SATURDAY, JANUAHY 2(1, 10.1 1IKHAM) AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 28 MISCELLANIOUS fOR HINT it W FOR RENT ft 110 ACRES TULELA'KE POTATO GROUND ELIGIBLE FOR CERTIFICATION - BOX 366 - TULELAKE ' OR PHONE 7 0403 TULELAKE 30 RIAL ISTAfl FOR SALI' M l LIS" Nrnrlv nrw one bnlrnoiil homr locnlod one litoi-k to bun line. Wnll to wnll rnriwIhiK. very iitliiictlvc , klloltm ii ml dlnliitf men. liiMilnlnl wl, celllnun nl (loom. Altiichfd inrniie tillllty room mid work ho). Excellent condition tlirouli out. A rcnl liny nl $0000 toniu. NORTHSIDE Attractive nnd well coiilriicted four bedroom lionie. , Klreplncr, hardwood tloora llirnuifhuiil. dlnlnii room, now rleelrlc licnt. Two lull bth, liiMilnted and weather lrliped. Concrete bnneinent, aprlnlc ling iiyiilem. benullful view. Priced Inr below replncemenl cot. $12,500. Immediate Possession OiiDituiKllNK Inme fwnlly home. Idenl locution. Cloe to mhool nnd thopplnx center. 14x30 foot llvlim room with bemillftil tne fireplace, rje dlirtim room nnd kitchen. Three apndniis bedroomn with walk-In cloaetA, glared III tleeplng porch, nun deck, double Karaite, full concrete banement. Automatic heat to all rooms. A home to be pioud of. $10,000 termi. HARRY VAN (Eves, K!M JOE LEONARD (Evts. 2-0627) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE SIT Main Phone 3211 $4250 five room home with bath on large corner suburban lot. Completely 111 aulated, conrrele foundation. Elec tric heat, large auuny living room, nice dining room. Near stores, chool and bin. Ample room for another home on lot. Kull price $43S0 term. Anne Manon Eves. 0714 Eddie Hoaley 3-01M BOGUE DALE, Reoltor 122 S. till - Phone 7260 Beautiful Suburban Bungalow Very attractive well built 2 bed room home. Insulated, weather crlpped. Monti windows, and gwxl oil furnace. Mighty line house lor weather like thin. Hardwood floor, large utility room, brfnKfnsl nook. oo:l lawn, nhrub nnd garden ' (..ince. In restricted neighborhood, and eligible for maximum K11A loan. Till won't long! Call us and ee II NOW I Price $8500. 1 Acre On Kneo Road Tills 2 bedroom newly built home l offered fully furnished for JU0OO. You may have Imineillntc poes mon. Eligible for I HA loan. Uuy now and be set to put In your garden a aoou as this dad-blamed now melts. Good 3 Bedroom Home Completely re-flnlshcd. decornted and ready to move Into without touching a paint brush, nils home Is very roomy, well laid out, with aeparate dining room, large break fast nook, full concrete basement good forced air oil furnace. In quiet neighborhood, price $12,000. $3000 3 Room Mansion If you want nn inexpensive but good 1 bedroom house, tins is it. location Is good 1507 Riverside. All the rooms are large and the Continuous cement foundation. good garnge. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Don 8I0011 Ph. 2-24C0 Eves. 6658 Eves. 6703 Eves. Fred Bcott CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1009 111 N. 9tll St. Ph. 4564 or S520 FOR SALE By Owner TULELAKE HOMESTEAD 60 acres all in alfalfa PRICE $28,500 Con be bouitiu 30 down or lense with option to buy I Phono 7-0503 Tlilclnko, Cnllf. , NORTHSIDE Two bedroom plnstcrcd home. A-l count ruotlon. 