If MONDAY, JANUARY 211, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Medlfeird Leodls PeDs by Tw Oome Klamath Blanks Roseburg :i:i ..MBI 'i:i:i 3M TIME OUT! 'Sim "I dun'l rare If the roof In about lo cullapae I've got 300 fcame In my grann!" I taniiin'is lmttiiril Xlmiuilh Kalla drama I'aaa . jAhlllailtf Sin. II.. .. vi ,i. fi..llu lijll. 4 Willi,: iiic rbiiiiiiiiiu 4' 1110 vit tin wt-i't awccpliig n iwo-gaino aeries with uiui-rilMrlcl Iloneliing OViM' 'lu weekend here, Mrdlui'd wii.i plIiiiK uii a plualiy leud In tUi' DIM. 4 hankcllmll nice will) two k.-v whim over the Omuls I'd h Cavemen. Ili'iT'i Ihn dlnlrlut picture In a nuiilii'll: i Mi'iltiinl. hull wuv lliioiiuli Iruiiui! schedule, I, in, llvo wiiii ' d one lua. 'the l'clirann, one-ll', .d Into illhtrlia piny, hnvc wilt In iVr kiuiich. '"lie K In niKtli live, two uainc be titttf I the Muck 'Inrniidiwn, nave eiuiit dinuli i guinea to pluy. Mod. jnnl him klX. A.14JI.AM m;xt pjKi on Ihe llt for Kliinmllt tkiWh In Ahlilimil ou till' road HI dv un.l Saturday night. The I'd li'ini.. ii ihi'v nwccti the Ashland -.v-l i nn Mart un Ihe hmnehireuh Wanhlnuton 07 Wahhlniiloii Slide 43 SfW wniiic behind Mediorcl. 'Montana 64 Colorado A&M 61 MnliuKl mid Grant lire Wyoming b!t Utah 'M Idle this weekend an lur as league llilghain Young 72 New Mexico 49 liftmen nre concerned. jUluh State Bl Mexico 'City YMCA The I'ellcuiM Dent llo.se our i(. 1)1-1 6U 41. Hulilrdny night to add to rrt- at. Mary a tuaui.i si urcgun -5 w'dftV nlulit'a 440 win. Alter a hec-jiiiw Jlit riuiirlBT, " RowIiuik grabbed the lead lute In the 'opening Hume and sluyod ' , ahead until hull time when the Indiana held a wiueiiky 23-21 lend. t.'oiuli I'aill McCall cnllrd CAGE SCORES By lOI.I.KtiK The ANKOriatrd I'rraa Natordav FAIt WKHT Uoiuuga 60 Idaho 68 htewuri Chevrolet. 01) Stanford 3 Heiillle B7 Montunn Stale College 08 Hun Kranclacu 44 Huiita C'lnru 38 Brum Hull 118 Vlllunuvn 06 Hleim IM Mnnhiitliin 66 on Hi. John tukni 64 Temple 44 Ihi-weiikened Unlph Ciirroll und Jack HorUin lain In the roemid ouuiter. The rclurn ol the regular pemed 1111 Ihe I'ellcan live. 111:8 hcohk Karlv hi the thud liame. Car roll dumped a hook ahol to tie the uiiine, as-all. Kay Bell's two lire thrown nave the Pelican a 30-28 lend unci the Kluinnlh live aimed ahead the rent ol the way. Hut It wan -sophomore Ed Bur Ion who really atolo the show. In addition to worlng elKht point", along with Bell, Jerry Johnson and n....... tli.rcA, ,-,,lii ari llf Soimirin line style and knewj' Wake Koreat what In do alter he latched onto rebounds. The 1'cls were much Improved over their ehoddy Krlduy nlttht howlnt( bul tlicre'll have to be Tven inoro Improvement II they're to imsa Medlord, very aolldlv now In the district drlver'a aent. In wlmt ptomlKen to be a battle right ciewn to the llnl.sh line. I- I'l.lTS Uurtmouh IM Army 66 Noire Uiiine 72 Cunhiun 69 81. Boimveniurc 78 YuunKilnwii 60 I'ciin 72 BulnliridKe Aitvy C2 MIIIWHST Uel'aul 60 llllnola 06 Kun.ian Btate 81 Kaniaj (14 HI. Louis 48 Okluhoma AIM 40 Hradlcv 74 Tulhn 68 Oklahoma City 86 TCU 41 Nebraska 82 Mouth Dakota 69 Mlchtunii Slate 66 Purdue 47 Minnesota 74 Northwestern 66 KOCTII Kentucky 71 Alabama 07 Tornado Shuts Out Cavemen lly The AsMMilaled Press Top-rutYd OrOKon hliih nchonl bnaketbnll tciuns micupod upnet In HuturUuy nlKhU games. Ccntrul Cnthrillc of Portlftiid, runkud No. 2 In the Htuto by sportK wnlcru mid siwrtscastors In luxl week's Ashocjuted i'ress poll, over whelmed Hood Klvcr, 743. Cen tral's al .iitiite stui, Uoo Allcnhoien. poi,lcJ 21 polntn 1111 the Hums won their 11th kuiiio In 12 alnrt.s. . 