Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 26, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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,i . KFLW 145 Kc PST
Saturday Evening, Jan. 2 J
00 Sports Highlights
:1S Homt Town Nawa
i:29 World Naws Summary
; t:30 ftciance Editor ABC
43 Wordi of Ufa
7:00 Mr. District Attr. ABC
'' 7:25 Music
7:30 Dinner In I ha Graan Room ABC
1 00 Tha Lona. Rangar ABC
'' 8:30 Dancing Parly ABC
10:00 10 p.m Headlines
10:15 Brother Art Program
' lui.TO tnaomnla Club
11:00 Nawa Summary
11:01 Sim Off
KFI.W 1451 Kc rST
Sunt)', Jan. 27
00 Nawa ABC
a. IS Morning Son! ABC
.10 Light and Llta Hour ABC
S:00 Calvary Echoaa
:1I Chapal In Sky
1:30 Negro College Choir ABC
10:00 Sunday Nawa Epaclal AFC
10:19 Brunch Tlma ABC
. lu;M National Vaspera ABC
11:00 Presbyterian Church
13:00 Christian In Action ABC
1S:M Around tha World ABC
1:00 Old Fashioned Revival
1:00 Voice ot Prophecy ABC
3:30 Greattit Story ABC
3:00 Hour of Declilon ABC
3:30 Marlnea In Review, ABC
4:00 U.S. Navy Band
4:1 Jimmy Fldler
4:30 Sammv Kaye Serenade ABC
ft:0O Step the Mus'c ARC
0:00 Walter Wlnchell ABC
0:15 Home Town Nawa
6:23 World Newt Summary
6:30 Caacadlnl Rhythma
7:l I'cul Harvey ABC
7:1S S-ienaO tn Blue
7:30 The Great Adventure, ABC
11:00 Drew Pearson ABC
S:13 Mon. Morning Kdlna ABC
I:. Walter Wlnchell ABC
:.1 Chet Huntlev ABC
. -xa CBC Symphony Concert
lo:ou 10 P. tA. Headline
10:13 Geo. E. Sokolaky ABC
10:30 Clnegrlll Orch. ABC
11:00 Newt Summary
11.03 Sign OU
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Monday, Jan. 28
6:00 Sign On Kewa Sum.
6:03 Corn in tha Morn
6:45 Faro Fare
7:00 News Breakfast Ed.
7:15 Charlie's Roundup
, 7:30 Bob Garred, News ABC
7:40 Top of tha Morning
7:55 Jcnn Conte ABC
6:00 Breakfast Club ABC
a 6:00 Hank Henry Show
6:30 Break the Bank ABC
1,1.00 Chet Huntley Newt ABC
. 10:15 Lone Journey ABC
- 10:30 My True Story ABC
" 10:55 Edward Arnold ABC
' ll'OO Betty Crocker ABC
11:15 Stop and Shop
11:30 Against Storm ABC
11:45 County Agent Speaks
11:55 Market Report
12:00 Noon Edition News
12:15 Payless Slde'-alk Sh"
11:30 Lucky "U" Ranch ABC
1:01 l'Ci'l Ha:ve
1:15 Better Living
1:30 Mary Margaret McBrlda ABC
2:00 Basin Briefs
2:15 Accent on Melody
2:a-l Joyce Jordan. M.D. ABC
2:45 Rom Evelyn Winters ABC
3:00 When Girl Marries ABC
3:15 Ted Malona ABC
S:.1 D-;an Cameron ABC
3:45 Mary Marlln ABC
4:00 Requestiully Yours
5:00 Fun Factory ABC
S:2S World Flight Reporter ABC
5:30 Chet Huntley ABC
5 45 It's Movie rime
6:00 SporU Highlights
6:15 Home Town News
6:25 World News Summary
6:."o Subvrban Serenade
6:45 Headline Edition ABC
6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC
T oo The Lona Ranger ABC
7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC
7:45 Preview of Tomorrow
. :00 Could This Ba You
i :30 "How Can We Best Develop and
Protect the :CIamaui ' Basin Pota
to Economy?
