7. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2fl, 10.12 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE TURKS m't'W i"fiiniiiiin i n ii n iiiwwwiwwwiifi ii innx in y M'i.ww" '"'nM . .ihik rtni.vi . i nil, i 1 1 hi i imi iiiv ill sins MtaMmi iii'i mil i li nui m lasi lirtlrr Alljnrt Jnhnnon, 704 E. Miiln In rncnvmiiiK after leg nuiiicry Friday at Kli'imith Valley Jloiplinl, llo limy Imvo visitors. Hniiin Mr. unci Mm. DeI.on Mllln, necompiinled by Mm. R, R. Wodilinnn, 'I'likliiKe. Imvo returned Irani Bun Pranolsco whore limy spent ncvmiil dityn on u buylnu dip lor Kcndor-Mlll iitore. Tulo-Ink. Ciinrrrriii n Tlio unmml mld-wln-trr conlprniRS, Women o( the Miuine will be held UiiBdwy In Kluiniilh Falls undiir nunplcnii of tint Collriio at RrKOllU Innlciid ul Merrtll n minouncnrt li a previ cum iihwh nlciry, HaKlntrntlan l iirli.'dulcil for 10 n.m. la 1:30 p. in In Iho Moono Hull. Mrn Ow-ollm Llndi.ny. Brnrt will bo conference lender Ilu DimikIum. KliimuUi Fails, will act us Koncrul chnlrmnn. dime Awsy Hue Brmuion, diuiKliter of .lenn Briiimon, wlUi Hie Flnli und Wild I.lfo Borvlce hnn uoiio to Bun DIoko ta mttke hor home with un mint durlnK the rc nuilnder of the school ywr. " Mr. nd Mm. Hugh Wllnnn'lule l.ike. nnd children have rcturneJ home Irom tin EnM. Ilmv.made Uie trip Wont via Uio Bun Fran clnco Llmllod. Ill Mm. Muurlco O. l.olla who ' tinn been norlouHly III hero lor the pant nioiUU. ban been moved to Enutnurl llofpltul. Portland, for auiKery. I.etti'ra addressed to her In cure of the hospital will reach Mm. Italic. Hrrvlna-Bnt. Oraydon P. Owyn, nn ol Mr. and Mrn. demld C riwvn. 2:ih Fulton Ht.. la aorvmif on the Korean Inml with the 2nd In Inntry Dlvlnlon, heroes ol "llcarl hrenk'' and Woody'' rldiica. The dlvlalan, a veteran tluhllnu lorce, v.,-nnlli' liim linen enuaned In Da (ml .rilvllv In tho snow-blanketed Korean hllla. Owyn la a member ( ilia "ltiillanhrud" dlvlalon. Ho anlernl Iho army In August, IBM. Medina- Tile Klamalh Falls Council of Church Women will hold rounlnr monthly ineetlnK at St. Paul a Kplncopul Church, 8th and Jefferson, Monday, 1 p.m. It la hoped all denominations will have k representative there, lniornvinr Llnvd Link of Mer rill who underwent malor surgery In Portland two weeks aito. Is eonilnir alnnit nicely, but will be mifu.,.,1 inr some time yet. He would llk Ui hear from friends, who may write him at Bl. Vuv cent's Hospital In Portland, Ore. Aimird Carrier Charles L. Cox, 13'JO Hnriteiit St., Is now scrvlnit aboard tho UBS BndoeiiK Btralt. sircraft carrier. In the r'ar Eiul. Auditor Miss Opal T. Thomaa, from stnte Bi-lcctlvo service neaa aunrtera at Bnlem, la at present auditing records at the local se lective Service oince. Off Korea Arthur W. Brnmhall on ol Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bram ball. Klnmuth Falls, la now aerv hut abourd the dcilroycf TJB8 Hopewell in Uie Korean arsa. . Kolk Uanre The International Folk Dnncing Group mcew Mon day at 8 J m. at tho Moldovan Kliidlo, 1028 Main. European and Mld-K intcrn danclim Is tuuqrit. In terested persons shuuld cnll K. M. Erwln at 5113 for furllier details. Coins South Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert D. iClconiei Mcdehey. 