TUESDAY. JANUARY 20, 1932 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 4 GINIRAL NOTICIS JO RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI 42 LIVESTOCK 4 POULTRY 85 AUTOMOTIVI r LUPE SOTO . ANNOUNCES TO HER FRIENDS, SHE WILL BE WITH ,'. ? BELLES BEAUTY SALON AS OF JANUARY 31 ' " ROOM 214 4 GiNIRAL NOTICt fit 'Tot " llU'i i(7,vl M fta I iwr Kaia. I.li, In iinlar. Marlitna 110 tto. 11th. I'linna xvonliijra O'inu. . ToWTiiKMr "Wirn fi'mar u oi.n lo tht public, Thurfday 3'ilO 10 fl:JO fur Ira. allarhm.nl Innlrurtinm. niNHlR rwlNO CrNTr.lt an mm I'rwna i mi PIUSONALS ' Phnna n:M4 krAnvr;r7'fTKlUvtplml hot io iiivTcis Septic I anks Cleaned Nrwant Sanitary Method! A lo ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clejm timer Lints at Roots, tto ED r. KINO 24:14 Orc-harrl Prion M4I CABINET WORK Kemwlellnc In your home. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. CONDREY in.ll Fremont Plionr 4M0 EXCAVATING Mobil Htiovel and Trencti Hot Bulldojer Pill Dirt lopaotl Crtubid Rork Driveway Clndeii Compreaaor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 6M1 or 9110 children clothing. Jennie Hirt, rJesnw lrM Anita', Kit Main. (iCAfiti furniture topi aruTiVlve mad In ordsr. Kimball's Glass tthup, Phone 7.T7B. hfcvVlfcVi aniTVl'itrauo I'hon 3-ox.n. For appointment phone 3-0231, Harvey Hiphm. , . . VuLl.f Arurlitt lKnB IWQ4 or Mi'f it nR;K LAY llTfCTi'fi our lira piece draw? If not fill t)4fl. brirffTWUlT"firtpfiet nd rtpsirr Main K.wl. Pa INY1N6" and" psperhan'ging.'" Phone 711 TmiFp'S "Alifb painting.' body and ftn (ir worn inon wxg V Cr.CT HiT" w 1 ft I fco work by hour or iftntracl. Phone 3-IQlo. fcWrnfrsssmYking and alterations. Phona 7l. . . t : 0 hi A IN ft . Uundt-ed and stretched J L Kan Publle Aernuniant and Auditor Office at Wt No. 7th Phono tijg I I A NO f tlNlfcJWM. H. MORGAN 1'ariory trained trhnlrl.n and lunar, r op tuning rail K la Morgan Piano, inn Main of plmn 2-0300, 12 fOUCAriONAl ttuoKKKKl'lNfi. tWthand typing kin drecl ublecti. offtr machinal KLAMATH BUttlNCKtt COLUEtlB 7rn Pina .hon 47u CtUtb" tknt and adu cation. Pre hool tiilir Phona 4379. u " "hialth MA'SJ.X?;rraVrrlia. walghllirtingTPhv. iotliarap fur reducing, ralaaimn, body building. Ralai for aaria Ap nolntmant, phona 3M3tUO0, Madlcal Maua, woman only, 14 Har'WANTtP, "MALI Vi'oIiilFtN'to rara for rVii)Hrf ii ahdlTgni hounaviork. Phona 4:i0i. 14 HELP WANTED MALE 1 Xl F: R f 1. S f if aaTvIfo t laiiagcr. one Qiiallflad to liparvta staff ol arrvtrt fiaraonncl, operating aervlr department nr all !p of houpehuld apphancta. V. rlla nar Ol, Hrld and ftiw. W'"lN"fJ foe axiMTianrcd ' hardwaia man, with well-eilabllihad firm, ana ca ahla of managing a larga hardware department. Guaranteed rtlary and i-tmrnlninn. Clva age, experlenrr. ate. If Qualified you will b run lac led roi a personal Interview. Wrlta Box 4AU. Herald and New. WAf?TCb tiaed car ma in Una net man. h.uil have own tool and ptaea aver age mechanical ability. Prefer married man. and muat be iteady. Job paya i -n-ithiy salary. Ctiva rerarencci. Bo 473 Herald and Newa. Vl SITUATIONS WANTED anrprl ' mtchanic and ranrh hand. Phona 3ia. EXPrnhuKfr- wom'.ri hookkraprr familiar wllh parnll anit g.naral nt In work. Wrila llarald f.'ew,. Box No. i llHTn t.Altr. Phnni- 70.H. MnVTiffiWu. Phone iial v A si nN'dridTSinSi.'TPhon"-T5f KT tlAnY BITTIWI. Phona 2-OA72. Wl'LL car for chTiitren in my noma laa or your homa avanlnaa. Call I iQiirt wurkTWiom 1KC 22 ROOMS fOR RENT l.l&TlT houfekflanliia room, fliriiahli. for nanaloner, al. month. JB Main, Phont Pohruary 4lh. nnnm ralci, raaervatlnna availablt now. Men only. 300 North imin. t'nona 7au4. aAA, hameii ro-nn for renl. WI7 1 Hi r I'liOMH for r.nl. rlrT.m7XnnK7- POUMS, prlrea reaionabtfl. Phona 4027. LOVELY rooma (or rent .