PAGE SIX HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUESDAY, JANUARY 29. 11)52 US, Canada Trade Vital Information On Atom Methods Under New Rule By FFANK E. CARET WASHINGTON Wl The United Stated haa given some hitherto sec ret atomic Information to Canada and has received some In return unaer an arrangement declared 'beneficial" to the United States. Chairman Gordon Dean of the U.S. Atomic Enemy Commission, announcing this late Monday, did Snow Smashes Hangar Roof Siskiyou County Airport Coordin ator L. D. Nichols reported the center section of the roof of the hangar at Mott Airport collapsed Inst week under the heavy snow tall totally demolishing the Er coupe owned by C. F. Gower and Murl Stansbury of Mount Shasla. Other damage reported was that the Ercoupe owned by Ralph Rod lev of Dunsmulr hnd the right wing damaged; the Piper family cruiser of Ray Joyner of McCloud had a timber through the wind shield and the Timm belonging to Robert Radtke of Dunsmuir had several timbers and some debris on top of It. The hangar is owned by Joyner. Supervisor W. A. Barr dis patched one of the county snow plows to break a trail to the han ger, so that shoreing timbers could be placed to prevent further damage. not disclose the nature of the In formation given by either country. He said only that "It's classified secret" and "within an area" of atomic development. But there are grounds for spec ulation that the United Slates may be getting new details on Canada s unique 'Tteavy water" atomic re actor a device which conceivably could be the mrfdel for explosives producing reactors now in prospect at the projected American H- bomb plant. American atomic experts have publicly rated the Canndian device as the "most advanced" in design and performance among all known reactors. And. while the Canadians say their present reactor can not make Plutonium an A-bomb explosive Canadians have claimed that Plu tonium can be produced at a faster rate from a given amount of uran ium in a reactor of the "heavy I water" type than it can be pro duced in reactors employing gra iphite in conjunction with the ; uranium. i American reactors for producing : Plutonium employ graphite instead of "neavy water. Any atomic reactor which pro duces Plutonium can also produce "tritium", one of the possible in gredients for the proposed Ameri can hydrogen bomb. Dean told a news conference that the new 'interchange" of atomic information with Canada was made possible only by the recent passage of an amendment to the American Atomic Energy Control Act. Sulky Cat Locks Self In Room CHICAGO (,r( Charcoal, a black rat, brought bad luck to the Charles R. Wenslrom family but It was the cat which was supposed to get punished. Mrs. Wenstrani decided Charcoal was playing too friskily with her othercal. Jackie, so she put her in the bathroom and closed the door. That was Sunday night. About midnight Mrs. Wenslrom went to let Charcoal out. Ths door was locked. She roused her hus band. He tried for an hour to open the door. It didn't do anv good, but Wenslrom yelled to Charcoal to unset the latch. The fire de partment refused to help. Mrs. Wenstrom finally called the Animal Welfare League Reiuge and Allen Glisch, a humane officer, ar rived. Glisch borrowed a ladder from a neighbor and climbed lo the second floor window. Inside was Charcoal sitting in the bath tub. . Glisch handed the cat to Mrs, Wenstrom. "It looks," he said, "like an In side Job." British Get More Funds From U S. WASHINGTON Dollar . short Britain Is; being given an emer gency 300 mlllon dollar slice of Mutual Security funds lo prevent a threatened cutback of lis defense effort. Tile grant was announced Mon day nliiht by Mutual Security Di rector W. Aveicll Hiirriman, who said that without it Britain would be forced to reduce, lis contribu tion to the Western arms buildup by twice as much. SET PCL AFIRE SAN FRANCISCO, Jim Riv era, newly acquired outfielder tor the St. Louis Browns, was a one man gang in the Pacific Coast League last season. He led the loop in batting with a .352 mark, ten I points higher than his nearest rival. Rivera, who played for the Seattle Raniers. also was ton man In runs scored with 135. hits with 231, dou- bles-40 and total bases-363. .WOMEN'S 2 FOR t SALE Now In Progress Model Shoe Store T, i - m- iimiirv win gp ipru uJ in July 1 lo buy "niw mnirrltils anil vviiiiuimni.i wim'ii iiHvn io un ltlrl tV.1. 