TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1052 HERALD AN'D NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKGON PAGE SEVEN (lolni Nnulli-Mrn. Helen Nk'h olauii. niiiiiiiuei' of 1 liti tf leitl will leave UiIh weekend (or Lin AnilMea lo iillriid n miiniifirr'a lilpellnK. Mrs. Nlrliulaon linn IcuhcU homo hero Hi Mi Lcltoy, Mnlln VUllnm Mr. unci Mra Charles IlninlHon, Miilln,-wrr In Kluiiinih rnlln yeatenlav lo nlleiid thit dinner,, dunes u( IhO Blirlne Uruin Cinpn. Krno rromenailrra Bpnimurlnii Mnrch of Rimes dance nt Krnu Omiiinmltv Hull tomorrow, 0 p.m. to mldnlKht. All cnllrrs mid nqunre dancorn Invited. MiilMiiiriiU--Kmll (). Iliirrfo Jr. 17, llMil Kunit, wnn unn ol llnee men who inlinK'il Ima wrck llirouiili the lucul Nnvy rrcrulUnR o lice. 'J lie- otlifi'H Hiv nii'linnl A. 'Irrrv Jr., Ill, mid Chnrlm II. lluiii lllcin. 18, boll) ol Tulelnke. 'lliry mo now In Hnn Dlrno. . Clilnl'i TnataPrcd Urownlnu. Mifl C'knriM I'ntlv Ofllei-r In Ihn local recruiting otllce ot the U.B. Nnvy, l In I'ortlnnd lodny (Twv dnyi taking Nuvy CPO Chief limy otllinr rxnmlinilloii" which ere Riven In nil-Navy competition. Open Houw-l'riiMids of Mr, and Mm. Krrd llet-lilel ar Invited lo iin open houne liom 5-in p.m.. Jnn, .30 at tne Klr.it Methodbt Church fPmlor. Manure Ilnnrri will hold lt weekly wninip dnnce nl the loclif tonight t 8. Otto l'Jllln will cp.ll. Midland Orange -Old time dnwe Martini nt 9 p.m., Kel). 3. nt the Orange Hall, J'uhllc In Invited, i:plarr Seoul.-i'oM I t? In (o meet nt 4he Klrit Pre nliytrrtan Church (ornorrow. 1:30 p.m. . Ilrthtiny Circle-NJeetn nt the First Pveabyterlan Church for n luncheon mecllmt 'lliurnday, I p.m. Mri. Tony firllrlll Admitted to Hillside Hoapltal Mondnv mornlii Jor major aurnery. Visitors al lowed. liter JlurrpAa Members of the Parent Avxiclallnn nt Pruireon Hclinol, anonrn of Fun-Nile 'Jnn report thnt tlir affair w a In a nuccenn. flnnnclgtlly nnd In at tendance. The rniiimMtsa exorcise ppreolnllon to all who alated In making; the njtrly aupceaatul. In Town-Mr. and Mr. Jniueg; Crimes and rhlldrrn are In KIhiiv ath FaU while the wall eo'ilpm'nt 1 at their ranch at Olene Is belnu 1 irpntrcd. Vl.llor Mm, Chcaler BtonA cypher. Tulelake, wan a Klnmuth Falls vlfltor, Monday. Dled-Word hn been received 1 here ol the death early this month III tilt-Veteran' Ho)Hnl, Portland, I of Kenneth Danktcr, lather of Rob- i en Di'.nl: ler. former art instructor I here in KUIIS. Mr. llanlnier lived In RoicburK lor many yenrn and vn.i mrtiazer of the Montgomery i Ward h,nr there; Ho was. a vel-' . xrnn oi..WfilklWu I. .ju ,v- j , - -z . TV. iT .V Trnvi-llnr--MrM. B B. fllomaulv.L KUI!S laeulty member will ko 10 I'ortlnnd thl weekend to nerve on the llnul panel (a ludne stale nil- nunl cho nsllo art nwnrdn. Next week ahe' will ro to Kuaetie to I f peiik at the Nortliweifern pramti Conlerencc. ? - . i ' . v Mel Tlio Drnnui Oroirp of tiw Klnmuth Mimical Arts Council will lUuflrftttil ilrti tu CnniulH NM nttsa. CSwt whni dltc opilHtl t(r ctt drftlha intl ciber ptviacAiioM tubjfcl lo ohaot wiibovi betic. Own the newest of the new for '52 1952 STUDEBER COMMANDER V-8 Styled with the swept-back grace of a new-type jet plane! Brilliant 120 h.p. performance without premium fuel! ' Advanced V-8 engine saves gallon after