I, FAGS TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUESDAY. JANUARY 20, 1052 CLASSIFIED RATES On dny ................. per word 4 flue Days , per word Us Week run per word 20s Month run pit word eta MINIMUM The minimum dim go for ny on iid is 00c. UOX NUMllUnS Answers to nrin nmy bs handled through box numUcrt nl tho puuer (or a vcrvlce cliiiiim ol 31)0. DEAUMNE3 Gluilfled au. accepted up to J;30 R.m. (or following day'a publication. . . Claulfled display adi accepted, up to 1J nouu (or following day'i pub lication. , ADJUSTMENTS I'lcaro miutu all ulaiuu lor adjiut monu without delay. , ' Correction or cancellation! re ceived by 6:90 p.m. will bt mad In following day'i publication MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grains Tone Board of Trade CHICAGO Uft Some export Busineis gave grains a steady to STOP DOG ODORS! Jut M niw Ken-1-Ration -Willi . dw-stopplnc chlorophyllin Ken-L-Ration's lean red meat (U. S. Govt Inspected horse meat) nour ishes your dog new added cWyro phyllin ends unpleasant dog odors. Only Ken-L-Ration gives you this big extra benefit ... and at no extra cost. Rids your dog of bad body and breath odors in 7 days ... or your money back. firm ton at the board of trade Tuesday, after an easy start. Finland took a cargo of hard wheat and United Kingdom and Ireland took some feed grains, which brought on short covering after buying was traced to com mercial interests and exporters. Cold weather over a large sec tion of the corn belt xvas expected to increase farm feeding, as well as help dry out some of the wet corn. At the finish wheat was 1 cent to 1 '2 higher than Monday's close, March 2.59 V- Corn was 3t to 3 higher, March (1.90 (-. Oats were 1 3. to IH higher. March 91 V1.. Rye was la to 3a higher. Mar. $2.11 '2-3.. Soybeans were 2 ' to 4 a4 higher, March $3.02 a-3;, and lard was 2 to 15 cenls a hundred pounds higher. Mar. $14.12. Wheat Open High Low Close Mar 2.58 2.59 2.57 , 2.59 , May 2.34 4 2.58 2.54 2.55 Jly 2.47 34 2.49 2.47 2.49 Sep 2.49 4 2.51 , 2.49 U 2.51 Deo 2.52 , 2.54 i, 2.52 I, 2.54 Gvero breath of If vescrouo night coughs of colds SptcW medicated steam brings SMtbwg DEEP-ACTION RELIEF i Now those croupy, coughing . spells that attack children without warning are relieved SO fast With this (lom-proved treatment . . . two- heaping spoonfuls of Vicks VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water as directed in package. If' aiy, too . . . Your little one Just breathes in the steam. Every breath carries VapoRub's relief-giving medications deep into troubled throat and large bronchial tubes. There thit Wndrful trmlwnt medicates ' and soothes dry, irritated , membranes, eases away cough ing, helps restore normal breathing. And real comfort comes in no time at all. For coughing spasms, upper bronchial congestion and that choked-up feeling caused by colds, there's nothing like using Vicks VapoRub in steam. And always rub it on for continued relief To insure continued ac tion, always rub VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Works for hours even while your child sleeps to relieve distress. It's the best-known home remedy you can use when any coia stmes child or grown-up . district corst Leonard R, Putnam, concealed 11 mmm nlalM Tnrfall T A Kail Don L. Flynn. overload. Forfeit1 932 oan. Melvtn L, Rydlng, overload. Forfeit (Will. Ervtn A. Reynold!, verlength. For te. t SIS oiu Powell L. Everett, overload. Forfeit aeu. Virginia E. Dixon, no vehicle license. Fine A. Ernest L. Kelly, no vehicle liceme. Fine Jo. Joseph M. Chourd. angling without license. Fine and cosU JQ with 913 sunpennca. Theodore G. McClure, overload. For ten hh tutu. Richard C. Tup per, reckless driving, Forfeit 930 pall. Harold E. Matthew, driving under influence. Pleaded not guilty. Russell D. Rtach, no vehicle liceme. f ine so. John E. Smith, Inadequate brakes. fine ts. John P. Weuel. no vehicle liceme. r nie w. MVNICIPAL COIRT V Robert Lyman, violauon basic rule. fine ku. Robert Lyman, passing on viaduct' Fine sio. MargArlto H. Ponce, drunk. Fine 913 ana t'j aays. Margarlto H. Ponce, disorderly con duct, icarrying concealed weapon). Fine $M and 