12 yonro old, full ce ment bfixemcnt with extra nloepln; room or piny room. Aulomnlle hent, lot 75x230. Lnwn nnd fruit trees. Price 8700 terms. Anno Mason Eves. C714 Iddlo Hosley 2-0188 bOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. Sill Phono 7200 30 REAL ISTATI FOR SALI WANTED Have buyers for one or two bed room homes on Norlhslde. Need two or three bedroom homes In Mills. If you have a selling problem, con tact us for fast, efficient, courteous service. VERNON DL'RANT ANDY SI LAN I REAL ESTATE 031 So. Sixth Phone 9105, 5544 or 7023 MILLS Three bedroom, llvlim room, kit chen, until, utility. Lnme simile iliuniie. automatic heat. Price I&6O0 terms. Can be purchased completely furnished. NORTH SUBURBS Lame home on Rood foundation. Two bedrooms down, Hires up. Auumintlc oil heal, modern. Full price 15250, 11100 down, 152 per month. CLOSE IN Two bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, utility, floor cover Init. Recently remodeled, oil floor furnace. Price 17000. 1500 down, 150 per mouth, VERNON DUIMNT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE S31 6o. Sixth Phone 0195, 5544 or 7023 SUBURBAN I.uikc one room houxc on acre. Cement tile construction. Price $2500, 1500 down, 150 per month. NORTHSIDE Two completely (urnbhed over hiu! under upiirlmrni noutc. Very well constructed. Urlnttlnn in $142. 50 per innnth. Price 114,500, 14000 down, 5100 per month. HKKB SCHMIDT ANDY SILANI HEAL ESTATE 03 1 So. Sixth H Office Phone 9105 Evenings 9B79 Humes ron BAI.K IVtlllTT UtN.NIS HCALIUR Un Klrkptlrlclc. fttloinan m N i Plum aai TWO DRUKOOM hoinf. lurnlthril or m furnUlnMl IIMW l.jiur!. I'ao.i 41114 ' ACnR for on Fried Avenu. Phonta-lffio J'lrr S p. iik WILL THAIJK iCU(i riiiiffy In MIJUO 4 room modern houe tor IfMti or Uler model Tord or (Jneil Motor pro. ducla. Coiiflder other run or renttitl to Hie right people. Cell 6iK)4. Nl:v" HcimTs for ule. Wlliiem D. Powell. Phone OX'S. 32 IUILDING t REMODELING WKATIiril STrtlPIMNO to lint jour needk! Ilatln Building Material!. 47H4 South atxth Street, Phone 2-2."o.l. AnnESTftS vldrns antfituulatrd panel ntiake ildlna aonlled. rree eitlmate P II. A. Terma. Robtnaon. ritone 34 FUEL HEATING Ashley Automatic Wood Heaters $52.50 & $08.50 Both models now In stock. 24 hour heat from wood or presto-logs. Ashley Headquarters 74 No. Main r. O. Box 232 Ashland Phone 7231 or 2-7701 STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check nnd Fill Svslcm METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Hcatlnj Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Slnnrt into ?HrIn'1 8t- PJion. 