gallon of gas! Sludebaker Aulomolle Prive or Overdrive available In all models at extra cott ' Mcculloch motors Klamath & 8th niei 'Ihurr.dny, II p,m, In the VMCA lor Iry-ouln lor a two act mynlery and comedy "A Hijiemn In the Dark," which will he pre sented Iree to rlilldren of the Klninath Ua.iln nomellme In March. Vlltlu-Mri, PJII.iilicth ftiiin. by, llluh ft., is li'iivlnu today for an extended vhll with n Muter-In-law, Mm. S. E. Mnrlln, Oak- tatiu. In Inlnndn Word hnn been re. celved here thnt Loren Pnlineiton I'irlved In Mnnlla, Jnn. ID, aboard a Phlllnplne Air Line plnne lor u tour of the Philippine Inlands. lu Service Cpl. Kdwln C. Fel-in. 10, nun of Mr. and Mm, Karl I'elnn, Chllomiln, ncrvlnu an n i lerk-tvplnt with the IHth Tunk linltnllon. Fort Brnuif, Calif., Is now iindrruolnR IralnliiK with an advanced armored tactical unit at Camp Irwin, lie enlisted March 10, iuw nere. Many birds lly non-nton over thotiennds ol miles of open ocean n their nUKrntioim. No one yet knows how they navlitnte. 23 ecM Ayo- Monday, January 21, 192f Shooting ogoml a coM, biting north wind, trop-thootr r of the Klomoth Gun club hold their first ihool of tho 1929 tooton. Everett Hordonbrook won the trophy, for clou A ihooting. G, W. Houiton captured the closi B trophy, Elmer BoUigr ,oolt owoy the trophy for clou C ond Chorlei Moore won the hondicop trophy. Tuetday, January 29, 1 929 Severe cult ond bruncs of the vcalp were mvtoined Sundoy by Chorlcs Seovcy, Oiiiitont r cm dent manager of the Telephone company, a$ o rciult of a fait while tkitng behind hn reiidence on 215 Rogeri St. Mr. Scovey is recovering ot hit home. 1 Wednesday, January 30, 1929 Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Schoupp ' will leave today for o month's vacation In California. Mr. Schaupp is city attorney. Mrs. Schaupp Is secretary to the Klom oth county Health unit. During her absence Miss Zelda Govcr t will act as secretary. Thurtday, January 31, J29 O. 0, Motlhewj, George Tugnot ond O. A. Smith, In o bu sines transection yesterday, sold their 160 acre ranch ta Archie O. Roberts, a farmer, in the Dairy country, Mrs. W. f. Jlnnelte of Mabn was a shopping visitor in fhlt city Saturday. Mis Vole Llndvey will leave today io return lo her home tn California. She is the daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. I. Llrtdtey. Friday. February 1, 1929 With the building in shope for plas tering ond with the reaf end of the structure completed, Lorcnz Plumbing Compony is beginning to move Into its new home on the corner of Sixth ond Brood St.., G. C. Lorcn, president of the compony, so id, today. -Howard R. Perrln, architect, designed the building. Saturday, February 2, 1929 Miii Lila Moo, nieco of Mr. and Mn. H. N, Moc, entertained with o delightful evening of danc ing at the Moe residence on Wovhington St. Those enioying the evening were: Mr. ond Mrs. P. A Albertson, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Abbott, Miss Marie McMillon and A. S. Rosenboum. "Insur. With Landry" i-. LIABILITY V. T. Johnson John A. McColl . O. L. Thomas AUTO , ' PROPERTY, 419 Moin Street Phone 2-2526 n I a Top gas Britain To Cut Imports LONDON IIH The Rcmnprvatlve f civf i lilnont dei lnred luendiiy Ili lt aln inuxt nlanh her Imports hy an other 150 million pounds, or 