23 dart. Felipe Mora, drunk. Fine 919 or 7li aays. Felipe Mora, vagrancy. Fine 9100 ana ou aays. Portland Grain PORTLAND Ifi Coarse erains. lb ciav snipment, duik, coast de. livery: Barley No. 3 45 lb b.w, 73.50. Wheat, bid. to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soil white 2.47: sort white ex eluding rex. 2.47: white club 2.47 Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.48:1 10 per cent 2.48; 11 per cent 2.49; 13 per cent 2.50. Hard white Daart: ordinary 2.49: 10 per cent 2.49: 11 per cent 2.49; 13 per cent 2.50. Tuesday's car receipts: Wheat 47; barley 7: flour 19; corn 6; oats l: miuieea i. Stops Laxatives regains youthful regularity "For thirty years. I took so many kinds of pills and laxatives to re lieve constipation. Since I started eating all-bran every day, those troubles are over," says busy Bethany, Mo., woman. If you, too. suffer from irregularity due to lack of dietary bulk, try toasty all-bran. It's helped thousands to regain youthful regularity. Rich in iron, high in cereal protein, provides essential B and D vita mins. Not habit-forming. It's the only type ready-to-eat cereal that supplies all the bulk you may need. Eat Vi cup every day; drink plenty of liquids. If you're not completely satisfied alter 10 days, send empty carton to Kellogg's, Battle Creek. Mich., and get DOUBLE YOCR MONEY BACK! ! School Boards Lay Down Law On Transportation Students attending out-of-town school activities, when school transportation Is furnished, must return home via the uchool trans. portatlon medium or with their parents. That was decided Inst night at a Joint meeting of the Elementary and High School Boards. Parents who wish to bring their children home trom trips may do so by checking with the adult in charge of the students. The Elementary Board was noti fied by Brostcrhous Construction Company that work at Kulr view school had been completed. The work consisted of building new shower and dressing rooms or the San Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO (US DA) Cattle: 20, supply too light to test the market, lew ranner and cutter cows steady at $16 00-19.00, medium steers steady, bulk cows steady, few sales slaughter steers lower, around three loads good fed steers 770-1110 pound $33.00-33.50. few utility cows $21.00, shelly cows $13.00. Calves: None. Hogs: 350. trade not established on butchers, few sales steady, odd head choice 230-pound sows $15.00. several 75-230 pound cull sows $5.00-10.00. SheeD: 100. supply consisted of short deck of fall shorn lambs lio earlv talcs. Monday active and strong, 85 head of mostly choice 99-pound lambs at sju.su. Balance good 85-86 pound $29.00. gymnasium and work on a girls lun. room. Insurance men But Lark In and uon Stanley ottered Ugurea lor a new athletic Insurance policy cov erlng scholastic sports. The matter was taken under study. Purchase of a public address system, with student aid, for Fre mont, school was approved. Price is Termination of aervica of notice was received from Mrs. Catherine neain, fciiean uth Ornde Instruc tor. Mrs. Heath resigned because her husband had been called east by the Armed Services. Dwtght French's request for re lief from duty In sports activities was formally honored on City School Supt. Arnold aralann'K rec. ommendutlon. French is dean of boys at the high school and wants to devote more timo to that work. Matters pertaining to drawing up and printing of the new school budRct were discussed and the budget election was tentatively slated for about mid-April. Four persons were voted credit for Professional Growth work. They were: Fern Peak. Dwmht French. Olive Wilson and Roberta Blomquist. Potatoes CHICAGO (IP) USDA Pota toes: Arrivals 40. on track 190: total U.S. shipments 718; supplies light: Idaho Russets $5.86-89; Maine Katahdin-type $2.73; Minnesota-North Dakota Pontlac $4.81; Nebraska Triumphs $5.26-35; Texas Triumphs $$.73. Personal To Women With' Nagging Backache Krrir.K.e-V..k. lM.Au..Hj headaches and diuinvu miv K rlua m Liw.! dowo of kidney function. Doctors say a-ood kidney function i Wt-m tmnnrtant In wul beslth. Whensomecverydaycondiiion.surli as atrru and strain, causes this important lunciionwsrowoown. many rojks suffer ns. Kina; backache feel miserable. Minor blad der irritations due to cold or wrong diet may causenttinrupniKbuorfrrquentpauaffes. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condi tion" bother you. Try Doan's Pilta-a mild diuretic Used successfully by millions for over&Oyears. It's amatfns how many times Poan s give happy relief from these diacom-forta-belpthelfimilesof kidney tubea and ftl ten flush out waste. Get Doan's PUla today! QUOTH ffCQDODUlPCa With the greatest cur eror introduced in the low-price field ! GQBDuO ULMfk 1 COMING NEXT FRIDAYj C feyajagj aflTjggj THE MOSTPOWERFUlT INITS CLASSl 1 ) Weather Northern CalKornln Fnli- In south, occasional cloudy In north portion Tuesday through Wednea. day. Scattered showers In vicinity ot Uklah. Red Bluff northwestward. For In San Joaquin Vallev. Little temperature clianite. Northeast erly to southeasterly winds of 8 to 16 miles an hour off the coast, occasionally 13 to 34 miles an hour north ol Fort BraitK. Grants Pass and vicinity Oc casional IIrIu rain throuah Wednes day. Highs both days 55. Low Tues day nWlu 37. Western Oregon Cloud v with occasional rain Tuesday and Wednesday. Hichs both dnv 4S to 55. Low Tuesday nlftht 35 to 43. Winds off coast southerly to south easterly and 30 to 30 miles an hour. Eastern Oretron Partly rloudv Tuesday and Wednesday. Patches of valley fog. Hlirhs both days 35 to 45. Low Tuesday lilKht 15 to 35. 34 hours cndlnc at 4:30 a.m. Max. Mln. r reel p. 1 Bauer 31 30 Bend 50 35 Eugene 64 ' 40 .04 La Grande 38 39 Med lord 55 36 North Bend 59 46 Ontario 3$ 37 Pendleton 43 37 Portland . 47 38 T Roscbura ' 53 43 T Salem 53 35 Boise 33 35 Chicago 13 Denver 58 34 Eureka 57 50 .13 Los Anceles 77 54 New Yirk 43 17 .43 Red Blurt 61 44 .03 San Francisco 59 43 Seattle 53 37 .01 Spokane 38 36 Federal Jury Returns 9 Indictments Against 8 Klamath County Residents Federal arand Jury lndlctmcnta aiianiM elum residents ol Klamath County wore relumed In Portland Monday and Tueaday. Three ol the Indictments Involved Income tax evasion cases. Dan D. Llskey, rancher, was churned with hldlnir net Income ol 175.485 for 1045 tliroiiKll 1U47. Ills wife Mabel was chanted with taint lying partnership returns to evade payment ot taxes on net Income totaling $100,438 for lite same po- rioo. She was also Indicted on a chwrite or falsllylng her personal tax return lor 1U47 to Hide net In. come ot 3.141. Dr. Miller G. Cooper, dentist, CC Puts Up Road Signs The Klamath Chamber of Com merce's Tourist and Convention Committee has unveiled elx bin and colorful outdoor signboard da slKiied to lure travelers to Klam ath Falls, Four of the signboards are In Portland and two In Eu gene. Two or the Portland boards are Illuminated. On the boards, a bin nellcan shouts the query: 'Oolng 8oulh?" and then advises motorist to "Take the Sunshine Route through Klamath Falls." A huge map shows the Southern route through Klamath Falls. Bob. Mest. T C Committee chairman, says plans are also un der way for erecting welcome signs near both North and South entrances to the city. George Mclntyre Is director of the committee which Includes: Keith Cobo. Ed Dlttrlch. Oomer Jones. Mrs. Avis McConnrl and Mrs. C. A. Tobias. SlOMLp. high-compression MILEAGE MAKER SEC TUi (Mt rii-qrlladv pom plant b mmplaly aiw! Il'i tka nl; w, mljr Ufk-eomprwfea. low-Mctlea i taill far low-priori tu teitj. Miay m lVum, met lo MW frot-tumiaf ovtrbaod wItm, bow abort Mrokf imf, w rpotU tISej traUuft . Pluth aenoBktJ Automatic Powat Pilot , , . aapjr 700 that thk tftajaa will hava loaf lad lavisaftil lift. On IMDAT, when you m toil big. m '52 Ford, you'll aaa automotive hiitoiy in the makini. VouD aw how fani(hted, lonc-ranie planninf, by tha larrctt ibigla angiiwerinf department in the motor car industry hat mado it ponible for Ford to brin you u all-Befi ear for '62. You'll te a car fhat haa taken . fnatet ttridea forward for '62 than any other In lu field... a car that wiJJ chanje tha indoatry trendi! Tba '62 Ford, youll find, eulpewert any low-priced cat rver bulH with choior of the two gnat n tinea . ibowa at the right It (ivee you greater length and wider tread-with a brand-new kind of imooth, level ride that lets you take curvet with a minimum of out ward away It brinp you new Ford Coachcraft Bodies that art ttyled to ttay beautiful and quality-built to etay young bodies that give you tot ufety ad vanuget of Full-Circle Visibility. Yea, when you inepect thia new Ford thk Friday, youH ' learn why it will do mom thinet for awe people at fewer coat than any other ear today. And when you - 'Teat Drive" it, you'll agnt that It meeti the widest range of motoriita' needs that it'a the ablat car on, the Americas road) Its built for keeps "Test Drivt)" it at your Ford Dalr'r Friday! "BSr-rT jlO-h.p. hlgh-compressIoB STRAT0-STARV-8 TnaoelrV-leiiirlMlatbalow.priaattlil milieyaa efianluUoa that haa proo'ueia' nere V-fl l thaa all ether Bakan eowblstdt raatuna like lew hlih-lin, Draa-tum. In tehae, nptr.ttud aluminium pwUw.aa4 powar, eoMeoml eaalnatloa chkabara eonMae with other taahwarlat advaacea to mtkm it the Boat towarM tattae ever hnSt (or a low-priod ear. And it, too, hat ' tha Aototuc fawar Pilot lo 0,110101 hlh wnpiwo. -"tV awa tofular gaet BALSIGIER MOTOR CO. Quotations New York Stocks By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation Ailed Chemical Allis Chalmers American Airlines American Power A: Light American Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem 'Steel Boeintr Airplane Co. Borir Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vullee Crown Zellerbach . Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPoni de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodvear Tire Homostnke Mining Co. International Paper Johns Manvlle Kennecott Cooper Llbbv. McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kclvlnator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Cms k Electric Pacific Tel, fc Tel. Packard Motor Car Penny '.I. C.) Co. Pennsylvania P.. R. Pensi Cola Co. Phllco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler Incorp Rayonler Incorp Pid Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Rlr-hficld Oil Snfewav Stores Inc. eolt Paper Co. Pears Roebuck & Co. Socnny-Vneuum Oil Southern Politic Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J. stitdebuker Corn. Sun-hine Mloinw Fwlft h Companv Transmnerlea Corp. Twentieth Centurv Fox tWon on Company tln'on Pnclflc United A'rllnet United Aircraft "nMed Cornorat'nn Uni'cd stetes TM'wood United Sl-te. Sled Wnrne- P'tnrcs Western Union Tel V'estliKihouse Air Brake Woolworlh Company 1- 27 75 "i 15 '1 23 j 150 'a 64 ' j 54 '.. 80 53 49 1, 64 17 28 a 36 . 49 'j 47 ' 70 ".. 112 33 , 19 ' 56 , 9 'l 62 88 'a 46 14 a, 69 k 43 34 51 nt ai 47 35 , 49 ' 68 U 81 8 23 "j 17 24 64 a, 19 y 20 3, 63 I 'a 17 'i, 35 , 110 ", 4 i 70 "4 19 3 0 m 2S a 67 43 V, 65 AO 30 Ta 56 3fl 65 54 't . S3 "1 33 '!. 11 '. 34 n V, 19 1"! ' 3' V, 33 , 5 33 K 1 13 ?n t, 43 Vt IIEItttlNOTOff Marlnn irrndi-R Herrtnaton. flt. a na tive of Portland. Or, and a realdf-nt of Klnmath Fa'l ' for years, died here Jnn. 28, tfl.W. Survivora Include: the wldnwnr. w. B. Herrlnitton or tnia rlty: two eMere, Mra. Mabel F. Mc Donald or Ban rernanao. ueiir., ana Mra. Fan Clark of Venire, Calif.: a brother. Dee Hennee of Milwnukte, Ore. Funeral aervlcea, Thuraday, 2:30 D.m. from the Chanel of Warda Klam- at Funeral Home. INCOME DOWN NEW YORK lPI Net Income of United States Steel Corp. In 1951 declined to (183,863,202. equal to $6.08 a common share, from $215. 464,142 or 17.29 a ahare in 1950, the company reported Tuesday. Robert Main Driver Held On Charge A 28-yenr-old musician. LeRoy Weslman, 337U E. was arrested by Stale Police Mon day afternoon on S. 6th St. and charged with driving while under Uie mfluence. He was booked and held over night at the County Jail In lieu ot $350 bail. The arresting officer reported Westman's Ford sedan was weav ing erratically In and out of heavy traffic. Wcstman slowed his car. the of ficer slated, and lIt the motor running when he got out. The ol ficer said he had lo chase the car on foot and turn off Uie Ignition. In district Court Monday after noon a Portland truck driver. Har old E. Matthews, pleaded Innocent to charge of