HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 2fl, 1052 PAGE TEN L MARKETS and FINANCIAL Slow Pine Activity Pace Continues PORTLAND Wl The Western Pine Association reported Friday that the slow pace ol lumber ac tivity continued In the week ended Jan. 18 with a further drop-oil from the previous week. Comparative figures. In board feet with the final three leros omitted, for last week, previous Week and yoar ago, In that order: Orders: 511,727; 66,140; 88,096. Shipments: 45,249 : 50,201; 76,481. Production: 42,056; 43,175 ; 67, 690. Stocks Stay In Steady Groove NEW YORK Wl With very lit tle excitement, the stock market ambled through a routine Satur day session along a fairly nar row price path. Changes extended to between 1 and 2 points on the downside and went up between 2 and S polnta the other way. Those were the prac tical extremes. The bulk of the list held changes to fractions. The volume of business came to an estimated 700.000 shares which compares with 730,000 shares traded a week ago. Aircrafts and radio-televisions were ahead most of the day, but the rest of the market took no Inspiration from their action. Quotations Br The Associated Press Admiral Corporation 26 H Allied Chemical Allies Chalmers S3 V American Airlines 15 American Power & Light 22 H American Tel. - Tel. 155 4 American Tobacco 64 v. Anaconda Copper 54H Atchison Railroad 78 Bethlehem Steel 51 Boeing Airplane Co. 50 Vi ; Borg Warner 64 . Burroughs Adding Machine 17 ! California Packing 27 i Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison ' Consolidated Vulte Crown Zellerbach, Curtlss Wright . Douglas Aircraft - duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia, Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire ' Homes take ining Co. International Harvester International Paper .Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft : Loew's Incorporated ' Long Bell A ; Montgomery Ward ; Nash Kelvinator . New York Central Northern Pacific Pclfic American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. Tel. ' Packard Motor Car : Penny (J. C.) Co. Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio '. Radio Corporation . Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel , Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Ine ' Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck si Co. ' Socony-Vacuum Oil ' Southern Pacific . Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J. Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamerica Corp. 4 Twentieth Century Fox ' Union Oil Company ' Union Pacific United Airlines . United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company 36 50 V, vi 69 112 33 18 56 M 9 61 89 4 H 14Hi 59y4 43 '-i 51 46V 35 V, 35 48 70 92ft 8 H 23 17 V. 64 14 19 SO V 62 17 V 35 110 4 70 19 9 V 28 74 24 y, 65, 43 64 'A 59 y. 31 53 Vt 56 40 y, 63 54 , 84 ny4 344 23, 19 4oy, 114 Y 32 33 5 y, 33 y 40 15 44 y 26 y, 38 . 44y4 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO If) Hogs, cattle and sheep were quoted nominally steady on the livestock market Saturday. In the hog section barrows and gilts wound up the week 10 to 15 cents lower while sows finished steady to 25 cents down. Order buyers took fewer hogs than in the previous week. The Agriculture De- fiartment said the unsettled packer abor situation appeared to be less 01 a factor in the trade than in the . previous week. In the cattle pens, offerings of choice medium weight and heavy steers increased this week. Eastern fiackers found it necessary to make arger orders for cattle at Chicago as a result of storm curtailed re ceipts at most other markets. Slaughter steers and heifers closed unevenly 60 cents to $150 higher. Slaughter lambs closed the week steady to 50 cents higher. Heavier weight wool skins, clipped lambs and fed yearlings held steady. Potatoes 1950 51 1951-92 52 27 . 756 670 0998 6379 January 28 ... Month to data Saion to data INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE Listed, InaetiTe, Unlisted and Over-the-Coanter beads and Sleeks. Investment Fande tat Mad-Den. Bid it. Phone -M KLAMATH FALLS WHOLESALE LUMBER EXECUTIVE We are a substantia!, well-rated, wholesale plywood distributor In the process of establishing a wholesale lumber division. We are looking for a wholesale lumber executive to aet up this division and to take complete charge of all purchasing and aalea. The man we are looking for should be well experienced In wholesale lumber buying and selling with ex. tensive mill and cuatomer contacts. We feel that we are offering the properly qualified man m permanent position which will carry him Into high Income bracketa. Midwest Plywood Company 10101 Lyndon Detroit 21, Michigan Texas 4-8000 Wide Buying Ups Price Of Grains CHICAGO (41 Prices rose on the board of trade Saturday largely because of one sudden burst of large-scale buying near the end of the first hour. After that, the mar ket proceeded at a normal pace, slipping back only slight from the earlier highs. Overnight announcement by the Agriculture Department of quite a substantial drop in grain stocks on Jan. 1 as compared with a year ago was one factor in the advance. Wheat closed 4-1 higher, Mar. $2.58 -H; corn 4 to 1 cent higher, Mar tl BO 3. ' 7. nau .l 1 hlnhar Mar. 91 V,-!; rye 1 Vi-2 14 higher, j May Yr"2i soyoeans 1 'i-i -4 higher, Mar. $2.99-2.99 4, and lard 28 to 38 cents a hundred pounds mgner, Mar. jn.oo. WHEAT Open High Low Close Mar 258 y4 2.59 2.58 i 2.58 a May im z.as t s a.55 July 2.48 H 2.49 H 2.47 T 2.48 N, Dec. 2.52 253 252 2.52 ?, San Francisco Livestock SAN FRANCISCO Wl (USDA) Potatoes: 9 cars on track; no re ceipts; no sales. LOS ANGELES (USDA1 Potatoes: 49 cars on track; ar rivals, Florida, 1, California, 2, Idaho 8; no sales. Weather Western Oregon Partly cloudy with scattered light showers Sat urday. Rain late Saturday night and Surday. Little temperature cnange. Highs Doth days 45 to 55, Low Saturday night 35 to 45. South easterly winds of 15 to 25 miles an hour off the coast, increasing to 30 to 45 miles an hour with gusts to 50 miles an hour Saturday night and Sunday. Eastern Oregon A little rain in lower levels and snow in higher levels Saturday. Partly cloudy and colder Saturday night. Increasing cloudiness Sunday with rain or snow ay afternoon or evening. Highs both days 30 to 40 low Sat urday night 15 to 25. Northern California Clearing Saturday but, a few showers ex treme north and snow flurries in the mountains. Fair Saturday night and Sunday. Local fog Sunday with cloudiness increasing in afternoon and rain Sunday night extreme north coast. Cooler Saturday night. Westerly winds of 10 to 20 miles an hour off the coast, becoming southwesterly or southerly Sunday. Grants Pass and vicinity Part ly cloudy Saturday. Rain late Sat urday mgnc ano sunaay. men Sat urday 49. Low Saturday night 36. By The Associated Press For twenty four hours to 4:30 a.m. max. Baker 38 Bend 43 Mill. 27 32 43 '31 35 Eugene 49 Klamath Falls La Grande . Lakeview Medford .. North Bend Ontario Pendleton Portland Roseburg ...37 -.41 44 55 37 ...28 35 47 . 32 23 34 46 40 36 24 49 50 36 48 49 39 24 .42 54 .46 Salem Boise Chicago - - Denver Eureka Los Angeles New York Red Bluff San Francisco Seattle Spokane : 39 ...53 .5t ...62 39 -51 56 51 32 - On Iha fimuJl ; BIRTHS CASTE LLENOS Bom at Klamath Valley Hospital, Jan. 25, 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Castellenoa. Chlloquin. Ore. a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 8'i ounces. DECREES GRANTED Betty L. Prather va. Paul K. Prather. Charlei W. Adams Vf. Agnes Adams. Janet D Waybrant vs. Jack P. Way brant. Carter Tire Co. vs. West-Hitchcock Corp. Sydney B. Clauson vs. Richard Clau son. Dorothy E. Whitman vs. VirgU Z. Whitman. ASSUMED BUSINESS NAME SUBURBAN DRUG CO. 13950 S. 6th ?t.i Harry R. Waggoner. 2431 Cor allis St. and Allen M. Urban, 1607 Crescent St. j DISTRICT COURT R. H. Souders, violation wage and hour law. Fine $150 and costs, S100 suspended, S2S paid. R. H. Souders, vloiaUon wage and hour law. Dismissed. Alvin I. Barton, drunk on highway. Dismissed. Alvin L. Barton, driving under ln- iiuence. Lnsmissea. Edward L. Whitney, failure stop at siup sign, rine af.ou. Roger C. Morrow, no vehicle license. Dismissed. Donald E. Freeman, no vehicle 11. cense. Fine S7.SO. Ray F. Wegner, no operator's li cense. Fine aa. Robert L. Averett. no vehicle lleensa. Fine 17,50. Leroy T. Pennington, no license tabs. Fine 3. Betty N. Boyd, no vehicle license. Fine 3. Ralph L. Dlbattista. failure to ston at stop sign, rine o. uonaia A. Anderson, no venicle li cense. Fine $5. MUNICIPAL COURT Wilfred A. Dougherty, drunk and dis orderly. Fine 23 or 12 ',4 days. Howard Jim, vagrancy. Fine S1O0 or 30 days. Augustine Smith, drunk and disorder ly. Fine 150 or 25 days. Jimmy Chocktoot Jr.. drunk and dis orderly. Fine 150 or 29 days. Leroy Garrison, drunk. Pleaded not guilty. Bond 1100. Jacqueline Scott, vagrancy. Fine $100 and 30 days. KWt I ' s f A :-; .0). i . i 11 1 DALE CUNNINGHAM, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cunningham, Wall Street, has completed boot train ing at San Diego and has been sent to Jacksonville, Fla., for training. He is a graduate of Klamath Union High School with the class of 1950 and enlisted Octo ber 8 of last year in the navy. Miller-Brumbaugh Moore Park Ski Tow In Operation Mechanical end of skiing at Moore Park over the weekend Is under control, according to Bob Bonnev. city recreation director. The ski tow will be operating Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Bonney said, at price of $1.25 per day or 10 cents a ride. Bonney said he didn't know what condition the snow would be In for skiing with advent of worm weaUier. Keno Squares Change Meet Site Site of the square dance ses sion of Keno Promenaders, open only to club members, has been changed. The affair was originally slated to be held tonight at the Keno school gym, but will be held at the Keno Community Hall. Gun Club Grounds In Good Shape Snow-removing work at the Klamath Gun Club's Wocus range has made conditions perfect for tomorrow's regular shoot. Club Pres. Vern Moore announced this morning. , The shoot starts at 10:30 a.m.. said Moore, who also urged the puoiic to attend. tech., fatMW&T'f .fa 1 if !'r 'ft '" '"'iff oquin By DARLENE WOLFF Three youngsters are going to be prizewinners for selling the most tickets for the March of Dimes Deneut dance on Jan. 26 at the old gym. On Sunday night the monthly family night was held at the Meth odist Church with a pbtluck dinner at 6 p.m. followed by group sing ing, several solo musical numbers and a round table discussion. For the remainder of the year the monthly meetings will be held on the second Sunday evenings as fewer holidays come at that time of the month. The newest beaming grand parents in Chiloquin are Mr. and airs wiuiam trieDe. frieoe s daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Page of Fort Klamath became parents of a boy, their first child, last week. Mr. Albred B. Castel Jr. and ehil- dren Lana and Keith, were expec ed this weekend on a two-weeks visit from Portland to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Albert. Castel is on a training mission in Arizona for a month and his family de cided to spend part of that time here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greear were in town overnight on Wednesday from their new location with Her cules in Tionesta, Calif. Barbara Gibbons is home from Cbemawa Indian School near Salem. Barbara is cheerleader at school this year and Is the daugh ter of Mrs. Rena Gibbons. Pioneer Community By VERA CLEM.MANS Mrs. L. P. Zarosinski Is recov ering from pneumonia, she has been ill for some time. Her two sons, Eddie and Donald who are attending OSC were here to visit. Air. and Mrs. Steve Moss were guests at dinner Saturday evening wiw mr. ana mrs. uramnau. David E. Griffith made a busi ness trip to Yreka last Wednes day returning on Friday to the W. L. Frain ranch where he Is employed. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Baker spent Sunday at the R. E. Hurlbert home Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dow are spending some time here from their home at Bandon, Ore. They were former residents of this area. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sohrakoff and family were called to San Francisco bv the death nf Mr Sohrakoff's mother. His mother had visited here many times. The heavy snow in the past week has kept all the residents busv digging out through the drifts. Some of the drifts are as high as the fence posts. The birds, quail and pheasants are really suffer ing from the deep snow. Many of the residents are feedlntr them. Thn largest flock that I have seen feed ing are mose Deing lea by Mrs. Brownell. Thev are reallv a heanri. ful sight. The J. W. Kerns nr still n. Joying the nice warm climate at rnoenlx, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Frnln at. tended to business In Klamath Falls on Wednesday. BIRTHDAY NEW YORK Wl Gen. Dnutr. las MacArthur observes his 72nd birthday Saturday stepping from one controversial year to another. He will celebrate his birthday his first In the United States since before World War II with a pri vate dinner party Saturday night for former staff officers. The general, who is suffering a slight case of laryngitis, planned no other engagements for the day. It .Happened This Way in New Pine Creek By 1KVIN FAUIS wiirwl The win' blow and It " snowed I Perhaps you hetird II? 1 1 well, niiywuy n n.-u v w tell of in such a neico, persistent manner since wav back In '89 and '90. We've had something! The old tune recollectors rellccl. "an' you never hud to pay any itttcntion to fences. If vou took a notion to go some place yah Just wen! light over tile top of cm as if 'n'er weren't any It 'as packed so gol denied hnrdl" And you can believe thorn now 'cause fences aro already engulfed In snow and apparently the win ter is youim yet anything can happen. The approximate SO inch blanket of loose snow that's hero now ready and a-wnitln' for the wind's fearful tricks, can become mlglitv pliant "and precariously gutu-chewed in the teeth of n 60 mile gale. Why llmt'd make a mountain out of a mole hill and you can be right squelched In the center of It if you should get to mcandorlir and let It strike you broad side off vour pins. Only early last Sunday morning, the lev fingers of deatlt clutched with winter's grip when Spencer Stribllng, about 50 years of age v.s dt:g out of the snow dead up on the south lull ruud out of Willow Ranch, about a 100 yards from the cntlleguurd. near the dumpgrounds there. Sort ol a mys tery shrouds his demise, in that his head, according lo reliable re port, was either hit or run over with a car. His body when found that morning was still pliable, in dicating he had not been dead so very long. He was presumed to have lit out a-foot, for his home two or three miles distant over on Lassen Creek, leaving the Willow Ranch Pool Hall at somewhere near mid night when the weekend blizzard was at Its worst. He was found by "Red" Dodd. Ray Bishop's hired man. Constable Ross Harris was notified and he called the sheriff and coroner at Alturas. It is believed that Stribllng either died of a heart attiu-k and fell in the road or fell exhausted from fighting the fierce, headon bllzznrd up the long gradual hill. Then while thus down was soon buried in the fnst drifting snow. A car could have come along while his body was thus obliterated, and the oriver, Dareiy ante to see to drive anyway, could easily have hit him or ran over him, totally unaware of the fact. Stribling was a fuel monkey at the Willow Ranch Co. mill where he has been employed for a num ber of years. Winter's icv under-footin? u-ns Hirobably responsible for another saa mishap last Saturday morn ing, jan. i, wnen Raymond Cook, local rancher who has been leas ing the Nally Green place up at the head of the lake for the past few years, received a quadruple broken left leg. The accident occurred when he Jumped astride a horse, bareback and was attempting to put a con trary critter of a cow In through a gate or door of the barn Hli horse whirled, trying lo head off the obstinate brute, when it lost traction with all four feet and came down bodily on Raymond's left leg. He was taken to the Lake view Hospital where he Is under going medical care. The case Is the more poignant in view of the fart tht th, .i,. he leases was sold recently to Neal Elliot, an adloininir rnnphpr and Cook has been looking for an other place to lease ever since where he can take his nicr mtio start of about forty head of cattle and continue to make a livlnir with them. We regret hearing of me moment very mucn and ex tend to him our fullest sympathies. arl Sanford'a recently ririiiH cold water well turned out to be warm water one that doesn't freeze in the winter and hereby is ideal for year 'round stock water. The nutrffet in