'llth-nUcil Miiishlleld awept a! two-Kume ucck-end serle-i Irom North Hind, winuliix Uuturday nlRlil I16-48. The vlcorlea kuvo Murnlillcld lli.sl place In the kul ern division of cjii.su A s district 6. Kcedhport dumped Myrtle Creek, 63-30. to retain lt lend In the We: t em dlv.Hlon. KhuiiHui Pitilh, in liked Uti. 6. beul KoHobui'K, 51-41, to sweep a week . end ..cries. But Mtd.ord lluhtened lla huld on llrnt place In boulhcrn Oreuon's district 4 by IrounclHK Urunta Pnsa. 46-33 Med lord also bent the Cavemen Friday nlithl, KlKhlh-ruukcd MlUon-r'rcewater .showed slienijlh lu iIowiiIiik Kennc- wira. wiisii., shi. A.iiorni. ruled 10th. dcleated Bcuppoose. 01-63. In cluss 11 play. Muplelon upset Powers, conqueror of several A teams. 52-42. It was Mnpleton'n IO1I1 nlruiKht victory. La Ornnrte won bolh Kiirnes ol a class A district 1 week-end scries from linker to become the favorite in that Icimue. l.n Grande won Buturdny n!nht, 35-20. Pendleton look over ns luvorllc In district 2 niter downing Milton- rreewnter I'Y.di.v n'slit end Hcr mlslon, 74-68. ttnturday nluiil. ;; -;iSirrV,:fv; RED HURO, SPORTS EDITOR " 5 I The Pelicans have spill In two dhlrlct series to dule. Any more splits could be disastrous. It's a tUftiKO 'iidcr lor the Pelicans, pre- cr.mpn.un Invorltes. a aeimite up- thai could well so up to whlsile. Im Pels flnnllv pushed Ihe iii'il liuttnn on their last-urena at- lack lu the third period 8nturday Icf.mpftiHn ' htil lialllivi ,:' iNe nnl I jr. ,ien I In ?. rlnhl liuttoi , (iiim ler lend. ; ' Bui rtoseburit closed It to 42-39 earl III the loiirlh. Then Pence and B.i i roll poured the mis to a rallv 'hat ituve the Pels a com- v loi table 10 point lead. nnnr ni au nuns, t j llalrM. t .. t fiillwrl, e . ; Nt.llr. Tulnne 71 1-SU 66 Clemson 60 The Citadel 63 Auburn 66 OeorRla 51 Tennessee 61) Oeomia Tech 56 Navy 00 VMI 54 Orrion lllch Krhool Echo 48 Helix 46 Umaplne 73 Pilot Rock 62 Mllton-Freewater 67 Kennewlck, I Wash, i 49 j Central Point 68 Aslilund 55 l.a Orende 35 Baker 2 Central Cnthollc (Portland! 74 Hood Klver 43 BnltleRround (Wash.) 62 Oswego 40 Astoria 61 8catpoose 63 Pendleton 74 Hermlstnu 58 Harrlaburir 31 McKenle 30 Southern Oreiton Kdncatlo'i Frosh 47 Ulnols Vallev 40 Klamnih Palls 61 Roseburir 41 Mnrshlk-ld 66 North Bend 48 Medlord 46 Omuls Pass 33 Reedsport 53 Myrtle Creek 46 Condon 41 ArlliiKton 33 . Mnplelon 62 Powers 42 OCE Sweeps EOCE Set . . - , , V L .61 S 1 2 2 0 6 OCE 81 Pel. .833 .760 .600 .000 OCE Vanport OTI EOCE Snturdny's result: EOCK (II. By The Associated Press OreRon College of Education swept a two Kiime weekend Ore gon College Conlerence bnskctball series with Eastern Oregon Coll ege of Education. OCE won 66-57 Friday and 81-61 Snlurdny. Both fc-nmes were at Monmouth. i The defeats were wlnless EOCE'S ;l6lh and 17th this season. THIS PROUD SMIRK belongs to Kurt Von Poppenijeim, sadistic German wrestler who teams with Yorg Cretorian Wednesday night against brothers Herb and Billy Parks in a tag team match at the armory. Tag Feud Highlights Wednesday Mat Row Owlbafees Lose First ri rT . 4 1 I ,j Nurlrlk. f .. 'j ltrrv: ;.' Ittt'iin 5 llo. krn . ;(!! i lttilcrlB .. V Umuiioiift To tilt f MA MATH T (Jilmor. ( ? .Stimmerii. I .. "H, r ' ?' John ton, $ Ytniitf, i TTrt yrvBi: I'enre ) Krrnrh ..,.. ; lMrron ; C arroll - Horlcm " .iTule's Rally t Beats Malin 14 13 Mi rt . 