si i PAGE TEN INAUGURAL RUN KFJTs new mobile transmitter is shown going on the air here for the first time. Station Mgr. Dick Maguire holds the mike while Mayor Bob Thompson airs congratulations. The jeep mounted transmitter enables the station Ao cover on-the-spot events many miles distant from the big hilltop transmitter. T M I . -it ft? I ! ... Hi NO LOW V's Marie Wil son, who portrays a dumb secretary in a radio show entitled "My Friend Irma", models the type of dress she will wear in her tele vision version of the comedy program. Her di rector Cy Howard issued orders for her not to wear low -"V cut gowns or sweaters, for fear such things would take attention away from laughs. , AIR TOUR SAUSALITO, Calif. W) The Redwood Empire Association, a group of California aviators, will lly to Salem, Ore., for this year's I annual air tour, directors said Sun day. pocket -timetable! Southbound Mainllntit leave at an 5:10 P.M. SAN FRANCISCO 3 hr. IOSANGSLIS . Stjhri. Northbound Molnllntrl leave at; j s 12:35 P.JVL PORTLAND , . 2 hri. SEATTLE ..... Shr, tail, uxofoui flight) l "all Iht tan" UNITED AIR LINES Alrporl Terminal. Coll 2-25J7 or, . ttt an oulhorii.d . By JEAN OWENS Waiting hopeiullv for word on their results in the Southern Ore gon College of Education speech tournament, are Dick Tracy, Har old Slagle and- John Oliver, who will receive the returns sometime this week. The conference was held last Friday and Saturday in Ashland, with representatives from nine high schools participating. These included all Southern Oregon high schools and the Eugene high school. Harold Slagle was entered in radio speech, John Oliver in ex temporaneous and debate and Dick Tracy entered in impromptu speech and debate. Mr. Bevans. speech teacher, accompanied the group to Ashland. Two wins were in order for the Pelicans this weekend in their two game series against Roseburg. Next Friday they travel "over the hill" to meet the Ashland grizzlies. "Support your team in a red pep I hat" is the comment from mem- i i bers of the rally squad, who spoil- j 'snr th sale nf tho hats t ' They not only add color, but variety to the student section of pelican court. The hats are in red with white tassels and "Klamath" is written in white on the brim. Squad members are planning to sell the pep hats to the grade school students after everyone has had a chance to get theirs' in K.U, This Is their second shipment. RCA VICTOR HAS EXTENDED THIS TRADE IN OFFER FOR A LIMITED TIME Phone B & B Today For A Free Home Trial EXAMPLE Tkt RCA Mod.1 A 101 Ll$$. TRADE IN 299" 249" 3)1 fi4 71 rim ti4i. TMffllltJrWAA7B J4J AM-fMmk fe B g HCAtoor-X' 3? lecaddmger lone Range ; j' hm'?6 flwtjmnf tin phi mtptt B- I f i aMfjl I lVSJHHgagggagjggLSLJJ7 w 1 tmctt aMiM. fim, yi ' ajr hi, ilTm-rtirrtfs wilr .i v. KJ. U.W i j, -I ' I! I Jl"fi V I' . . riwriiMi wWl r mm kiririZ-v ' 'icf X iR . S J wi.iiiiniri)ii rrr"v ""'f-.'r'f''; 5f VV fin JP ir t-! H Ihm Mi Mi tan- ITI; W, V """'"'"'-j (J V, flji- V It I 'j 10095 Hecrtdoy i You Can't Buy Eight Injured In Car Smashup PORTLAND UP A teen-age couple, married only a few hours, and six other teen-afters were In jured early Sunday In a two-cat collision on the Lower Columbia River Highway. The couple, Donald Marlock, 18. and his bride, Betty. 17. were re turnins . from a weddine barn dance, sheriff's deputies said Their car caught fire after the crash but the Marlocks and three passengers were pulled from the flames. Three, including the driver. David A. Curtis, 17, were injured in the other car. Price is a dollar. Saturday night, Feb. 9. is the date set for the second all-school formal of the year: the annual King of Hearts dance sponsored by the Job's Daughters. The girl-ask-boy affair will be held at the armory from eight o'clock to eleven o'clock with the "Starlighters" furnishing the music. FOR YOUR JTWurhtzer . jg J PkOfl piano W&g?