drunk driving. He was arrested early Sunday morning at the Lenox Junction ol Oregon Highway 68. Matthews con tended In court he was not driv ing the truck. Trial date for the charge was set at Feb. 15. Matthews was re leased from the County Jail under $250 bond. waa Indicted on a charge of filial lying returns for 1045-47. He was accused of hiding net Income ol $16,0113. Loroy Alvln HU'ks, Chllnquln, was accused of hmmii tilt with liiunit to kill Imo Indian Service offlcern, Uon Cnmpagmi and Virgil Wll'.on, at Chlloqiilu last Nov. 2$. Both were shot and allghlly wounded. Darrell Cainpagua, a special of ficer of the Indian fiurvlce, waa Indicted for extortion, taking a pay mont of less than $100 from a truck -driver as a fee lor driving a load of Christmas trees across the Klnmath Indian renerviillon. Also named lu grand Jury Indict ments were: Harold L. Davis. Klnmath In dian, on a charge of assault; Ethel Maw Watah, nho an Indian, on a charge of attempting theft at Cull oiiuin last October: and Pauline Hciidron, 18-yrar-nld Chllonuln In dian girl, mi a charge of ateallng $100 Irom Elmer C. Maiming Jan. 6. Manning was found dead In his cabin a short time later. Dun Llskey Is accused of falsify ing his federal Income tax returns lor the three years In question by representing his total income to be $125.24., when the true total ac cording to the Indictment waa $201,788. Mabel Ll.skey was charged with helping report Int-nme for the part, nershlp ol Dave Llskey, now Uead. Dan and Maude Llskey for 1845 and 1940 at $201,343, when the cor rect total, according lo the Indict ment, waa $:I45.023. A separate charge against her regarded her personal return lor 1847 which showed a net of $11,688. Instead of of the $14,730 the govern ment alleges Is correct. Dr. Cooper la charged with stat ing his Income for 1845, 1848 and 1847 was $10,814, when the true re turn should have been $26,147. A CARD Of THANKS SfflliTv'ATr'Wi. wl.l, to" thank all utir kind frlanda and nolehlMira, eUti the Mmiao UMtgo and !.linr Local No. I07H, fur their maliv kind ennreaalinit of eympalhy and rundolonco during our reconl horcavoiiteiil. Mia. Jerry Sulli van. Mra. Kllcn lahnnay, Jane Hnlllvan Mri. Mary llarlnall, Mlcliaal Dulllvan, Dan Sullivan. , , " C fUNIRAL HOMIi VkAIIDS Klamath funeral Homo, limb HI real. I'luine .1X14 Klamath Student Receives Degree A Klamath Counly girl, Delia Martin Roy, received the degree of doctor of philosophy in mineral ogy at Pennsylvania Stale College tuuy. She Is the daughter of Mrs. J. B. McConnell of Merrill and Hnrrv Martin of Langell Valley, and la tne wne 01 Dr. Robert Roy, also 01 r-enn mate. Delia Martin was graduated irom me purine scnooia of Malln and received her bachelor's degree at the University of Oregon. She is a years old. Klamath Pioneer Injured In Fall Mrs. Birdie Burk, said to be the oldest living white woman born In Klamath County, is In Klamath Valley hospital today with a broken hip. Mrs. Burk. 76. has been living at Bonanza and taking care of the library there. On 'Monday, Jan. 21, she fell while going to the library, but was able to walk home. The hip gave her considerable trouble and yes- teraay sne waa Drought to the hos pital, x-rays showed a break. Mrs. Burk was born In Poe Val. ley on the old Horton ranch. Legal Notice WifC,lT5rlSXir6"r' FINAL Sr.TTLKMr.NT IN THIS CIHl'UIT L'OI'HT Or TIIK STA1K OF OIIF.tiON FOI1 KLAMATH t'flliNTV In the Matter of tha Ealata at EAItL Ki:NT. Uccaaicd Notice la hereby given that the umJortlanad Tho Flral National Ratta of Portland naa filed lie dual account of tho admlniktration of tha alxivo on. tlllrd ovlate and that the Court hat appointed February 21, 1032 at 10 AM aa the tune lor bearing objectlono lo aucb final accuunt and the aettleniont thereof. Tho Ftrat National nank of rorlland, Itacculur Ganong It Gannng Allornoya for F.xecutor J.2U y-l-u-ia No. B1J NOTirr to cnrniTona Notlco u noroby given lhal the under algned baa boon appointed by the Counly Courl of tho Mlalo of Oregon lor the Counly ot Klamalh, 1'iuoale Department, administrator of ilia e lele of lie C. Noaleigh. alio Known a I. C. Nraleigh. deceased All pcrtona having claltna