MtlHAY, JANUAKYJWjlUna HKKAIjH and NEWS, KLAMATH falls, orkoon 4, PAGE SIX FRANK JENKINS .... Edltoi inured m tcoond class matter at the port office of Klamath Kallt, Ore. on August SO. 1906, under act of congress, March 8, 1879 MEMBERS OF THIS ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is entitled exclusive! to the use for publication of all the local news printed In this newspaper u well u all AP news. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Mall 8 months $6.50 By DEB ADDISON It's a tough winter on birds. Snow Is deep In many parts of the Basin, covering natural food. There have been quite a few phone calls to the paper showing concern on the birds welfare both game birds and song birds. We made it a point to do a lit il checking:, lust now. with those who have been out in the by-ways lor Just that purpose to see now the birds are taring, ine rcpurio ijows that it s not necessary to sa are reassuring. lute him on all occasions but that There are lots of birds (wereyou ghould snap t0 attention when talKing aoouv puewnm. m- j nrlmnrllvl HVtA ITlOSt all Of them are fat "and healthy. They're getr ting food. This doesn't mean that you should let up in your efforts Keep on feeding, if you're doing it; keep contributing to the bird fund. A lot of grain will be needed, and there will be a need for putting it out, from now on. ... ... . Also if vou have the idea that there are birds having a bad time somewhere, report li. It may turn out that they're getting feed you don't know about, but on the other hand there are bound to be some that are missed, somewhere, and your report may save the day. To get the wheels turning most quickly, If you're In the south end report any information you have to the Fish and Wildlife. If you're eisewhere in the Basin, report to Jim O'Donahue at J. W. Kerns. They'll see to it that whatever s necessary is done. This brings to mind a chance visit with Tom O'Dwyer in Eugene the other weekend. (Torn was an ardent outdoorsman when located here.) We flagged him down on the street, for a brief Klamath re union in strange territory. Tom was heading for Coos Bay (not home to Coos Bay: he still thinks of "home to Klamath after a meeting in Portland. Tell the bovs. he said, that an other character and I have a sea cnini launch nrooDed ud in my STATE POLICE 1 KLAMATH FALLS I have Deen listening to the radio programs be ing produced by the Washington State Police, called "Could this be You"? Recently, the Oregon State Po lice have begun a similar program. I have listened to both of these for some time and have as a re sult decided to point out a few lactors that have come to my at tention. Let me say lirst that I favor these efforts to reduce traffic acci dents, together with all the other schemes designed to make people think of the results of faulty driv ing habits. However, as I remember several experiences with the Oregon State Police, I remember the outstanding courtesy of these troopers as a most significant factor in their handling of police business. i want to emphasize the impor tance of this policy. These repre sentatives of Oregon are leaving an aura of courtesy and dignity with all persons with whom they conduct police business. These peo ple who are influenced by our State Police are the residents of Oregon and visitors from all parts of the country. Most important, however, are the fine examples of courtesy, efficiency, and Rood taste left with our youth who are form ing their driving habits, in the face of widespread unconcern for con stituted authority. In view of all of these consid erations, I am moved to point out that in the case of the Washing ton state program at least, there is a very feeble and affected ef fort towards courtesy. It seems to' me that showmanship has taken precedence over simple execution of duty. As I listen, it appears to me that a thinly veiled sarcasm is employed to impress the listen ers. One example of repeated discour tesy: when the trooper opens his 4 ' 4 ft By MARY EGAN "1 - 2- 3- 4-5-8-7-8-9 10-11," Yes, eleven victories have been chalked up by the Trojans for a perfect record thus far this season. But the Academy doesn't intend to stop here as they aim for the twelfth win tonight against the Henley Hornets. This is a con ference game on the opponent's floor. "I wish I was a Trojan like ," was the skit enacted by the Pep Club at the rally today. Although the wishes of the students varied from the original song, it proved to be humorous to everyone, even DANCE Merrill Community Hall SATURDAY -- JAN. 26 Music By Morrison & McDonald Dancing 10:00 'til 2:00 Admission $1.00 Refreshments Served BILL JENKINS Managing Editor By