MBS 10:30 Out ol Thunder MbS H:00 Night Owla Newt -' 11:03 NtgM Owli Club U;00 Sun Off KFJI 1150 Kc rST Thunvdav, Jan, 31 6 00 Musical Reveille 6:43 Farmers Bulletin Board 6:33 Local New 7:00 Hemingway New-i MBS ' 7:13 Ureakfairt Gang MBS 7:50 Newt 7:43 Best Bum 8:00 Cecil Brown MBS 8:13 Break fait Gang MBS ' 8:30 Haven of Rest MBS 9:to Home mak era Harmonica 9:13 Marion from Millers 9:30 Platter Party 9:43 Familiar Favorites 10:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS 10:13 Tello Test 10:30 LaPointea 10:43 Mint lure Concert 10:50 He en Doe ft 10:33 Ken Carson MBS 11:00 Ladies Kalr MBS 1125 News MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS 12:'H Name Bands 1?:13 News Headlines 13:30 Your Dance Tunes 1 13:43 Mar ke Livestock 1:00 Jack Kirkwood snow mui 1:30 Tune Test 1:33 Local News ' 3:00 News MBS 3:03 News ,v 3:13 Tea Time Tips V - ' . 3:43 Answer Man MBS 3:00 Ricky's Request 4:00 Soeed Gibson MBS 4:13 Hemingway News MBS 4:30 Curt M assay Time- . 4:43 Sam Hayes MBS Sergennt Pr'-m MB? 3:30 Sky King MBS S:f! Newt MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS v.- 6:15 Klam. Theater Quit 6:30 Around Town News 6:43 Sam Hayes N'e'va MBS , , 6:53 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Harmony Time 7:13 Sports Album 7:C0 Bobby Benson MBS . 8:00 Tartan MBS ' 8:30 Adven. Your Heritage 8:45 Heidelberg Harmoi.aires AMERICAN CHINESE Fm at rkafc Ml Mi. 4W fi Or4t T Tk Oal Ben B. Lee, Mgr. ' ' i r-f KLAMATH m UiLpueai umw :00 Ulvnn llnrdy Nw MBS :1J rullaii Uwll jr. MBS P 10 Rrd 4t Gun C.t'b MBS 51 3-Mln. rin.l MBS 10:00 I 1.0V A My.l.ry I0:1S Start on Pjiradc 10:30 BandlUnd USA MBS 11:00 Nl(hl Owli Nw. 111 Niht Owli Club 13-00 Sliu Off, KFLW 1450 Kc PST Wrrinrsdar Kvnlnt, Jan. 30 :00 Sparta lllfhllfhta 6:13 Horn Town Newi :33 World Nawa Summary 8::t0 Stiburnan Srnadt l.a Haadllna Fdltlon ABC 6-33 Coming Attraction! on ABC T:00 Th Lona Raigr ABC t-:i. Mtrrv TMaater ABC COO Tha Top Guy ABC K:")Ttoiu( Gai'trv ABC SK Proudly W. Hall 9:30 Northwtal 10:00 10 P M Haadllnai 10:13 Salvation Army Band A DC to.-3n Inaomnla Club HsM Na Summary 11:03 Sign Oft KFLW 1430 Kc PST Thursday, Jnn. SI 6:00 Sign on Nawa Summary 6:03 Corn In tha Morn. 6:43 Farm Para 7:00 Nana Blcf.t Edition 7:13 Charlla'i Roundup 7:20 Bob Garrad & Nawa ABC "' Ton o' ta """"nlng 7:33 John Conta ABC 8:i0 Braaklat Cluj ARC 9:00 Hank Hanry Show 9:30 Break tha Bank ABC 10:00 Chat Huntlay, News ABC 10:13 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:33 Edward Arnold ABC II 00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:13 Stop & Shop 11:30 Jlinmle rtdler 11:; Agalnit the Storm ABC t'-l i.'c,. foit'up 11:93 Market Reporta U'.uJ No-.i Eciuo.i New 12:13 Payleaa Sidewalk Show 'e:30 Lucky V Ranch ABC iM Paul Hm-e; ABC 1:13 Better Living 1:30 Mary Margaret McBrlde ABC 3:00 Baln Briefs 3:13 Accent on Melody 3:30 Joyce Jordan. M.D. ABC 3:49 Rom. Evelyn Wlntera ABC 3:00 When Girl Harriet ABC 3:15 Ted M.'one ABC 3:30 Dean Cameron ABC 3:43 Mary Marlln ABC 6:00 Recjueitfully Yourt 3:im -i, c--Tu, i-ace ra'rr, a. 3:?3 World Flight Reoorter ABC 5:30 Chei Huntli ev , ABC 3:43 It a Movie Time 6:00 Snorte Hifhllxhtt 6:13 Home Town Newr 6:23 World Newt Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6-43 Headline rdltlon ABC 6:33 Coming Attraction on ABC 7 00 Mr Pretldent ABC 7:30 Derente Attorney ABC 8:00 Ortg. Amateur