1802 Riverside Dr., left Saturday, for a frlp to Phoenix, Arlx., and Mcrjco Ai Phoenix they will Join R.;V. Kss, who has been Uiere since Inst November. Improved Vance Vaupel, owner of (Jurrln's for Drugs, has been at lllllalde Hospital the prist two weeka tor medical observation lor a heart ailment. He la reported Improved, but visitors are still not permitted. Pet Gone "Pam" a small black cocker apanlel Is lost, atruyed or stolen. Anyone seeing this child's pot, please cull Mary Arne, ' 122 Mortlnior St. Phone 8S0O, Dance Elks Hquare Dunce As sociation will have Its regular ses sion Tuesday, 8 p.m. Home Mrs. Bully BcUch, 802 California Ave,, hus returned home from the Klamath Valley Honpltal where ahe underwent auiKcry recently. Seriously III Emery Purdln, 2248 Orchard Bt., was taken to Hillside Hospital Jun. 23, lor ob servation. Klamath Men Join Navy The local Navy recruKhm office has announced tho enlistment of t dozen Klumuth men Into Nuvv ranks during the past month, ull of whom are now undergoing basic recruit training at the Ban Diego training center. nicy include; Lawrence W. Armstrong. 20. Bo nanza: Donald C. Ling, 18, Chllo- quln: Floyd E. Whlllntch Jr.. 18, Merrill; Charles V, Dobry, Jr., IB, Norman I., Herrlngshsw, 21, and John W. 8aundera, 22, all of Ma lm; William W. Complon, 18, Nor man D Cox, 17. Walter W. Tlp pery, 17. Patrlc J. Bornl, 21. Clar ence O. Watson, 17. and Elwood E. Weslphall, 18, all ol Klamath Falls. Dav'sfc (Continued from page one) he Is surrounded the bureaucrats and tho others whom we term col lectively "the administration." These men will tell him- THEY ARE TKLLINU HIM NOW: "You ust can I do this to us, boss, fou've GOT to run. You're our white hope. If you quit. WE'RE OUTI" That Is why If It la generally accepted that he Is the only Demo crat who can be eleoled Harry Truman will have to run, whether he wants to or not. Admiral Libby, Truce Boss For Allies, Gets Tough With Reds; Stall Still On As Reds Silent Over Airfield Rule M UNBAN Ml An Allied truce negotiator Saturday told North Ko rean MaJ, Uen. Lee Ban Cho he was "gutting a little too big for your britches." Rear Adm. R. E. Llbbv used tough Navy language during a heated three hour and 46-mlnute subcommittee session on prisoner exchange. .Jftuirf Tceuevv I. AT Roy Rogers "G0L0EI: STALLION" 2 lloiolong Caaaidy f "THE UVIiAUOEK" IS '"SKIP A L0NC 'I ROSeNBLOOM" V W - a II V aV V w " ' ,1 Motnee Conffnuti S0NUAY oofjjOoenrOOiiL I "'a momooram eicniai , Ld2 SHEFFIELD 'i. Yhite House Repairs Made WASHINOTON I President Truman, moved out of the White House by redecoralors brfore his current term began, has been as sured he can move back In before It ends. The commission on renovation promised Mr. Truman Friday he and his family can return "In some thing like two months." At the com mission meeting, the President urged quick action. Tho Trumana moved Into the White House In April 1046 when President Roosevelt died and Mr. Truman stepped up Irom the vice president. He was elected Nov. 2. 1048 but Whlto House renovation began seven days later, weeks be fore Inauguration, and the lamlly moved across Uie atreet to Blulr House. Redistricting Plan Passes ALTUR AS Modoc County appar, enlly has voted to redlstrlcl Its Board of Supervisors to make rep resentation on Uio board conform more nearly to the population cen lera of tho county. An Incomplete vote tallied Sat urday morning showed lltt for re districting, B78 aguliut. Only two precincts. Willow Ranch and Little Hot Springs which iiuvc just uuout 123 regis tered voters were not heard Irom, so the redisricting proposal appar cntly has been okayed. The Surprise Valley area, which in the past hus elected two ol Uie five Supervisors and atands to lose one by redistricting, failed to sur prise by voting almost solidly against redistricting. Only seven votes for the proposal were cast In the valley. Alturas. which stunds to gain by the redistricting, voted In luvor of It. New Pine Creek split 20-20. Tulelake Precinct balloted 142 for and 77 against. Likely voted for redistricting 76-0. Boxes from Ten- nant and Whltehorse were returned without a ballot. The redistricting plan when put Into effect will leuve one Super visor to bo