4153 "?" Phon. seal or 2.0260 for crompl CUFF YADEN'S SIONAL SERVICE .,im oo Bin Jurnace. light fu.i, coal, wnod. Phon,si.' " M,r"' rtiH sai.k A'tf1ndN " f ireMaN till; S,'KL,N",rrKO. . ftRNACE COM- AC1K TANK? TtltR FtmNACE IS IN KXCKI.1.KNT' CONDITION PRUT COMPLETE TOR ONLY JlflS.OO. SEE AT 7n7 nnnirwAV nnmT cT.EAN ecouonUcai trouble free heiu PEYTON CO, ' , i,,,c uiHn u,r nHie. upon eve nlngn nnd weekend, Metlom Broa. nirtiuLUUS pickup or delivered Cliff Vaditna Hlgiinl Servira. .2.W0 So nth Phone .111111 or a-DJfiO, ?8 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES FOR SALE. Wnrm Mnrnlng Heatins wttive. Phone IIS44. WILL trade lfMnTnrd pickup for" car In good condition. Jack Cobb, 3704 Dla mnifl. AMIEnsoN Boarding Kennela Phone HI4T SIIHII Delwn-e off Homedale OOARDINQ KENNELS Dog boarding by day, week or month 8anltary kenneli. Well balanced diet Clean Individual CAltdoor runa for each dog Doga nandleit durlrg matin). Will pick up and tlallvar Vlaltori Weleomt Phone 6071 Merrill ltd. fit. 1. Box 004 SHASTA CA8CADB KJCNNELS 31 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIS tolXlli liupi. titter registered' Call Mm. KfllCBAClC. 2 frliiafe llachliunfriiUi Una r.ii. una him k anrl Ian. W'mr.fd drill (lutpitiiicr ihol. rail efler s p.m. 24:ift Klwi-I'ln. Plume Ii:t.H. 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY KOULIRY WANTED Cflih paid for kny amount. Top market prices frr good quality. For quotations PHONK amp KUMATH POIJIMtY PARM8 foit HAI.K. "Two wi'.rH'" hor wilTi tir, Cheap. Ciank Mick, MhIIii. trrinn. IF In need ut ncrvk'i itut MoMcih in 1 1 1 lliitr KmniR, (,'. unwell, Orvtfon final nt tim iinij ti(i(Incltiii, t-'Ult" f.AI.K " in'eiv)pro'ju('lfiH vw-fiitMl f(l HnUUIrt row, Jut ii. II Curlnloii, Mrrritl, Or. I aim now Otti iking firilcrs tnr pruiK ilnllvary nf Whllvlnr, Ansui, nnd (Jnlry rnlvrta, I., M. Hooker, f(1, 1 box 7H;i, r.:mrnl City, Cull . N Ati'VV.Uj.Aimti ""nn"iJhfi 4801 lIli.HKhT pru pilU (or poultry, hoV nd DvcxttorM. I(J(, V MKA'i MAflKKI !. view JiintHl'-n IMwih 402H Alt) It iV-IA", HHKKlilNVi KKHVICh Ph(in 072 M C. IChucki Warrf). Hi a. hox a KUll lirtl.V," 'lrhfr month olfj Uint rcil htrr. Will drink out of buckrl Mwhih 4I4 ytwruii. jnn.rVViy, Pho5Ti iv I00"NKW lUinpahlri pulltti. Laying Phi.n 4W2. 44 MlSCILLANtOUS WANTED WANTED ltmut "lrOl iiiiVnrr Wtfl trad itrw mnuy nun detector tor ami. Phone JWU. WWlh lu huy i'irtic quantitie. ot hugur J'lna iUmt: MfliiJiNlla fUunrhr Moany llrn('ho aiifl rnmiy it)ir native tnfiiinlain wcr'li, Annn that I In terfiled, write anil rinrite prlrei Ui TUB t'OMiASV. lit Vttl " Kirnrt. New Vork I. N V WANTfclltrwial. lMmno Uim WANTKl) by conplf. mum poiaiiilr. two or Ihrrr htlriom hnuM. Will Iraat or rent l'ifr cIum in. Retcrenie. Thona 2 ttMh. VVANTKD t reilt (Train land - havr full ijiilpinent. C II. Ktlty, Itoutc , ttn-x TMt. Vhnne WHW. WANTED to" rcni.""Tw(i or three bed rnom hmiw. Phone J 017.1. WANTKlJ "totiyirnU cah rcguter Dirk Ileprtrr'i Store. WANTKO'ttil.KASK-Tiulry. Grado A preforrrfl, or will trade Grant Pat property ai down puyrnenl for pur. rhr. Krank I.. Howard. HI, 2. Box mil Tulrlakf. Phoru? JMJ.VKi. WOIIKING COII'LK. no "children.'!. dr 1re to ri-nt two tpdro"m unfunlhrd hue with Karaite by Mumt 1st. Plume 0;,4A afler i n m. VtiNKrCAItH! Gel ton pMc'i now' ftft Motor Co Mi h and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onl $100 S7.27 Mo. Repav In 18 InsUllmenu DP I'D UOO ON KURNITUKS OH SALARY . UP TO 11200 ON CARS nfB IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cara ''nance at banlc rates -MONhY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. J0 yeara solving K'imatn Ba-.ll Bee "Chuct" Bailey Mgr. II N 7U1 8L Phone 3326 8-241 M-;l7! Commercial Furnishes Cash; C.SH LOANS S0 to $300 Auto Kurnltur Livestock Salary S50 to t500 Automohlles (paid (or or not) Private Snle of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals! Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. LIC. 8-251 N-2I l07No 8th Phone 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORYuNiTIES SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE 10,000 GALLON PER MONTH MODERN STATION ALTURAS, CALIFORNIA $2,000 INVENTORY CALL UNION OIL COMPANY ALTURAS CALIFORNIA 7781 OR KLAMATH FALLS 2-0438 S400 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting money from our B cent High Grade Nut machines In thlf area. No telling! To qualify for work yuu munt have a car. rctercnccH, SOIKJ cash aecured by Inventory. Dovot Ing 6 houre a week to buMno, your end on percentage of collections will not up to $400 monthly with very good ftnaiuhllltlea of taking over full tlmo. ncome Increasing accordingly. Kor In terview Include phone number In Ap plication to Box. 474 Herald and News. TAXI hiiatiicu, a cabs. S4.KHI ensh buya everything. I'm tired. Box 47u Herald Ncwa. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co, J. M. Bnrncs M, .1. Barnes Ph. 7059 Ph. 7991 SALK -Mnytnu washhis ' nuichlnt' wHh movw)ile Uxbn, Call JJ242. r.lNblTKUM nfNUINO nnd chronie cdRlriKH. Bftsln Dulldinffft Mntrrlnls. f7" j0"1 Sixth Slregl. Phone 2-2rH3. KOR SALE milllftryJccp lire. Brnnti ntw. SMffhlly dnmattcd. 700x13. Made offfr. Phone a-.HHO. tH. -KAI.L'. Oil Inn iprnnri n nMtn fair tnrrd In barn Walter Cane beer. FOH. SALE, Ford FerRitson Trnrlor In A-l nhnpe. L. O. Hodge, Malln, Ore FOR SALE. First nnd arrnnd cutting hy. Phone 7-U440jrvlclnke. FOR SALE. 14 tube WestinuhniiBP Con. nolo. Like new, Deat offer. Phone 5i)4 after 6 n. m. '6n SALE, loo ton good alfalfa. Phone IMI9. AUTOMOTIVE Al u ASHLEY'S I J K vV i SPECIAL vV vV A 1948-AUTOMOBILE Driven only 7,760 miles. Winterized and ready to go. This car is in top condition. FULL PRICE 1949 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE DLX. 2-DR Radio, air flow heater and defroster, grille and trunk guards. Low mileage and very clean. Priced at S1345. Down payment $450. $ c -86 Approximate monthly payments OO it 1950 FORD CUSTOM Radio and heater. Interior and exterior clean. Motor A-l. A top car at a steal u SPECIAL -I; hi 1 1950 G.M.C. V2 TON f Low mileage, good tires. A clean Pickup 1 r)Q r all the way through. Only I Z. J Ashley Chevrolet "Where Pieconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 023 Oak near So. 6th l5r AT DYE'S V We Believe These Are The BEST BUYS IN THE CITY! Every Car In Top Condition 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio, healer, tutonc. A beautiful car 1949 CHEVROLET Radio, heater. A real nice car 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN $i aq c Exceptionally clean. Compare this price with other '50 'r J Plymouths. 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Very clean. 