th u-pii ie tMc. the possibility of artesian ril,r le imminent where there's hot water. By drilling down a little deeper gush! Ginger Lee. a fi nound hnh ih was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robnett the morning of Jan 7. Both mother and child are OOTig fine even if that Joyous Old Bird, Storky, did Dredatn thn n,k,. little. He Just simply outfoxed the shower committee completely, who had a nice shower all unt fm- Juanita, about two weeks ago but which bogged down in two to three feet of snnur that nlnucoH 'he way to the Robnett home. me snower was posponed for a week or two. Meantime, Tricky Storky "fowled" up the social event but something will eventual ly develop and all elther-wav-crmo can be more specifically directed to the little girl. Richard was a lucky fellow. They had been snowed In tight down there up until the night before. The county au me um norm ana soutn high way plowed out up to their corner but got thp eaulnmpnt. atiir.r ln thn heavily drifted east west three mock stretch between Robnett's and town. On the emergency run Richard was able to get out by a four mile circuitous route to get to the highway right here in town only three blocks away, and on to Lakeview. About 20 persons attended Grange last Saturday evening In spite of the blizzarding night and I guess everyone got home safely after It let out about 1:30 a.m. At least everyone got as far as their gates and everyone had their fingers crossed until they got inside their doors. Thf-re were only four absentees on the staff of officers who were to be Installed so the assemblage present went ahead with the more- or - less Informal Installation cere monies. Garland Cundiff, overseer, Mrs. Alpha Hartzog, chaplain; Fred Fisher, treasurer, and Anno Mae Fisher, lady assistant stew ard, were about the only officers absent. John Richardson was in stalled as master. A special invitation was read from the Vallev Falls Grnnee in. vltlng the East- Side Grange to at tend the dedication of the Valley Falls Grange Hall on Saturday night, Jan. 28. Several local grang ers are planning to accept the in vitationweather permitting. Howard Wells skied up from Falrport to church last Sunday morning. He Is our local wood man. Recently he was breezing along up the slippery highway from Willow Ranch with a nice big load of wood when all of a sudden his truck cut some fancy capers, slid side-long off the road j and turned over, scattering wood promiscuously about. Characteristic of (he natives here in the valley, when Carrol Cloud who was feeding his slock over in an atliitcent field. whnt hail happened, he unhitched his tractor from his bobsled, grabbed a tow caoie at the burn then went out to lite highway and pulled Howard back on his wheels. Apparently nothing was broken or damttged so Wells gathered up his scattered load and went whistl ing along his way thankful that he lived In God's country where people can cheerfully take time out to neip a neighbor In distress. Then too there might be some thing to that old saying, "It pays to live right." Mr. and Mrs. Kellon Vincent. snowed out of their Fan Dunuo ranch home, spent the first three weeks at the Charlie Vincent home after their son. Vernon Edy's birth. For the past week they have been staying with us here so we get to see all sides of the little ctitle and, strangely enough whatever he does outside uf Just being sweet and cute, Is never held against him. Those littlo fellows can Just get away with murder and you love them Just the same. Eric Uriiham who has long since passed away, was all SV, con struction engineer, stationed for years about eight miles above where the City of San Francisco was marooned ln the high Sierras. He helped build and maintain most of the 40 miles of snow sheds that used to cover that area where the famous streamliner got over- wneituea wttn Heavy snow. He saw those same sheds torn down to make that stretch of railway moro scenic and to allow for double tracking. The removal of those sheds met with his strong disap proval and he said, "There'll come a day when they'll need tluy-sn sheds." So there came a dtiv when those sheds were needed. By coincidence thut streamliner "City of S.F." was number 103. the samo train with the same num ber as the streamliner that was wrccicca by Winter s blast over In Wyoming a month or two ago. Mrs. Russell Martin, nf nilr vi. clnlty. was aboard that train and escaped Injury and death, but her whole trip seemed luckless as far as transportation goes, from the start. She was held up a week In Ogden on her homeward Journey and has been snowbound In Reno for the past week but she should be in Alturas or home now. as the first mall in several days reached Alturus from Susanvillo yesterday and that was where the main tic- uu nits oecn lately. Sylvester Gallaoher. an ntrf penenced hand ln the service sta- nu.i uu.miicss an a native, has tnken over the management of Pat's Service Station. The nlnre once did a nice business but It has suffered at the instance of change changing hands so many times ....I iv una ueconie run down In stock and equipment. But Sniiv is, the fellow who can nut the puice back In shape and he is en Joying the undertaking. More pow- Plans are beginning to form In rogurd to the March of Dimes uancc that will be held at the Grange Hall on February 9th. The committee In charge with Earl Butler as chnlrman. wants to make this a big affnlr for the proceeds therefrom will be sdIU tun unv half to Modoc and half to the Loke County Morch of Dimes drive. The dance has already been given an- luuiiceineni. over tne Alturas radio station and Ray Bleber of Nallev'a specialty