Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 26, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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THE BRIDE Mrs. Querino LelH, Jr., who bstore her
marriage, was Billie June Neely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
T. W. Neely, 4021 Frieda Ave. Her husband is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Querino Lelli, Sr., of Steubenville, Qhio.
Phoio by Evergreen
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AFTER THE CEREMONY Mr. and Mrs. Querino Lelli,
Jr. in Sacred Heart Church, where Father Domnick read
the marriage service Dec. 15, at 12:30 p. m. They are now
at home in Klamath Falls, where the bridegroom attends
OTI. Photo by Evergreen
Sacred Heart Church was the scene of the marriage of
Bilhe June Neely, daughter of Mr. and Mr. T. W. Neely,
4021 Frieda Ave., to Querino A. Lelli Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Querino A. Lelli Sr., Steubenville, Ohio. Father Domnick read
the service before a background of white pompon chrysanthe
mums and pink carnations at 12:30 p.m.
-vwwu mj uie aiiar ran oy nerov
fnthAr ....... i T
wi t , bmvu iier in marriage,
JJiuie June wore a floor length
t gown of slipper satin with a net
' yoke and lace around the shoulder
hub. ine iuji skirt was styled with
; a court train. Her fingertip veil
was edged with Chantilly lace
matching that of the bridal gown.
, Her tiara was of seed pearls, and
she carried a lavender orchid on
a white prayer book with white
aatln streamers.
Matron of honor Mrs. Carol
, Baker, wore a full length yellow
, taffeta dress, and carried a laven
der and pink colonial bouquet,
with matching headband. Brldes
, maid Jo Ann Lynch wore a full
length aqua taffeta dress and her
bouquet was yellow and pink, with
matching headband.
Susan Vandenberg was organist
and Marline Mingo was soloist.
Best man was Dick Souers, and
ushers were Leonard Cenetin and
Remo Manito.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Neely chose a navy blue
dress with watching accessories
and wore a pink rosebud corsage.
Mrs. Lelli was also in blue, with
matching accessories and her cor-1
MERRILL Honor guest at a
bridal shower held Jan. 16. In the
social parlor of the Merrill Pres.
byterlan Church, was Mrs. Her
man Rlppy, the former Myrtle Dil
lon whose marriage was an event
of Dec. 24, In Reno.
The refreshment table, covered
with a rice linen Chinese embroid
ered cloth, was beautllully decor
ated with miniature bride and
bridegroom dolls complete with
two bridesmaids, posed beneath a
small blue parasol. A large decor
a led cake completed tho table ar
rangement. Hostesses for the party were
Mrs. Elmer Stukel. Mrs. Warren
Fruits. Mrs. Dale Moore, Mrs. My.
ron Ha.sklns. Mrs. Warren Conner
and Mrs. Wilbur Hasklns,
After the new Mrs. Rlppy opened
her many gifts, refreshments
were served to Mosdames Charles
Cunningham, Delmcr Hasklns, E C
Leniler, R. R. McChntoek, Roy
Beasley, R. C. Burleigh, W D.
Van Cleave. William Poe, Roben
Pctrlk. Eldon Paynant, O. R.
Adams. O. V. Reeves, Hershol
Barry, Troy Quails, Eldon Storey,
C. H. Moore. H. L. Moore, Er
vin Suapp, Sumner Davis, Tom
Turner, Gene Taylor, Lillian Thom
as, Roland West, Vellon Hasklns,
Lester Moore, Walter Pothering
ham, John O'Neil, E tie Essie,
Martin Winther, Bernace Wilson,
Verna Hasklns. Dan Barry. M. A.
Bowmen, Paul Lowir, Leonard
Bowman, Lena Buck, Delia Hodges
Frank Hadley, John D. Moore.
George Milne, Lee Ka?kins. J. L.
Haskins. Cyde Hammond, and Mrs.
Ben Herrick.
Also present were tht misses
Peggy Lou Dillon. Shirley Dillon.
Evelyn Ochs, Darlene and Donna
Turner. Roberta Klrtley, Betty
Kotthoif, Wilma Sweet, Joyce
Green. Mary Leu Quails, Connie
Reeves. Carol Poe. Margaret Pei
r:k. Esther and Mnrtha Beasley,
Ariene and Loretta Leniler. Kath
leen Moore. Barbara Hodges, Pat
Lowry. Dolores and lvonne Con
ner. Marie and Joyce Hasklns and
Aileen Abbott.
Sending Kilts but unable to at
tend were mesdames i. VI. Hare,
Either Alexander, L. C. Fellows.
Georze Elliott. Leland Reeves.