1939 BUICK SEDAN " Has had exceptionally good OTHERS FROM $75 UP! IT PAYS TO SEE DYE BEFORE YOU BUY Open Sundays & Evenings 733 East Main Phone 9320 5 1 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE . ui .--t.t l ew mini; head ,ur font. oraumui nimrnl color dark brown had on only fnur times, l'j hour etch I'ire need cam to win tell cheap, ph. 2-naiia. 14 DA V rttCK Till A I. i Try the new Sunbeam Shavemaster a: 'home bef"-e vrn hu' Oniv S26 So. I RICKYS JEWELERS l 700 Stain fpo-e 3ni LSKU rUKNITliRE valuei can aiwiwa ! be found at Klamath Kurnlture Co. 221 ; Main. Phone S353. l B-INCH concrete culvert pipe, id cent : per loot. PEYTO.V t CO OIL storage tanka Peyton and Co Market. run SAi-r; tKl t'ln good allalfa hav Wn atnek. Could feed or chop to feed. .Don Macken S.E. of Malm on State ' "ir roao. Urtt SALK 40 t'iP-: bale;i alfalfa ha . ''-'ttcr. Tulelake. Phnne CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders Phone 2-1167 CRUSHED KOCK. Hhor.e 5M1. driveway cinders. FOLKS who like food with the taste. . .like to ihop at Johnny t nn Y Bakery, Merrill Lakeview Junc tion. LANDSCAPING. everRrcens. shrubt. and treei. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHOHE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42M GET YOim SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld r. a:if)l So. 6th. Phone 431ft. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash rectsten, desks, chairs, tiles for sale or rent PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY "g M am Phone 741 2 ELKCTHOLUX CLEANER and polishe'i ar.d supplies. Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweet. Ill Jjlarket FOR SALE gns "ranges. 710Maln St Greer Apts. Call at Manager's apart mcnt. RAILROAD WATCHES White they lasl w c nave a iiniiica numocr oi u-ea Hamilton, Elutn nnd Ball railroad watches 1n ftrt clrs condition. REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Phone 31 M BROKEN window gl.tss replaced. Kim- balls Class Shop. Phone 7:i7B. BEAUTY REST mattresses and box Kprintts, regular or twin size, extra length, extra width, regular or extra firm. MONTGOMERY WARH th and Pine. Ph. 31BS FOR SALK parts for 1040 Ford, dif ferential universal, drive shaft three wheel Phone 2-3020. M1RROHS resilvrred. new mirrors made to order. Kimballs Glass Shop Phone 7;i7H. save up to sioo: Floor models of Admiral refrigerator! at a big onvlns to you! Fully guar anteed. Eleven uiodrls. LUCAS FURNITURE in.'.E. Maln P. 3H24 FOR SAIE. NorRC Electric stove, Kir by vacuum cleaner, hlghchalr. Pliune :W47 between 0-0 p. m. WHY LIE SNOWBOUND? Hill Waivo power blade, hydraulic control. Prestone, chain1', $800. Econ- omv Wreckers. Phone (r,i4X MODEL Ml) Kirby, slightly usd. halt- price. I'hone iwm, FOH SALE or trndc. electric rnniie, vncuum cleaner. MiBcellnncous house hold Urmn '"""Bi'K Phone HI 41 . t.LAMOHENE rug cleaner now avntf ablo at HAFTER FURNITURE fllh nnd Klnmath. Klaninth Fiitis. jOre. WANT to" wreck or move corrugated building. Box 477 Herald and News. 55 AUfOMOflVE FOR SALE. Low mileage, i ton Chevrolet Pickup. L, D. Hodges. Malin, Oregon. FOR SALE. 1940 