RATI) H DAY, JANUARY 20, 10.r2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FAU,S, OREGON PAGE N1NR Heart, Keep Lead Sp&art ft ' rf Tf if.'' V Sacred Chiloquin a,, i " COWBOY CARLSON . , . Iicak'd, rundy i 1 i Lillcsrd Inks Tec m. Scuffle A niiluinl Iiik tituin inn lih wh liur.i mil ot WKdiii'Mlav'N buttle royal nt the iiriiuiry unil promoter 'luck Llllmd lout mill' lime in got- Merrill, Bonanza Post Wins (TANIIINOI w i. r. i. ! Hai red Heart J 0 I W, (1.1-'.ill! , J 0 " nonanra 3 I 7r.ll M.tTlll , 3 I 7 llenleg I 3 XI MH, i . , .1 ar,n Ullclirlsl ... 0 3 .OKI Illy 3 Ml: I. ail Nlghl'. Si.r.s CIiIikiiiIii 411 cilrhrlsl 3tt llunaiiEa M lllv 411 K.rred llaart 4:1 llanlay 33 Merrill S3 Kialln 4 UK the urliii'liiuii on me tiotieu 'imn (in' ncxl v, nek k turd Hie 1'ivrkn brothers, Herb and Billy, wilt Iciun miiiIiiM Kurt Von I'ouiH-nlielm and YurK Creiorlnn. The Oernuiii itnd the Huiniinlun ere Ml 111 Irkrd 1 llorlj'n Inlcrfer ni ' B In 111 battle roynl when ihy hnil young Hill V (The Kiel t ripe lor til- kll'. Hurricane Herb, viewing Ihe iiiiMinrerr uillMUn the ring nller be ing eliminated In the nix-limn tun riln, Intervened In take cure l Von Pop III flim style wlillc Illllv pinned Cifloiluii Hurled Heart mid Chiloquin still have niuiioiHily on Dim j I : In Ihn Klmnnth County Clans H IiIkIi school cage league allnr Inst nights lull round ol unintii that counted. Uaumd Hrnrl dumped Henley, 43-23, and Chllomilii waxed Oil chrlsl, 411-28. The wln marked Number 3 against no detents lor bolh clubs In league piny. il win Number 1 lor Sue rod Henri In II entire campaign and kepi the Trojans' record unriioUed linnnnrn stayed within shouting dlntaiice of Iho Trojan nnd Pun tliem with a 60-48 victory over Hlv. 'J lie AiiUith hold h 3-1 mark tor a strong iiecoud plnee. All llireo victories were on lor- Cougars Topp'e Huskies UuniiK.1 iKiiom- by Washington CAGE SCORES TIME OUT! "" Collide Basketball FAR WKh't Washington State 66, Washington DO Oicon 09, Ht, Marys 58 Wyonilnn Hi, Montana 60 Colorado AAtM 68, Utah 43 Scuttle 79, Montana Btate Col lege 77 Utah State 74, Mexico City YMCA 62 , , w, Lowry AFB M, Coloraxlo Mine 50 I,cwla and Clark 77. I-lnlleld fiO Utah Hraiich AKulea 63. Dixie 67 Colleiin ol I'aclflu 60, Ban Fran- Britlnh Columbia iA'l i'LK I lnloii.lv. .'ld-10 Ilw llnlvemltv lit Cisco St'lle 44 UualiinuUiii lluuklea held only a' Whllworlli 77, r.llpiicry chance Saturday ol re- '60 tiiliilng a place amonu the na- Porllimd 05. Paclllc " M tlon a lop 10 baokelball tciinin. I F.iv 'oi Wavhlnilion 81, Western Hie Couiiani playlim on lllt'lr I "u 'V-imrrt kTi own court at Pulliium always , !! daiiKoroiiM uround lor oilier confer. Qrenon Blate JVs 76, Orcxon JVk quarter rush and xtnll, Krabblna a lead and then lioldliiK II with live (17 Portland Air llllli- nun a score to settle loo The Proud I'ru. nlun heal lilin In ;eiin courts, the main event to pick up fie 1300 ' AHNIKT PI US I 11" . .... t. nnn ri'--" nni.