MtlDAY, JANUAKY 2.r), 111.72 HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKGON page rrvE " Mfamilut Ill I I . iiMl ,'l Kniuii'H i.pdtu 1'onipoiiml Dance nt I.orella Hull Mcheclulcd lur Jim, 211 In pimt. polled. Aliimrd :ruier G'lialnnd n. Berliner, aim ol Mr. uuil Mrn. CHI lord Berliner id New I'lim Cluck, In aervliiK In tho U.H, Nuvv aboard Ills Iwnvy (jiulKer UHH KochoiUer In Uio Korean men. Hllvtjr Ten Job's DiuiKlileiB nponaur it bcnellt nllvor leu Hat lirilHy, 1 p.m., ut Ihn Manonlo Temple. Cananla mid brldkii will be played. Tho public In invlioU. - Family Mahl'nin Writ Metho dial Church will hold ll linnlly nmlil Ielowilp pollock diner Hun day at II p. in. A Uilln American Iheino wllh inullun plcluren will . bo a major purl, ol the proiiraiii, l.lakry Kniplnya John A. nnj amrml, employe nt the Ll.ikey ranch In I'oe Valley nutfered a back Inlury In tallliiK from a tiny v rack Thurndiiy nmrnliiK. He wax UrmiKht to Kluniutli Viillcy Hon pllnl. Hlianlu View Community Build lull Aanoclallun In to have u pi Ductile party nt the homo ol Mr. mid Mrn. Albert frlde. 4UM Thompnon St., Buiuiday, 8 p.m. Oraite M. Hut. C. B. Moan, lo V c:nl Army recruiter, him niinounced It In now ponMble tor previous nerv. lee men to enlist under new ref lations with a Krnde. In Air Karen W. CJ, Alterberry, Keno, mid Uonuld J. Homely, Klnimith fnlln, have been enlhted throuwh the local reeitiltinu. olllce and joined tho Air Force. They are at Lackland Air Force Dane, Tex At MeChord -William A. Btur (leon, 4IH6 Denver Ave., hnn (in haled IhroiiKli the local Army nnd Air Force recrultlim nlllce lor duty wllh the Air Force nnd linn been annlKiie'l to MeChord Field lur training. In Army-Jan J. Clark. Dairy, han enlisted IhroiiKli lb" local Armv and Air Force recruit Inn ol tlce wllh the U.H. Army and hnn been an.-ilBncd lo Fort Lewln, Wnnlt. In Kurt l.ewln I.eonnrd, Dairy: Richard L, Dick, nonnnr.n and Nell D. Entoa, Tulelnko, have been enlisted In the U 8. Army thouiih the IocbI rerrultlnii olllce and a.vuimed to Fort Lewis, Wnnh., (or lurihor procc.viing. Vaeanelea Several vacancies are open lor youna women who are Interested In a career In the Armv or Air Force. accordion to M 8k"t. C. K. Moaa, locnl recruttor. He ankn nil Interested pernons call at room 303 I'oMoflicc Uldn Itonuma I'arrntH-l'alroiin -Meet-Inc. neheduled Monday. II p.m. John Heyden. recently returned Irom a 4-H convention In Ohlcauo, tn lo be Ruent speaker. Film on nar colics and uie by tccniiKcra lo be ahown. Ynrlil Club Sunday dinner served by Beuluh and Mike Regan oilers a choice of tenderloin stenk or chicken a In king. Make reserva tions at the club, 2-0100. Practice Meet All old and new Degree of Honor of (leers will prac tice Sunday, 2:30 p.m. for an in Mnllallon ceremony Mondnv light. Minnie Card, stale organizer will be present. Look at this for a BIG VALUE! lyiaca 1 THI TRADITIONAL CONCERTO . ; . a superb radio . . , worltl-fnnied Mngnavox phonograph in compact, beautiful cabinet ; : . especially well adapted for small homes and apartments . . . fully automatic 3-speed record changer has a pull-out drawer for convenient Ibading . . . mahogany' finish . . . amazing low price of $AQS0 Model I 147M ' I ii i i II Ii 1 I. III i Ilonie William 8eller, co-owner ol tho Hpoi Uniitim Hotel, Tule Inke. In home nller nnvernl daya in Kliimiilh Valley honpllnl. Bclg lur nullered u heiirl altiick. Food Hale - The Puweii moup, Ciiinp Fire Olrln, Itoonevolt nchool, Krnde live, will nponnor a linked ood mile at the I'lim Htreet Mar ket, BaUirday, nlarlhiK, at 0;30 a.m. Vlnltliu Mr. and Mrn, Bill Mac nnd linnlly arc vli.lllnii In Murya vlllo. Thi'V were iiccompanled aoulli by Hob Mncy who In vlnltlnn at Lakcnkle, Cnlll. Itenieiiilier the March of Mines dunce Uuiuidiiy nlHlil In Hie old liym at Chlli(Uln. IJiiiiclnir HI p.m. to 2 a.m. to uood inualc. 