Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 29, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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Nation's Atomic Energy
Program Expanded; New
Weapons To Be Expedited
WABIIINUTON W Tim nation's
vnni plant for tlm projected hydro
lion bomb will ciml more thun twice
Kn much lift orluliiiillv entlinalcd.
the Atomic Rnmgy Commuiftlon re
ported Tuonday,
C'hnlrmiin Uordon Dean of (he
Korea War
Quiet; Sun
Warms Front
SEOUL, Korea l American
and Communist Jet battle In M1CI
Alley Tuesday aa aklea cleared ov
rr North Korea. One Red MIO
wa damaged.
Twenty two F-80 fliibre Jet tan
tiled briefly with about 60 MIO"
from J0.OU0 feel down ', to . 20,000
lent, ' -
A brlKht nun wurined' 111 now.
r covered Imltlrlroiit. Hut only pa
trol ncllon waa reported.
1,1. James E. Arnold of Walla
Wolla. Wunli.. rcorted the dam
nurd MIO. There wna-no report of
Allied loMt. "
Allied warplanes- flew 679 aort
ie bv fl p.m., the Tilth Air Porte
leported. They ripped up Red rail
line In 97 placea.
Monday hlKhl Allied fluhtcra mid
lUiht bomber roared over North
Xorea and atnilcd Pearly 000 Com.
munlnl vehicle. Pilot reported dr.
Mrucllon of more than 80. B-29
Superior! attacked the rail brldife
at Blnunlu In Norlltwest Korea.
The heuvlcat ground uotton Mon
day wu In the rttRiird -mountain
of EaMern Korea, Kcd Infantry
men attacked, two Allied ponltlona.
but were driven back by artillery.
U.N. troops, counted ifJ-Comipunlut
dead. , . Jt- ' .
Hie North Korean radKi at
FvoiMcytimi atd "iwq Allied planes
were shot down and U.N. de
alroyer waa datnaxed on the wel
roa.tt Monday. There waa no con-
llrmaltun from Allied aources.
Business To
Visit Schools
. Klamath Haaln bualneaa and pro
feiwlomil men are slated to go back
to school Feb. U. They'll be re
paying a visit. '
Last Auguat, the Klamath Cham
ber ot Commerce Invited all Coun
ty school teachers to vlMt various
business houses. Scores of the In
structors toured several planta and
atorc.i here.
. Now the business men are going
to visit the school'. They will be-
.. ho.wn , modern' edBcntloii jncihoda
i ana racuuics. ( n i
- Houra for the lours are 11 u rn.
to 2 p.m. Business men wishing
to make a school visit are to noti
fy the Chamber of the particular
school they wish to visit.
A Chamber bulletin outlining the
visitation nys: "It will be day
well spent In getting acquainted
with your school system: the syt
tern that ' Is your greatest nlnirt
financial Investment and the one
with which America Is bulldiiij Its
AEO declared at a news confer
ence the probable cost has been
'upper considerably ' from a boo
million dollar "guesstimate" of a
year and a half ago to 1 !4 billion
dollars at present,
Dean aald the estimates were re
vised because It Is apparent now
that "reactors" will coat more than
had been expected.
Reactors re devices for making
atomlo explosives, ,
The AEO had announced that the
reactors at the South Carolina It
bomb plant were to be of "ad
vanced" design. Dean said Tues
day "the design Is still not com
pleted on some of them."
The new estimate was contained
In the A EC's aeml-annual report
to Congress.
The Commission described "In
tense uctlvlty" In the nasi six
months throughout the entire atom
lo enterprise Including an "ex
panding atomlo weapons pro
gram." It told of:
1. Full blast operation of all Its
exlstlnir plants Including those for
making atomic explosives.
1. Progress on now construction
entalllnx i nor cent of thi nation's
total building expenditures and em
ploying nearly 2 ner cent of the
country's total construction force.
a. "uominued " Increase In the
output of fissionable materials al
a lower cost than ever.