truck service has contri buted a gallon of sliced pickles and a case of potato chips for this benefit which his organization Is behind. Only by visualizing whnt It would be If your own child should suddenly become afflicted with this oread maUdy of polio, can one best understand the importance of raising this money ln a huge mass for the collective safe-guarding of our children. So reserve this date on your cal endar for a "New Pine Creek special" night of merriment. There win be good music. Sherman Anderson and Jimmy Vincent will be open for buslnoss soon, setting up a cabinet and fur niture shop in Jimmy's old house at the head of the Raymond Fish er lane. The two young men have whetted their skills In this particu lar type of work and will special ize in uu types ol cabinet work. They intend to handle all kinds of hardwoods and other rarewoods and eaulD themselves to take care of any custom Inlay work. They explain the reason they are set ting up a snop at tnis location Is that at present It Is about the onlv available place where they can be gin work immediately. As time wears on and If their Infant busi ness shows favorable possibilities like It would grow Into a healthy maturity, they plan to secure a location here In town, build them selves a shop of the material and dimensions best suited to develop their new found enterprise. Here is hoping the boys make it. Funeral I1IMKS The body of Luella Gertrude Hlmes, who died here Jnn. ID. 1052 wai for warded via Southern Pacific to Peel's Mortuary. I.uk, Wyo.. for final rites and Interment. Ward's Klamath Fu neral Home in charge of the arrange ments. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY , the Matter nf thn F.AtAt nt In mrtKUAMET Jjacey, Deceflned, Notice Is hereby given thnt I hnve been appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of MnrtTnrrt Lacey, deceased. All periom having claim a ten in it nnid estate are required to present them to me, with proper vouchers, at the office of Cannnjr & Ganonjr, 724 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six montna from January in. I0M, which Is the date of first publication of this notice. Wm. Ganong, Administrator Canong & Ganong Attorneys for Administrator J-10-26 F-2-0 No, B01 NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of HERMAN SCHMOR, Deceased. Notice U hereby gfveiT that 1 have been appointed Executor of the estate of Herman Schmor, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are required to present them to me, with proper vouchers, at the office of Ganong St Ganong, 724 Main Street, wlihln six months from January 10, IM2. which Is the date of first pub lication of this notice. Henry Schmor, Jr., Executor Ganong At Ganong Attorneys for Executor J-10-2S F-2-9 No. 600 Legal Notice HESni.UTION NO. 4HT A RESOLUTION URl'LAHINCl THE INTENTION or THE COMMON COUNCIL OF CITY or KLAMATH FA 1.1 .5. OMRUON. TO WIOKN THK VVVm AND LOWER PAVED ROAD WAYS ON I'AL'iriC TERRACE FROM WHKHK IT INTKMHrHTtt ALAMEDA HTItEET TO WIIKItE IT INTKUMRt'TS LOWELL STREET: DECLAIM NO AND UIHIU TINU L Fit TAIN ffTKI'H TO ME TAKKN IN CONNECTION THERE WITH: SAID PROJECT TO HE KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO. 114. WHEREAS, the City Engineer, pur suant to a resolution of lite L'oinmtm Council heretofore adopted, having (llvtl plans, specif lea I ion ami eaiimairs lr Hie cost of limiruvltig, Pacific Terrace from where It UilorHMMt Alameda Street tn where tt Intersects Lowell Street, by widening lite upper ami lower nvd roadways thereon: and the Council flndlna the sattl ninns. aiiei'i- ( de I Inn and est Una tea satisfactory for Mid projfH't wliU'ii shall lw known as Improvement Unit No, 114; THERE FORE, HE IT RESOLVED DY THE COM MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, DULY ASSEMR1.ED IN HEUULAH SESSION AS FOLLOWS) Sectlun I. That said plans, specifications and estimate for the Improvement o( Mlri fin rt Inns of said street, therefore filed lereln by the City Engineer, I and the same are hereby approved, and said project shall be known as im provement Unit No. 114 That the Common Council of the City of Klamath rails, Oregon, hereby declares Its Intention to Improve said portions of said streets In accordance with the plans, specifications and es timates as follows: TYPE "C" To consist of widening the upper and lower paved roadwave on Pacific Terrace from the south easterly line of Lowell Street to the northeasterly line of Alameda with sis Inches of Cement Concrete Pavement, together with combination cement con crete curb and antler. The overall width ftir widening each roadway Is four feet and will be toward the center parking strip thereby reducing the width of said narking strip. TYPE "K"- To ciiuaUt of widening the upper and lower paved roadway, on Pacific Terrace from the south easterly line of Lowell Street to the northeasterly line of Alameda with five Inches of Asphalt Concrete Pavement, together with combination cement cn crele curb and gutter. The overall width for widening each roadway U four feet and will be toward the cen ter parking atrip thereby rviluctng the width o( Mtld parking strip. TYPE "C" and "E" A combination of type- set mil In "C" and "K" Immediately above defined, with llm. Hallous as therein stated. The type chosen to le mixed and placed In accord with the plans and peciflcatlons of the City Engineer on file therefor. The estimated cost of all classes of itnprovemenls embracing all work and materials (or the complete Improvement of said project for each type of pavement being as follows: Type "C"- -Cement concrete pave ment SM.040 ho Type ' E - Asphalt concrete pve merit 47.3iU 