agalnat aaid eitala are naroity nntllled lo preeant them lo aald - iur m mo nrilrea ol tha Klamath all Herald and Nevya. Klam ath Falla, Oregon, with vnurliera duly verified within ant inonllia liom date hereof. MAnTiN i.owrt.i, NFAt.rioii Aiitnlnulrator of Ihe Katalo uf lie C. Ncalclgh. alMi known aa 1 C. Nenlelgb. alereated. IIKATTIK at HlllliAlll) Allorneya lor Admtnlatrator Oregon Clly, Oregon Doted tin. IS day of January, 1033 J-1S-22-2D F-5 No. SU MEETING NOTICES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Friday, g p m., fur Information. Iloa 2'it, I'hono 3:ill2. nie-fV. viTILe LEGAL NOTICE aqway la tit cenier King tre widening a Childrens Theater Planning Event The Childrens Theater nlans to produce anoiner classic fairy tale sometime in the early spring, Mra. jcssic lcc Hoslord, director, an. nounced today. Children wishing auditions for participation are asked to call 4731. The theater produced Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs three limes last year. HIRTIIH CARNflSrrnnrn rat Vl.en.tk V.ll... HoitpitHi, Jan. 20, 1092, to Mr. and Mri, cnflrles Cam n . Dorrf. Calif.. girl. VkIuM: 8 poundi 4'i, ounce? , IIOLIjANIJEB Rrtrrt dI Klnmath lral. Icy Hoapitol, Jnn. 2fl, lt)fl2. to Mr. and Mm. J, B, Hollander. Tulelake. Calif.. girl. Wcfghi: ft pound n 10 ounren GOnnON Rfipn ol Wlnmalh V.I la. a. IIOHDltnl. Jan. 20. .nttl In Mr aanH Mr. Robert Gordon. IJ137 Wllford Hi.. girl, Weight: 8 pounds ft ouncei. COMI'IAIN TH FILFD Llirlnda F. finjtrlln va SlinUv V flnarlin, iuit for dlvorre. Connie mar ried Dec. 24, 1047. Grant Pans, Ore. Charge, cruelty. Plaintiff aeeka proper ty nettlement, J. C. O'Neill, Attorney for plaintiff. DTrVm.KR nnnwrriiTH Mif tin u Dingier, 20, logger. Native of Oregon. Resident of Orland, Calif. ReU G. Crowther, 19. Natlv of Ida no. Reil dent of Eugene, Ore. BAiLty-uuNBUN. William R, Ball '. 23. aurvevor. Natlv nt CnKfnrnlfi. nenldent of Klamath 1 Tnlla. Dr Jn Nell Dununn, ltf, itenographer. Native of Now Mexico. Reildent of Klamath Fall, Ore. RYAN HAGLtfND John Jf. . ttvan .Iff, bus driver. Native of New Jeraey. Rextdent of Bend, Ore. Marianne J. Hflgiiinn, 2i, nume. Native of Oregon Resident of Klamath Falls, Ora. NOTU-.C TO CltKMTORH NOTICE la herrby givrn that the unUerlgned haa been appointed Al- iniiti.untor with will attached of the eaiaie oi Anna l,. MthkelM-ti, derrejvu. and haa qualified All pcrwma having rlainia agaitut aald eUt are nnlltieii to prvaem the nanif to me with propor voucher! at the office of Clarenre a. Humble. 7:11 Main Street. Klamath rll. Oregon, within tlx monthi Irom January 16. 1MJ Otto MlkkeUen A'lminutrator with Will Atlarhed J-15.22-W r-a No. H.Q NOTlCr"TO CREDITORS-" The underalgned having been appoint ed by the Ctrrult Court of the Slale of Oregon. In and for Klamath County, administrator with the will annexed of the Ettate of Garrett Bradnrr Cored, dereaaed. and having qualified, Notice Is hereby given to Ihe creditor of, and all peraon having claims agnlnal, aald decedent lo preacnt them, verified aa required by law. within alv mnniha after the flral publication of thl nulire io wnaon a. wuey. antninutratnr, Mrdical Dental Building, WILKON 8. WII-EY Admlnlalralor or ihe Etate of Garrett Bradner Coiatt, deceaned. J-15-22.20 r-a No. 8.14 ' turn KlamaUt Pursuant to Chapter 40, Oregon I-awa of HM7, notice la hereby given thit a public hearing will be hrld at Ihe offices of the Klamath Forest Protec tive Association. Klamath rail. Ore gon on Tuesday. February 12, ID.12 at 2:00 P.M. lor Ihe purpose of providing all ownera of lands assessed under provisions of Section 107-243, O.C.L.A.. an opportunity lo be heard on matters pertaining to the budgeting of moneys required to defray the cost of fire pro. tertinn and aupprelon wllhln the boundaries of Ihe Klamath Fire Dis trict. A copy of the tentative budget for the fire district may be Inspected at the Klamath Forest Protective As aoc latum Office, Klamath Falls, Ore gon Oh KG ON STATE BOARD or FORESTRY D. L. PHIPPS, Acting Slat Forcater J.2H r-a No. mi NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposal! will be received by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Tall, Oregon, for