4. "Substantial" and "sltrnlflrnnt
advances" in weapons research
and development.
5. Increased domesllo production
oi uranium ores insnts to expand'
ed exploration, onenlnir nf new nro.
duclng areas, and Incentive bonus
es for uranium producers who col'
loctea more than 1230,000 In such
priies" last year,
a. Research findings with radio
active isotopes that may lead to
improved methods of farming "and
lowered costs ol food and fibre pro
7. Further agricultural research
Indicating that atomic "rays."
while providing no stimulus to
plants, may aid in breeding new
varieties oi crops, and also aid In
the fight against certain crop di
Reds Protest
Mid East Unit
LONDON 11 Ilusala, protest.
Ing for the second time In two
months against formation of a
Middle Kast Defense Command,
charged Monday night It Is a
Western attempt at "encircle
ment" of the Soviet Union und her
Communist Allies.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Andrei A. Clromyko summoned re
presentatives of the United States.
Britain, France and Turkey the
four nations sponsoring the Middle
Kant proposal to the Foreign Of
fice In Moscow at half hour Inter
Mils and handed them Identical
As broadcast by Moscow Radio,
the notes were similar to those
Russia acnt the aame lour powers
on Nov. 24, charging the Middle
East Command was an aggressive
Replying on Dec. 18, the Western
powers and Turkey aald the Com
mand was being organized lo pro
tect the Independence and freedom
of countries in that area and was
Firemen Find
12 Bodies In
Frozen Ruin
MINNEAPOLIS ll'l Using axes
to break apart the Ice-caked debris.
firemen tuesaay recovered VI
Flyers Offer
Local Protest
(Continued from page 1)
Otherwise, last nlgTit'a Council
meeting was routine. It lusted Just
46 minutes. ' i
Police Judge Bob Elder reported
that city officials of Brookings
were here yesterday and showed
an Interest In buying (he Ironwork
ol the old tall In City Hall ba.se-
bodlcs from the ruins of the three-1 ment. No price was set.
story business-apartment house Three firms bid on trash pumps
ra7.ed by fire at the cdKe of the for the Street Department, with
Minneapolis loop Monday. thef Klamath Machinery Company
Fire Chief Reynold Malmqulat 1 being the apparent low bidder,
said his men expected to find the ills price for the type of pump
bodies of live others, missing andiwantcd was $1,215.19 per unit,
presumed dead In the tangled I J. W. Kerns bid $M5 for one
wreckage of bricks and wood. pump or $3,005 for a double unit.
Braving 15-bclow-zero temnera. West-Hitchcock bid $1,295 for one
lures, firemen worked throughout $2.600 for two
the night In the glare oi the blaz
ing battery of floodlights.
A wrecking crane with its swing
ing bucket worked seven hours
toppling the flrc-guttcd walls be
fore Malmqulst would allow fire
men to search the ruins.
The first bodies taken out were
enure y a regional oppose "'ance ,hose o( boy Bbout 8 glr, j
...... . -i3. The little girl, lounu on the
steel springs ol a crio, clutched a
"The lulsity of the explanation
Is obvious," said Moscow's new
note. It charged the Middle Enst
Command was not a voluntary
association "but has been Imposed
on the Middle East countries."
Natural Gas
WASHINGTON oV Applications
of four companies lo tap Canadian
natural gas for Pacific Northwest
consumers will come before the
Federal Power Commission at a
hearing here April 8.
Companies Involved are the
Norlhwost Natural Gas Co., New
York City; Paclllc Northwest Pipe
line Corp., Houston, Tex.; West
coast Transmission Co.. Inc., Wil
mington, T)cl.; and Glacier Gas
Co. Butte, Mont.
Pacific Northwest Pipeline has
Legion Confab
Set July 28
Onenlnir day of the Oregon Amer
ican Legion convention to be held
doll so larce firemen first thought here next summer nas oeen set
they had found two bodies. !'or Ju V
When It was an-
those of a woman and boy about -nvnJon w,m. l.'Li.
still pending.