Man year front vard. We're working It over and will have It ready for salmon trolling. Tell the boys to come on over. We suggested that he'd better put It in service down in sunny California, but he didn't think that was funny, and lit out for home or rather, for Coos Bay. commodore Howard Pernell. the ;new capuin of the yacht club, al ne passes. It's orobablv all right to address him in any way that suits your fancy, just so you don't call him Commie. Pnllnwine the examole set bv the now famous Capt. Hcnrik Ciirlsen, the new Coram-the new sKippcr figures he'll have to start train ing so he can oe ine last inau aboard on all occasions. i Tnci.RAtirri.f;ommodore" Sise- more doesn't care what you call him. just so you don't call him to active duty right away again.) For the benefit of you who are in tne naoiv 01 tui"K. " a tough winter on Lakeshore Drive. too. It frosted the bananas the oth er night. We think the present hot spell will ormg em uui ui though. Just In case you may have a small ice problem ice on the eves, ice in the roof valleys, ice in the gutters and down spouts, ice on the steps, ice on the side walks, ice in your hair generally here's the answer. Sprinkle on sulphate ammonia crystals. The stuff looks like rock salt, and acts like rock salt on the ice but not on your grass, shrubs and plants. Instead of kill i.. u stimulates 'em. Put it ouv lo melt your Ice off : now: come spring your adjoin ng flower beds are already yet tertii iied. The Old Trapper guarantees it. rnnversation with a youth and in quires his age, upon receiving the reply n,' ne invanaoiy nuu wivh emphasis says, "only 17?" When confronted with this comment the youth may well wonder if he has no right to be 17. He Just might be pushed a bit further outside the family of organized society, tn onv rase. I sueeest we all give attention and support to Ore gon's fine State Police record. Let us hope that enough thought and wisdom may be devoted to Ore gon's new program to demand re spect from all who hear it. It occurs to me mai some inaj feel that I am over concerned in this matter, but if this letter causes serious consideration it will have served its purpose. Heavy responsibility rests upon the directors and the actual per sonnel who make the arrests. They have often forgotten that they are dealing with people who are not always inferiors. I am now iniriKing especially oi the occasion of the woman who was picked up and embarrassed by personal questioning because her husband's erratic driving had caused her to leave his car and attempt to walk home. They had a chance to render real service to this woman who was acting wisely by making sure that she came to no harm. They had arrested the husband previously and that por tion of the production was valua ble to the listeners. However they made the mistake of being unable to resist the desire to improve the "show" by delving into the person al affairs of these people. Geo. F. Conner ' POOR SHOWING KLAMATH FALLS I've been to a great many basketball games, both City and County Leagues, and the Herald and News team is the only one without complete unl forms. I think this makes a poor showing. Winifred Favell the Trojans, victims of the skit. The spirit of basketball can be seen in every room, Including the Junior Class room, as the red and white decals in the form of Tro jan heads with "SH Academy" written on them, are being sold. It seems this week has been a jumble of wondering, (about the weather, games, and school), as both school and the Bonanza game were postponed for a day this week. The next question Is, "Will I the Weatherman make us postpone our trip to Medford Sunday lor the basketball tussel against the St. Mary's Crusadors?" Hopes are ; high that we will not, as tentative 1 plans are being made to charier j a bus. Yes, lt certainly looks like ; this is a busy week of basketball for everyone, so don't forget the I coming schedule, Henley tonight, St, Mary's Sunday, and Gilchrist Tuesday! ' - m i hi i i i ll .. -i in' m. j w m They'll Do It Every GOT TO MtV IT TO THE ZfclL FQMT itfTW US Rf?rr cr.r. CnRDN'IC BORra3vVlNl5 NEIGHBOR. I & AM TWi&JnLf&liEr AS PER FWywCE WPRJTECTECNK, r-sL KOW-8E USlrJG S-vf3 LOfJ5- J rrh. C TIME! Elm, f S i,,."' I I I " -l .Tin lr Bv RF.LMAN MORIN ,cont collar a modest two. but thick (for ha I Boyiei jana Heavy. NEW YORK Cfi Looking down ! This adds up to nine layers of one wing of the news room here, wool, cotton and silk or subsil I am observing a tableau of pro-i lutes, tightly wrapped, scratching, lest. j strangling, blocking arterial trnf- lo and 30 men tlc- Increasing body temperature , , .....; aw, i,,irc " " X1"""', .".r1" ,"7 of them