Fred Oidne, Ellis Wilson. Hooper
Tesierman. Oren Storey. Ora ox,
V. F. Jinneite. Everett Jones,
VV. A. Hill, Frank H u n n I c u 1 1.
Dwight Eagle. Laurence Geragnty.
Miles Moore. Milton Loper. tugene
Eeaslev. Bill Gasser. Paschall
Hodges. James Hodges, Harold
Hendrickson. Louis Hill, and the
misses Pearl Moore, Noreen Bre
deen. Edna Reeves. Velma Fox,
Marjorie Flaugh. Joanne Llnarude.
and Mary Jo Hendrickson.
. Langell Valley
Bridal Shower
shower was given at the Langell
Valley Community Hall on Jan. 11,
in honor of Mrs. Ernest Walker,
the former Sadie Janssen. Hos
tesses were Mrs. Bob Colwell. Mrs.
Frank DeBel, Mrs. Bud Harris,
Mrs. Charles Walker. Mrs. Chris
Flowers and "shower motif
Hood and Mrs. Mike Dearborn,
were carried out in decorations
and refreshments. .
,-After opening the gifts a social
time was enjoyed by Mr. Ernest
Walker, Mrs. Clay Walker. Mrs.
Bill Burnett. Mrs. Eddie Grallan
Mrs. Cecil Hunt. Mrs. Clyde Woot-
en, Mrs. Guy Hitson and Sandy,
Mrs. Russell Walsh, Mrs. Art Mon
roe. Mrs. Jake Werner. Mrs. Dick
Smith and Mrs. Walter Smith Sr.
Mrs. Ted Albert and Wilma,
Mrs. Homer Roberts. Mrs. Ben
Nork. Mrs. Owen People. Mrs. Or-
val Wagner and Mary Anne Wag
ner. Mrs. Elliott House. Mrs. F.
W. Brown, Mrs. Harry Frazier and
Linda. Mrs. John Brown and Mar
gie. Mrs. Charles Partridee,' Mrs.
Ivan Bold, Mrs. DavKt ttooison.
Mrs. Elva Maxwell. Mrs. P. R.
Monroe. Mrs. Doug Smelcer, Mrs.
Bill Novotony. Mrs. Lesier Jones,
Mrs. George Fernlund. Mrs. Wil
fred Noble. Mrs. Claude Brown,
Mrs. Les Leavitt and the Host
esses. ;
J -"n4 .i ' -tSh
formerly of Tulelake, announce the engagement of their
daughter, Grace, to Martin Dingeler, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Dingeler, Orland. The wedding date has been sst for
Wednesday, Jan. 30, 7 p.m. in the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints in Klamath Falls. Photo bv Kerebee
Bride Honored At
. Langell Valley
bridal shower wan given at
the parish hall In Unn,', Valley
on Jim. ID In honor or Mis. D.ivld
house, a recent bride. llosie.HKrs
were Mis, Bill UuriieU, Mia. Owrli
Pepple, -Mrs. Lrunurd UrhiHiler,
Mrs. I'ete liodnes, Mr.i, Dill No
votony, Mrs. Losier Leavitt, and
Mrs. Tod Albert.
White Daisies and pink caudles
were" used lor decorating.
Oli'ts weio piled o a luce cov
ered cloth at one rim of (lie lingo
room. Alter tho gills were opened
and admired a social afternoon
wus enjoyed with refreshments
served at lour o'clock.
Tlioso honoring Mrs. House, the
loriucr Uernice llllkcy, were Mis.
h-llli-M valkcr, iiis. Russell
Sulsli, Mrs, Una llniris, Mrs. Dick
i-epju, ivu'ii, Don Koss, Mrs, Hill
Cunningham, Mrs. Ocorue Fo ni
hil in. Aim, hllloil House. Mrs. Hen
Thomus, Mis. An Monroe, Mis.
luck bmllh, Mrs. ISiui Hlinon Sr.,
Mis. Mike Deurboiii, Miss Mary
Leavitt, us. John Brown, Miss
Marge Brown, Mix. Guy Hitson,
Mis. Lloyd Gilt. Mis, I'lank l)e
Bel. Mis. Kuv Davis Mrs. I II.
Mo.tin, Mrs. Hob colwell. Mrs.
Chris Hood, Mis, Doll Heater, Mrs.
Gonion Ashbee, Mm. Ivan Hold,
Mrs. cecll Haley. Mis. F.ivu Max
well, Mir. Veiia Williams, Mis.
Bessie Camilbt'll. Mrs. Jnriv Mn.
Carlle, Mrs. Ernest Olvnn, Mis.
rTviib ziauo.t, Mis. Paul Monroe,
Miv. I'.owrid E;:tm:d . Mm. Jlci.
iny Die. Atiss Leah Uyc. Mrs. C.
