V! MONIMY, JANUARY 211, 1DT.2 LEGAL NOTICE HKHOl.tnioN NO 4H7 Cll INCH, (r CITY ur KI.AMATII OIIKUON, TO WllJICrt Tilt ANII l.liWKM I'AVKIJ HOAD- Wm.HK IT INT)-HHKlJ'h AI.AMHIJA . fJlHKf TINtJ ( KH'I'A IN WTKI'H TO K TAKKN IN CflNNK C TION TllKMK WITH; RAID I'HOJKfT TO KNOWN AH IMCHOVKMKNT UNIT NO. 114. WMK1IKA8. Ilm City fcnuiiifr, ur. SUUt In a rmnlullnii nf the C itimi ( riiinrll hcrrlnliMo adnplfid, having fll'd pinna, M"" itii'ntlon nuU Mllmutrf. r Ilia in. I t.f Hiiiiiivliiii, I'miriu Tmrai-e from whrrtt it intrrmMMa Aliinintn Hlrrrt In whrrtt II Inlaraei'ls Unwell Hiritnt, liy whlmilng the uppsr mid lower imvvtl ttiiulu'tiya llteraim: and l ho Cmiwll (liitllng (ho onitl nitiMi. apan. fh-allnii hihI rulitiiMlea laiiafurtury fur ft til project V. Itlrli xliit 1 1 hi itnnv".' ,i hnniovaiucMt Unit No. 114; TllKMK. IIK IT HI1HOI.VKI) HY Till! COM MON COUNCIL OK TltK CITY OK KI.AMATII KAI.Lh. OIIROON. IHll.Y AHMKMIll.tTII IN RKUULAR h II MM ON AB rOIJ.OWrf: Mention I. That aaif plana, aprririrallona and t-fttliiialca fur lh UnpioVeinenl nf aald inn Hunt til AUI lra"t, Ihvrvfme (tied haraiii by (he Cllv Kugitieer, ht and Ihe aaini Br haiehy apiitvel. Mnrl mi rujri i anan Ut KimWII pinvamciil Unit No. 114 I nut lh ( minium Chimi II nf the n- hi jviniuniii rant, uirg'in, hereby iteclarea 1U Intention tu linpriiv aald llurtluilH of Maid nlreela In MCt'iittluni-t wiih tlx pinna, opecltlt Nlluna and c. tltnnlf t follow,.: TYI'K VC " Tn runulM nf widening the upper and lower paved rostlwaM. uo I'mllM' Terrace h um I ha aoulh caaterly hnti til Lowell Htrevt lo I he iinrilienitlri )y line of Alantada wtlh tin f' lie f Cement Ctuinvla Pavement, ttrWier Willi roiiilunntluit t-riuii tun t'lwtn cut It and nutter. The overall u ! for wulenluN t.och rtmdWNy u foil, fret and will tw ifiwarrt th I'anirr pHihliiM lil Ihrirhy rrduclua 111 V TYI'K -'K ' t.. rifiulil of m9 Upper and luwcr paved on -Partll Trrracff fruin I wiui n hi mici pai King inp wiiirtilni ruaovti 1 tuutlt rfltlerly lint of I .owe 1 1 Hlrrol tu thr luirlhputlnly lliir tif Alninrilii with ftv I ut-h uf AphMlt Conirtrle I'uvrniritt. Inilfllier Willi riiuihlnatimt t-rmput con. nclo r u ili mid sutler. Tim ovorult d I'M wiivmimB fHl II l"'lH? M A luuS ftrl Htul will Imi toward Hi ctn 3 Irr fmiklitK klrl Ihricljy rrdllLllll lht widlh uf tlu parHlnd klrlp. TVriS C" and "It A romlilnailnit ttf lp tt tint In ." and "It" a Imnirdiatrly alHiva rfoflned, with llnu nation a Oiiln aiiitad. Tlir typa rhon lo lia miMvd and pUrrd in arrurd will) tha plana anu aparitlrallnua nf (ho City Kiitfinver un file tharror. Ilie aallmatrd cuat uf all t lattea uf improvrmcnu aintirnrintf all work and matninl (or tha ruinplvtr Impruvrinvnt nf aald project fur cat'h ljii uf pavenirnt bring follow: I yp " - iiiint cuitcraie. pava ttiaril l,04t) 110 Type "r."- Anuhall conrrct uavt- i men I H7.Ma 71 TYI'K- Cnmiiin-iinn of "C" and 't" liavrmritta all n.17 24 i nata riunair inriuaa ni ineerinn. X auprrvltjon, adrllln, rlanral an- t aiiianra. atioriiay'i (era and unforeftcan " .i cuntinani. ? ftiM-iiort It. :rj Thai tha prupcrly lUif within the hniindarira Itrieinatlrr drM-rllied tw jp and tha mme la ftrrrliy rt aria red to Im r iMnedted by tha aaid Improvamcnt, to l: Itrginnlnf at tha mot nnrtharly ror i ntr nf I'd , Mix h a MilMdc Addition tn tha City nf KUmalh rail. Ofrron. thanrr aim I h we lei I v along the iulh c tauter ly line of liwell Hi. 1A0 fl. lo tha imrthcaitrrly Una uf tha aliry In , : Kf iald ltlm-k II: thnrtcr auuihcatterly and i . parallel in I'arlllc Terrara thru hliirka i a, :i. and IB in atd HllUlde Addition, s block ;u 10 42 Inclualva Hi Mutaprlngi Addition tu I he Ciiy nf Klamalh JfalU -. Oirgon to the nui Ihratln y tin, of . ic Alair.rda Ihrnra anulhrattrrly along nurlliratrrly Una of Alameda to tnr i.iuthMit corner uf lot 7 lllovk I. Wit. 6 Kama Addition In tha City uf Klamalh L 5 alU. Orrgun; Ihrma norlhrrly along l? Ilia linr lMtrru luti a and 7 of 111 or k 1 1 X, 1 nf mid Wtlliama Addition, to tha ' j flurlh liiwr uf aal! htmk I. thrnfr y imrlhwriirrlv along the Miiiiliwaairrly r, line nf llrttklnga HI Itrlng 1 10 ft nurllt - . raatcrly uf and pntallH to the nurlh- ru'-'ctiy line of I'arllir Trrrara and ;.' 