&$E&i 1 ! . YAt a Low Price I VCjSj.sapJ LOUIS R. MANN 9 PIANO CO &SSlM0RE OEIICIOUS) I I 120 No. 7th j MACARONiy ON THE PURCHASE OF A Finer Radio i mm m m -I i SKI- IV 111 IKET? MUM AMI il HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH Sailor Has Crack At TV SEATTLE Ml A Ornnts Pass. Ore., sailor who now Is at sea aboard a submarine, spent his last night before leaving as a television star. . H l.i Hollts M. Hill, a graduate of SoiiUiorn Oregon College of Ed ucation and a former Grunts Pass school tnacher. Hill learned to piny the bagpipes at Southern Oregon. He was play ing in the mess hull of the Navy Receiving Station Friday noon when band members asked him if he wanted to appear on televis ion. He did, and that nlglit he was star of the Armed Forces Show. Before being called up, Hill lived with his wife. Mane, and 14-month-old son, Michael, at 1IU4 Highland Ave. Orants Pass. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Hill of Oakrtdge. Detroit River Burial Held DETROIT t.P The first official Detroit River burial since 181.1 was held Sunday to fulfill the deathbed wish of a schoolman who loved the water. The ashes of Christian T. Ander son, 46-year old Detroit Board of Education secretary who died Jan. 9, were committed to the river waters with rites from a United States Coast Guard buoy tender. Standing by was a Detroit police harbormaster tug. Men of the Detroit Power Squad ron said the river burial was the first in 130 years. Arvtcrson, a Navy lieutenant commander in World War II, asked that his remains be placed In tho river he had known since boyhood. BIRTHS TOFEIX Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Jan. 19X1. to Mr. and i Mrs. Louts Totcu, Bonanza, ure., a boy. Weight: U pounds 10 ouncev KRUGER Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Jan. 26. 19.13. to Mr. and Mrs Ralph Krugcr. 1414 Mltrhelt St.. a girl. Weight: 7 pound 7 ounce. LEHMAN Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Jan. 26. 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lehman. Tulelake. Cahl.. a girl Weight: 7 pounds .V ounces. HERN DON Born at Klamath Vat. lev Hospital. Jan. 27. 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Wane) I Herndon. 1218 Adams Si., a girl. Weight: 8 pounds ll' ounces. DAVIDSON Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Jan. . 28. 1932. to Mr. and Mrs. Gcorga Davidson, 2170 Homedale Rd . boy. Weigh: 7 pounds 144 ouncea. TRADE !N... OLD RADIO ,1U..IMI ,H.1HU. '.I. U".k Jl I . I TRADE J V IN... FALLS. OREGON Eternal Youth Seeker Passes NEW YORK W Actress Fannie Ward, who sought "eternal youth' and looked like a flapper even in old age, died Sunday at Lenox Hill Hospital. She admitted to being 79 years old, but friends said she was In her UO's. One said 83. The "eternal soubrclte" made elamot'ous career uf seeking the Fountain of Youth. Her Uforts to stay . young they permitted her to play a H-ycar old girl when she was at lcat 40 made her an International celebri ty for more than half a century. Poor Farm Waste Told WASHINGTON Some two million families are struggling on unproductive larms when tho Uni ted States needs more food and more Industrial workers, says the National Planning Association. The problem, it said also in a report on farm tinder-enipioymenl. hampers Congress' attempts tu "solve the Ills'' by distorting aver age lurm