Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 29, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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    TUKSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1052
"When jrou aay our brothrr'a
work fceepa him outdoors morn
now, I ataumr you mean hr has
lo o out la llir Irark alnrr lliuati
book It Joint cluard!"
(l I.KTrJ TAKK look it Ihe Dlf-t,
)t baakelball rate:
If (hi Prllcniut are to vllt Eu
(lie In March, II will take
mighty comeback. .
Btcktn of the PU cun hope
lor Oranta 1'aon and Anhlnnd to
I Mat aplll Willi Metllord Uie
next time out. ...
But, lor hypothetical caaea, let'a
aay Medlord, preaumably the claw
of the three leama over the hill,
acorei eerlea grand alania over the
Cavemen and UrlMliea hi Uie sec
ond go-round,
In that event, the Pelloana will
have to win the rent of lliclr eluhl
fames. ,
MEDFORD holds a 61 record.
-,1th sU games lo go.
Klamelh Falls has 2-2 record,
wllh eight to go.
Then, In the event Mrdlord wins
all but lis two-game scries wllh
Kla.ma.ih Kella, Uie Jllsck Tornado
would finlAh wllh a, 8-3 record.
The Pelicans WOULD HAVE to
to through league play undefeated
to win. If thev beat Ashland four
times. Omnia Pass two and MED
rORD two, that would' give the
I'eltcans flnlnhlnpr 10-2 record.
In addition to holding currently
two-gsme advantage on the Pel
icans. Medlord has one other dis
tinct advantage.
The next Klamath Fall'Medford
series will show on Medford's court
Of eour.te, Grants Pass and Ash
land could do some spoiling along
the way.
But the bent way aeems lo be
to aasunie Medlord wll win the
lent, then concentrate on . knock
ing ovor the Tornado twice on, Us
wn court.
'ine race U pointing tin to I
finish as close as last year when
(he Prb cinched their1 entry ( Into
citlrlcl play with a last-night vic
tory over Grant Pass,
V OirVKLOrMKNTSa'monftTTKe '
W boy ol fistic row netrn, to
hint at another renson Jack Hur
ley miubbed the Internntlonal Box
ing Club's offer to Harry Matthew
for a light-heavyweight tllle: light
with Champion Joe Maxim.
Hurley wants the big prize, the
heavyweight crown.
And Jersey Joe Walcott. the
heavywelsht champion, seems to
favor a title fight wllh Matthew
more than tiffs with either Eard
Charles or Rockv Marciano.
The reason seems evident:
Walcott will probably be flghtlnt
for the Init time whea he puts his
title on the line.
Tfe safe to sav that Matthews,
Charles or Msrclano would whip
the or pappy of the ring.
So Walcott and his manager,
probably figure that Matthews
would be the .best drawing card
of the three.-
They're so rlgtit. .
I hope It Is Matthews. Tt puldn t
hsppen to better guy.
Charles has' had the tide. Al
though good- champlrm, he has
Utile crowd appeal. Marciano Is
comparatively young.
Matthews Is nesrlng 30. He s
earned - the shot at boxing's top
prl. i ,
The nswer may com up to
morrow. Chiloquin, Tule
Bill Benefits
The March of Dimes will benefit
from basketbsll tomorrow night In
both Tulelake and Chiloquin.
t The Chiloquin Townles, top team
of the Klamath Basin Independent
league, fare Hilltop Cafe of . the
Klamath Falls City league, at, 0
p.m. . i i"
The doubleheader at Tulelake
$uts the Tulelake lnners of the Bas
in Loop against the Tulelake High.
School Honkers In the main event.
The Inn's second team faces the
Tulelake B team In the 7 o'clock
The Rotary Club sponsors Uie
Tulelake games.
Gonzaga Boxers
Whip MSC Team
SPOKANE Goiurrh Uni
versity mlltmen outpointed Michi
gan State College 11-3 Monday night
Jo. end MSC's string of colltfglatc
boxing victories at 21. ;!.
Michigan State's' two national
champions, Charles Spleter, a,
heavyweight, and CTerafcl Black.
17 pounds, took close deoisloiw
oyer the Bulldogs, as did' Jimmy
livens, 125 pounds. . ...