1 tfitit'miing northwealetly and parallfl ,i 4 ft I'm-1 fit: 1 err ma along the north. i rut i )y tmtindury line uf nld lint ittilnifa Aditltlon tu Ul Moro HI; ,4' inrnre ronlliuilng nnrlhwevlrrl and r-X liirallrl tn J'arlflr Ten are Ihiu blm-ka r P. 14 and 7 of aid HllUlde Addition v tu the mouth line uf VanNraa Ave.. v iheiur atiulhWFulrrly along latt aald a line tu l Interaecllnn w'lh the nmth g anaterly properly Hue of J'arttlc Ter rai't; 'heme atitithweaterly arroaa I'a cllh 1'erroi-e to the pninl uf Iwginning. i That oil the prnnerty inr hided in the a foresaid buimdarica alove urarrihed I and tha aanie la hetehy derlarrd lo be henefllrd hv aaid linpruvement 1 ana aesed for lha rx!eiMaa thereof. Section III. That Monday the lltih. or February. HWi. at (he hour of 7 .10 P M. at the i Counrll Cham tier nf tha Cliy Hall in Klatnath full, Orcaon, be and la here : by fixrd at lha time and place tor ;i hearing of objectloni and ronton. 4 alranrra agalnit aatd prupoacd lin- pruveinent. Rectlon IV. . That tha Police Judge be and ht la hereby aiithorixtd and directed to ' t-auae notice of atirh hraring lo lie :i puhllahert aa provided by the Ctlv J Charter of talcl Clly and ahall mibiuh 1 thl rcotiition ut provided bv law. and i Mlthlii five daya after tha flral publl. 1 rallon iherenf ih City Engineer ahall 7 - t ana to be mnaplcuoualy poated al each end of the line of rontemnlaled a intproveinent aurh not lea at it provided j fur by law and ordinance, f, Paaafd by the Common Counrll of J lht C'l y of Klnmaih rail. Oregon, thia "rij iilM flay of JaiuiAry. IdM. L Prtraented lo the Mavnr and bv him I 4. aoproved aifucd Hilt 22nd dav of l January, 111.12. i jtonnnT A. Thompson ,i Mavnr i ATTEST: POMKI1T M ELDER I'nin-e Jtidga STATE Or OREGON. COUNTY or KI.AMATII. ,:CITV OK KI.AMATII KAI.l.S. SS. . l E ll (i iter l m Khlee Pnlli-oi Jiirlsr nt ft lie Cllv Of Klamath Fll. rlr.inn rin y iirrciiy ceriuy inai tna a nova and fnre- gOtlloT It true rmiv nf a rcBf.lii.inn Introduced and adopted by the Com- . .won .miuci, oi ine city or Klamnlh . Jaila. Orrnnn at Ita rcifular nieeH 'ft ...helfi on Mondny the 2HI day of Jan z linr-. low, and thricnfter approved ,. ik ml-li nv i lie nin.vor. HUf nOHKHT M. EUDEIl 7 . Police Judge V-24.2.V3.l-2n.2,) :i().-ll F. 1-2-3 No. RN3 ? NOTICE Or IIOND BALE ' Healed proponnla will be receded bv vp9 Common Council of the Clly ol l KlAniath Tallt. Oregon, fur tha pur t 'i-'W of aewer tmpruvement bondt rerlet 02. agKregallng. Four Thouann ,'i' r ive Hundred Twenty-lwo and .VI-inn '.Dollara, i4.M2 XI) duly aulhorived b ,i'r(llnnnco of tha anld City of Klamalh M nlla, for the cnnalrurllon and Inylng 'of aewrr Hnea In Sewer Unit No 20. ,:tf nid Clly and serving the properiv iiietwvcn Soiiih sixth Strcot. the OC A . Hnilronri Might nf Wiiy, Shnaia Way find WiiahlHirn HircrU Proposal- to ptirchime anld bonds will ie rr-cHvert by the unfleraiRiird up to ui iiiciuriiug ino tilt, tiny uf rebrum-y, l'l;i2. al die hour of oeven-thlrty o'clock J" m. of aald iay and opened at a eguiar meellng of lht Cnimnon Conn. 'i minimi areiv iiinionrior' u i umr , naii be dated February I. o.ia. and r'iMii no m ainounta of f.toooii ench. frscepl bond No. I, of aald aerlri Jvhlf.h sjhail bo for Hie fmrtlonnl purl f'f .iald mini, and nil ahall be due ten f enr after the date of Inane, payment 'f ihe entire honda optional wtlh anm ny in any coupon paving data on and iter one venr frnm I tin t.i. t .. nld bondt will bear Intercut nt the oi to exceed nix par rent pe Milium, payable Beinl-nnnunlly on l obrunrv t-il. nnrl Aiii'tHl 1M. nf each nr, principal nml IntprcHt pnvnhlo ni he office nf Ihe Irrnnuror of Ihe City r Klamnth Fall,, Oregon. All propoanla mint be unconditional d accompanied by n certifli'ti check 'L'lvo per cent of the piopohai. , The Common Council rcscrvea the 'Bht to rejoci any nnd nil bids. Ilie aUCCCnarill IiIiIiIbp fnx l4 knnrl. hp un inrnisiicn wiin nn yoiniun a' 'I lefwllly Iheirof bv II i law firm r Wlnfrec, McCulloih. Shuler A Snyt pnldlng HnildlnH. Pnrllnnrl. Orrgnn. Hilt notice la nilllmrl .or! hv nr-rlll.t.nr.a. f I he Riiinmnn i'Bia.il ni h. fn .. a lamnlh Fnlla. Oreaon. rlnled Decern. Jjer 17, ifni. J ItOBERT M. RLDP.R, Police Judge 1 nf tna City of Klnmath rallt, 1 Oregon. - P a" 3lrt " J " 1 9 3 " 4 8 ? n t 11 III 14 15 vii 17 111 1(1 CI f 2.1 . t-l a N 21 22 - 2.I :m . si un . 911 No 1121. 