71 TYPE Combination Of "C" and "E" pavements 007.24 Said estimates Include engineering, supervision, advertising, clerical as sistance, attorney's fee and unforeseen contlngcnces. Section II. ' That the property lying within the boundaries hereinafter described be and the same is hereby declared to he benefited by the said improvement, to wit: Beginning at the most northerly cor ner or lot I. block II llllla.de Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, thence southwesterly along the south eajterly line of Lowell St. ISO ft. to the northeasterly line of the alley in said Block B. thence southeasterly and parallel to Pacific Terrare thru blocks m 13, and IB in said Hillside Addition, blocks 33 to 42 inclusive In Hotiprlngt Addition to the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon to the northeasterly line of Alameda: thence southeasterly along northeasterly line of Alameda to the southeast corner of lot 7 Hlock 1. Wll. Hams Addition lo the City of Klamath Fails. Oregon: thence northerly along the line between Iota ft and 7 of block I. of said Williams Addition, to the north line of said block 1: thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of Haskings St. being 100 ft, north ensterly of and parallel to the north easterly line of Pacific Terrace and continuing northwesterly and parallel to Pacific Terrace along the north, easterly boundary line of said Hot springs Addition to Del Mora St.: ihenre continuing northwesterly and parallel to Pacific Terrare thru blocks 17. 14 and 7 of said Hillside Addition tn the south line of VanNese Ave . thence southwesterly along last said line tn it Intersection with the north easterly property line of Pacific Ter race, thence: southwesterly across Pa cific Terrace to the point nf leginning That alt the property included in the aforesaid boundaries above described be and the same is hereby declared to be benefited by said Improvement and assessed fr the expenses thereof. Section III. That Monday the tnth. . of February, 10.12, at the hour of 7 30 P M at the Council Chamber of the City Hall in Klamath Falls, Oregon, be and Is here by fixed aa the time and plare for hearing of objections and remon. st ranees against said proposed im provement. Section IV. That the Police Judge be and ht Is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of such hearing lo he unllshed as Drovlded by the Cltv Charter of said City and shall publish this resolution as proviucu uy law. ana within five days after the first Dupli cation thareof the City Engineer shall cause to be conspicuously posted at each end of the line of contemolated Improvement aurh notice as la provided for by law and ordinance. Passed by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 21st day of January, 1032. Presented to the Mayor and by him anproved nn-l signed this 22nd dav of January, 19.12. ROBERT A. THOMPSON Mnyor ATTEST: HOMERT M. ELDER Police Judge STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF KLAMATH, SS, CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, I, Robert M. Elder, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and fore- foing Is a true copy of a resolution nt reduced and adopted by the Com mon Council of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon at Us regular meet' held on Monday the 21st day of Jan uary, 19.12, and thereafter approved and signed by the Mayor. ROFIERT M. ELDER Police Judge J-24-2.V26--28.20-30-31 F-l-2-3 No. 885 NOTICE OF BOND SALE Seated proposals will be received by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for the pur chase of sewer Improvement bonds, Series 02, aggregating. Four Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-two and .13-100 Dollars, f4,.122.3.1 duly authorized by ordinance of the said City of Klamath Falls, for the construction and laying of sewer lines In Sewer Unit No. 20. of said City and serving the property neiween Houm nixtn Htreet, tne at E Railroad Right nf Way. Shasta Wuy and Washburn Streets. Proposals to purchase said bonds will be received bv the understated ud to and Including the 4th. day of February, 10.12, at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock p.m. of said day and opened at a regular meeting of the Common Coun. ell Immediately thereafter; said bonds shall be dated February 1 , 1032, and shall be In amounts nf tSW)00 each, except bond No. 1, of said series, which oholl be for the fractional part of sAld sum, and all shall be due ten lears after the date of snue. payment of the entire bonds optional with said City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the date thereof, fluid bonds will bear Interest at the rate of not to exceed six per rent per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st. and August 1st. of each year, principal and Interest payable at the office of the treasurer of the City of Klamath ' Falls, Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by 'a certified check for five per rent of the proposal. The Common Council reserves the rig mi to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for laid bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to the legality thereof by tl.a law firm of Winfree, McCuIInrh, Shuler & 8ayn, Spnldlng Building, Portland, Oregon. This notice Is author I red bv ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Kiamatn rails, uregon, aatea Decem ber 17, IBM. ROBERT M. ELDER, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. D-31-J-1-2-S-4-B-7 - S - 9 10 . 11 - 12 - 14 - IS . 