elected from Surprise Valley, one from the Willow "Hunch area, divide Alturas so that one will be chosen from the city south and another from the city north, and allow Uie filth to be selected from the northwestern part of Uie county including me imeiaae homestead area. Panel To Eye Spud Problem Average Klamath folk have a big stake In the KlsmaUi potato field, for every year now potatoes bring millions of dollars Into Uie basin. . That preserves the Basin's eco nomyand the Basin as a home for well over 50.000 people. Just how the potato economy can be developed and expanded and then protected ia a problem Im portant to everyone reuldtng with in Uie marketing area of Uie Ba sin. Monday night at 8:30 a panel of leaders and a housewife will work on the problem, with Uie help of Uie radio audience, whose phone call questions have been urged. The occasion ia the "Build the Basin" program over station KFLW, climaxing Jhe exploratory study. An opinion poll was pub- usnea inurminy in tne Herald and News with Questions posed by the topic "How Best Can We Develop and Protect The Klamath Basin Potato Economy." Readers are urged to clip 11 out. fill It In and mall It to ' Build Uie Basin," Box 041. The results of the poll, as we'l as the summary of ideas of Uie fianel members, will be reported n following stories In this paper next weeg. Voight Wins Top Selling Award Cl flora c. voignt. operator oi the Pioneer Office Supply Co. here and local agent for the Frlen Calculating Machine Co., has won first nosltlon as Uie top auota mak ing agency for the entire 19S1 cal endcr vcar. Competing a g a I n a t Klamath Falls were such agencies as Phc nix, Wllmmgton, Del.. Bait Lake City, Taconia and Honolulu. Voight also secured the unique honor of having aold the greatest percentage of potential as com pared with, competition of all agen cies in Uie United' States: The eesslon "accomplished ab solutely nothing," Llbby said. Lee did hand Libby a list of 48 foreign civilians now held by the Communists and said "our side will unconditionally release airl repatriate all foreign civilians held by our - side" alter an armistice Is signed. 'Pappy' Noel Back On The Job For AP - Taking Pics Inside Red Prisoner Camp By ROBERT EUNHON TOKYO Frank "Pappy" Noel la taking pictures for Uie world's newspapers again. The b2-year-old Associated Press photographer who disappeared be hind the bamboo curtuln after his capture by the Chinese Reds on KOV. Zv. 1UOU, ua'.uruay ncm out few photos taken inside a com munist prison. "Pappy ' took me pictures wnn regular news camera, sent to him bag, flashgun and all by another AP photographer, Bob Schutz of New Jersey. Sohute gave his own camera to Chinese news correspondent on .inn. i. 1052. That began a lancnui chain of camera-passing which finally got tne equipment an me way to Pyokdong. Communist Pri son Camp Number Two. Pyokdong is south of the Yalu River on the cold Manchurlan border. Several Communist correspono- ents cooperated in tne ?cnemc, dubbed "Operation Father Christ mas" because oi "rappy s name and the time It was cooked up. The Reds developed the pictures and made prints lor their own cen sorship. The photo that survived were censored m tosyo iimn American censors. All passed. The American soldiers snapped by "Pappy" appeared to be well clothed In padded Chinese uni forms. f They were mostly smiling and looked well fed. Burchctt said this was "rice fat" from their diet of Chinese food. One American, PFC. Theodore M. Pallas of Ban Francisco, was being treated by a Chinese doctor and two nurses In a hospital. When his mother was shown the picture in San Francisco she burst into tears. "Thank God, thank God," the sobbed. In Dallas, Tex.. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jenkins saw Pappy's picture of their son. Cpl. Roy L. Jenkins, 23. For the first time In more than year, they learned he was alive. In Iowa. Connecticut and Wash ington. D. C. Noel's pictures brightened American homes. Lee said the 48 were all the for eign civilians held by the Reds. In an adjoining tent. Commu nist negotiators did not reply to an Allied suggestion that action on the controversial airfield issue be delayed. Chinese Mai. Gen. Hsieh FanR said the U.N. proposal still was under consideration, but he did not say when a reply would be ready. The question of whether the Reds may build and repair military air fields in North Korea during an armistice has deadlocked the truce supervision talKs lor weexs. Both subcommittees scheduled meetings lor 11 a.m. Sunday (6 p.m. P8T Baturaay) in ranmun- jom. Llbby's bristling remark to Lee came during a wrangle over ex change of Information demanaea by both siaes concerning prisoners missing from the prisoner of war lists that were exchanged early last month. The U.N. Command has asked accounting for more than 60.000 persons. It says they are Republic of Korea (ROK) na tionals who lived south of the 38th parallel at the outbreak of the war. Llbbv asked Lee for assurances that the Communists would fur nish data on 50,000 In exchange for data from the Allies asked by the Reds. Lee replied that he waa not satisfied with Libby's "answer." Llbbv then told the five-foot Lee, smallest member of the Red delegation: "I asked you, Oencral Let, t question. You give ma no an swer. . You have Uia , braien ef frontery to aay 'I am not satisfied with that answer.' It seems to us that you are getting a little too big for your britches." , DANCE Modern ond old time danc ing Eve!ry Saturday night, 9 p.m. to 1 o.m. K.C. HALL. Public invited. PASSES MEDFORD lyfl Mrs. 3. B. Cole man, 76, a resident of Jackson County all her life, died in a hos pital here Friday. She was the wife of County Judge Coleman. Farm Bureau To Hear Speakers Mrs. Walter Hardy, new presi dent of Uie Associated Women of the Oregon Farm Bureau Federa tion, and American Farm Bureau Federation Representative Bill Da vis will speak Monday In the Re gional Farm Burea meeting sched uled for the Wlnema at 10 a.m. County and center chairmen, as well as all Farm Bureau members, are urged to attend, according to Regional Director Lloyd Hanklns, Bonanza. - Lake and Klamath counties are represented in this district, Han klns said. - . KPCA Meeting Under Way Here ' Registration for the 18th annua) meeting of the Klamath Produc tion Credit Association got under way at tho armory at 11 a.m. 'to day, and with sunlit sklea and warm temperatures Secy.-Treas. Lec McMullcn said he was ex pecting approximately 500 KPCA stockholders and guests to attend. Pres. Paul Matson, Intermediate Credit Bank of Spokane, was sched uled to make Uie principal ad dress of the sessions early this afternoon after a smorgasbord din ner which began at noon. Senate Eyes Mac Story WASHINGTON W Senators were lukewarm Saturday to the suggestion that General Douglas MucArthur be called to testify on Uie Japanese Peace Treaty. Members of Uie Foreign Rela tions Committee, which begins con sideration of Uie pact next week, made It clear they would be glad to get his views If he asks to be heard. Alfred Kohlberg. New York lnv norter and critic of the admlnls traUon's Far Eastern policies, who s saa nst immediate ratification ol tho treaty. Friday proposed that MacArlhur tesUfy because "not on ly I -but Uie " country would accept It If he approved It completely." Many senators of both parties have predicted Uie committee will recommend ratification, which is up to the Senate. Local