Today, an Associated Press dis
patch from Portland said State Le-
pcals. listed as missing six adult. B, T.o., h ... .h h?i
?wo . teen-ager, and nine young " 'J?
inounced several weeks ago that the
12. None was Identified mimed
The American Red Cross, after
icpeutcd newspaper and radio ap
At a Low Price
120 No. 7th
The hid. were referred lo the I 'Ill! aeShlon w adjourned until ordinances, drawn in rocodlllcallun
Street Committee tne I Thursday night when a number of I of the city's statutes, will be read.
Building permits Issued totaled
$2,600. with one of $2,000 going to
Parker Pontiac for a remodeling
Ad4 hfinty, an4 aMtln
tr plvour frnm yur hm
with ft fin rirluri wlndaw
which la riaiiilMeftlly Iniu).
ft lid ainlnM hM tn4 e(
ReiftrdtitM f localUn . ,
ooniult ua, Th naal . mv
ha lata Ihftn yii think. ' '
scheduled two other conventions to
Ail we're occupants of third Hoor P.e the. Legion session The
i".u.",D J.L2!! to convene July 25. ond
west of the downtown business j ly ""1 El,?,h.1.' ',he ." branch
Two Die In
Highway Crash
is to meet July 26 and 27.
Charley Hahn, Klamath Falls
post commander, says the three
events should draw some 2,000 visi
tors to the city.
O. D. Matthews has been named
general convention chairman. His
headquarters will be in Memorial
Hall. Chairmen of the many com
mittees necessary to the conven
tion are to be named Feb. 5.
House OK's
McGrath Probe
Judlcls.y Committee Tuesday or-
dered an Investigation of the ad
ministration of the Justice Depart
ment and the office of Attorney
General J. Howard McGrath.
The investigation will be made
by seven members of - the com
mittee, lour Democrats and- three
Republicans, to be designated by
Chairman Celler. iD-N.Y.i.
It was ordered by a vote mem
bers would not disclose. Repub
licans had urged that the Inquiry
be ordered, as a lollowup to dis
closures of government tax scan,
dais.- "" x
President Truman hM deslgnat
(d McGrath himself to direct a
cleanup drive against .corruption
in government.
The resolution adopted by the
committee requires no further ac
tion by the House. It stipulates
that the Investigation be "nonpp
litlcal" and be confined to "credi
ble" testimony, not to mere sus
picion. On the ocean bottoms are more
than 400.000 miles of International
communication cables.
SPOKANE I An automobile
crashed Into the rear of a 15-ton
f nowplow near here early Tuesday
and two Air Force men In the 'car
the most ambitious proposal a j were killed Instantly. The plow
$174,180,602 project linking Texas idrlver. escaped Injury,
gas reserve areas and Alberta gas State Patrolman Joe Bcdnrd said
fields by maans of a 2.175-mlle I the victims were 1st. Lt. John S.
pipeline system. It would serve Potter, 26. ol Des Moines. Ia.. and
areas in utan. lasno. wasnington B-sgt. uonaia r.. iownswics.2j.oi several Important Hems are nn
and Orcgonrand Vancouver. B. C. j Story City. .Ia. Both were stationed !lhr,Mnoa Iot tommr
Northwest would construct a 645 at Faircl.lld Air Force Base. Pot-: ?ZlriZnZ T
mile pipeline system casting 92 iter was a pilot. ! ..,,. tt, ,,,
minion aouars to serve idano. oraaru m .e . . H f ,h p.liran Caf(,. B Jn
Washington. Oregon, and British I dIow. driven by Jake Richardson, m
Columbia. 152. of Cheney, was traveling about r'n' , ,h.' nrini,! itm ..