6:30 Piano Playhouse. ABC
10:00 10 PM Headlines
10:13 Navy Star Time ' ,'
10:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 News Summary
11:03 Sign Off - '
KFJI 1451 Kc PST
Saturday- Evening, Jatv 26
6:00 Al Heifer. Sports MBS
6:15 Theater Quiz
6:30 Around Town News
6:45 Marine Show
7:00 Hawaii Calls MBS
7:30 Klamath Temple
11:00 Bsfctbi. KlIHS-Roaeburg
:0O News MBS
6:15 BsktbL KUHS-Roseburf
S:5S Cecil Brows MBS
10:00 Lombards Laid USA MBS
10:30 Arthur Van Orch. MBS .
11:00 Night Owls Edition
11:05 Night Owls Club
11:00 Sign Off
Sunday, Jan. 27
6:00 Wings of Healing
8:30 S-Min. News
8:35 Music
8:45 Children's Chapel
8:00 Radio ' Bible Class MES
8:30 Klam. Rev. Center
8:45 Island Melodlea
10:00 Pews MBS
1 1:15 Mark Rogers MBS
10:30 Lutheran Hour MBS
11:00 Frank and Ernest MBS
11U5 Show Tunes
11:30 Romance of the Highways MBS
1H45 Master Radio Can. MBS
n:m News
12:15 Bill Cunningham MBS
12:30 Airxorce Hour MBS
1:03 Mysterious Trave'er MBS
1:30 Under Arrest. MBS
1:35 Bobby Benson MBS
2:00 The Shadow MBS
2.-30 True Detective MBS
3:O0 Gabby Hayes MBS
3:30 Nick Carter MBS
3:55 Cecil Brown, News, MBS
4:00 News MBS
4:15 Merk Rogera MBS
4:30 Steamboat Jamboree MBS
5:00 Reviewing Stand MBS
5:30 Enchanted Hour MBS j
6:00 Newa
6:15 Quiz Show
6:30 Youth Views News MBS
7:00 J. J. Anthony MBS
7:30 Adven. of Casanova MBS
8:00 Twenty Questlona
8:30 Forward America MBS
8:00 Clenn Hardy Newa MBS
8:15 Guest Star
A: TO The Whistler CBS
1J:00 MGM Musical Comedy Theater
llrSO Sign Off
Monday, Jan. 28
6:00 Musical Pevr''e
6;4S Farm Reporter
i . .al I.e. ..
7:00 Hemingway News MBS
7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS
7:30 Headline News
7:45 Best Buys
8:00 Cecil Brown MBS
8:13 Breakfast Gang MBS
6:30 Bible Institute MBS
8:00 Homemaker Harmonica
8:15 It'a a Dog's Life
8:45 Favorites rl Yesterday
10:00 News MBS
10:18 Tello Test
10:30 La Polntes
10:45 Concert
10:50 Currlns
10:55 Ken Carson
110 Ladlea Fair MBS
11:25 News MBS
11:30 Queen for a Day MBS
1112 Main
Reopening -
for your
dining rK
and I .
dancing V I J
pleasure I. aZ-
12:00 Name Bands
12:15 News Headlines
12:30 Your Danca Tunes
12:43 Market It Llveitork
1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS
1.30 Tuna Teat
1:53 Local Newa
1:00 News, .MBS
2:03 Newa MBS
1:15 Tea Time Tip!
3:45 Answer Man
3:00 Ricky's Request
4:00 Speed Gibson MBS
4:13 Hemingway News MBS
4:00 Curt Maasey Ttme MPS
4:45 Sam Hayes, News MBS
r.OO Bobby Benson MBS
5::u Wild Bill Hlckok, MBS
3:55 Newa MBS
6:00 Gabriel Healtar MBS
6:15 Quls Show
6:30 Around Town Newa
6:45 Sam Has as. News MBS
6:53 Bill Henry MBS
7:(K Woman of tha Year
7:30 Bright Star
6:M Let George Do It MBS
:.W licllyw n. Pla- house '.S
8:00 Glenn Hardy Newa MRS
6:15 Fulton Lewis News MBS
8:50 Crime Fighters MBS
8:55 5-Mlnuta Final MBS
10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS
10:15 Country MuMc
10.30 Crowell's Not MBS
11:00 Nifht Owls News
11:03 Night Owls Club
11:00 Sign Off
Union Shop
Row Grows
Stabilization Board has no rlsht
to set a pattern for the union shop
or productivity pav boosts, say the
three Industry members.
They spoke out "very candidly"
at a news conference Friday.
The CIO steel workers, in a dis
pute before the board, pre de
manding a union shop one in
which employes must be union
members and productivity wage
increases those granted as output
goes up.
