PAGE EIGHT MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 10B2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Obituary , ALAWAT Orb Alaway, 43. . native of Claudel, Kaneae and resident of Plna arova, Calif., passed away In San Andrcai, Calif., Jan. 14, 10.11. Survivor! Includa tha widow Hoh Alawayi a aon, Warren Wayn Alaway of Plna Grove, Calif., hit mother, Mra, Minnie Alaway of Gaylord, Kaniai: . two eutera, Mra. Loella Kucera of Klamath Felti; Mri. Ivn Schneider of Yeldro. Calif., two brothers, John Alaway of Maywond, Calif., and Jamea R. Alaway of Bell, Calif. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE Lilted, Inaotlve, tJnllited and Over-the-Coanler bonds and Stcrks. Investment Fundi Ml Mid-Den. Hide, rhini t-S4ta KLAMATH FALLS SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA BaaOecMfsllr TrM Eiclortr Method No. Hh Phon WW Chlroprortlo PhyiirUn HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern I lr. end Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprietors and Joe Earley Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment 11th & Walnut Ph. 7709 J DONTLETA COLD 60 DOWTI A eh est cold e&n be very wmoyinf. otuKing many aches and pains. So take action at once against the slightest eough, scratchy throat or sniffle caused ky a cold. Rub on Musterole! The great pain-relieving, stimulating medication of Musterole not only quickly relieves discomforts but also helps break p congestion in upper bronchial tubes, ose and throat. If Musterole doesn't give you prompt relief see your doctor. Musterole a sold in S strengths. i Oi nwiniif. o. O HO) B33 IV 3SE3 , KLflmOTU COLLS . OAGGOfi Oil YOUR CHEST n ME L 9 WHOLESALE LUMBER EXECUTIVE W. are a aubstantlal, well-rated, wholesale plywood distributor In the process of establishing a wholesale lumber division. We are looking (or a wholesale lumber executive to set up this dlvliion and to take complete charge of au purchasing and sales. The man we are looking for should be well experienced in wholesale lumber buying and selling with ex tensive mUl and customer contacts. We feel that we are offering the properly qualified man a permanent position which WIU carry him Into high Income brackets. Midwest Plywood Company 10101 Lyndon Detroit 21, Michigan Texas 4-8000 rK tv-.i v..''. t ;i .mmkt, MAM ku V. b'-Ss$SS ROGER SA6S0N GOTJ I''mi SRT ON CAREER W gpk fffifj THROUGH WANTAO A EWftyietKWt& P'ofbiokMijebotiie. Appl,, P. O, Sox 1 I Here In Klamath Want Ads Work Wonders LJCDAI n ft.' KICUC la the tlnt Weather Western Oregon Partly cloudy Monday and Tuesday. Patches o( early morning fog in Interior val leys. Highs both days 45 to 60. Lows Monday night 30 to 38, ex cept about 41 on immediate coast. Winds off coast southerly to south easterly and 10 to 30 milts an hour Monday, Increasing to 30 to 30 miles an hour Tuesday. Eastern Oregon Partly cloudy Monday and Tuesday. Consider able night and morning tog. Highs both dnys 38 to 50. Lows Monday nlRht 15 to 25. North-rn California Mostly fair Monday and Tuesday but cloudy at times in north and con siderable fog In Son Joaquin Val w. Little) change In temperature. Winds off coast southeasterly to northeasterly and 10 to 30 miles an hour. ornnt. Pass and vicinity Partly cloudy through Tuesday except val- Icy fog in morning, mgn doiu "yo 50. Low Monday night 35. 24 hours ending at 4:30 a.m. Max Min Baker . -3 Bend 38 Eugene . J La Grande 3T Medford 30 North Bend . 