PAGE TWELVE ELEVEN CANDLES ON THE CAKE! and Susan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion (Bud) Biehn, 4650 Crosby, is the happy celebrant, shown with her young guests who helped her observe her birthday. Lower far left, is Virginia Lee Biehn and far right is Christine LeMasters. Middle row, left to right, Norma Jean Jones, Margaret Smith, Susan, Bonnie Jo LeMasters and Sandra Kay Hamstreet. Top, from the left, David Biehn, Rose Waters, Jean Clanton and Karen Rob bin. Postmistress Guest of Honor CHILOQUIN Mrs. Anton Zadina , postmlstre s who expects a spe : cial delivery later this month, was guest of honor at a shower given : for her by Mrs. Pat Hill. Mrs. : Polk Haddock, Mrs. Layton Ho i back. Mrs. Andy Ortls. Mrs. Don ' Potter Mrs. Norman Wimer and Mrs. Robert Doak In the basement j of the Methodist church on Mon day evening. Special award of the evening went to Mrs. Jesse Mangum and ' an award for games was taken by Mrs. Matt Samson. Late In the evening cleverly dis plaved gifts were opened by Mrs. Zadina from the following people: Mrs. Gail Ridenour, Mrs. O. M. 1 vsayes, Mrs. Jess Pike. Mrs. Ivan "ak. Mrs. Robert Doak, Mrs. C W. Collins, Mrs. Jack Jones, Gs. Harry Pearson, Mrs. Albert ' Hi-"), all of the Modoc Point "s -on River area, Mrs. Jo of Sand Creek. Mrs. les, and Mrs. Lester Dav- 6n Biritro anrl Mrs. DaV- n of Hoopa. urn., wno was visiting here. Mrs. Earl Hall, Mrs. Ed Doty, Mrs. Frank Parker, Mrs. Ray Baldwin, Mrs. Norman Doty, Mrs. Friedman Kirk, Mrs. Paul John .n, Mrs. Bob Mathis, Mrs. Man uel Ochoa, Mrs. Floyd Ohles, Mrs. Frank Dl Uilo, Mrs. Edouard Fri aulx. Mrs. Fred Markwardt, Mrs. Ormie Jordan, Mrs. Cecilia Lobert, Mrs. Jesse Mangum, Mrs. David Sutton, Mrs. Loyal Heath, Mrs. Charles Hale. Mrs. Walter Zimmerman, Mrs. Ursula Bond, Mrs. Robert Hall Sr., Mrs. Rudy Zadina. Mrs. Ray Prow ell. Mrs. Ellery Echlin, Mrs. Guy Staiger, Mrs. Callie Clark, Mrs. Jim Chipman, Mrs. A. W. Huff, Mrs Elmer Heglund, Mrs. Wil liam Lorenz. Mrs. John Manner ing, Mrs. William Priebe, Mrs. Leroy Gienger, Mr?. Glen Kirch er. Mrs. Matt Samson, Mrs. Don Ritzel, Mrs. Pearl Nygren, Mrs. Gerry Wolff. Mrs. George Brautlacht. Mrs. Lee Hatcher, Mrs. Robert Wright, Mrs. Walter Collins, Mr;. Forest Fried. Mrs. Roy McCallisters, Mrs. Lonnle Adams, Mrs. Wayne Nie haus, Mrs. George Reed. Mrs. Walter Pohll, Mrs. Ruby Peeler. Mrs. Dwight Kircher, Mrs. Lloyd Peters, Mrs. Paul Wampler. Mrs. Bert Albert, Mrs. Merrill Hoppe, Mrs. Loreti, Mrs. Ed Wilkie, Mrs. Todd Deffenbacher, Mrs. Roy Def lenbacher and the hostesses. LIBRARY CLUB BENEFIT TEA Hearts and flowers will reign over this year's Library club Bridge tea to be held next Satur day afternoon In the Willard hotel. Committees are now completing details for the annual affair with the Valentine motif. Bridge and other card games will begin at 1:30 p.m. Players are asked to bring cards and card table covers. Working on the bridge committee are Mrs. Archie James, chairman, Mrs. G. C. Motley, Mrs. George Roberts, Mrs. Brady Nar ey, Mrs. Warren Bennet. Mrs. John Baker, and Mrs. E. H. Moore. Prizes will be awarded at 3:30 p.m. with a group of the younger set assisting, including Carolyn Boyd, Julie Harnden, Sheila Ad ler, Jean Adams, Susan Peak, Mar ilyn Miller, Sharon Gienger, Gail Merseth, and Sheryl Snell. Tea Is to be served shortly after 3:30. Mrs. George Bosserdet is tea chairman and is assisted by Mrs. Frank Tarr and Mrs. Lyle Rothen berger. Library club presents the bridge tea each year as a highlight of the spring social season to raise funds for their Case Benefit pro ject. Those attending will help make It possible for many children to have performed needed tonsilecto mles. Individual or table reservations are being taken by Mrs. Warren Bennet at 4325 or Mrs. Archie James at 2-3247. CAUSEY - ,4 'i M. DR. ' iM ill -' 'h ' ' Q iVA 'Mr tvs MRS. EDWARD MeCRACKEN JR., who was honored with a bridal shower Jan. 16 at the home of Mrs. Ed McCracken, 500 N. 9th St., with Mrs. Jack Browrt as hostess. Mrs. Mc-, Cracken, before her marriage in Reno Dec. 29, was Bernice Forrester. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold For rester, 1841 Hope. The bride and bridegroom are now at home, 2124 Biehn. Photo by MoVstad BRIDAL SHOWER' Mrs. Edward McCracken Jr. was honored with a miscellaneous brid al shower Jan. 16 at the home of Mrs. Ed McCracken, 500 N. 9th St.. with Mrs. Jack Brown as hostess. The large rooms were colorful with white and fuchsia streamers, and gifts were placed under a miniature canopy of streamers tipped with tiny umbrellas in pas tel shades. Games were played and prizes awarded, after which refreshments were served to: Ruth Wood, Anita Fullen, Diane Oldham, Claris Mor stad. Elm a Moon, Janet Ford, Beulah Bliss, Roberta Price, Ann Wolfrum, Peggy Roberts, Marie Forrester, Anna Brisboise, Esther Mast, Luceille Barnes. Mayble Chanez, Gloria Heofler, Mary Mar tin, Edna Forrester, Mary Schle gel, Donna McFarland, Connie Col lier, Lucille Heifer, Charlotte Co noy, Dannie Gibson, Elsie Hartley, Maud Cross, Grace Jerrue, Louise Oden, Edna Clawson, Pearl Tally, Theresa Allesch and Bernice Mc Cracken. Unable to attend, but sending gifts were: Zelma Howard, Irene Markham, Stella Perscll, Moose Drum Corps, Pat Fisher, Louise O'Brien, Paula Home, Suzy Neely, Maudie Larson, Teckla Clawson. Ada Wllllts, Ellen Wade, Blanche McGillvary and Elizabeth and Ber nice Altman. Mrs. McCracken Is the former Bernice Forrester, whose wedding took place in Reno Dec. 29. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold O. Forrester, 1841 Hope The couple is at home, 2124 Biehn. If you add celery leaves, a slice of onion, a bay leaf, a few cloves and Depnercorns to the salted wa ter In which you cook shrimp you ' can strain the liquid and use it as a stock for a sauce to serve I with the shrimp or other fish. One ! or two cups of water is plenty In : which to cook a pound of shrimp. "Jesus Christ, Author of the Gospel" It the Sermon Topic For Morning Worship At The First Baptist Church North 8th and Washington . DR. E. M. CAUSEY, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES, JANUARY 27 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP y J It v. tt THE ENGAGEMENT of their daughter Jean Marie, is announced by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lovell, 1405 Up ham, to James Dobson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bart Dob son, Eugene. Both are stu dents at the University of Oregon, from which Jean Marie will be graduated this June. An early sum mer wedding is planned. . Photo by Guderian MARCH OF DIMES DANCE SATURDAY - JAN. 26 ARMORY BALDY'S BAND - 9:00 TiLL l:00 ADMISSION $2.00 PER COUPLE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH By Milly Romsby :V i JZ, MR. AND MRS. HENRY E. PERKINS, 1527 Pacific Terrace announce the engagement of their daughter, Flo Ann Per kins to Ted Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Gordon, Malin. No date has been set for the wedding. Guderian w ffw . , -vk & MR. AND MRS. BEN KIELSMEIER announce the engage ment of their daughter, Arlene, to Jack Ninneman, Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ninneman of Troy, Montana. Jack is serving with the Marine Corps, and is now stationed at Camp Pendleton, but will report for overseas" duty in Febr uary. The wedding date has not been decided. Evergreen ZION LUTHERAN LADIES AID Zlon Lutheran Ladies Aid met in the social rooms of the church the afternoon of Jan. 17. Mrs. Kay : Altman presented the topic on "Prayer." i New committees were appointed j to serve for a three months pe riod. Rollcall was taken with 14 members and one guest present. Mrs. Elnor Muddcr and Mrs. Ora Mle Eberlein served refreshments. FALLS, OREGON 'm j .