Chevrolet four door. Clcnn, nice looking, good rubber. Make an offfr. Pr,y .i-t4!)3. i ims 'IO BUY, four-wheel drive Jeeo Station wuBon. Phone 8313 after ft p.m 1H4I) Ford Club Coupe V-U. Radio and Heater. Good upholstering, very Rood rubber. In first class condition. $1225. Flovd A. Rocy Cnmnanv. Tulelake. CalitorniH. Phone 7-2072. WE KNOW It s Knowing; down our Used Car prices are fining! Read about II. E. Hauger'i $100 Clean.Out Sale on mis page. SED CARS $245 SPECIAL ft i 5-PASS. COUPE 1595 PICKUP Ph. 4113 $ 895 $1295 ? ? care. 445 295 SPECIAL 1947 STUDEBAKER Champ. Business Coupe S! 5845 ONLY Down payment $280 First monthly paynien: due March 10. KLAHN NASH Home of SELECT USED CARS! 006 So. 6lh Phone 3650 AT DYES' Here's a Real , SPEOAL! Think of being able to buy a '42 BUICK Convertible for only $495! Snappy green color, beau tiful red leather upholstery, white sidewall tires, radio, heater, tops mechanically, ALL FOR ONLY $495 It Pays To SEE DYE BEFORE YOU BUY 733 East Main Phone 9326 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Gsolanad For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your Internationa Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth nnd Klamath ?hone 2-2581 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS-CARS . GUARANTEED AS HEPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUK GMC DEALER 677 8 7th Phnnp 777 BUS SAHGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shaala Way and Arthur streets pnone wui'a 1130 OLDSMOUI1.E CLUB SKDAN "HH", Good conillllon. Call 6243 atlcr a p. m. Aa NEED i:ARS: Gel iod DrR'a now, Roae Motor Co 6th and Plum. WHY IVALKT DRIVE MORE MOTORS 303 B Main Phone 3579 Wo will eell .Your car (or You." We buy an.t trade' COMPLETE auto slaiut aervlce. Prompt, reanonable. Kimballa Glaas Shop, Phone 1370. c Directory OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES "Klamath's Only Directory That is Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week" AIR CONDITIONING fADE a HOI.LAND-222 Spring. Phone 3til0 Air Conditioning Heating-Ventiiat-ln Sheet Metal-Weldinf-Steei fabrica tion. ARCHITECTS PERRIN, HOWARD R. ARCHITECT A I. A. -Phone 84U7-U21 Main Street. AUTO DEALERS USED DRIVE MORE MOTORS Why walk? We buy, eell, trade or aell on eon fignment only the cleaneit, fineat. neweit. 302 Eaat Main. Phone 579. BAKERIES POLLY ANN BAKERY-! 19 North 8th Phone 7277-"Blrthday Cakei Our Spe cialty." VAC'S BAKERY "Special Occailon Cakea Made to Order." iHOO South 6th. Plune W.H. CAMERA SHOPS BUD'S PHOTO SERVICE loni Main Phone 3380. Everything Photographic Film Developing In by 10 a.m.. Out Dy 4 p. m. I.NDEHWOOD'S CAMERA SHOP 727 Mi,ln" Phone 70fl1. Leading Lrand Photographic Suppliea. Expert Photo Finishing Rmtcratt Greeting Cards. CHINA-SILVERWARE RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Phone 3IS1 "Home of ramoua Brands." I-'mox-Plcttard - Hoyal York Royal Doulton Wed-Lok - Corham - Wallace -Kirk Towle - Lunt - international CLEANERS-DYERS CHAPMAN CLEANERS Phone 7026 East Main Pick up and Deliver HOWARD S CLEANERS - P2S East Main Phone 9389. "In At 10 a m.. Out it 5 p m." KLAMATH CLEANERS "Klamath's Oldest and Finer;" 431 Main, Phone 7 1 B2 NEW MITHOD CLEANERS 1451 Es planade. Phone 4471. "For Particular People." CLOTHING NEW AND USED THE CLOTHES MART 125 South 3th Phone 3364. Clothing For Ail! Hand Made Gifts CLUBS TAVERNS 11NY TAVERN S. W. "Perk" Perk ins, W. E. "Bill" Mathes. "Acres of Parking- "Mallory'a Big Y" " DRUG STORES CASTLEBERRY'S DRUGS P. D Mead Prop Drugs. Prescriptions. Sundries. 