tho pur chase of sewer Improvement bonds, Rerlea 02, aggregating, four Thouitanrl Five Hundred Twenty-two and ;i:M00 Dollars, i$4,a22.3J) duly million zed by ordinance of the sold Clly of Klamath Falls, for the construction and laying of aewer line in Hewer Unit- No. 20, of said Clly and serving the properly neiwcrn nouin ixin ntreei, me u.i: tn K naiirof.fl night of Way, Shaata Way and Waihburn Street. Proposals to purchaxe said bond will he received by the undersigned up lo ana including tne tin. any or renrunry, 10112, at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock p.m. of said day nnd opened nt a regular meeting of the Common Coun cil immediately thereafter; said bonds shall he dated February 1, 10.12, and ahall be In amounts of $.100 00 ench, except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall be for the fractional part of said sum, and all shall be due ten enrs after the date of Inane, payment of Ihe entire bonds optional with sola Clly at any coupon pnyfng date on nnd after nne year from the date thereof. Snld bonds wilt hear Intercut at the rate of not to exceed nix per cent per annum, payable eml-annually on February 1st. and August 1st. of each year, principal and Interest pavnblr nl the office of the treasurer of (he City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. All nronosa Is must be unconn tlonni and accompsnled by a certified check for five per cent of the proposal. Tne common council reserve we right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder fnr aald bonds will be furnished with an ooinlnn as to tha legality thereof by tl. law firm of Wlnfree, McCulloch, Shulcr fr Bnyn, Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon. This notice Is authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Kiamntn Fans, uregon, dated Decem ber 17, 10.11, ROBERT M. of tne City Oregon, D - III - J - 1 3 . 8 - f - 10 - 11 - 18 . 17 - 18 - 10 - 24 - 2fl - 20 - 28 r.i - a No. 826. ELDER, Police Judge of Klamath Falls, 1 - 4 - 12 - 14 21 - 22 30 - 30 0 - ? H . . 2,1 . 31 RESOLUTION NO 4il7 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COMMON COI.NC1L OK CITY Or KLAMATH FALI-8. OREGON. TO WIDEN THE ttpPfclt AND LOWER PAVKD ROAD WAYS ON PACIFIC TERRACE FROM WHERE IT INTEM.HEC'Th ALAMEDA STREET TO WHERE IT INTERSECTS LOWELL STREET; DECLARING AND DIRECTING CERTAIN STEPS TO HE TAKEN IN CONNECTION THE1IE WITH; HAIU PROJECT TO II K KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO. 114. WHEREAS, the Clly Engineer, pur suant to a resolution of the Common Council heretolore adopted, having filed plana. pH-if iraitun and eatlmalea lur lha co I of impruving. Pacific Terrsr Hum where it tntertvecu AUmiili Street to where It Intersects Lowell Street, by widening the upper and lower imved roadways thereon; and the Couuril finding Ihe aald plana, speci fication and ftitimaiea aliafacory for aid proiee-i which shall lee know Improvement Unit No. 114; THERE- runt. RE IT RESOLVED lY THE COM MON COUNCIL OT THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, DULY ANNEMIILED IN REGULAR .SESSION AS roi.LOWSt Section I. That said plans, specifications and animate for the Impruvemant of pi.1 Kortlotu of Mild street. lhrfore filed ereln by ho Cllv Engineer, be and the aama are hereby approved, and said project shall be known as Im provement Unit No, 114 Thai the Common Council of tha Clly of Klamaih Falla, Orrgon. hereby declares its intention to Improve said portions of Mid at reals In accordance with live plan, specif lea lions and es timate follow: TYPE "C" To consist of widening 1he upper and lower paved roauwa on Pacific Terr, e mm Ihe south eaatrrly line of lwell Street to the ' nortbeaaterlv line of Alatneda with ai i litch of Cement Concrete Pavement, together with combination rement con crete curb and gutter. The overall width fur wuirnlna each roadway four feet and will he luward I lie csnti parking strip (hereby reducing wimn m mid p s r m I II a strip. TYf'E-E '-Ti. conaUl of the upper and lower paved roadway on Pacific Terrace from the south easterly line of Luwet) Street to the , northeasterly line of