-ll III .t,,!,.! i ...irtli in thla nuDilnlldlnu MerrUI'r vlclarv i.l Mnllii Tlie ' puueq tn-r lit;. I.lllard Imi 'Cowboy Carl- llu:,kles upset the MUJilunK', 52-48. son sinned for return. lln khuiu that saw one oi Malm's Iho Mnnlsna buckeroo will face i reaularii, Andy Travis, sidelined Muck DnvU'-on In the opener, i Willi an Injured knee and two Scheduled to iriuear In the battle j more, Wayne Rick and Bob Bte royal. a rib Injurv kepi Carlson j venaon. In limited action alter uouis wiin ine mi. Merrill's "Ve l'"l:ln was alto benched with an Injury. OllchriH. p.... . t..i.iol ball lor the llrst quarter mid lead. 6-4, at li e eiiil of that slowed-down peri od. Thcii the Orm.lles tried to run with Chllorjiiln and the Pnn thers nulled ahead to a 23-16 half liine lend and bulffed It after In- Krniisiinn lime minutes of itluelnu to the ball The score sec-aawed continuous ly as the nation's sixth-ranked team found the Cougars had not been awed one bit by belnn picked to lone handily to the Northern Di vision Pacific Coast Conference leaders. The Huskies dominated first quarter play but the CouRiirs shot back with a llnliinlnK fast break in the second qusrler to score 2(1 polnla while braklim Waslilnittun onwn to 12. ft Kiive the Coumirs a HOt Til WeHtcrn Kentucky 102 Miami 74 Furman Wi. The Citadel 63 HOIJTHWKST Bavlor 0. Rice 54 . Texas Western 77. Bui Ross 67 OIlKfiOV rREP BASKKTBALL Canyonville 36 Days Creek 22 j Kiddle 51 Camas Valley 22 Yoncalla 40 Oakland 31 Elkion 83 Glide 37 Powcrs 70 Klmira 49 Cro 1)8 Loranc 27 Pendleton 69 Mllton-Freewntcr 57 Ashland 82 Illinois Valley 37 Bclo 61 Bhcdd 37 "lourlh time today he's dusted off these flagstones Ed gets pretty restless for baseball and his Job to start stain!" out. He's her led snd ready to no. Cavitlebeiry Druns Is uie ncau quarters lor' reserved llckel. the Huskies to 30-a)l six I mliniies-lnto the third period. The; 30-28 naiiume oume. ,.l.ii0s drove 53 Willamette tEu- WaihliiKton s Bob Honored v. Concordia 44 Oswetjo 36 ! F.cho 63 Pilot Hock 32 JI..A ...ncill 1't Knu-lw,rrr fA 42 al the end o. the third canto. Mliu.n H0 Cascade Locks 37 Tiie CoUKurs found their eye aitain !Bfllpn, 57 sprinfleld 49 In Hie fourth quarter after Pe""" I Sheridan 44 North Marion 35 Mulllns droJ'd In two free, throws iMarshlield 82 North Bend 48 that nve tliem Ihe final lead. 'Knappa 58 Nalia'.cm 55 (overllmel With live inlnuies left they did Bcaivoo-e 60 Clat.skanie 59 little but re.'lst Washlimton's ball-1st. rfclens 51 Seaside 49 hunxry five as the Huskies fouaht I Medloru 48 UranLs Puss 46 desperately to get back Into con- Par Ko.se 85 Rainier 55 tentlon 1 Oregon City 62 Tlgurd 48 Cougar shooting- spelled the ma-'Mi. Aiiftel 57 Eslacada 39 Jor difference In the Raines re-, Dalli's 44 Canby 3u suits, 'Ihe Couii.rs made 40 per a Uiandc 50 Baiicr J7 i ih.ir ti.,..- D,wi,i tvi.iin iho Kogu! Klvcr 43 Jacksonville 35 jHusilcs sank only 25 per cent of , fcuulmiUy '40 SI. Paul 32 ON Till: III S: Coach I'.ex ll'ir. alter has elglil NKAft l.'PSKT, ..inn. irndv for lie lOOiUilll .,-t,..itiiU . . Hnii Beiiiai'tiino ifC.eildlnu the 'uvorerl Rnllnnxa tenm. (ID, oil ihe lico.:. but leelers are j leading until Ihe lest four minutes out 10 O'her strong opponent lor of olny. Then ihu Anilers' Don o.i.on :Tr.h . . . one thing MjHtibhlo catighl fire In a late lellv miic: it will bn the 1110 amiiilous blnse. Ho shot seven times In the iciiitlu e ivor teckletl by the HH1- rnllv and iicoreil seven times lor ton bo.'. . . '14 of ills totel SO points. . ' ,,'....1. Ihl kl. If., n 11 . . . . uiVlatii tvii. jvmiiui uorciv 111111 uonroy pui in 1 111 uaseuaii 11110 iDicvenron laie in ihe seconrt quar Art Klrklniid is Iter and slurteil Hick In the seenml ' 1'.'. t..J..U llial ll...lr . . , . . ..... IHIA' WQffi.lllg Oil a B.iii-""" ' nun 111 nil Htvciiin lo siou 111c v 1 include six KJin " "" "-nin e. er.'i Orekon. lour each with Hum- Ttie Mtistaiigs actually took a uni .t Bti'te and Clilco Btnte . . . flvc-pomt lead early In Hie lourlh lie ne Clentrv. hluh-rcorini Child- !., u.i,in,., Kn.in lin.i a 4fn Mosier 34 Dulur 20 qulri center, was held to Hirer I nvernKe Iri the first half ijunci.on City 65 University (Eu- goals irom the lloor but riumped luo .Bm., ni0Pl nottn 8a.' gcnei 64 nine iree throws for 16 points and i urday night In a return match ,T"e fallen 69 Wy-Easl 33 li'll SCO.-H1- Honors. .,M, ,n.,M Hr,m the Huskies Into urownsv.iie 31 naiscy VI .i ..1. u.i.i TH..1.- i 'Aiiiuy uO Sherwood 28 The Biy Bobcat, came near up- ,h M -ihe Conors moved , Klamath Falls 44 Koseburg 38 into third position with Friday l?"10" fS""8! Tn ninnf. uin- . ir, ini,ihi umiiri iCcntral tnlon (Monmouth) 41 Tall third position wl'.h Friday L3 Ino night's win: throv them Into Willi Oregon, K..-.a tonight would 'Oaki-ldse 49 St. Francis lEugenel a tic for third 47 Mill City 44 Gervals 25 V .. :ca Wi o. Oi u finis wlffVow "I' yrar . ; Ccach I The Ore. ,, five wa, the only J erbpou V o:he.- conference team busy Friday "-PO' olght. beallnu Et. Mary's 69-58. ! H??', in a non-ronferenre lilt at Eu-!s":d Heart (Salem) 47 gene. Tlie Oaels and Dueks battled on even terms In a torrid till for three quarters before the Gaels Sncred Heart (Salem) 47 Cascade 42 West Linn 68 Hlllsboro 65 hilverion 44 Sandy 43 Eugene 37 Corvaills 28 nm, khi . '-"' I ,n,. ti,. .... H.M in .i, f-ukciic oi v-ui liicldenuillv, Jii'-k Brown. cx-tanss uui jncg Menciricxson uppea In for i " ' . V k j Garibaldi 36 Star of tne sea iss. -.' ..a i..Uxl ' ...iki.A I a II aa n nil I rial Ifflf1 nil n o4rt nn nrfe 1 ' ROfKl qUHCIIH.i:;n Yriiu 41. -U lO pull IV OUl IO.T , -j 0riR I Jv Mrrrui. a.. ,. Pf.reln!i 50 St. U .r.ll. Illltll a.ivj iiittv hnui OHIUIUIIJ lilHlli, John O'Ncil .scored 21 for Mr- n,5- rtll. Ifl of the point com, no In the I i acnntilir. at nnd also n ld who known hi wny nrnimil ihe cine court, Is also a , baseball Ditcher who'll be used . . MORf.lON Fl'Tt'llK schedule lllnklng! i KlrklaiklUs toying with the Idea of blllltu aoniaga tor tour basket ball giuiics, nexi season . . . he tried to aml tlie Bulldogs for Uii weckeud'a dpen dates, but II waa too la v . i- . , Standligs of the Klamath Basin Inuependenl league published In the Hrr,ld .and News yesterday we.c wrong: . . . games missing were the Jayhawk win over Dorrls and Keno's victory over Merrill , , , these games were mum up Tuesday from -recent postpone ments and no score sheets were turned Into the Herald and News . . . thai glvos the Jayhawks sec ond place In the league behind Chiloquin Instead ot a share of a throe-way second place tie . . Most slighted team In the weekly AP basketball poll seems to be Cleveland of Portland . . . rumors continue stronger that the Gallop ing Ohosla Is the team to watch. T1IK BOXING., business takes queer turns; The IBC 'ilntornalonall Boxing Club) was catching abuse from all sides for several months for hand ing Harry (Kldi Matthews a brush on .. . now Mntlliews (and Mgr. Jnck Hurley) are nn the other aide ol tho fence , . , they're doing the catching now for passing up the JBO's offer. to meet Joey Maxim, resumnbry the bout they wanted. With a strong boy who has ac Ion and knows how to move In the key, the Oregon Tech Owls would 'be hard to beat . . . actually, that has been the weak point since the Owls got. Into the cage swim ... . . fof Instance, this year Wayne Holiu.Hs, Homer Duncan, Tom Buhtibert and Jack Plnkley ha-c jworked at tho center spot In an . attempt td find a boy who feels at home Micro , , . L-C Grabs Lead Loop PORTLAND iiH Lewis and Clark climbed Into the leadership of tlie Northwest Conference Frl dfy night by defeating Llnfield 77 00. Ken Servns, Lewis nnd Clark, nnd Bill Anderson, Llnfield, were high icorcm with 22 points cnclt. AUTO INSURANCE 5-10 5 Liability Insurance Current 6 Mo. Rate $ 90 As Low As . II t'llia Small Nnnrr rorrlnff Stainherahla r'ca , l.aaa Diioiila cllv fcferred Ins. Exch. I. WII.I.Min ( KI1ARI,I4- lllal. Ajenl rhona j.ni.n :mi7 so. ntk ,naar "coiiid Thla hi Your I first half as the Huskies surged ahead 19-6 nt tlie quarter and still held ft 3021 advantage at the reft period. Substitute Gary Mauney led Ma lln with 17. Henley held en earlv 6-9 lead before the highly-rated Trojans started to roll to end the quarter with a 13-9 bulge and puff It to 23-13 at halfllme and 29-16 at the mree-quarler mark. center Frank Wessel took his turn at hlRh-scoring honors, lead ing Ihe Trojans with 13 points. Bolh teams were missing badly. PRKI.IMS In preliminary B games. Bill Snider led the Trobsbes te a 44-37 win over Henley with 20 points. Bonanza drubbed Bly 41-32, Chilo quin mauled Ollchrlst 61-36 snd Merrill edged Malln, 47-46. BncreA Heart meets 81. Mary's at Medford tomorrow, with the pre liminary scran starting at 2 p. m. The Trojans hold a 72-39 win over St. Mary's In an earlier game. mm. Mury's (The Dal lesi 31 Veinoiiia 40 Warrenton 32 Dayton 69 Banks 22 Albany 64 Sweet Home 46 Central Catholic (Portland) 61 Oresham 48 Bos aporea: rilll.oqiilN 4) Parker 1 David 11 Gantry IS Oenrga 7 vaaan a (III (lll.l MSIST II Fraaman 4 WHHnatinm 7 BUM Braclar 1 Slop ChllOQtiln tuba DiiBnla. Haarork 4. irnlva. Hlmmara. Nlrlidl.niv nilrhrlat nihi Warll, 3, wars l, .uiiMdera.. BONAN7A (IS) Crilme 10 Pond 3 Chandlar 4 Haley S Wllaon 13 Benanra snhr ulja Chronl.tar, MKBRIt.t. Ml) Honayciltt S Welihsna I O'Nall 31 'rivM a Hendrlrkaon 13 r F C n o fchle 3(1. M. Martin. Lilian 4. Gerrick. Burger mi ni.v 10 Weaiel 11 Lvbrand 14 Jaqttv.h 3 Dlllavnu oechlnann Dya. Blv () MAI IN 17 Maitnev Ralnila 13 Fenlera Pari. BoKera Merrill atlba Sander. S. Wlntera. Waltera. ' Malln auba W. ruck la. V, n'"'- e. siavenaon s. sr. nT. wi) Mahoney 9 'nrh 3 ' Weaael t.1 1 ' i toward 7 M"Anilrewa 9 (3.11 IIKNI.KV 4 Aniler.o'i n, inn 4 Havaa 1 Rani.ev Lento Sarrert Heart au'-.s Helilerer 1. Plum. mer. Benrrt 5, Pratt 3, Neubert 1. Han lev avihaR. Hill 3, Jonea, McPheraon, c-.e .". Vaden 4. mmm Ben Morrison, Mgr. ! JUCKELAND TRUCK : SUES and SERVICE -i 1th & Klamath Ph.2-2511 PORTLAND Cleveland 51 Lincoln 40 Hoosevelt 28 Benson 21 Jefferson 71 Washington 55 Franklin 40 Grant 47 r.-i. .7l .807 .51.1 .446 411 .330 COMMERCIAL LEAdlK W Nealillt Oram - 4.1 si. i. jnnnton ina. 34 Orelech Facully . 38 urlftfa rontla u 2.1 A.hley Chevrolet -.. 3.1 aratj- El-clrle 14 Tae.d.y'. Re.ull. Faculty 3 Ne.blH 1 Jnhn.nn 4 Jlnraboa 0 Orlsc. 4 A.hley 0 Bill Collins' 553 series helped the M. L. Johnson Insurance team to a 4-0 win over Bamboo Electric In the Commercial Bowling league this week as the Insurnncemen also added high team and game. t ne mgn game went to Joe sel lout of league leading Nesbitt Orange with a 214. just a pin bet ter than Collins' 213. Lloyd Mangrum Pushes Boros PHOENIX, Arir.. (iTI Sixty or more golfers headed Into the third round of the $10,000 Phoenix Open Saturday and the man to catch was still Julius Boros. a strapping 210-pounder from Mid Pines, N.C. Boros, a comparative newcomer to tournament competition and winner of only one major title the Massachcsetts Open In 1951 added a two under par 69 to his first round 68 for a mid-mark score of 135. The Boros performance looked good but there was still no room for comfort as he swung into to day's 18 holes nt the par 36-3571 course of tho Phoenix County Club. For Just two strokes back was Lloyd Mangrum, tlie well tailored money winner from Chicago, who scored a 69 Friday after a first round 68 for 137. ' Medford Edges Cavemen by JIM COl'H AwafwiuL.H l'rc. Klnff U'rllr Wade (Swede) Halbrook saw hls'and . ""L11 Pels Win By 44-38 On Rally By RED KURD Basketball followers of the Klam ath Falls Pelicans are thankful today the schedule-makers sand wiched In a non-district series with Roseburs this weekend. The Pelicans, minus two regu lars clipped with the flu, and look ing far lrom Impressive with what they had, hold a 44-38 win over the Indians earned last night in a scoring spurt In the last three minutes. But there were few fans who left spacious Pelican Court who didn't let go with a sigh of relief when the victory was In the of ficial books. Only in the first three or four minutes did the Pelicans resemble the club that carried an 8-3-1 rec ord onto the floor. It was evident they missed the keywork of six foot, seven-inch Ralph Carroll and Jack Horton's radar from side court. EARLY LEAD But the Pels started with a rush and ran up a 10-4 lead in jlg tlme primarily on two lav-ups and a hook shot by Ray Bell. But Roseburg started controlling the boards at this point and the Klamath attack seemed to fall apart. The Indians did a gradual but methodical slicing Job and with a minute and a half left in the first half. Center Jim Gilbert scored from the field to give Roseburg an 18-nll tie. From that point on it was touch tne pels louna a . V 1 I A REAL VETERAN of the hardwood court, William (Pop) Gates will be with the renowned Harlem Globetrotter! when the traveling Negro cagers appear along with tha Kansas City Stars on Pelican Court Tuesday night against top city and county teams. Ticket Sale Healthy For Trotter Showing punch in the last two and a half minutes to register their ninth win o: the s-eason. HALFTIME LEAD Two free throws by Cal Gilmore and a long shot by Roseburg's Jim Roberts sent the teams out nt intermission notted 20-all. Up to the time Oakley Summers canned a free throw to give the Pels a lead they never lost at 39 28, the score was tied seven times Lincoln team upset and his Oregon hign school individual scoring re- cora orosen an witnin a couple ol hours Friday night. Lincoln, defending city chamuion anj rated No. 1 in this week's A soc.ated Press stale hoop poll. leil to Cleveland. 51-40. In a Port land league game. Halbrook, seven loot one-inch all-stater, posted only 25 points, well below par for him, aim was outscored by Cleveland's !..m. nnmher of times a.canwniie. a little fellow by com-: c" " "1 . Vn " : T v.. -wit,, parison, six-foot one-Inch Gerald :, '. It . .,"i ,ui, LatrfcomUvB 'realirm'","'"" 15 onds left Jd the erase brook', ?lc,rtg of6 "38 lead- e bie3t Vo L, i ?i.S S,. reCrd v of 66 1 spread after the Indians dead n?S S 1?m e6k? "Allocked It 18-all in the second liioom scored 31 field goals and i frame five free throws In leading his Crow I A iay-un by Ed Barron, a sub hlgn team to a 98-27 won over Lo-stitute who has seen Just brief ac ronf' , , , Ition with the varsity this season, Uncolns loss was its second of brought it to 43-38 with less than the season and its lirst in league I a minute to go. Jerry Johnson p.y. By winning, Cleveland re-! dumped a free throw for the final malned tied for the lead with Roo-iriiult seven, which defeated Benson, 28-1 RAGGED Despite the close game, raggea Cleveland. although unranked in'r.ess in ball-handling took away the AP poll, is undefeated in prep I much of the Interest. competition and has lost only to I First and third quarter scoring the Portland U. Frosh. ! sprees gave Bell high point honors Mat of the state's highly rated! with 13. Summers, thanks to five teams escaped upset. jlcr-five from the free throw line. Central Catholic of Portland, (plus two field goals, finished with miiicu no. pousnea on uresnam nine. When you watch the famous Harlem Olobetrotters In action Tuesday night on Pelican Court, you'll see a team that has won 3908 games, lost 252 In 24 years of campaigning. That's a fancy .939 average. So overwhelming has been the demand for tickets, that Rlckys is Joining the Oregon Woolen store in putting the ducats on sale. TWIN BILL Tuesday night's show will be a basketball double feature. The Kansas City Stars, the Trotters' O'Brien Eyes 1000 Mark TJtrur vriDi7 m t i t-- and the lead changed bands the.up pace John Q.Brlen of s Joyvees Trip Tu.e, 47-42 Bv HAROLD McKAY Klamath's Junior Varsity defeat ed the Tulelakc Honkers, 47 to 42, on the victors court last nignt. Coach Don Peterson. JV coach, had to bring up three Wildcat play ers to field a team, when flu took Its toll. He took up Leo Davis, Jim Bcvans, nnd Clinton Armstrong. Klamath held a comfortable 10 point lead at the half, 25-15. Then tne Honkers caugnt lire ana out scored the Pels 16-14 to nar row the JVs lead to 39-31 when the third period drew to a close. Tulelnke Forward Jack Ayres was high man of the game with 18 points. 1 Klamath Forward Jim Dougherty took runner up honors with 15. Bos aenre: Tl I.DI AKK (4!) (41) KLAMATH King F Mllla. C. Ayrcs 18 F IS Dounherty Snwlea 4 .C ft Davl Olaon, R. G 3 Owlnga Short 3 G tZ Mill., . Tutelaka aubs Goldblatt 3, Olson. P. 3. Taylor. Lewis. MacEau. Pederaon. White. Klamath auba Barron ft. Bav ana 3, .Armstrong a. A Grand A Stroke INGLEWOD. Calif, tfl Jim Walker, Portland, Ore., sportsman, has postponed until Feb. 4 an all star golf .contest matching Jack Buiko Jr., Lloyd Mangrum and others. Walker Is offering $1,000 a stroke for. every stroke the winner fin lshfs under par 72. 61-48. to widen its lead in nines A District 13 play. It was Central's 10th win in 11 games. Mc Minnville. rated No. 3, pre served its undefeated record In high school competition and Its lead In District 8 by trouncing New berg, 72-55. It was Mc Minnvllle's 13th prep win of the season. Fourth-ranked Salem, the Dis trict 11 leader, beat Springfield. 57-49. Mnrshfield, rated No. 5 took first place in the Eastern Division of District 5 by downing ' North Bend, 62-48. ReedsDort. the Wt- em Division pacemaker, trounced loieao, 4D-33. Clamalh Falls, ranked sixth in the AP poll, got by Roseburg, 44-38. But unrated Medford clung to first place in Southern Oregon's District 4 by edging Grants Pass, 48-46 Jefferson of Portland, defending state champion and rated seventh. over whelmed Washington. 71-55. with all-stater Max Anderson bag- sing 44 points. Crushed Rock and Ready-Mix Concrete Plant Klamath Falls, Oregon IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TO BUYER Reconstruction Finance Corporation tnvile. bids for th Pur chase ot Crushed nock and Ready-Mixed Concrete Plant, formerly occupied by Uladncy ft Adams, and now located at five different locations in or near Klamath Falls, Oregon. This property consists ot Crushers, Conveyors. Bunkers. Power Shovel, Knerlng Dumptora, Tractors, Screens, Motors, Generators, Pumps, Truck., Automobiles, Batching plant. Cement Silo, Welders, Drills, Compressors, Concrete Mixers, Steel Barge, Tug. Hoists, Ofrtc Equipment, Railroad Spur Tracks, Office and Shop Build ings. .., . . For. Inspection of the Plant, contact the undersigned. Anyone Interested in the purchase of this property may obUIn bidding forms and a alatement of .terms and conditions relating thereto from the undersigned. Bids for the property will be considered only tf made in ac cordance with, and subject to, the terms and conditions set forth In said atatement. All bids must be presented at the aforesaid . Portland Agency Ofrtce of Reconstruction Finance Corporation on H- before 3:00 P.M., on the IRth day of February, 111.12. Reconstruc tion Finance Corporation reaervea the right to reject any or all bids. RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION 444 Plttock Block Portland 6, Oregon Telephone ATwater 8401 . Rnseburs- srjread the bulk of Its scoring among LeRoy Elting and Ed Nolte with nine each and Gil bert with eight. The Iwo teams meet In a re match tonight with the Klamath junior varsity furnishing a house warmer against Chiloquin at 6:45. Bos score: ROSEBL'RG ElUng. f Oalros. f Gilbert, e Nolte. ( Ruditk. a ... Reserves: Booth Backen Gcddes Roberta Pilots Near Record in Win PORTLAND I Portland Uni versity almost matched Its own scoring record Friday night in de feating Pacific University 95-63. The record is 94 scored by Portland two years ago against Seattle University. Ski Lead GOVERNMENT CAMP, Ore. W Dick Schwaesler of the Yakima Valley Ski Club, took the lead In the Pacific Northwest Ski As sociation's Junior Championship Meet here Friday by running the 3 'a mile cross country course In 21:42.2 minutes. , . The hieet concludes Sunday. FG FT PF TP 4 13 9 itv first college player in history to score i.uoo points m a single sea son. i Official NCAA statistics Friday ' credited him with being the top scorer in the country, whether from large or small colleges. ; The NCAA gave him that rank- i Ing on the basis of 592 points scored ! in 22 games up to a week ago this : Saturday, an average of 26.9 points per game. Since then he has scored 43 points against the Harlem Globe trotters and 21 Friday night against Montana State College. Seattle has 14 games remaining to be Included in the NCAA figures plus probable tournament com petition. If there are two post-season games and O'Brien maintains the pace, he can reach the 1,000 mark. The all-time season's record of 967 points was set by George King of Morris Harvey in 1950. . O'Brien is second only to Har mon Hoffman of Brooklyn Poly technic Institute in points scored per game. Hoffman has a 27-point average on tne oasis of 924 points for 12 games. farm club", will apnear In the prellminaty skirmish, opening at 7 p. m. The Jayhawks and the Chlloauin Townles, top division teams In the Klamath Basin independent league, will join forces In facing the Stars. Rickys and Payless Drugs, one- two teams in the city league, have been chosen as foes lor the Olobetrotters. It's not easy to name an lndi vldual star on Abe Saperstein's re nowned Trotter team. .They're ell stars. , . PLAYER Included are Louis Pressley. Wil liam (Pop) Gates, Frank Washing ton. Carl Helem, John Charvers. George (Sunny) Smith and Leon Hlllard. The Kansas City Stan develop players for the Globetrotters. Vet eran John Scott has returned to the Stars from the Trotters to fur. nlsh a balance wheel' (or all of the young talent. Fisher Totals Kl AMATH FALLS Gilmore. t Summers, f Bell, c Johnsett, g .. - Young, g 1 1 .. i Reserves: . Pence Barron 0 ..l 1 3 3 3 IS 8 30 38 FG FT PF TP 3 12 . 4 3 3 1 0 1 0 CASTLES IN THE AIR ... aren't subject to foreclosure, but houses on the ground may be lost through sudden adversity. An Inexpensive Sun Life mort gage policy win free .your home from any debt remaining at death. Protect your loved ones' home n 7777 teeey! Duane Baker DM. Aft. SUN LIFE Dnan .Baker , '52BUICKS Are Here!! Down Must Go Our Used Car Prices We Fear Dougherty . 1 o a Totals 14 13 44 Halftlme score: Klamath Falls 20 Roseburg 30. Free throws missed: Roseburg S (Elting I. Gilbert 3, Ruq- ilk 1. balroa 3. Geddea Hi Klamatn Falls 7 iGllmore 3. Bell S. Young 1. Barron 11. Officials: Bishop and Kell-strom. OCE Grabs Loop Lead MONMOUTH (ff) Oregon Col lege of Education defeated East ern Oregon College of Education 66-57 here Friday night, advancing to first place in Oregon collegiate conference standings. The loss was EOCE's 16th straight this season. Lowell Kolbaba of EOCE was high scorer of the game with 23 points. DON'T MISS The... Rrcjuson femily Jubilee ivm farm nnnr mim : FEBRUARY 1 SPONSORED BY MAC'S FARM EQUIPMENT CO. 5629 So. 6th St. Your Ferguson Dealer Ph. 8551 READ ABOUT H. E. HAUGER'S $100 CLEAN OUT SALE In The Automotive Section of the Classified pages ' WEATHER PERMITTING . . . the liquidation sale at the , Sprague River Mill site will continue SATURDAY and SUNDAY ' ' ., " ' '. ' . O A number of houses and buildings remain to be . sold! O Our salesman, John : Vicars . . . and a house moving estimator will be available from 9 to 5. . ;; SESSLER. INC; 534 Market Phone 4162 r.i-1-lv sum p.m. .Mnnflav