Store Aids In Dimes Drive To boost Uie March of Dimes campaign, Frank Rubane. mana ger of Harwln's, will match any and all contributions to Uie lurid left at Uie store during the re mainder of the drive that closes Jan. 31. Contributors who leave their do nations any day through Thursday next week, will also receive double green stamps in Uie amount of their contribution. KLAMATH FALLS. ORISt. AMERICAN CHINESE Fmi at Unfc ! . MM f- Ortfst T Take Oat Ben B. Lee, Mgr. fewveed r.F.TP.A.TiP M O 'nmrnn runn w - - - iHlliCKH jnur uiiiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiHiiinHiiiiiiiHHiiimiiiHiiHniiiiiniiniiiniiininniiuiiiHiiiininiHniiiiiiniiUi Second in a series of aids for the beginner. Home photography is FUN ! '. Remember, you can brin? any photo oroblem to us for assistance. LARGEST STOCK OF CAMERAS frV SOUTHERN OREGON . . v PROJECTORS VIEWERS TRIPODS SCREENS CASES CRpttttrlpi snow" PHOTOGRAPHY . er easts M In year icraf beek How to Improve Yew Snopthott attachments' EQUIPMENT FILMS- : PAPERS CHEMICALS ?. Best ifioof snow pictures In svnshfn. Snow pfefurss on dull dayt are often Hot, Close-ups ore' someffmss 900c on dull days H fhtre It dtlinilt shadow paffern. Oon'f undtitxpet: 2. Vt "K2" (ye'fow) ff'rsr with erJinaiy Mm; "C" (orange) with .panchromatic lilm, for pictorial qualify; "A" (rod) with pan chromatic lilm lor spscfacufar tfYeefs. - 3. Shoot ACROSS tvnliqht; $ld'linhtlng ollordt ortofesf filttr . efficiency, ana sets up nicest toxturt and shadow paffern. BACK lighting sometimes OK; reoVces filttr effecf; shoo . your fans, . '( ) , 4. To sheet FALLING snow ntult$ ln "blurt" for snowffofcss. Tak your picture with no snow falling; when film it dovtloptd ' spatter FINELY (don't ever do It) wffh tooth brush and India Ink. 5. Appralto contrasts by tqulntlng anal fooling through fht eye fashes. Murh that can b seen effen escapes the nejative. DEPEND ON SHADOWS. - I J MAY WE HELP YOU? AtsA WW' GfiiiiEnn shop :v" 727 MAIN STREET PHONE 7063 jiuiicu svr nieu irfv nnvtw rnvivunHrni 'niiuiuiiuuwui Wurlitzer A Maqnificent PIANO At a Low Price LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th AT YOUR SERVICE . . . A Complete Photographic Department! LEO M OR ST AD in charge of our photogrophie deportment. He has in itock and It familiar with, American and Foreign equipment. Come in and get the answer to your problems amateur or professional! , BUPONT paper and chemicals 1 EASTMAN KODAK cameras, films, papers, supplies "GRAPHLEX" f ; cameras "VOIGTLANDER" cameras "REVERE" , Motion Picture Cameras . and Equipment RADIANT SCREENS "VIEWMASTER" Projectors and Complete Selection of Reels CURRIN'S -for Jrugs 9th and Main Ph. 2-3475 . . . AUTOMATIC (k WASHES Bm ..'('.. .. .. 'Jl c:-r?y!m . Give You A The simplest control for automatic washing ever designed time line. Completely auto "niatic from start to finish time line. Not a dial ... not a disk . . . It's an easy-to-read straight ' line control, time line brings you cleaner, safer, easier washes than you ever thought possible. Be sure to see this miracle of washers in action. Remember . . . only NORGE has the time line. mti-A-nle OiffiTTTun nnn) $ttt7iH6l- 'Vvi frU WUWC VMAwriQ. rw -gvxvwwv- , Only tD weekly Week's FREE TRIAL loObligation after minimum down payment Norge Exclusive Wave Action Agitator 4 Different Rinse Actions: Overflow, Agitated '.. Overflow, Agitated Deep Wave and 2 Spray Rlnsei Non-bolt-down Construction Flush-to-wall Design Trouble-free Borg-Warner Transmission IfJMMITtM R-1 OK imiMOS . Suburban Southern Oregon's Largest Appliance Center lltfi and Walnut Phone 7709 ffgfMmxmif TUNE IN SUBURBAN'S SERENADE TIME,6:30 KFLW,' MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY