Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 26, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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HEALTHY 4-H CLUB MEMBERS . . . rf.rmw.tlrrf.rf hr than for Borfei B),
moren or ir leoie n (ft. Armor? obey, during the Klomorh Production Crsdlt luncheon today.
mr.. iririrom iunx, -rj Haw, noais Iho group roprtsantad by th abav gri. From 'he (oft,
LoVoone Vuni, Su.on O'folr, Sheila Kuril, Nrw Coffer onrf rViortfrn After. ,
THIS FIGHT IS YOURS . , , avon ISo younger gonerotion reolitei
l . . . Ai ii evident Ik (he eicfore, there la no "ipeclof oge" for
wiper. In I ho March W Dim, flop Rakaslraw, ouiilonl caihier,
Ffr.f Notional Sank, who very efiv In fio rfrlvt, with rwo
Mo oorltori (lor) LlnJa Llnylll; SuoMrrf, fvnJor Com
fir. Cl) ono Juvnllo Coit.r, Cams flro.
CLLA (IEOKEY . . . ofio hot ooon oiiociol.rf or rrianr )roort (n
frio rlnrfi o KfoimrtrS fold cili.nj rth cdfrfron . . . ii iion
In rho ooovo pJcfuro vrlfn rwo young roproi.nfafrVo. o Grf
Scoufi ot Airmtlco, o which iho It local Enocirf'yo Oirocfor,
KilrS llvol irnlto from Ella ai thf (arf ovt lo rS.p ot IrV. CfrJ
Seoul oootrSi ol fho J.C. Ptnnty and F.W, Woofworlh ilor.j,
orrf.rrf woriori, Polly Wlcki, Gill Jcouf, onrf Sirion Loo Horf,
dtownlo . . eon'f mi'M I
"POLIOMYELITIS" . . . Not o pnlty
word : , 4 nor rfoos fr mmHotl ffto
In ploatont manner . . howovor,
(Vovgrr ooir March of Di'moj com
oolgnt, much of Iho jorh hopoosi
foar has ooon fofton from th word. .
Your dimes . . wnon comhlncrf with
thojo contrfhwtod by othors . . . con
join this march to a triumphant aoa
of afwayo oofy rfotoction. . . occoss
ihio oairipmorrt . . . onrf a poilri.dty
of compiefo euro In almost ovary
with thoso of ofhors wiff mafco propor
rotoarch a rtqlity Instoad ol a rfr.om.
Thl n not a oocial item ... out
Peliamyalltit affacft sacoty any.
pfaco ... ovorywhoro ... it inowi
no hractof of allaihillty . . . It can
oayavrvnwofcomt Udlollow, or mine.
Hilly Ramsby
Society Editor :
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ThV MEAN OUSIHESS . . QUOTA CLUB . . . Memoeri, who are plclurod slatting tut ono fine
wnfer day to p'ace polio placards and container! In various 6vIms eifohllsnmenfi for th
local Inlantlk Paralysis Foundation lund drive. From th Ml, Flo Wallace, Corrfulo ell, Bah
Oerhy,' Voro Choie, Chick Olion, Joy Relph onrf flap Lawler, all huy women who oponrt their
own huslnost vantvrts, vol had time to devote to a worthwhile come.
BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN .' . . who or. JUST f hot. All except the young milt
holding th placard and container ore IdanlUiad with Klamath buslnass enferpriie . . . and
anlarptl'ing they ore . . . Joining in concerted effort to give willing and casohle hand to the
March of Ofmes. From th left, Oernic BrHt, Dona Bade, Mergeret Santo, Beth Crfggi, Mary
Both well and Kilty Honvlllo. The future SPW Is Sally, daughter of Kitty and Howard hanvllla.
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