T MOMMY, JANUARY 211, 10.12 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREOON PACE FIVR I 1 ! ii IE J (f I 1 1 V r far , (tfffH WITH MURDER Mrs. Jadu Z. mmm uyi mJHi W'.'tt ' '"" V - '4 , I ii iinniiiiiii Mii'iin i ; inn i tin ! ii .I ii i'ik l.ols nnmer Principal at Henley .of Dime. That no far there has elementary school reported Ihnl 'been $160 turned In, the content they are IiiivIiik a content between the gradca nt Henley on the March MOTHER CHARGED Kaclcr, 21, Portland, was charged with first degree murder in the death of her daughter, Shcrrio Ellen, 3. The charge was filed after another daughter, Vickie, 4, told detectives her mother had dropped Sherric in a drainage pit. Mrs. Kadcr first reported the child had been kidnaped. Skiers Pose Problem For Safety Engineers; Now They Plan For More Care By John K amph annually, WA81I1NOTON I - Skiers are He u expected to confer with taking to the hills In Increaalim 'mwn. in Nnrunu m.H am-ih,. numbers, ao aiilhorlllea are looking i while In those countries with the In The closing January 31. At the present time the Mxm grade, mum tiaies loom, la leadliiK with ym turned In; tlio third Krade, Margaret wenl- llu'a room, In aecond with 122 50 and MarKarct uuviea imn graao la close behind with 122.00. Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble Club la to meet Friday. 8 p.m., kt the home of Mis, otto Bmllri, 1114 Crescent Ht. Bov Scniita Troon 42 la to meet at the First Presbyterian Church tomorrow, 7:30 p.m. Hororlly Honor Gloria Bunnell, daughter of Mr, and Mra. C. A. Btnnell, West Klamath, has been elected recording secretary of Kappa Alpha Phi at Llnlleld Col lone, McMlnnvllle. for ways to protect litem from anow avalanrhea. Hlalnten are a hnrdy lot Thoy break Utcir leif.i, then head for the mountains amim as soon nil, they mend. But there Isn't much they can do when they luce a moving mountain of anow which cun kill everything in Its puth, Blnce an estimated two million sklera are using, or plan to use. whiter sports areas In national forests this winter, Uie U.S. Forest Bcrvlce la Inking the lead In avalanrho control work. The Korest Service has received request from private, slate and outer lederul ski team, which lie manatees. The Torest Service began regard inn avalanches ua major prob lem when, In recent years, the number of aklcrs using national forests began Increasing rapidly. Many of the nation's major ski areas are In national foresyt. Skiers last winter made 101.300 vlslla to Uie Government Camp Timberllne area In Uie Mt, Hood Forest of Oregon. Figures for other western arens 'with area, Torest and visits i In clude: IdahoDald Mountain (Sun Val ley i. Sawtooth. 10.000: Lookout (Continued from pane one) mined Immediately how many cas ualties there were:" Why Is that significant? ' Well It goes quite a way toward explaining why the British are so deeply hated throughout the Old World area where their colonial empire once flourished. They've been TOO KXC1.UB1VB. Never have they mixed on equal terms with the peoples their empire ruled. Practically always, they have held themselves apart In "exclu sive clubs," for example, where only the British could enter. Imagine yourself an Egyptian. Suppose that In your town or your city there was an "exclusive" social club where' the Hrp.lsh were welcome BUT YOU WKRKNT AL LOWED. Suppose that had been going on for generation after gen eration. You'd be hot under the collar, wouldn't you? Of course you would. You'd be not only angry. You'd be bitter and Intolerant. Suppose you were an Iranian. You'd feel the same way about It. Even If your scheme to "nationalize" your oil (taking It away from the British owners In the national izing process) didn't work out and you were far worse off econom ically than before you seined the foreigners' oil you'd still be so mad you wouldn't care what hap pened so long as you had the sat l isfactlon of taking the oil away Promptly Relieves Itching Eczema! j Let th flnt application! of modtm ' highly medlcatwiZanra rrow tt promptly : nlievM Itching, burning of cxmm, I nuhaa, athlcUa foot, paoriaaia, pin nlfa and airoflar annovinr aurfaco akin and acalp irritation. Then notica how quickly tna ikin ataru to heal and clear. Drama Group Will Meet The Drama Musical Arts Coun cil will meet Thursday, January 31 In tho YMCA Bldg. at 8:00 p.m. Dr. Robert Wood, chairman for the group haa announced that try outs will be held at this meeting lir a two-act, mystery-comedy en titled "A Scream In the Dark," which will be presented free to the children of the Klamath Ba sin sometime In March, ' as part of the proKram of the Klamath Musical Art Council to encourage the use of local talent In music and art. Anyone Interested In any phase of amateur theatr'cMs Is pordlallv Invited to attend the meeting. The Council will soon present to the radio public a aeries of radio programs making use not only oi lis various mualo and art groups but sponsoring other such groups of local talent throughout the Ba-fln. New Secretary Arlene Bralller, dauKhter of Mm, Erma GnHue, 608 V Oregon has been elected sec retary of Phi Beta Mu sorority at u.nlield College. Calhollo Daughters Potluck din ner today, 8:30 p.m., In Sacred Heart Parmn nan. jvtrs. uarmei Raffetto, chairman, urges all Dauuhtera and escorts to attend. Games and entertainment will fol low the dinner hour. course Included Instruction In pre vention maintenance, defensive; urlvlnx and driving In convoys, Quinowskl la a member of the 610th Transportation Truck Co. Malin will hold a March of Dimes Benefit at the Broadway Hall, next Tuesday, January 29th, f.tartlnn at 8 P.m. Refreshments will be served by the VFW Aux iliary. Graduated Pvt. Bernard Qui nowskl. 1784 Arthur, graduated re cently from a driver training school onerateri bv the Eighth Army Transportation Section, Korea. The Wednesday Club of St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet 8 p.m. Wednesday at the parish hall. Practical Nurses Group will meet tonight at the Klamath Coun ty Health office 1049 Main. The meeting la an important one, of ficers will be elected and a full attendance la asked by the presi dent, Gladys Cress. Quota Club will hold their regu lar dinner meeting at the Pelican tonight at 8:30. Kena Square Dane Club la giving a March of Dimes benefit dance In th Keno Community Hall Wednesday, January SO from B:00 to 13:00 p.m. All callers and, square dnncrra are Invited to at tend. All proceeda will go to the March of Dimes Drive. Arrange menu U the dnnce were made In co-operation with Nellie Mason, f'hiinn-T of the Keno March of Dimes Drive and Alice Vitus, Chair in in of the Klamath March of Dimes Drive, Reservations are sUU being taken for the Library Club brVlge tea Saturday. Call Mrs. Warren Bennet 4325 or Mrs, Archie James, 2-3247 as early aa possible. from the British. If we're going to run the world ....i- wtiifh up seem to have n. wiDfw iu - . been committed, willy-nllly-we d better learn from the British mis takes. If we're going to run other people's affairs for them, we'd bet ter BE GOOD MIXERS. Otherwise, we'll get Into the same BAD trouble the British have got Into. klv Buy ,j(ra titrtnath Zemo Llquijl IUDDOTD igia for ZEM0 Err Work Made Easy BENT A TYPEWRITER ADDINQ MACHINE Elcotrle r llsnd Liil minlli'i rtnul Ii applied U tfct pvrcbatc Brier. Villi's Pioneer Office Supply agencies for hcln in combating the threat, which faces : Ps. Coeur D'Alcue. 