Hr. ABC 8:43 Foreign Reporter ABC 0:00 The Redhead ABC Q: Concert of rurope ABC 10:00 10 P M Headline' 10:13 Club Can Do ABC 10:30 Ineomnla Club 11:00 Nawa Summary 11:03 Sign Off LONG SEASON" ' BEND Lfi This city had nights of skating this year one of the longest seasons on record. But warm winds have brought It to an end. . Another cold spell could put the city rink back In operation, though, since not all the ice has melted. REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST LEGAL NOTICE RKsnt.ttTION NU. 4AT A RESOLUTION lrtl.ARlN) Tllk INTENTION Or THE COMMON council or city or ki.amath rAl.LS. OHKUON. TO WIDEN T1IK UPPER AND LOWER PAVKI1 BOA" WAYS ON PACIH'lC TKKHACC THOM IVllKHt IT 1M LIISXC IS ALAMtlUA STREET TO WHERE IT INTERSECTS LOWELL STREET: DECLARING AND 11 KECT1NC. CERTAIN STEPS TO UK T.KrN IM CONNECTION THERE WITH: SAID PROJECT- TO BE KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT VNIT NO. 114. WHEREAS, the City engineer, pur, tuant to a resolution or Hit cumimm Council heretufore adopted, having filed plant, tpeclflcatlon and eallmatet lur the cost of Improving. Pacific Terrace from where It lntemKla Alameda Street to where It Inlerteela Xowall Street, by widening the upper and lower paved ruadwaya thereon: and the Council finding the aald plana, apecl. ftcallon and estimates tatitfactory for aid project which thall he kmuv ' Ma Improvement Unit No. 114: THERE- 11E IT RESOLVED BY THE COM MON COUNCIL OP THE CITY OK KLAMATH rAl.LS, OREGON, Dt'l.V ASSEMIII.ED IN REGULAR SESSION AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That taid ptaiu,. aperlflcalloni and ealtmatea for the Improvement rf aald portlona of aald atreet. therefore filed herein by the City Engineer, be and Ihe tame are hereby approved, and auld project thall be known at Im provement Unit No. 114 That the Common Council of tha City of Klamath Kalle. Oregon, hereby declarce Ita intention to improve aald porllona of taid alreelt In accordance with tha plana, apeclflcatlone and ee. Iltuatet at followt: TYPE "C" To contlat of widening Ihe upper and lower paved ruadwat un Pacific Terrace (rum the toutlv eatlerly line or Lowell Street to the uoitheasterlv line ur Alameda with tlx tnchea of Cement Concrete Ha anient, together with combination cement con crete curb and gutter. The overall wldlh for widening each roadway It fuur feet and will be toward the center parking tlrlp theiehy reducing the width of pern parking tlrlp. TYPE "E" To conalat of widening Ihe upper and lower paved roadway on Pacific Terrace from the aoulh, eatlerly line or Lm'l Street to tne vho rJeVoted most Ol her llle to r.?Jii!"',,rli '',.'r.?':ri!:1,i -hn,i'.r.,lchnrity and phllnnUiropy. suffered together with combination cement con- crele curb and gutter. The overall wldlh fur widen, nc earh rodvy fuur fettt and will be toward tht cen ter parking strip thereby roductni tlir width o( wid parking atrip. TYPE "C" and "f A combination of tyoea i?t out tn "C" ar.d "E" a immediately abova defined, with llm Itatlona as therein atated. The type rhosen to be mKed and placed In accord with tht plant and Kpcciflcatltrits of the City Engineer on rile therefor. The en 1 1 ma ted cost of all daises of Improvement embracing all work and material, for the complete Improvement of aald project for each type of pavement being at follows: Type 'C-Cement