0 4 I Total! II It II SI lliilMlin score: KoMbtlrs 33 Klsmath Valla 21. Frae throw mluacl: Roseburs U iDalroa 1, Chilian a. Nolla 1. lHidllk 2, llackan a, Oedrtea 1. rinbarla 1, Alm niona In Klamath ralli III Killmora I. Itrll 3. Johnaon S, Young 1. Barron ). Carroll I, llorlon ll. OlllclaK: IlUhoo id Kellalroin. Sid fuddle Planned For Title Fight LOS ANOELE8 I Whether a proposed title bout at Las Vegas, 'Vev., between Champion Heavy. 'eight Jorsey Joe Wnlcott and Hnr iv (Kid) Matthews will come off as iilnnned will be decided Wednes day, tho Examiner reports. 'The impor said Sundny Promoter Hurry Hunt will mcel then In an tindlsclof.ed enalcrn city to confer wllh tho boxers' representatives. Tulclakc singed a final quarter rnlly on Its own floor Snturdav night to beat Malln by a 59-51 score In a non-league basketball game. Tuleluke led 36-23 at the half. The Mustangs knotted the score at 41-ail us the two tennis swung Into the Inst quarter. Tulelnke's binge icea me giune lor the Honkers. Jack Ayres and Jerry King led Tule with 21 and 15 points. Wayne kick ana uaie. renters scored 40 of Matin's points, each wllh 30. Tule won the B game, 46-38. Box ror: MAI. IN Mil (Sill TIM.F.I.AKK Maunay ST IS Kln w. nirk 30 r t p. oiwn Fantera 30 C 1 R. OWen Parla 4 O 7 Sowlaa V. Rlrk 4 O 71 Avrti Matin Biiha-Ralnua. Rogrrs. McAul Iffa. Tnlalake auba Short 10, Mancaau. Taylor,. Ooldblatt. Lu-ls. Snlurdny Klamnih Bly Bobcats Beat Henley Bly bent Henley. "48-36, nleht hi a non-league Cnimtv game on the Bly floor ,Tho Bobcats held iqtionky 10-9. lt-18, nnd 32-31 lends at the qiinr tnr posts, then splurged In the Inst friimc lor the win. Blv also won tho B prelim by a 26-23 count over the Hornets.' llos Brora: IIKNI.rV CISI Anflrraon 8 Y n. inn r Havel II C. Hnvev 4 O l,r' io 2 O llrnlry biidb i-nno 1. aiihB ClironlBler a, Cavan 3. ((HI m.T 0 "'OBBfl 4 t.vhrand K JannyBh R nillavoil 13 lltitrhlnaon Vnrtrn 3. Bly Sieve Owen, conch of the New York gi ld Giants, once wns a wres tler In his homo stato of Oklahoma, AUTO INSURANCE 7 1- S-IU-3 LioDinry ' Insurance Current 6 Mo. Rate $1 190 AiLowAt I I Plan m1l NnnrfcurrinC Membcrnhlp Fe , ' t.efli fluldia CHf ' a Preferred Ins. Exch. . K, Hll.l.Alin I KDAIU.liSr ' ' " IIIbI. Aganl . ' ' I'lim a 4-oisi win So. nth llrnr "Coillri Thil na Vau7." KI-'I.W StOii p.m. Monoav OrcKon Tech's Junior varsity ran out ol k"s In tlie second hnlf Sat urday lllallt to lose a 62-74 rime decision to the University of Ore- Prud Prussian and the Rumanian Ron Jayvees In a preliminary to APe opened a team attack designed me irt-Kun-oi. tviary a A top-drawer wrcstllnit fued will be settled Wednesday night at the armory in a tag team match that promises the acme In thrills. The fight will pit the punching Parks brothers, Hurricane Herb und BlasthV Billy, against, two foes well versed in the nrt of mayhem, Kurt Von Poppcnheim and Yorg Cretorian. ; It s a tag tilt thnt would be a natural any time but Is even more edgy on the heels of last week's battle royal at the mausoleum of niuul. On that occasion. Herb, eliminat ed early In the bout but still at ringside. Intervened when the to unhinge Billy, who survived the gruelling battle royal to the very end. So Cretorian and Von Poppen heim have a score to settle with the Parks boys and Billy is par ticularly anxious to avenge his de feat at the hands of Von Poppen helm in the main event. Cowboy Carlson, sidelined last week with a rib Injury, Is signed lor the opener Wednesday night against Buck Davidson. Carlson, a ranking favorite here for 'many months, will be a wel come returnee with his sensational style df wrestling. Reserved tickets are on sale at Castleberry Drugs. Huskies One Up On Idaho Northern Division Basketball W L Pet. Washington 6 a .750 Idaho 4 a .667 Washir.Klon Stnie 5 5 .500 Oregon 2 2 .500 Oregon Stale 1 7 .123 halurday's Kesuits Washington 67 Washington State 43 Southern Division W L Pet California 4 2 .667 USC 3 3 .600 UCLA 3 3 .500 Stanford 2 4 .333 By The Associated Press Defending Champion Washington. still the team to beat going into the second half of the 195a basket ball campaign, tackles Oregon and Washington State and Idaho renew their "Clval War of the Palouse" in feature Northern Division, Pacific Coast Conference, games this week. The Washington Huskies, who split 50-56 and 67-43 with Wash- ington State's Cougars over the week-end, play Oregon at Eugene Friday and Saturday. Idaho visits WSC at Pullman Friday and i host to the Cougars at Moscow Sat urday. The week-end split with WSC left Washington a full game ahead of the second-place Idaho Vandals who stepped out of the conference Saturday and were edged 59-58 by the Gonzaga University Bulldogs from Spokane. Oregon split with St. Mary's 69-58 and 45-51 In an other r.on-league Friday-Saturday series. Big Bob Houbregs. sidelined by a leg Injury earlier in the season, re turned to the Washington lineup for the Pullman series and piled up 23 points for the Huskies in their Saturday victory. The Husk ies got off an early 11-1 lead and kept building it. mmKJttiu ,tJ.,p.L. ', f, l iar - if j Tflf ?J1Trw name on MucArthur court. The Ducklings held a slim 33-30 lead at the half but, using several second-string varsity boys, ham strung tho Owlbabcs afler Inter mission time. It was Oroteeh's first loss this season aftor eight straight wins. Wayne Holzfuss was high for the losing cause with 18 points. Bos arore: OI1K1KI H 1311 (111 ORKION Hrntlrr 7 F 7 Seiffinund Humphrey 7 ..F 2 Marxrr Holrfuu 18 C 4 Bonncmiin roraman BO. 7 Pane Brown a G I Phlllloa Oretech auba Flanjngam 1. Lewis a. Pateiaon 4. Martin, Thompson. Oregon auba Bottler T. Hogera 7. Holland IS. Choat a. Blodgett a. lllnman S. Byler 7, Johnaon 1. Mangrum Wins Phoenix Open PHOENIX. Ariz. Money Is nothing new to Golfer Lloyd Man grum, but Monday he treasured a distinction which hadn't come his Way before. 1 That was a victory in the $10,000 Phoenix Open and a $3,000 cheel: to commemorate the event. Mangrum. one of the best gallery attractions In the sport today, made off with his initial triumph Sunday when he finished the 7a hole tourna ment with a 10 under par 374. E. J. (Dutch! Harrison slipped in with a beautiful 67 for second place and 1 1,400 In prize money. Julius Boros wound ud with a 73, and tied for fourth with nnrv mi.i. dlccoff and Fred Hawkins, at 381. New parking grounds at Gulf stream Park race track will pro vldo room for 1,600 additional cars thus raising the over-nil capacity to 6.600. , TROJANS WIN 13TH Sacred Henrt notched win Num ber 13 of the season yesterday In n 43-34 victory over St.. Mary's of Medford on the losers' court. Jim Mahoncy led the Trojans scoring with 14 as the academy led all the way. Medford won Ihe B prelim by a 46-31 count over the Trobabes. nrx arore: SAC. IIT, (151 (SI) ST. MARVS Koch F t Welakamn Mahone.v 14 T Murray Weaarl S C 13 Vorberk Heard 7 , " ' G . 2 Read Howard ft S P. Dusan ' Saered Heart Buha-llelderrr, Pratt 2. Neubert, Plummor 2. MrA"drewa I. St. Mary's auha O'Tooie. Smylie 4. T. TitiRnn, Knutaon. Rouhlor, Amaro. nohbett. Jayvees Nip Chitoquin By HAROLD McKAY Klamath Falls' Junior varsity squeezed by the Chlloquin Pan thers, 17-40, on Pelican Court Sat urday night, The came was close all '.he way as chiloquln, undefeated In Klam ath County league play, threatened up to the final whistle. The junior varsity held a slim 24-22 halftlme lead. They went ahead 39-33 in the third quarter but Chlloquin closed it to 47-44 with two minutes to go. The Klamath five went into a stall at this point but with 45 sec onds remaining. Chlloquin stole the bail and Gentry scored on a hook rhot to put the Panthers one point awav. Jo Jo George failed on a free throw thnt would hnve lied the score with seconds remaining. Wnvne DuBols got the rebound ror Chlloquin but his shot wa batted down bv Klamath's Don Mills. Box arore: riui.nqi:iN (4si (47) javvkes Hrrork F 16 Frenrh David S F 6 D. Mills Gentry 21 C 7 S. Florrlnl Yadon 2 Ci 5 Owln DuBolB 2 G 4 C. Ml lla Chlloquin BiibB tleorne 8, Nlrholson 3. I.rRflrt 2, Unlve. Jnyvee BUba L. Fiocrhlnl 9. Frederlrk.ion,, WrlRllt. CERTAIN TO MAKE a hit with the fans is the dribbling wizardry of Tom Gipson, a member of the Kansas City Stars, the Harlem Globetrotters' farm team. The Stars face the Jayhawks and Chiloquin of the Klamath Basin indepen dent league in the Pelican Court opener tomorrow night. The Trotters meet Rickys and Payless Drugs of the city league in the main event of the outstanding cage twin bilL Globetrotters, Stars i Here Tomorrow Nite More hilarious than ever are the, layer) this combination Into tr HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey Sunday Results Seattle 4 Tacoma 4 (tie) Saturday Results Tacoma S Victoria a Vancouver 5 Saskatoon 4 Calgary 5 Edmonton 4 New Westminster 4 Seattle a (No games Monday) mighty Harlem Globetrotters of basketball who come In to face Klamath Falls' top city league ca gers from Rickys and Payless Drugs in the feature of the doublehead er program at Pelican Court to morrow night. The Kansas City Stars, the Globe trotters' farm club, meets Chiloquin and the Jayhawks of the Klamath Basin league in the 7 o'clock open er. SKILL, COMEDY This twenty fifth anniversary ed ition of the greatest basketball ag gregation the worm tias ever known has been Bunt oy owner-coacn Aoe Saperstein both with an eye to playing power; ana efficiency ana fun-provoking propensities. Comedy is just as important in the Globetrotters' scheme of things as a great lineup capable of hold ing its own against the best on the hardwood courts. Shrewd show man that he is, Saperstein has par- SfaSsS DALE TEPPER WATCHMAKER JEWELER : ' i South 8th '. ".. (Next to Pelican Theater) ! Ski Champ GOVERNMENT CAMP. Ore. W Dick Schwacgler. Ynktmn, placing first plnce In three of four events, won tin Paclflo Northwest Ski As sociation Junior Championships which concluded here Sundny. Schaeglcr won the cross country, downhill and slnlom events. Win ner of the lumping event was Fran- els Wallace. Payette Lake, Idaho. The OVnngn Bowl game Jan. 1 will be homecoming for two Geor gia Tech plavers. Hnlfbnck Bobby Moorhend nnd gunrd Orvllle Ver een both hail from Miami. . HI McGregor Wins Aussie Net Title ADELAIDE. Australia tn Big. hnrd-hlltlng Ken McGregor won the Austrnllnn Tennis Championship Monday when he upset Davis Cup Star Frnnk Scdgman, 7-5. 12-10, 2-6, 6-2. in nn all-Aussie final. Sedgmnn, regarded as the No, I plnyer in the world, seemed to hnve on off-day, and McGregor was quick to cash in on Frank's frequent errors. Kansas, inois Defeated By The Associated Press Down, down goes the list of ma jor unbeaten college basketball teams and Monday there were but two quintets In the nation with un blemished marks Duquesne and St. Bona venture. At the rate the mighty have been biting the dust, it will be surpris ing, Indeed, if the season produces one undefeated team. Usually, at the halfwav point, you tan count a good half-dozen outfits without a blotch on their records. Illinois and Kansas, running Nos. 1-a. respectively, in last week's As sociated Press poll, were on the outside looking In after seeing their proud skeins snapped oaiurcay night. De Paul polished off Illinois, 69-65, and Kansas State thumped Kansas soundly, 81-64. Illinois had won 11 straight and Kansas 13. 'Cats Thump Merrill, 53-38 Merrill, apparently spent after its glorious upset win over Malin Friday night, lost a 38-53 nod to the Klamath Wildcats in a non league game on Merrill's floor Saturday night. x Tho wilrirnts led all the way. The Klamath frosh team beat Merrill's B squad, 74-36, In the opener. box Boom: Wll.lK'ATS SS Chut field T Malhls 7 F DavlB 18 C Armstrong 18 G worlds! atihs Vrtnna S. 4. Sham. Kerna. Wells. Merrill Bub Sandcra 12. Wlnlera. Waltera. Barn'. Boat Record LAKE ALFRED. Fla. Wl A new world record marked the thirti stop on motorboat racing's grape fruit circuit here Sunday. Henry Shakeshaft, Mt. Kisco, N. Y., set the new mark of 57.S89 miles an hour in the Class C out board hydroplane class. The old record was 57.508 m.p.h. Max Surkont and Vern Bickford of the Boston Braves each pitched two two-hitters during the 51 sea son. most popular drawing card In all sportdom, not only on the North American continent but in man other parts of the slob where the team has played and made a trt mendous hit. 1 - As one sportswriter out it: "Abe'i boys ball-handling wizards all comprise the best basketball team on earth. They not only are master players but they are also amusing aciors. xnar. s wny tne BRO sign 1 always out wherever, they play.? SIDESHOW ' . Saperstein sums up his team' success thusly: "Fust of- all w show the fans how the game should and can be played like expert. Then we giva them a good show oa the side." The diminutive promotional ex pert makes sure the fans hay great show in store for them. H even carries along some top vari ety acts to entertain between game and during intermissions. Wrestlers Beat Cavemen The Klamath Union high school wrestlers slammed Grants Pass for the second time this season Saturday with a 34-15- win on the Cavemen mats and will host the same team here Friday. The Pelicans won four falls, four decisions and gained one draw In the 13-bout meet. (Summary in tomorrow's Herald and News). Burns Tears Moth Holt -Worn Place Rewovaa . SALLY'S REWEAYINS Sattl Port!) . (euMtta) tr mil' (SHI MERflllX 3 Honeycutt 11 Welahana 1 O'Nall S Rcavea 1 Tfenrfrlrkaon i. Pitta X, Caater Ben Morriion. Mar,' ) JUCKELAND fRUCK ! SAXES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath tk; 2-2511 DON'T MISS THE... Bauson femily Jubilee IVERY fARM FAMILY IHVint FEBRUARY 1 SPONSORED BY MAC'S FARM EQUIPMENT CO. 5629 So. 6th St. Your Ferguson Dealer Ph. 8551 Sdeney makes drink better! every taste . . . because it's the best-tasting whiskey in ages BUNDCD WWSKtY K l-MOf. BR CftAM NEWTRM. SPttWTS. OOFYfltCHT 1951 SCHCNUY WSTRIBVTORS, hNC, NEW VORtC X ll titr