Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 29, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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Entered u second class matter at the post office of Klamath Falls, Ore.
oa August 30. 106, under act of congress, March 4, 1879
The Associated Press Is entitle exclusive) to the uso foj publication
I all the local news printed In this newspaper a well as all AP news.
Mall 6 months 16.50 By Mail year U.O0
Will Harry Truman run for re
nomination? Like that other ftunous blurb writ
er, all I know is what 'I read In
the papers, and here Is what It
"Go back to 1940 and you will
tee that whet'MrvTTuinan' does
now parallels what Mr. Roosevelt
was doing that time. Mr. Roose
velt was beinc mysterious as to
his own Intentions, but leaving the
impression that he would not run.
He was prftUhjr Malklnit 'horses in
th. state primaries, just as has
Mr. Truman in having Senator
Humphrey enter the Minnesota pri
mary. "Wheu any Democrats announced
a serious bona, tide candidacy the
weieht of Ihe'' Administration was
thrown against them. That hap
pened to the then Vice President
Garner, James Farley and former
Senator wheeler. When anotner
candidate threatened even against
Administration opposition, ms in
come tax was investigated.
! "So the Democratic convention
'opened and.ffhere were no candi-
dates with an? organised backing.
' That conversion of 190 In its heart
td!d not wanUa thirf" term Pres
. ident but the deleg were help
less to do anything but renominate
' Mr. Roosevelt.
' fit, mj be that all of these ac
tions taken together give a mislead
ing indication of what President
Truman Intends to do.
"However, when one sees a fowl
which waddles when It walks, but
swims gracefully and gives out a
Suacking call, one is justified In
linking he has seen a duck."
That was the Wall Street Jour
nal. It makes sense.
Go back another 20 years and
you find another possible parallel.
In 1920 Governor Lowden of Ill
inois and Gen. Leonard Wood of
New York were the leading con
tenders for the Republican nomi
nation. Their drives were stalemat-
ed, anqjjyarren naming was com-
In th past wo Americans have
berated the French rather severe
ly whenever one of their Cabinets
has fallen. But apparently all this
display of temper on our part is
ef no good 'i ,
The French are '.determined ..to
upset their government from time
to time whether we like it or not.
To us it always seems bitter
Irony that amid a continuing world
crtstthe French should see fit to
knock-out of office- a creditable
crew bfe leaders on some utterly
flimsy and secondary domestic pre
text. Yet to the French this Is all
quite plausible.-
So let us here and now resign
ourselves fo the Inescapable fact
that French, governments are going
to eontintje.' topple from time
to time, like as not at the most
inopportune moments from the
standpoint, of ,-international stability-
' SgW.i.. -r'.'.-; .
This" j Willi; be srj Because the
French seemingly do. not have the
capacity to regard . with complete
aeriousrjesa their role in the preser
vation !of a, free world.
Oh, theu-i'-fears'N)rV..llU6sia have
been reat enough.'!' But- somehow
they hav; behaved . as it savmg
France front a third . world war
was the job of everybody but the
French. Seasoned observers who
have looked at the -country recent
ly declare that the French simply
aren t measuring up to tneir re
sponsibilities in the defensive align
ment against communism.
It isn't that they lack resources,
though they, like the rest ol Eu
rope, suffer some material short
ages. What they lack is the atti
tude of mind that will impel real
- They are not doing more because
they are not interested in doing
The French are Interested In
good 'living, In nurturing their
deep-rooted culture, in fondling the
tbjects in the museum that rep
resents tneir past.
They surely bemoan the geo
. graphic fate that twice has made
their country a stomping ground
of war. understandably, they would
use to avoid imnning aoout an
other. America they see as a brash,
well-meaning juvenile, ill-equipped
for civilized, living out au to cap.
sble of plunging the -world ' into
further horrible conflict.
They are Irritated by our raw
energy and are hard to convince
that much good can come of it.
In their fashion, the French.
therefore.' Vmanagd to -''Insulate
themselves v ie? certain degree
lrtrnrl(ch lturbina outside cur-
reAU&gh$:to . pursue their, own
RloW-gafkd ' life-i.wttn ' eyes cast
!' C" ' r -
' says
I Ho recommend
Ayd to any woman
Who haa problem with
ber flffure."
Simply eat Ihlti delicious Vitamin and
Mineral Caady callad AYDS, before
nralt as directed. A YDS checks your ap-
pwiwaiawB -a-? sea-TT-
,! Ti Set ,
la.pa.'a in an ai'i nam irr'-' ' i - :- - -
Puh you automatically eat less lorn
weight naturally. Absolutely safe con
tain no reducing druga. Money refunded
if you don't Ion weight with first box.
Canarou supply $2.98.
808 Main St.
Managing Editor
I mated.
Tills was brought up bv Robert
iRuhl in the Medlord Mail-Tribuue.
He can take it from here: '
! "So IP history DOES repeat it
,sell. the cemal and personable Gov
ernor of California, may well be the
"For like Harding he would have
outstanding strength in a pivotal
state only California instead of
"Also like Harding, he would an
swer the piciorial demands of a
presidential candidate he would
LOOK the part and with TV
l promising to be a vital factor in
the approaching campaign, this as
i set will be far more important than
most people now realize.
"No. S: Governor Warren would
'satis, y the liberal group without
(seriously alienating the conserva
tives. For while he is considerably
to the loft of the Tall isolationists,
the is almost as much to the right
of the Republican insurgents. In
'other words he would represent a
fairly satisfactory middle-of-the-I
road compromise, as did Warren
'G. Harding.
I "Unlike Harding. Governor War
;ren could not be 'managed'. His"
imposing facade is more than a
i false 'front'. He is an experienced
executive and administrator, with
Definite convictions, courage and
integrity. In fact, in the judgement
of this department, he would make
a good, if not a great President.
"And if. as seems likely now.
Taft and Eisenhower do kill each
other off don't sell the chief-executive
of cur neighboring slate, short.
"He might be the first Republi
can occupant of the White House in
20 years. We said 'MIGHT.' "
Now, having produced a paste-pot
column, we'll remark on the weath
er on our own account. . '
The snow fleas are out. That Is
a sign of an early spring. j .
In such a setting, it is not too
difficult for over-inteliectuairzea,
hair-spiitting statesmen to convince
themselves mat n is penecuy. sen
sible to overthrow a good French
government when stability . Is a
crying need of the free world. .... ,
Against such a backdrop,, tod. It
can be understood why the French
can tell themselves that their heel
dragging on defense represents
wise sacir.g, while our pressure
for greater effort constitutes the
emotional ranting of undisciplined
All m all, we have to admit that
the French are doing a pretty good
job ot living a quiet 19th Century
Hie In this hectic 20th Century. But
one can't help wondering how long
they'll get away with it.
Fire Sweeps
Douk Church
NELSON. B. C. I A fire
started with gasoline-soaked sacks
Monday night destroyed an Ortho
dox uouanoDor community nau at
Brilliant, B. C. - ' - -:
Brilliant Is 26 miles west of Nel
son in British Columbia's soUtHern
interior, where B. C.'s Doukobor
population is centered.
The fire in the frame, one-story
building was first- spotted, by. rail-,
way men working in nearby yards.
The gasoline-soaked sacks were
found by persons at the scene of
the blaze.
Royal Canadian Mounted police
were investigating the fire, first
suspected work of Sons ot Freedom
terrorists since late summer.
ville Power Administration would
change its name to the Columbia
Power Administration under a bill
Introduced Monday by Sen. Mag
nuson D-Wash.
Another bill by Magnuson would
authorize the Maritime Administra
tion to decorate American mer
chant seamen for outstanding or
heroic service. .,
The radio telephone links ' the
United States with 88 other coun
tries. - - , ; ,
Grafter Turns
Geo. N. Taylor
- Mr. -Goody Good gave his tenth
to the Lord and thanked God he
was not like other men nor like
that despised grafter over there.
But the grafter could only cry
"God be merciful, to me a sinner."
' ' - And, said Jesus.
the grafter went
his way Justified,
rather than the
other. Luke 18:
ma ? Yl "too7?'
The grafter
d Justified,
y any good
thing he had
done, but by Ood's
mercy. Webster's
defines Justified
as "To stand Just
on the ground of
faith." You have
faith I- rn'
- --.-. ... www n
c. ... ir pledge that out of
love for you, God gave Christ to
die for you. In God's sight you
stand cleared by Christ taking your
sins and dying for vou. Takinir
clearance with God, know that aft
er Christ had died for you He
came from the grave to Indwell
you with new life and such cheeri
peace and hope as this world can
never give.
A Hllisboro, Drive family sends
this line to say what price GoJ
They'll Do It Every
"When I was a boy about 12.
years old." writes P. W. D.. "two
of my young frjends became vic
tims of St. Vitus , Dance. . Both
were cured, and are healthy busi
ness men today. . .
'"Now I find that someone, dear
to roe has what in my op.uion lb
the same thing. The fingers on
both hands are constantly in mo-j
tion. like a fist being clenched and I
unclenched. At meal time she'-
drops her knife or fork; also she
drops a great many
WKsnma uieiu.
"While sitting down, one loot or.
tiw other seems lo De maKing ,
. Lv
some movemeiii. n ; w,
lmpossioie icir ner 10 su sun our-
ici uuiB uuiuo.
years old.'
Itr- n KA
his powers of observation, but his
diagnosis is considerably in doubt,
fVhenI ms brer ';Wr2n r . I 3
. -. m''yii , Mmmmgm
Cr .8)rlyr FRONT OF 7WC-
partly because of the age ol the i But now i-ixe many anoiner top planning of shows, .said Robinson,
patient. i brass tiguie in the industry loduyi"But so tar the industry has mush-
St. Vitus Dance, or Sydenham's ' Robinson -WiH fall on your neck it roomed so fast we haven't had
chorea, is much more common you suggest , a fresh new program j un)0 t0 catch our breath,
during youth, and there are other idea or he'll shower you with "Every time vou make a dccl
disorders of the nerves whicB money, if It's crass wealth you pre- si0n now It's a pioneering move
umilft hovo in ho ctMniio1t? unit ' f or dK . '. . 1 I .. Im! t.nn.w il,.il,.
sldered in a person as old s
even mouga me. aescription aoes (
ft m itvoltu Ti'nll -u,lth Ct: 7i(iie .
uance. , ,.
But. to discuss St, Vitus Dance,
as Mr. D. asks me to do: In mild
Chorea the general health Is good. I
the muscles twitch onlv slightly
and the speech and mental tunc-1
lions are not disturbed.
Children with mUd chorea may
merely show an abnormal u mount
of fatigue, but emotional disturb
ances, such as' easy crying, and
nightmares? are often present..
t" When the hands are field straight
out in front with the fingers
spread, the Jerky irregular move
ments of -the muscles 1 charac
teristic and can be recognized
easily by the experienced physi
cian. In severe chorea the jerky move
ments ot muscles are worse, and
the victim may not even be able
to feed or undress himselt or her
self without assistance.
The worst type of chorea Is the
maniacal form which is, fortun
ately, very rare. Here, in addition
to the muscular movements, there
are severe mental symptoms which
may last lor weeks. - -,
A family tendency to chorea
seems to exist. Especially bright
children who belong to nervous j
families should be kept from,
straining their mental powers too'
early and too much.
.' Treatment Includes diet and long
Margaret Songster . is
the writer of "My True
Story," heard over KFLW
and ABC Mondoy through
Friday at 10:30 a.m. Sha's
the one who .collects these
true stories and purs them
into radio form. If yau
want to know how' she
finds her true stories, read
her article in the February
issue of Radio-TV Mirror.
This- is a special ABC is
sue ana conrains a waairn -, .
of pictures and facts about most ef the ABC programs you hear
regularly. Instead of waiting till "Dial Log" runs a picture of. your
favorite radio star, get this magaiine and sea, all of'them ;. '. ' '!
Edward Arnold, Storyteller, tells his .own true love' story,, which
led ta his recent marriage. There's an article by David and Ricky '
Nelson entitled "Bringing up Our Parents." Ted Mock, Bert Porki,
Don McNeill have all written stories of their programs. It's all in -
the special ABC issue of Radio-TV Mirror for February, now on
"Should Congress Be Televised" is the question to be argued on
"America's Town Meeting" tonight fiom 9;00 to 9:45. Afljrmotiva
speoker will be Rep. Jacob K. Javils, (R) of N.Y. Serf. Wallace F.
Bennett (R) Ufcoh, will be the negotlve speaker. .
Gen. Alfred M. Graunthar, Chief ef Staff far Gen. Dwlght
D. Eisenhower at SHAPE, will bs questioned by members of tht
UN Correspondents Assn. about the relationship of NATO and
SHAPE, to the United Nations on ABC's "United or Net" to ba
heard tonight at 8:30.
A special 15-minute progrom featuring the Solvation Army Band '
will be hoard tomorrow night at 10:15, On behalf of the S.A.'j 1952
appeal. The 30-piece bond will be under the direction of Col. William
Slater, and there'll be a brief message about the work of the Sol--.
vation Army by Donald AcMillon, Territorial Commander.
No comments on the potato forum. Will leave that to the
.reporters. That It, the forum of last night that was broadcast,
Could make plenty of comments on the staff versions of said
farum which have bean held In studio, control roam, coffaa room,
' or wherever ena could be touched off., There's only ona staff mem
ber with any semblance of a tuber background -guess who and '
approximately t others hava gleefully bean en the opposite side.
And fun's been had by all. . " '
1 I SM .. s awaT mi, t ST M U t Jt M T JM 1 1 , ml
'bed rest, similar to that which is
?IVCi..fli1!!r-lLn,CVw!'lh JJi?
possibilities o( treaiincnt w'lth cot-
ttsone or AcriM are unacr unes-
dishes while U-lelon set owner knos fthat 1
wrong with video. .
. .
They, don I nave enough gooa;luln out jn a Wcek what they do in
aoa. .
. .
yupiy enousn. uns iuwicuhe is:
wiccy snarea oy television execu-,
The"level of entertainment must
raised."' said Hubbeh Robinson,
U h,cuw4 m.-cu1J Unkh-li Dnhinuin '
'boss of Columbia s TV network i
I' riewidea. pour In here almost
oy me. iruotioau. ne saia uuie-1
CulK- VHrl fliaro icn'l a omvl inn
m..a carimm, mm u s me o:u siury
I Uie bcsf-'-ldeas come .from the
iproK nat 3he amateurs."
Robinsoft: a slender, quiet, dark- j
haired man of few illusions and
many problems, sbuddered at the
memory ot some "Weird idea mer
chants who besicfe his door and
trv to wavlav hint in- elevators.
'- "There-Vas a fellow who wanted
to pur on a program featuring the
antics of vaockroiches and other
hohoKAaKS.t toe recalled, 'animoroeiit- , the flisaprJearance of a
I'm flooded with mind readers and
hypnotists. '
"One mpther of a cliess cham
pion was sure her son could drive
Arthur Godfrey out ot business.
Other suggestions range from bal
let, to.bridfe.
"I had a terrible time convinc
ing one man that four people play
ing bridge Just isn't a show."
The trouble, as Robinson sees
it, Is this-.
"In television the technical fa
cilities have outstripped the crea-
'Raeeeufallr Treated
' Cxelatfrs Method
nt' N. Uh '-V'"' : Phsn. .
"-1 irhwopraitiro kfarslcia
Margaret Sanjster, Writer ;
By Jimmy Hatlo
tiv st-nu Tin. mhiifp nf rrrui iv 1
people must be Improved and Im- 1040-a. Tney'rc the under-SS.000 in-, Ihe inedlcul bill which Is mort
proved. We must develop better come people who had all or most than llvo per cent ol Income,
writers, better directors, better ol the lax wlUiliold Ircm Uiem In I I'rolll on aule ol a lioine-Aii in
producers ' 1951 .' , ; dividual who sells his residence
"It we don't, television won't con- The und.r4A.000 people who can't l"'.,'' "belorc 5?W.(Cr
Unite to hold the people as It docs; use Form 1040-A will use Form 1040 ,Si0 wllfpav no tax on liny
8 "a pcrformeraire'wx In the table on the bucki or as
okB.. B... . .... ' lnorfi long lorm ifi.urlng their own
and crcale new mlc, w, de.
pend too muoli on slurs who made i
jiheir dune in other mediums, suih
as the radio, the theater and the ,
movies." .
! The drain on television tulcnf Is
alrcauy enormous. i
" ."Our network puts on 70 program
hours u week." said Robinson,
rou"lv 1U1" 10 motion
pictures more than the amuiHl ouu
jput , , maJor sudl0 We
, . malor film sinriln We
a viv'
Th;, tremendous pressure takes
Us loll m ncrvous breakdowns
among producers who get to hvlnc
0n diets: of aspirin and collee. pep
capsules and sleeping pills.
i.. ..i,,
"The answer partially lies In a
'longer period ol preparation and
right or. wrong." ,.
Robinson believes television Is
I i
.r-;'e o-u. i,. w
anyone, that ts. with fresh Ideas,
trlgger-qulck mfnd. and the phys-
!icl,i endurance of a buffalo.
-But I think television will be
the bluest f.rtnr In Amrle.n ll.i,e " nom your neareai coi:
ing if the creative minds In
It UVe
up to the challenge. The public 1
eager and thirsty for real enter-
tolnmnt-..Th hl thin Is In rnme
... .ik ii "
Pdv,.L n,..i.,i .
.Robinson then mentioned a
new curtain oougni tor me rrnnK
...iU ... L , .....
'Oh. we'll probably find it," he
said cheerfully. "But it cost 3.500
and now It's lost somewhere."
That's television! People so busy
they mislay a $3,500 curtain.
Hie Difference
In Style.. JnPerformance...In Jfaluef
i :
Smartest CAR on the road brimming
with get-up-and-gp the brilliant
Packard for '92 is today's (op motor
ing value and bitter in 70 ways!
f) Only Packard gfve you Ultra
malic the automatic drive that outper
forms all others under all conditions!
Only -Packard has Easamatic Power
Brakes for quicker, safer stops. All-
Lgy StillinVuy
WUU MU Htm mttm. It ff IteWi .
(3113 COD
- KniTOJl'8! - Thla l . ha
nl a1 aerie rvnlalnliitf1 now In make
out your 'Income las return for
MM- . ft '- ...
' WAS1IINGTON (fl ! Hlhllghla
on your; Income tax return, In
cluding ohaiigcs mado In the law
by Cougroas Wt year.
Usual. i unchanged ' points to. re
member .
Who ' must flln Mltlnltjht or
March IS In the deadline tor lilluit
a return ' on your 1U3I tucoma,
Who must file? Kveiyono who had
SdOO or more income Inst year.
Everyone num. woman, child,
married or single Who had that
much Income In lttol must Ills a
return, even Ihouith ho owes no
(ax. If he lines owo any he inu.il
pay It In full with his return.
Income under StlOO is tax-free.
So no return has to be 1 1 led on It.
Uul somo people with less than
SfcOO Income in IUM hud tax with
held. They should file a return to
get a remind. It's tho only way they
get It.