are coatless, with shirt sleeves rolled. Some are working, open-throated, having unbottoned their collars and shooed the neck- tics downward a few inches, aslerage costume of a woman. well. Oh. my brother, would say, here is Hal Boyle pitiful little reoemon! Here is an eloquent expression men wuuiu. i kci uu. ui of wnit men think of the modern les and collars at ihe first oppor male costume. . I lu'5'. M. . . Here Is the grim effort to escape from the "business suit" and its accessories, which feature built-in discomfort, squeezing and strang ulation, guaranteed to last. jdj , tne 20tn centm.y. Fn? instance. consider yc Mens ciotncs are ine supreme For instance, consider your neck and throat. . , An inordinate amount or tenner care and attention has been lav ished on them bv tne tanor. me shirt-maker, and the necktie sales man. Your tie has at least tnree toms of cloth, your shirt four, and your Guerrillas in Korea Killed SEOUL Ifi An Eighth Army staff ofiicer Friday said South Ko rean troops killed 8.000 Commu nists and captured 7.000 in the Chiri Mountains behind Allied lines. Tne seven weeks drive against guerrillas cracked their corps of Moscow-trained leaders, the staff officer said. . . It cleaned out a cenlurles-old bandit stronghold In rugged terrain where peaks rise to 6.000 feet. An officer who took part In the operation said the guerrillas' "gen eral staff of Moscow-trained leaders had been trapped." However, the top guerrilla lead er, Lee Hyong San. was reported to have escaped last Sunday after ! being wounded in the side. He was Uast seen climbing over a ridge wua uic ncip m mura. ' The South Korean task force, headed by Lt. Gen. Paik Sun Yup. uncovered scores of arms and food caches in the hills, some several years old. The arms were a motley assort ment of Chinese. American. Korean and Japanese and Russian equip ment. Zellerbach Names Hunt New V-P ' SEATTLE MV-Crown-Zcllerbach Corp. directors elevated Reed O. Hunt, former office manager at Port Angeles, Wash., to a vice presidency at a meeting m San Francisco Thursday. " Hunt also was office manager at Camas, Wash., and West Linn. Ore. plants before going to San Fran cisco in 1943. E. W. Erickson, resident man ager at Port Townsend, Wash., lor 15 years, and P. T. Sinclair, former resident manager at West Linn and at Carthage. N. Y., were named assistant vice presidents. COLUMBIA Long Play Record Attachment Model 104 Playt 2 to 4 Hours Without Changing! $17.95 U. rRccords! WW A mfa the mt$ tiephyk Music Co 120 N. 7th Time 3? una itusuiK ptujci him. Fully dressed, you are lugging around between 10 and 15 pounds of fabric and leather. This is at least three limes the weight of the bv- Moreover, it is neither handsome lake a look at the drab, total miuression created by a mass of men nor is it functional. If it were- I used to think it was the result of vasi conspiracy between the cloth-makers, tailors, designers, middlemen, etc. . . . Obviously, the more fabric, leather and gadg ets thev con pile on the male chas sis, the better for the stockholders. But designers tell me that isn't a fact. They say that many people, both men and women, have had a try at devising a more sensible ; dress for men. None has ever tak- en hold. For Instance, the Australian I "bush-jacket" is an eminently practical garment. II combines the tunctions of the shirt and the coat. It has short sleeves, an 'open throat and is worn outside the trousers. The -bush jacket is about coat length and loosely belted at the waist, it lets a man breathe around the equator and the neck and shoulders. Versions of it have been attempt ed in this country, the designers say, but they were never success lul. Nobody knows the reason. There is a suspicion that the average man is far too timid to break away Iroin convention. But it may be the little woman who insists that her man look as much as possible like all other men. and through pressure, silent and otherwise, compresses him into the same old mold, year after year. The only hopeful sign I have noted seems to have originated In California, around Hollywood, where the necktie is disappearing rapidly, even in offices. Maybe the trend will spread. Personally. I believe a wonderful campaign plank is inherent in this for 1952. A man who promised refoims In men's clothing ought to sweep Ihe country. Of course, he would be sticking his neck out, and this Is not good politics. Extra Work Made Easy BENT A TYPEWBITEB r ADDING MACHINE Electric r Hand Lail monlh'i rental It applied t Ibe parchate price. n frr. C I Pioneer UfticeMppiy Pb.