Alameda with fiva Inrhea of Asphalt Concrete Pavement, together with combination rement con crete curb and gutter. The overall width for widening each roadway is four feet and will he toward the cen ter parking airtp thereby reducing Hie width of said parking strip. TYPE "C" end "E" A combination of lvp e nut In "C" and "E" as Immediately above defined, with llnu llallnna aa therein slated The tpe chosen to be mWed and placed In accord with the plana and apecificalions nf the Clly Engineer on tile tltercfor. The estimated coal of all classes of Improvements embracing all work and materials fnr Ihe complete Improvement of aald project for each tyie of pavement being as follows: Type "C"-Cement concrete pava ment S."Vrt.0HH no Type" E" Aetphalt concrete pave ment 47,.1M 71 TYPR- Combination of "C" and 'E pavement- SAI,iU7.24 Said estttnaie Include engineering, supervision, advertising, clerical slaiance. attorney's fees and unforeseen contingencea. Section II. That the properly lying within the boundaries hereinafter dearried be and the aame ta hereby declared to be benefited by the said improvement, to wn: Beginning at the mott northerly cor ner or lot 1, block tt Hillside Addition to (he City nf Klnmath Falla. Oregon; thence soul h westerly along the south easterly line of Lowell St, LVO ft. to Ihe northeasterly line of the alley In aald lltock fl; Ihence snulheaalerly and parallel to Pacific Terrace thru blocks ft. Li, and IB In said Hillside Addition, block OJ to 42 Inclusive in llolsprings Addition to Ihe Cllv or Klamath Fall. Orcitfin to the northeasterly line ol Alfliilerta: Ihence southeasterly along northeasterly line of Alameda lo tha southensl corner of lot 7 Block 1. Wll. Knm Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon: thence northerly along the line between lots fl and 1 of block I. of said Williams Addition, to Ihe north line of aald block 1: Ihence north westerly along the southwesterly line or Hasklngs St. being 150 ft, north easterly of and parallel lo the north easterly line of Pacific Terrace and continuing northwesterly and pnralle) to Pnclflc Terrnca along Ihe nnrtjg. easterly boundary line of said Ho? snrlnga Addition to Del Moro St,: thence continuing northwesterly and p.i ml lei to Pacific Terrace thru blocks 17, 14 and 7 or said llillalde Addition to the south line of VanNess Ave.; thence southwesterly atong lest said lino lo l Intersection with Ihe north easterly property line of Paciltc Ter race: Ihence soillhweslerlv ncr.iaa la clflr Terrace to Ihe point of beginning. Thai nil ihe properly included In the arornsnld boundaries above described be nnd the mime Is hereby declared lo be bene ft led by said Improvement and assessed for the expenses thereof. Section 111, Trut Monday the lBth. of February. 1053, at ihe hour of 7::io P M. at tha Council Chamber of the City Hall in Klamath Fnlls.' Oregon, be and Is here by fixed as Ihe lime and place -for henrlng of objections and remon. trances against snld proposed Im provement. "Section IV. Thnt tho Police Judge be and ha Is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published os provided by tna Cllv Charier of snld City and shall publish this resolution as provided by law, and within live days ofler the first publi cation thereof the Clly Engineer ahall ciiiiNQ to be conspicuously poaled at enrh end of Ihe line of contemplated Improvement such notice as Is provided tor by 'law and ordinance. Posfd by (he Common Council nf the City of Klnmath FntK Oregon, this 21 t dny of January. 10.12. Presented to the Mayor and bv him anprnverl nnd signed this 22nd dav of January, 10.12. itnnF.nT a. Thompson Mayor ATTEST: RO.'EItT M. ELDER omi mM M Police Judge STATE OF OREGON, P,NTY OF KLAMATH, . S3 CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. J!0,",rt, M. Elder, Police Judge of the City nf Klnmnth Falls. Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and fort fl?,,.. tr51e c.ODV nf resolution introduced nnd adopted by the Corf'- ran1. Ar'-" o1tih,e C1,y ' KlamJm uary, 1052. and thereafter approved and signed by the Mayor. ,pruvru ROBERT M. ELDER ! t .1 j Police Judge J.J4.25-28-2fl.20-JO-31 F.l-2-3 No, MS