WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 11)52 TIEIMLD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FAU.S. OREGON PACK ELEVEN 4 Quints yes Jump Gun Half Of thf rftirllln Vvlrtu schedule In thu Klninalh rtnunla. high school basketball loop grU aq. tuiiiuiruw mum. Bly travels to Malm nhd Mtrrtll goes to Bonansa. WllS K(iini:a pair ONOrVi , ricari at uniloouin and Hanlav at Gilchrist. HOCKEY By The Associated Press Pacific Coast Vancouver 8 Calgary ft Ashland Saskatoon 2 Edmonton 1 , . Next; 2 JUST1IKE THE . GOOD OLD DAYS I 53 n a i Plag Pels n ef" n n cimca LOW I . . MO HUtD. OM ICtTCt '' J ore Hit Oretechs Travel TaEOCE Am cud lius to conic ( nil lliliii;:i - but Couch Art Knklniirt ii lid IiIh Oii-uon Tech huiki'tunHr-rn ii in Implim Eiintuiii UruKon'H IiiMiik Mirriik won't Kkl'l to u Ktop frU fin v nmlit In I.u Cliundi!, homo l till' Mollhtlilll-i'l'l. Tlmln dm nlulil tlio OwIm mwiiik luick into Ir-ngno piny nuum-a Kunt rrn C)rfi;oii, lomir of ID iitrnlKlit kiiiih'.h. Two of ilio ID grllmckii wire tn On-unii loch limit Jim. IB mill ID. ii (I, mlilc defeat Hint pluiwd thu "vv r'l ART KIRKLAND tongue in cheek Mounlnliiwr deeper Into the Ore nun Collfiiliite Conference cellar. Kvcn it 4) -point ncorlim perform ance by Center Lowell Kolbuba MnniliiV nlnht couldn't detour KnM rrn Oregon's IHtti nlralKhl Iom. as Vnnporl won, 83-11. The Owls end Mountaineers tnn ule Friday and Saturday night. It will bo the llrnt action tor the Owl.t Klnce EOCE's rccpnt visit. The two week's Iny-oll, plus hit tliiK the roiid where Uio Owln Imven'l been too huccphmIuI. could combine to H've Eastern Oregon. Its drat win. ' 'Hie Owl, still In the conference nice with ii 2-2 niiirlt, will nun lor j both names to keep them twinging lor thr OCO title. - i Kirklund Ik expected to nume his triivelliiif nqiuid Umiorrow. 3 Rifle" : Squads Unbeaten K ANUIM1H Pel. I lW 1.000 I OtH .in .000 .1X10 .000 Klamath KalU Hultr Valloy M NUIIn . . . Mihiio tda i:iiilofuui Lamrll Valley -Amrrlran UcKlan .. 3 3 I . . 0 Throo buii tcitiiu re still unde tcatcd after two round of shoot ing In the Midland Empire Rule leiiKtic. Hoidin a 3 0 record lon(i wlth Year's champion Klumnth Kill In club Ik Butlo Valley. Mitllll la unbeaten (2-0) but has shot one mulch. Rar-nnl rrmlli: III lit VLV IIKIM ( Mil OOtUN 'IU0.1I l.uraa nat llraiihtutcn lfrt .177 . Jack .iu:i Kihrr HanilUpa S7I1 3KI XM Colt 311.1 Kirk MB Ilaldwln 3M Kuril! line MAI. IN (imvi I. Mil. VI. If IISKS Waat 3KI I). Saltle asa .17 II Virtortna 3KI Haley . 37J Powell .171 Van Meier :ni MAI. IN (lll llalcy .MS IVwall ' :n II. Vlclorlna , JI7II F. Vlrlorlni :17.1 Van Meter :tin llt'TTK VLV IIHMI KiUlen . 'M2 Klkher .1711 ' Uviert :i l.uiaa :W4 lluinmeralev .'ml III TTK VLf Usual Kulten .171 Fuller - ;i7l l)vort aiw l.uraa .11 Ihinuneraley :uil K I.AM ATI! (IK"" I Oppell ml I'-rellnn .mil llliikley mi Alhey .174 Hull .n:i M. Sellla Noble Dearliorn llarrli I llll.Oyl'IN Cole Kirk Jark David .173 .HKI :uia mm :t(ki Mil Bran hllatch 1. 1 (HON Olleruein Itoyaa . Waltler Hartley llamm MOOSB (11.111 3M ,1.11 343 TIB (ISIS) P. Waahbum Thoelka :is Turner ; ii Waahbum Croaa SM I.NUI. VLV IIS.1IM n. Noble 377 llnrrla I). Heltla M. Kettle W. Nobla ' 313 311 Bill McColl Gets Breitbard Award SAN DIEOO Ifl mil McColl, Stanford's All America end, re ceived Iho Broltbnrd Athletic Foiniiliitlon "Slur of the Year' award for 1051 Tuesday. McColl was a former star high Rcliool Krldder here. TIME OUT! RSI V&V Trojans Win 14th Straight Bucrcd Heart posted Hi 14th MiiiIkIu cage win night lour In li-imue piny with a R-2fl vic tory over tlm OIlchrlHt Orr.zllen on the losers' floor. 