concrete pavt me tit $36949 SO T pe "E" Aiphalt concrete pavt' mem W7.3.v.7i TYPE Combination of CS and r pavemtntaVM .837.24 S.ild stlmutri Include engineering. siiDervttlon. advertiMne. clerirat Utanre, ailorney'a fce and unforeseen contlngencea. Section II. That the property btng within the boundaries hereinafter derrtlea and the umi la hereby declared to be benefited by the Mid Improvement to- wit: Beginning at the moit northerly cor ner ur lot 1. bjnek I Hlllilde Addition to the City of Klamath Falh. Oregon: thence aouthweitcrly along the aouin eaoterW line of Lowall Bt. 190 ft. to Hie northeatterly line of tha alley in said Block 6: thence southeaster) r tnd parallel to Pacific Terrace thru blocks 8. 13. and IB in said llltlilde Addition, blocks 33 to 43 Inclusive In Hotsprings Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, fit-farm to ihe northeasterly line of ! Alameda: thence southeasterly along northeasterly line of Alameda to tne noulheast corner of lot 7 Block 1. wll. I llams Addition to tht City of Klamath Falls. Oregon: thence northerly- along ! the tine between lota and 7 of block I 1, of said William Addition, to tht ! north line of said block 1: thtnee northwesterly along the southwesterly 1 line of Hanktnf St. being 130 ft. north ' easterly of and parallel to the north t easterly line of Pacific Terrac and continuing northwesterly and parallel to Pacific Terrace alona the north, easterly boundary line of aid Hot 1 kprlngs Addition to Del Muro St.; ' thence continuing northwesterly and I parallel to Pacific Terrace thru blocks ! 17. 14 artd T of raid Hillside Addition : to the south line of VanNess Ave.: ' thence southwesterly along last said . line to its intersection with the north easterly property line of Pacific Ter race; thence southwesterly across Pa clfic Terrace to the point of beginning. I That alt tht property Included in the aforesaid boundaries above described ! be and the same Is hereby declared 1 to be benefited by said Improvement and assessed for tht expenses thereof. I section ill. i That Monday tht 18th. of Ftbruary. ! 1932. at tht hour of 7:30 P,M. at tht , Council Chamber of the City Hall in , Klamath Falls. Oregon, bt and i htrt by fixed as the time and plact tor I hearing of objection and remon. I stranccs against said proposed lm r provsmcnt. . I Section tV. 1 That the Police Judge bt tnd ht It hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published provided by Cilv Charter of said City and thall publish i this resolution as provided by law. and I within five days after the first publ -I cation thereof the City Engineer shall j cause to bt conspicuously posicu Improvement such notice at 1 provided fo by law and ordinance. . Paied by the Common Cduncll of the City of K'amath Fall. Oregon, this 21st day of January. 1952. Presented to the Mayor and by htm approved rind signed this 22nd day ol January. 1 A mmPSW Mayor ATTEST: POnr.RT M. ELDER Police Judge STATE OF OREGON. . COUNTY OP KLAMATH. . SS. CITY OP KLAMATH FALLS. I, Robert M. Elder. Police Judge of Ihe Clly of Klamath Fallt. Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and fore going la a true copy of a retolutlon Intrnrliii-erf and adooteri by the Com, j mon Council of the City of Klamath held 'on Monday the Slit day of Jan uary, 19.12. and thereafter approved and timed by the Mayor. ROBERT M. ELDER Dnll. f,,1v J. 24-25-20-28. 29-30-31 F-l-2-3 No. MJ Aunt Jane Still Hearty WHITESBURO. Ky. WI In the spring, 103-year old "Aunt Jane' Adams mougnis turn to plowing And as spring and her 104th birthday approached, those were her thoughts Wednesday "follow- i Iiik the old plow and the family I mule around the hillsides lust like I ut;ed to do In the long ago." "Aunt Jane" comes from a long living family. Her BOvear old brother, "Uncle EH" Lucas, re cently became the father of his IRth child. Her father, Aaron Lu cas, died at the age of 103. Her grandfather lived to be 105. "Here 1 am close around that, and years yet to live," she said. "i n outgo any of mem. i never felt better In all my life, and there is no reason whv I won't go on." Her birthday Is Feb. 10. Dial 2-1234 Yellow Cab two l W i eataaataaaaaattaaataataawtaaaaataaaaaaaaaB I BACK HOME Cpl. Wil liam D. Rose, son of the Into Mrs. Frances Buslinoc, lias returned home, from Korea after serving 14 months in the combat zone. Anne Morgan Dies At 78 MOUNT KISCO, rf. V. W Aiilie Mornaii, phlliintliroplsl . daughter of tlio lulu imiUlmllltmnlro bunk er J, P. Mnritnii, died at licr cs Kite here Tuesday. The 18-yeor-old Mis.- Moiiiun. a stroke (our years ano and never V-Olliuletclv reiittllied lier health. She was Hie yotinRcbt ol J. P. Mnrunn's (our children. Morsnn. who whs burn In New York, lived on three mil lion dollnr trust lund. Her tnther ltd forlune e.stlmnted at 10U mil lion dollars when lie died In 1013. Funeral services will be held Thursdnv mornlnn nt SI. George's Eplficopiil church In New York. Btirlnl will be in llortforcl. Conn., where lier parents are burled. Judge Rules Soldier Alive ATLANTA It) Pvt. Walter B. Dixon an "Enoch Arden" ol the Korean War, la alive, a Judge ruled Tuesday and annulled tho second marrlane ol his pretty, blonde wile. Judge E. E. Andrews ol Fulton County Superior Courl voided Mm. Agnes Dixon Sasser's marriage to Pfc. William Sitsser alter deciding that Dixon, first, reported killed In Korean fighting. Is actually a pris oner of the Chinese Communists. The 23-year old blonde, a civilian employe at Ft. McPhcrson near Atlanta, last SCDtember married Sasser, a soldier stationed at the lorl. Dixon was reported killed in May. 1841. ' Mrs. Dixon received the I'.rst word thai her busband was alive when the Communist, published word that Her .Husband was alive a prisoner-of-war list shortly be fore Christmas. ; -' t, , Sas.ser. who previously aald he would step aside if Dixon were lound alive, was not In court. Mrs. Dixon irave the court a telegram from the Defense Depart ment which changed her husband's status from "Killed In action" to "Prisoner of War." Mrs. Dixon has received 110.000 Insurance on the life of her first nusband. LONG KOAD TO EDITATIOS INDIO. Calif, Fifteen-year old Hntton Adams drives 85 miles every day to attend achool. The high school sophomore lives with his family at an Isolated desert water-pumping station, until he was given a special driver's li cense last year, his mother had to make the 85-mile round trip twlc a lay, m:w Silhouette a, 1 R9324 i22u THIS IS ITI The Spring 1962 Sllhouetle in the newest of new date-frocks I The midriff Is smooth and lilgn, to give that Umpire ' ook: ficli't is flared but not hulV-V, You'll find the neckllna Is a fascin ator, loo - - ilaltering callou' be low the