PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1032 LEGAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT, COUNTY CLERK Klamath County, Oregon July 1, 1951 to December 31, 1951 ' : EXPENDITURES CURRENT EXPENSE FUND COUNTY COURT Salaries, Judge St Commissioners - Salary, Office Cleric Travel ..- Supplies Si Equipment - - , Publications ': Watermaster - Hall Rent Veterans . Keep Oregon Green Public Employes Retirement .... Community Service. Restroom Malln Dump Ground Fund ..... Civil Defense . SHERIFFS OFFICE Salaries, Sheriff, Deputies, Salaries, Tax Office Supplies Si Equipment Tax Supplies Si Equip, Sheriff's Investigation & Emergency Board of Prisoners Travel New Car COUNTY CLERK Salaries, Clerk Sc Deputies . Travel Supplies & Equipment ELECTION ASSESSOR'S OFFICE Salaries. Assessor Office Deputies Office Supplies & Equipment Car Expense Travel REAPPRAISAL of County Salary Deputies Travel County Share of State Appraisal .... SURVEYOR Supplies DISTRICT ATTORNEY i Salaries Supplies St Equipment . Special Investigation Publication of Foreclosures Travel COUNTY TREASURER Salary, Treasurer & Deputy Supplies & Equipment COUNTY SCHOOL FUND INSTITUTE CORONER'S OFFICE Cattle Indemnity, Bangs Sc T3. Testing . VETERAN'S SERVICE OFFICER Salary Supplies & Equipment . Travel DISTRICT COURT " Salary, District Judge Constable Mileage Constable Juror Sc Witness Fees Bailiff CIRCUIT COURT Salary, Bailiff St Assistant . Supplies St Codes Witness & Juror Fees Attorney Fees Court Reporter Insanity Fees JUSTICE COURT Witness & Juror Fees Salaries, Justices Odell District Sprague River District Tulelake District Wood River District Salaries, Constables Mileage, Constables Supplies ADVERTISING,. County Court . AdvertisiD" COURTHOUSE & JAIL Salary, Janitors Utilities Repairs Supplies Service Office Machines Courthouse Equipment Remodeling for District Court . KLAMATH NURSING HOME Salaries ' Improvement & Equipment Material Si Supplies Utilities 1 Repairs, Emergency & Etc. Irrigation PUBLIC WELFARE Old Age Assistance . Dependent Children , Blind Assistance General Assistance Indigent Soldiers St Sailors County General Fund Care of Indigent Transients Aid to the Permanent & Totally Disabled AGRICULTURE Oregon State College Extension County Agriculture Agent Home Demonstration Agent 4-H ciuo Agent 4-H Special Fund ...... ..... AGRICULTURE Pest Control Si Inspection Experiment Station Predatory Animal Control . Exhibit Fund . KLAMATH FOREST PROTECTIVE Fire control. County Fire Protection Assessments on ItcoamtnM to Marry Leading foiuir DOCTORS to relieve distress of kiddies' CiJEGT COLDS Child's Mild Mtisterole Is made espe cially for kiddles to promptly relieve oouchf . son throat and break UD local ooneetlon of cheat oolds. Musterole ereataa a aenaatlon of nrnterttitm warmth on cheat, throat and back, brlndnf amaalns relief I , NOTICE 5,542.75 ' 1,199.16 607.24 82.66 1,758.75 44.06 231.00 250.00 4.529.45 3.680.00 505.05 8.00 18,438.12 Jailers, etc. .. 11.683.04 9,823.11 Office 6,878.12 Office & Jails 1,012.19 128.82 5.740.45 ' 1,84353 3,094.35 39202.91 11,772.93 62.88 6.463.01 18298.82 ! 1,354.80 1.354.80 7.661.40 6.421.77 1.000.28 7,316.72 600.36 4,606.59 26,607.12 13.19 13.19 2,693.10 478.66 23.19 250.00 47.80 3,492.75 2.732.13 143.90 2,876.03 - 400.00 400.00 228.20 228.20 8.00 8 00 1,715.80 190.86 75.00 " 1,981.66 2.119.55 1.138.63 278.42 68.72 492.73 4,098.05 1,400.40 57.50 2533.25 275.00 1,627.75 176.00 6,469.90 . 23.48 845.19 764.24 497.00 1,017.04 351.71 311.32 132.16 3542.14 6.40 4,250.00 4,256.40 3.887.50 5,974.99 5.005.18 1,287.04 679.57 2825 564.84 17,327.37 13,235.34 5,113.96 9,155.97 2,887.08 1,214.02 41721 25,099.00 12,798.50 . 46425 29235.75 169.11 340.75 167.25 . 