The Industry members of the
board are Richard P. Dohertv. Ht
rem S. Hall and Milton M. pland-
Doherty said all three were
strongly opposed to any board pol
icy "superimposlnir on Industry
conditions they haven't voluntarily
offered to take on themselves.
Hall said an "extended formu
la" for productivity waste 'ncrease
is bound to be inflationary.
Tarr Joins
Rotary Club
In observance of the 41st anni
versary of the first publishing of
the mazazine. Roiarian. a Danel
discussed Its contents and Its mean
ing In the 80 countries where It is
circulated, at the Rotary club meet-
uis; r riaay.
Harold Ashley was chairman of
the day. Others on the pane! were
Dr. Jim Hilton. Keith O'Halr.
Eddie Swansea, Chet Haraaker and
Bill DePew.
Frank Tarr was Introduced as a
new member of the club, with the
classification of additional active,
wood Industry lumber manufactur
ing. .
fndfian Boy
Shoots Father
Indian officers at Beattv in
looking- for a 13-year-old Indian
boy, who shot his father. Furmore
Craine. 41, in the back and right
snomaar wim a ii rule.
Cralnc was in fair condition this
morning at Klamath Vallev Hos
At Beatty Indian Officer Carl
Hill said the shooting happened
aooui iu:ou p.m. fTiaay. .
Hill stated the boy. Craine. and
an unidentified woman were at
Craine s house and the bov "was
doing arithmetic problems."
mil said the boy "apparently got
mad. started raising heck and
Craine rebuked him."
"Then the boy went into a bed
room," Hill stated, "got the rifle
and shot his father twice in the
ictt shoulder blade from the back
and In the right shoulder."
Hill brought the wounded Indian
to ine Hospital here where he was
given o'iood plasma.
Hospital attendants said Crane
was admitted to the hosoltal about
12:45 a.m. Saturday and had lost
considerable amount of blood.
Hill, this mornlntr about 9 a.m.,
said he had not yet found the boy.
Pair Attempt To
Pass Bad Check
City Police last nl?ht booked a
man and woman on charges of at
temntlng to pass a forged bank
They were Identified as Leroy
Garrison. 38. Alturas. Calif., and
Jacqueline Scott, 18. Oakridge. Ore.
Police said the pair tried unsuc
cessfully to pass a $15 check at
the Arcade, wmema and Feiican
They got separate rooms at the
Pelican, officers said, and were
there when arrested.
Police said the case would be
referred to the district attorney's
office for further action.
rey Bogarts are expecting again.
Mrs. Bogart, Lauren Bacall, has
Informed her studio that her sec
ond child will be born in August.
Their first child, a son, Stephen,
was born In 1949.
Romance of
the Highways"
11:30 a.m. ivtry SUNDAY '
Don Ui'MutusI
War Veteran Care Outlook
For Future Points To Big
Speedup In YA Procedure
trans Administration figures that
one-third of the nation's population
consists of veterans and their fam
ilies, it estimates the figure will
increase to 40 per cent by 1954.
This new statistical compilation
made public hts week Is based on
data up to last Nov. 30.
It showed there are now 18,803..
000 livlns veterans or all U.S.
wars, not Including Uie Korean
campaign. Tills means two out of
every five men are war veterans.
There are now about 3.418.000
veterans of World War I and IS.-
310.000 of World War II. Other vet
erans' records stretch back to the
Civil War. The books were closed
on the War of 1813 in 1936 when
the last dependent died. The Inst
veternn of the Mexican war died
in 1929 at the age of 98.
The VA figures that one out ef
every 10 persons in the country Is
a veteran of World War II. This
includes roughly two out of every
Rancher Held
To Hire Killing
FAIRFIELD. Calif. Wl Ralph
Fong. 23-year-o'd Chinese rancher,
was arrested here Friday night
after two Travis Air Base police
men reported he had offered them
si. 500 to kill his wife.
Sheriff Thomas Joyce said the
policemen told him Fong wanted
to collect his wife s 310.000 insur
ance policy to pay olf debts on his
ranch but "loved her too much
to kill her himsel'.
Germ War
Care Taken
Public Health Service is alerting
its forces against any biological
"Pearl Harbor."