'Hie victory gave the undefeated iTroJiin.H on guiiien-won lend In the Klumnth County Class H high i school loop. Chlloiiuln, alf.o unde ilPHted in league piny, holds one I Ichk win. Hut the Panthers will have a r nance to knock the high-flying TroJniiK out of the lend Friday r.lKht w!ien tlwv host the academy live In a league name. Gilchrist grabbed an early lead ant niKllt. posting lour points be ft.rp the Trolnnn found the bucket. Hut thut'a all the Orli.llea could pnrner In the firm tiuarter while Kacred Heart piled uu 'i'i point". At balltlnie, Hacred Heart led. 31-11. Nine Trojans ediied Into the acore column, led by Pat Pratt with 13. the same number gathered by CIllohrlst'H Freeman. The TrobnbeK beat the Ollchrlst H tenm, 2&-22, In the preliminary game. lli,x iror' KAI'. IIT. Olfll Mltonv 9 T MrAmlrewi t C Hoard NrtitM-rt 10 O fUrrl llrrt ul. -7 Howard a. Pratt 1.1 ltd Oil CIIRMT IS rrwinian 4 Wlllln'm 4 BIKa 1 Bratlan illpa Koch 4. Plumniar UllchrlBt aila-- narrlrk. Burgar r. Wara. Traw. Child- 'Trotters Entertain SRO Mob The famous Harlem Olobetrot tcra served un the acme in caac comedy to an SRO crowd last nlKht on Pelican Court- but Abe Saper steln'a basketball buffoons wpre forced to edxe In all Uieir laugns In the second half. They had to plnv basketball Hi Hip first half a Hlckvs five that pushed them all thi way nnd leiJ briefly, Z&-Z4 muiway in me second quarter. Paul McCall. Pelican cage coach nd ex-Bradlpy alar, led Rickys with a dB7.7.1inB display of shootlnit talent and defensive play that caused Utile wonder why the Rickys five leads the city league. McCnll personally accounted for 11 of Rickys' 26 points at hall time nd on aevprnl occasions stole the bnll from the hoop-wise Ne Broc.i. SKT SHOTS Bob Harvey added 6, Jim Bocehl 4 nnd Don Peterson 6 to Rickys' total. Veteran Duke Cumberland kept the Trotters In Uie name with his lonn set shots as the louring caRe wizards posted 33-26 hall tlmc lead. The final score was 60-37 as Pay less Druxs could break up the Olobelrollers' sldc-spllttlnii come dy with lust 11 points in ine sccona hBThe top comedian was Bob Hnll who kept Uie crowd howling wllh Ills lom-loolcry. tsven ai inni, mm mi. ml time to dttnin 14 points, Uie snme number potted by Cumber- Tom Oipson hnd the fans pop vpri with his dribbling wizardry. All In U. It was a great show hpfnre an aniireclallve audience as the grent Negro tenm trotted out their football and baseball forma tions, ball-hnndllng magic and off-Ihe-clbow nonsense. OI'KNKR The Kansas City Stars, the Olobe trotters' farm team gave the cus tomers lust aood bnsketbnll with Just a smattering -of comedy In the opener as they rolled over Chll- oquln Townies in tne nrsv nan aim Jayhawka In the second by 72-28 score. Oris Hill, elongated KC center, ipri the stars with 20 nolnts. For the records, Uie Slnrs bent hhtioniiin 47-14 In the first half. Thev slowed their scoring pace nmnuhitt after Intermission time and nnncentratcd on fancy ball- handling as the Jnyhawks man o-pri in dunk another 14. ToD-drawor halftlme entertain- mnni uma (ttmlslied bv Ray Wll bert, expert hoop mnnlpulator who mnde the hoops do everything but talk, and table tennis expert Ted nnume. English champion, una Bob Anderson, Olympic ping-pong klng-pl. Favell New Cage Prexy opiib Favell was named presl dent of the City basketball league In a vote of team managers Mon day nlRht. Favell, forward on the Herald Nnwa tenm. succeeds Eddie Hall who resigned recently becnuse of "pressing business duties." nnvlnu the 'fil season, four Nn tlonnl Leaguers took part In nil their team's games Oil