10 17 - IB - If) - 21 - 22 - 23 -242S-2A-20-2O-3O-31 F.l - 2 No. 112(1. BE IN THE KNOW I Read Her ald 6c News Clfiftfllfied ads daily Oet the latest Information on what's what ln everyday business trends. CLASSIFIED RATES One day per word 4a rhree Days per word Uo Week run per word UOo Month run prr word C&o MINIMUM The minimum charge lor any one ad Is dOc. OOX NUM11KHS Answers to adn may be bundled through box numbers at the papor (or a service chnriio of Uftc. DEADLINES OlfcMiricd atls accepted up to 5:30 p.m. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to 13 noou for following day's pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please rnana all ciiuuu for adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.m will be .mads in following day's publication fUNIRAL HOMIS WARD'S-Klamath FuneroTlilome. ttt High Street, Phone 3334. , MMTINO NOTICIS Kriiiiiiujriiotiiif) HoTri A.K. and A.M. Will hold a tntrd ninolliiu Mwutny, Jnn. 38, 8 p.m. "Junior Wiirtlrna NlRht" Visiting Breth ren Invited, ltd i rM mrnia. DALE BEDIIKR Wornhlpful Miinler ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS) meals Friday. Ilnx 31H Friday, a p.m., lor Information, wrlle I'liune Xlua. 2 LOST AND FOUND T.OHl1 laillen Ciruell wrl.l"W"aTrh Vie. Iw.en 1127 Alameda ami K.milre Thea ler Hcward. I'lioneJI-aott afler 8. j GtNtRAl NOTICI ivery car mii.l go We're tired hoveling .itowl Head ahoul II. K. HaUKvr'. 1100 rlean.out sate In Aillo mouveClaIMratltiii. . jlAI'S IIKTHIMMKOT fcaiKer hiatal leu. to order- Martnns I in No llttl. rhoneevritllta. Otwo, lOUH Nliteer Hawing-Canter Is opeti to Ihe public, Thoradsy 3:30 lo 6 30 (or free stlaehment liulruc-tlons. SINGCH HKWINO crNTin 3J Main Phone l llll PIRSONAIS (it-x'iiN-riiKAut'f AT0'iOfiiBans: IMuine ittlU. jit ANI.YHome Pmducu, Pnime Iteoa" 10 SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned Nrnedt 8anltrj Mrthodi Aim ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clean Bawer t.inca ot Roou. Eta ED r. KINO J4S4 Orehard Phone B841 CABINET WORK Remodeling In your home. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. CONDREY 1938 Fremont Phone 4336 Septic Tanks Cleaned Tnnka nnd drain Uriels repaired. Phone 2-0334 EXCAVATING Mooii tihovel end rrcnen Hoe Bulldozer . Pill Dirt Topsail Crushed Rock Driveway Clnden Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 6541 or DUO ALTERATIONS on mcn'i, women', children's clothing. Jennie Here, Htn. tr Aril la a. 7(rt Main. CII.ASS furnilVre top " nr." " chelvn marie lo ordor. Ktmliell'e Ulaat Shop Phone 7378. THE 1U32 bulrkt are here, down miut go our Deed Car prlrei, we frr. Rend about II. C. Ilauger'e 1 100 Clean-Out Safe lnAutnmotiv Ctatflcalltm KAItC TRlTMllI.rS hlnrk.mHh and machine thop. North Modoc St., Tute lage, Calif. All type of farm machin ery repaired. Truck hedt and lock rarke built to order. Any kind nf trail er built. All type of welding and hard facing. Alljwork guaranteed. SKWINO andaiteratlonirkltiy-DreMef. rnona ai-uaao, INCOME TAJf rilittfHNd For appointment phone 30331, Harvey Iluphnm. HfiXERnri hei. .-"'none JwwV'or'" MH I! ll ICK I .a'yTnc: -Oo'ei your fireplace draw? U not call nU'l. DOES Y iJ It fireplace nceo! repairf Call 3-omn. WATCl, HFI'AIMING. Ileaionahle 75 Mtin Street. PAINTING and papefhangfng. Phone 7(117 TRIPP'S All TO painting, body and fen der work Phone 4040 ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or contract.Phonc 3-1010. EXPERT drcHmakitig and '" aTferalionj. rnone mm. CURTAINS launda-ed and etretched Phone 4014 J. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Off Ire gt .IPS No 7th - Phone B4A PAINTING, drcnratlng, paper hanging, Platerhoard flnlthlng, ipray painting, hone 3020. PIANO TUNTNOWM. l. MORGAN Factory trained technician and tuner. For tuning! call Kyle Morgan Piano, 10.13 Main or phone 3-Q2O0, 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, northern! typing kin dred subjecta, office machine!. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEflE Tjtt Plnt Phona 47WI CHILD CARE a n ff ed uca tfenT Pre -wfibol centerPhone 437S. mi MASSAGE, exerctierwelghtllfnnT-Pny-ilotherapy for reducing, relaxation, body building. Rate for eerie Ap pointment, phone 3(I03-SA06. Medical Mameme, women only. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY fn Ihe Mnlter of the Knlnte Of AUGUSTA MAY HEflSIG, Dree in Pel. Notice In hereby given that 1 have been appointed Executor of the estate of Auguflta May Hcmilg, rtecear.ed. All fiemonn having clolma agalnnt Raid e nte are required to present them lo me with proper voucher, at the office of Harry D. lloivln, 724 Main Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, within fix months from January A, lf)S2, which Is the date of firat publication ot thin notice. Richard L, Heialg, Executor J-fl-12-1fl-2fl No. R42 A NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice li hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of David W. Cox, alio known ai D. W, Cox, de ceased, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and has qualified and letters of administration have been Issued lo her. All persons having claims again it Id estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, ; properly verified as provided by law, to the undersigned at the office nf A, W. Schaupp, 208 wil. Ills Bldg. Klamath Falls, Oregon, with in six months from the fith day of Jan uary. 1052, the date of the first pub llcatlon of this notice. Dated this 4th day of Jan. 19AS. Elsie K. Cherry ' Administratrix A. w. Schaupp, Attorney. J-8-ia-10-2fl F-3 No. 843 M HELP WANTIO, "MA UPS f)l.f wuiiinii lo VareYi.r iwiVgirlJ 4 ami B in my home days. See me a tv:il Gnrv nfler &;U0 P ni. nr Satur day and Sunday , VVAN TiCUf Gii (fur iulut paTninie office work. Must be Imuevt, neat and