W. Wesley. Mrs, Dick Deny, Mrs.
Waller Smith Sr.. Miss Belly
Deny. Mrs. Ciav Walker and Mm.
Jack Weinier.
Mi's. Bill Burnett, iml hlt- 1
Lcuvilt entcrlalned the Liingell
miry vvoinen s citib HI Hie Lan
gell Valley Parish Hull on Jim. 17.
Meutlng was called to order by
president Mrs. I, B. MonLs.
Tub club voted to send tlO lo
the v,omimmlty Lounge, ulso to pay
53.50 for each going away ulli.
Mrs. Leavitt was appointed chair
man of Ihe Ways and Means Com
mittee assisted by Mrs. Bill Cun
ningham and Mrs. Wlltred Noble.
Only members without phones
will be sent cards of meeting:..
Others will be colled. Pinochle,
bridge and canasta will be plnvcd
from now on or ladles muy bring
their sewing.
Three new members Joined the
club, Mrs. Wenola Faulsttich. Mrs. i
Lena Burden, and Mrs. Knye Wcl-
mer. i
Mrs. Welmer won the door prize. ;
Relreshments were served lo i
Mrs. Clay Walker. Mrs. I. B. Mor-
rls. Mrs. Jack Welmer, Mrs. Frunk i
Debel, Mrs. Elliott House. Mrs. !
Lena Burden, Mrs. Marlon Llnd-1
say. Mis. Faulstllch. Mrs. Cunning
ham and Uie hosle.tses. The ne:;t !
meeting will be Feb. 21 at the i
home of Mrs. BUI Cunningham in.
hostess will be Mrs. Bob Colwell.
J i i
7 )
MR. AND MRS. A. P. MeDONALD, llyger District, an
iiounce the cngageincnl of their daughter, Donultla Marie,
to James DeVore, son of Mrs. Hussell Storey, also HaRcr
District. The wedding dale has been set for Foh. 3, In St.
Augustine's Church, Merrill. Photo by Fcrcbcc
Manzanlla Social Club met at
Ihe home of Mrs. C. B. Austin on
Oregon Ave. for a luncheon and
business meeting. Jnu. 17
Hostess lor Ihe affair was the
president, Helen McCornack. as-1
slstcd by her mother, Mrs C. B
Austin. '
Table decorations were rose
azaleas and blue tapers.
Attending were members:
Blanch Metier. Ellen Bctitch, I
Mary Lee Stanley, Adelln Dye, I
Virginia Brown. Vera Frltsch, :
Thclma Crcswell, Lois Oneek, !
Katnieen ward and Lillian Webb.
Chapter 172
Eastern Star
Meir.beri of Muimmltu Chanter
172. OKS. were greeted by newly
Installed odu-ers at Hie renular
meeting. Friday evening Jan. 18.
nl the lOOF Hull. Worlliv Mntvou,
vera riu.se 11 ulKi wm tiiy I'utron, i
John Larsen piestdvd. j
Tlieliiitt Cieswell. Junior Pen
Matron, was tntroducsd and es
corted lo the east.
Ellen Hetj.ch and Evelyn Bleliu '
presented a surprise addenda, I
using large letters In u word drill ;
by the ollicers, honoring lli eusi
and west. Kllrn and Allen Heist.-)!
tlien presented the Win thy Milli on1
mid V.oilhy Patron Willi a desk !
lamp lor the chapter. I
The evening was concluded by
officers, members and ur:.is being '
escorted by Kllcn lletsch and !
tvelyn Blelin lo the dining room '
for delicious refre ihtn'Miti. The;
tables were drcoi atcd by llower
arrnneinents ond Irilrrlng In Ihe .
slur colors, honoring Vrni FntM'li, j
Worthy Minion, John Luiiien.
Worthy Patron, Helen MiCoinnc'i. j
AssiKiute Million a n d Allen '
Beisch, AsBOiiate Patron. i
The rcfreshniertl couimlllee In
charge Included; F.llen mid Allen I
BeUtch, Evelyn and Holand Blehn.
Meeting of OTI
Faculty Wives
Regular meeting of Oregon Terh
nlcrl Instltulo Faculty Wives ws
held In Die recreation room of
Kings Hull at 7: Jo.
11iriiireuiig was culled to order
by the President. Mrs. John How
ard. A letter Iront Ihe girls at
Kings Hull was read. Mating Hint
Uiey would like very linirh to hit a
a piano ill the rerreniinn room.
It was dlcus.ied with ihe mem
bers end they decided to appoint
a committee to investigate and re
port nl the next meeting.