Hodges, Carl Furlllo, Earl Torgeson and mm. YORG CRETORIAN . . . teams with German Tag Row On Mat Brothers Herb and Billy Parks, whose reputation In wrestling tag teamwork Is rapidly approaching that held by the famous Uorky brothers, tie Into Yorg Cretorlan and Kurt Von Poppenhclm tonight at the armory In the main dish on the mat mayhem menu. II a an attractive bout that na turally fell Into the signing stage after lust week's battle royal at the armory. Cretorlan. the Rumanian Ape. and Von Poppenhclm, Uie Proud Prussian, teamed up In the six- man scramble last week and elim inated all but Billy Pnrks when the roof caved In. outside looking In, Intervened. SKT I I' Yorg and Kurt had The Kid set up for Uie kill when Herb, on the outsldo looking In, Intervened. knuckles for KurL and a defeat for I Yorg Bl the hands of Billy. But both Cretorlan and Von Pop penhclm eventually came out on top wnen uie Rumanian came back to whip Olno Nlcoltnl In the semi- wlndup, nnd Von Poppenhelm picked up the f300 prize money by whipping young Perks in uie mam event. KKVKNGi: So both the Parks boys and their opponents have scores to setUe to night. Methods used should pull in a large crowd to the show that opens at 8:30 with Nlcolinl facing Buck Davidson In Uie opener. Tickets go on sale at the box- office at 7:30. Intramural Sports At Oretech BAftKFTRAI.f. STANDINGS IHU K ENDING Jan. f) W I, Pel. Nr Hall 4 0 1000 SfH.rU Equipment .... 3 1 .710 Body and lender 3 1 .7M Ditil . 3 1 .730 watch Repnlr .....,.... 1 3 .2M Giinmfthtn( 1 3 .2.10 nuinrm t 3 .ZW Etifineerlng 0 4 .000 Scoring 1 eadert: Howard Duncan, Guntmlthtng, 84; Swede Lundberg. Fire Hnll. 73; Charles Ditlson. Dlenel. 49; Frank Jackson, SporU Kqulpmcnt. 4B; Rodger Ott, Fire Hall, 42: Duane Smith. Diesel. 41: Jell Lay. Fire Hall. 41; Hichard Prltchett, tliulneai. 36: La Vcrnc Cltnfl. Body and Fender. 33: Walt Offenbacker, Diesel. 30. Most nein goais: uuncan j. iunaoerg zo. Jarkflnn at. Free throws: Lund berg 17. Missed free throws: Smith 17. Fouls: Gary Couter, Business, 14. BOWLING Division i Standings W L Pel, Faculty No. 1 .M.aa 14 .811 Reefer . , .' 20 lfl ,3.10 Sporu Equipment M...20 16 .350 Faculty No. 3 fc 18 IB .500 Busy Five w 18 IB .300 Cabinetmakers 10 26 .378 Team high serlea: Reefers 2!(22. Fac ulty One 3HU7, Faculty Two 2U61. Team high game: Sport Equipment 1023, Reefers 1018, Faculty Two 1011. Indi vidual high serle: Cleve Bennett Bf6. Carl Stnlne Att3. Skeet O'Connell 339. Individual high game: Stolpe 333, 0'Con- neu km. waiiiron avu. Dlvlslen I Standings W t Pet. Body Shop 26 10 .723 Roller Jewels 24 12 .6H7 Sports Equipment - 21 is .383 Diesel ... 1H IB .300 Guttersnipes - 10 2(1 .27 B Engineers 0 27 .230 Team high series: Sports Equipment ma, 4i to; Honor jeweia si id. icam high game: Diesel 9(tU, Roller Jewels 981, Diesel 980. Individual high series: R. Cake 331, C. . Bennett S31, 348. In dividual high game: Ck 231. Bennett aoa, h. Phiuips auo. Vanport, OCE Tied PORTLAND I : Vanport and Oregon Education ., Wednesday shared the lead In the Oregon Col legiate Conference baaketball race, each with 6 wins and 1 loss." Vanport nulled Into a tie by beat- Inn Eastern Oregon 10-02 Tuesday nlRht. The loss was the eighth straight for the La Grande team in conference competition. The two leama played Monday night with the viKinus winn lis B3-71. Lowel Kolbaba, Eastern Ore gon's high scoring center, was held to 10 points, but that was enough to make him high soorer. Wayne Hlntz, with IT points, was high for vanport. .. Eastern Oregon led 35-27 at the Flu Is no respecter of the Poll- can basketballcrs. Two more have been