-e lilt SHOW TUNES Pal Joey BALLET Pineapple Roll OPERAS Porgy and Beit ' Danceoble Music' Dick Jurgens NOVELTY Danny Kaye All This Variety On 33V3 LP. TAP DANCE RECORD Lead a Little Orchestra "The Little Engine That Could5 "Mother Goose Songs" "Stampede"-Gene Autry Phone 4519 By Jimmy Hatlo TiMtl W A FLIP CP TE,MAn.O LIP TO MKKy VC?J5 N.HiiSWHjTWJ pV"- Blvd. KUN6TOM,Y4, By JEAN OWENS "Heap Big Smoke, No Fire," was today's theme concerning the Pell can game tonight with the Rose burg Indians. Tiie song, which we hope will portray uccuriuely the outcome ol this weekend's game, was featured as a sKit in tne pep assemuiy mis ulternoon. It was put on oy mem - ucrs of the rally squad and pep Peppers. Congratulations are In order for Coach Simons and his wrestlers for nvpr.nou-prlnii ihp OSf: rnolfs Wednesdav mghl in the matches! held in Pelican court. Demo Treasurer Gives Up Post OKLAHOMA CITY tfi One of Oklahoma's most prominent till, zens, Roy L. Turner, gave up his Joo as national treasurer ol Ibe Democratic parly Wednesday. Turner told Democratic Chair man Frank E. McKiuney that hLs wife's illness and the uncertainly US lO HIICH MIC 11 UI? VtClI ItKltlll hes made 11 impossible for him to be national treasurer. The wealthy cattleman and In dependent oil producer was chosen bv McKinncy as the man to handle the Democratic purse string last Dec. 13. ' OLD Wtl IIEK omit in X7 I 'ATUCKYSTItl A t I OUHBONWHISI H 86 PROOF !.THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KY, gcwuiA WASHINO TON t.ti Gen. Elsen hower's proposal that the nations of europe unite Is not new, even with Elsenhower. Ho auugested It last July and repeated II again this week. The Idea of European unity one government, a kind of United Mtates of Europe has quite a history. It's gathered mora strum In the past Tew years than ever before. In 1930 the French proposed a European Irdcral union. In HMO. when France was falling to the Naals. Winston Churchill offered the French union and common citizenship with Britain. Aguln nothing happened. When the war ended a number of groups ormintrcd to the unity idea, thiousli federation or In some other way. Churchill formed a United Eu rope Committee In January, 1047; In March of that year the Inde pendent League of European Fed eralists ya created; This was fol lowed bv the Union ol European Federalists In April, 1D47; and in September. 1047, Count Richard Coudenhnve Kalcmt started the Ell- ronenn Parliamentary Union. In the midst of this In March. 1947 the U.S. Senate approved resolution ouoren oy ocu. rui-(m bright, Arkansas Democrat: "Con gress favors the creation of a Unlled Slates of Europe within the framework of the United Nations." Ill December. 1047, the various groups mentioned above got to gcllier as "The liiteinniloniil Coin mltee for the Coordination ol Movements for European Unity." Al that lime the countries ol Wo.neru Europe were getting to gether in Ihe economic held lo de cide what help ihey needed liom the Marshall Plan, in Mnv. 1348 the "International Committee lor uouruiiiuiion nuu Its tirst comerence n agrcou lltcrc should be a European as - sembly. , lu August, IU4I), n urueu nriviu 1. Fnince, Belgium, Iho (seiiicriiiiius :ull(1 Luxembourg to take tnr lean : , t.rentu,g uru an assembly. I The live nailons set up a com- nnUee lo work on the Idea, It i came up with this: A Council l ', EUrODC. Which Works like tills. A committee ol the lorelsn nun- Islcrs ot each member s country. I meeting In secret: and a consul tative assembly lo which liie mem ber nations send delegates who meet In public. Tills council met first on Aug. 1. 194U ahd has met a mmioer ol times since. Even so, Uie Council as It stunds has no real power. No member nation has lo follow the assembly's recommendations. Uilll th av,nthlv l M nluCP i .!..' ,hp rlptpuatf call reuresenl I public opinion In Europe ..... i There have been various econo mic agreements Deiween mc na tions of Europe. The biggest single step they've taken has been the creation ol the North Atlantic Pact, of which this country and Canada are par. This Is a military alliance. Thf mem bers are pledged to help one another. And out of the part has -come MMGE BRAND (7 . 2" M' 0 4-5 qt. for VYlahkw the European army with Elsen hower In command, moving toward inllltary tmliy. 