51 ii Ontario " Pendleton j Pnrttanil - 34 Roseburg Salem - Boise Chicago Denver Eureka Los Angeles New York ...... Red Bluff San Francisco Seattle Spokane .60 38 ..53 33 -.83 33 .34 9 ...48 25 -.54 11 75 50 61 40 60 41 58 43 58 34 43 35 Funeral ALAWAT Funeral aervlcei far Orb Alaway, . I - ,n G.R An4r California January 34 will be held u.iat rhaiul Rth Jtv Pine Tuesday, Jan. 29. at 3 p.m. The Rev. Daniel B. Anderson oinciauni. Interment will be made in Klamath Memorial Park. O. C. Wells Said Seriously III BONANZA O. C. (Chuck) Wells, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pepple, Is very ill In a naval hos pital near Oakland. He has been in Japanese waters since May 13 on the USS Essex. He landed In San Francisco Jan. 11 and became 111 on Jan. 14. He will be in bed at least six weeks and in the hospital four months. His wife has taken an apartment in Oakland to be near him. They ran the Antler Cafe in Bonanza before he went Into the Navy. Cards and letters will reach him at this address: O. C. W.ells C S 1c. Ward 46 A, V. S. Naval Hospital, Oakland, Calif. RABBIT MEET SALEM Wl The second annual Pacific Rabbit Producers Associa tion convention will be held here March 8. Henry Rone ot we pacif ic Coooerative Poultrv Producers. will be the principal speaker. CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade Ph. 3121 Asa youth Roaer Bab. son, the famed business forecaster, was go eager to learn finance that he sent a series of applisationg in an. swer to a Want Ad by a broker. Geiting no reply, Babsort rode to Boston, lo cated the firm's post office) cox, vranea nourt until he could trail someone from the office. Admiring Babson's persistence, the manager hired him at once. Want Ads An Beads to Fame u (W m4 ef sxl m. .nnM W IsjaseWVasJ Ph. Iltl I COMPLETE i I RADIATOR I I SERVICE de Mi f A L-; 'sieaieaali,tralfWn.TilLws THE WINTER FISHERMEN above hadn't had any luck on Upper Klamath when this pic ture was snapped but they seemed to be havingg fun. The anglers are (1 to r) Khlar Heaton, Route 2, and Isom Patterson, Route 1. 4-H'ERS MARCH OF DIMES Altamont Sew and Save club. all 12 years old. THIS PICTURE, taken in Communist Prisoner of War camp No. 2 at Pyoktong on the Korean side of the Yalu river, shows Frank Noel, (left), Associated Press Staff Photograph er, a Communist captive for more than a year, talking with white-gowned and masked doctor. According to caption material supplied by Noel, the sign in background reads: "General hospital of the POW camps of the Chinese People's Volunteers." The Reds permitted Noel to make a series of pictures In the camp. The photos, along with this one, were turned over to an AP representative at Panmunjom and received in Tokyo Jan. 25. Payne Death Learned Here OUNSMUIR Word was received here of the death In Ashland of Mrs. Estella Mae Payne, 79, and her hasband Champ T. Payne, 85. Mrs. Payne, a native of Ashland and life long resident died Jan. 10 In a rest home after six months of failing health. Payne died in Ashland General Hospital Jan. 20 after a brief Illness. He was a native of Walla Wash., and came to Southern Oregon when a bov. His family settled in the Fern Val ley district, east of Phoenix. He attended the old academy In Ash land. He was born Oct. 15, 1866. Mrs. Payne, born Estella Wells, Jan 30, 1871, taught school In the valley for many years prior to her mariage to Payne on Jan. 11, 1893. unerai services lor Doth were held In Litwlller Funeral home and Interment was In Mountain View Cemetery. Rev. John F. Hauck officiated at the services ' for Mrs. Payne Jan. 12, and Rev. W. H. Tillman at the rites for her husband 1 4.J ai , . ..r '1 Vt laaaavaaasaaaaaaaasaaaaseaaaaaaaaaaaai campaign was led last week by these three members of the They are Sheila Kunz, LaVonne Wynck and Susan O'Hair, - , , .... T" ,JL Regional Farm Meeting On Here A regional meeting of Klamath county and Lake county Farm Bu reau organizations got underway In the Wlnema hotel late this morn ing with two top Farm Bureau rep resentatives slated speakers. . They are Mrs. Walter Hardy, new president of the Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, and AFBF rep resentative Bill Davis. Lloyd Hankins, regional direc tor from Bonanza, was scheduled to preside. The couple leaves four daughters and two sons, Mrs. Maple Ellason, Mrs, Ann