SATU10AY, .IANUAIIY '2(1, 111.12 IIKRALI) AND NKWS. .KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGR SEVEN REFLECTIONS FROM WHAT WITH KLAMATHITES to his home with a beautifully autographed cast Ho holds court to "umptoenogers" every attrr noon and seems well on the mend. if if. if. JOHN AND BETTY Mo CULLOCH by train to NY to at- going south lor winter vacations Si Slocum of the Lone Palm Hotel in Palm Springs is getting to be a regular correspondent latest mmmullirilift l that thn f!lnvtnn Barrens i6 Huron, were recently have .report olJhe Big registered there. City from two sources. n - fM "HUH m THESE JUNIfl FARMERS don't seem to be looking at the "ceilint" in fact, the an imal Indies iflit finds tliom with contented smiles and pood fellowship expressed. ' From the leff.1. I). Venms, assistant county agent, Howard liolliday, hack to camera, John Short, Ifland Clicyne and fcd Slastny. Photo by Kettler ft??, 1 ! . . r v . .IM:'!."7 t P P f? r ' i . .i.. .'J a Wilson i; r!):)iil lo rsssiv'e tin final touch her Husband. Hah. presi (Lii. i ih or'T'v-'.'.'o". is t!r. l'.pll.TiH. and with tham are Mr. and Mrs. John Heyden. .loiin V.i shaker cf the tvoiiina, and is identified with the r I Ncjirni Shrine 5 Frst Meeting Nubiul ferine S, Wlme Slirlnc n Jnus:i!in r.iel In regular kcvton Jnn. li. tx Die first meeting ul 1902. lli'pn 1.1 by offii-rrs nf the order wlirh") nmdi- vli.lts In otlier bhrlncs dirlit the liolldny Kcnson were lvtn Chalrinin il llic Mntnliil Objcc Heatrice DimiImjii. five coiniilti reported on He work none In Ore gon during lb pa-it year. l-'ormnilon If n Bhrlnc Club for the NortliwcH wa ill.scus.vcd and approved. . Coffee an doughnut were served In lh banquet hall at the clone of the lire 1 Urn . Feb. 5 in te date for the next regular nicolia and sojourners arc reminded of ihls date. Blanche V rks, Worthy High Prlestcsh, Nl Retleraih, Past Worthy Hlg Priestess, and Blanche Schu e, Worthy Priestess, c.l Naomi 5 visited the While Bhrlnc in Sfi Francisco, which was the occHI'm of the visit of Supremo WcjUiv High Priestess. Mela Polntej They returned lo Klamath rai on Sunday. All sojourrjrs and visiting so' tnurnera of laoml 6, are advised lat on Fft. 19. Hie Supreme Worthy HlglA'rlcstcss, Mela Point er will maW her official visit to lhls Shrine, I which time a cerc . litionlal will jo exemplified. All are uted lo bo present for this spcclaltncctlng. Pish Hall Card Club Party The mor ily card party given at the parisl hall In I.anRcll Valley the soeoii Saturday o every month wi( given by Mrs. John Brown in) Mrs, Lester Jones. Ten tulles wero hi play with prizes ging to Mrs. Ernest Graves, bills Slaller and Ted Al bert. E(Ue Orallan won the dour prize. m. Jones and Mrs. Brown served pllclous rclrcshmcnls nl mldnlRhti - Invert your old cotton mattress I Don't buy a new mattrets! ! , Carlson's lvMZZ ': Into a 312 coil INNERSPRING A 59.95 37 Cava witk fitlcnri' 2405 So. 6h iimm - il ''ir mii-i fr ltininr SOJOURNERS (XGi.mers nn: Jan. L'3 at the W. )h. id Hotel lur a no-husti'su linciieuu at 12:2(1 pin. In the dm- ' lng room. There wore I'J members and klcm;. prcHcnl. Mrs. I'm vine presided at the bunness meeilnt, and Inlruduccd I the lolluwlnfc uuc.iUt: Mrs. A. J. ; Jiirvii, Mrs. C. E. Chase. .Mis. lit. F. Wiirucrg, Mrs. C. K. Lelt jhoff and Mrs. II. It. Scrlbner. Mrs. Hiram Ferguson and Mrs. E. A. Rentier wore Introduced as ' new members. Mrs. J. U. Miller was appointed 'as hospitably chairman lo replace Airs. Charles Kggrn who has moved to Vancouver. Wash. Mrs. ! Anna Cook Is replacing Mrs. 11. C. blover us memuersliip cnairmau. f ile Stovers plan lo leave Klamalh Falls in the near future. Mia. George Roberts and Mrs. . 11. Lhulskog were hostesses dur ing tho social hour. Prizes lor high In cards were awarded to: Mrs. H. L. Robert son, bridge: Mrs. E. A. Mqog. Canasta; and Mrs. D. P. Groves, pinochle. Next meeting will be Feb. 13, 13:30 p.m. at the Willard Hotel. No-hoslcss luncheon and cards. Newcomers to Klamath Falls arc welcome. Lost River VFW. Auxiliary MERRILL Lost River VFW Auxiliary to post 4056 met In reg ular session Jan. 16, with Presi dent Ida May Fleck In charge. Ncwly-lnltlated members aro Mar Jorlo Hodges, Anna Waldrip, P.uth Dells, Norma Kundrn, Dorothy Kandra, Dorothy West, and Mary Fiances Hammond was reinstated. Plans were discussed lor a pot luck dinner and social evening to bo held soon. Tho husbands will be Invited. Members present were Ida May Fleck. Nellie Fleck, Georgia Gen ty, Pally Duncan, Bessie Duncan, Dean Marks, Barbara McKnen, Kathryn Mcrrlless, Mary Lou Swisher, Theresa Callse, Olcnnn Walker. Mildred Walker, and Oraco Walker. Phone 4510 ii'iirnwri: njlrl flwir vivi?S. county school system. nt...i. I Photo bv Kettler Women of Moose At Merrill MERRILL Elizabeth Holland, ilinlrmen of the Chlldcare and 1 raining committee of the Mer rill Women of the Moose, present ed her chapter night procrum on Juii. 15. at a regular meeting of the lodse. Harriet Bully, sponsored by Rose Spolek, and Bvrd Heilz. sponsored by Hazel Hundley, were Initiated during Ihe meellnu. As a tribute to good Iralnini;, the three talented daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schultg of Tulclake. sang and played several numbers. Lillian Thomas recited Ihe "Pledge to Childhood." The Chlldcare and Training com mittee will sponsor a square dance and lunch at the Moose hall Feb ruary '.'3, which will be open to the public. Due to the heavy snows, the at tendance was small nl the last nionlhlv meeting of the Academy of Friendship held at the home of Rose VcnMelcr In Mann, rrioay afternoon Jan. 11. A social hour was enjoyed and reireshmtnls were served by tho hostess. Birthday Party At Chiloquin CHILOQUIN Donna Klrcher was six years old on Wednesday. Jan. 18. and celebrated at a party given by her mother In their newly remodeled and redecorated home. Little friends and several nt their mothers gathered from 2:30-4:30 p.m. for games, refreshments and lo watch Donna open her many gifts. Attending were Janet Hall. Kar en Jo Huff. Kathy Peters, Stephen and Jeffrey HeaUi, Cnndlcc Frcid, Mlckl Jo Wolff, Dennis Potter, Dnwn and Phillip Hale, and Mary Jane Burgdorf, and Donna's sister Diane. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Loyal Heath, Mis. FaiI Hall, Mrs. Archio Huff, and Mrs. Lloyd Pe ters. am JUNIOR FARMERS ENTERTAIN January 8 at the Winema Hotel was the date and setting for Annual Ladies Night The group of wives above, who are obviously enter ing into the gay tenor of the evening are: (1 to rj Mrs. Duane Blackman, Mrs. Donald Johnson, Mrs. Bill Hayes and Mrs. Alvin Cheyne. Photo by Kettler r-. I if I MP K MR. AND MRS. THOMAS ROBERTSON, now of Grants Pass, celebrated their 50th wedding anni versary at their home Jan. 12. The Robertsons, former Klr-malh Falls ' residents, were married in Portland Jan. 12, 1902. Both are from pioneer Oregon fam ilies. Mrs. Robertson (Ella Johnson) wrs born at Gold Hill, Mr. P.obertson at Tolo. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lee Conley, daughter. Oswego, were "host and hostess to the more than" ISO "guests." A son, Delmer Robertson of Los Gatos, also attended the observance. CQE'l'inMiE&HQil1 fiwvi f-y t if mxsm -!BAKED WITHOUT SHORTENING 4Mw4 UNDID lICINSI IV NATIONAl IAXEU SERVICES, INC, CHICAOO SOROPTIMIST Tlic Klamath Fall's Soroptiinlst Club held It, regular meeting and luncneon, inursaay, Jan. ii, at me Pelican Party Room. A letter of appreciation was read from Maria Bcrangle, now teach ing In Philippines and former stu dent at Southern Oregon College of Education, for a B"t of money for books, from the club. Miss Ber cnglc. Is now at home and her ad dress Is Bureau of Private Schools, Manila. Norma Augustus, recipient of the Soroptimisl nursing scholarship, and now a student nurse at Provi dence Hospital In Portland, wrote 'dents and university women, of her very Interesting classes and The annual AAUW state conven work there. Norma Is now doing Hon will be held April 17-18-19 at night duly and is studying nutri tion, and looking lorward to her "capping." Margaret Larkin. chairman of the "Woman of the Year" banquet, announced March 26 as the date. Dena Backes won the award of I the day.. Dorothy Penniger. of the Quota Club and Audrey Braatz. Ventur css. were luncheon guests. Bea Bell, program chairman for the day presented Doris Peyton, who gave a talk and showed pic tures of Alaska. Doris, her hus band, Cal. and daughter Ruth, left Seattle July J8. of the -past sum mer for an Alaskan trip. Traveling by boat and plane, the party made many stops and took many pic tures of beauty of the north country. tfteauUu, SJencfen JUNE HAVOC STAKRINfi IN -AFFAIRS OF STATE" IWSIC SOX THEATER, NEW YORK - NO FATS ADDED IMAD IS IAKI0 uetUSIVIlY FOR VM Fluhrer s AAUW Meeting The members of the Klamath fall.. V.H..U t A 1 A 1 ;;t,o of UnlU ! Women me't 6aturday at the Pelican Party Room for their first luncheon meet ing of tne new year. Mrs. Charles B. Larkin. presi dent, presided at a short business I meeting. All members were In vited to participate In the AAUW Ashland Conference which is being filanned at Southern Oregon Col ege of Education, March 29. The theme of this conference Is: Mir ror for the Future. Mrs. Mabel Winston, dean of women at SOCE, and Northwest regional vice-chair. man of AAUW, Is instigator of this program, which is to be in the form of a panel discussion' between mtrn ?linil umlnra ml sob ct,t the Gearhart Hotel In Seaside. Mrs. Larkin Introduced Mrs. Her man Shockey, who is to serve as publicity chairman. Mrs. George Clark was In charge of the program and presented Ann i Henderson, who played two piano selections: t-ercy Granger's ar- ! .f'i"" ' "m iuuaoy ana 8 BIG POUNDS Scientifically washed and dried! ONLY Let your ' f eon s 1 1th and Klamath MAP.V AND "JUCK" JUCKE LAND are on their way to New York auto dealers convention the day before they left Mary was bid a proper adieu when a few gals gathered at Ellcnor Stoncrs Huth Black, Ellen Clark, Amy Brown. Inie Dalton, Alice Currin, Vera Powell, Omle Stiles and yours '.ruly. YACHT CLUB A blazing fire warmi.ii and comiori A,iD tjood food choice of tenderloin stean or chicken a la king Call the Eegans zt the club right now because this is the regular Sunday dinner deal Which reminds me that outgoing rommndnre Orth Sisemore ex pressed his haoplness' with club i tervice since Mike and Beulah have been at the neim. " , NEW PREZ OF MULTNOMAH ATHLETIC CLUB Is Tom Stod dard who many will remember as a former "local boy" a picture of him and his wife appeared in a Portland paper recently. POLIO MARCH OF DIMES Is about to go Into Its last few days of the campaignjust a reminder fxtir aPNF.FIT TEA AND CARD PARTY Library Club's annual af fair will be the occasion for the usual big turnout of card playing gals who annually support mis worthwhile project. Make your res ervations with Mrs. Archie James or Mrs. Warren Bennet Feb. 2 Is Uie date. DICK CLARK son of Mr. and Mrs. George dark still confined Little White Donkey by Ibert. Mrs. Victor O'Neill gave an il luminating review of the outstand in? book. Barabbas by Par Lager. kvist. This Is a historical novel and the story of the third thief whose life was spared Instead of Christ'3. at the crucifixion. Mr. Lagerkvlst. a Swedish author, has won the Nobel prize for literature. Laundry do the job tf9e Bunde" Vfc ' fs your be$f fe1 Her Dad gave her a KIMBALL She's learning to play . . . acquiring a poise antf a'skjll that will help her to happy successful living. And she loves her rCimball ... its beau tiful tone and easy action make practicing a pleasure! Sm Ih fofatf MooWb Now! Largest Stock of Leading Make Pianos In This Port Of The West? LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th HAMMOND ORGAN Each Additional Pound Just 8c! . . . BETTER! si Phone 2-2531 Zli 1)1