Alter the business meeting win
completed, and adjourned, II wns
voted to hitve a Vulen'ine party
Feb. 13 rt the Htudent Lounge.
The coinm'ttee will meet Hh
Chairman Mm. II. II. Madole st
Mrs. F. L. O'Ciinnrlls house Jan.
2 to liinke plans for tile pnrty.
Her coiumltleo consists ol Mrs.
W. I). Pitrvinr. Mrs. Robert I.
Smith, Mrs. O. W Bally, Mrs.
P. L. O'Conyell, Mn. IJelmnr U.
Jones, Mrs. John Howard and Mr-.
Je.se A. CrwUlrre Jr. I
Hostesses lor the .evening werA
Mrs. W. D. I'liivliie. Mrs. C. C.
Orewell and Mrs. F. L. O'Cnnncll.
The prlre of the evening unit
to Mrs Arthur Kukliind.
The nertl meeting will be ths
evening ( Feb, li ul Kings Hall
at 7:3U p.m.
sage was
Neely 's.
After the ceremony a reception
was held in the Wlnema Banquet
Room. Mrs. Laura Hoppe and Mrs.
Olga Alexander poured, and Mrs.
Guy Epperly cut the cake. Joan
Deboy had charge of the guest
For her going away outfit the
bride wore a gray wool suit .with
black accessories, aivi wore an
orchid corsage.
After a honeymoon In the Bay
Area and Ohio, they are at home,
504! , N. 10th St.
Bridge Club
At Merrill
MERRILL The Merrill Library
Bridge Club met Jan. 17, at the
home of Mrs. J. A. McDonald for
a 1:30 dessert bridge. Mrs. Claude
Shuck was co-hostess.
Three tables were in play, and
prizes were awarded to Mrs. T.
W. Chatburn Sr.. high score: and
to Mrs. James Hammond, second
high. Mrs. Chatburn also won the
travelling prize.
Mrs. Mervyn Shuck and Mrs.
Jim Shuck will be the hostesses
at the Clifford Shuck home Jan.
Si, for the next meeting of the
This meeting will also be a 1:30
dessert luncheon.
MRS. DORVEN LEE ERICKS bride of Dec. 21, who was
recently honored at a surprise bridal shower at the Rich
ard H. Kingdon home, 2504 Getlle St., on Jan. 14.
A surprise bridal shower was
given at the home of Mrs. Rich
ard H. Kingdon. 2504 Oettle St..
Jan. 14, when Mrs. Kingdon and
her daughter Joan Warner enter
tained for Mrs. Dorven Lee Ericks,
the former Nancy Klntgen.
Her marriage was solemnized in
Reno, Dec. 21, and she and her
husband honeymooned In Nevada
and California. They are now at
home, 923 Jefferson St.
The bride Is the granddaughter
of Mrs. George Grizle and Mrs.
Grace Kintgen. long time residents
of Klamath Falls. Dorven Lee is
An item concerning the recent
Rainbow For Girls installation,
Jan. 6. erroneously slated that
Diane Mlcka danced for the affair.
It should have given Lynette Lvon
credit, with Barbara Cornctt sing
ing tor ner nd Jean Rajnus and
Diane Micka at the piano. Lynetle j
is tne aaugmer of Mr. and Mrs.
Louie Lyon, Malin.
Wedding Invitations
And annauiiMmpnti
Which Are Socially Correct!.
Beautiful , . . Engraved ... 42
llylet of engraving to ' choote
(rem . . .
Special ONLY 16.95 per hundred
Coll for your copy of Wedding
Cuitomj, by Evelyn Murray,
w oMI---.
Yoighf's Pioneer Office Supply
6iV Main Knout 7412
700 Main St.
Phont 3151
the son of Mrs. Bessie Ericks.
2222 Union St.
Tnosc attending were: Mrs. 1
George Grizzle, Barbara Johnson,
Bernlce Mnlkovlch. Kathy Ander-1
son. Beth Cunningham, Marclyn j
Lytic, Ruth Alexander, Betty
Roller, Nancy Bliss, Bonny O'Hara
and Lorna Kingdon. ,
Engraved or Procesied.
Personalised napkins for your
roctprion . . .
Cups and plolci.
Shaw Statipnery Co.
729 Main
jMl27,14(P in
Earnings paid 17'
J to Our Savers .-
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Your chances of finding buried
treasure, striking oil, or inheriting
fortune are pretty slim, it's tm.
But most any reasonable need or want
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First Federakavings
540 Main
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Klamath Falls
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Brings a proud glow
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Let us make your appointment lodayl
PHONE 3232 ' . y