Incomes. I'll r,nn. U'ut r(lim;H RnnHiiv by the association, a non-profit, non-political organization of lenders In Industry, agriculture, labor and the prolesstons. It cited areas in which It said fnmllles were not getting as much out of their farms as they could. Reasons Included Insufficient land, lark of capital, unsuitable methods and Isolation from markets. rt BLlSllKK INKS NEWBERO. Ore. ifi William James Nottage, 83. former publish er of the weekly Newberg Graphic died In a hospital here Sunday after a brief Illness. Coming MAUN FIREMAN'S BALL Sat., Feb. 9th i HERE IT IS AGAIN! Our Famous 1 a STARTS MONDAY It's 2 PAIRS for the original price of 1 PAIR! NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES CHILDREN'S SHOES SEE OUR SPECIAL TABLE ' OF THESE FINE QUALITY ' SHOES 049 099 O and 0 VALUES TO 7.95 Former KF Resident Dies A former Klamath resilient, Mrs. Alum Fischer, died nl Ban Fran cisco Jan. IB. She was ami lliul lived In Klamath Falls M years prior to moving to San Francisco eight years ago. Survivors lui'hule a brother, Al fred Fischer, Ban Francisco: two daughters, Lottie Ferniiiulea nl Han Francisco and Henrietta Mnrk wnrdt uf C'hlloquln: two nous, ltoh ert Fischer, Phoenix, An.., mid Oeorge Fischer ol Denver, and a number of grandchildren ami great grandchildren. Dutton's Move To Madera, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dutton. formerly of Klamath Falls and more recently ol Culver, have moved to Madera, (alii., where (hey purchased an VO-ncre vine yard. The Duttons sold their Hi-acre clover ranch at Culver to Itonald Bergen there, and leased an HU acre place at Moses Lake, Wash., to Stephen Kanrira of Tulclakc. School Boards To Hold Joint Meet Regular Joint mceung Elemeutnry and llluh Boards Is scheduled lor of the Si-hnol tonight. 1:30. at the High School. Harold Ashley, clerk of the boards, said this morning he knew of nothing of unusual Interest on Uie agenda. In Pakistan, nine yards nf cotton cloth must make a year's wardrobe. V WOMEN'S SHOE - 9:30 A.M. (f 1000 PAIRS TO GO! U U WE SAY ) buy mm) Our sale is often imitated but never duplicated SPECIAL MEN'S AND WOMEN'S HOSE DISCONTINUED COLORS AND PATTERNS Shot In Dark Package Pays .1.08 ANUBI.K8 Early Inst inoiilli Mrs. Julia Pt'nrsnn wrapped Iwo big Cluistuius packages to send to Korea. One she addressed to her son, Pfn. Cheater Whlsamore, 113, of the Third Combat Kuulneers. Hie oth er was lor tho VMCA's gill lilt for servicemen, lnsldn Ihe second package she put a card saving she hoped Hie soldier who received II would en joy It, Bhu signed her name to the ca ril. The one In a million coincidence happened: Her i.oii wrole her, saving: "I got your package, mom, but what ii shock 1 got when 1 opened one Dorothy Gray j IN NIW 2 full Mr At FOR A VERY ., SAHl MONDAY. JANUARY 20, 1052 of the gilt llll package cilnlrlbilnSl In our oulllt. It was from you, In'fr1' Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "I'll uf fllvo you tho 'boor' fact now. Somoono oil ma want to uio thlt party-lino." ...When you're a coimirternto telephone uner, every body get better telephone bcrvico! ... 'Pncilic Telephone. Lipsliek I)uo1 $100 lUril.lTAT sire rrAuouM imnatt 1 to omit . . . I itnllnl Tinio Offer! Your cttolta nf Keftular louR-Usliiift KgrmuU or eiira-ltiiiR lasting Nw buwr-Suy l-tpstirLs. Itofh in any oue of 0 I'uiliait I'ink, Hralljr 1'iul, Hrtl 'I try, Sirru, South Amet.i-an, IMght Roil, 5th ond Main A LIMITED TIME ONLY Originators - of the famous 2 FORI SALE ! ALL SALES FINAL WOMEN'S PURSES 2040 OFF VALUES TO 12.95 Br Radio & Electric 40! SOUTH 6th Phi 6920 i mm STOGl