touched as the Klamath Falls five drills lor weekend series In Ashland, a return lo district play. Kd Barron, sophomore who pliiyed a Htttiidout game against Rni.oburg Saturday night, was bed ridden with the flu yestcrdav. Ray Bell was showing symptom. Ralph Carroll unci Jack Hoi Ion. who saw no action Prjiay nlKht and Just limited duty Saturday, are still not back to full health. That means the Pels may meet the Grizzlies with their ranks seri ously weakened by the flu plague. Tile Pelicans, trailing district leading Medford by two full games, need the Ahland set badly to keep alive their chances for a comebuck. Ashland faces the Pelicans with an unimpressive 4-8 record las against Klamath's 10-3-1) but with the Pelicans battling the flu, Ash land could help Medford's cause One ol Ashland's wins came In a split with Grants Pass In dis trict play so Charlie Jandreau's bovs are not entirely Impotent. the Klamath - Ashland series brings the Big Four race up to the hallwav point. Medford and Grants Pass arc idle In league plnv this weekend. HOMKSTKKTC'II The homestretch drive opens again Feb. 15 with the Pels host ing Grants Pass and Medford and Ashland trading courts In the Feb. 15 nnd 18 series. The Pellcaas. bv sweeping the Ashland run. could shave Med- ford's lead to one game. Ashland top scorer is narvey Woods, a Junior set-shot artist. Probable guard starter with woods Is Vern Tenncy. Ooenlng forwards are Bill Miles and Mel Taylor, a sophomore. Bill Holllngsworth gets the center call. CAGE SCORES College Baaketball FAR WEST ' St. Marys Calif. 66 San Francisco 63 overtime Denver 63 Colorado State 42 Idaho Siate 56 Rocky Mountain 48 Vanport 76 Eastern Oregon 62 Northwest Naxarene 68 Whitman 64 MID WEST St. Louis 58 Detroit 45 Toledo 68 Kent State 67 Ohio Northern D4 Indiana Tech 48 John Carroll 65 Lawrence Tech 60 St Benedict's Kas. 57 McPherson 55 Kansas Wcsleyan 75 Baker Kas 69 SOUTHWEST New Mexico A&M 49 West Texas Texas Weslcyan 70 East Texas 69 Arkansas A&M 86 Ouachita 82 overtime EAST Clarion Pa. 103 Thlcl 54 Slippery Rock 62 Indiana Pa 80 SOl'TH Bowling Green 72 North Carolina state 67 Wake Forest 55 North Carolina 46 Murray Ky. 95 Austin Peay 64 Oregon Prep Baaketball Days Creek 37 Camas Valley 33 Glendale 45 CanyonvlUe 27 Elk ton 30 Creswell 34 Columbia Prep 47 Mt. Angel 37 Willamette (Eugene) 63 Oakdale 40 Junction Cltv 65 Drain 36 -Elmlra 36 Lowell 34 oaiem 74 Albany 56 McMlnnville 45 Beaverton 36 Waldport 38 Siuslaw 37 Sheridan 40 Banks 29 Myrtle Creek 50 Sutherlln 36 Bay City 50 Gaston 31 Euttene 65 Springfield 55 Taft 46 Newport 36 Wheeler 45 Star Of The Sea (Astoria) 41 Seaside 52 Rainier 4 Sacred Heart (Salem) 67 Phllo- 30 University 65 8t. Francis 33 (both Eugene) Salem Academy 56 Cascade Union 48 Sweet Home 59 Toledo 42 Westport 50 Nehalem 39 Dayton 65 Amity 33 North Marlon 69 Yamhill 38 Harrlsburg 48 Monroe 29 Dufur 46 Maupln 44 Moro 31 Mosler 29 Clatsknnle 60 Warrenton 46 Sclo 36 8tayton 34 West Linn 79 Tigard 73 Molalla 64 Tillamook 48 Mill City 64 Jefferson 34 Hillsboro 64 Oregon City 47 Willamlna 75 Sherwood 34 Sondv 60 Concordia (Portland) 35 Lebanon 48 Cottage Grove 40 . Portland Schools: Lincoln 64 Roosevelt 42 Cleveland 64 Washington 52 Grant 36 Benson 26 Jefferson 67 Franklin 54 Lakeview Beats Bly Six-foot, seven-inch Jack Moore poured In 28 points for Lakeview last night as the Honkers downed Bly bv a 55-37 score, The game was on Bly'a court. Bly held Moore down In the first frame and the Bobcats led 8-7. But after that, Lakeview pulled away to a 24-18 halftlme lead and bloated Its lead In the second half. Lakeview won the B prelim by