At Maumee High School In Ohio,
Dick Kasmaler won 13 letters four
in football,, four In baseball, four In
basketball and one in golf.
W art a iubtntll, .well-rated, wholfnlt plywood riUlrllnttor In thf
proof M of cMnMlflhlntf a whotaiatn lumber ri'vlnlon. W are lookhne for
i Wholtmit lumher ;ieruHve tri H w tht division and to lake romnl(ti
fnarf of all purchaitinf and 9hts, Tht mnn we are looking for fhoulrl
at wH :.prlencfd tn whotnala luinher buying and nulling will, x
trnaiva mill and cimtomcr' ranuoti W feal thnl wit am offering tha
proper'ty nullified man a parnumant position which will carry him Into
hign Incoma bracket!.
Midwert Plywood Compqny
t 10101 Lyndon '
Dotrolt 21, Michigan
Taxai 4-8000
"' .'."' .
s Wll W Ml ., 1 i-
Seen For
Twin Bill
It's itlwnys a pleimanf occasion
when 4he hurltm tllubiurolteiii, Im
buluusly funny msidclaus of biukrt-
biill, iippi-ar on Ihe scene, but their
kuine miulnil Kl'inmlli lfnlls' two
ti p city leugua teuins tonight on
1'riicaii court, lieiulliniiiK un out
ktnnding biikvlibttll tluublrlmidet, Is
of spcchil sltmlllciinco to th"m and
vlll bo lo the anticipated capacity
Abe Siipcrstcln s clever sntl pow
eriul busk'-tt'crn are ct-li br.'tlng the
twenly-llllh annlvi-rruiry arasoii of
their lllunlrloun career, and they're
-Inn all out lo niitko their silver
seuunn Ih.i greutenl hi id most as
tonlHhlnu they've ever experienced.
Recalling their mutiny fitnl of
the past, hihI especially of Innt eea
Min, It would seem Uu-y would have
lo no some to top previous nclileve
nienln, but the Oibbotrotura are
lamed lor the unexpected.
Itepurl have preceded them here
Hint It's the gioiitonl teiiui In the
club's lil.-.tory, und Ihe accompany
ing acts are the llncsl cvcrlo trav
el wllh the troune. TIip Trotn-rs
comedy a Inn reaches new high.
The mnln event of the csge twin
bill puts the court wluirdn agalnM.
the toinblncd talent of Rlckys and
Psvlevi I)ru"s.
The Ktiimus City Binrs. a farm
club lor Uie. Olnbel rotter and al
most r match In talent and comedy,
lace two of the ton teams In Ihe
Klamath Busln Independent lrtiKue
In the 7 o'c lock opener, the Chilo
quin Tuwnlcs and the Jnyhnwlcs.
Included on the Globetrotters'
roster tire isuch famous cagers as
. . . one-armed ace
I.oula 'Bnbri Presuley. Wllllum
iruui UUl, riiuiK no.-iiinivu,
Cari Hclem, John BHD Chavcrs,
Gcorae tijomiy) Smith and Leon
One of the most amarlng fKurei
In tl.j, .,ti-. tum-1,1 nnr.
armed pliiycr more than holdr.i;
HIS OWU III ine loumirii roi i ui
batketbnll compcUtlon, Is Hold Blue
nh will be here, with Iho .KniuaA
City Btiim.
ACCl'RATB , '. '
In hli Huh season as a member
h Urlf.M t llihftrntLim or-
panlr.sllon. which Includes the Kan-
Mi s CUV quinici, uute is snooiuiK
wllh d?iidlv acourucy and wlnnliiH
Ihe plaudits of the fans everywhere
wllh his brllllanl llnorwork, passlnu
ana acicimivfr nunny.