State and territorial health offi
cers have been Instructed to pro
vide fuller weekly statistics on
communicable diseases and to re
port promptly "any outbreak of
unusual occurrence of diseases ol
public health interest or import
ance." Dr. C. C. Dauer, medical advis
or to the national Oiflce of Vital
Statistics, told a reporter there Is
no evidence of suoverstve germ
He said steps were being taken
however, to spot quickly any such
Klamath Gl On
Homebound Ship
Pvt. Charles E. Penn, 4106 Alta
mont Dr., was scheduled to arrive
at Seattle today aboard the Navy
transport R. L. Howze, bringing
3,?27 rotntlon troops home from the
Far East. '..... -
The Associated Press said the
group included 36 Oregon men.
Relief Payments
Up In Amount
PORTLAND W Persons on re-;
lief are getting more money in Ore-
gon than they did a year ago but
the number is smaller.
That was the rerjort Frlrlnv nf
Loa Howard, administrator, to the
State Public Welfare Commission.
She said that 35J88 persons re
ceived a total of S2.191.229 In as
sistance payments last month. In
December of the previous vear. 37.
179 cases received payments total
ing some 53,000 less, she said.
Ton can't buy Insurance wh
your house is h-"nin
Call Hans!"
Norland now! Phone 2-2515.
wTs. inn i.b.
HERE IT IS! Your Feed.BB
Fashion! One 08-lh nr inn.lh kwh.
Bag or. 1 'a yards of 35-lneh fab
ric lor uns apron in the small
size! It's a fweelhear. with scal
loped edges, heart pockets and (fy
bias trim. Make a few give them
for birt:,dr-'n i ty. --jp ir.
saries. Pattern 9244: Misses' sizes;
small .14-18; medium 13-2U; large
This easy-to-use pattern Rlvc.i
perfect fit. Complete, Illustrated
Sew Chart shows you every step,
Send THIRTY cents In coins for
th's nat!rn tn 'o,r!ap ""tM. ""e
of Herald and News, Pattern Dept.,
P.O. Box 614U. CnicoKo M, II.
Print plainly YOUR NAME, AD
j2L CAN BE jJlll
TN l fl from laF.,
100 I.B 1 !r f
three men between the ages of 30
and 33.
Other figures show that four of
every five veterans are married
aid that two out of three live, in
The VA estimates thai In the
year B000 living veterans of World
War II will number about 4.618.0O0,
that the average ase will be 77,
"suuiiesis that mcdirtil and dotnl
ciliary cure of World War II vet-
eraus In the year 3000 will be more
extensive than it Is for World War
I veterans today.
The VA placed the average age
or world war I veterans louay at
88. '
The Jcb of keeping track of vet
. crans and their families requires
I the VA to maintain some 13 inll-
lion administrative records. This
does not Include Insurance records
which total over 100 million,
A total of 2i.030.0OO persons have
served in the. armed forces in wars
since the American Revolution.
After Plot
Of Wife
The young Chinese-American ad
mitted the plot alter he was uooked
at the S Mano County Jail on a
charge of soliciting a person to
commit a felony involving mui'
der. the sheriff said.
The sheriff said Fong was nr
rested after a trap had been set
and he and other officers watched
the rancher give the airmen a 30
30 rifle and ammunition with
which to do Ihe Job.
Joyce said that Fong picked up
the airmen, who were hitchhiking
back to their base. Monday and
during the ride asked them u
they'd like to make some mnnev
When they said ihey would. Fong
uuuiiica me plan, Joyce snld.
After the arrest, Joyce report
ed. Fong admitted he planned to
have his wife seated before a light
ed window Friday night so that
the airmen could shoot her. In
stead the two reported the plan to
their commander, who In turn re.
ported to the sheriff and heloed
la the trap for Fong. The iwo
military policemen were not Iden
tified. Mac Backers
Stick To Guns
PORTLAND tn n.n.,.,
Arthurs backers In Oregon are
ROlng ahead with plans to put his
name on the GOP presidential bal-
V r- i. lcs May Primaries.
." 5" aMHin. troruand real es
tate dealer and '. head nf n,-
gon Fighters for !ac Arthur, said
Friday he still planned to file petl-
uue nuitu wuuia make the gener
al a candidate.
MacArihur Frlda repeated that
he is not a candidate lor president
and said he does not want his
name entered in any state primary.
.miuii sam ne had not talked
with MacArihur.
Storm Wflrninn I"!..
