lOUTOURWAY I. J. K. VlLtlAMl OUR IOARDINO HOUSI Vilfc MAJOR HOOPLI Answer to Previous Puxzl ' Vegetable Stew NOW, SA.STOn, RON VOOR, piscei?- iMo eye over thi akmok,' it wl&4 vMOCM BY SIR EGBERT SVi MOOPLS 110 TUB BATTLE Of HORIZONTAL 1 Orange-red vegetable 7 Love apple ' 13 Oxidizing eniyme 14 Lariats 13 Its waters ; opened for the 6 Irritate 7 Teachers ' ,; (Over (poet.) B The sea (comb, form) 10 Solar disk 11 Assignment 12 Hops' kilns It River in Switzerland V'i.iTl WAS OECORATEO BY HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tim Eight Saturday. January 26, 1953 . I NUTe THE DENTo Or I " II rtllflAt IL TLlC bxeflbTfLPiTe.' GLAMOR GIRLS Israelites 16 Take into custody 17 Protound IS Capuchin monkey 20 Writing fluids 21 Intends 23 Vassal ' 27 Comments 21 English river 22 Soils 23 Blow with open hand Precipitation Ancient Chinese ' instruments To cut Night song Gjiide of oil Fortification Auricles Woody plant 44 Persian tcntmnker 45 Nostril 47 House (Sp.) 48 Wing-shaped 49 Plexus 50 Scott case 52 Low haunt 54 Compass point 24 Exist 25 Class of -vertebrates 26 Green (her.) 28 Husband ot Gudrun v 31 33 38 41 42 43 ,soo ooeT TO XJ FlF he pontW whut i SHUT UP.' V C I Be PROUD OF vP GO DOWN If HE y-- IT'ti W0RKIN fTTK 1 M M A ffo ON THIS 11 8KeAKft t-B FIWE--THI6 pjjtABiPl ,'T iSl 7(1 SS I 6LIPG WE! V HI NECK TDWM IS SO Alff t?wJUTHi f7s.TS M. IA- 1 T T.l I IWiHJ' II I J ' 1 If I . :. 1 ,sssfc-Tf-.T. ' 1 29 Precipitation . 30 J "Yoo-hoo, Mabel, it's Butch, the boy friend ... I got time off for good behavior!" 32 Glandular organs 34 Keep 33 Reluctant 36 Saliferous 37 Bothers 39 Wash lightly 40 Periods ot time 42 Famous English school 46 Born f- 47 Pasteboard 31 Armed fleet S3 Trader 53 Bred ' 58 Handled 57 Peaceful SS Approached i VERTICAL 1 Stout string 2 On the sheltered side 3 Interpret 4 Grate 5 Monosaccharide l 12 IS 1 S lb I , 17 IS IS 110 U 111 JJ , S I i ll 2) 121 US life 5T 2 tt 150 1)1 12 jj- - ' 35 59-7753 3 3 75 5?" u 5o 5i "5T"55 y si MM I I I a . i i .THARS A LOOK I N H EC? THAT 1 V; LI I ( -HI'S &OT MY CfRL.'''- WELL-RDR ONCS ) S I - , , , " i . . ' Jf r-B0 XJJL C t VIN MV LIFE, I'M GOllT TO DO A DECENT ( aOf, Ifi? 1 fY RXCUSB fll If (STSi&iPtV&TXl&S N THINOj.-T-l-M GOING TO KILLVOU, UOUT.r ) f ( U IT, V J . & " " ' ' '- RECEIVING i PAYING- I 1 f SO IT'S YOU. NOT YES...IT'S TO BE 1 fTM e INDO- HlMOTY fOH.I'M NOTtiO " "1 fMI.BABE... v"Nl PTtOM TELLER I 7 oaONSON.WHOSf Aft COMPLETE A EUROPEAN...PRf- MOLLIS, roe YOUNG. DOCTOR! 1 WMOOOoo i ii ii ii awi.ii ii i iulsh.iI II f POQTUtie I xJS DOING THE I COVERAGE OF 9UMERIAN...THEN I A YOUNG REALLV VVB...S fA. ARE YOU.1 .-aA-. Wh SHJWRHHi I YCIIBD I WORK ON THIS EARLYHUMAN HERE'S ANOTHER (MAN YOUTH KV.II f fll ' W. A 1 loWra slti Mn ie tI2) ethkjographicalS migrations point of possiblecertainly V-w-rn Mwff's. heuO-I'm ' " ? ffl i ATONO P''j ' sfj-Sly ; Pretty nitty,A Ves, Rbger, but it "I f Why do you stay enYTie read department has it , ."6ut,Judy.lX'l as,Marqe but eh, Judy ?y must bean old-timer- V the back roads? We infer us Thev scrace the whyim the bums oio easy. Ime been hopimg If voioo vaguely, thev Hd a sPOittOi fiDOl UNOHHMrTsMiiiPiAH. kre'vtmb trtvou W he si to takP SfeLJl riQht hand drive J' ouaht to be no 7sKrii alil yoo tell the sheriff Wirt) FWALiy reco6nize rkaiiwho sPiuDLYiEOGEPurriE brat kith mow if wu kinolv get f comvitisui sur ITJIiS-Z. - )-7' Ivl , Sli . allle;:- -T VOU-DtCNOWNMBFORlMEVOURSElFlBUTISUP- LIUED IN THeI BRACES OM HER TE6IM kW A KOP WV BLACK BAG OUT Of 1MB m HATA mJKX al throuqh wthme for a ride with ' people a tieat!mam streets y VEars, just after ioVfOSE wre too tui80rm oid smuwV cveuow GOSH O'MlGHTyl trumk ixl show you why l a 6EriR chauce 2 CjUtxerfj v h Undes horse and 1 WSU "Tr ii 5 - T e CT,-.l admitted we were PeAc-"trv-Tv -rr-! house while -vou dont mean you- i thousht of you first to reower what . T TvCvrWL Cutter 71 iJWJS' .SjV ""S-'V- ArCj- n TICAILY STRANGERS ?!! &jt2SXt YOU WERE W A?7?--i r nyTTfTOl WHEN I HM TO UAWlt IW Alt MIER1 J p J ic Btri ?nSfvEflWlHIM f FeR?NSTflNT-- INSTANT- UUClBLOAni f M.60VOWOr.V f DOW . I - HI A.VS t If W to OAW "rM ."V, (SKfl iOWO Afs U'o 0 rKL AFTER SOME L WHO ? jL EBENEEZER Sv m SX!r' I MmtfHOUU CWICMIn' On tvM ttA.V WWH I UOPA. 1XM i VMSVr -Wl DM '.tVKW Ws VOO VcoOWtvVj - SJPSIS.S" ) FAMOUS FELLER flTr4P mt0?0 EWER S VMftL WH MS.R066tt6 NOORl V- . OOOftVt lWTHKi& .NCXOOK' WHW l ' ,if oli -s Lr u wr mi!" Pj" ' W'' "zpfr isf 1 P Rff Pj-M f 6osm, I HO?EcHECn feep vour. Ves, we're aulgoimg- f Aw,sueR.I don't likf r Tmet MU!C 1 S f il 'j, DAMCE.5 wlr WWL Eii I t lltic:A-1 X1"1"""'! meiercn-fl IfF I.CCCL-.CU'nt: T1 ' 'I J J1LT1 ' I f " I I I ' " . ' I UFCF VWJAXT DinwT" VQU FOLLOWED f RESIST I LOAN OU THE DCXJCW, M sH nraoii T? "7,-"" . ' I "Mt. CELESTE CCLVERT MVEe WHOSE LE AP1N' U2ARDS AND 1 WA9 A " "SWWATIPDNT- OJNIOR? J SAW HIM LARRV.'WETLL. M Zti7U A LEAPIN' Lr2ARD3 AU. 'BOOT TH' A I FAMILV IN H360 OWNED ALL OF WHAT 1 WORRYW 'BOUT THOSE TWOTW l ISnulM A 1 -rrflSra ErVTER THE WAIT FOR YOU. fcLXS1 CS ClL Z I OPERAPITCHEfW ANOTrl'BJSaggT I NOW IS THIS CITY AND HALF THIS I ( CARe O' THEMSELVES N FftGl ) , FCOWEDHIM. TZZlm SKATING T1 , iM XA7--lf " 1 0NBoT.Hl2,ME,E. ) STATE -.BSCOfrreO B HER SON, ; I C0MPANYLEAPIN'LRD8, f :; ' ' 'j jje jj i ' l " if ..M'l U P I fl gPCOAUTV BOBM THICTV VFAR TOO POM lj .7 j . 1 I ( OH. BO WHAT II'" "' J ILL EVEN PUT I III 1 , 1 1 1 : ijUlITjnTn I I I I I j III'. 'ANT SLEEP-T' A MDNOERPUl5 w (THE DOGS OUT SO J V l i TOOOLIIErV )' ZTn) sk KANC fOKr SJVra HAVE COMPLETE O (TQLMETrf Js-fj .1 : viJ L r .1 I- S'JT'Viy I.. ...... T . u.i. r.,u-., I. . y.J.".