8E IN THE KNOW I Rend II... lid b News Classified ads dnlly rv ino latest miormatlon on what's that In everyday business trends. CLASSIFIED RATES One dny per word f Hurf Dyt pr ward lie Week run , ptr word 20c Monili run ptr wurd U5c MINIMUM The inlnliniim clmio lor nny one d la 6Uu. UOX NUMIJltltH AriKWom to iin may be handled lliioiiKh box nuinbcrt at the piiui-r tor 11 nrrvlce charge o( 25c. UI.ADLINliS Clufllled iu auccpted up lo 6:30 p.m. (or (ollowun day'i publication C.RMlfird display adi aaxpied up to 12 nuuu tor following day a pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please make nil claims lor adjust menu wltnuut delay Correctloiu or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.01 will be made in following fluy's publiia'lnn C F0NtRAl M0MIS W A lT5 H KlmiirH7;rVlHonii MEITIN0 NOTICES IOOF No. I 37 Everv Tuesdav 8.00 P.M Kin I) and Main Sis. Klnuinth LodKo No. 77 A.F. mid A.M. Will hold a etixled mcetliiK Mondiiy, Jan. 28. 8 p.m. "Junior Wnrden Nlitht," VlnllliiK Drcth reu Invited. Refresh, menu. DAI.H BKDDEn Wornlilptul Master ALCOHOLIC ANONVMOUB maala W I;. '"' mlormalion. wrna B 2U4, I'hiina 3:ia 2 L0STANDJF0UN0 C6SflaiHart (irutn wrl.'i watiTh! fim. Iwn 1127 Alamrda anil E.qulra Thaa lar. H.ward. I'liona 2--JH77 altar S. 4 HATH GENERAL NOTICE l"U. lo orilrr. Marions 110 So. Iltli' rii.tna rvaiilnn. Olino. lOCII Sinaar bcwiri CanTar li oiT.n In tha public. Thursday 3.30 lo fi:30 for Irra altachnirnt liuilructinna. HINCEn aruriwn rrurti l"3 M'n Phona JISIJ PERSONALS ''j-n-N i niTAUTv-AC6srTfiiririir. i 5fANl.EY"lloiiraVruucUPr7rin'e"0 10 SERVICES MOVING? . . . Cull 7455 Locnl-Lonu Dtnnre Piano and appliance moving apeclally Transfer and Slorane Bekin'a Movlnn and Storage Peoples Warehouse "SInre 1918' FIX'THAT RADIO Our BLLMnr.-j U fkiund CUNNH.IC8 HKRVICE CO Phone 6ft78 beptic I anks Cleaned Nrwcut Ran i! a 17 Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cimm tev.cr tinr of Root. Etfl ED F KINO 2434 OrrhltM Phone HB4I CABINET WORK Remodeling In your home. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. CONDREY 11138 Frrmont Phone 4338 Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks and drain fields repaired. Phone 2-0334 EXCAVATING Moon eihovel and rtencn Hoa Bulldoter - Fill Dlrl lopsoil Crushed Rom . Driveway Clndeit Compressor CRANE 3ERV1CB GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e5541 or 8110 .iii.mm.ra nincliainlth and mnchlne .hop. North Modnc SI.. Tula mice. Calif. All Lvpea ol (arm machln- 'i yi'"''"i. iriicn nrda and alork rack. In,llt lo order. Any kind ol trail er unlit All lynaa ol weldlni and hard fwrlna. All wnrk suarantred Legal Notice NSVCT: ?' ,rm"- SETTLEMENT Nonce la herehv elven fh.t tu. ...i.. Ined admlnlalralrlx of Ihe eilale ol Jeremiah Cnrnellua Murphy, alao J.".";'. !'.":rJ c' Murphy, decea.ed. hna filed In the circuit Court ol the Slate of Oremn for Klamalh County Ihe final account of her adnilnlatratloii ol aald e.lale and the Court haa ap pointed the olh. d.iy of Feliruniy, lll.sa at the hour of eleven o'clock In Ihe forenoon nf anld dny a the time and Ihe Courtroom nf i.m r-A..i in .i.. Court llmi.a for Klnmnth Couiitv, Ore nn, at the place for hearing and icl llement of aald arcounls. wone jnn. 7. 10.12. Nellie T. Murnhv Administratrix rif the eMate of Henry E. Perklna. Attorney lor aald eatate. 7.11 Main St., Klnmath Fnlla, Orrffon. J-7-M-3i.au r-4 No. mi NOTICE TO CIlEOlTOiib IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STA1K OF OREGON IN AND FOR ' THE COUNTY OF KI.AMATII In the Matter of the Estate of UOL.L1E uimi.iiii, nAi.it, uecenaett. Notice la hereby Riven thnt the itndornlgned hna -bcon appointed Execu tor of Iho Knlnte nf Dnllle Blnnche mnie, ucrpnaen, ny lite circuit Court nf Ihe Htnte of Oreiton In and for mnmntn county, orcaon. All perMona hnvlng clnlma nsalnat anld entnte are hereby required lo preaent Ihe inint, properly varlfleri, to ine at ine office of u. s. llnlenllne. Hlorncv al law, 211 I. OOF. Blda. Klnmnth Fnlla. Orcaon. H-IIMn alx montha front the dale ol Ihe Ilrnt pub llcntlon hereof. Thin not Ice la aerved by puhllcntlon In the Herald & Newa, the Ural of anld publlcntlonx on the 14th dny of January, 111.12, nnd the Inat or anld puhllcnllona on Iho 4th dny of Febru ary, 1092. la) Chin. E. Nnte Executor of the Rainta nf Dnlllo Blancht Nnle, Oeccnaed. J-14-21-28 F-4 No. D.11 IT HELPS YOU In so many ways when you lenrn the trick ol bene fiting by Herald it News Classified ads They're excellent for selling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost articles. Phone U1. . A 21 MISCILLANIOUt FOR HINT FOR RENT W no ACRES TULELAKE POTATO GROUND ELIGIBLE FOR CERTIFICATION BOX 366 - TULELAKE OR I'HONE 7-0463 TULELAKE 10 SERVICE rti.ir.iirtllONH -- un rri.ii'H. womtn'i, 'Jill'lr.i. . i-liithlns. Jrnnl. Hart, S.am. In... Anlla'a, 7ll1 Moln. (JI.AHH riirhftu're lopi snd siiVlvra mn,.i. ... rr, niniball's uism Shop I'hmi. 7.1711. hkwinV;' iiiki .ri.rsiISirTmiTTSftw iNCOMK -l'XlTll f-tf rit'CiH Yur NpiMjinimcnt phuns 2-021, llarvsy lll.pliai.i. KUI.I.KII li.ii.ln. rhtmm wuii or SwTT IIIIILK I.AVI.M,- your ll'rtpUct naw.