'Itie pub lic In invited. All proceed ko to tho March ol Dimes campaign. Building Sale To'd Today Mi:ltllIU.-8ale of tho Snnford Joncn DulldliiK. long occupied by n grocery opcralcd by Mr. and Mm. Hanlord Jnnea nnd Inter by Mr. and Mrn. Everett Jones, plo neern of Klninnlh County, was iniide known today. New Owner In Dr. Frank E. Troimiiu. No consideration was lllvcn. Dr. Trotiiiun, who for many yearn linn hud olllcen on Main Htreet will move to the new loca tion an noon an roinodellnK In com pleted. Ho Kill alno movo the Mer rill 1'liarmiicy, operated by hln aon Itobcrt Tiotmaii to the new loca tion. Tenlall'o plana call for mak ing room for dental olflcea for a necoud non Konnld, who will grad uulo from tho nchool of dentlntry, Oregon Btnto College next spring. Stock Meet Postponed LAKF.VIKW The Lake County Blockarowern have chaiiKed the dale of their MM convention from next Monday, Jan. 28, lo Saturday, Mur. I, It wn.s unnounced by Elgin Cornell, necrctaiy, liennon for the postponement In the wcatlier. which would keep numerous ranch cm Irom ntienillnx at thin time. flic annoclotlon thin year will hold a meetliiK by lUscll. In past year:i, the meellnit han been In conjunction with that of the Fre mont Bheepmen'n Asaoclallon, of which Waller Leehmnnn Jr. In prenldcnt. The nhcepmen plan to meet on Mar. 21 neparately In order lo have time to talk over Mich mattern an their annunl rum mile, coyote control, etc. Birdfeeding Unit Acquires Funds The Klamath Falls Klwnnls dub yestcrdnv contributed . $19 to the "Operation nil diced program tin. der way In the Klumalh Basin this winter. Amovio , ST. JOSiph ACDIDIM irom i 10,000 . FOR chiiow'.'L. DOCTORS' navoxx "WE'RE MOVING lo San Diego, Saturday," Jack and Pat Walling (1 to r) informed the photographer this morning. The youngsters, children of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walling, 741 Walnut St., were having breakfast at the Snatk Bar. Judge Denies Game Appeal A motion by Atly. George Proc tor lor return ol u 30-30 rifle, a benvcr and piece of deer meat, claimed lllcunlly seized by State Police from Barney Walters of noiiunra, has been denied in Dis trict Court. Walters whs arretted in lute De cember by SUito Olllcern on charge of po.snoanlon of untaKKcd deer meat and unlawful possession of untiiftKcd beaver. The court denial of Proctor's mo tion was based on name code pro visions allowlnn officers to mnkc search without a warrant of out houses and other biiildlnns except private dwelling wherein -tame or itamc fish may be believed to be kept and wherein violation of game laws Is suspected. Walters wan scheduled to face trial Jan. 22 on the charaes. but fllliiK of the motion by Proctor delayed the trial. No new date has been set. Courthouse To Get -New Paint Job Roper and Roper paint ing firm has been awarded the Job of re 1 aiming thri first lloor of the Coun ty Courthouse. The bid was 775. Work to be done Includes two cobIs of paint on wnlls and ceilings in all rooms and offices of the lloor. EVENT I Your ohl Watch is A. Vy , your down payment! !yH CONVENIENT PAYMENT fc ACCOUNT! ;i i f Jvy-J's f J State Police Switch Told Several chanties In State Police force . personnel In Klumuih and Lake Counties were announced to day by SrI. Earl Tlchenor. Cominf! lo the Klamath Fulls pa trol olllce as a traffic division of ficer Is Patrolman A. W. (Acel iCIemmcns. lie whs formerly In Rame enforcement out of Lakevlew I Clcmmens replaces Milton Deter fwho resinned the first of the month to cnier private ousiness. Taking Clcmmc" place In I.ake vlew will bo Patrolman Jesse Jones. STOP DOG ODORS! Just feed new Ken-L-Ration with odor-stopping chlorophyllin Ken-L-Uation' lean red meat (U. S. Govt. Inspected horse meat) nour ishes your dog new added cHio phyllin ends unpleasant dog odors. Only