a 45-33 score. .... , Box acora: LAKF.VIKW () Lynch 10 r I .arson F Moore S C Rtoii 5 O Mlchaalion 4 O cm bi.t I Lybrand 13 Weasel 7 Jaau.vsh 3 Dtllnvou 10 Hutchtnion Lakeview mba Graves Klrior. Moaa. ifan.on. Ca I. Wlmah .1. Hanson, Carmody 4. Blv una Cavan, Martin, Wlnfleld, Ohron- p3i ii t' ( - -x-'-i THE SNOW DOESN'T bother these four ardent scattergunners, members of the Klamath Gun Club, who ready their weapons before last Sundas shoot on the club's (Wocus range, a weekly feature. Left to right, they are W. G. Cooley, Rod Smith, Vern' Moore and Dr. James Hilton. OBney Near Perfecto Carl Olney came within a whis ker of posting a perfect score Sun day to lead In the 16-yard event of Klamath Gun Club's weekly trapshoot with a 49x50 mark. F. C. Broyles won the handicap event with a 45x50 score. KeMittM lft-Yd. Hdrp, Carl Olney .. .. 49 42 7 C. Ilroylea 4U 45 BUI Davla ."1 40 . 44 ltl- T Ii Wattera . Verne Moore ... C. J. Martin W G. Cooley - ... Nelton Reed Tom Carland - W. E. Sanford C. C. Coulaon - Helen Olney Jamea Hilton ...1 L T Clbbi L. Shaw Bay BlUlnfa P. Monlgomery x-lhot 23 UrgeU only. . 46 . 45 45 ..X23 - 15 36 -Xl2 SHUFF STUFF Roundup dumped the Eagles, 4-0: Suburban did the same to the Vets, and Tat's beat Wocus. 3-1, In shuflleboard play last night Tat's win over Wocus was considered an upset. KJ LEi mm CfoflDdD TO f AND YOUR I I OLD TIRE Famous MARATHOM by da DON'S SHELL SERVICE Highway 97 (North of Town) Lovellette Bloats Lead as Top Scorer ' By The Associated Press Clyde Lovellette, Kansas' rangy center, has strengthened his grip on first place In the major college individual scoring race, according to figures released Wednesday by the NCAA Service Bureau. Although his team dropped from the ranks of the unbeaten at the hands of rival Kansas State last Saturday, Lovellette still managed to find the range for 31 points to boost his average to 26.9 a game. The' skyscrapirjg Jayhawker has amassed 37S markers in 14 games. Bobby Pettlt, Louisiana State sophomore, who trailed Lovellette by a tenth of a point last week. ;aw his average slump as Tulane held him to 19 points on Saturday. Pettlt has caged 336 tallies in 13 contests for a 2S.8 mark, i Kentucky still Is the top point producing team with an average 83.7 point an outing. Defensively, the Oklahoma Aggies continue to set the pace, having allowed the opposition 44.5 counters a game. LIE 8 6.00x16 duality See the new r.URATIIOH Super-Cushion i. - W hr V . . don't rhisi thi chance to get the smooth rid ing ' comfort of a Goodyear Super-Cushion tire ot thi new low price. Com In today and talk trad. JIM'S SHELL SERVICE Oregon Ave. and Donald ! 8th and Klamath SERVICE STORE , 41.; Most of the nation's top college teams were idle Tuesday night. St. Louis, ranked 6th In this week's Associated Press poll, came from behind in the second half to whip Detroit, 58-45, in a Missouri Valley Conference game. Detroit led, 23-22, at halftlme. Bowling Green also put on a sec or.d half rally to beat North Caro line State, 72-67, in an intersec tions! game at Raleigh. In other games Wake Forest whipped North Carolina, 55-46; St. Mary's of California upset San Francisco, 66-63, in overtime: Den ver trounced Colorado State 63-42: and New Mexico A&M beat West Texas: 49-44. Expert Gun Repairing and Rebluing THE GUN STORE . . . 14 95 plus tax 6.70x1 S Including Old Tire Enjoy this GEEAT STRAIGHT BOURBON'-' famous for "OLD TIME QUALITY9, $A60 STMISHT I0UM0N WHISHT . II I MTiomi ircrniEfts moncts cmr,& A mm Terms as Low as U25 A WEEK WHITE Y'S SHELL SERVICE 135 Main St.,- ; llnve they tone yet7" Richie Ashburn, Mitt. liter.