- ii nrii rail man Ihif.k V'o(ltliie"pla;:paiil"ra"pal?' Crtll 2-IIIIIII. JVATLl, l!LHAI'iriJT(X llcaaonablt n a'n ni-.i. i'AWrlHlj-snrpVpVrTsnaln." "iPhonV IIUI'P'H AUTO patnting, body and fan der work Phona 4040 EI.KCTItlC Wliiim;. work by hour or i'onlrsrl Phona 2-1(110 KXi-rHT (Iraaamaklnf and alleratloni I'll. ma S7SI. CI'HTAIN'H laundi'tlT I'linna 41114 and alralrhail J ITTjea) Puhlle Accountanl and Auditor Olllra Mo No7lh - Phona .14S PIANO TilNINO-WM. II. MOIIUAN Eaclory trained lei-hnlclan and lunar, ror tunliia. call K Ir Moraan Piano. Ili:is Wain or phnna 3-OWKi, 12 EDUCATIONAL ilOOKR KKPiNO. ihorthan'd typlni tu" drau subjtrli. olllra machinal KLAMATH UllHINEKB COI.l.EUE Plna Phon. 47SII CHILD CAnE and aducatlon. Prr achool cr-ntar Phona 427S. 13 HEALTH MARHAGE. axarclaa. waUhlhltini. Phy. aliilharapy lor reducing ralaxallon, bmly hulldlna. Ralaa fur wrle.. Ap. p'llnlmant, phona aa&l-MOa. Madlcal aiaaavu.a, women only. 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE EAuKf"iiioney aTlioine-Tull. pari llinT. B'ix 47llliM-oid ami Ntva. WOMEN io rare for children and flint hnu.ework. Phone 43M I6 HELP WANTED. MALE A tfV E BTIS I N Gmoim MATCHES- Union Lahl Eor every btialncu plua blf pulitlcal Una Ihal'a hmier than a lire cracker. ' rct w'"' S0" laclory. Ul ram daily. Feature Glamor Clrlm tiinoiiiy, ftcenlca; dozena othar ttylea. flrgula'. double and jumbo tinea. ' RKE complete match factory In one elab orate aalea outfit, full or part lime. MONARCH MATCH CO. Dept. 127 Mon Trv x T'J"y ilfl" JnJo'' H'"' WANTED uaed ear malnietrance man. Mil ' have own Inula and poaaeaa aver age mechanical ahilii.v. Prefer married man. and mual be tleady. Job paya oi rith'v alary. Give refertneea. Hon 473 Herald and Newa. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED fc X P E R I ENCED woman bookkeeper familiar with pavrnll and general ol fice work. Write Herald Newt. Box No. .D CAHE In my home tlaya. Pn CHH.J)CH EPh o 1 1 e 7fTw . UA. or hour work wanted. J-0.HI, ' BAI1V SITTMNGrTnroTSn "" WAsiMNb and Irohihg. PhonTT-oTToT" BAIIY SITTING. Phone 2-W72. IVILL enre for Chif(lrn In mv Jnv" or your home evenlnsa. Call fl'oUH wnrk.' Phone'YniT" 22 ROOMS FOR RENT y-Kt hentet mom for rent. nTT Il'rh. CAUdE aleeplng room with heal. AIij amall clean apartment. Ullllttea fur jeln1 For lady. Phone M S : rh?reaion ah I e P ho:-e""4ult7. CoVKLV rooma for re"nti7 a wtatf do.r jn Phone OftT KflOMH o.t"4 High 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT KOR HKNt. large four room oparl menl and garaae. See at 943 Front. Kbit RENT, nicely furnished three room apartment In duplex. Refrigera tor. Washer, electric raim. mi ..... !'o!ri.p.Lhot nk. Clote In. North aloe. Phone 4253. TWO room furnlahed dun lex. Two blocks from Main. Phone 44fi2. 4 ROOM turn lined aoartinent. tW. I'lghta, water also furnished. Cabin S20. 172.1 Oak. I Ml.:i. HOOM inniUrn f a-., i. . apartment .1210 Cannon. Phona 2-1.186. L'LKAN three room apartment. 4aa No! mm. i.KAN u-arm Mirnith.! Cc-nte Phone fl4.ll. apai tmeiu LARGU. furnished two-room apart ment. 4T .10. smaller two-room unit, S-tS; refrigerators. All utilities included 419 N. Tenth. KOK RENT large furnished apartme 1. Adults. Also two room modern cabin. Phone B220. TWO BEDROOM furniihed apartment, Adulta. 2061 Whtte. run iir.,1. :i nuim . Diocsa Irotn Main btreet. For worklns limine, i-none iw cvcninga 3:4. totJR ROOM lurnlahed apartment. 303 m.rwi. i-nnne e-m I. f'OII KENT lurnlahed anartn-anl quire SIB High EWLY rtecrTrated. nrlvata hath bit. chenette. Steam heat, electric range SI" week Rex Anna Apartment FOR RENT, three room turnlnhrd apartment. Hoi waler heat. Adulta. FOR RENT large three room lurnlahed apartment. Ph. 2-2U2H. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT, unfurnlalied two bedroom nome. i-none I FOR SALE, two bedroom modern houae 111 Tulelnke. Inaulnted. George O. Free man, 41 B. street. Tulelnke. TWO bedroom hnuae. nartlv fumlWhH i none O.IIW or ajnu evenlnga, CLEAN nmilern fllrnl.hnri n. HHPn. nou.e. una eoulnned. ahnu-er. aarnse To rejtponalble couple only. Phone 7H9B. FOR RENT. Modern lurnlahed apart ment. Plenty natural heal. OLYMPIC APTS. 207 K. Mnln FOR Hr.Ni. i nree room tiniurmsneo house, Phone 5IH4. V t: R Y attractive new three room house for rent to working couple. Fireplace, eiectr," hent. Phone 4(i7. FOR 1.KASE, Three bedroom modern unfurnished hotire on California avenue. See W. J. Easier, 10.10 California Ave. avenue. FURNISHED or unfurni.ied two bed. renin duplex. Phone :iB7a or 1112 Mar- TWO bedroom unfurnished house. An lomntlo gns furnace nnd water heater. Giirne. $05. Phone 2-3.1(17. Urtr ulIMHHKO four room duplex. Rx cept for sloven. 930. Call 3027 before fl p.m. FOR RI'NT nn Icme nasi two bed rooift furnished home In Stewart-Lennox addition. Large lot, basement. iium, cn-f-Krt noi", eiC. tail W. J Faster, phone 2-9200 FOR RENT. Two berirnnm 'rtiiitlev fur nlahttl. rinse In. Inquire 720 North Uth. FOR RENT, three room modern caoin parllv furnished. Electric stove. &2i 11111111 1. -..an 09 seen at una Adami or call 9243. 26 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT OFFICE anaca fnr rent, firming 4nn? r-iinne imi, OFFICE 7181. for rent. 623 Main.' Phone H RENT floor sand era lataat ivn. equipment Suburban Lumber Co Utb and Walnut Phone 7708 CAR STORAGE HEATKrV Amv avaeb 2IMmontn' hrl tinil phona 73 or 1709, HERALD AND 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE U TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save '4 New Trucks For Long Trips Plckupa Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 20 REAL EST A fl FOR SALE Beautiful Suburban Bungalow Very attractive well built 2 bed room home, Insulated, weather- stripped, storm windows, and good oil furnace. Mighty fine house for weather like this. Hardwood floors. large utility room, breakfast nook, good lawn, shrubs and garden space. In restricted neighborhood and eligible for maximum FHA loan. This won't last long! Cnll us ana see it NOW! Price S8500. 1 Acre On Kneo Road This 2 bedroom newly built home Is ottered fully furnished for S9000. You may have Immediate posses sion. Eligible for FHA loan. Buy now and be set to put In your garden as soon as this dad-blamed snow meita. Good 3 Bedroom Home Completely re-flnlshed, decorated, and ready to move Into without touching a point brush. This home is very roomy, well laid out, with separate dining room, large break fast nook, full concrete basement, good forced air oil furnace. In quiet neighborhood. Price 112,000. $3000 3 Room Mansion It you want an Inexpensive but good 1 bedroom house, this is it. location is good 1507 Riverside. All the rooms are large and the Continuous cement foundation, good garage. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Don Sloan Fred Scott Ph. 2-2460 Eves. I . 5658 Eves. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & 'SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 $500 DOWN One bedroom home off California Avenue. Plastered living room and kitchen, service porch, stall shower. Insulated and weatherstripped. oil heater. Monthly payments like rent. Price $2250. We only have a few homes to sell. If you are planning to sell phone our office and let's talk it over. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 HOMES Three bedroom home with electric heat. i acre best soil, all fenced. Close to bus and schools. $5600. Two bedroom home. Close to school. $4,000, $500 down. INCOME PROPERTY Two partly furnished homes on one lot. Close In. Rent, income $70. Selling price $5500. Store Building and two bedroom nome for sale or trade. BEARD AGENCY Realtors and Insurance 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4880, 4734 SAY POLKS, we have that city ranch you've been looking for, consisting of two bedroom modern home. In sulated throughout wcatherstrlped. New paint Job, new roof, garage aunt-iira pius tnree acres good land. This is located on Bnrtlett. Can be bought for $7500 or may be leased. No better ground than this. XXX Three apartment house with base, ment within three blocks nf Mnln Shows 120 per month. ' Can be imiiuira witn s&oo down plus $75 per month on balance of equity or $1800 down and assumed balance at $60 per month. Sellinn price $?ma mi-1 . . eiouu. i ins snown oy ftppointment. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIS COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Qfflce Ph, J-3335 1 Eves. 2-1365 NEW HUMES for salt. Powell. Phon. 8318. William B. Win. pay $20,000 for a home. Mini nav. four b.drooms and two bathrooms. Writa H.rald and N.wi, Box 47. NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 42 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK AUCJION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 1:30 P.M. Cattle, Hogs, Bhccp. Livestock trucks for hire, one head or carload KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, Inc. MIDLAND ROAD R. E. "Bob" Rhodes, Auctioneer 46 FINANCIAL LOANS MONEY ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to, 1500 on your auto On your salary or furniture up to $300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty - $10, 125, 150 loaned till "pay day" or longer. 2b costs but 18 cents for one week. Wo other charges LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th St. M-364 DON MclNTYRE, Mgr. 43 Veara Friendly Service 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MILLS Nearly new one bedroom home located one block to bus line. Wall to wall carpeting, .very attractive kitchen and dining area. Insulated walls, ceilings and floors. Attached garage, utility room and work shop. Excellent condition through out. A real buy at $6500 terms. NORTHSIDE Attractive and well constructed four bedroom home. Fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, dining room, new electric heat. Two full baths, Insulated and weather- stripped. Concrete basement, sprink ling system, beautiful view. Priced far below replacement cost. $12500. Immediate Possession Outstanding large family home, ideal location. Close to school and shopping center. 14x30 foot living room with beautiful stone fireplace, large dining room and kitchen. Three spacious bedrooms with walk-In closets, glassed in sleeping porch, sun deck, double garage, full concrete basement. Automatic heat to all rooms. A home to be Droud of. $16,000 terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 $4250 Five room home with bath on large corner suburban lot. Completely in sulated, concrete foundation. Elec tric heat, large sunny living room, nice dining room. Near--stores, school and bus. Ample room' fop another home on lot. Full price $4250 terms. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 NORTHSIDE- Two bedroom plastered home. A-l construction. 12 years old, full ce ment basement with extra sleeping room or play room. Automatic heat, lot 75x220. Lawn and fruit trees. Price $8700 terms. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley, Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7260 HOMES FOR SALK EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Kirkoatrlck. Salesman 121 N 8tk Phone 8491 TWO BEDROOM home, furnished or unfurnished. 1H07 Laurc. Phone 4934. 32 BUILDING & REMODELING WEATHER STRIPPING to suit your needs! Basin Building Materials, 47tH joutn sixth street. Phone z-w. ASBESTOS siding and insulated panel anaxe siding applied, free estimates, F. H. A. Terms. Robinson. Phone 2-3005. KOR SALE. Warm Morning Heating stove. Phone 8544. 34 FUEL HEATING Ashley Automatic Wood Heaters $52.50 & $68.50 Both models now in stock. 24 hour heat from wood or presto-logs. Ashley Headquarters 74 No. Main P. O. Box 232 Ashland Phone 7231 or 2-7791 STANDARD . HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Pill Svstcm METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER . 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 S Si H GREEN STAMPS !, h... inj oils Phone 3881 or 2.0260 for orompt delivery. CUFF YADEN'S SIGNAL. HERV1CC ICOIHI EKI Din STANnARn ttr a Thin .1 01..-., lurnace llfnt fuel, co.1, wood. inarcoai Peyton and Co Pnone J14. S3S Mark.l CLEAN economical trouble free heat oil atoves. . PEYTON Sc CO DRY Dine btoi-k. for ai,' nnn nlnaa and weekends. Metiers Broa. PHtSTOLOUS pickup or delivered Cliff Vadens Signal Service Utio So rrione asai or 2-960 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES COLLIE pupa. Litter rcslstcred. Call ;ion. ANDERSON Boarding Kennelt Phon. 30.7 SORB Pelawa-e oil Homedale BOARDING KKNNR1.S Dot boardlns bv dav week fir mnntH Sanitary kennels Well balanced diet Clean Individual OMtdoor run. lor each dog Dote handled durtia pn.llna Will pica .up and deliver Vlillora Welcome Phon 8078 . . Merrill Ro Rt. 3. BoK 804 ' SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS I POULTRY Phone 2-2537 B-nt 40 TO EXCHANGE WILL trade 1048 Ford pickup for car 42 LIVESTOCK I POULTRY POULfRY WANTED Cash paid for bny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations 1 PHONE -3857 . KLAMATH POULTRY PARM8 REGISTERED Ive year old Polled Hereord bull. Will be at livestock aale.Wedneag ay. Cox Bros. - " VOH SALE two work horsea with harness.