-7. wa.k. Co., in. Phona 4191. IIUUM8 10:14 lligli 24 APARTm"NT FOR RENT CLOSE in. two room fiiniQTeil apart menl with (aratr. s:u.30 per month Phone B4.1S or 37flfi. ion flFNT. three room lumlahed pinmcni. inquire znn.v, F.berlrln rOR HKNT, - lurnfahed apartnioST Voil nfNt, large four room apart Incut and garage. Sr. at 04.1 front. KOn Ilfe'NT. 'nicely lurnUhed three rnnm .n.rin.n, in lr. washer, elertrle rnnie,' oil hrnler, electric hoi wal.r lank. Clo.e In. North aide. Phona 4M:i. JWO room furnlithed d'uplex. Ifwo tiv, ituiiii. I'nnne . i w. "urnMneci apartment, a.t.l. noon 'a'"", watar a I no lurnlahed. Cabin 123 VEAN ,hrce """" apartment. 43a No, Mllh. l.AItOK, finTnliFier iwoToom SparP menl. J47.O0, amatter Iwo-room unit, J 'Ji fr aeralora, All utlllllra included m'l" , ""in1"1"" apartment, hoi Hani,.'h"r"'"-' '- c lenatle. steam heal, electric ranaa ainweek tten Arm. Apartment. .?.'r,mI,n'S,N'r',. .,hr" . 'r0,n '"rara Phone MOB, W,r h", KiiTTjrN'T. Mouerii " liiinlahed apait ment. Plenty naturnl heal. ".irii. ni-is. 207 K. Main 24 HOUSES FOR-RENT- fi!.n. "F?" " fiirTiiihed n J.hhnil! Av ' ,n couple. Rent Si?..? i'.Lh- "afaraneaa. Bofue Dale, 133 nouth Dth. fotm Tt'6"6M unfumlahed duplex: utlC liy and hath, Automallo henl. 7jo u.n Pbone 9-oin7. KNr, Ihrca roomKirnlahed du- iU V., ' " " ,,,,,n iiirnianen dll piax. Clean, nice aire triomt. rlosa in. AduH,eHrJUjhel.Phono 4201. Bn. bedroom furniahed KouiTlor rain. Thona 0773. , DREW BLDG. PHONE 5277 2 HOUSES FOR RINT tlhlKK romn ntctly furuikhed culiaicf, vary i-ory, vluw, no garaga, auluniatlc haat. (iplandld for bualnau toupla. tloa in.Phoii(4:ifi. MOIJKKN onaniadroimt fiouaa. lhono t )-f 'l WtrTiniriliini-Timiia, partfy (urhliihfd Phnna n:in:i ur 4;itiu avaniiigk. (XKAN inodarii fiirnl.hil una badrorfin hoilta, CJaa a(illppai, llovrr, garngr. Tu raporuitle conpli' only, Phona 7'HIH flili jV.N'i r"Tr ia ruOin uiiiiiinUrwti limua Phona SIB4 Vt-.iiC alimtllv naw thrr ro"-ti houta for rant to working rnupla. rlraplaca, a'a-lr'" hru 1 n 47. 1W( BcirKn iirifiVrnUhaVr"h''iua A"u loMiatla ga fitrnaca and waiar naaitr. (Jaraga. ain. Phnna J:ri7. Tt n i 11 iix'l ki'tV 1 1 Viii ir rruir ii"rtu nTcx. i'.x- rtpl for atovaa. M. Call Mill twfor fVifl llpJvir"f.n Icair hV' IwoT-7 room furnlihad hr.nra in bit wart ln- nnw atlililiin Larva Int. haarmant, l-arn. rh't-kati ("" , tic. Call W. J. ra-lar. phnna 2-07nl Mllt1tiftNT"Two""btdritom duttlrx. fur niahtil. rlna In In-mlra 70 N'orlh lt.h. MMISLUnIOUS " F0RJIINT DLKHIVk ' u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourarlf Bave '1 New Trucka For Long Trips Plrkuna Btaku Vana REACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 Tim(:fc"7ic iuritnTGinTliittt i'hon 77()ll. m orriCB let rnl. 033 Slni Phona iini a Oil titfl'V tTt'mr aaridtra tilal lyia nulprranl Suburban t.umbar Co. Uth ani1Walniil Phnni770 CAn STonAVii! - iifATHli. nar wtali or month. Karl Lamb, phona 4o"73 or 77O0 30 REAL ESfirl f6 SALI For The Traveler A cozy little cottaje on wheels. 1 loot Malnllner house trailer equipped wllh excellent llxturea In cludlngrleclrle refrlxerator. Butane atove, lota of bullt-lns. Nent and clean Inalde and out. With two food tlrea thla attractive little home U all act to traverae the hldhwavn and ll'a all youni for only 0M Reaaonable ternu. John Hobann Phone M04 Dale Orubb Phone 3M4 AL LONGE rirnl Estate and Insurance 111 So. 6th Phone S283 WE NEED LISTINGS ON GOOD SOUND HOMES. EITHER CITY OR 8UBURBAN. THAT WILL CARRY CONVENTIONAL FINANCING JntntM HcM-ltlne Ginyce Euton 6CC0 7137 Salrnnicii ftlth M. L. JOHNSON RFAL ESTATE in Main 61. Office Phone 6113 MILLS I.nrite two bedroom. UvIiir room, kitchen, brenkfaH nook. bath, util ity room. Oil floor furnace, fire pince. Inaulated. Nice lawn and ahruba, large alngle goraise. Price $12,500 terms. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL KSTATE 831 So. Sixth Phone 9185.. 5M4. or 1928 HOMES Tlirre bctlroom home with electric heal, 'j acre beat aoll, all fenced. Close to bus and schools. (5600. ' Two bedroom home. Close to school. $4,000, $500 down. INCOME PROPERTY Two partly furnished homes on one lot. Close In. Rent, Income $70. Belling price $5500. Store Rtilldlng and two bedroom home for snle or trade. BEARD AGENCY Realtors and Insurance 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4880. 4734 SAY POLKS we have that city ranch you've been looking for, consisting of two bedroom modern home, in sulated throughout wcalherstrlped. New paint Job, new roof, garage attached plus three acres good land. This la located on Bartlelt. Can Be bousht for $7500 or mnv be leased. No better ground than this. XXX ' Threo apartment hoiiso with base ment within three blocks of Main. snows $120 per month. Can be handled with $800 down plus $75 per month on balance of equity or $1800 down and assumed balance at $80 per month. Selllne nrlcj. $7600. This shown by appointment. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1305 NKW HOMES for aala. William " B. WILL, pay 2n,Kio for a home. MuM have four bedrooms and two bathrooms Write Herald and New,, Box 471. NORTHSIDE Two bedrooqi plinlTrert home. A-l coiintructlon. 12 yrnrn old, full ce ment baaement with extra aleeplmi coom or piny room. Automatic heat, lot 76x20, Iwn and Irult tree. Price H7(J0 tcrnin. Anne Mason Eves. 8714 Eddie Honley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 . nth Phone 7280 Veterans Attention Here la a real bargain for anyone eligible for State Veterans Loan. Very neat clean 1 bedroom home with modern bathroom on South Suburban , acre all fenced. Well built and conveniently arranged. I'avctl street pant the door. Owner leaving town f.o he has priced thla lovely home for IMMEDIATE BALE. When you aee It you'll agree that It's an exceptional bargain at $4,200.00. Any reasonable down pay ment and we will arrange the tcrma. DUPLEX FOR SALE Excellent location on paved street In MIL1J3 ADDITION. $120.00 monthly Income. Doth units feature aepnrale dining roms, hardwood floors, and automatic floor furn aces. One unit fully furnlihed. Nicely Inndacapped yard and two car garage. $12,000. Terms. 3 BEDROOM HOME In ELDORADO HEIGHTS. Will take any type loan. Neat and clean. Automatic heat and hardwood floors. Oarage and nice yard. Priced reasonably at $8500. Mills Addition Home A home In Mills Addition Is like money In the bank. And here Is a well constructed 5 room home fit for a King, Only a few months old. Ilullt for comfortable economical living. Separate dining room, lots of atornge and linen space, hard wood throughout and garage wllh work shop. Surrounded by attrac tive new homes and friendly neigh bors. Paved atreet. Priced for quick sale at $9500. Terms available. Al Longmlre Joe Perry Evea. 8724 Eves. 6332 BURTON E. GRAY Realtor Si Insurance 1037 Main Ph. 3685 or 3421 GOOD BUY Large three bedroom home. 1400 sq. foot living space. Separate din ing room, apuclous kitchen, contin uous foundation, large double car garage on 100x105 foot corner lot. Good terms. A real buy. Nevvhouse Real Estate 2060 So. Bill Ph. 9832-5742 Beautiful Suburban Bungalow Very attractive well built 2 bed room home. Insulated, weather stripped, storm windows, and good oil furnace. Mighty fine house for weather like this. Hardwood floors, large utility room, breakfast nook, good lawn, shrubs and garden space. In restricted neighborhood, and eligible for maximum FHA loan. This won't last long! Call us and see It NOWI Price $8500. 1 Acre On Keno Road This 2 bedroom r.ewly built home is offered fully furnished for $9000. You may have Immediate posses sion. Eligible for FHA loan. Buy now and be set to put In your garden as soon as this dad-blamCd snow melts. Good 3 Bedroom Home Completely re-flnlshed. decorated, and ready to move Into without touching a paint brush. This home Is very roomy, well laid out, Willi separate dining room, Inme break fast nook, full concrete basement, good forced air oil furnace. In quiet neighborhood. Price $12,000. $3000 3 Room Mansion If you want an Inexpensive but good 1 bedroom house, this Is it. location Is good 1507 Riverside. All the rooms are large and the Continuous cement foundation, good garage. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 5658 Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 8th St. Ph. 4504 or 5529 $500 DOWN ' One bedroom home off California AvAitiui mnelAiw4 ILrltm ynnn mA kitchen, ccrvlce porch, stall shower. msuinica ana wcatncrsirippca, on heater. Monthly payments like rent. Price $2250. We only have a few homes to sell. If you are nlnnnuao' tn Rf.llnhnnfi our office and let's talk It. over Anne Mason , . Eves. 6714 Eddie Hoslcy 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 8. 9th Phone 7266 FOlt ftALE, two bedroom 'modern houte In Tulelake. Inaulatad, Cleoria D. free man, 41 B, street, Tulelake. LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 1:30 P.M. Cattle, Hogs, Sheep. Livestock trucks for hire, one head or carload. KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, Inc. MIDLAND ROAD R. E. "Bob" Rhodes, Auctioneer 44 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL Up to 1500 on your auto On vour salary or furniture up to $300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty - $10. $25. $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer. $25 costs but 18 cents tor one week tto other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. US No. 10th St. M-354 DON McINTYRE. Mgr. 43 Years Friendly Service 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE INCOME" PROPERTY" ATTRACTIVE FIRE RESISTANT TILE BUILDING Located on busy thoroughfare. Consists of two store rentnls now leased also very com fortable two bedroom modern apart ment adjoining. Perfect setup for your own business or for Income as Is. $105 per month return. Go ing for $18,500. SUBURBAN Two bedroom home on '.- acre. Living and dining room, kitchen anl utility room, modem bn'.h, in sulated. On paved street, block to bus line. $5250 terms. . HOT SPRINGS BEAUTIFUL modernistic three bed room home In fine location. Llv Ing room with fireplace, large din ing room, handy kitchen with dish washer, wall to wall carpet, attrac tive tile bath. Attached garage. For further Information call: HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0327) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 HOMEDALE ROAD Attractive two bedroom home. Very nice living room with dinette, spa clous kitchen, tub and shower bath, lots of closet space, attached Ka raite. Approximately 13 acre. Con sider late model car for part down payment. MILLS ADDITION Two bedroom home with fireplace. Kitchen, living room and dinette, large garage, all fenced. You can really enjoy thla home on these long, cold evenings. NEAT & CLEAN Little home within walking dis tance of town. Stucco finish, liv ing room, kitchen, bedroom and bath. Large utl'v room. A good buy for only $4,000. REDUCED Tills lovely two bedroom home must be sold. Large kitchen with dinette, living room, bath and util ity porch. Electric heat, large ga rage, lawn with many shrubs. All fenced. Where ete can you get all this for $7250.? WANT TO SELL We have a large number of email tied buyers Interested in two or three bedroom homes. Any locality. If Interested In selling call us. Dale Orubb Phone 3544 John Hobson Phone 6804 with AL LONGE, Realtor Real Estate and Insurance 111 So. 8th Phone 8283 FOR SALF.. approximately ten acre wllh live room houe. Electricity and water In houie. A ateal at S30OO cash or S:i5O0 with reanonable term". Locat ed al AIoma acroia itreet irom old scnoot. wmoro p.V EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR nnn Klrknatrlck. Salesman 121 N stk Phona am J2BUILDING 4 REMODELING m vnninh .11 Vlnri, and thlcknesies. Sixth St. Phone 2-2.VI3, 34 FUEL HEATING Ashley Automatic Wood Heaters $52.50 fc $68.50 Both models now In stock. 24 hour heat from wood or presto-logs. Ashley Headquarters 74 No. Main P. O. Box 232 Ashland Phone 7231 or 2-7791 STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Ouarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 FOR SALE! Warm Morning Heating S At H ORF.r.N STAMPS alven on h..i. ina oils Phona 36BI or 2.B260 for prompt delivery. CLirr y ADEN'S SIGNAL hkrvici dow so Bin STANDARD HEATING OIL Stove, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co. 835 Market rnone oias. CLEAN economical trouble free heat oil stovee. PEYTON A CO EST" ptna blocks for sale. Open eve ntngi and week en da, Metier pros. PlilSTULOUS pickup or delivered. Cilff Yadena Stenal Servic. a6a Sa. 6th. Pbone 3681 or 3-8.160. LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-278 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES Litter registered. Call AMJKKSON Boarding Kenneli Phone Vtil MiHH DeUwa-e off Homedaie BOAIIOINU KENNELS Dog Doardmg by day. week or month KaiMttary kennels Well balanced . diet Clean individual o'jtdoor