1.. -J 11 tt-1. - I ( i ivn in iiuiiui n i un mii v-jinnt's Will bf midi htruftK In lh Unit. cd Stairs. Foj (h purpose President Tni "t'l'iuiril H 111)1 1IHU IIIIIIIHiy n Id hinds which oUierwiM mtitht n! with unca ior nrms una uii llllf. .ii.rt 4.. Il.l- jMuft was nrccssnvy because Con- s'pm innae no sprciiu provision (l.f ftlrl U..I1.. I.. . ..... ,u u, mull III HlfJ IICW ,- 328.IHW.Q7a arms aid legislation, al- uKii uuuiui icing an cuicruc-ncy triiiinier. . The .rHn ...,,.. I.. II..... ...... week niter Prime Minister Churc hill tluvlll'n.l fV,!,,.,,,.,, 'T l.n.. ....a ' - V, v,".r, liottr mil come here to ask you for money." ni-iiiiiuy, iiaiTimau aiM-ioseo. lift- UliMllI inn, t,it Biialaliii.M , i.. proRress before Churchill sailed for Him n e Except for an assist of some 40 million dollars lnsi mouth, the aid was the first extended Iho British since itrllnlii voluntarily waived further Marshall Plan help more I hail n yenr'nno. That was when thliiRS were looking ui and Dili ten dollar reserves were rlsliiR. A (IAIN KAVOHIl) NEW HAVEN Mi-Yale URnlll Is the choice to lake the KuMeni Inlercollpsiato Swimming League (Hie. 'Ilie B:ll mermen have won the Utile five stratum years and 10 of the last 11. In lie opening meet of the season, Yale trimmed Penu, 47-37. Suicide Refuses To Pay Span Toll HUNTINGTON, W. V. I An unidentified man, who refused to pay a flvo-cent hrldite toll, appar ently Jumped to his death Inlo the swollen Ohio Itlver, Awl Ratney, a toll taker on the IluiltlnKton-Cherapeake, O., span, raid I In man, about 40 lo 45 years old, declined to pay Ills nlekal (V walklnn natonh the biklue lowaiTl Chesapouke, ' tlamey culled after the man several times, Imratenintf to call the police. When two Himllniilon pntroiinen, respondltlR in the toll taker's full, fliitminnhod lha man unite Hie mid. die of lha undue, he rllmbed over Ihe railing and Jumped, 1 . MIRRORS ft " i V .'a" 'a Home! Wi-no-iiia COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Our new and sanitary kitchen and meal coolors are open for public inspection at any time , . . See for yourself how your food is prepared and handled! Southern Oroqon'i Finest SALE! HARMONICAS """" German Modo Chromatic Harmonicas $C65 At Little Ai w Standard 10 Hole HARMONICAS QQc Values up to $2.40 NOW W 0 OCARINAS Key of 'C Reg. 1.00, now 89c key of 'C Reg. 75c now 49c Derby's Music Co. 120 No. 7th Ph. 4519 SO MANY LITTLE CHILDHOOD ILLS STRIKE AT NIGHT! Tfett'i why to many modern mothers kt St. Joseph AspHa Foi Childtea htedy, reedy lor emergeaeiea. Its pure oraace flavor nukea it pleasant to tah. And there's so steed to break or cut tablets each is 4 adult dose. Doctor approved I Buy St Joseph Aspirin For rhildrrn toAr tat nur ehtld- 50 tablets 39c. 'm TOTS TO TEENS MONTH - END CLEARANCE ON ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE SKIRTS Regular 1.95 Skirts in Cotton Prints. A Special Buy To Sell At-i- ROBES and HOUSECOATS Cotton . Crepe Chenille - Corduroy and Flannel For Boys and Girls 199 to BLOUSES New Shipment of Beautiful Plaid and Colors in Cotton and Rayon V9 HOUSESLIPPERS DRESSES Boys and Girls Houseslippers, i Felt - Leather and Fuzzy 991" Cotton and Rayon Dresses Sizese 1 to Subteen 14 in Plaids and Solid Colors SUBTEEN DRESSES Parry Dresses and Cottons For The Pre-Teens. Formerly Priced to 14.98. NOW 599 C99 RUBBER BOOTS Goloshes and Boots. In Red and White. Sizes 6 to 8'z Formerly 3,98. CLOSING OUT AT 49 T-SHIRTS New Shipment of Beautiful New Sanforized Flannel. Plaid T-Shirts. GIRLS COATS All Wool With Inner Lining Sizes 3 to Subteen 14 6"o16" wMm m Vy w SHOES Odds and Ends In Discontinued Style's for Boys and Girls. Formerly 5.98. 99,99 PLASTIC BIBS and APRONS For Boys and Girls . , 19eand49' ANKLETS 5 Nylon Reinforced 100 BOYS COATS Solid Color and . Checked With Caps to Match. . SMALL SIZES 2 Wed. thru Sat. Only! S0..T0M0RR0W at HARRY HAFTER'S II Hill " II 1 U U Lb mmm r mn mmnn n n Carpets and Rugs Now Within Reach of Any Home! Buy! Save Plenty V loot 9x15 v it 12x12 Wed. thru Sot. Only! 9x18 88 Wed. thru Sot. Only! a. 12x18 Wed. thru Sot. Only! ax mxrji 6 r 12x24 Wed. thru . Sot. Only! ' CARPET REMNANTS Vi Price! .1 ,Jn niJ-J J TERMS FjQ To Suit You! I.