Jrorm .Warning Uut
' Fflr Coastal Aron
I ur "B5rai Area
SEATTLE im The Weather
Bureau Issued a storm warning
Saturday for the coastal area from
Tatoosh to Cape Blanco. It pre
dicted southeast winds 35 to 45
miles an hour, with gusts to 5o.
Small craft warnings were
ordered for the Siralt of Juan de
Fuca in Washington S'.a'e. wltn
east Winds nf "S tn 3 m.lA. on
h. , . -
jNickerson Takes
I On Fish Position
SEATTLE lfl George W Nick-
crson of Prince Rupert, B. C. was
named chairman Frldav of the In
ternational Fisheries Commission
for the next two years.
The commission, made un of
united States and Canadian mem
bers, formulates policies for regu
lation of halibut fishing.
Edward W. Allen of Seattle,
commission chairman the past two
years, was chosen secretary at
Friday's annual meeting here.
Halibut regulations were dis
cussed but commission recommen
dations will not be announced until
they have been approved bv Ca
nadian and United Slates govern
ments. WASHINGTON Wl Want a
commission In the Air Force for
Immediate active duty?
You can et one If you're a spe
cialist in communications, psycho
logical warfare, procurement,
weather, or auditing, the Air Force
sam j-riaay.
RUTH WILCOX, represent,
ative of the Helena Rubin
stein firm, will be nt Cur
rin's For Drugs all next
week. She will (jive beauty
advice and make-up analy
sis. Dr. Buck
Loses License
PORTLAND Wi Dr. Ueorue
II. Buck, convicted nboitionlsi. lost
hlr, license to pructlce medicine
Circuit Judge Chillies II. Coombs
upheld revocation of '.ho hceiiso by
the slate board of medical exam
iners. Tne board revoked the liconse m
May, 1947. Judge Coombs over
ruled the board and u-UoicU the
license restored. The board then
appealed the rase to the Stair
Supreme Court.
Tlu.1 court tt:'.i.l that .lutluc
Cntlv.bs had cm d uutl scut t.,'
cas-e hack to hl"i wheto lie re
versed his eaiiiec decision.
Love Stumbles
At Wrong Time
the world loves a lover." but that
didn't keep two lovebirds Irom be
ing locked In county Jnll here.
"Can we gel married alter we
get out?" was their Inst question
before rural Officer Jack Fowler
turned the key on Uiem Friday
They came to the courthouse to
get married, and -fell dowli the
steps together. Probation Supervis
or A. A. Estes and sheriff's Dep
uty F. 8. Moore helped them re
gain their leet and snowed uiem
the way to the jail
The bride-to-be wore an all-blue
going away outfit. Olficers said
they were too drunk to leave.
Masai ends
MD3HD (r) Q3ml
emXHsE) UiSK (H fIJ5lfiilMH5J'r
Mary Rilea Dies At Age Of 80
PORTLAND W'l Mrs. Mary E.
Rllra, 80, former Annua, Ore.,
postmistress tnd mother ol Ore
gon's adjutant general died l'Vldny.
She had lived In the Purtlantl
area tor the past two years with
her son, MaJ. lion. Thomas IS.
The great Columbia River Portae!
The Gun-rule in gold mad Portland! Ja A The Barlow Trail lynehingl'
The Mutiny of the River R ene gade sj
'l ' II; jaJi(' ' brond ol flfanlntsil
mini, Ihe nliito'n adjutant iirnontl,
ncfoie that nhe wan itiwlntttnt
pfistmlsii'o.'ki tot 30 yum nt Auui'ss
on Ihe lower Routio Ulvei'. where
her husband, tho late Uooiuo Ulleitr
was iiostinastoi'.
Two daughters and a utilcr also
Starts Sunday World Premiere Showing of the
picture designated by Governor McKay for the
inaugural of the Oregon Covered Wagon Cen-.
tennial Celebration. Filmed in Spectacular
Technicolor in the Rugged Beauty of Oregon's
Mt. Hood country!
1.0H ANOKl.K tum Court ft
piuviil hits linen given (he fl.pj
ummntlng uf nulu iiinnuliicltirer
Cliuiicn W. Nnsli'M eslnte.
The necoimtliiif Friday allowed
Unit Itto H3,I)J4,3:U estate pattl 'J3.
Ul)0,7UV federal adlule tuxes and
ttiMi.'M alitle Inheritance lane,
Nasli tiled In 1UB nt the aga ol 4.
From 12:30 P. M.
CAsTof thousands!