Forma lor filing The fornix lor
muktiiK tile return lire tho lutine
us lust year: Form 1IH0-A, a mimic
yellow sheet; and Form 10-10, u
tour-page return.
Most people, because most fit
ii,,, ir I'luin.r ii nni u's tii
eiLsii-M. in use. "will Use Form
e,u'" " .....u .. ...v..
People with $3,000 or more 111-
conic hae no choice. They must;
uso Form 1040 as a long Innii. .
ngurlng their own lux, which Isn't j
Ilusoi.nds and wives husbands
(Wives can still split their in-
.wine by tiling a Joint leuiiii. oven
I though one ol them had no Income
! order to get a lowcftux
, F.xeiuptions-Evcryono tiling a
return gets
a SHOO exemption lor
hmiscll puis W0 for h' ;''"!
. . '. , ... .
V V. i ., im ,.
. .' ":
"uw u n?'S V , cla n
y "n .h" hu?u"n1.d'. he,,c'L i"
'E?'" "i, se,,r.ieiv
her own return separately she
Claims nar own ouu exemption,
Ano-you gel the usual 600 ex- , f , ,BVOr , , rull.
Social 8ecur.iy-TM. year lor the ,'The Emergen" Board Te'com
first time sclt-eniployed people bo- ,nonde(1 lv as icenl hourly pay
!-..... vu..,j, - -
I ' ncy eve , r . ,
tin 1050.
., , , .i,.v haven't mm
t h n. i,V .i
!"!' S, , n 0 !B fyJS."
?' ,or.n ' cal'ed P'
j ,. , nnA l,,.n.. Tilt, K,.lr... I., a .. 11.
Vmv V, o , The self em
Jfc" fceunur U x oi, the
P,u cu Ol tuurne, in ouaiuon to
me regular income lax.
There's a new rule lor those who,
Ump0yed by othcrs. had Soclol Se-
curlty lax, withheld from their pay
clieck. The tix n the emoloyer V '
,,, per cent on the first 3.000 ol
'"come, or a maximum of it a
i yen,..
i" the past If too much Social
security tax was withheld from
your pavcheck because, perhaps,
I you worked for more than ona em-
steel bodies are cushioned at all 18
mounting points. -
f) look at on mora car. If you are
going to spend $2 500 for a car, then
invest one hour in seeing, how few
dollars more it takes toown a Packard.
Packard costs less to buy than you may
think and the record over the years
proves that it costs less to own.
Packard UKromalU excels
all other automatic drives in :
performance, safety, economy
and dependability.
ww New laiamatlc Pewar
rakes give faster, surer stops
require 40 lets foot pres
sure, 29 less time to apply!
603 So. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Ore.
ployer you could get a relund
only by filing a claim lor it,
Now, It It happened to you In
luoi, you cim credit it auainsl your
Income tax uu Form lutu . A or
form lrvto without filing a sprcliil
rliiim. You'll see the place to do
this on tho form.
Dependents. While no one with
less limn lt)0 Income hits lo lllo a
return, until now no one with more
than liWO Income could be claimed
as a dependent.
Under the new law tlie $500 fig
ure Is eliminated and anyone Willi
lest than MOO Income, who Ills the
oUicr I'cnulremruui, can bo claimed
as a dependent, . '
Medical expenses Until now no
one could deduct (or medical ex
liensoa unless they exceeded live
per cent of his income. And then
lie could deduct for only that part
which ixceeded live per cent. This
rule hus been changed a bit.
Now a taxpayer if he or his
wile Is 115 or older cun deduct the
entire amount ol his medical ex
penses lor Iho care of both. For
er.umple: A miui Is 6.1 and his wile
ib. She had the expense.
But such a taxpayer ciin'l do
this If one ul his dependants hud
the medical expense.
rue inw niiirrwiso remains uu
changed lor taxuiiyers undrr on
I Tl'.cv can deduct only that purl of
., ii, M i i.. j res.
jftp' ccelve, more
J .. ., ', . ', ,nr ...