Jordan, W. Clark Payne, and Mrs. Elizabeth Dear, all of Ashland, and Homer W. Payne of Oakland, Calif., and Mrs. Marjorle Skaggs of Seattle. There are three grandchildren and four great children. Mrs. Payne also leaves a brother James P. Wells of Ashland and sisters Mrs. Katheryn Cole of San Francisco and Mrs. Emily Maize of Wilms, Calif. Payne leaves a sister Mrs. Stacy Barron of Ash land and brother Taylor Payne of Sacramento. Y i 0 i i 4 k'.V"A?'A Bad Check Artist Held LeRoy Garrison, 38, Alturas, ar rested by City Police here Satur day was In County Jail this morn ing charged with attempting to cash a bogus check. In a District uourt hearing, Garrison asked for time to consult an attorney and was Jailed with bail set at $5,000. Arrested with Garrison Saturday was Jacqueline Scott, 18, Onkridge. In Munlclnal Court Saturday, the girl was fined $100 and given 30 oays in jail lor vagrancy. The couple was arrested at the Pelican Hotel, where they were registered in seoaratai rooms. Po lice said they had attempted to casn a lib check at the Arcade and Wlnema Hotels before trying it at the Pelican. Two giant 68,000-horsepower ciec trie motors have been Installed at Washington's Grand Coulee Dam to pump water tor Irrigation. p-!X - Armory Administration M- Donanaa. Clly of ............. ttonansa. Road -...U.H.- .... onanaa, Serial w - .. Current Expense ...... County, Jail fund County, Jail tnvaatntent . .. County, Jail Special rund --... ..-.....- Chllouuln, City of Chlloquln, n ai I Oluloquln. Road County School ... . - .. County School Unit, Special . ..-.. County School Unit, nond and Interest - County School Unit, Ten Mill Levy .... .... Dog Ltceneo Iilalaa ... ......,. County ralr Maintenance County ralr Trust rund -.-.. County ralr Stale Levy .. ...... ... rira Patrol Oraslng Act Klamath Drainage District, B a I Klamath Dralnaaa Dlitrlct, O at M ........... Klamath ram. City of ... Klamath rails. B a 1 and Special . . Klamath rails, Itoad . Klamath Irrigation District, O a M Klamath Irrigation Dlitrlct, III Construction Klamath Irrigation District, G.n.ral Keno Irrigation Dlitrlct, O at M ...... Keno Irrigation District, Cleneral Ungell Valley Irrigation District, O at M Langell Valley Irrigation Dlitrlct. B at I . Ungell Valley Irrigation District, Oeneral Library, County Law Library ...-........................" "Z Liquor Enforcement Lakcihor Gardens Drainage District Malln Cemetery Dlitrlct Malm Cemetery Dlitrlct Investment . Malln rire Metrics , t Malln Irrigation Dlitrlct. O M .. Z.l Malln Irritation District, II at I Malln, Clly of .. ...,m " ' Malln. D at I ""ZZ 'Z. " Malln. Road S.......... Malln Community Park Rec. Dlst." O At M Malln Comunlty l-ark at Recreation Construction Merrill. City of . ...... Merrill. B a, I Merrill, Road ...., . , " MerrUI. Rural rtre District . " . Merrill Park District Meadowa Dralnaaa District, O j M , Muieum ... , Pine Grove Irrigation District. O It M ."J Road. County .... . , ""' Hoed Bond Sinking Investment 'ZZ Road Bond Sinking Interest ., Jchool Ulst. No. I, Speclel Serial tMllls School! Ichool District No. 1, Special School Dlitrlct No. 1. B at I o D. ichool District No. I. Special Serial Shasta View Irritation District O at M haila View Irrigation Dlitrlct B a) i Shasta View Irrigation Dlilrtct Emergency . .. Malta View Irrigation Dlitrtcl Debt Retirement State irreducible School . . State Gam. Commission . ,. sunny Slda IrrlgaUon District, O at M .... lunny Side IrrlgaUon Diilrlct, B St I Suburban Rural rire District, General . Suburban Rural rire District, B at I , . ..... Suburban Rural rire Dlitrlct, Serial , - Stewart Lennox rire Dlitrlct . Union High School No. X Special . Union High School No 2 ,B at I Union High School No. 1. Special Serial Upper Van Brimmer Drainage Bit Undistributed Tax . . Wlard Park District TOTAL Tranfere rirat National Bank of Portland, Klamath Bank