runs for eacr j dai Doge nandled durlig mating. Willi pick up and deliver Visitor Welcome i Phone 0070 Merrill tin Rt 2. Bo 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 'POULTRY WANTED CaKh paid for tny amount. Top market prlcca for good quality. For quotations PHONK 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS SIX nice dairy htifera, to Src&acn toon. by while-face bull. One HoUlein heifer and white-face calf. Hogs ready to hutrher. Call 8127 after 3 p.m. 5708 Avetnn St. PEGISTKRRO five year old Polled Hereford bull. Will be al live lock sale, Wednesday. Cox Brm. FOR SALE. Two work horses with harness. Cheap. Frank Micka. Malln. Oreiton. If in need of service age Holstein bull, see Benter Farms. Creswell, Oregon Bet of tpe and production. I am now booking orders for spring delivery of WhitelJ.ce. Angus, and dairy calves. L. M. Hooker, Rt. 1 Box Crei.ce nt City. Call. WANTED colored Ben Phone 4391 HIGHEST price paid for poultry, bogs and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET lakevlew Junction ' Phone AHTIKICIA'. BREEDING SERVICE Phrne 5721 M C. (Chuck Warren Rt 2 Bo S22 h UK SA I.E. Three months old white f.ced hr'fer. Will drink out of bucket. FHYEHS. pan-roady- Phone 2-1133. ioo NEW Hampshire pullets. Laying. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED STOKE - IAN ACER and wife would Hke furnished or partly furnished modem home close in. Phone 0206 between 8 and fi WANTED to rent no Ir.is than 2 or ,1 bedroom home. Phone 4374 after 3:.TO p.m. SMALL butane tnrk. Pnone 5M5. WANTED. David Bradley or Harris Bnle Loader, Adam Ranch, Phone Mer r;M 7221. Wi.YErtHATUSns EMPI.PYF.S Wanting ride to work. Phone 8332. Driving city but. WANTED. Gcod tra.sh burner. Will trade new army mine detector for same. Phone 960S. We w-tt.h to buy large quantities of Suva r Pine Cenev Manzanlta Branches. Messy Branches and many other native mountain weeda. Anvore that i la tere.ted write and quote prices to THE KEF VY r A W. I '9 west Jrect. New York I. N. Y. WANTED ti rent. C-ai" imd have full equipment. C. H. Kelly, Route 1. F"v SV hnne R909. AE NEED OARS' Cet too price now! Rose Motor Co 6th and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onl $100 ST.27 Ma Rcpnv in 18 Installments UP i'O 3U0 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS ITTE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars ''nancM at bank rates "MONfc'Y IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Baiin See "Chucls" Ballej Mgr. lit N 7Ui SL Pbone 332f S-241 M-J7V Commercial Furnishes Cash; CSH LOANS ISO to S300 -Auto Purnltiuw Livestock Salary 150 to S500 Automohllcs (paid tor or not) Private Snle of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals!, Commercial Finance Corporation 7 Bob O'Connor, Mgr. 1 LlO. 6-251 - H-Wi 107 No 0th Phon 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE; Electrical Contracting Bk. Good bldg, apt. overhead. Stock A: all. Only 1 In booming town. Byers, Valley Real Estate, Roneburg, Ore. FOR SALE, nclf-terv.ee laundry. S ma chines, 3 drier. Nets $t00. per mo. New Bldg. 3 b.r. home. Only 1 in booming town. Bv era. Valley Ileal Estate, Roae- ourg, wre, t $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Wb USED CAR CLEANOUT SALE BANG! ! ! We're off to a Banner 1952 Buick Year! We Absolutely Must Make Room For '52 Trade-Ins o o paaaaa Sale Continued! Through January 31 WE WILL SELL ANY OF OUR USED CARS AT A PRICE V $ 1 00 BELOW LOCAL OPS CEILING o o t o O An exceptionally wide variety of year . models, the quality of which is, frankly surprising. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE $100! LIBERAL TRADES! H. E. HAUGER o o USED Main at Broad $100 $100 $100 $100 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 WANTED a corrugated tin building to wreck or move, jdox 477 Herald and News. CLOTHES DRIERS. Basin Building Ma terials, 4754 South Sixth St. Phone 2-2563. UNDERWOOD typewriter, $30. Pbone 9B78 after 3 p.m. G. E. vacuum and attachments. 317.30. Phone 9200 FOR SALE, Cushman Motor Scooter with side car Phone 7447 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE, 7 foot refrigerator. Phone 72fl4 after 4 p.m. ton Sl.i. -rtiaytae wasning machine wttn movaoie tut. can b4z. FOR SALE military Jeep tire. Brand new. Slightly damaged. 700x13. Made offer. Phone 2-3310. hurt SALt, 9o ton second cutting al- laifa stored in .barn Walter Case beer. Bonanza. 14 DAY FREE TRIAL Try the new Sunbeam Shavemaftter at home before vou buv. Only $26.30. .. RICKYS jCWELERS TOO Main Phove 3151 USED FURNITURE values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 5333. 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe. 70 cent per foot. PEYTON 8c CO OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co. 83 Market. t ort sV.t 60 ton good alfalfa hav in stock. Could feed or chop to feed. Don Mack en S.E. of Malln on State Line road CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 2-1167 CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. Ph-irif 5341. FOLKS who like food with the home made taste. . .like to shop at Johnny' Big Y Bakery, Merrill - LaJteview junc tion. LANDSCAPING. eve rare ens. shrub and tree. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4286 GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW: We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld err 2391 So 6th Phone 4315 ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs, files .. for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 82f Main Phone 7412 ELECTROLUX CLEANER and polishet and supplies. Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweet 971 Market FOR SALE gas range. 710 Main St. Greer Apt, Call t Manager's apart ment. RAILROAD WATCHES While they last We have a limited number of used Hamilton, Elgin and Ball railroad watches m first cms con am on. REPAIR DEPARTMENT . RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Phone 3131 BROKEN window glass replaced, Kim- balls uiasa anop. r-none i-ua. MIRRORS resllvered. new mirrors made to order. Kimball Glass Shop, Phone 7378. SAVE UP TO $100! Floor models of Admiral refrigerators at a big saving to you! Fully guar anteed, eleven moaei. I.IICAS FURNITURE 103 . Main P. 3824 a 1 1 v Evnii'unrMn 1941 Warro power blade, hydraulic controls. Prestone. chain. 800. Econ- GLAMORENE rug cleaner now avail able at . riTRMiTURE 9th and Klamath. Klamath Falls. Ore. FOR SALE. Ford FcrRUson Tractor In A-l snape. Ij. u. nooges. ain. vc. FOR SALE. First and second cutting annua nay, rnunt i murm. FOR SALE. 14 tube Westinghouse Con sole. Like new. Best offer. Phone 8584 ' t-mj qai v inn ton snod alfalfa. Phone 9449. 