420 million dollars, a year to help head olf national bankruptcy. The cut, which comes on top ol another of 'iM million pounds or dered two months iiko, was an nounced lu tho Houne ol Coiiiiiioiih bv chancellor ol tho Exchequer It. A. Butler. The government Called on the niltlJh peoplo lor u mipicmn el. fori to step up production and ex port earuliiKs. Duller nitld Britain's economic pllllht is so xravc It threatens the stand of the Iree world again.', t Communist uKKrcnilon. , TltAI.N AT JIOMK HAN FIIANCIHCO Wl 'Hie San KriinclM'O Healn In Hie Pacific Connt l.euuiie will do their spring train Inic at, their homo park In 'b'i. It will be the firm time since World War II ended thnt the Benin will tram at home. 'Hie icntca will be cloied to the publ'c mid then nrac tlcen will be held each morning, Intrii-nqund guinea In the alter-noonn. ; FIRE Paul O, Landry ...and In lh lowest price field ,'52 STUDEBAKER i CHAMPION : f"i saver of the top 4 Phone 4149 M NEW RAYON YARDAGE Prints ond Plain Colors Cropes Shantungs - Sheers 2 PRICE Street Floor LADIES DRESS GLOVES Suede - Leather Kid V2 PRICE Street Floor NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES SPECIAL J PURCHASE! CHENILLE BEDSPREADS 1 I New Decorator Shades of I I Green, Gold, Red, Rote I V 595 J Downitain M CLEARANCE ARTIST MODEL FOUNDATIONS 1 I Not all sizes. Detachable I I . bras, wonderful saving. I V 50 I V650 J Second Floor W STAMPED M AND HEMSTITCHED I PILLOW CASES! I Bueilld - Pequot in ' I White . Reo. to 2.49 I A 6 I . Street Floor Discontinued BRAS M Pink -Black -White 1 I Nylon, Cotton, Satin I Values to 2.50 , I v soy Second Floor o o o an ITEMS e NEW PRICES ALL FINEST CLOSEOUT MEM'S HATS LT Reg. 8.00 -fc Famous Makes ... All Finest Fur Felt in All Sizes, Colors. GROUP MEM'S SLACKS V2 PRICE We're Cleaning Up . . . And Here You Will Get Really Outstanding Savings. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 49 Whites - Fancies in Famous Make. Reg. Priced at 3.9S MENS SHOP LADIES QUILTED ROBES Barbizon, Finest Quality Satin Quilts. Sizes 12 to 18. Regular 16.95 SECOND FLOOR 95 CHILDRENS FINAL CLEARANCE GIRL'S ALL WOOL SWEATERS Cardigan Slipovers in Dark Shades - Sizes 3 to 8 Reg. 3.98 ' Reg. 4.98 198 A98 AND I . BOY'S SHIRTS Flannel . Cowboy Styles Broadcloth Values to 2.98 188 SECOND YOUR EXCLUSIVE ii 88 Reg. 10.00 MEN'S LINED JACKETS 7 88 Tackle Twill, Quilted Linings With Mouton Collar - S-M-L. STREET FLOOR BARBIZON NYLON SLIPS Lace Trim. Reg. to 6.95 3 95 BRUSHED RAYON ROBES Assorted Colors - Sizes 1 0 to 1 8. Beautiful styles. Reg. 10.95 695 SECOND FLOOR ONE GROUP DRESSES WINTER COATS AND JACKETS Broken Sizes - Odd Lots 1 h PRICE FLOOR DEPARTMENT STORE' QUALITY FINAL CLEARANCE . Velour and Felt MILLINERY CHOICE SELECTION )oo yioo Cm AND H Second Floor ONE GROUP LAMP SHADES Table lamp sizes - Hand sewn silk Washable Bring your lamp for size V2 PRICE Downstairs CREPE BACK SATIN Navy - Wine . Steel Blut Brown. 39 inch heavy quality '2 PRICE Street Floor ALL SALES MUST BE FINAL 51 Gauge W 15 Denier ' FULL FASHIONED I HOSIERY 1 A c 1 Street Floor W New Low Price! BLANKETSA I Your opportunity to buy I a fine blanket at a low ' I price. All colors. I V 7 J Downstoirsr COTTON-; Y houseX DRESSES I In Prints - Sizes to 52 I Values to 3.99 VI'9 Second Floor