5.10 Main Phone 3133. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES LAST SIDE APPLIANCE Bob Roh bins - Dewey Randolph. Owners. 633 Klamath Phone 8886. "Your Friendly We'tinghouse Dealer." , MERIT'S Sales and Service Maytag. Phllco - Serve! - Ironrlte Hamilton Necchl. 60S South th Phone 2-3429. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS EAST SIDE ELECTP.IC-25 Klam.lth. Phone 3184. Industrial Wiring and Sup: phes ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRIC HEATER SALES CO. Car rot Colvin. Owner. 623 Pine Phone 3 3221 ELECTRIC LIGHTING VAN FLEET ELECTRIC 2nd and Main Phone 4413. Modern Electric Lighting Fixtures. FARM MACHINERY CRATER LAKE MACHINERY CO. Catersillar - John Deere. Phone 2-2544 FLOWER SHOPS CHARLIE MACK'S KLAMATH FLOW ER SHOP 1211 Main. Phone 41.U. Memher FTD. KOHN'S FLOWER AND GIFTS Bill and Rita DePew. Phone 8173. 430 Main. FURNITURE KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. 221 Main Phone 5353. Willard Hotel Build Inc GROCERS MARKETS COMMUNITY GROCERY 1040 Ea. Main. Phone 5636. Free Delivery. Fresh Veeetables. Meats. GRIGGS SUPERIOR FOODS Three Stores Klamath Falls - Merrill - Stew art Lennox. $100 $100 SAVE, 100 USED CAR CLEANOUT SALE? BANG! ! ! We're off to a Banner 1952 Buick Year! We Absolutely Must Make Room For '52 Trade-Ins O o Sale Continued! Through January 31 WE WILL SELL ANY OF OUR USED CARS AT A PRICE $ 1 00 BELOW LOCAL OPS CEILING THESE MUST GO!- BUICKS (Specials, Supers, Roadmasters) CHEVROLETS PONTIACS OLDSMOBILES FORDS PLYMOUTHS 11950 PACKARD . - 11951 STUDEBAKER . ... 11949 CHEVROLET'3 TON PICKUP o o o o o o An exceptionally wide variety of year models, the quality of which is, frankly surprising. ' THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE $100! LIBERAL TRADES! H. E. HAUGER o o o o USED to- Main at Broad , $100 $100 THE HERALD AND NEWS ified ass GET THE HABIT Read and Use THIS CLASSIFIED SERVICE Your Weekly Guide to Klamath's Progressive . Merchants ft GUNSMITHS RALPH'S GUN SHOP 4820 South 6th. Phone 4273. Authorized Winchester and Remington Gunsmith. INSURANCE GENERAL DRISCOLL AND PADGETT Fire Auto - Farm - 206 William Building. Phnne 7313. JOHNSON M. L. 26 Yean In One Block. Associates; Grayce Eaton - Bob Cauaemaker. 434 Main. Klamath Falls, Oregon. JEWELERS HARWINS "A Jewelry Store of Out standing Values." 701 Main. Phone 8821 J C. REN IE. JEWELER 1010 Main Phone 4G06. Watch. Clock & Jewelry Repairing. Diamond Sett in?. Engraving Orange Blossom Diamond Rings. Ham llton - Elgin & Wyler Watches. RlC'KVb -"Home of Famous Brands The finest name in Watches. Diamonds Silver. China ana Err-l Appliances. Lenox-Pickard - Royal Yor . V-d-Lok Gorham - Wallace Kirk - .. Towle - Lunt - Rolex - Bulova - Ham ilton Elgin - Art Carved Speldel - In ternational and many others. Rickys Jewelers. Certified Gemologists Reg istered Jeweler. 