55 AUTOMOTIVE BEST VALUEb! USED TRUCKS -CARS ' ' GUARANTEED ' AS .REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 677 8 7th Phone 7771 1945 MACK truck. Rated 3 to 3 ton. Has rolls and bunks.- If you need a truck thl 1 It. A-l condition. Very cheap. Must be aoid. pnone "Tne Tim. per ncnq, uregon. UH "SALKl,"l949 Buick Super convert' Ibie. 1330. 202 Victory Drive. COMPLETE auto glass service. Prompt reasonable. Kimball Glass snop. rnonc 73 a. FOR SALE. U ton Chevrolet Pickup. low mileage. , u. iioage, juann, Oregon. 5I00 THESE MUST GO! BUICKS (Specials, Supers, Roadmasters) CIIEVROLETS PONTIACS OLDSMOBILES FORDS PLYMOUTHS 11950 PACKARD 11951 STUDEBAKER 11949 CHEVROLET "A TON PICKUP CAR DEPARTMENT $100 DUGAN Where the customer gets all the breaks with out breaking the customer on a 2-Day FREE Driving Trial - Moiey Back Guarantee. - '49 Studebaker - $1397 '50 Chevrolet $1647 '50 Plymouth ..... $1647 '49 Oldsmobile $1647 TRUCKS '43 Dodge '1V& Ton ... '44 Int. VA Ton h '49 Chev. IV. Ton ... '36 Ford 1V4 Ton ... $ 997 ;.. $ 797 ... $1497 ... $ 347 YOU GET. THE BEST AT DUGAN &MEST DODGE, PLYMOUTH, DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS . -522 So. 6th - '" Phone 810 1 . ROSEMOBILE 1951 FORD VICTORIA Beautiful green tutone. Has over drive, radio, heater, Prestone, license. Has less than 1,000 miles use. PRICE '2391 ROSE MOTOR CO. 6th & Plum Phone 7551 CORRECTION. NOTICE The 1951 Willys Jeepster (The only. American made "Sports Car") listed in our ad last Thursday and Friday at $179$ should have read. '1795 SELBY MOTOR CO. 2330 So. 6th Phone 8456 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REf AIRING BALSIGER "MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour Internationa) Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath ?hone 3-2581 WANTED TO BUY. four-wheel driv Will', Station Wafon. Phona WIS altar . p.m. $100 $100 bAVb fa fa O O o fa o Q fa Phone 5151 -fa $100 $100 g & MEST ' '48 Dodge $1147 $1147 $1017 $ 997 M7 Chevrolet '47 Plymouth '46 Buick ....... & PICKUPS '49 Dodge Ton '49 Ford V Ton '48 'ink ;Ton .... '49 Dodge Power Wgn. $1297 $1097 $1097 $1897 it JANUARY CLEARANCE 1 0 M PONTIAC $ I 74 I 2-Dr. Sedan 425 1937 LASALLE Coupe ' 125 1947995 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 Studebaker 5-Pass, Cpe. '1050 OLDS "73" Dlx. Sedan Hudson Com. 1195 "6" Sedan Hudson Sup. . $1 O X C V6" sedan. IOO J LAdCarD:1465 Chev. '5-Pass. $1 1 i C Club Cpe. vM4J mn PACKARD 1595 I 74-7 Custom Sedan 1949 -$1795 1951 Hudson Pace- tf.Cf Maker "6" 4-Dr..0JiJ 1951 SST '2295 COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1947 DODGE TON PANEL : Heater AO Excellent condition. .... U7J JUCKELAND' MOTORS Uth & Klamath Phono 2-2581 FOR SALE, or trade, 1930 Studebaker Champion, good condition. Wilt tnke older cir In trade. $1500. Phone 2-1C24. FOR SALE, :41 Plymouth four door sedan. A good dependable car. Will sac rifice for quick sale, $293. See "Nick" at Hardy' Mens Store or phone 3-2773. 1930 FOUR door Ford Custom sed'. Six cylinder. Excellent condition. Sell tn unner ceuing. no. ?nn. BUS SARGANT'S Dsf5 CARH 7 WE BUY. dGLLi ANU THAU Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Sir tela Phone 8205 tVt NEED CARS' Uet IOP prwe NWi Rose Motor Co flth and Plum WHY" ' WALK 7 DRIVE MORE MOTORS 902 Main. Phone 3970. "We will Mil your car lor you." W bur au4 tmm