Glacier Oas Dronoses a 626 mile 10 miles an hour and was off to . ty.. .,.,.. ,
5t"l.it''Il,or''. K1 'mP?rtd ld.e. "J'1. V,''ia?'iu2l'n"'ns. Last year's activities In
j j ." , .r . """" "'"""K. Vi 'his field are to be reviewed and
Merchants To
Hold Meeting
Several Important Hems are
the agenda for tomorrow evenini
annual Merchants Association din
'ner meetlne. The event is sched-
Idaho and Washington.
Westcoast Transmission
Ikane. The airmen's car was head-
build a 615 mile $25,690,000 system.
An affiliated company would han
dle the, transportation to the U.S.
ooraer irom tne Aioerta xieias.
Carroll Freed In
PO Holdup Case
PORTLAND Wi Walter R. Car
roll of Reno, who Monday was
frocd of a charge of breaking Into
a postofftce 'fit Umatilla. Ore., still
must face other, charges, -
John R. Broolqe.. deputy TJ S. at
torney. did not say what the charg
es were.
Cnrroll, ST, earlier was accused
of breaking"; Into Uie postofflce lost
November . when $20,000 disap
peared while en route from Port
land to the Inland Empire Bank at
ed toward Falrchlld In the r'y scheduled'
morniiiR UHI
The two rear driving axels on
the plow were sheared off by the
this year's promotions outlined and
Mother Of :1 ,
Actress Jailed
Mrs. Virginia Jean Garner, mother
of Movie Actress Peggy -Ann Onr
ner, was sentenced to. tt one to five
year term. at Tehachapl Women's
Prison Monday for passing bad
Mrs. Garner, 40, was arrested
by Burllngamc polloe- who esti
mated she had netted more than
$1,500 from bad checks..
Superior Judge Edmund Scott re
fused a plea that Mrs. Garner be
released for psychiatric treatment.
I r in? ' DOORS
Faces Action
WASHINGTON 'tl ' - A House
ways ind - means sulwommlttec
Tuesday jstarted contempt proceed
ings against Henry W. Grunewald
and his attorney, William Power
The action came after Maloney
was forcibly removed Irom a com
mittee hcarinir and Grunewald.
Umatilla. Another $20,000 shipment sometimes called "The Dutchman"
disappeared-in May. Ithen. refused to answer h single
aucstion put bv the House tax scan-
In World -War II. Army and Air dal Investigators.
Force total casualties amounted to Malonev was ousted for shouting
9 percent ot a total mobilization ; recreated objections to the subcom
I of 10.400.000. I mittce's efforts to make Grune-
Also on the agenda are election
ol officers and setting up ot store
nours ana nouaays.
Principal activities of the Assort'
atlon last year were the Spring
Opening, Basin Roundup Dressup.
scnoot opening and Christmas pro
Roy Murphy, . Hardy's Men's
Store manager, is the retiring nres
Ident. Frank Drew, co-oncrator ol
the Gun Store, is chairman of to
morrow evening a annual event.
wald give answers.
The investigators wanted to find
out what, if anything, Grunewald
knew about a purported $500,000
tax shakedown attempt against Chi
cago Lawyer Abraham Teitelbaum.
A limited number of graduates
of the U.S. Naval Academv may
be commissioned as second lieuten
ants in the U.S. Marine Corps.
Chicago is the crossroads of the
nation's railroads.
oniy im mm
For your be$t girl or for yourself. Lui- QiSSK2"S ;
trous pink pearls, the perfect Spring Vrfj&CrA Jr
accessory, make the perfect Valentine. V: , l&nSfrsfFi ' f?B '
gift. And what a buy at our amazing jLJjajyLjwCi sjV7
special purchase price. jH& fPjLjA
- - AT
Now at this sensational all-time low pric,e - the same superb
super-smooth quality - the same all-perfect full fashioned con
struction. Yes, this proven hose, La Pointe's own, favorite of
Klamath Basin women, at this wonderful new, low price. Stock
up now . . . Get all you want . . . the savings are yours.
BOX OF 3 PAIR 3.00