Kcn-L-Ratioa givia you thu big extra benefit . . . and at no extra cost. Kids your dog ol bad body and breath odors in 7 days ... or your money back. Average trade-in allowance lor old watchei it $5.00 to $15.00 . . or more, depending on condition. LAYAWAY NOW FOR GRADUATION! ill Site Of Conference The annual mld-wlntcr confer ence of Women of the Moose Is to bo held Jan. 27, under auspices of the Colleiie ol ReKcnt in the Moose Hall, Merrill. Rcglnlrntion In scheduled for 10 a m, to 1:30 p.m. Hostess chapter will be Klamath Falls. Conference leader will be Dorothea Lindsay", Bend, nnd Mrn. Ila DouKlas, Klam ath Falls, will act as general chair man. Conference theme Is "Broader Horizons TbrouKh Committee Work." Redmond chapter will open the ceremonies and Bell Thomp son, Klamath Falls, will Klve the address of welcome. Rose Van Meter, Merrill, will respond. The Investiture ceremony will be In chnrne ol the Baker chapter and Bend Is lo KUidc the Initiation. The Collcnc of Regents adminis trative fund report will be made by Alice Faye Taylor, Bend, the Mooseheart endowment fund report by Merrill. Medford will direct the closing ceremony. School FFA Meet Set 1.AKEVIEW Lakevlew high school chapter of the Future Farm ers of America will hout FFA chapters from the Central Oregon district at an annual two-dsy dis trict meeting Feb. 1 and 2. The meeting Is directed by William Holloway, FFA advisor and high school vocational agriculture teach er here. The high school FFA chapters at Madras. Redmond, Prineviilc, Cul ver, Malln. Bonanza and Lakevlew are members of the district. Main events will be contests in parliamentary procedure and pub lic speaking, rope work, tool sharp ening, tool Identification, rafter cutting, record and project books, spelling, arithmetic, grain and seed grading and identification, potato grading. Foster Chosen Town Attorney LAKE VIEW Charles Foster was appointed Lakevlew town attorney by the Town Council Jan. 17. at special meeting. Foster, who succeeds T. S. Mc Kinney, is associated with Forrest E. Cooper in law offices here. oose fill SATURDAY - Jan. 26 for MEMBERS and GUESTS Moose Hall -1010 Pine Your Membership Card Is Your Ticket Take odvontage of this op portunity to invest in thot fine - new wotch you've wanted! Choose your fav orite moke in your preferred style! We'll accept your old watch as your initiol pay ment , . . ond arrange eosy terms for the balance. Really tine nationally ad vertised watches from 33.75 (Fed. To I Inc). Merchants To Hold Dinner Klamath Merchants Association annual meeting has been sched uled for next Wednesday In the I Pelican Cafe, with a social hour at 8:30 and dinner scheduled, for an hour later. On the agenda, according to As sociation Vice Pres. Frank Drew, will be election of officers and planning of promotions for the coming year Holidays will also be selected, and plans are to bring In more local businesses especially gro cery stores and motels lor the coining year's operations. A budget discussion is also planned. Roy Murphy Is president of the merchants' group, which Is financed by voluntary dues of members. ARCH Theatre. BIT ' wnir ui Mtr. Jit m 4 in A IAK AJO nemtr, lOVf ttikt Tlx UT Carina h4 Htm uiusir in mum jm. ton mt nit "On CtH fart" CwtMl t -U 1m Witt It It rmar Fur m urinair. to. iitattn uu eiToo tu mws hiei. uui Dance M3 lii i Si il 5 Tls Single Wood n Ear flii I TELLS A "A" STRY HERE IJ WHAT yOU GET WHEW you BUY ONS OUART OF GRADE "A" MILK (Peretnfagt of ovtragt Daily Rtqwfrtmtnff ) 700 . . . Cocium 82. . . Vllamln B2 67. . . Phosphonut 49 . . . Prolein 4ST, . . , Fat (Food Entrgyt 30 . . . Vitamin A 22 . . . Total Faai Entrgy 19 . . . Vitamin C 14 . . . Non-Fat Energy Niacin 3 .... Iron 100 . , . Vitamin 0 (Add.d) Compllad by Dr. G. A. Richardson Oregon Sfaft Coftgt dwiyijftMusk Co. A! 120 No. 7th Ph. 4519