- Cheap. Frank Mlcka. Malln. Oregon. IF in need of service age Holatefn bull, ace Benter Farms. Ciesweli, Oregon rem ui tpe anq proouctlon, FOR SALE heavy producing vaccinat ed Holsteln cow, just fresh G. H. i-ji icimi, Merrill, ure, I am nOW book tna nrrlrr fnr inrlns delivery of . Whiteface. Angui, and dairy calvea. L. M. Hooker, Rt. 1 Box 7. Crescent City, Call . WANTED colored nana Phone 4591 HiuHLST prices paid for poultry, hogl and livestock. BIG V MEA1 MARKET Lahaview Junction Phone 462n ArtTIUCIA.'. BREEDING SERVICE Phrne S72 M C I Chuck" aVarrcn Rt 2 Box 522 KUt SAi-t.. Three months old white faced he'fer. Will drink out ot buckeL hnre 44. FRYERS, pan-ready. Phone 2-1133. 100 NEW Hampshire pullets. Laying. Pr.ne 4282. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED. David Bradley or Harris Bale Loader. Adams Ranch, Phone Mer rill 7221. WEYERHAEUSER EMPLOYES Wanting rides to work. Phone 8532. Driving city bus. WANTED. Good trash burner. Will trade new army mine detector for same. Phone 9606. We wish to buy large quantities ol Sugar Pine Cones. Man units Branches. Mossy Branches and many other native mountain weeds. Anyone that Is in terested, write and quote prices to i nx. ritrtyy r .vf kah r. 1 1U west -u street. New York 1. N. Y. WANTED. Coronet. Phone 9303. WANTED by counle. soon as oossible two or three bedroom house. Will lease or rent. Prefer close In. References. -none z-92jb. ...... .-. wy NTED to rent. Grain land have full equipment. C. H. Kelly, Route 1, ----- .-v-' none. taw. A'E NEED CARS' Get top price now! Rite Motor Co 6th and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE h Loa L-as ns Borrow Put Onl $100 $7.27 Mo. Repay in 18 Installments UP VO $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS w nrE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars ''nanceH at Dank rate "VONEV IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving KUmath Baxlii See "Chuck" Bailey Mgr. Ill N 7th St. Phone 3325 S-241 M-I7S Commercial Furnishes Cash; CASH LOANS $50 to $300 Auto Fumlturt) Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles tpald tor or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance." - Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 8-251 - N-223 107 No Sth Phona Till 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAXI business. 3 cabs. S45O0 cash buvs everything. I'm tired. Box 476 Herald new., 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 . . Ph. 7991 FOR SALE, 7 foot refrigerator, Phone 7294 after 4 p.m. t.( Sal. el Movtaa wnsnintf with movable tubs. Call 624a. LINOLEUM BINDING and chrome edgings. Basin Bulldines Materials. tun aoutn sixin street, r-none 2.2563, FOR SALE military Jeep tire. Brand new. Slightly damaged. 700x15. Made offer. Phone 2-33r0. tOK SALE, fll) Ion second culllns al. falfa stored In bam Walter Casebeer. Bonansa. ,i AUTOMOTIVI DUGAN & MEST Where the customer gets all the breaks with out breaking the customer on a 2-Day FREE Driving I rial - Money '49 Studcbaker $1397 50 Chevrolet $1647 50 Plymouth $1647 '49 Oldsmobile $1647 TRUCKS ft '43 Dodge l'2 Ton $ 997 '44 Int. V2 Ton $ 797 '49 Chev. 1V4 Ton $1497 '36 Ford V2 Ton $ 347 '49 Dodge Power Wgn. $1897 YOU SETTHE BEST AT DUGAN & MEST DODGE, PLYMOUTH, DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th ' Phone 8101 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ruh sau, i.ew minx neau mr coat. beautiful natural Color dark hrnua Aaa on only lour time. I'i hours each JT. ed cajh o will sell cheap. Ph. 14 DAV YRVP TOIAI Try the new Sunbeam Shavemaster at irciuTf you ouy. uniy 2o.30. RICKYS JEwri.t-Bs 700 Main I'none 3151 USED FURNITURE vl,i"ean oiuJ. be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 5353. tt-JftCH concrete culvert pipe. per foot. PEYTON & CO OIL storase tanks. - Peyton and Co. U35 Market. r. Ml ton srooo aiiaita nsv in stock. Could feed or chop to feed. Don Macken S.E. of Malm on State ume road CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 2-1167. CRUSHED 'ROCK, Pnone 5641. driveway cinders. FOLKS who like food with the home. made taste. . -like to shop at Johnny's Big Y Bakery. Merrill - Lakevlaw Junc tion. LANDSCAPING. evergreens, ihrub. and trees. We trim, spray and remove Urge trees. UAK5HORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4286 GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy used Urea. O.K. Rubber Weld n. 2391 So Sth. Phone IS. AUD1NG MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chain, tiles lor sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY g Mam Phone 7412 EL1.CTROLUX CLEANER and polish.! and supplies. Phon. 7167 r.rkel Tweet. 