--S3- TUNE IN TO KFLW HEAR A FULL GOSPEL MINISTER'S ANSWER To The Problem of . . . Youth Delinquency!! ... as discussed over KFLW Monday Worship With Us SUNDAY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Klamath Falls Full Gospel . Evangelistic Christ Centered Church 8th & Oak St. Sunday School 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 Youth Service 6:15 WATER BAPTISMAL SERVICE at the Sunday Night Service . . . the Public is invited to attend! ' ' , t"' I - 1' V P 1 :- " 'iM I 11 WIIMMMMMIIMIII I I II IIIHH " HI II I lj i f I lllUlli MR. AND MRS. H. E. (HERB) HAUGER, 1540 Pacific Terrace, were among the lucky passengers who "Lurlined" to Hawaii recently. They left San Francisco Jan. 16. With them in the picture, at the left, are Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Miller, Pendleton. Photo bv Oil-Pictures BETROTHED Betty Lou Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Chelsea Addition, to Edward Maur mann, son of Mrs. Mildred Lynch, Florence. Betty is a graduate of KL'HS class of 1949. An early spring wed ding is planned. . ' CARD PARTY r TULELAKE Mr. and Mr John O'Shca entertained a group friends the evening of Jan. II a six-thirty dinner followed pinochle. OI at by High for women went to Mrs.;""" , ",,'"7 '" Eldon Larson and high to men to1 mcetliiK will be Mondoy. A. E. Hutchinson. Ilnymond Baker i""- . 8 P.m. took low, the traveling prize went to Mrs. A. E. Ryckman and a special award to Mrs Curl Jen sen. The dinner honored Mr. and Mrs. LeAer Vernon, Fresno, former residents here. Places were marked for the guests ol honor. Mr. and Mrs. Ruy mong Baker, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lar son, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rychman, Mrs. Dun Crawford Sr., Mrs. John Bowman, Mrs. Evelyn Galloway and son Harry and Mrs. Gem Laughlln. 9 A.M. SUNDAY GREAT EVANGELISTIC Service, Sunday - 7:30 p.m. Midweek Services Tuei. and Thuri. Evening 7:30 p.m. A SERIOUS THOUGHT... Democracy It Built ... On The Chrlitlan Concept of LIFE !( If we lata that, we loia our FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY! Ph. S735 1 )th WOMEN'S CLUB CARD PARTY Tlic card unriy Riven nt the Uoiinnzn Library by the Iluimn.u Women's Club for the benniit of the Uonunut Firemen on Jan. 15 ttus well ntlnulcd. Kitty people turned out (Ic.pltc tho wcutlier. Mrs. Guy liltwn, Mri,. Merrill Strwurt. Mri. John Miracle ami Mrs. Claude Been doldl were tho huMcote:,, lllKll prlrcn In undue wrnl to Mr. unu Mi.i. Owen I'cpplr. hlllh In plnuchlo went to Mrh. Krurst 1'midv, Mr. and Mm. John Mlrurlr. Suburban Fire Auxiliary Meets rti'Kulur meeting of Women' Auxiliary, Suburban VoliinU-rr Fire Department was held Monday Jan. I, In the Flic Department Itecreu tlon Room. The iiieelliin was culled to order by frcaldcul Mrs, ELsle Warren. It wax voted Hint the auxiliary will Murt Rnl Ciom First Aid tla; Feb. I. 7:30 pin. All mem bers lire urned to Join the class: also wives, mothers and sister ol Volunteer Firemen, who have not been contacted. Mr. Martha Cas.nty resigned as secretary. Barbara, Perkins was nominated to that olllce. Member present were: Ebile Warren. Donna Carr. Vera Oor- 'don. Helen Wilkennon. Oltta Stiunk ijoru ureen, til..., vi-t n kins. Nickl Larson and Barbara "nun, it m-w,ui, mm kit rep l'cikiiM. Helen Wilkinson and Olun Struiik BE AS WISE AS THE WISE OLD OWL! CASCADE'S ALL DRY COSTS ASK ABOUT IT! AND DELIVERY - P)(d)c CASCADE Klamath's Finest SATURDAY. JANUARY 2fl, 11M2 unci Mrrrlll Strwnrt won I he hik'li lor cniin!ta. Ed Kcllciton wuu tho four prizes. (I5 was cleared for lh lire ilr partiucnl mid will be url on new j equipment. Pie and collce were 'nerved at the clone of the eveiimu ! ntl ,h xtrjlc were auctioned 1 off. The NEWEST in ORGANS If joti haven't hfn! trie itfw Conn onrttc yon have a plaaut aurpmr in Um tur yvi TliU U the nrnnl and icirn tint-ally the riimI ulramvil of all elwlronic oruanj, lWauliful rtran pfrfarnunre yui never iriia innl poil)Ie ,lwforr. Kaay to l' turn in Jor Jttt dtmottttrution. kyle morgan pianos your baldwin dcolcr "yours for a happier futur throuqh music" 1035 Main 100 BUNDLE (10 BIG POUNDS) ONLY (Each additional pound only 8c) FREE PICK-UP , JUST PHONE 51 1 1 LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Opp. Post Office