10.000. mo.oilsu. in mountain states a 1 Orcgon-Tollgate, Umatilla, 24, well as skiers. ,000. ; 'llirough training schools, the I Washington - Snoqualmle Pass, forest service has made some 'Snoqualmle, 80.300: Stevens Pass, progress In developing techniques Wenatchcp. 47.000: Ski Acres, We fur forecasting avalanche hiuard. natchep, 37,800: Heather Meadows. uu.Hcrvation summit nave ceni". uaacr, su.buu. up to record climatic factors There Gs 7 "IS- Ph. 2-1234 JVnflucnctng tho occurrence of snow slides. They are at Hi-tithcr Mead' owa, Wash, llerlhoud I'asa, Colo., ana Alia, utan. i Explosives have been used , J to make ilnnncrnns slopes where i j snowbanks frequently are 13 to 16 1 1 feet deep snfo for tho sklera. J . Arllllcry shells have been fired ! Into the anow to release anowslldrs ( artificially when the path below I Was clear. J The Utah National Ouard lias j made a 75-mllllmcter cannon and , i crew available at Alia lor call on short notice. John Herbert of the Forest Service will bring back some Infor mation on how the Swiss fight ava lanches when he returns In March from Europe, where he Is with the U.S. Olympic Bkl team. The assistant chief of the Forest Service's recreation division will attend a two-week avalanche Insti tute next month In Swltterland, where avalanches kill aklcrs almost incaliev Sealed agalnif water, dusr, grime. Protected '. agatnit ihock by tho world's only flexible balance wheel, fully guaranteed agains! damage. 'OFFICIAL award wakh for Na tional A-H Live Slock lots Prevention Conlett, World'i only welch (wllli Ins flexible bol. asctwhttllhol guordi orjoliul shock... fully fjuofonleodl J lli. Helena Rubinstein offers Stay-Long lipstick sampler ! with make-up analysis freel A i HERE is your opportunity to get the personal advice and help of a specially trained beauty expert! Helena Rubinstein's Beauty Consult ant will be here all this week to help solve your beauty problems. She will analyze your skin, chart your proper make-up shades, give you an individual beauty guide .' . . all without charge. She will show you how to make up like the glamorous stage and screen stars. She will teach you how to tilt your eyes, how to paint a luscious smiling mouth, how to rouge. All three techniques em-x Heleria Rubinstein's beauty consultant will be here this week only. Gives you free make-up analysis skin-care chart and new Stay-Long lipstick sampler! look that's caused such a sensation in fashionable Harper's Bazaar! . Learn how Helena Rubinstein's "Make-up-on-the-Wing" gives a youth ful "lift" to your whole face! Discover the secret of flawless all-day make-upl FREE LIPSTICK. After your beauty analysis, you will receive one of Helena Rubimtein'i sensational new Stay-Long samplers in a bright new shade for fall. . . one that's right tor your coloring. Helena Rubinstein's new creamy, tmear-proof formula lasts all day, won't come off on cups or napkins-, cigarettes or people! And Stay-Long lipstick actually prottctt your lips against dryness. phasize the thrilling young "winged" Helena Rpbliuttln's Beaety Consultant will be here thtt wttk only, so make your appointment bow. ICURRIN'S-M, rugs Penney's TO If" LONGtR- SAVE NOW ON ALL YOUR WORKING NEEDS AT PENNEY'S LOW PRICES! If T STRE IW 9:305:30 SMi s 1 A PAY DAY QUALITY BIB OVERALLS Sanforized heavy duty denim. Rein forced stitching. Plenty of pockets. Parva buckles. Sizes 30-50. 3 29 BIG MAC QUALITY CHAM3RAY SHIRTS Sanforized cotton chambray. Reinforced sleeve facings. Dress type collar. Patch pock ets. Full cut sizes IVi-18',i. 1 69 GREY COYERT SHIRTS W00L-NYL0N BOOT SOX BIG MOOSE WORK GLOVES BLUE CHAMBRAY .Esr sues 1.69 79c 98c 1.69 3.98 2.29 2.29 HEAYY TAN TWILL SHIRTS LUNCH KITS Wi'BhottIe HICKORY STRIPE SHIRTS 11 OUNCE WESTERN JUMPER 3.29 LONG DENIM JUMPER 3.29 YEST TYPE JUMPER 2.69 MAIN FLOOR t BIG MAC QUALITY MATCHED SET 249 298 shirt pants Tan or grey twill. Graduated sizing. Sanforized for lasting fit. Shirt sizes 144-184. Pant sizes 29-50. MAIN FLOOR 1 " 7 SANFORIZED BUCK JEANS 3.29 Straight bottoms. Sail cloth pockets. Sizes 30-42 MAIN FLOOR 11 OUNCE WORK JEANS 3.49 Straight cut. Sanforized. Double stitching. Sizes 30-42 MAIN FLOOR FOREMOST 11 OUNCE WESTERN JEANS 2.98 Double orange stitching. Cop per rivets. Sizes 29-44. MAIN FLOOR CARPENTER OVERALLS 4.98 Pockets where you need them. Extra heavy pad ded knees. Sizes 30-48 MAIN FLOOR If PAINTERS OVERALLS 298 Heavy duty. Reinforced stitching. Sizes 30-48 MAIN FLOOR Men's 6" Loggers! Handmade Plain Toe Style ,90 DOWNSTAIRS Hand sewn throughout. Rugged retan leather uppers with leather outsoles and heels. Steel shank arch support. Sizes 6-11. 8" PLAIN TOE 11.75 8" LACE-TO-TOE 13.75 ORANGE STRIPE TRUCKERS 3.29 High waist. Zip style. Sizes 30-44. front MAIN FLOOR Forest Green Cotton WHIPCORD PANT 2.98 Sanforized. Sailcloth pockets and waist lining Sizes 29-44. MAIN FLOOR 10" FIELD BOOTS 0iLw 14J5 Plain Toe Work Shoes CoTit" 7.90 Neo-Cord Sole Work Shoes 0 ort 7.7V 5.90 Oil rtiiltant Lightweight Work Shoes DOWNSTAIRS ALL TYPES SHOP CAPS 45c One for every kind of job. Several styles. Sizes MAIN FLOOR JUST ARRIVED! FANCY JACQUARD BLANKETS 379 60rr Rayon, 60" Cotton. Blended for added warmth and wear. Stitched ends. Full 10" X 80" size. 24 pounds, DOWNSTAIRS REDUCED RAYON SUITING 00 1 42" wide. Limited quanti ties. Light shades. Wrinkle and crease-resistant fabric. Hand washable. BALCONY JR. BOYS QUILT LINED JACKETS 790 Luxurious satin twill fin ish. Mouton collar. Full rayon satin quilted lining. Knit cuffs and waist. Sizes 8 and 8. DOWNSTAIRS FOR MEN! New Spring Colors SUEDE JACKETS 75 16: Rust, grey, navy, deep green. Knit cuff and waist. Full rayon satin lining. Finest quality suede leather finish. Sizes 36-46. MAIN FLOOR LACE TRIMMED! Wos. Tricot Knit Slips 100 NYLON 44 Luxurious 40 denier, six-gore, princess style. Lavishly trim med in delicate nylon lace. White or pink. Sizes 32-44. MAIN FLOOR 4 CLOSE-OUT! Men's Mid Length BRIEFS These must clear now. Finest mercerized cotton knit. Elas ticised waist band. Broken sizes. MAIN FLOOR CLEARANCE! Wos. Casual SHOES 00 3 Odd lots. Broken sizes. All must go at this one low price! Only 12 pair to sell I . DOWNSTAIRS Priced To Clear Wos. Winter COATS One Group 15oo One Group 100 Our entire stock of women's winter coats at these two low prices. All are reduced from much higher prices I Most sizes 10-20. SECOND FLOOR REDUCED! i GIRL'S COATS Broken Sizes! Odd Lots! All Must Go! hi SECOND FLOOR W. 1 SPECIAL! Foam Rubber PILLOWS 93 Soft, allergy free, foam rub ber with zip-off cover ' in pastels and white. Stock up at this Special Purchase price! DOWNSTAIRS CLEARANCE! ' SUEDE FLANNEL 2 Yards " CO Novelty and Juvenile prints. Handsome plaids. All must go at this close-out price! Limited quantities in all pat terns, 36" wide. BALCONY CLEARANCE! 100 Nylon SNOWSUITS 700 Fully lined. Full length sip per on both sides for ease In getting' on and off. Close-out priced to sell fasti Broken sizes.' " i SECOND FLOOR 'The Friendly Drug Store' 00 Main St. Ph. 3151 9th and Main Ph.2-3475