of giHid character and emirate Willi figures, flhmild he able tn type. Apply In own handwriting, stating age and miallllt'Atlntu. Address Lwk tin 47.1 Herald News. EiifTTiHiney "aiMiineFull,"par" (inVe, llox 471 Herald and Nt-ws, WOMKNlu i"rara fur children awFligiti housework. Phone 4;i!.1 M MILPWANTIDMALI fiATTlir'earn iio'week' un?T,ong neeTH ed Invention. Advertised Saturday Kve plug Post. Colliers. I' rot pec Is every where. Full or part lime. Exclusive. No Investment, Free samplea. Write Red Comet, Inc., Dept. 40-11, Littleton, Colorado. WAN TK f Jti setl r ar" ma fill 7i aTice mi nt Must have own tools and ptMiess aver age mechanical ability. Prefer married man, and must tie steady. Job psya moot hi v nlary. Give references. Ilog 47fl Herald and News. 17 HELP WANTED EXVKttlENKiywo'oT presser twiXZ lent full lime Job, New Method Clean ers. ' 18 SITUATIONS WANTED fcXWitlKNCKrJ woman bmikTeepe? fntnltlar Willi pavrolt and general or rice work. Wrlle Herald News, Uox No. 47n. f-M ' .D CAM t, lnmy ItomiTBa riTTWioi ie" amn V U'tir7'AllE'"Phone BPft6. DAY or hour work wanted. ' Phone 2 0.. ftAnv"hiTt mrho"nr'siiii " WASHING and roning. PhoiHTYaiVtfT' 1 1 A 1 1 Y S t Tt I N iJ' ho naTesta-."" WlLCVare "for rhlldren (n"my"hnm days or your home evenings. Call 1-IMS lltiUlt work. Plume Tn I A 22 ROOMS FOR RENT snr AliTTe n i r t'rM.'j r,.r reni, rlnsn. Cloe In, evne So2nn f.KIt It " "house keeping r m su f t s lile fur peni'noer. I2A month. 30 Main. I h. . HNI) I.ARGR sleeping rm7n"tnVeCAlo smell clean apartment. Utilities fur nished. Close In. For lady. Phone ftA.TT PrtOMfC pr ires' reasonable" Phone" 4ft2fT rbVKl.Y" mnme'for rent U -St"V "week. Close in Phone 4MS ittiONtsTmi Hih " 24 APARTMENTS"F0R'"RBNT or ilKNT T married couple furnished apartment. Elertrlrally ruiMr-l. Vscaul Sunday. Call 3301 Orchard. 4 ROOM fiirnlslied eiiVtment M" Unfits, water also furnished. Cabin ')$. 1733 Onh THREF"- ROOM rurnfKed"frTmV'T Dote In Laundry fsrllli.es Ml N ftth. Couple only No pels. 4!l CaJI 1-1)70 TURK'S"" rMm" m o'd e "fn 7urol.-"J apartment .1210 Cannon Phone 31MA FOR" RKNf " Furnlthed"apartmeht AL pha Apartments. 7th and Pine. Phone 4V TWO ROOM' apartment or ' cottage furnished. 113 Pine CLEAN three room apVrtment. 433 Ho! imh PrtR RF.rJt two room "' runiltnenT apartment Natural Hot water heeL Adults only. Phone S33. CLEAN warm' furnished' apartmeni! Pnitnle Phone S4S0. Pq'R RFNt" two room epsrimenl, new". Iv (urnihed and redecorated Natursl hot water heat, electric refrigerator and i'.ve. Lincoln e;ai Iments, 311 F.vl Wtln feARGE." furnlsKed two-room apart? mrnt. 47 SO. smalter two-room unit. H5: refrigerators. All Utilities included 410 N. Tenth FoiPltKNT large fur'nTshel ' apartme'nT Adults. Also two room modern cabin. Phone 8330 tWOIiEnMrt'Murnshed'apartmenC Arf.ilu 3fWl While. FOR RENT. 3 '"room apaMment. 1 blocks from Main Sireet For working cnuole Phone 4417 evenings FrtURJ'ltOoM'"furnished apartmenTToi Market Phone IVII7 rim RE Kit f urn is heT'apar I r-en t liv quire ftia High N KVVlY decorated, prlvsta bsth. u chenette Stesm heal elsctrle rse tin week Rex Arms Apartment FOB RFNt! three room furnuhTd apartment lint water heat. Adults. Phone MM. THRFE"roo"m-"mernrirnishedapsrl ment on F.asl Main. Private bath Auto matic hot. S-.V1 A'lults. No pets In quire 3110 Apptegale FOR RENt large three room ftirnl'sVed anarlment Ph 3J03 26 HOUSES FOR RENT fiENtTXnw," clean ciimplelety furnfiheil house One or two person preferred. IW4 Oak. roll HF.N'f Mmlern fuVsjishedapart" ment. Plenty natursl heat. OLYMPIC APTS. a7EMam FOR ltr.NT Three"room unfurnished house Phone MM. VKMY aitrattive new three rwnm home for rent In working couple. Fireplace, e'"-'r " henl hnnn 4fM7. FOR TEA S E . Three 1 d7oom mode r n unfurnished hnue on California avenue. See W. J. Easter, HV) California Ave. avenue. FURNIS1IKU or unturnUed twb""nen room dupirx. Phone or 1113 Mar tin TWO bedrmjm unfurnished house. Au tomatic gnt furnace and water heater. Garage. SOS. Phone UNi-tHtNIHHril) four' r no til duplex. F.x ccpt for stoves. SMI. Call 3027 lefore FOR RKNT t wo Imdroom furnUheS house :ir7;i Iloerdman. M. Inquire at 3701 Derby. KOI P';K'T on"lrnte basis two bed room furnished house In Stewart-l-en-nox add Itlon. Large lot, basement, hrn. chicken hnti-r, etc. Call W. J. Esstcr. phone 3 fWOfl , FOR RKNT. Two bedroom duplex, fur. nUhtd. ctoe In lnquire730 North tlih. F()H RENT three room modern cabin, parti- furnished. Electric stove. all month. Can be seen at 1333 Adams or en n nii 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE ' u TRUCKS U DRIVE Move younrlf Bnve H Now Truckii For Long Trlpr Pickup Blnkcs VHn g RRACON MOBIL SRRVK'K 1201 E. Main Phona 8304 OKKICE lof renl. BJ.1 Main, 'none 7 1 (11. Foil HENT (lour sanUera latasl type equipment Suburban Lumbar Co. Utn and Walnut Phone 7709 cXn storage "Pirated, day week or month. Earl Lamb, phone 73 or 771)0; 30 REAL EST ATI FOR SALI SAY FOLKS we havo thnt city rnnch you've been looklnn (or, comilstlng of two bedroom modern home. In Riilntcd throimhoiit wonthertrlped. New pnlnt Job, new roof, gnriiRe Rttnched plu three ncreit Rood Innd. Tills In loented on Bnrtlfilt. Cnn be boimht for $7600 or mny be leased. No better ground thnn this. XXX Three apartment house with base ment within three blocks of Main. Shows $120 per month. Cnn be handled with $500 down plus $16 per month on balnnce of equity or $1800 down and assumed balnnce at $60 per month. Selling price $7000. This shown by appointment. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR- DENNIS COATES, Snleslad 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3339 Eves, 2-1365