4,635.00 32,023.58 72,909.61 Service , 3,412.50 1,550.00 2,612.50 150.00 7,625.00 4,505.01 9,219.35 4742.84 87.46 18,554.66 ASSOCIATION 376.00 DITtS M Don'V Sugar Another Mtnuto No natter how many remedies joa has tried for Itrhlns at enema, psoriasis, Infection!, afhlets'a foot or whatem year akin trouble mar be anything from head to -foot WONDER HALVE ana WONDER Medicated BOAP can help yoa, Oeeafeaed or the Soys fa le Army now for efcs ef kom WONDER HALVE li white, rreeMleat. antiseptic. No atly appearanee. Bate for children. Get WONDER SALVE aad WONDER SOAP resolta at- neaey tafanded. Tralr waadorfal areas rati eae- Sold la Klamath Fall! by Paylesl and Waitress) Drug Stores! or yoar homo- sown arosfiit. Legal County Land COUNTY FIRE CONTROL Salaries & Etc. Rural District JUVENILE OFFICE Salary, Juvenile Officer, Deputy Ss Clerk ' 4.887.77 Travel 3M.U Office Equipment St Supplies 110.08 DETENTION HOME Salaries .. 2.808.47 Operating Expense A Supplies . 3,486.19 Recreational Facilities 37.55 Aid for Dependent Children 613.29 INSURANCE ' State Industrial Accident r . 532.63 Building & Equipment . 5.533.45 Officer Bonds 951.61 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Salaries, Health Officer, Nurses, Stftlltarlan and Office Clerks 14.357.14 Travel , 879.09 Office Supplies A Equipment .; ... 179.26 Scientific Supplies & Equipment 183.45 Utilities 714.00 Mental Care 173.97 Operating Expense 602.85 Retirement & State Industrial Accident 460.68 SALARY ADJUSTMENTS (TRANSFERS) 1,685.00 EMERGENCY (TRANSFERS) TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSE EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES. COUNTY ROAD FUND Salaries . 116.859.60 Material. Repairs & Parts 173,962.40 New Equipment - 58.527.65 Rights of Way 161.50 State Industrial Accident '. 2.477.44 Office Supplies 336.05 Public Employes Retirement 2.962.52 Travel 44. 85 Irrigation. Shop Site 90.92 TOTAL COUNTY ROAD' EXPENDITURES CASH BALANCE IN FUNDS DECEMBER 31. Current Expense Fund Outstanding Warrants Balance COUNTY ROAD FUND (Deficit) Outstanding Warrants Deficit COUNTY JAIL FUND COUNTY JAIL SPECIAL FUND DOG FUND Outstanding Warrants Balance GRAZING FUND Outstanding Warrants Balance , COUNTY LIBRARY FUND . Outstanding Warrants Balance LAW LIBRARY FUND Outstanding Warrants Balance MUSEUM FUND Outstanding Warrants Balance FEES COLLECTED BY COUNTY CLERK Sc RECORDER Recording Fees Miscellaneous , Marriage Licenses Dog Licenses PAID COUNTY TREASURER . MIGRATORY CHATTEL FEES Paid Secretary of State RECORDING Si CERTIFIED COPIES FOR WAR VETERANS, ETC. WITHOUT CHARGE FEES COLLECTED BY CLERK, CIRCUIT COURT Filing Fees - 5,492.50 Law Library 563.90 PAID COUNTY TREASURER PAID STATE TREASURER FEE COLLECTED BY CLERK DISTRICT COURT Civil Fees 529.65 Criminal Fees 24,194.36 PAID COUNTY TREASURER '.. PAID. STATE TREASURER 24,724.01 State of Oregon) County of Klamath) ss I, Chas. F. DeLap, County Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, do hereby Certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of ex penditures and Fees Collected for the six months ending December 31, 1951. Chas. F. DeLap, County Clerk,' ' By Dorothy Rogers, Deputy (SEAL) . J 30 No. 868 . Legal Notice SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH MABEL IRENE PENNINGTON, Plaintiff, RAYMOND AMBROSE PENNINGTON, Defendant. To Raymond Ambrose Pennington: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OF OREGON. GREETING: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you on or before February 13, 1052, and If you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint against you, to wlt: for divorce from you on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat ment and personal Indignities and for custody of the minor children named In plaintiff's complaint Your attention ia specifically directed to the complaint on file In the above entitled cause. This summons Is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable David R. Vandenberg, Judge of the above entitled Court, said order being dated January 11, 1952. and bv publication thereof for a period of four consecutive and successive weeks (4 Insertions. The date of Hie first pub lication is January 16, 1052, and the date of the last publication Is February 6, 1052. J. C. O'NEILL Attorney for Plaintiff Suite 1, Mclhase Building, Klamath Falls. Oregon. J-16-23.30 F-6 No. 856 Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment 11th AWolnut Ph. 7709 j Notice 52.61 437.61 782.88 783.88 12.003.46 7.007.(19 17,449.44 1.685.00 4,664.55 317,778.39 355.422.93 1951 . 531.066.58 .. 36.722.74 494.343.84 ..... 34.403.25 5,529.79 39.933.04 155.526.50 90,000.00 1.261.13 261.13 1,000.00 . 2.008.16 .00 2.008.16 10,369.39 971.45 9.397.34 2,752.13 .00 2,752.13 25566.36 .00 25,966.39 6,102.27 550.50 396.00 ; . 650.00 7,698.77 7,698.77 407.00 407.00 2,679.00 6,056.40 4324.40' 1,732.00 6,056.40 24,724.01 17,673.08 7,05053 24.724.01 NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE Or OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Or KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES FRANCIS, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that ! have filed my final account as administrator of the estate of James Francis, de ceased, and that the Court has set Feb. 28, 1052, at the hour of 10:00 A.M.. as the time for the hearing of objections to said final account and settlement thereof. Dated this 23rd day of January, 1052. J. C. O'NEILL. Adm. 1. C. O'NEILL, Attorney for Adm. J-30 F-0-13-20 No. 869 A roundup of horses running at large in the Jenny Creek-Klamath River areas In Jackson and Klamath counties, Oregon will bo held beginning February 11, 1052 under the provisions of Chapter 211, 1051 Session Laws of Oregon. All horses collected in the roundup will be held for the period re quired under Chapter 211, 1951 Session Laws of Oregon at the old Ward ranch In Section 36. T.40S.. R.SE., W.M. near Pokegama. All persona who enn establish ownership of any such horses may retake possession of' them upon payment of the established round up charge - of $20.00 per head. The boundary of the area to be Included In the roundup is described as follows: Beginning at tha point where Oregon State Highway 86 crosses Jenny Creek; thence east along Highway 06 to the Klamath River: thence south and west along tha Klamath River to the Oregon-California boundary; thence west to Jenny Creek; thence north along Jenny Creel' to the point of beginning. J. M, Linne, Forester City Hall, Medford, Oregon J-30 F.4 No. 874 HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Jlr. and Mrs. J. E. Eariey Proprietor and Joe Eariey i GINIRAL it LUPE SOTO ft ANNOUNCES ' TO HER FRIENDS, SHE WILL BE WITH BELLES BEAUTY SALON AS OF JANUARY 31 ROOM 214 DREW BLDG. PHONE 5277 CLASSIFIED RATES One day ... per word 4 Three Days Week run ... per word Uo ...... per word 20c per word 65c Month run MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one aa is ouc. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper tor a service cnai ije ol 2.1c. DEADLINES Classified a us accepted up to 6:30 p.m for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up tc 12 noou for following day's pub licatton. ADJUSTMENTS Please ounce all claims lor adjust menu without delay Corrections or cancellations re celved by 5:30 p.m will be made in following day's publication B IN MEMORIAM IN loving mftnury oiSelh T. McWith- ey. our husband and lolher who paused awa.v one ear ado today, January :. Who made life wonderful U fonc, and we're bereft Of all save blessed memories We've cherished sine he lell Mrs. Mabel McWIthey. Neoma and Leo Kamps. c funYrahome5 WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home Huh Street Phone 3334 MEETING NOTICES Crater Lake Lodge No. 211 A. P. Si A.M. will hold a special communication In E A degree Thursday, Jan uary 24 at 7:30 p.m. visitors welcome. By order Df the W.M. William Fink, Secy. LODGE MEETING EVERY THURSDAY and Initiation every third Thursday W. C. HOOPER Secretary 1010 Pine KL1 'ALLS Aerie No 2090 tf Of Regular meeting every Friday light 7:45 p.m SB- tnd Walnut. V,-. ..m mwitoers cordially Invited Buffet nours 10:30 a m to 1 a.m. ALCOHOLICS ANONYSfoUS rnceis Friday. 8 p.m., for Information, wrlta Box 204. Phone 3:182 LOST AND FOUND something missin'? give a listen Lose something of value? Grab your phone right now and ask for the Classified advertising department I That's where many folks are helped In recovering losses. It's where losers reach finders, and you can too I So don't be argraevatcd, ACT! phone 8111 for an ad-writer LOST, on South Sixth or Main Street, wine billfold. Contain driver llcente and aocial accurlty card. Phone 7iqj. GENERAL NOTICE fOUR Smer Sewing Center la open to the public. Thursday 3:30 to 3:30 for free attachment Instruction SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main Phone 1-2SU PERSONALS HELEN'S BEAUTY SALON. 1719 Main. Phone fi2S4. STANLEY Home Product!. Phone 6009- Legal Notice NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed propria! will be recoKed by the Common Council ol the City of Klamath Falti, Oregon, for the pur chase of mwer Improvement bond!. Series 0j, aggregating, Four Thounanri Five Hundred Twenty-two and 33-100 Dollars, (94,522.33) duly authorized by ordinance of the laid City of Klamath Falli. for the con it ruction and laying of sewer linei In Sewer Unit No. 20, of ald City and icrvlng the property between South Sixth Street, the O.C.St Z Railroad Right of Way. Shaita Way and Wo h burn Streets PropoHali to purchase Mid bondi will be received by the undersigned up to and Including the 4th. day of February. 10.12, at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock p.m. of said day and opened at a regular meeting of the Common Coun ell immediately thereafter; said bonds shall be dated February 1, 19H2, and shall be In amount! of tSOO 00 tach, except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall be for the fractional part of said sum, and all shall ba due ten ears after the date of Issue, payment of the entire bonds optional with said City at any coupon paying data on and after one year from the date thereof. Said bonds will bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st. and August 1st. of each year, principal and Interest payable at the office of the treasurer of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. All proposals munt be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the proposal. The Common Council reserves tht right to reject any and all bids. The successful "bidder for laid bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to the legality thereof by t!c law firm of Win free, McCulloch, Shuler tt Snyr-, Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon. This notice Is authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of tha City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated Decem ber 17, MM. ROBERT M. ELDER, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Fall!, Oregon. D-31-J.1-2-3-4-0 - T - 8 - ft - 10 - 11 12 - 14 15 16 . 17 - IB - 10 - 21 - 22 - 23 24 - 25 - 20 - 28 - 20 - 30 31 F.l 2 No. 8211. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice U hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the es tate of Alnl Ware, deceased, has filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County tho finol report of her administration of said estate and the Court ha 'appointed the lflth day of February, 1IW2, at tho hour of eleven o'clock in tho forenoon of aid day as the time and the Court room of said Court as the place for carina; ana settlement oi 101a xinai report. Done January, rv. 18th, If) 52. Zelma Sullivan, Administratrix oi ine estate or Aim ware! deceased. Henry E; Perkins, Attorney for wild estate, 731 Main St.. Klamath Falls, Ore son J.16.23-30 F-6-13 No. M7 NOTICIS GENERAL NOTICE your helpmate in help-getting Is a Help Wim I od net! An eager, capable helpmate when It comes to solving personnel problems. Whether you need office work ers, factory workers, sales-help, domestics, or laborers, tell 'em you want 'em through this Help Wanted column. Folk!. In the murket for Jobs look here first of all. phone 8111 for an ad-writer 10 SERVICES MOVING?... Call 1425 Locnl-Iionit Distance Piano and appltnnco moving a specialty Transfer mid Stornue Bekln's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1M8" FIX- THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNKK S SKRVICB CO Phone 6878 Septic I anks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Kevi Lines ol Roots. Etc ED P KINO 1434 Orrharrl Phone 9841 CABINET WORK Remodeling In your home. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. CONDREY 1938 Fremont Phone 4338 EXCAVATING Moon eihovel and frencn Hot Bulldozer - PHI Dirt lopaoll Crushed Rork Driveway Clndcn Compressor CRANE 4ERVICK GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 5541 or 0110 AI-TEH ATIONS on mrn't. wornVn i. children'! clothing. Jnnnla I(ra. Sm. tr.u Anita'.. 707 Muln. GLASS furniture lopi and iHelvM mad to order. Kimball's Ului Shop, rnnne SEWING and llrrtlan. KlttyDrnl. mono a oua. INCOME TAX RKTirRNfl For appointment phona 3-0231, Harvty nitphatrn. FULLER brushrt. Phon DfifM or &77 IlKICK LAVING- jur firaular draw? If not call 01fl DOES YOUR fireplar need" repair can z-oum. W A 'Id KEPAHUNG, H can. nable 75 Main Klrrcl PAINTING and 7017 paperhanglng Phunt THIPP'S AUTO palntln. body and fen der work Phone 4040 ELECTRIC WUIING. work by hour or contract. Phone 2-1010. EXPERT drewmaklna Phone (1781. and alteration! CURTAINS laundt-ed and stretch? Phone 4014 J L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 306 No. 7th - Phona 0346 PIANO TUNINCWM. H. MOnOAN Fartory trained technician and tuner. For tunings call Kyle Morgan Piano, 1035 Main or phone 2-0200. 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING shorthand typing kin drad subjects, of fire machines KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine Phone47Bi" CHILD CARE and education. Pre school center. Phone 4279. 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, exrclM.' w'algh tllf t In fThi siotherapy for reducing, relaxation, body building. Rates for ierie. Ap- E ointment, phone .1063-5506. Medical lasseuse, women only. M HELP WANTED. FEMALE BAnYslttcr. Java. PhnnTmoi. 16 H ELP WANTED, MALE LXPFHIKNCED service nanoger. one qualified to supervise staff of service Jiersonnel, operating service department or all types of household appliances. Write nox 41. Herald nnd New.-. OPENING for experienced hardware man, with well-established firm, one ca pable of mannging a large hardware department. Guaranteed s.ilary and cnmmlnftlnn. Give ngc, experience, etc. If qualified you will be contacted foi a iirr'-rjim' Int-rview. Write .5ox 480. Herald and News. WANTED used car maintenance man. Must have own tools and possess aver age mechanical ability. Prefer married man, and must be steady, Job paya mtmthlv salary. Glvo references. Box 475 Herald and News. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED OFFfCE "work wanted by' young' 'man', 33 Phone 2-02HH. EXPERIENCED ranch hind wants work on cattle ranch. Write P.O. Box 1023. ranch hand. Phone 31)18. BABY SITTING. Phone 8121. WA.SHING and lron.ng7"fihone 2-0110. BABY SITTING. Phono 2-0572. WILL care for children In my home days or your horn evening. Call 2-1 515; HOUR work. Phone 7815, 22 ROOMS FOR RENT TWO "room apartment for rent Phone 2-0250. FURNISHED two room apartment suit able for employed lady. , Inquire 822 Main. N I CE clean apartment. Gas equipped, Refrigerator. Couple preferred, villa Marquise, Inquire 1334 Onk, THREE' room furnished apartment. Close In. Laundry facilities, 531 N. 8th. Couple only. No pen. $4.".. Cnjl g-3170. Ftm RENT, furnltihed one bedroom apartment with prlvato nnth Call 2-0328 after 8 p.m. LIGHT housVkTfep'lng room,' suitable for pensioner. 920, month, 30 Main, Phone 00(10. HOARDING house re-opening on or about February 4th, Room rates, reserv ations available now. Men only. 500 worm Ntntn. fnone, STEAM heated 'room" for rent! 807 High. KOOMS for rent, clean. Close in. Phone 2-17206. ROOMS, prlcoireasonoi)le. Phone402T EoVELV roomi for rant M,-4r7. a weak. Close In. Phona 41N. ROOMS 1034 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT PilirTiKN'rrTriiHarri" luHOTeXTparT- nieni. I'leniy natural neat. OLYMPIC AI'TS, 2117 t. Main cToDl In, two room furnished aperf- mm,, win, area.,ou par monin. I'lione CUM or sflllt, rOII Kr.W. threa room nTnUshVu aiiniimrni. inquire an;t3i. Klierleln. roll IiKN'l'; "furtiisliad aiiarlmTiif. I'll, me lUucl Vrtit RKM'l', large four room aparU nirm ann garage, gee at gstl front. twt room furiiliheil rtupTsx. two blocks from Main, Phona Hal. d.l?ANill'ree room apartment. 4!l"Na luih H A It d K. firrnTsned ' iwo-room "" apart metit., smaller two-room unit, :iS; refrigerators. All utilities Included till N-JIViilli. Voilil ROOM "furnished apartment, la Market. Phono IUI7. foil KENT, furnished apartment, la- qutre SIB lg N EWTY """oWratid; " private bath, III chenella. Steam heat, eleetrlo rang Sill week Rea Arms Apartment. f6H itlirJtrTnrae-loom liinihmia apartment. Hot water heat. Adults. I'lione aiina. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT VoiTTiKNf, tw7Tld7oW " urnlsHid hmue, UHKI Oregnn Street. FUIlNfHHRDwculta tor roitTTCro'sriiT: lMmi.ajiomi. NICELY furuiii Fttl modern two twT rtmm horns In Stewart Addition, Urge rooms, oil heat, Frlgldalro wood ranga 145 per month. Plume 7300 altar A P in. 6N Eltf bfaToTou7r one blui'k wast off California. Mae at. teritiMin Friday. FOR " RENT. tnrVa room fuFnunTd hntue. Johnson Ave., to couple. Rant MO month. References. Bogue Dale, ltt South Blh. four" it 66 sTTrnlTiTstied duplex. unT. Hv nd hath. Automatic heat. 1720 Wall PhiMte 2-01H7. ONE twdrnomr.rnTshBd"au7e PhiHie 5772. FOR lllfNTrTwunEr3roolnu'irdvx, fuF nulled, rloia In. Inqulra 7211 North 11th. TMMEK room nicely furnished ' cottnga, very voty, view, no garag. aulumallc heat .Splendid for business couple. Close in Plume 4356. MODEM N onewdroom"' house. Mono 411115, TWO hedrminh.oiiae, partly furniiheri. Phona tucu ur 43H0 evening. CLEAN modern furnished one-be'dootii home. Gas equipped, shower, garage, To respmialble couple only. Phone 7imrt f UK .i K.N i "i lu vo rmi in""".. n l li r" i Us. i rtj hmuePhone 3164 VKKV aliraotive new three room home for rent to working couple. Fireplace. e'''lru- I icut Phnne 4w7. TWO tiedroom unfurnlihed " house."" Afc tiimatic gas furnace and water heater. C; a rase fiLY Phone a.;iM7. V'uNlsiiklWour "rtVm duplex Rx crpt for stove. 50. Call Will bafure m FOU HKNT on lrae basi two beT- ruutn furnlihed home in Stewart-Leu- no addition. Large lot, haiement, l-arn. chicken hotin1. etc. Call W J. Katter, phone 2 WW 28 MISCIUANEOUS WRJIINT DEEIflVE U TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Bnve 4 Nrw Trucks Por Long Trips Plckuiw 8tnkra Vans REACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Mn Phone 8304 (;AlA;r. .,r renTHniuTra'PiiarWit- fly I'hone 3531. ovrlct space tor renl. droualoor" 1'hnlte 7700 rimer for 7ini rent 533 MairT Phone rOR RNT floor Bandera latasl lyie anulonient Suburban Lumber Co 1Mb anWalnul Phone 77no CAB STORAOE "nirATrO. rfarwaa or month. Carl Lamb, phone e73 or 77O0 30 REAL ISTa.fl OR SAL! Ncnl two bedroom modern home of lute conatruetlon on Cullfornla Avenue. Inaulntrd. Utility and ga rae. See or Call James Heseltlne Orayce Eaton 8609 7737 Salesmen with M. L JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 811 INCOME Three npartmcnta urvler one roof. Monthly Income $120. Within 3 blocks of Main St. ApartmenU are In process of being redecorated. X XX block of school, a nice one bed room home partly furnished for 13750, with .1250 down and 140 per month. Look for our sign on Snrgcnt Street. XXX One acre, two bedroom home near Peterson School. Insulated and wcatherstrlpped. Neat paint Job. Oarage attached. '4 block of bus line. This Is selling for 80000. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES. Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 3-333S Eves. 2-1388 DON'T HESITATE Here la lust plain good buy. This la only a one bedroom home but has dining room, large living room and bedroom located on '4 acre. TERMS? YES I This will finance for 10 per cent down on OI loan. Total price 85500. Don't miss It, HOME, GARDEN CHICKENS Yes here it Is, two bedroom home, not and old shack, but a new home. This home Is Immaculately furn ished throughout. This home has so many features that Its Impos sible to put them all In this ad. So call us at once for more Infor mation and to take a look. A look will convince you. Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 3-2850 Jay P. Orlggs " " . 54 W. W. Thompson at Malln J.W.SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 FOR SALE two bedroom modorn house In Tulelake, Insulated. Oeor(e O. Frtf man, 41 Hireai, iuipihho. FOR ' SALE, approximately ten acres with five room house. Electricity and water In house. A steal at :00 cash or 13000 with reasonable terms. Locat ed ,at Algoma across street from old school, wurora wosi, NKW HOMES for sale. William B. Powell. Phone rem. WILL pay $20,000 for a home. Must hava four bedrooms and two batlrnoma. Wrlta Herald and News, Box 470. J0 RIAL ISTATI FOR 5ALI For The Traveler A cony little cottniio on whrl. II foot Muliilliior limine trailer equipped with excellent fixture ln chullimclrctilc refrlRnrntor, Butane love, lota of bullt-lna, Neat end cloan Inalde knd out. With two Rood Urea tlila nttrnctlve little horn la nil net to trnverne tho htiihwaye end It'e nil yourt for only M, RviMoniible tornie. John Hobann Phona) M04 Dnle Orubb Phono IM4 AL LONGE Ree.1 Eatnto nd Insurenoa) 111 Bo. 8th Phono MM WE NKKD UHTINC1S ON OOOO BOUND HOMKH, EITHKR Ornf OR BUIIUHBAN, THAT WOil) CARKV CONVKNTIONAL KINANOINO Jnmea Dnacltlne Orayce Koto 660B Tilt Snlramen with M. L. JOHNSON REAL E8TATE 434 Mnln St. Office Phone MIS HOMES Three bedroom home' with electrlo heat. ' acre beat soli, all lericeui Close to bus and schools, iooou. Two bedroom home. Close to school. 84.000, 00 down. INCOME PROPERTY Two partly fiirnMicd homes on one lot. Close in. Kent, income nu. Selling price 15500. Store Building mid two bedroom home for sale or trade. BEARD AGENCY Realtors and Insurance 1020 Main Ph. 3-3471, 4880, 4734 $500 DOWN One bedroom home off California Avenue. Pluatered living room and kitchen, service porch, atnll shower. Insulated and weulheratrlpped, oil heater. Monthly payment like rent. Price 12250. We only have a few homes to sell. If you are planning to sell phono our office and let's talk It over. Anne Mason Eves. 8714 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 133 8. Blh Phone 7388 Income Property 18 Unit apartment, comlstlng of apartment court and adjoining; cottages, completely furnished. In chilling new gna ranges and water heaters. Very attractively land scaped grounds with full sprinkler system. Close to business district. Shows clenr profit of 15 'i per cent on Investment. Full price, only S34.SOO. Reasonable terms can bo arranged. Phone us now for appointment OPEN EVENINOS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Phone 8858 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-3480 Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1000 111 N. Oth St. Ph. 4564 or 8821 California Avenue Neat, sturdy, 2 bedroom home, on attractive corner lot. Excellent concrete foundation, large garaga, hardwood floors, oil furnace. In sulated, weatherstrlpped. Prleo only 80750. Eligible for any kind loan. Down-Town Duplex Only a hop-anri-a-sklp from Main Street. Pair of exceptionally well designed apartments; each has liv ing room, kitchen, dinette, bed room, bath, and well concreted full basement utility and storage room. In addition, 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs which may be connected to either apartment, making ono of them three-bedroom (with two baths) unit. Large double garage. Phone us for appointment. 750 DOWN $50 per month buys this modern I bedroom home. Concrete founda tion, insulated, new floor furnace. Detached garage. Located at 250 Delta. Total price $4600. 5 ACRES On Shasta Way. Excellent soil, all under Irrigation. 1 .bedroom modern home. Price $0500. Reason able terms arranged. OPEN EVENINOB BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Ph. 5858 Eves, Homer Stiles 2-2480 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1000 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4584 or B52( CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $S to $18 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Oov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific LanJs 1821 KE Cahucngn Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. V. HOMES FOR SAI.g EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR DS.1 Kirkpatrlck. Salesman IS N Sib pnon, aw