700 Main Street. LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICE BOBS SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY 1711 Main Phone 9234. Kenmore Auto matics. MASSAGES MASSAGE Natural hot water mineral baths. Ooen evenlte. Phnne 8405. Au.CMonvb $100 $100 CAR DEPARTMENT $100 $100 MOVING AND STORAGE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Phone )4ilS 1425 South 0th. Moving - Local - Long Distance, storage - HH Goods Furnl lure. Agents Beklna. ORNAMENTAL IKON HOWIE BROS Pre-Kut Ornamental Iron . Fences and Railings 2357 South eth. Phone 4382. PHOTOGRAPHERS PHOTOS BY CUDERtAN 1125 tfaln Phone 3-2701. Commercial - Portraits Aerial - Copying - Picture; Framing uutoronni. KERKBEE STUDIO In UTS National Hank Building. Phone 3352. "Worth while Photography at Reasonable Prices." PIANO DEALERS KYLE MORGAN PIANOS 1035 Main. Baldwin pianos, organs: Selmer-Holton band instruments; piano tuning: pianos, band Instruments for rent, Phn 2-0200. LOUIS R MANN PIANO CO. 126 North 7th. One of Largest Stocks Lead ing Make Pianos In West. Hammond Organ - Solovox. Rental Sale. Plan. PLUMBING G. C. MOTLEY-812 Klamath. Phone 6618. Plumbing . Heating - Sheet Metal. PUMPS GARRISON EQUIPMENT COMPANY -Merrill-Lakevlew junction. Jacuzzi pumps and water systems. Sales and, aervlres. Phone 7312. RADIATOR SERVICE KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 1501 South 6th. Phone 6042. Eves. 6667. RADIO STATIONS KFLW American Broadcaatlng Co, "Tops In radio listening!" 1450 ea your dial. RESTAURANTS CAFES BARNEY'S CHAT-N-NIBBLE Et th famous BAR-NEE-BURGER. Horn made Plea. 1319 Esplanade. Dial 3-2406. SAW FILING BODENHAMER SAW SHOP 351 East Main. Sales and Service. Lawnmowers. BSA. Motorcycles. All tews and Tools SAWS POWER McC U LLOCH SAW SHOP T McCutloch Chain Saw Mies, partia 025 Mark t St. Phnne 85 SEED STORES MURPHEY'S SEED STORE "Seeds That Grow.' 834 Klanunh. Phone 3443. f SECOND HAND STORES COFER'S EXCH A NGE Roland Cofef. Owner. 819 Klamath. Phone Phone 7160.. "House of 1001 Bargains" New and Used. SERVICE STATIONS RALPH'S MOBIL SERVICE litis and Klamath. Phone 0422. Auto Repair ing Motor tune-up Mobtlgas Mobil' oil "Complete Line Accessories." SEWING SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main. Phone 2-2513. Complete Line of No tions SHEET METAL PADE & HOLLAND 222 Spring Phone 3610. Stainless Steel. Flue Ex tensions - Kitchen Ventilators. SHOE REPAIR ED'S SHOE SHOP Tom Dunn, Phon 60211022 Main St. QUALITY SHOE REPAIR 912 Main Street. Phone 8702. Expert Repairing. SHOE STORES MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes for En tire Family. Featuring Natural tier Koblee - Buster Brown. 717 Main. Fnone 7363. VAN ORMAN'S "Klamath Falls New est Family Shoe Store." Trim-Tred Poll Parrot - Rand - Star Brand. A27 Main. S&H GREEN STAMP STORES BROADWAY CLEANERS 4535 South 6th Phone 6403. "For Those Who Care " $100 $100 $ w o o SAVE' o o o o o o o o o o o o Phone 5151 $100 $100 ' $ i