Others In the KC lineup Include
such prominent perlormers ns John
Scott. Oris Hill. Fred Pearson. Er
veil Perrv, Henry Singleton. Tom
Smith. Bob Dowery, Sherman Haw
kins and Tommy Olpson,, -, '
Local eauers will lloor the best
the Klnmalh Basin can oiler. In-
Cluuru "i. .
rr. Bud Banta and Bob' Bryant
ijayhawksi; the nntcner oiumrm
(Wayne Oaylor ard Chlefi, Kemo
a... 4llli. nnrl nW-k Roll-
lers (Chlloqulnl: Paul McCnll. Cal
nonnev, uon i-eirrMii, iu
Jim Bocchl and Baldy Foster (Rck
ysi. and Jim Palmer. Bob F.rland
ion. Dick Hellbronner. and i Rex
Young (Paylessi. '
Both bleacher sections downstairs
j ,,n iinsinlrs section will be re
served lor tonight's show.
Ttekcts ore on .nie "l "
Wool and Rlckys. City neerentlon
Director Bob Bouncy said advance
ducat talcs Indicate a sell-out.
Trek To
-The Sacred Heart Trojans arc
In a position to post a games-won
ii.iift in the Klnmath County high,
chool basketball .loop when they
travel to Gilchrist for a league tut
tonight. v
The game Is a make-up from Jan.
11 when a snowstorm postponed
three of the four scheduled games.
The Chiloquin at Henley and Mer
rill at Bly games will be played
Feb. 6.
The Trojans currently share the
lead with. Chiloquin, both holding
perfect 3-0 league records, ...
Woolies Post
Fifth Victory V
Oregon Wool won Its fifth
straight basketball decision in Ihe
ulrls city lonnne last night, a 20-10
nod over Peyton's, while Griggs
walloped uie KocKcts, Ju l, in uie
other game on the doublcheaded
program nt, Mills.
None of the players on the New
York football Olants halls from the
state of New York.
; sr.-. vr-wH
one of a great array of
cage stars that make up the
renowned Harlem Globe
trotters, Negro traveling
team, that meets top city
league cagcrs tonight in
the main event of an out
standing (loublclicadcr on
Pelican Court. .
Tops AP
Cage Poll
"NEW YORK W Kentucky
Climbed Into the No. 1 spot In the
wceklv Associated Prcas basketball
poll Tuesday but the Wildcat
had onlv narrow mart-Ins over
Kansas State and Illinois.
Adolph Rupp's bluerass quintet
totaled 730 iKiint to 765 for Kansas
Slate and 71s for third placo Il
linois. Thosn three were far out
frouL Fourth-place Kansas had 623
points and flllh-ph'.ce St. Bonaven
ture. one of the two ma for unde-
fc-led l-aiiis left, hud 457.
Kentucky, which was on ton In
itwo of the l)r.'d three polls of the
I season, lured 32 lirst place vote
from the nation's sports writers
I and eports ce'le-s. Each first place
vote counted 10 point, second
olace nine, and so on down the
Rouiidlna out the first ten. In
order, were bt. Louis, Duouespe,
Iowa, Washington and West Vir
ginia,, f ' . ... . ,
Tcitrns In -Uie second ten were
Scion Hnll, Louisville. . Indiana.
Davton. St. John's. Oklahoma Citv.
Holv Cross., Siena. DcPaul and
Ford ham.
OUiers receiving votes Included
Western Kentucky. Seattle Univer
sity. Wyoming, Idaho. Minnesota.
Brlpham Young. UCLA, Utah, and
Portland University.
Kofbaba's 41
Not Enough
' PORTLAND t.fi Lowell Kol
babn pumped In ill poims Monday
night but it wasn't enough to save
Eastern Oregon College of Educa
tion from Its 18th straight basket
ball defeat.
Vanport battered the luckless
Eastern Oregonlans 83-71.
Kolbaba connected on 18 field
goals and five of seven free throws.
Laundry Five
Out of Cellar
, W I,
Miller Bros ..
Klamath Pack
Di-Mol.y 1
Crmtr Laka
1 (WO
2 0
.3 I
.2 3
i.un more .... 2
t Ar i I
Mfn'i Honit Ldry 'I. .. I
UeMolaj- 2 . .. 0
Rraulls !.( Vlht
Mn' Hand Ldry :il DeMolay Two S9
DrMoUy One 43 Cun Store 43
Men's Hand Laundry climbed
out of Ihe cellar last night with
a 31-29 overtime victory ovor the
DcMolay second team In the Vic
tory league.
DeMolay's first team edged Oun
8tore, 4,1-42, In the oilier game on
the Fairvlcw twin bill.
Hawkins scored In the overtime
period to give the Laundry five
Its first win of the season.
DeMolay's Cummings and Gun
Store's Alexander each turned in
18-point performances in DeMolays
squeak over the Gun boys.
Box pcorei:
r.AI'NI)RV 131)
Garland 1
Andrrton S
Stilt. 3
(301 DeMOI.Ar 1
r Klltredm
P 1.1 Kenmark
C 3 R. Belhn
O 3 Huwilman
CI 10 Lflmon
Powfll 3
Laundiv tuba Hewktnl 7. Tomiion
13, Gonzalel. DeMolay aubf D. Blehn
I1PMOI.AT 1 (13)
Plckelt 10 T
Montsomrry 3 F
Cnmmlngi IB f!
Smith 7 H
Bchoenhnra (1
B Mullens
18 Alexander
10 Wood
3 Blllvv
3 McliAllithlln
DrMnlAv mibs Hilton fl.
aube Steel 3.
Gun Store
NEW YORK. I.fi San Francisco,
Miami and several other cities are
seeking to hold Uie 1054 American
Bowling Congress. The decision
will be made at the ABC's meeting
In Milwaukee next year.
"91", Odcmt Ethyl 31c
' "' 2I3S South 6th
Tag Foes I
An Injury will keep Cowboy Carl
son off Wednesday's wrestling card
for the Kecond straight week. Pro
moter Mack Llllard announced ycs
Signed to face Buck Davidson In
Ihe tipcncr. Carlson notified Llllard
Ihut the rib Injury that kept him
out of last week's battle royal, has
not healed null tclenlly to appcur to
morrow. Llllard has substituted Gino Nlco
llnl, good-looking Italian boy who
gave Yoru Crelorlan a whale of a
battle- Inul week belore losing when
he U'll victim to the Kuinantan'
lull nelson.
But all hand are accounted for In
the explosive feature match, a tag
team row ol TNT proportions.
II puts the Parks brothers Herb
and Billy against Yori Crctorlan
and Kurt Von Poppcnheim.
Von Poppcnheim and Cretorlan,
as nefarious as they come, will
have to be loaded wllh unorthodox
tricks to beat the Parks boys, who
can match the Rumanian and Ger
man punch lor punch.
In addition, Herb and Billy have
blood tier on their side. It could
mnke a difference.
The armory ticket-office opens at
7:30. one hour before the Nicollnl
Davidson opener.
Reserved seats can be purchased
at C'astlcbcrry Drugs.
CLASSIC Lt ltll t
IV 1
Orevun Woolen -...'JU
1'arl.nior Drive In .-27 21
I.a-1'lry liuuranre . 2fl 22
Suburban Kllchtn , 2 22
KK1.W . I 2H
Dick Rcrdrr'i . 17 32
Lltl IVCfh't Rriullt
Indrr 3 KK1.W 0
Tjirkmor I fiuburbn 1
- Orcson Wool 2 feeder's I
Purknior Drive In and Landry
Insurance, Classic bowling league
teams pushing Oregon Wool for
tnc lead, divided honors in last
week's ouUug.
Paikmor couldn't equal Landry's
high team game of 700 but Its
751-720-7J5-21B0 line was consistent
, enough to grab the series high.
Jerry Cole, Parkmor, had a 222
'single game, the best of Uie eve
Inlnu, but Landry's Bill Klenas
posted a 205-202-2 11-0 IS line for
ithc evening's best single series.
! Roy Harris. Dick Reedcr's, also
rolled a 222 single game.
Charlie Booth, Parkmor. held to
his 188 season's average wllh a
107-197-210-604 series. Mel Robin-
.son, Wools, and . Al . HaJcenwerlh.
Reedcr's. are tied in second place
for seasons overage. JJotn noia
Pels Eye
at Try
The Klamath Falls Pelicans hold
two wrestling victories over Grants
Pass this season and Coach Dutch
Simons says he'll make It even
more convincing when Uie Pelicans
host the Cavemen Friday, 3 p.m.
Simons Intimated yesterday he'U
"shoot the works" with his top mat
men. Simons said 167-pound Elvis Mit
chell wtis his "most Improved"
grappler In his draw with Grants
Pass' J. Trlbby. v
Results Saturday:
97: Conner KF beat Jaymes GP,
fall; 105: Norton GP beat Keady
KF, fall: 114: Shearer KF beat
Musters OP, decision; 122: Swind
ler KF beat Zottola GP, decision;
129: Dolloihide OP beat D. Blehn
KF, decision; 135; Williams KF
beat Hnrlcss OP. decision; 140: Tau
cher KF beat Carothers GP. deci
sion; 147: Wells KF beat Joseph
son GP. foil: 156: R. Blehn KF
beat Campbell GP. fall; 167: Mit
chell KF and Trlbby GP, draw;
177: Towne OP beat Simmers KF.
fall; heavyweight: Pryor KF beat
Murray GP, fall.
Bog score:
Klamath Falls: 4 falls, 4 deci
sions, 1 draw, 34 points; Grants
Pass: 2 falls,. 1 decision, 1 draw,;
15 points.
Thirty More
For O'Brien
SPOKANE' Lfi Seattle Univer
sity's red hot Johnnv O'Brien rolled
up 30 more points Monday night as
the Chieftains bumped the Whlt
worth Pirates 85-80 in a non con
ference basketball game.
The night's work gave O'Brien,
the nation's top college scorer, 717
points In 26 games this scasom
Halfback Clarence Self of the De
troit Lions In the' NFL holds a
master's degree-In dairying front
the University of Wlsoonsln.
noxiNn "Kill". Metlhtwe
('.Oi l Thr Trrfltic Trio
SKI1NC1 IIJlmr Drain
Oregon Ski Areas
At newsstand!! or Sub. M.yr. 03.001
Toreft Grove
Wait Bell
'& T-SS
i' I
I' 1
Solons Buy
Ray McNulty
Nulty,' an lnflelder with the Port
land Beavers two years ago, will
return to the Pacific Coast Base
ball League this season as a pitch
er. The Sacramento Solons an
nounced Monday night Uiey have
purchased McNulty irom the Sa
lem Senators of the Class A West
ern International League. McNulty
won 14 games and lost nine In the
WIL last year.
Ben Morrison, Mgr. '
Hth & Klamath Ph. 2-2511
-i f( u
l. jr.-; aeK.-.wv aI
... j&p
f -
I "''V.'-b' ' 11 " ' '
1 1 1
b Be ror
By The Associated Press
There was another shake-up last
week in . the Oregon high school
basketball big ten, and the Central
Catholic Rams came out on top
of the latest Associated Press
weekly poll.
The stale's sportswriters and
sporlscastcrs gave the strong Port
land team seven first-place votes,
three ahead of the No. 2 team.
McMlnnvllle. which received four
v"les ir "r'' place and 120 points
Central got 129 point in the voting.
(jeniral Catnoiic has been first
ncvunu in cvciy nKUt-iaieu
PrPkX nnll Ihla UM'nn T.nut wnplr'a
leader, Lincoln of PorUand, drop-
i ped to No. 3 this week after losing
to Cleveland of Portland. 51-40.
I The Cards received 103 points.
I Cleveland gained the most new
support this week, spurtinn from
i the also rans Into fourth place
i alter upsettine Lincoln. Cleveland
Lot three first-place votes and 93
I points. Cleveland and McMinnville
have undefeated records In high
school competition. Cleveland has
won 10 and lost 1 to the Portland
University Froth. McMlnnvllle has
won 13 while losing a pair to col
lege freshman teams.
Marsnfield stayed in fifth place
this week, followed by Salem,
which dropned two places to No. 6.
."fc Wl U.UfcKS
Then came two newcomers to
the top 10. La Grande upset a
strong Baker team twice last
weekend and climbed Into a sev
enth place tie with Klamath Falls.
This Is La Grande's first ap
pearance in the top 10.
ine oiner newcomer was Meo
ford. which defeated Grants Pass
twice over the weekend and
Strengthened its lead in the South
ern Oregon Conference. Medford
moved into ninth spot.
Jefferson of Portland just barely
stayed in the first 10 after its 71-50
loss to Lincoln last week. Jeffer
son, last year's state champion;
got only 13 points In the voting
for tenth place.
1. Central. Catholic. 11-1
2. McMinnville, 13-2
3. Lincoln. 9-2
4. Cleveland. 10-1
5. Marshfield. 11-3 75
C. Salem. 10-4 62
7. Klamath Falls. 10-3 39
8. La Grande. 8-3 - 39
9. Medford. 10-4 30
10. Jeffferson. 6-5 18
-Olher: Pendleton 13. Astoria
and Milton-Freeivater 10 each, The
Dalles and Corvallis 6 each, Eu
gene 5, Roosevet of Portland 4,
Reedsport and Dayton 1 each.
Slips By
Coke Five
. .286
PayleFS Drugs
Hilltop Cafe ....
Coca Cola
. .4
Herald-News 2
Resells Last Mghl
Palmerton 45 Coca Cola 43
Hilltop 82 Herald-News 53
Palmerton Lumber Company
squeaked by Coca Cola and Hilltop
Cafe outlasted Herald-News in city
league basketball games last night
at Altamont.
The Palmertons and the Cokes
were tied 29-all at the end of three
periods of play. Jerry Dodds and
Lefty Foster, ex-Gem baseballers,
paced a fourth-quarter attack that
gave Palmerton Uie slim victory.
Dodds jinisned witn as. wnne
Foster and Eddie Hall chipped in
11 each.
Jay Griggs" 26-point scoring per
formance went to waste for the
Newsmen. Even with Gene Favell
adding 14. the HiltoDpers had too
much scoring strength with Ki Car
rier leading the way with 14, Leo
Friend adding 11 and three cagers
Paul Heins, Ken MUligan and
Gil Martinez tossing in 9 each.
Freel 2 F 20 Dodds
Lelll 7 F 1 Schelfersteln
Newman 9 " C Bell
Alexander 2 G 11 Hall
Kutut 11 G 11 Foster
Coca Cola subs Demetrakos 1. Jack
son 6. Grant 4. Bergloff 5. Palmerton
suns Yee 2, wessell.
Favell 14 F
Downs 1 F
Griggs 28 C
J. KranU 11 G
Hartley 1 G
Herald - News subs
Hilltop subs Roberts 2.
9 Martinez
9 Mllllunn
8 Harris
11 Friend
14 Carrier
I. Krantz. May
Helna 9. Jack-
mm ' i
904 Klamolh
Ave. , ; Phom 076
. gtoHiHto, trow tfarrot' ' ;'. '. jV r't'v
W V Trl.
Jayhawkt ft 1 .K.-.7'
Chiloquin , 5 1 .B3.1
Ma In 5 1 .S:;:l
tulelake Inn S 1 ' JB
Merrill .. ... 4 3 .3,1
Keno 4 3 .571
Dorrls 3 4 .429
P.eatty Laker 1 4 .2NO
Sprague Klver 1 4 .200
Bly t 4 .J
Klnmalh Sons 1 S .1(17
LDS - 0 9 .000
, Krhiilts Laal Nlglll
Keno 04 LDS 31
Ja hawks till Sprague River 30
Dorrli S3 Bly 52
Merrill VFW 62 Beany SS
Tulelake 60 Cihloqutn 41
Malm 51 Klamatn Sam 2U
The Jayhawks climbed to the top
of the Klamath Basin basketbaU
league last night as the last of the
unbeaten teams, the cnuoquin
Townies, met defeat.
ine jaynawKs. 0B-3U winners
over Sprague River, are on top by
virtue of having played one more
game (6-1) than twee other teams
Chiloquin, Malin and Tulelake
with a-1 records.
The Tulelake lnners, losers to
Malin last week, dumped Chiloquin
by a 60-41 count.
Malm beat the Klamath Sons.
In other games. Keno walloced
Latter Day Saints, 84-31; Dorrls
edged Bly, 53-52 and the Merrill
VFW got by Beatty, 62-58.
Box score:
Moore 21 1 F Dodaon j
Thrasher y 1 Masalenus !
Stanley 2 C 11 Lee
Varnum an 6 White
PohU 9 G 2 Piuntl
Bly sub Hall 2. Halzke IS, T. House.
Sandberg. D. House, Davis. Woods.
Derris subs Egeline 7, Owens 9. Porter,
field 9. Williams. Hobinson 8, Fenwiek.
Mecca. Tat's and Schuss' turned
J29 in whitewash Jobs in the city shuf
120 1 fleboard league last night while
103 1 Bill's Place beat Roundup. 3-1.
Mecca blanker! Summer l.nne.
, Tat's shut out the Vets and Schuss
beat Eagles by Uie same 4-0 score.
Higdon to Suds
Oii 'Look' Basis :
SEATTLE Wl Bill Hiedon, left-
banded hitting outfielder, has been
assigned conditionally to the Seat
tle Rainiers by Uie Chicago White
If he clicks with Seattle, he will
come to the Rainiers as one of
seven players owed them by the
White Sox.
He was accepted on a 30 - day
'Hook" basis and will report at the
opening of srping training.
' Thoroughly Modern
llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley
and Joe Earley
Sean, Roebuck and Co.
133 So. 8th Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Send your expert to demonstrate
eifffu motuf faU' , , jiltJ
Lead Loop
SON'S 119)
111) .IA1IH
Rutl 5 T
WlUon 12 V
Parson 7 C
Miller 4 O
Hill 1
Sons subsHood, Hall.
FiriKhtman 12. Vlclnrlne.
a Woodier
4 O'Kerfl
19 Conrov
2 Anderso-l
4 MoKoen
Malin uhs
lnia, Dalton,
Smfllley, Kenyon, Lindsay
(Uli.OOlTl.N 111)
W. Hatcher 111 T
C. Hatcher 1 K
Brattaln C
Miller 9 G
(no) Tlil.ri AKri
19 Welch
11 Kln
. 8 Crore
C. Hatcher 9 O
4 Dahle
Chiloauln subs Smith. Souers. Blck
ers. Gefnger 10. Wampler. Tulelake suba
-landing 12. Kirkpatrick. Urbarh 2.
R. Weiser 19 T 14 LUkev
Riddle 9 F 4 1. Kandra
faithful 9 C 11 Duncan
Brown II G 14 Del'e
Sanderville 4 G Knox
Bc.itty subs Copperfleld. K. Welscr
10. Merrill subs C. Kandra It. Father
Ingham t. Gibson, Ratllllf, L. Kandra
5. Sowell 2.
LDS (111 (Sll KRNO)
Whlsler T a Johnson
Terry 10 F 24 Dnw
Mills 2 C 13 Lavton
Doshler 10 G 11 3. Ramaev
Lynch 8 G 4 Sevruk
LDS subs-riwomeomery naumirs.
Schev. Catmull. Keno subs Bunch 3.
D. Ramsey 3. K. Ramsey 9. Zaroalnskt
SPRArll'E (30) (68) JAYHAWKS
Snell 4 F 20 Homer ,-
Hamilton 2 F 18 Patterson
WeiJer 3 C 10 Dawea
Dufy 4 - . G . :. 9 Banta
Hutchinson 8 G . Brvant
Sprague ubs Malone. Lugo 7. Jav
hawks subs Reaves. GUchrUt I, Brown.
Kim. ...
College Basketball .
By The Associated Prtaa
FAB WEST ' ''.
Seattle 85 Whltworth 80 - -
Arizona 67 Arizona-. state inag
staff 1 55
Vanport 83 Eastern Oregon Educa
- tion 71-
Camp Roberts (Calif) 81 San Fran
cisco state 7a
Illinois 84 Purdue 57
Iowa State 78 Nebraska 72
Oklahoma City 61 Drake 4T
Kentucky 83 Vanderbilt 51
South Carolina 67 Georgia Tech 53
Tennessee 6 Georgia 63
Western Kentucky 82 Tampa 77
Furman 80 VMI 76
Texas 43 Oklahoma 39
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