Statement Balanc M . . . Outiundlng Checks No. 13437 No. 13413 CASH ON HAND rirst National Bank of Portland, So. lh Bank Statement Balance CASH ON HAND U.S. National Bank of Portland, Klamath Bank Statement Belanee . . - CASH ON HAND . ... National City Bank, New York City Bank Statement Balance. .... CASH ON HAND Investments in United Steles Government TOTAL CASH ON HAND ... . ... NOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVEN, IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION BS-3n3 O. C. L. A. THAT THE ABOVE IS A THUat AND CORRECT STATEMENT Or THE IX MONTHS PERIOD ENDINO. rxT.MBER 111. ' No COUNTY TREASURER. KLAMATH COUNTY. OREOON. unnoquin By DARLENE WOLFF Orville Mcndenhall fell on the Ice In iront of his home early this week and broke his ankle, the one he didn't break last year at about the same time. After spending the night in a Klamath hospital he Is now recuperating at home. Mrs. Mcndenhall has been busy with re cuperating persons lor quite somo time. The day Butch broke his ankle their older daughter, Minda Mae, returned to school, after be ing out for absut two months fol lowing a gunshot wound, Mcndcnhall's Injury put a stop to a trip planned by tho Dwlght Klrcher family, who were to leave this week for Sun Francisco to at tend buyers' week, and were going on soutn to visit with former local residents, the Harry Elliotts in La guna Beach and the Mark Bal fours in San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolff left on Thursday afternoon for a short business trip to Eugene. Biggest news In Chlloquln this week, in addition to the robbery of the ocer store, was the removal of snow from the two main rtreets, The clearing was scheduled for Tuesday afternoon but finally got underway on Wednesday close to noon. S.nce the city has no scoop and dump trucks with which to haul away the snow, huge piles au made in vacant lots, and these n na.f the, 1A font lnvel nOW. The largest in height is Just south of Roy Gienger's warehouse at me end of main street, a wider one is between the VFW hall and the vniith renter and the lots between Frosty's station and the railroad tracks have been piled high. With that clearing, the usual method of piling the snow In the middle of the two streets should suffice for the rest of the winter, , On schedule for Saturday Is the further widening of all the minor city streets by about 2Vi or 3 feet. By the time the article about Mrs, Markwardt's mother being ill In San Francisco was published, the elderly lady had passed away. Mrs, Fisher was well known in Chlloquln and was 82 at the time of her death. Fred Markwardt and his daughter Mrs.'Loyal Heath Joined Mrs, Markwardt In the city for the final rites and they all re turned together on Thursday. LEGAL NOTICE KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON Somi-Annual Report of County Treasurer KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON BALANCE JULY I. lUtll a.oa.i.7". tim I.TA .00 tiu.inl.ts , SI.3MI.IW ini.iHifloa ... Ki.ont' no KIM 111 l3Bd 73.11T.M HO.IUSI .inti ., o.l.witol S.5U3 n ami. 7t 1.1.11 M - l.aiM ... .00 MMA1 S0.UK..U .00 .00 .00 I.7l 18 m.atit.S4 f.mT 1.001I.TJ 1.071 14 T.iai io 14.S70.I4 407 7 3.101 l.toioa 1,000 tm .00 1.117 0 ooooo 1.041 U 10IH1T1 a.lMOM IIS 411 M 8 70 I.SS.1 04 WS .00 .00 .00 J.tnJtiJO .14 IS 114 00 13.301 Hd I.S47U 41.3117 34 50.000.00 1.070 M mix 1,13131 II, U 1.011 ltd 1 10 ttl.M 12000 IJ07 00 .00 14079 l.o m i7s n 40 01 S.OtO M 4..M0M 73S n 1.1113 H HI 737 Id S.,70 07 T 41 .00 Ml 00 ralla Branch. 133,333 a . MO 78 St. Brsnch, . rails Branch . .. . Bonds CHOOI. BUS CHASSIS AND BOnV BIDS M-- ,u ..Knot m.trlCt will receive bids fnr school bus chenli. srnooi iu. uuut uu .,. .-.-------- rhool mil at one o'clock p.m., Thuri. School ' Olllre, Velerens' Memorial Building, niamam rem, w,.a",. SCHOOL BUS BODY SPECiriCA TION8: One ad-pasienger: 17 Inch eesl pacing: 83 ounce Koroseal or equiva lent upholitery; be equipped to cum- Ely with Oregon Law for school bui odles. (Alternate hid. two such unllit CHASSIS SI'EClrlCATIONS: 10 hole Budd wheeli: 30 Inch rim; 400 cubic Inch displacement or more: 10.00 tire. lu piy or muni a with fifth overdrive: 30 amp. or better generator: not less in.n im pmir. . hstlery; bui type springs - not truck: Hydro-vac booster brakes or equiva lent: bus type chamlil full length frame: equipped with Tachometer; complete with low hooks both Iront and rears oil filters: roll up lire car- lata school bus regulations. lAlternate TRANSIT TYPE SCHOOL COACH: Capable of seeling 70 passengers: equipped with rear mounted engine ol not leu than 430 cubic Inch displace ment: equipped with not less than 10.00 x 20 x 12 ply Urea: 20 Inch rlmi 10 hole nttdd wheeli: five speed trans mission who nun .'. . . . . equipped with twelve volt electrical system; on amp. or -..,, not leu than 133 amp. hour with two B-volt or one ll-voll or equivalent bat tery, or belter: bus type springs - not truck: Hydro-vac booster hrakei. w in alternate bid with air; equipped with notice or PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION Notice li hereby given that the part nenhlp heretofore exlillng between J. P. McAullffe, Joseph Chrlitopher Me Aullffe and Patrick John McAulltle, under the assumed name of J. P. McAULlrrE It SONS was dlnolved by mutual consent ai nf th. close of buslneia December 31, '"witness our hands and stale thli 17th "" 0'jJpnUMrc5Au.,l",..' A MJCAU Joseph Christopher McAulHfe Patrick John McAullffe (SEAL) J-28 No. 872 . NOTICE INVITING BIDS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned Pollc. Judge of the City .of Klamath ralll, Oregon, will receive ealeri bids up to B o'clock P.M., Mon day, rebruafy 4th, 1B32. for .lectrlcal wiring at tha Clly Hall, Specification! may be obtained from the Office of Police Judge. . The City reserves tha right to re ject any or all bldi. ' Pollc. Judg. J-as-31 Wo, B7B t FOUND DEAD PORTLAND Iffl Two elderly persons were found dead In their home here Saturday. They were Mr. and Mrs. Utaro Yumtbe. They apparently died lnuinuuy irum ksh wiiiuii i-autiijvu from a hot water heater. The an- Liiiniivo Jinu uccu muvcu wucii uto couple put down new linoleum. 1031 In DecemlMr SI, ll MKCEIPTS lllsnilRSE- AI.ANC MINIS DEC. II, IIU1 e.tmoas ..kkih 4.M7.7I 1.877IHI 1,473.3d ' WIHO 147 HO 13.141 030 10 S00 4S M04 S7I.IKI1S 1O1.3I0 I1 Ml. OOII M I4,I0.'1 80.000 00 ISl.Sld.M .00 100,000 00 oo f 0,000.00 7o.otm no ao.ono oo 1,303 11 1,43.101 17134 S.147 1 30 .1.1 Ul 01 407 n 40.35 01 78.774 01 J1S.740 3d t71i.aa M4.tiil M.ig no t,140.U 100.300 00 134.331.01 130.71140 1,118 30 8,447 10 i.aeii.ia I8O0 00 W4" 18.470 81 1.178 74 IM M 1,800 00 .00 4.11011 ,00 4.000 00 Ml M S.001.70 I.MS M 4 44 1,100 31 SS.S1 1.0O8 It 1.1.73100 t.843 7 8 S4.ll 8 30.338 01 11.100 3. 11,430 IT 137.173 31 137.173 31 111.070 71 11.0118 09 13.0311 140.117. 7 103.344 34 af.M4 31 43.103 01 1.133 84 S3.10J Ot f .33.1 37 l.OlOSf 10.037.fT a.034 04 780 a.4Mk 1.800111 3.IOI03 1.73044 31.103 3 l.:tn0 41 I4 0S.01 13.0MM 1.331.71 .70.r00 1,001.00 oo J4.3073I 37.18031 10,3J 60,108 347 80 1.731.11" 70 80 SHI l "04 B. 431 83 .00 431 88 1.780 70 1 1.100.71 1.704d M ,00 two 00 1.307 10 1.170 43 1.030 31 oa t orn It 10.711 M 8.311 07 300 00 10.04181 1,414 40 3.1111 31 40.111 1.000 01 1.370 01 S4 7 300 08 UIOM , 4.141 14.743 10 .143 1l ' a.MUn 1.131 M BIS 00 1.113 41 1.0403 1.B3I.71 1,114 00 .004 00 4,330 01 a.oni.oa 04 78 373 38 131 40 3.3IH 41 S44 03 4.044 47 4.41111 1.043.73 8 0(13 31 1.IK1 03 00 1.101 oa 10,404 JO 10.000 00 as.SOO M ... 1.31.171 3. (KM BO 1.434 7 "403.11003 4H3.0I3I4 OD 34.404 BS oo no so. ooo oo T8.130 1.O30 14 , 1.3B4 41 0 03 330 17 .00 410.078 34 337.340 03 , T4.4aooa 310 17 00 104 34 38.790 34 48.371 84 10.141 3d .oo oo a ao .00 .00 T43 84 .00 .00 120 OO .00 .00 1.M7 ao .001 03 1.001 03 .00 I.M3S0 1.033.78 137 30 1.1O70S 1,470 34 1.090 30 73410 ' 103 43 Sod IT 10.003111 I4.0IU 10 1103 71 3.000 33 3,118 30 ..837 M 1.130 4 00 7117 11 1,733.17 l.ani 7d Ml 30 331.441 31 137.000 M Tt.lMd 8. 131 31 117 M IS 3C 14 48.031 11 30.770 30 11.740 07 133 43 .00 101 84 1,974.000 00 1,300, 434 00 ' (7.818 01 1.070 M 1.140 31 1.037 U 1.001.6X10 34 4,071,470 Id 1,408.304.1 I. BOO. 404 40 1 .303.404 40 1 H.430 1B 80,000 00 tow hooki both front and reari oil fU. ten; roll up tire carrier. Bui rhaiifi, complete uolt, to comply with all slate school bui regulation!. The Klamath County School Dlitrlct reiervea Ihe right to accept or relecl any or all hldi and to waive any or all Irregularttlei In the bldi lubmltted, Reipertfully iiihmltled, in J. r. HEYDEN, Clerk J-3S r-14 No, B71 Rale of Timber, Klamalh Indian ftee ervellon. Seated hldi In dupllcele, on' forme provided therefore, merked out line, "Bid, Wlldhone No. 2A Logging Unit," eddresned to the Superintendent,. Klamatn Indian Agency, Klimith' Agency, Oregon, wilt Tie rerelved until 1:00 PM. Pacific Hlanderd Time, April 8, 1033 and will be conaldered the equivalent of oral auction bldi and polled for the Information of all bid. ders. Oral aucllon bids will be re-a. celved by the Superintendent, Klemalh Indian Agency, beginning at 3:00 P.M., Pacific slandard Time, April B, 1032, for the purchase of timber on th. Wlldhorse No. 2A Logging Unit. Tbil, oral aucllon bidding will be restrlclrjf to those who have previouily lubmltliff an acceptable seated bid in accordance ' with this notice. The unit lnc!m.'ei ap proximately 7.B00 acrei of timber lands with a tola! animated Hand In he cut, which estimate Ii not gueranteed. of approximately 40,000.000 feel R.M.' of pottderoin pine, 3.0fX,tHXl feel n.M. of iitgsr pine, a possible small volume of Dntiglai fir, Incense cedar, while fir and other species. Each bidder mint lele the Price per thousand feet B.M. ncrioner uecimai u Log scale thet will be peld for timber cut and scaled prior to any readjustment of rales as speci fied In the contreet. No bid will b. considered for leu than 137.39 per thouiand feel B.M. for ponderma plna and augar pine, B13.30 per thouiand feel B.M. for Douglas fir and Income cedar, 18,88 per thousand feet B.M, for while fir, and 8.08 per thoueend feet B.M. for other speclei. A certified check for Sixty thouiand dollart ((h), oooi on a solvent bank, payable to tha ' Treeiurer of the United fltelei. must accompany each sealed hid. Perione bidding fnr or on behalf nf companies, corporation, or partnrnhlps muit at tha lima of bidding lubmlt In writing conclusive evidence of their authority to do to, The deposlta will be relumed to the unsuccessful bidden The do poilt of the successful bidder will b applied as part of the purchase price egalnit timber cut nn thli unit only or retained ai liquidated damages if the bidder ihall not execute the contract and furnlih latlifaclory bond for Fifty thousand dollars tl80,000 within sixty daya from acceptance of hla bid. If an oral bid It declared to be high at the close of Ihe auction, th. bidder "'i imm.uieioiy ennnrm tne Din oy 'submitting It In writing on an Indian o.rviiTD um lurm. ine rignt tn waive technical defects and to reject any and all bids Ii reserved. The contract will pacify that all designated timber then he cut and removed from the unit prior to April 1, 1038. Before bldi ar. submitted full Information concerning th. timber, th. conditions nf sale, and ' the submission of bids, thould bo ob. talned from th Superintendent, Klam ath Indian Agency, Klamath Agency, Oregon; the Area Director, fndfrn Service, Building 1, Swan Iiland, Port land IB, Oregon: or the Commiiitoner of Indian Affairs, Washington 38, D.C, Dated THIS 8th day of Jenuary 1083 t Waihlngton, D, C, Dal E. Doty, Assistant Secretary of th Interior, J-38 r-4-11-18-33 M-3-10-17 Mo. 893