92, Market FOR SALE aas ranges. 710 Main St- Greer Apts. Call at Manager, apart ment. RAILROAD WATCHES While they last we nave a limited numoer ot used Hamilton, Elgin and Ball railroad watches in first class condition. . REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Phone 3131 BROKEN window glass replaced. balls Glass Shop. Phone 7378. Kim MIRRORS resilvered, new mirrors made to order. Kimballs -Class Shop Phone 737B. SAVE UP TO si 00? Floor models of Admiral refrigerators at a oig saving io you: uiiy guar anteed. Eleven models. LUCAS FURNITURE 19S E. Main P. 3824 WHY BE SNOWBOUND? 1941 Warco oower blade, hydraulic controls. P res tone, chains. WW. Econ omv Wreckers. Phone 6343. MO DEl 510 Kiroy, slightly used, half price. Phone 0200. FOR SALE or trade, electric range, vacuum cleaner. Miscellaneous house hold Items tor luggage. Phone 9141 GLAMORENE rue cleaner now avail- able at . HAFTER FURNITURE 9th and Klamath. Klamath . Falls. Ore. WANT to wreck or move corrugated building. Box 477 Herald and News. FOR SALE. Ford Ferguson Tractor in A-l shape. L. D. Hodges. Maltn, Ore. FOR SALE. First and second cutting alfalfa hay. Phone 7-O440 Tulelake. FOR SALE. 14 tube Westinghouse Con sole. Like new. Best offer. Phone 8594 after 6 p. m. FOR SALE, Phone 9449. 100 ton good alfalfa. 55 AUTOMOTIVE COMPLETE Radiotor Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER . MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" . Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND . TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath ?hone 2-2581 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitoticotk Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 77 S -7th Phone mi 1945 MACK truck. Rated 3 to 3 ton. Has rolls and bunks. If vnu nri m truck this la It. A-l condition. Very cheap. Must be sold. Phone "The Tlni. ocrs Menu, Oregon. KOK SAUK. 1949 Bulck Super convert- iuie. ai.Kw. zoii victory urive. COMPLETE auto Prompt, reasonable.. glass service. Kimballs Glass onop. rnone laB. FOR SALE. ton Chevrolet Pickup. Low mileage. L, D. Hodges, Malln, Oregon. . .. ..isD TO BUY. four-wheel drive W Ili'B Station W.aoa. Phon. 0.113 aft.r 6 p.m 1949 Ford Club Coupe V-8. Radio and Heater. Good uoholaterlne. very food rubber. In llrst class condition. SI225. rioya a. isocy company, Ttueiaaa, California. Phon. 7-2072. Back Guarantee. '48 Dodge $1147 '47 Chevrolet $U47 '47 Plymouth $1017 '46 Bulck $ 997 . PICKUPS '49 Dodge Ton '49 Ford Vi Ton ... '48 Int. Ton $1297 $1097 $1097 ft JANUARY CLEARANCE 1941: PONTIAC 425 $ 125 2-Dr. Sedan 1937 LASALLE Coupe 1947 ZAX 995 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 Studebaker 5-Pass. Cpe. OLDS "78" Dlx. Sedan 1050 '1195 Hudson Com. 1435 1365 "6" Sedan Hudson Sup. 6" Sedan PACKARD Sedan 1465 Chev. 5-Pass. Club Cpe. 1145 1 O A O PACKARD 1595 I 7 Custom Sedan 1 O A fl DODGE 1595 l74-7 Coronet Sdn. 1949 795 IO'nI Hudson Pace- ri rr I 7J I Maker "6" 4-Dr.OOU 1951 EFZT 2295 COMMERCIAL -fr SPECIAL 1947 DODGE 54 TON PANEL Heater QOC Excellent condition OO JUCKELAND MOTORS llth tc Klamath Phone 2-2581 ROSEMOBILE. 1951 CHEVROLET BEL AIR Bought new last November. Beauti ful tutone grey. Has Power glide, radio, heater, clock, feu lights, rear wheel shields, Prestone. Driven less than 6,000 miles. 2295 PRICE ROSE MOTOR CO. 6th it Plum Phone 7551 SPECIAL 1947 STUDEBAKER Champ. Business Coupe ONLY $845 Down payment $280 First monthly payment due March 10. KLAHNNASH Home of SELECT USED CARS I 60S So. 6th Phone 3650 ROSEMOBILE 1951 FORD VICTORIA Beautiful green tutone. Has over. drive, radio, heater, Prestone, license. Has less than 1,000 miles use. PRICE 2391 ROSE MOTOR CO. ,; 6th it Plum ' Phone 7551 CORRECTION NOTICE The 1951 Willys Jeepster (The only American made "Sports Car") listed in our ad last Thursday and Friday at $170$ should have read. 1795 ; SELBY MOTOR CO. r 3330 So. 6th Phone 8451 BUS SARQANT'S USED CARS WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE Cornar Shasta Way and Arthur Streets Phone 0205 1950 OLDSMOBILE CLUB SEDAN "8S". Good condition. Call 6243 .Iter 5 p. tn. Hi NELU CAH& U.I lop price .now. Hoa. Motor us Bin .no num. WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS) ' 301 I. Main. Phon. 3979. "W. e-HI Mil your car for you." We bin' tat tradal