'Ilils In still a long way from a United Hliiles ol l.tuope and It sernia pretty clear that Churchill doesn't wuni to put llritiiln Into n United Slates of Europe. Elsenhower suys ho can under stand this In Churchill since Urlliiln has so many cuiiiincllnus overseas with the oilier members of the British Commonwealth. Hut Europe Is in bad rcouonilr shape, i.o bad that this country has lo ai l as Its crutch. Eisenhower not only suggests real econuiulc unity, so all the nations of Europe will ui-ni'flt. but political as well. Since they are moving toward military unity. If they look the next steps In economic and political uiilly they'll have a Kuiopuun Federation or United Suites of Europe. Democrats Plan Meet Members of (he Klamulh Cimiilv Democratic Ccntrnl Commute.) are Jschriluli - d to mret Frldiiv, 8 p. in. mc munim iioin. Mom oe. Hweelland. National Cominllteeiuiin Iroin Oregon and a ciindldiitn lor d.'lruulc to the party's imlUuui! contention m July, Is lo be Hie speaker. Paul Iliiik, county cliiilriiiiiu, said the mct'llug would lend nil the parly ariintiltntloir edorl to ward the May 16 primary election. Cave In Fatal For Worker In Well FOUKE. Ark. i.f Clyde Krmii mitt )u.,. i,.,,,,,.,) M,vv lw bu ( n ,rom Ulc abandoned well on ilu., ,inu near here. He stood at ihe bottom ol ihe Jl-toot deep shall 1 r, waited for a rope to pull him l0 ,n0 (urin.r : Then the walls kiivp wav and the old taniirr w burled In lh(; cV(Ml, 0, ,nri Blld ,.y s lni un, ,io llv before noon Thur.idnv. Aboul six hours later. .iltpr neltfhllorM nnrl rpscup wurk- ,rrH milt (rnntira11y with their hands and shovels. Kmn's body was it' moved from the well. Formosa Spots War Patrols TAIPEI!, Formosa W1 nadar screens on Formosa liavo picked up Chinese Communist patrol planes cruising along the coast ol China Ihe pajit several days, re llrhle sources said Thursdny. Thrse sources relit the patrol ap pears tn be dPlensive. llul Chinese olllclals have taken ex tra precautions aualnM a possible attack on Formosa. Ml TORE "KLAMATH'S OWN" Specialized Department Store -et4 Cms & ft' nationally advertised $8.95 Kao there is only one I No olhtr pillow grvti to much prftcl tUtping comfort. Strottj, prttl end iquft the Doyton Koolfoom Pillow end you'll know hutonlly no ettitf pillow con moteh iti imoothneti. St how H contour your bed ptritcffy without punching or fluffing. AIUrgy(rt ond duiMrto will olwoyt tfoy frtih ond cttan woihoblt. SPECIAL! White "Gold Seol" . Sheet Blankets Heavy quality cotton. All bound. 80"x95". While quantities last! Reg. 3.25 4J39 Sat. Only ca- White Sale Second Floor For Distinctive Gifts mini nut: 721 JACOBY on Canasta "Please coiiimen on a allua lion Unit alined us up recently." requests a Wlunetlia reader. "The discard pile w born lroen bo. causo Iho flint card turned up was a red llircn. Uuth aides needed 12U points to meld. "Al my first turn I put down a red llnce. Alter a lew rounds n; play, 1 discarded a nltiglelim quern, which gavo the puck, IncliipllnR Iho red lluoc, lo our opponent. "My piiruier, al his next lurn, put oown two red threes from hli mud, coiiiiiieulliiK that he had held Ihrin III hla hand to prevent our opponents I ion I knowing how valuable the pack was to us. "If wn had obtained the discard pile, we would have melded all lour red threes, Instead of only llnce. The extra red threo wai worth CU0 points to us. "I claim Mint In Iho first placa he wan olillgod by the rule ol th game lo put down the red threes as soon as he could. "Moreover. I think his strategy ' was very poor. II I had known how valuable the pack was. t would not have discarded that singleton queen. I could have discarded safely, but had no way o' knowing thai the pack was to Important. "Who Is rlghl?" -'J It Is considered highly um-tfM leal to break a rule of the gains' deliberately no matter how clever It limy be and regardless ot whether or not you are willing In pay the penalty prescribed by Ihe rulrbook. In llns rase, the rule Is clear. You are obliged .by the rules, lo put a red three duwn on the labia as soon as your turn conies. The rule says thai you are not allowed to keep a red three in your hand. You can't break a rule almplv because yuti Dilute you will gain an advantiign thereby. It's a mai ler ol rutin or wrong, not a mat ter of advniltnge or disadvantage. Every giiino Ims It's own code of ethics, lo br sure, and not every body knows exactly what Ihe code Is. In the name nt poker you can get away with much more than in Canasta or Bridge. But once vou know Ihe code you have to sllrk lo II Otherwise, peoplr won't piny with you: and there's no fun and no sense In playing Canasta all by yourself. AN EASY WAY TOHAVtA PIANO (ram lhf l.wU M, Mna lin pant, I" N- lh- ' Matfcr tal. After rcatuntttil Urn V" If lh. rbm fr-m rml I ft fha ag r ( tt I. 1h nl lrJr M' It II rrfdll) yf pwrrkcM ("(nl nt) na ! ml It nr itrt, Tba manUtr fitmintl IIIIU hlBr thin rtnl. Or, It rf ft. el ciia U r.-l. o a m pHiows Now wHk !'' Mniarliai 90 iq. p,,il itvai. Hear) Sawn Styl. Rag. 6.95 NOW 5 5 . Ul pillow HURRY! Only a few more days of January WHITE SALE at YOUR STORE Save now on fine quality merchandise Main