! i in WEDNESDAY, .IANUAIIY IIP, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH KALLSOKKGUu PACK THIRTEEN i t '! hi 3 71 1 i 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI fNCOME'PROPERTY" ati'haotivb pimk ukmhtant TILK HUILDJNOv-I.m'iilnl n l)iiy thnrnilKlifiiro, ColiBlntn f hlmf! rrntiih now Irimeil nlro very com. fnrlHbla two britinom modern niini't mrnl MflJolnliiK. I'dlr-rl hlUi tor your own liimliif-n ' l'r liirmiif m In. $I0I ni-r month return. Go iim (or ilH.nno. , SUBURBAN Two beili oum liomr on 'i nrrc LIvIiir hikI iIIiiIiik room, kltclicn nr. I nt lilt v room, modern Imlli. In utiliitcil. Oil piivrd utirrt, , block to bun line ttuw irnnn. HOT SPRINGS BKAUTirUL inodrinl dlc tlirrr b"rt room liomn In dnr locittlon. I.lv- Iiik room with iliTiliiri', 1. 1 1 lie din In; room, liuiitly-kltrhrii with 1 1 1 1 -washer, wnll lo Wnil rnrpcl, nUnic- Ml'a III tii.tli Al ....... ..v.... , .til KmtiKrj I...... I I.. t..A- it. 1 4 VI IIIIIIICI lllllll IIIIIIIUII (lllj. HAnny van hcvm. e.-on JOE LEONARD (Kvcu. 2-021) AL SCHMECK P.EALTOH mid INUURANCE 517 Moln I'lione 3.M1 I HOMEDALE ROAD Atlrartlvn two bedroom limnc, Vrry nice llvimi room Willi dlniaic urn k:luin kltchrn, tub nnd ahower bulb. loU of cloicl Miller, nttiiehed Ka raite. Approxlnnitrly 13 acre. Con Alder Into model cur for part down payment, MILLS ADDITION Two bedroom home with fireplace. Kitchen, living room nnd dinette. lam garage, ull fenced. You ran really enjoy thin homo on Ihenc long, cold evenings, NEAT & CLEAN Little home within walking dln tance of town. Hlut-eo linlah, Ilv- Ini room, kitchen, bedroom and bath. Large utility room. A good buy for only 14.000. REDUCED Thin lovely two bedroom home must be told. Large kitchen with dinette, living room, bath and util ity porch. Electric heut. large ga rage, lawn with many shrubs. All fenced. Where else can you get (II this for tVM.1 WANT TO SELL We have a large number of quali fied buyer Interested In two or three bedroom homes. Any locality If Interested In Belling call u. Pale Clrubb Phone 3544 John Xobton . Phnnc ()U04 with ' AL LONGE, Realtor Peal Kstate and Insurance 111 Bo. Bill Phone 82113 ,1 Veterans Attention Here l a renl bargain lor anyone eligible for n Hlnte Veterans 1-onn. Very nent clean 3 bedroom home with modern bothroom on Booth Suburban '.j acre all fenced. Well built and conveniently urrnnartl. Paved street past the door. Owner leaving town so he has priced this lovely home for IMMEDIATE SALE. When you see It you'll agree Hint It's an exceptional bargain at 4.300.00. Any reasonable down pay ment anil we will arrange the terms, DUPLEX FOR SALE Excellent location on paved street In MILLS AUDITION. JIM 00 monthly Income. Until nulls feature separate dining rooms, hardwood lloors. and automatic floor furn aces. One unit fully furnished. Nicely landscapped yard and two 3 car garage. $13,000. Terms. " 3 BEDROOM HOME I In ELDORADO HEIGHTS. Will I lake any type loan. Neat and clean. ' Automatic heat and hardwood ' floors. Qarngc and nice yard. ) Priced reasonably nl $8500. 5 Mills Addition Home I A home In Mills Addition Is like money In the bunk. And here Is n well constructed 5 room home fit j lor a King. Only n few months old j Built for comfortable economical living. 8epnrnto dining room, lots or storage and linen space, hard- wooci throughout and garage with Work shop. Surrounded by attrac tive new homes and friendly neigh- bors. Paved street. Priced for quick r oum at iwouu. Terms available. Al Longmlrc Joe Perry Eves. 0724 lives. 8332 BURTON E. GRAY Realtor li Insurance 1037 Main Ph. 3005 or 3421 MILLS Large two bedroom, living room, kitchen, breakfast nook, bath, util ity room. Oil floor furnace, fire place, Insulated. Nice lawn and ulirubs, Inrito single garnifc. Price $12,500 terms. VERNON DURANT ANDY SI LAN I REAL ESTATE 31 So. Sixth Phono 9105., 5544 or 7023 32BUjLOING Jl REMODELING rLYBOARli. klml and tiiicknto. Blxth SI. Phonn 34 FUEL HEATING 1 lit M(I plho Iwrly wrVlifi. I'hnlio WI.VI. tloOU dry htuly wood. I'lmno iuin. a & H uueen" STAMha wnoniwai: Ini oil Phont aoul or 3.mw tot orompl flellvery. CL1FT VAOEN'S SIGNAL HKHVICI a3tlOBn 6lh , WNllAHD HBATtNO Olt lve, (unincs lnht fuel, onul, wood, :VMrcol Peyton and Co das MarKit, Ifnnne 0 1 40. - lHY. plno hlnrkR for Nnle. Uiien ovo" nliiilnnd ynekonflii. McllcrH Iiioh. PUKSTliCfJtJS pfcTTup or d-iivoref; Cilfl Yaden Slanal Nrrvlu. IISUO 80. tin. Pbona JttJl or a-oauo. AUCTION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 SELLING THE 30-One and Two Bedroom Houses 45-Garages, Many Woodsheds Corrugated Machine Shed New Machine Shed 40' x 20' Double Garage 40' x 20' Many Other Outbuildings SESS COL. SWIGART, Auctioneer "I Talk To Live" 46 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON TILE FIRST CALL I Up to I.S00 on your auto On "our salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day" loans a tpecialiy - 110. lii. 50 loaned till "pay day" or longer lib costs but 18 centa for ona week No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th St M-354 DON Mi 1NTYRE. Mfrr.' 43 Years Friendly Service 34 FUEL HEATING Ashley Automatic Wood Heaters $02.50 & SU8.50 Both models now In stock. 24 hour heut from wood or orc.sto-logs. Ashley Headquarters 74 No. Mnltl p. o. Box 232 Asninna Phone 7231 or 2-7701 STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill Svstem METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Ounrantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER Tucls that Sntlsfy Plus Service" Slnco 1910 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES fojjllE pup. Lllfer rriisleicd. CoTl JNnSnsONoVrHina KennelJ PTioni 1"47 mm Oelawa-e nit llomeriiil! ROAHDING KENNF.LS Dnj hoarding by day. week or monlh Sanitary kennela Well balanced diet Clean Individual erjtdnnr runa for each do Dna Handled durlri (natlnl. Will pick up and deliver. Vliltora Walcome Phona 5071 Merrill Rd Rt 2. Rn Sn4 SHASTA CASOADB .KENNELS' 42 LIVESTOCK A POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for btiy amount Top market prices for good quality. For quotation! PHONR 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS VOn SALE nil n herd only, 20 hrnil Ournsev rows nnd (I hpiffrat t(. frmii. en be I ween now nnd IMny. One renin- ii'rru vuicrnscy iiuii. i nese cnwi nre well bred and heavy prod u rem nnd nuiHt nl them vnrclnntfd. Wilt hp 11 all dnlry equipment. De Lavnl milker. Au- innifluc cunlinR unit nnd in I Ik ennn. Com pie to rl up fop (irnde A dnlry. Sen . liny MMI, 4UU Siunmei-ii l.nne. i at- .v-nna imy, u;:r.inni liciicrtf. Phonn 2-H0:)0. Su. niro tiniry hellers, lo iremien i.ncnt. by whlle-fnie hull. One lloliicln heifer nnd whlto-faca rnlf. Hogn rmdy In hult-hftr. Cnll 0427 ntlor S p.m. 8706 K)K MAIjK. " Uinck ' AnauM cnlf. Pnone IF In need" of" Horvlrn nuo )tollein biHT. iico Renter FnrniH, Crtwoll, Oregtin I iim now hook I no orrTom for aiirlns delivery of Whltcfnce, Anuui, and dnlry calve. L. M. Ilnnlcar. Itt. 1 Box 7113, Crescent City, Cnlt;. WANTED colorad ha ni, Phona 49&1. SI MISCELLANEOUS 12:00 SPRAGUE RIVER MILLCAMP - Va MILE NORTH SPRAGUE RIVER TOWN SITE. CONSISTING OF: HOUSE MOVER WILL BE ON THE GROUNDS ON THE DAY OF SALE FOR MOVING ESTIMATES! Lunch Available IF CREDIT Phone 3271, RUTH TO I JOHN VICARS, Mgr. Phone 2-2537 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY Hif iHKST prirea paid for poultry, bogi and llveatorti BIG V MEAT MARKET LiKtvlfw Junctl"n Phona 483ti AK I ihcia, breeding sehvick Phrne 5721 M C. (Chuck! Warren Rl 7. Hon MJ lob NEW HampahiriT" pulfajta. LayTng. Phiine 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED, plow. John Deere two way No. 202. Cnll Jim Roger. Algoma . I. STOKE mnnncer desires two or tliree hedrnom unfurnished houe. Prefer to ''flN1, Dnvi nhone S141, evening! 4181, Mr Armstrong MICH SCHOOL tenrher. wife and nix month old bnby need home or duplex bv Apt II Ifi. Pfer rl"" in two bed riKiin and furnished. Willing to redee oraie If nrrnnaenienta are made In ad vnnce. Phone 2-26.17. .HlOllIS MANACiRK and wife would ln furnttdirri or parity furnished modern home clone In. Phone 0208 between 8 and ft. WANTED lo renl nn lent thnn 2 or .'I hodroom home. Phone 4874 after V.W ivn ' SMAl.t. hiilane lank. PTjone?l.'ll).V V ANTED. David Drndlev or Ilnrrli llnlc Loader. Adami Ilanch. Phone Mer rill T12. WKVFnViAKl'SEn EMP'.OVF.S Wanllna rides to work. Phone 8332. Drlvtnjt city htm. WANTED. Good trash burner. Will trade new army mine detector tor fame Phone 011011. Vc wuh to buy lamo quantltieg of Sua-ar Pine Cones, Manranlta Branches. Mossy Branrhea and many other native mountain weeds. Anyone that Is In terested vrlle nnd Quote prices to THE KERVAV COMPANY. 119 Welt ""i street. New York I. W. Y. WANTED It rent. (tt-alP lind have full equipment. C. II. Kelly, Route 1. p.nv !VV! Phone 8000. R'E NFED CARS' Get too prlca now' Itnse Motor Co fith and Plum 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans BorTotJ Pot Onl $100 S7.S7 Ma Repny In 18 Installments UP 10 1300 ON FURNITURE OR 8ALAR7 UP TO 11200 ON CARS nre IDEAX PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cara 'i nance1 at bank rate "WONKY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 yenra servlna Klamath Bann See "Chuck" BaUey Mgr. Ut N 7th BU Phone 3326 8-341 ' M-379 FOR SALE NOON 15-One, Two and Three Room Cabins Corrugated Roofing Machine Shop 14' x 24' Mess Hall Building 75' x 125' Double Garage 24' x 40' (with Sliding Doors) Two Miles of Picket Fence IS DESIRED LEY, Credit Manager R INC. AUTOMOTIVE UP $500 SAVINGS On 1951 Dodge Demonstrators. New cars with Used Car Prices! While you're shopping, look at these exceptional Used Car Buys! All Guaranteed! Try them for Two Days FREE. '49 Studebaker $1397 '50 Chevrolet '. $1647 '50 Plymouth $1647 49 Oldsmobile $1647 TRUCKS ir '43 Dodge IVi Ton .. $ 997 44 Int. 114 Ton $ 797 49 Chev. 1V4 Ton .... $1497 '36 Ford IVi Ton .... $ 347 YOU GET THE BEST AT DUGAN&MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated-' TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS . SO to 1300 Auto Purnlturw Livestock Salary Jo to 1500 Automobllei (paid (or or not) Private Salt of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealal Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. , Lie. S'2b ' N-m 107 No 9th Phon 771! 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KOH SaLk: Electrlpnl Contractiim n. Good bltlf. apt. overhead. Stock & all. Onlv t tn boom Inn town. Byerv, Vallev ncai mi n to, Hosepurg, ure. KOR SALE. Velf-BBrvieo" ' Inundrv. 8 mn. chines, 3 drlen, Nets $600. per rno, New Bldffs, a b.r. home. Only 1 tn booming town. Byeri, Valley Heal Eatate, Rote burf, Ore, GENEVA SAMPLES Clerk TO '48 Dodge $1147 49 Plym. Stn. Wgn. .. $1597 '47 Plymouth' $1017 '46 Buickf $ 997 & PICKUPS '49 Dodge 34 Ton .... $1297 '49 Ford 34 Ton $1097 48 Int. 34 Ton $1097 '49 Dodge Pwr. Wgn. $1897 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co. B3S Market. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. Phone AMI. FOLKS who like food with the home made ta.Me. . .like to shop at Joflnnv's Big Y Bakery. Merrill Lakevlew Junc tion. LANDSCAPING. evergreens. shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY 1 Phone 4286 GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy used tires. O K. Rubber Weld eci. 2391 So. 6th. Phone 4,113 ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desk a, chairs. (Ilea, (or sale or rent PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 820 Main Phone 7412 ELKCTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies. Phona 71(57 Tarkel Tweet. market RAILROAD WATCHES While they last We have a limited number of used Hamilton, Elgin and Ball railroad watches In first clnss condition. REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Phone 3131 BROKEN window glnss replaced. Kim- hwlls Gla5s Shop. Phone 7378. MIRRORS rcsllvered. new mirrors made to order. Kim balls Glass Shop Phone 73711. save upto sioo: Floor models of Admiral refrigerators at a big saving to you! Fully guar anteed. Eleven models. LUCAS FURNITURE l!)3 E. Main P. 3324 GLAMORENE rug cleaner now avail able at HAFTER FURNITURE flth and Klamath. Klamath Falls, Ore. FOR SALE. Ford Ferguson Tractor in A-l ah ape. L. D. Hoclgos, Maltn. Ore, FOR SALE. First and second cutting alfalfa hay. Phone 7-0440 Tulelake. Ti INCH plywood, surface boat 'side. sh. sncet. rnone nana. FOR SALE, stall shower box. $.26,3(7. Call 7280 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 SAVE USED CAR CLEANOUT SALE BANG! ! ! We're off to a Banner 1952 Buick Year! We Absolutely Must Make Room For '52 Trade-Ins o o 5 Sale Continued! Through January 31 WE WILL SELL ANY OF OUR USED CARS AT A PRICE $ 1 00 BELOW LOCAL OPS CFILING THESE MUST GO! BUICKS (Specials, Supers, Roadmaslers) CIIEVROLETS PONTIACS OLDSMOBILES FORDS PLYMOUTIIS 11950 PACKARD 11951 STUDEBAKER 11949 CHEVROLET aA TON PICKUP o o o o o An exceptionally wide variety of year models, the quality of which is, frankly surprising. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE $100! ; LIBERAL TRADES! H. E. HAUGER USED CAR DEPARTMENT Main at Broad Phone 5151 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 o o fcr o o $100 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL - FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 in-the-way things become pay-things Through "For Sale" ads. Yes. things In your way are quickly turned into cash through these mighty little classified ads. They find buyers for every thing from plywood to pianos. heaters to house-trailers, tin and slate to real estate. Let a Classified ! transform what you'd likt to sell into something you want now, some thins you always want . . . CASH I " phone 81 11 for an ad-writer WANTED a corrugated tin building to wreck or move. Box 477 Herald and CLOTHES DR1FRS. Bin Bu"din Ma terials, 47S4 South Sixth SU Phone 2-2J63. UNDERWOOD typewriter. S30. Phone 9978 after 5 p.m. G. E. vacuum and attachments. S17.50. Phone 9200 FOR SALE. Cushman Motor Scooter with side car Phone 7447 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE, 7 foot refrigerator, $95. Phone 7294 after 4 p.m. r. Sh1." -Mavtag washing machine with movable tubs. Call 6242. FOR SALE military Jeep tire. Brand new. Slightly damaged. 700x15. Made oiler, rnone z-jjiu. FOR SALE. 90 ton second cuttine al falfastored In barn Waller Casebeer. Bonanza. -: 14 DAY FREE TRIAL Trv the new Sunbeam Shavemaster at home before von buv. Onlv S26.50. RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Wore 31M CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 2-1 1G7. USED FURNITURE values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 2: Main. Phone 5353. 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe, 70 centa per soot. PEYTON tt CO 55 AUTOMOTIVE JANUARY ft CLEARANCE 1 -j n PONTIAC I 74 I 2-Dr. Sedan iQOy LASALLE IO Coupe $ 425 $ 125 1050 $1195 $1435 1365 $1465 ni45 1947 Studebaker 5-Pass. Cpe. 1017 OLDS "78" I 74 Dlx. Sedan 1948 1948 1948 1948 .Hudson Com. "6" Sedan Hudson Sup, "6" Sedan PACKARD Sedan Chev. 5-Pass. Club Cpe. PACKARD 1010 PACKARD S1CQC I 747Custom Sedan IJ7J 1949psr$1795 101 Hudson Pace- $f)rf I VD I Maker "6" 4-Dr.OOU 1951 n3.;:40' $2295 COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1947 DODGE 'i TON PANEL Heater (OQC Excellent condition OJ JUCKEI AND MOTORS llth & Klamath Phono 2-2581 AUTOMOTIVI $00 How Good Is Reputation? Only as good as its foundation. And that is good purpose built on service and desire to please. We'd like to serve you and our fine selection of Used Terms to make your purchase We'd like to show you these fine 1950'PONTIAC 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater Hydramatic. tutone green, seat covers. $i Qi r 1 - owner. I 7 AJ A SAFETY-TESTED CAR 1950 FORD PICKUP ' H Ton. One owner, low mileage, and In exceptionl good 100 shape 'J A SAFETY-TESTED CAR 1949 CHEVROLET 2- Door Sedan. Radio, heater very clean, and in A-l JiOQC mechanical shape. IOJ A SAFETY-TESTED CAR 1947 OLDS "66" 2-Door Club Sedan. Radio, heater, good rubber, clean. Has a new factory motor with 14.000 miles on it. $ no r Std. transmission. . 0J A SAFETY-TESTED CAR LOWEST FINANCE IN KLAMATH FALLS ON USED CARS j 6 Flat - No Contract Writing Fee SAFETY TESTED USED CARS Buy With Confidence At Dick B.Miller Co. 7th & Klamath Ave. - Phone 4103 "OUR PROMISE IS YOUR SATISFACTION" : BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS N GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 677 S 7th Phone 7771 1943 MACK truck. Rated 3 to 5 ton. Ha rolls and bunks. If you need a truck this Is It. A-l condition. Verv cheap. Must be sold. Phone "The Tim- bcrs, ' Bend. Orego"- FOR SALE, 1949 Buick Super convert iblc. Sl.TSO. 202 Victory Dr've. COMPLETE auto alnss service. Prompt. reasonable. Kimballs Glass anop. fnone FOR SALE. k ton Chevrolet Pickuo. Low mileage. L, D. Hodges, Malln, uregon. FOR SALE, or trade. 1930 Studebaker Champion, good condition. Will take older c.ir in trade. S1.V10. Phone 2-1U28. FOR SALE,- '41 Plymouth four door sedan. A good dependable car. Will sac rifice lor quicK saic, see ' wick at Unrriv'i Mens Store or phone 2-2775. 1949 MERCURY U'passenger coupe Radio, heater, white sidewall tirex. Clean an new.. Will sell equity or trade for older "car. Phone 9'MB alter ti:3U p.m, FORD BUYERS! Here's the best deal on a 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Club coupe In town. Will sell outright or trade lor good plckup.Phone 2-lp9 after 0 p.m. laa LA SALLE, good condition, ino. or best offer i:i4 No. 3rd. Phone 2-17(i. 1942 FORD tf-pasi. coupe, SiKlO Par row. Phone 8441 after B pm $100 $100 w SAVE o o o o o o iA O o V o o o o v o o Cars awaits your inspection. easy. A price to delight you. values NOW! 1949 OLDS "98" 4-duor Sedan. Radio, heater, Hydramatic, Rocket engine, white sidewal! tires, $n qq c seat coven. Iflwne IOJ A SAFETY-TESTED CAR 1949 STUDE. CHAMPION Regal Dlx. 4-Dr. Radio, heater, overdrive. Veryjirj-rc clean. One-owner I Z. sj A SAFETY-TESTED CAR 1948 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster 4 - Dr. Radio, heater, good rubber. Clean and in perfect 117 shape I I J A SAFETY-TESTED CAR 1947 OLDS "78" '4-Door Sedan. Radio,, heater Hydramatic, seat fl fQ C covers. A 1-owner car. tJJ A SAFETY-TESTED CAR COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REHAIRINO BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main st Esolanad For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See " "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour InternaUonal Truck Dealer JUCKELAND: TRUCK SALES tlth and Klamath .'hone 3-2581 1U50 FOUR door Ford Custom icrian. .. Six cylinder. Excellent condition. Sell Ing under fcelllnn. No. 91h. , BUS SARGANT'S USED LARS . WE BUY. SE1J, AND TRADE Comer Shut Way and Arthur JstrMt Phone 8208 i rVE NKtD CARSl Uet top prlca OOWI ' Rose Motor Co 8th and Plum. WHY WA1.KT DRIVE MORE MOTOR! 301 C. Main. Phone M7. "We will fell your car (or you." We bur and IntM