Railers Veto
Wage Deal
WASHINGTON Ml 'file two
year wuge nispute involving the
tied Tuesday alter rejection by the
iiu tuduti nivi n-ivvu,
''Brotherhood ol Firemen ol an
Emergency Board's recommended
Ipav hikes.
' n
Tlie terms substantially what
carriers had ollrred had been
I "l down earlier by the Engl-
'nrrrs and Conductors Union. The
i ,,.. h.ri .M, h,.rH met...
inike lor road services employes, a
38 cent boost for yard workers and
n lollr ccih uuuiiioimi nnuuy nunc
'when tho 40-hour week Is eilcctcd.
WASHINGTON l The Defense
- ucnaruneni nesoay loenmiea in
casualties In Ko- i
rea In a new list No. 1881 that re-;
ported 23 killed. 7B wounded, throe I
mLtsIng and 10 Injured. It alsoi
listed eight dead who were pre
viously reported missing In action. I
LUIrd, In.rtlr.. UnlLt.tf ftn
Or.r.ta.-C.Mnl.r band, ma
Slark.. lMvr.tm.nl Fund.
H.'-llrn F1M. rkn- I 1-3ltl
In Cars For52 Is
w w Packard builds araat an
glneil Packard's Thunderbolt
Engine, the highest-compression
eight, has up to 25 -fewer
working parts than
engines of comparable power!
w Pockard's safaty-glass
area of 3.0-(6 V4 square inches
permits all-around vision,
Shortage Of
Teachers Seen
iBPOKANK I Tho Northwest'
Icilohnr Mipply Is expected to bn
drastically short for the next !
ynnrs, delegate ui tending a two.
guy regional conlrreiice hero upon,
sored by the National Commission
on Triu'her Edurntlon and Profes
sional Standards, .wore told Mem
day, - ,
Fdurators blamed leiirher short
a Mrs on swollen enrollments and
military ami delenttt production de
iniinds. ' '
T.'M. Stlnnnlt,. pxocullve aecie.
titl'V of Uio commission, Ucl, "dr.
Ii'iii.p produollon iirrnounet lie
iniinds will come from two major
sources: 'The nuol of presently un
employed womrii In th United
Stale and the pool ol Inadequately
l'iil tcuchara,'
' wiuie tnera win on, oi course,
no dlroct ellort to cause a flow of
teachers to theso Jobs, the present
nlnwnesa ol adjustment of teach
ers' saliiilvi to the continually ris
ing pile Index will create pre
surra which thmiMiiiils ol qualified
trachera will llud dllllcult to re
sist." Chairman of Die conference Is
Miss Mni'lha Bhull of Portland,
Seven Die In
Auto Crash ,
KINGMAN, Ks. tfi An aiilft
mobile smashed Into a bridge abut
ment and tumbled 'into a drrn
laluuuh Monday, carrylin seven per
. Only olio nooiip.int escaped. Bet-
,v Thomil. n. crawlrd through
I broken window and lloaled to the
. Dend were Mrs. Ida May Thom
as. Dotly's mother, and lour of her
children, and Mrs. Connie Mae An
derton and her year-old daughter,
Carol Lynn.
Drily said a lire blew out lust be
(nro the automobile hit a bridge on
VJj. Highway M noor Klnoniaii.
llolh lamlllen lived in Wlchiu, Kan.
More Culture -
And Less Dancing
il'oiha's governor, himself part In-
dlsn, oiled upon Oklahoma Indi
ans to stress Indian civlllxaUon
and culture at their expositions In
trad of continually having "pow
wows of the storm dance variety."
Gov. Johnston Murray told a del
cgiittoti Irom Anadarko, Okla:
"We've got more lo oiler than
Ju.' l plain lenthrrn and wild danc
ing." Murray Is part Chickasaw
The delegation hud conlorred
with him about a program lo make
janadnrkn the Indian capital of the
United States.
To Every
Creod and Purie
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nsnections. "Built like a
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