collar. . Pattern Ft 8324. Misses' sizes 12, 14, IS, 18, 20. Size 18 takes 4!j yards 39-inch fabric. . ' if This easy-to-use - pattern ' gives perfect fit. Complete, Illustrated Sew Chart shows you dvery stop. Send THIRTY-FIV1S Cents In coins for this pattern to Marian Martin, care of Herald and News, Pattern Dept., P.O. Box 6740, Chi cago 80, III. Print plainly YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, ZONE SIZE nd STYLE NUMBER, ' ' I Russia Said Building Up Big Planes WASHINGTON I.Pi Gen. llovl S Viindoiibpig, chief of Ilia U.8 Air Force, auld Wodnesdny Russia In milium "it vast effort" behind building her long-raiigo bomber lurcc. In un Interview In Aviation AM, a ti'iuln iiihI technlcnl iiinmirinc, VllllfltlllUt'l'U IllMl Mild lUllllllIK Iiiih vol been tlnvelopctl, or Is In sight, In Ihe form of guided missile lo enllrolv replace piloted aircraft. VniHli'iiberir snld Hint while Rus sia's known dt'slgus In Inim-mnite uaiitbm'H "iippi'iim (a have lng;n'd behind our own," the Russians Merchants Pay OPS Fines prmTt.ANti in i'i,,.AA ,,.i,i operotors, licensed of violating Of- hup ui nice ninuiiiniuion regula tions, have paid penalties to the lederul Itct.-iiiy, (in OPS Spokes limn snld Tuesdiiv. A Vancouver, Wiish., retail meiil miil-kitl nnf,i-iilni miiiH tttU mill i,,irl(i lestltulloii for tivcrcliiirgen lo 2(1 Cll-itonicis. Willis A. West, district enforcement rilrealor, said. A Citnyon Cllv, Ore., grocer paid S23 on a charge of selling wushlng powder above celllim, hr reported. A Portland ment miirkrt npernlor pnld KO alter being charged with selling beef kidney al a price 14 cents n pound above ceilings, West said. He reported that all cases were adjusted out of court. Couple Held On Tax Evasion Count PORTLAND i. A Hugene couple, arrested on Income lux vio lation Indictments,, were released on SI.SiKI bull each Tuesday. Wude I'1. Palmer. S7. wan accused of showing an Income nf 125.147 lor 19-18 and 1047. while his income the 'government contended, was $18,001. His wile, hUlirl. was In dicted because the government snld she helped prepare the lax returns. ml latiW latWtMl ihc jrour K PELICAN DAY '""""" -d.-.i. . tf ROMAN huvtj displayed- bomber larger limn Uut II-JU but suiallcr than ih ii-3ti.r-N-.'.:;.:,'::j '.!.;.;. I this bomber could bv. radius M notlun i exIenilliiR Iiom ' Soviet liases jltU inlo'tlio United Slates, , '.,.'-,v : .. Thfl'.NOiwriil il(l ll Is lfu thai llltt Htvul Alt' Fql'oa is, Mulling valtiiiblu Inforiiiutlon "and perhaps experience" 1 1 oi ti Ilia lino of Soviet weutions In' Korea. - "At least In the category of the Jet llitoi'cenloi' they have solved mimv of tho Important problems of bulh (IchIihi and - large scale l.iodiidilon," vnnapiiuern una. Comparing Soviet MIO-18 and L'.B. F-NU fliihlors. he said: I. Tho MIO-IS has a slight ad vantage In into of climb, at all iiltlludrs. 1. The F-BU lias superior ranga ul all iilllludcs. 3. Un to U6.000 feel the V 88 lisa rinilVMlcm spoed, con oiildlve tha MIO-IS and itppears to haiulls better. 4. Above 23.000 the MIU li soine Wlint faster and, being lighter, lias n higher service celling. Bend of Turin lllfaaK fTh CT7 . .... yf FILMED IN OREGON f.W-yla, c Cartoea si of m I CMlJaaoM Dally I ARTHUR KEHNIDY 'V' I JUUA ADAMS 'Ht CHAT SANM ft a) IMITirClCI i Ni111! m . v.ja Contlnuoui Dolly Doors Open at 1:30 Timet starts THURSDAY